Resistance and the Abolition Movement

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Nat Turner's Rebellion occurred in _____. A. Virginia B. Georgia C. Florida D. the Orleans Territory


Participation in the Underground Railroad could lead to imprisonment or death to _____ who helped enslaved people escape. A. free white people B. free African Americans C. Quakers D. all people

all people

Which of the following was a direct consequence of the Seminole Wars? A. Restrictions were placed on free African Americans in northern cities. B. The international slave trade was restricted. C. Tensions between Britain and the United States increased. D. African Americans and Seminole tribe members fled to the Florida swamps.

African Americans and Seminole tribe members fled to the Florida swamps.

From where did the Amistad set sail? A. Cuba B. Spain C. Portugal D. Connecticut


Which of the following rebellions did NOT take place in or around Virginia? A. Gabriel Prosser's 1800 conspiracy B. Denmark Vesey's 1822 conspiracy C. Nat Turner's 1831 rebellion D. John Brown's 1859 uprising

Denmark Vesey's 1822 conspiracy

What do Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner have in common? A. Each won freedom for more than 50 enslaved people. B. Each was an active participant in the Underground Railroad. C. Each led a failed rebellion to free enslaved people. D. Each participated in the rebellion which ultimately resulted in freeing Haitian enslaved people.

Each led a failed rebellion to free enslaved people.

The case of the Creole pitted pro-slavery forces in the U.S. against which country? A. Cuba B. Spain C. Great Britain D. France

Great Britain

Which nation emerged from a slave rebellion to have the first government controlled by black people in the Americas? A. Barbados B. Haiti C. Jamaica D. The Dominican Republic


The _____ Rebellion in the Caribbean sparked fears of a widespread rebellion in the American South. A. Dominican B. Cuban C. Nat Turner D. Haitian


Which of the following people is most closely associated with the Underground Railroad? A. Frederick Douglass B. Harriet Tubman C. Nat Turner D. Denmark Vesey

Harriet Tubman

For those who were against slavery, in what sense could Nat Turner's Rebellion have been considered a positive event? A. It proved that enslaved people needed white guidance. B. It showed that enslaved people were not happy with their situation and wanted to be free. C. It made many enslavers angry, and they acted more violently toward enslaved people. D. It showed that enslaved people could win their freedom by fighting their enslavers.

It showed that enslaved people were not happy with their situation and wanted to be free.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the Underground Railroad? A. Enslaved African Americans could rely on it for a safe, fast escape to freedom. B. It was a reliable escape route to the Caribbean. C. Enslaved people who used it were exempt from ever being captured by fugitive slave laws. D. It was a dangerous operation for all people involved, enslaved and free.

It was a dangerous operation for all people involved, enslaved and free.

Which statement about the Second Great Awakening is correct? A. It was a Quaker abolitionist movement. B. It was a religious movement promoting enslavers and enslavement. C. It was the rise of African American awareness of their African roots. D. It was a religious movement that, among other things, encouraged abolition.

It was a religious movement that, among other things, encouraged abolition.

Which religious sect was among the earliest groups in Britain and the United States to call for the abolition of slavery? A. Jesuits B. Quakers C. Catholics D. Congregationalists


The Amistad case resulted in tense diplomatic relations between the United States and _____. A. Great Britain B. France C. Spain D. Italy


Read the following excerpt of a speech by Sojourner Truth: That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman? Which of the following statements best paraphrases what Truth is trying to say? A. "I have never been given any advantage or courtesy in my life." B. "The same rules of civility don't apply to me, because I am a black woman." C. "There will never be any justice for women on earth, only in heaven." D. "To be an enslaved woman, you have to be stronger than a man."

"The same rules of civility don't apply to me, because I am a black woman."

Which statement is the best description of the abolitionist movement? A. All abolitionists insisted on the full and immediate abolition of slavery. B. Abolitionists differed in their goals, outlook, and strategies. C. Abolitionists just wanted to stop the spread of slavery, not end it. D. Abolitionists wanted to return all enslaved people to Africa.

