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Third Person Limited

"There's no way that I'm getting on that," said Latrice, gesturing toward the unicorn. Latrice had never ridden a unicorn. She had always been too afraid that she might fall from the sky or be burned up in a rainbow or something. Cordelia put a hand on Latrice's shoulder and said, "When the Gromlins come, you're going to want to ride one. You may as well learn now without the pressure of Gromlins." Latrice considered the wisdom of this statement and decided that Cordelia was right.

First Person

"You already told me that story," said Shanice. She looked genuinely disappointed. I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to bore you with a rerun." I tried to laugh it off but she just wouldn't let it go. "Don't you even consider your listener before you tell a story?" she inquired acerbically. This caught me off guard. I replied, "I'm just trying to keep you entertained, Shanice." I pleaded. She smacked me down with another sharp comment, "Yeah, well, you should try harder."

Cause and Effect

- The Great Recession Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses, intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees. Consumer spending then plummeted and most businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it's hard to turn it around.


. Twista Carl Terrell Mitchell, better known by his stage name Twista, was born in 1972. Nineteen years later Mitchell's first album, "Runnin' Off at da Mouth," debuted. In 1997, after appearing on a hit song, Twista was signed to Atlantic Records. Under that label he released "Adrenaline Rush" and formed the group Speedknot Mobstaz in 1998. His 2004 album Kamikaze went to number-one on the U.S. Billboard 200 album chart.

Cause and Effect

. Where Did This Tornado Come From? No one knows exactly what causes tornados, but some scientists believe that when warm air meets cold air, a tornado may form. The reason for this is that the warm air is lighter than the cold air, so it rises up fast and meets different winds moving different directions. Under the right conditions, this can cause a tornado. Though there is still much mystery surrounding tornados, many people believe that when warm moist air meets cool dry air, tornados can result.

Third Person Limited

A Cut Too Deep by Angela Marshall Greg looked up at the bright lights in the operating room until they burned a white spot in his field of vision. He looked at the face of the surgeon and saw only a white blur. When he looked away, he could see the surgeon's masked face from his peripheries. He could hear him readying an array of metal instruments, many of which looked as though they might belong to a dentist. I hope he's not going to use those on me! Greg thought to himself with terror. The surgeon picked up one that looked like a bent up question mark.

Third Person Objective

A bus drove by Kiko as she sat on the park bench. A woman pushed a double stroller with a set of twins down the sidewalk. Several pigeons approached Kiko. "Go away, flying rats. I do not have any food for you," Kiko shouted at the birds. They squawked and flew off. Kiko crossed her legs and took a deep breath. She picked up the newspaper, flipped through a few pages, and put it back down. Then her phone rang.

Compare and Contrast

Almost everybody loves pizza, but try to get a group of people to agree on a pizza order and you'll quickly find that not everybody likes their pizza the same way. Perhaps such disagreements led to the many distinct pizza styles that can currently be found in America. These pizza styles are currently categorized by region and three of the most popular pizza styles are the New York-style, the Chicago-style, and the Detroit-style. All of these pizza styles contain dough, sauce, cheese, and other toppings, but it's the way that these ingredients are utilized that gives them their unique regional flair. The New York-style pizza is thin. New York-style slices are cut into large triangles that can be folded and this pizza is commonly sold by the slice. Chicago-style pizza is marked by its deep dish crust, which can be up to three inches tall at the edge. Toppings are heavily applied to these pizzas, as is characteristic of the style, and they are generally sold as whole pies rather than slices. Then there's the Detroit-style pizza, which is not circular like the Chicago and New York-style pizzas, but square like the Sicilian-style pizzas. The Detroit-style pizza is similar to the Chicago-style pizza in that these pizzas both have thick crusts, but the Detroit-style pizza is twice-baked, giving it a chewy crust that is crispy around the edges. Pizza styles in America may vary greatly by region, but they are all delicious if you ask me.

Third Person Omniscient

Anthony was making a snowman in his front yard. He wanted to make the tallest snowman ever. "Making the tallest snowman ever is hard," he thought to himself. As Anthony rolled the snow around to form huge spheres, Justin was watching him from the bushes. Justin had plans too, only his plans involved karate kicking Anthony's very tall snowman. Justin figured that no snowman deserved to be as tall as Anthony's. Justin stretched in preparation for his attack.

Third Person Omniscient

April opened the escape hatch. She was afraid to jump, but she realized that the airship was sinking. She looked at Vince, who was strapping on his parachute. Vince locked eyes with her and then he realized the error in his conduct. "I'm sorry, April. That was ungentlemanly of me. Let me help you with yours." He proceeded to attach the other parachute to April's back. This made him feel a little better.

