Retail Strategy Exam 1 Questions: Chapter 2

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Variety is often referred to as the _____________. A. store's supply standard B. complete retail offering C. retail mix D. breadth of merchandise E. depth of merchandise


Which of the following is a first tier department store? A. Macy's B. Nordstrom C. Sears D. Kohl's E. JCPenney


Which of the following is a third tier department store? A. Macy's B. Neiman Marcus C. TJ Maxx D. Nordstrom E. None of these


Angelo manages a local convenience store that sells gasoline. When gas prices are high, his sales increase, but gas margins are low. So, depending upon gas sales for the success of the business can be a problem for him. What should Angelo do? A. add fresh healthy food and new convenient services to the product mix B. open more gas pumps C. temporarily lower gas prices to motivate customers to fill up at his store D. sell two-for-one candy with every fill-up E. all of the above


Office Depot offers customers a huge selection of office supply merchandise. As a result, inventory investment _____________. A. increases because they have to carry back up stock for each SKU B. increases because of the increase in demand C. increases because of the value of the assortment D. decreases because of the increase of the customer base E. decreases because of the introduction of back up stock


Services are difficult to be evaluated before customers buy, or even after they buy and consume them. What characteristic of service cause this challenge for services retailers? A. intangibility B. perishability C. inconsistency D. consumability E. compatibility


Specialty stores that focus on specific market segments are vulnerable to _____. A. shifts in customer tastes and preferences B. high price points C. operating parameters set by mall management D. strong competition from the department stores that sell comparable merchandise E. overstocking


Stocking a deep and broad assortment is appealing to customers, but costly for retailers. What option does a small specialty store owner have to offset costs, and make a profit? A. charge higher prices B. hire less staff C. offer less expensive assortments D. offer less hours of operation E. substitute services for merchandise


The dermatologist has her diplomas prominently displayed above her large desk, which sits on a Persian rug in an office filled with tasteful, yet expensive furnishings. Which service characteristic is the doctor trying to handle with her office décor? A. intangibility B. perishability C. inconsistency D. consumability E. compatibility


The outer walls of a supermarket that stocks fresh merchandise such as dairy, bakery, meat, produce, etc. is referred to as the ________. A. power perimeter B. fresh track C. profit border D. edge force E. essential edge


To respond to a competitive discount environment, Walmart is fighting back by __. A. opening supercenters while closing full-line discount stores B. focusing on promotional temporary sales C. increasing assortments D. offering better customer service on the floor E. reducing prices below wholesale


What format of ownership combines the advantages of owner-managed businesses with the efficiency of centralized decision making in chain store operations? A. franchise B. retail chain C. full-line discount stores D. single-store establishment E. wholesale-sponsored voluntary cooperative chain


What type of store is T.J. Maxx considered to be? A. Off-price retailer B. Department store C. Full-line discount store D. Extreme-value retailer E. Specialty retailer


Which of the following is a second tier department store? A. Macy's B. Neiman Marcus C. TJ Maxx D. Nordstrom E. None of these


Why do movie theaters sell tickets for an afternoon showing of a movie at a lower price than the 7 p.m. showing of the same movie? A. to deal with the perishability of services B. to make sure the service offered is consistent C. to deal with the intangible characteristic of services D. to deal with the incompatibility characteristic of services E. to minimize inventory losses


_____________ are end of season merchandise that will NOT be in the manufacturer's offerings going forward. A. Close-outs B. Irregulars C. Third-degree items D. Undergrounds


_________________ offer an inconsistent assortment of brand-name, fashion-oriented soft goods at low prices. A. Off-price retailers B. Department stores C. Discount retailers D. Convenience stores E. Specialty retailers


. A retailer that carries a broad variety and deep assortment, offers customer services, and is organized into separate departments for displaying merchandise is called a __. A. off-price retailer B. department store C. discount retailer D. convenience store E. specialty retailer


A company that operates multiple retail units under common ownership, most commonly has centralized decision making for defining and implementing its strategy, is called a _________. A. franchise B. retail chain C. full-line discount stores D. single-store establishment E. wholesale-sponsored voluntary cooperative chain


Building on their strength, supermarkets are offering fresh meal solutions for _________________ consumers. A. low-income B. time-pressured C. ethnic D. vegetarian


Department stores have placed an emphasis on their own private branded merchandise to _______________. A. attract the attention of the junior market B. differentiate their product offerings C. keep price points lower D. reduce the number of markdowns at the end of a season E. sever relationships with low profit vendors


Due to the _____ of services, service retailers like Universal Studios Theme Parks, Delta and Applebee's restaurants, sometimes find it difficult to match supply and demand. A. intangibility B. perishability C. inconsistency D. consumability E. compatibility


In a franchise contract, the franchisee pays the franchisor a _______. A. bonus if the sales quota is achieved B. lump sum plus a royalty on all sales C. start-up costs plus a monthly predetermined cash amount D. commission on all sales E. salary plus a variety of employee benefits


Off-price retailers ________. A. offer a consistent assortment of soft goods at low prices B. sell brand-name merchandise at reduced prices C. offer gift registries D. require suppliers to give them a variety of advertising allowances and markdown discounts E. None of the above


Off-price retailers will often sell merchandise less than the MSRP which means: A. the merchandise sales are profitable. B. the merchandise is sold below the suggested retail price. C. the merchandise is sold below the suggested realized profit. D. the merchandise is sold less than the surrounding retail competitors.


