Review Chapter 26

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According to the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis, the host cell was eukaryotic because miochondria almost certainly evolved from cholroplast


Choanoflagellates are free living flagellates that obtain food by waving their flagella, causing water currents to carry bacteria and other small particles of food into the collar of micro villi


All foraminiferans live on the ocean floor and do not photosynthesize


All protists move via waves of thousands of cilia


Alveoli are flattened vesicles located just inside the plasma membrane of the stramenopiles.


Plasmodial slime molds are known for the extreme flexibility of their outer plasma membrane, continually changing shape as they move


The blades, stipes, and holdfasts of brown algae are homologous to the leaves, stems, and roots of plants


The fine details of cells revealed by electron microscopy are known as nano structure


Trichonymphs, a parabasilid, live in the guts of termites and wood eating cockroaches and rely on a parasitic relationship with bacteria to digest cellulose in the wood


Dinoflaggelates are the source of red tides


Euglena are known to engulf their prey by phagocytosis and then digest the prey within food vacuoles


Malaria is caused by a parasitic spore forming alveolate


Most protists are aqautic


The cell wall of a diatom consists of two shells that overlap where they fit together and is made up of silica laid down in intricate patterns


The cell walls of red algae often contain thick, sticky, polysaccharides, which are extracted and used to make agar and carrageenan


marine plankton, get food by axopods, have shells


similar ribosomal DNA sequences and alveoli, flattened vesicles located just inside plasma membrane


move and get food by phagocytosis, using pseudopodia


parasitic alveolates that form spores at some stage in their life


parasites that produce sporozoites and nonmotile, an apical complex of microtubules attaches to host

apicomplexans (A. plasmodium causes malaria)

red algae, green algae, land plants: chloraplasts with inner and outer membranes


stramenopiles that are important in cooler ocean waters

brown algae largest= KELP-multicellular bodies differentiated into: leaflike blades, stemlike stipes, anchoring holdfasts, and gas filled bladders for bouyancy

form a slug when cells aggregate in response to cyclic AMP

cellular slime molds

reporduce by aggregating into an aggregate(slug), then forming asexual spores

cellular slime molds

unikonts that are probably the closing living non- animal relative to animals, collar of microvilli surrounds their single flagellum


originated as a result of secondary endosymbiosis- ancestral cell engulfed a red alga


alveolates that move by hairlike cilia, undergo conjugation


paramecium and other ciliates often display a sexual phenomenon


molecular evidence supports the view that all plastids evolved from an ancient


photosynthetic, shells containing silica-2 halves that fit together like a petri dish, part of floating plankton, others live on rocks and sediments, move by gliding


important producers in marine ecosystems, some produce toxic blooms-red tide


unicellular and flagellate, some photosynthetic


secrete many chambered tests with pores through which cytoplasmic projections extend to move/get food


biflagellate freshwater and marine stramenopiles that are of ecological importance as a component of the ocean's minute nanoplankton

golden algae

pigments, energy reserve products, and cell walls found in land plants are also in

green algae

wide diversity in size, structural complexity, and reproduction, hypothesis that they gave rise to land plants

green algae

caused by apicomplexan that spends part of its life cycle in the Anopheles mosquito and part in humans


reproduces by haploid spores produced in sporangia

plasmodial slime molds

NOT true of the protists


get nutrient autotrophically/heterotrophically and free living/symbiotic (mutualism-parasitism), reproduce both asexually/sexually or just asexually


live in oceans, ponds, lakes streams, body fluids/cells of hosts


protists means of locomotion:

pseudopodia, flagella, and cilia

seaweeds, warm tropical ocean waters

red algae

amoeboid cells, hard outer shells (tests), monophyletic


mitochondria and chloroplasts arose from symbiotic relationships b/w larger cells and smaller bacteria that were incorporated and lived within host cell

serial endosymbiosis

motile cells with 2 flagella, one with tiny hairlike projections


fungi and animals, single posterior flagellum in flagellate cells


have coenocytic mycelium, reproduce asexually by forming biflagellate zoospores and sexually by oospores

water molds

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