Second Person

As you buckle your seatbelt, safety instructions are broadcast over the inflight system. A stewardess models the actions in sync with the broadcast. You turn to your right. An extremely rotund man is snoring. He looks like he is about to fall onto your shoulder. You look to your left. You see a man with a Mohawk is listening to loud punk music. You can hear it as though your were the one wearing headphones. You sigh and pull up your tray table as instructed.

Second Person

As you cross the crystal bridge, you hear the sound of two voices coming from the shores of the river. One of the voices sounds distressed. The other sounds angry. At the end of the crystal bridge is a herd of wild horses. You notice that they are stamping the ground violently. If you would like to go to the shore and find out who's talking, turn to page 47. If you'd like to approach the wild horses, turn to page 58.

Third Person Omniscient

Battle for the Peaks of Heaven by Joseph Bearpaw Little Bear blew the horn. The warriors gathered. Running Coyote was annoyed and said to Little Bear, "Why did you blow the horn, Little Bear. Do you need some instruction on how to hunt for buffalo? The first rule is to not make any loud noises when we are sneaking up on a herd." The other braves laughed heartily. Little Bear ignored him. He had no mind to entertain Running Coyote's derision at this time. "No, Running Coyote, it is about the truce. Some say that there has been an attack on the village." Running Coyote's face sobered. He no longer felt like joking. "Who says this, Little Bear?" Running Coyote asked. Little Bear replied, "The Chief says this."

Second Person

Bob's Robot Emporium Radio Spot #6 by Bob's Robot Emporium Inc. Do you love robots? Do you love saving money? If so, you're going to love Bob's Robot Emporium. Getting to Bob's is easy. If you are coming from the west, just head east on route 272 until you get to route 47. Head south on route 47 until you see the sign for Bob's Robot Emporium. You can't miss it. If you are coming from the other way, head west on route 272 west until you get to route 47, then head south. You are going to love the fabulous selection and low prices at Bob's and remember: if you didn't get it from Bob's, then it might exterminate your family.

Third Person Limited

Chuck analyzed the engine. With his experienced gaze, he was able to tell that the vehicle needed a fan belt. He figured that the job would take twenty minutes and cost about ten dollars, but he had bills to pay. He summoned the customer over to him with a wave. "Ma'am," he said, "your vehicle needs a new radiator. It's going to take about four hours and cost around five hundred dollars, he lied. The woman smiled. "So I get my car back tonight?" she asked. "That shouldn't be a problem," replied Chuck. The woman, still smiling, said, "Thanks, Chuck. You're a good guy." Chuck felt a little guilty, but he smiled back at her and said, "You're so welcome."


Bobby Fischer Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, "One day, I just got good." That may be a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.

Third Person Limited

Brandon pressed his nose against the glass case. There it was, Death Fighter 6, the latest video game. Brandon had never wanted anything more. Well, he really wanted Death Fighter 5 too, but this was different. The clerk walked over to him and said, "Is there anything that I can get for you, sir?" Brandon asked, "How much is Death Fighter 6?" The employee said, "$59.99 plus tax, like it says there on the rack, sir." Brandon sighed. This news saddened him. He only had $1.87.

Third Person Omniscient

Brian could not bear to be on the roof of the skyscraper any longer. He wasn't usually afraid of heights, but the wind was so strong and Rufus kept messing with him. "Would you try to land on your feet or your head?" Rufus asked with a straight face. Rufus could tell that he was getting to Brian, which only encouraged him to keep going. "Let's go look over the edge, Brian," suggested Rufus, knowing full well that Brian would refuse.

Cause and Effect

Dangerous Predators Cats may seem like cute and cuddly companions, but to birds and other small mammals, cats are highly lethal killing machines. Even well fed cats may hunt and kill many small animals such as birds, mice, and reptiles. Small animals are most at risk when cats are introduced to areas that have not hosted them before. Since they are not used to living with the threatening cats, these small animals are naïve and vulnerable. If they do not have the defenses to survive, cats will hunt these animals until they are wiped out completely. Cats have played a leading role in the extinction of many small animals, including the Hawaiian Rail and at least 22 other species of bird. While other things may have led to the destruction of these species, cat attacks were a main factor.

Third Person Objective

Debra was walking a big black Labrador along the beach. The dog was unleashed, but he didn't seem to stray far from her. As Debra walked in the sand, the Labrador bounded through the waves. As the dog fell a few feet behind Debra, she called out to him, "Come on, Duke! Come here boy!" Duke barked, ran from the water, and caught Debra quickly. Duke was sopping wet. He started licking Debra and almost knocked her down. Debra laughed and tried to wipe the paw prints off her outfit.