The _____________ focuses on reducing the carbon footprint caused by the transportation of food throughout the world. A. core insight plan B. locavore movement C. fair labor standards D. reversed profits guidelines E. fair trade policy


The drugstore industry has seen a decrease in their annual sales mainly due to _____. A. higher prices on prescription drugs B. pharmacies in full-line discount stores C. the aging population D. government regulations on pharmaceutical sales


What does the acronym SKU stand for? A. Style Kept Utility B. Stock Keeping Unit C. Selling Keyboard Utility D. Stored and keyed Unit E. None of the above


What is the word used to describe a retailer's merchandise "depth"? A. Apparition B. Assortment C. Modicum D. Variety E. Product


What type of store is Kohl's considered? A. Off-price retailer B. Department store C. Full-line discount store D. Extreme value retailer E. Specialty retailer


Which of the following describes an advantage that independent, single-store establishments have over other forms of ownership? A. economies of scale B. react quickly to market changes C. bureaucratic operation D. very low set-up costs E. distribution efficiency


Which of the following is the biggest threat to convenience stores? A. Increasing prices on convenience foods B. Supermarket chains also offering gasoline C. Vending machines D. Consumers having more expendable time to shop and compare prices E. Off-price retailers


Which of the following statements about NAICS codes is TRUE? A. The letters in NAICS stand for National Assortments in Commercial Stores. B. Retailers with the same NAICS codes are likely to compete against each other. C. A retailer's principal competitor is seldom, if ever, in the same NAICS category. D. The NAICS code categorizes businesses according to an 8-digit classification system. E. The classifications for retail firms are based upon the location of the store fronts.


Why do category specialists call themselves "category killers"? A. Because they have a lock on the competition, they can demand higher prices. B. By offering a complete assortment in a category at low prices, category specialists can "kill" a category of merchandise for other retailers. C. To keep costs low, employee assistance is nonexistent, thus has "killed" off customer service. D. As they edit their product assortments, they narrow down and drop off classifications.


______________ are products that have minor blemishes to the fabric or errors in the construction. A. Close-outs B. Irregulars C. Third-degree items D. Undergrounds


A massage parlor that requires its therapists to keep a database on each customer and include in that database what was done on each visit as far as customer aches and pains and peculiar characteristics of the customer, is trying to cope with which service characteristic? A. intangibility B. perishability C. inconsistency D. consumability E. compatibility


Assortment is often referred to as the ____________. A. breadth of merchandise B. complete retail offering C. depth of merchandise D. object of the buy E. retail mix


Because the only merchandise categories at the University Futon Shop are double-sized futons, the Futon Shop can be said to have no ______________. A. inventory control B. need for customer service C. variety D. shrinkage E. product depth


New retail formats are created and evolve because ______________. A. consumers lose interest B. large retailers have undertaken stronger marketing campaigns C. consumers needs and competition change D. private branding dictates new fashion E. retailers have built better relationships with key customers


The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): A. was developed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) B. uses an 8-digit classification system C. was created to collect data on North America's business activity D. is limited in its use to only retail institutions E. is used only by the United States


What can department stores do to differentiate their merchandise offering AND strengthen their image? A. Increase their pricing B. Network with a broader variety of vendors C. Seek exclusive arrangements with nationally recognized brands D. Merge with faltering retailers to gain their market share E. Keep assortments in line with European styles and fads


What do Delta, Marriott, and Century 21 have in common? A. These retailers have established long-term relationships with their manufacturers. B. They are all examples of off-price retailers. C. They are all examples of service retailers. D. They sell tangible products. E. They have high operating margins due to the size of their inventories.


What type of store is Target considered? A. Off-price retailer B. Department store C. Full-line discount store D. Extreme value retailer E. Specialty retailer


Which of the following is NOT TRUE in describing retailers who offer a deep, and broad assortment? A. It increases inventory holding costs B. It increases inventory investment because a retailer must have backup stock for each SKU C. Discounters and warehouse clubs offer a greater assortment D. Specialty retailers offer the depth of merchandise


Which of the following statements about warehouse clubs is TRUE? A. Warehouse clubs only sell to ultimate consumers. B. Warehouse clubs have a category specialist format. C. Warehouse clubs typically have low inventory holding costs. D. Warehouse clubs have extensive merchandise depth.