Abolitionists differed in their goals, outlook, and strategies.

Enslaved people staged more successful revolts in the Caribbean because _____. A. British enslavers were more lenient with restrictions regarding enslaved people B. African-Caribbean enslaved people significantly outnumbered their enslavers C. Africans were considered an endless resource D. enslaved people could get help from other colonial powers

African-Caribbean enslaved people significantly outnumbered their enslavers

How could free African Americans help their enslaved contemporaries? A. They could participate in the Underground Railroad. B. They could support abolitionist politicians. C. They could subscribe to The Liberator. D. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

Which of the following did the Seminole Wars reflect? A. the continued expansion of United States territory B. the displacement of American Indians C. the attempted expansion of slavery into Florida D. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

Which of the following was a covert form of resistance to slavery? A. stealing tools B. faking illness C. sabotaging machinery D. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

The folk tales of _____ encouraged enslaved African Americans and offered a smaller, yet smarter, trickster figure as a hero. A. the Underground Railroad B. Br'er Rabbit C. Mother Goose D. the Seminole Wars

Br'er Rabbit

Why did so many legal issues occur when enslaved people rebelled at sea? A. Few survivors ever made it to land to testify. B. Different nations can apply their laws to vessels at sea. C. Pirates often seized people and evidence in raids. D. The Caribbean had a split system of government: half American and half European.

Different nations can apply their laws to vessels at sea.

Haiti gained independence from _____ to become the first black-governed republic. A. Spain B. France C. Great Britain D. the United States


_____ gained a broad following among abolitionists for his autobiography. A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Nat Turner C. Frederick Douglass D. Joseph Cinqué

Frederick Douglass

Which statement about Frederick Douglass is correct? A. He wanted equal rights for African American men but not for women. B. He used his intellect and speeches to advocate equal rights for women and African Americans. C. His university degrees kept him distant and superior to uneducated, enslaved people. D. He supported abolition of slavery and a return to Africa.

He used his intellect and speeches to advocate equal rights for women and African Americans.

Two enslaved men are considering escaping: one who works in the house, and the other who works in the fields. What advantage would the person who works in the house likely have? A. He would be legally allowed to learn how to read and write. B. He would have met contacts who could potentially help him escape. C. He would be more familiar with back roads. D. He would have more flexible work hours and would be less likely to be missed.

He would have met contacts who could potentially help him escape.

How did the Amistad case affect public opinion? A. It stirred the support of enslavers. B. It gave a great victory to abolitionists and encouraged them. C. It provoked an increase of British activity in the Atlantic. D. It created an interest in African colonization.

It gave a great victory to abolitionists and encouraged them.

If you were an enslaved person trying to escape, in which state would you expect to receive the most help from the Underground Railroad? A. Florida B. Alabama C. Kentucky D. Texas


In which state could the Underground Railroad give you the most help if you were an enslaved person who was escaping enslavement? A. Florida B. Alabama C. Kentucky D. Texas


The Underground Railroad was most accessible to enslaved people in _____. A. port cities B. Mississippi and Alabama C. Florida D. Kentucky and Maryland

Kentucky and Maryland

Safe houses on the Underground Railroad would have been most commonly found in _____. A. Florida B. Texas C. Maryland D. Cuba


Why was the Underground Railroad used more by African Americans from border states than from the Deep South? A. Enslaved people in the Deep South preferred to make their home with the Seminole people. B. Enslaved people in the Deep South were happier with their situation than those in Border States. C. More safehouses existed for escaping African Americans in the Border States. D. Enslaved people in Border States did not use the Underground Railroad more than those in the Deep South.

More safehouses existed for escaping African Americans in the Border States.