Third Person Omniscient

Carrie and Kylie giggled. Neither of them knew what they had just found. They thought that they had discovered a cool looking rock. They had no idea that they were holding a real life dinosaur egg. This surprise would dawn on them later, when they brought the egg home. Carrie was using the egg as a paperweight, so she kept the egg under her desk lamp. But this egg would soon hatch, and Carrie and Kylie were about to have the adventure of a lifetime.

Cause and Effect

Cats in Ancient Egypt You might think that cats get a ridiculous amount of attention from people today but that's nothing compared to how they were treated in ancient Egypt. Since cats were believed to represent the Egyptian war goddess Bastet, the ancient Egyptians literally worshipped cats. Their admiration was expressed in ways that we might find funny or shocking today. They liked cats so much that killing a cat in ancient Egypt, even on accident, was punishable by death. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that when a cat passed away, the household would go into mourning as though a member of the family had died. Family members would even shave off their eyebrows to show their loss. Another way in which ancient Egyptians showed love and respect for cats was through mummification. Cats were often mummified after dying, a process normally reserved for kings and nobles. Hundreds of thousands of cat mummies have been found preserved in and around Egypt. So the next time you see someone fawning over a cat video on YouTube, remember that it could be worse.

Third Person Limited

Chad tightened his grip on the rope. He could feel his fingers weakening. "Come on, Chad! Pull! We're losing ground!" shouted his teammate George. Chad gazed at the mud puddle toward which he and George were being dragged. Then he looked up at his opponents. They were screaming something, but Chad couldn't quite hear it. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were tightening. "It's now or never!" George shouted. Chad dug his heels in the dirt and pulled with all his strength.

Compare and Contrast

Chemical and Physical Changes All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter's identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.

Problem and Solution

Cooking the perfect pizza at home can be quite a challenge. You may find that it's difficult to get your oven to the right temperature. If the oven is too hot the crust will burn, become hard, and taste bad. If your oven isn't hot enough, the crust may get soggy. Even at the perfect temperature, extra moisture from your ingredients may prevent the bottom of the crust from fully cooking, but don't let oven temperature stop you from building the pizza of your dreams. Get yourself a pizza stone. A pizza stone will get very hot when preheated and will allow your crust to fully cook without burning it. Then you can pile the ingredients on your pizza and have a crispy crust that isn't burned. That's the way to go.


Creating a Dinosaur Sculpture Materials: pipe cleaners, clay, non-toxic paint Wouldn't you like a scary dinosaur model on your desk to protect your pencils and textbooks? You can easily make one by following these simple directions. First, bend your pipe cleaner to make the frame of your dinosaur. I suggest you create a tyrannosaurus frame by using one long pipe cleaner as his neck, spine, and tail, and then bend another into a u-shape to make his feet. Wrap the feet around the spine piece. Next, roll out clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The next day you may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic paint. His eyes should be white, but feel free to color your dinosaur as you wish. Nobody really knows how dinosaurs were colored, so don't let anyone tell you that your dinosaur can't be pink. Lastly, put him on your desk and watch as he or she scares away bullies and pencil thieves.

Cause and Effect

Dancing There are many reasons why people dance. Some people dance for fun, just because they enjoy dancing. At other times, people dance for exercise or for weight loss, because dancing can really get your heart beating. Also, sometimes people dance to try to get boyfriends or girlfriends. Some people think that good dancing is attractive. There are many reasons why people dance.

Compare and Contrast

Difficult Decisions Since I made honor roll every quarter this year, my mom is going to buy me a new phone for my birthday. I can't decide whether I want to get an iPhone or a Galaxy. They are both really cool phones, and they cost about the same, but they are also different in a lot of ways too, like the Galaxy has a bigger screen. The iPhone's screen isn't small or anything, it's just not as big as the Galaxy's. However, the iPhone connects with my iTunes account. All of my music is already uploaded to iTunes, so all I have to do is sync my phone and then I can listen to all of my music. That'd be cool. But if I got the Galaxy, I could use Google Play to upload my old songs and buy new ones. This would give me a chance to go through my old music collection. That'd be cool too. I'm not sure which one I'm going to get but I'm super pumped about it either way. Maybe if you make honor roll every quarter next year, you can get a new phone too. It's worth a shot.


Dino the Dinosaur One day Dino the Dinosaur decided to go for a walk to the watering hole. It was a sunny day and the sky was blue and clear. Dino was thinking about his girlfriend Dina when he saw a pack of wild lizards and animals running through the plains in a frenzy. Dino tried to ask the critters why they were running, but they just kept running. Dino scratched his dinosaur head and continued walking toward the watering hole. Soon after, Dino heard a loud thumping noise like the slow beat of a drum. The earth shook and fruit fell from the trees, but Dino was so deep in thought over his girl Dina that he didn't even notice. The thumping grew louder and louder as Timmy the Tyrannosaurs Rex approached Dino. Dino kept thinking about his girl Dina until the moment Timmy ate him.

