Research- Chapter 6

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Which of the following statements of purpose is most likely to be from a qualitative study? A) Explore lived experiences of refugee women and children from Afghanistan living in the United States B) Investigate the effectiveness of music therapy for decreasing pain in post-operative adolescents C) Compare the effectiveness of effleurage to therapeutic touch in decreasing maternal anxiety during an un-medicated vaginal birth D) Evaluate the relationship between insurance status and number of emergency department (ED) visits

Ans: A "Explore lived experiences of refugee women and children from Afghanistan living in the United States" is most likely from a qualitative study. A study whose purpose is to explore or describe some phenomenon is likely to be an investigation of a little-researched topic, often involving a qualitative approach, such as phenomenology or ethnography. The other answers are more likely to be from quantitative studies, as verbs such as test, evaluate, and compare suggest quantifiable variables and designs with scientific controls.

Select the best description for the following: "Children who watch an average of 2 or more hours of television per day will have higher BMIs than children who watch less than 2 hours of TV per day." A) It is a directional hypothesis B) It is a directional research question C) It is a non-directional hypothesis D) It is a non-directional research question

Ans: A Directional hypotheses, such as this one, specify not only the existence but the expected direction of the relationship between variables. The statement is not a non-directional research question or a directional research question. A non-directional hypothesis does not stipulate the direction of the relationship.

A researcher wants to explore the ways in which gender issues are evident in the day-to-day interactions between male and female nurses and their patients in an acute-care inpatient unit. The purpose statement of her research study indicates that she wants to study whether and how gender issues influence the culture and behaviors of nurses as they interact with patients. Of the following, which type of study design would be most appropriate to use? A) Qualitative ethnography B) Qualitative phenomenology C) Quantitative descriptive D) Quantitative Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

Ans: A Ethnography provides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and lifeways of a culture in a holistic fashion. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: culture, roles, lifeways, and cultural behavior. The other study designs listed would not be as appropriate for this study.

The hypothesis, "A person's emotional status is not affected by a relocation to a nursing home" is which of the following? A) Null B) Not testable C) Directional D) Nondirectional

Ans: A Null hypotheses, which express the absence of a relationship, are the hypotheses subjected to statistical testing. A testable research hypothesis, such as this one, states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables. Directional hypotheses predict the direction of a relationship; nondirectional hypotheses predict the existence of relationships, not their direction.

"Does maternal stress during the first trimester of a pregnancy affect the infant's birth weight?" is which of the following? A) A research question B) A portion of a problem statement C) A statement of purpose D) A hypothesis

Ans: A Research questions are the specific queries researchers want to answer in addressing the research problem. The problem statement articulates the nature, context, and significance of a problem to be studied. A statement of purpose, which summarizes the overall study goal, identifies the key concepts (variables) and the study group or population. A hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variables- that is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables

Which of the following is the dependent variable (DV) in the research question, "Are serial 12-lead ECGs more accurate in diagnosing acute myocardial infarctions (MI) than a single initial 12-lead ECG?" A) Accuracy in diagnosing an MI B) Myocardial infarction C) Serial 12-lead ECGs D) Single initial 12-lead ECG

Ans: A The dependent variable is accuracy in diagnosing an MI, as it is the variable affected by the independent variables, which are serial 12-lead ECGs and single initial 12-lead ECG.

Which of the following components are usually included in a well-structured problem statement for nursing research? Select all that apply. A) Knowledge gap (what information do we currently know and what is lacking?) B) Problem identification (what is the overall problem? What is not working in the current situation?) C) Proposed solution (how will information gained from the proposed study contribute to the solution of this problem?) D) Sustainability (how long will we be able to sustain any changes made to the current status quo?)

Ans: A, B, C Sustainability is not usually included in a well-structured problem statement for nursing research. Problem identification, a proposed solution, and a knowledge gap are components of a well-structured problem statement for nursing research.

Which of the following is a major source of ideas for research problems? Select all that apply. A) Theories or conceptual frameworks B) Personal nursing experience C) Nursing code of ethics D) Nursing literature

Ans: A, B, D Common sources of ideas for nursing research problems are clinical experience, relevant literature, social issues, theory, and external suggestions. The nursing code of ethics is not a major source of ideas for research problems.