Which event demonstrates the agency of enslaved African Americans? A. Quakers in London forming an anti-slavery society B. Nat Turner leading his rebellion C. African Americans subscribing to The Liberator D. the Supreme Court ordering the prisoners of the Amistad to be freed

Nat Turner leading his rebellion

Kate has read reports of a nearby rebellion that occurred where more than 60 white people were killed by escaped enslaved people. What event was this? A. Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion B. Denmark Vesey's Rebellion C. Nat Turner's Rebellion D. the German Coast Uprising

Nat Turner's Rebellionc

Which statement about rebellions among enslaved people is most accurate? A. Rebellions in the United States were unsuccessful but inspired fear in enslavers and showed that enslaved people were not happy. B. There were open and violent rebellions in the Caribbean but not in the United States. C. Nat Turner and John Brown led the only successful rebellions in the United States. D. Rebellions in the United States were more successful than rebellions on Caribbean islands.

Rebellions in the United States were unsuccessful but inspired fear in enslavers and showed that enslaved people were not happy.

Which statement about slave rebellions is correct? A. Slave rebellions on U.S. plantations were not as successful as rebellions at sea or on Caribbean islands. B. Because of slave rebellions, enslavers treated enslaved people more kindly and gave them more rights. C. Slave rebellions in the Americas failed to free even a single person from enslavement. D. Slave rebellions only occurred in the United States and not in other countries in the Americas.

Slave rebellions on U.S. plantations were not as successful as rebellions at sea or on Caribbean islands.

Abolitionist rallies often featured formerly enslaved speakers such as _____. A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Sojourner Truth C. Nat Turner D. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Sojourner Truth

Which of these people described first-hand experiences of enslavement to abolitionist audiences? A. William Lloyd Garrison B. John Brown C. Sojourner Truth D. Nat Turner

Sojourner Truth

Which statement about abolitionists in the 1840s is correct? A. All abolitionists wanted immediate freedom for all enslaved people. B. Abolitionists only wanted to stop the spread of slavery, not to end slavery. C. Some abolitionists preferred gradually freeing enslaved people instead of immediately freeing them. D. All abolitionists wanted to send liberated enslaved people back to Africa.

Some abolitionists preferred gradually freeing enslaved people instead of immediately freeing them.

What happened to the enslaved Africans in the aftermath of the Amistad and Creole cases? A. Those aboard the Creole were freed, but the Africans aboard the Amistad were returned to enslavement. B. Those aboard the Amistad were freed, but the Africans aboard the Creole were returned to enslavement. C. The Africans aboard both ships were freed. D. The Africans aboard both ships were returned to enslavement.

The Africans aboard both ships were freed.

Why were the captured Africans aboard the Amistad ultimately released? A. The Supreme Court ruled they had been captured and held illegally. B. Spain decided the international slave trade was illegal. C. The Supreme Court ruled that they had committed no crime since they rebelled in international waters. D. The Supreme Court determined that they had been kidnapped by British troops.

The Supreme Court ruled they had been captured and held illegally.

Why is it difficult to measure how many enslaved people were liberated through the Underground Railroad?= A. The organizers who kept the records were discovered and jailed, and their records were destroyed. B. The Underground Railroad was a loose organization of abolitionists who kept no records to preserve secrecy. C. The Quakers and free African Americans who operated the Underground Railroad could not write. D. Enslaved people who recorded their journeys left the records in Canada, where they were later destroyed.

The Underground Railroad was a loose organization of abolitionists who kept no records to preserve secrecy.

How did folk tales of Br'er Rabbit serve as covert resistance to enslavement? A. The tales showed that enslaved people could publish novels based on a deep literary tradition. B. The tales showed a smaller trickster conquering more powerful figures, who represented enslavers. C. The tales made fun of the traditional European stories in the Mother Goose collection. D. The tales encoded messages for people using the Underground Railroad.

The tales showed a smaller trickster conquering more powerful figures, who represented enslavers.

How did enslavers and pro-slavery business people stir up pro-slavery sentiment in northern cities? A. They urged Congress to pass the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which would employ many people in the north. B. They threatened white workers with the prospect of free African Americans taking their jobs. C. They supported sending free African Americans to Africa, which would open up jobs. D. All answers are correct.

They threatened white workers with the prospect of free African Americans taking their jobs.