What type of store is Dollar-General considered to be? A. Off-price retailer B. Department store C. Full-line discount store D. Extreme-value retailer E. Specialty retailer


Attempting to combat losing market share, department stores are ____________. A. becoming more effective with multichannel retailing B. adding exclusive merchandise to their assortments C. developing stronger marketing campaigns to enhance their store image D. all of these


Each different item of merchandise in a retail store is called a(n) _____________. A. consumer offering B. store counted item (SCI) C. stored and keyed unit (SKU) D. stock keeping unit (SKU) E. economic unit


How can a service retailer best cope with the problems associated with the inconsistency of service? A. Use low prices during off-seasons to help match supply and demand. B. Use mass production. C. Emphasize quality control. D. Train and motivate employees. E. Increase staffing at peak demand times.


How can a service retailer best cope with the problems associated with the intangibility of service? A. Use low prices during off-seasons to help match supply and demand. B. Use mass production. C. Emphasize quality control. D. Solicit customer evaluations and complaints. E. Increase staffing at peak demand times.


Specialty stores have recently seen a trend of cheap and chic "fast fashion". The fast-fashion concept introduces new products in a store _________. A. 10-12 times per year B. 10-12 times per quarter C. each week D. 2-3 times per week E. each day


Typically, large retail chains: A. are completely decentralized. B. are very flexible in their responses to the unique needs of their local markets. C. have less sophisticated analytical systems than other forms of ownership. D. effectively negotiate lower prices because of their buying power.


Warehouse clubs: A. have extensive assortments B. expensive store designs and aesthetics C. high inventory holding costs D. sell merchandise in a no-frills atmosphere E. provide extensive customer service


What is the word used to describe a retailer's merchandise "breadth"? A. Apparition B. Assortment C. Modicum D. Variety E. Product


Which of the following is NOT TRUE in describing characteristics of franchise? A. The franchise ownership format attempts to combine the advantages of owner-managed businesses with the efficiencies of centralized decision making in chain store operations B. Franchisees are motivated to make their stores successful because they receive the profits C. The franchisor is motivated to develop new products and to promote the franchise because it receives a royalty on all sales D. The franchisor is solely responsible for financing advertising, product development, and system development


Why are category specialists sometimes called category killers? A. because they are often located in dying shopping malls B. because they are located at stand-alone sites C. because of their broad merchandise mix and shallow assortment D. because they can dominate a category of merchandise making it difficult for other retailers to compete E. because they carry mainly technologically obsolete merchandise


_________ refers to the number of different merchandise categories a retailer offers. A. Inventory mixture B. Product measurement C. Product depth D. Variety E. Assortment


An off-price store that is owned by manufacturers or retailers is called a/an _______. A. subsidiary B. tangent C. branch D. parasite E. outlet


Best Buy is a category specialist for the electronics industry. This means the stores ___________. A. offer their customers narrow breadth and depth B. use quick-response inventory management systems C. have excellent after-the-sale service D. appeal to the mature consumers E. offer a narrow but deep assortment of merchandise


How can supermarkets differentiate themselves from other food retailing formats? A. emphasize fresh perishables B. target health conscious and ethnic consumers C. provide a better value with private-label merchandise D. provide a better shopping experience E. all of these


In a franchise contract, the franchisor _________. A. makes sure all franchise outlets provide the same quality of service and products B. agrees to operate a franchise outlet in accordance with procedures prescribed in the contract C. agrees to pay a royalty to the franchisee D. is given permission to use a franchise name and format E. does all of these things


Purchasing from factories that pay workers a living wage (more than the minimum wage) and offer other benefits to the employees is called __________. A. core insight B. locavore C. fair labor D. reversed profits E. fair trade


The Men's Wearhouse stocks over 350 different styles and colors of ties. This assortment of ties can be referred to as the store's _________. A. supply standard B. complete retail offering C. breadth of merchandise D. retailer mix E. depth of merchandise


Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid see the largest portion of their sales results from ____. A. soda and snacks B. office and paper products C. cosmetics D. photo processing E. prescription drugs


What is the challenge big box stores face, while developing locations in Europe and Japan? A. limited and expensive land B. increased operating costs C. restricted building size in some counties D. opposing sentiments from local residents E. all of these


Whereas conventional supermarkets carry about 30,000 SKUs, limited assortment supermarkets or extreme value food retailers only stock 2000 SKUs. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of stocking lesser SKUs? A. Less inventory holding costs B. Less backup stocks C. Less inventory investments D. More inventory turnover E. Lower transportation costs


Which of the following statements about full-line discount stores is TRUE? A. They do not carry private-label merchandise. B. They have a narrow breadth of merchandise. C. They typically carry more brands and sizes in each category than department stores. D. They have inconsistent assortments. E. None of the above statements about full-line discount stores are true.


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