Which of the following statements made by a new nurse researcher indicate that he correctly understands the purpose of using statistical analysis in quantitative research? Select all that apply. A) "Statistical analysis allows the formal testing of hypotheses." B) "Statistical analysis might lead a researcher to reject a hypothesis." C) "Statistical analysis provides proof of the relationships between variables." D) "Statistical analysis supports inferences that a hypothesis is most likely correct (or most likely not correct)."

Ans: A, B, D Hypotheses are formally tested through statistical analysis. Researchers use statistics to test whether their hypotheses have a high probability of being correct (i.e., has a probability < .05). Statistical analysis does not provide proof, it only supports inferences that a hypothesis is probably correct (or not). Hypotheses are never proved (or disproved); rather, they are accepted or supported (or rejected). "Statistical analysis provides proof of the relationships between variables" indicates that the nurse educator does not understand the purpose of using statistical analysis of quantitative research.

Which of the following are true statements regarding the function of hypotheses in quantitative research? Select all that apply. A) They emerge from a theory. B) They offer direction and suggest explanations for relationships. C) They prove relationships between variables. D) They facilitate the interpretation of data.

Ans: A, B, D Hypotheses cannot prove relationships between variables. They can emerge from a theory, offer direction and suggest explanations for relationships, and reduce the possibility that false results will be misinterpreted.

Identify the independent variable(s) from the following research question: "What is the effect of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on liver function in female adolescents with hepatitis" Select all that apply. A) acetaminophen B) female adolescents with hepatitis C) ibuprofen D) liver function

Ans: A, C The independent variables are acetaminophen and ibuprofen, as they are associated with the cause. Liver function is the dependent variable, as it is the variable being affected by the independent variable. Female adolescents with hepatitis is the population being studied.

A hypothesis that states there is no relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s) is called which of the following? A) Non-directional hypothesis B) Null hypothesis C) Research hypothesis D) Simple hypothesis

Ans: B A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that states there is no relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s). Directional hypotheses specify not only the existence but the expected direction of the relationship between variables. A non-directional hypothesis stipulates a relationship between variables but not the direction of the relationship. A research hypothesis is a statement of expected relationships between variables. Hypotheses can be either simple hypotheses (with a single independent variable and dependent variable) or complex (multiple independent or dependent variables).

Which of the following statements of purpose is least likely to demonstrate a bias on the part of the researcher? A) Demonstrate B) Compare C) Prove D) Show

Ans: B Compare is the least likely to demonstrate a bias on the part of the researcher and is associated with quantifiable variables and designs with scientific controls. The verbs in the purpose statement should connote objectivity. A statement of purpose indicating that the study goal was to prove, demonstrate, or show something suggests bias.

Which of the following statements, if used in a hypothesis, is not readily testable by empirical means? A) Less than B) Meaning of C) More than D) Related to

Ans: B Hypotheses that do not make a relational statement are problematic. If a hypothesis lacks a phrase such as more than, less than, different from, related to, or something similar, it is not readily testable. ìMeaning ofî is not a relational phrase, and thus the hypothesis would not be readily testable by empirical means.

The hypothesis, "Women who live in rural areas are unlikely to practice breast self-examination" is which of the following? A) Null B) Not testable C) Directional D) Nondirectional

Ans: B Null hypotheses, which express the absence of a relationship, are the hypotheses subjected to statistical testing. This hypothesis is not testable, as it does not make a prediction about a relationship. A testable hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables. Directional hypotheses predict the direction of a relationship; nondirectional hypotheses predict the existence of relationships, not their direction.

The research question, "What is the decision-making process among intensive care unit nurses who decide to discuss spiritual issues with patients?" is which of the following? A) Most likely to be addressed using a quantitative approach B) Most likely to be addressed using a qualitative approach C) Not researchable D) Not appropriately worded

Ans: B Quantitative studies usually involve concepts that are fairly well developed and for which reliable methods of measurement have been (or can be) developed. Qualitative studies are often undertaken because a researcher wants to develop a rich and context-bound understanding of a poorly understood phenomenon. In this case, a qualitative approach would be most appropriate for addressing this question.