Why did some white laborers in the North support slavery? A. They believed in the Christian themes of the Second Great Awakening. B. They were concerned they would lose their jobs if enslaved people were liberated. C. They aspired one day to get enslaved people to work in their own homes and factories. D. They believed in an aristocratic society where wealthy nobles take care of poor or incapable people.

They were concerned they would lose their jobs if enslaved people were liberated.

What benefit would enslaved people have living in an enslaver's house? A. They would have more opportunities to communicate with others. B. They would not be noticed if missing. C. They would be required to be literate. D. They would acquire survival and navigation skills.

They would have more opportunities to communicate with others.

The abolitionist newspaper The Liberator is best associated with its publisher, _____. A. Frederick Douglass B. Harriet Tubman C. Denmark Vesey D. William Lloyd Garrison

William Lloyd Garrison

Who launched The Liberator? A. Frederick Douglass B. Sojourner Truth C. Nat Turner D. William Lloyd Garrison

William Lloyd Garrison

In the North, people sometimes started riots against _____, claiming that many white laborers would lose their jobs if slavery ended. A. abolitionists B. Democrats C. Free Soilers D. enslavers


Which of the following did Frederick Douglass demonstrate when he forged papers and escaped enslavement? A. agency B. violent resistance C. oral tradition D. abolition


Covert resistance sometimes included tactics such as _____. A. arson or suicide B. armed rebellion C. agreeing to help enslave other people D. reporting abusive enslavers to local authorities

arson or suicide

Place the following events in chronological order: Nat Turner's Rebellionthe Conspiracy of Denmark Veseythe Conspiracy of Gabriel Prosserthe German Coast Uprising A. a, c, d, b B. b, d, c, a C. c, d, b, a D. c, b, a, d

c, d, b, a

Which role in the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman best known for? A. safehouse operator B. conductor C. fundraiser D. abolitionist


An enslaved person who deliberately breaks a cotton gin is participating in _____. A. covert resistance B. armed rebellion C. abolition D. guerrilla tactics

covert resistance

An enslaved person who deliberately broke a cotton gin participated in _____. A. covert resistance B. rebellion C. abolition D. guerrilla tactics

covert resistance

What form of resistance was the act of running away? A. covert resistance B. violent resistance C. anonymous resistance D. abolitionist resistance

covert resistance

More enslaved people engaged in _____ than _____. A. covert resistance; violent rebellion B. violent rebellion; covert resistance C. escaping on the Underground Railroad; passive resistance D. violent rebellion; sabotage and arson

covert resistance; violent rebellion

The following methods of escape would be likely for a literate, enslaved person in Maryland except _____. A. forging papers of a free African American sailor B. finding freedom through the Underground Railroad C. escaping to the nearby Seminole Nation D. eventually saving enough money to purchase freedom

escaping to the nearby Seminole Nation

Jenna is an enslaved person who works in the fields of a large plantation. She plots covert resistance, which would include all of the following actions except _____. A. running away B. sabotaging her tools C. setting a fire in her enslaver's barn D. joining Nat Turner

joining Nat Turner

The Second Great Awakening caused abolitionists to protest slavery based on _____. A. economic issues B. political issues C. moral issues D. scientific theories

moral issues

The voyage of the Creole was interrupted by _____. A. the British navy B. the Haitian Rebellion C. mutiny by the enslaved people aboard D. the German Coast Uprising

mutiny by the enslaved people aboard

Where did the German Coast Uprising occur? A. Virginia B. near New Orleans C. the Caribbean Sea D. Florida

near New Orleans

Rebellions from enslaved people were most likely to be successful _____. A. in border states such as Kentucky and Maryland B. near New Orleans C. in Georgia and Florida D. on ships at sea

on ships at sea

Southerners were opposed to a Republican president because Republicans _____. A. promised to abolish slavery B. opposed the spread of slavery C. opposed large tariffs on manufactured goods D. opposed the growth of the cotton industry

opposed the spread of slavery

As Frannie is growing up in enslavement, she learns the stories of Br'er Rabbit. Without knowing it, she is participating in what? A. passive resistance B. rebellion C. literacy D. conspiracy

passive resistance

Retelling the stories of Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Fox are examples of _____ for African Americans. A. violent resistance B. passive resistance C. secret code for violent rebellion D. codes used in the Underground Railroad

passive resistance

The vast majority of runaway enslaved people _____. A. used the Underground Railroad B. escaped north into Canada C. ran away for a short period of time D. escaped into Florida

ran away for a short period of time

After the case of the Creole, which group of people would southern enslavers in the U.S. NOT like? A. sailors in the British navy B. Cuban merchants C. specialists in maritime law D. No answer is correct.

sailors in the British navy

Which of the following events helped swing public opinion against slavery in the United States? A. the Seminole Wars B. the German Coast Uprising C. the Amistad case D. the Creole case

the Amistad case

Where did the Creole go after the mutiny on board the ship? A. Haiti B. Florida C. Connecticut D. the Bahamas

the Bahamas

What event led to freedom for enslaved people in an entire colony? A. the Amistad revolt B. the Haitian Rebellion C. the Havana uprising D. the German Coast Uprising

the Haitian Rebellion

Which rebellion resulted in freedom and independence for enslaved people? A. the Haitian Rebellion B. Nat Turner's Rebellion C. The German Coast Uprising D. No answer is correct.

the Haitian Rebellion

What event highlighted the humanity of enslaved African Americans to many people in the United States? A. the Second Great Awakening B. the women's suffrage movement C. Nat Turner's Rebellion D. the Seminole Wars

the Second Great Awakening

American expansion indirectly caused which of the following conflicts? A. the Seminole Wars B. Nat Turner's Rebellion C. the Amistad case D. the Haitian Rebellion

the Seminole Wars

Many runaway African Americans from the Deep South found sanctuary with _____. A. the Underground Railroad B. the Seminole people C. rebellious Haitians D. Canadian abolitionists

the Seminole people

Harriet Tubman was most famous for her role in _____. A. the women's rights movement B. Nat Turner's Rebellion C. the Underground Railroad D. the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator

the Underground Railroad

Thomas is an enslaved person who has heard about a secret network of loosely organized safehouses that will take him in on his journey north. What has Thomas likely heard about? A. the conspiracy of Denmark Vesey B. The Liberator C. the American Colonization Society D. the Underground Railroad

the Underground Railroad

Which event led most directly to the secession of southern states from the Union? A. Nat Turner's Rebellion B. John Brown's siege at Harper's Ferry C. the election of Abraham Lincoln as president D. the Fugitive Slave Act

the election of Abraham Lincoln as president

Retelling stories of Br'er Rabbit outwitting Br'er Fox reflects _____. A. how enslaved African Americans would often learn to read despite literacy restrictions B. the importance of oral traditions among enslaved communities C. the importance of rabbits to the African culture D. All answers are correct.

the importance of oral traditions among enslaved communities

Which of the following reasons would make a southerner NOT vote for Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election? A. Stephen Douglas's performance in his 1858 debate with Lincoln B. the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 C. the platform of the new Republican Party D. the verdict in the Dred Scott case

the platform of the new Republican Party

The Amistad case ultimately resulted in _____. A. the arrest of the enslavers José Ruiz and Pedro Montes B. the abolition of slavery in Connecticut C. the return of the surviving kidnapped Africans to Cuba D. the return of the surviving kidnapped Africans to Sierra Leone

the return of the surviving kidnapped Africans to Sierra Leone

The Amistad case reflects the United States government's legal objection to _____. A. slavery B. the slave trade C. Cuban merchants D. African colonization

the slave trade

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln _____. A. promised to abolish slavery if he was elected B. received financial backing from prominent enslavers C. campaigned for the Democratic nomination for president D. was the only presidential candidate who opposed the spread of slavery

was the only presidential candidate who opposed the spread of slavery

Anti-abolitionist mob activity in the North primarily came from which group? A. free African Americans who wanted to control the movement B. white and black advocates for women's suffrage C. southern enslavers who paid troublemakers to agitate workers D. white laborers who felt threatened by free African American competition for jobs

white laborers who felt threatened by free African American competition for jobs

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