A research hypothesis indicates the expected relationship between which of the following? A) The functional and causal nature of the variables B) The statement of purpose and the research questions C) The independent variable and the dependent variable D) Statistical testing and the null hypothesis

Ans: C A hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables. Directional hypotheses predict the direction of a relationship; nondirectional hypotheses predict the existence of relationships, not their direction. Research hypotheses predict the existence of relationships; null hypotheses, which express the absence of a relationship, are the hypotheses subjected to statistical testing.

"This study aimed to explore the meaning of the experience of living with a colostomy" is which of the following? A) A research question B) A portion of a problem statement C) A statement of purpose D) A hypothesis

Ans: C A statement of purpose, which summarizes the overall study goal, identifies the key concepts (variables) and the study group or population. Research questions are the specific queries researchers want to answer in addressing the research problem. The problem statement articulates the nature, context, and significance of a problem to be studied. A hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables.

The hypothesis, "Women who jog regularly are more likely than those who do not to have amenorrhea" is which of the following? A) Null B) Not testable C) Directional D) Nondirectional

Ans: C Directional hypotheses predict the direction of a relationship; nondirectional hypotheses predict the existence of relationships, not their direction. A hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables. Testable research hypotheses, such as this one, predict the existence of relationships; null hypotheses, which express the absence of a relationship, are the hypotheses subjected to statistical testing.

If the problem statement from a proposed research study indicates the need to generate a theory relating to social processes (e.g., how persons within a social group interact with one another), the study design will most likely be which of the following? A) Quantitative study B) Ethnography C) Grounded theory D) Phenomenology

Ans: C Grounded theory seeks to describe and understand key social psychological processes that occur in a social setting. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: processes, social structures, and social interactions. Ethnography provides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and lifeways of a culture in a holistic fashion. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: culture, roles, lifeways, and cultural behavior. Phenomenology focuses on the lived experiences of humans and is an approach to gaining insight into what the life experiences of people are like and what they mean. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: experience, lived experience, meaning, and essence. The scenario proposed is not associated with a quantitative study.

A researcher includes a statement of purpose that indicates that the goal of the study is to understand the lived experiences of family members caring for a terminally ill child with cancer. What type of research design would most likely be used? A) Ethnography B) Grounded theory C) Phenomenology D) Quasi-experimental

Ans: C Phenomenology is concerned with the lived experiences of humans. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: experience, lived experience, meaning, and essence. The grounded theory tradition seeks to describe and understand the key social psychological processes that occur in a social setting. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: processes, social structures, and social interactions. Ethnography provides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and lifeways of a culture in a holistic fashion. Buzz words associated with this tradition include the following: culture, roles, lifeways, and cultural behavior. The scenario proposed is not associated with a quasi-experimental study, which is a type of quantitative study.

In a research report, the statement of purpose is normally found where? A) In the abstract B) In the first paragraph of the report C) At the end of the introduction D) At the beginning of the method section

Ans: C Researchers most often state their purpose at the end of the introduction or immediately after the review of the literature. A problem statement is presented early in a research article and often begins with the first sentence after the abstract. The first paragraph of a research report is often the starting point of a problem statement. The method section describes the methods used in the research study.

In a statement of purpose, the researcher often communicates information beyond the substantive content through which of the following? A) The specification of the population to be studied B) The operational definition of the research variables C) The prediction of anticipated relationships among variables D) The choice of verbs that suggest the state of knowledge on the topic or the approach to be used

Ans: D In the statement of purpose researchers also communicate the manner in which they sought to solve the problem, or the state of knowledge on the topic, through their choice of verbs. The statement of purpose does not provide the operational definition of the research variables. In a quantitative study, a statement of purpose identifies the key study variables and their possible interrelationships, as well as the population of interest. A hypothesis states predicted relationships between two or more variablesóthat is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables.

Select the best description for the following: "Is there a relationship between elective labor induction and an unintended cesarean delivery?" A) It is a directional hypothesis B) It is a directional research question C) It is a non-directional hypothesis D) It is a non-directional research question

Ans: D The statement is a non-directional research question. It is non-directional because it does not indicate whether the researcher believes that elective labor induction will increase or decrease the likelihood of unintended cesarean delivery. It is a research question because it indicates the purpose of the study in the form of a question. It is not a hypothesis because it is not in the form of a statement.

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