Third Person Objective

Disaster Area: The Story of Andy Reynolds by Chris A. Bowman Andy looked around his room. It was completely trashed. His floors were layered with clothing. Underneath the clothing were random toys. His lamp had a pair of boxer shorts on top of it. Some of his drawers were pulled out completely from his dresser and lying on the floor, others were hanging from the dresser. As Andy walked toward the bed carrying a blanket, he jumped up in the air and exclaimed, "Ahhh! My foot! I hurt my foot!" He peeled back the layers under where he just stepped and found a model plane. He threw it across the room with a crash.


Downloading Apps Getting a new phone is a really cool feeling, but your phone can't do much without applications. In order to get the most from your new phone, you need to download apps. To do this you will need a data connection. Some plans allow you to get data from your phone network. If your plan lets you to do this, you can connect to web services anywhere that your phone gets a signal. If your plan does not let you to do this, you will need to connect your device to a Wi-Fi network. Free Wi-Fi can be found at coffee shops, laundry mats, and other public locations. Once your phone is receiving data, go to the application store on the device. Use the search or browse functions to find fun, interesting, or useful programs. Once you have found an application that you want to try, click the button to download and install it on your device. Not all applications are free, so make sure that you know how much the app costs before agreeing to download it. Also, if you are under the age of 18, get your parent's permission before downloading anything. You'll like your new phone so much more once you have some cool apps.

Cause and Effect

Eyes on the Road For better or worse, mobile phones are changing the world; however, one place where phones are definitely making things worse is on the road. Today it is common for motorists to play with their mobile phones while driving. Drivers may get bored or impatient while waiting in traffic and use their smart phones to pass the time by checking sports scores, stock numbers, or news stories. Worse still, they may engage in text messaging. Some drivers are so used to receiving and responding to communications immediately that it does not occur to them to wait until an appropriate time to respond. As soon as they get a message, these drivers will try to read and respond to it. There are many reasons why people use cell phones while driving, but none of them are good reasons.

First Person

In the Bush: The Story of Unit 316 by Howard Morton We were a tightly knit unit. When one of us ate, all of us ate, and we all ate the same thing: shrubs and plants. Sure, Uncle Sam provided us with C-Rations, but those things produced a smell that could be detected from fifty-yards away, more if the wind was blowing. So even though it took longer to make our meals the way that the natives did, we had too. It was a matter of survival.

Problem and Solution

Fossil Mishap It's important to think critically about the information that you receive, or else you may be led astray. For example, the brontosaurus is a type of dinosaur that never really existed. Many people still believe in the brontosaurus today, but the "brontosaurus" is actually the body of an apatosaurus with the head of a camarasaurus. This concocted creature was made from two mismatched fossils. Had more people thought critically about these findings, analyzing the components that were presented, entire generations of school children may not have been misinformed; therefore, think critically about the information that people tell you, even if it's information you find on a book or in a worksheet. Keep these problems in mind when conducting your studies.

Second Person

It is midnight when you get the call. A crackly voice shouts over your radio. "Officer down! Backup requested." All of the other things that you were thinking have left your mind. Your head is thumping. You arrive at the scene and get out of the cruiser. The air is filled with the syncopated sounds of gunfire. You draw your own weapon and crouch behind your squad car. You have no thoughts in your head. The only thing guiding you is your training.

Third Person Omniscient

General Brosnan surveyed the enemy forces and gasped at their sheer numbers. He knew that his men were better fighters, every last one of them, but were they that much better? He wanted a second opinion. "Major Miller!" he called to his subordinate, "Take a look at " Major Miller gazed at the throng with concern and said, "Look at all those ugly mugs." Major Miller was also quite surprised by the enemy's numbers, but he felt that today would be as good of a day as any to die.

Problem and Solution

Get a Cat Have you ever seen a mouse or rat in or around your home? If so, you may have a rodent infestation. Mice and rats are considered pests since they steal food from people. They are hard to get rid of because they move quickly and they hide in walls and other tight places that are difficult for people to reach. These pests make poor houseguests, but you don't have to live with them any longer. You can give them the boot without bringing any poisons in to your home. You can do this by getting a cat: nature's remedy for a rodent problem. Cats have very sharp senses and lightning quick reflexes. They are excellent hunters. It is estimated that cats kill between 10 and 20 billion small mammals annually. Not only will a cat help to solve your issue with rodents, they will also kill any small birds that they can catch. So rather than sharing your home with a greedy mouse or a filthy rat, share it with a cat.


Getting a free pizza from Mortini's Pizza Parlor is as easy as pie, pizza pie. You'll see. Start by placing your order. I suggest that you choose a white, New York style pizza with lots of cheese, but you can get whatever floats your boat. After placing your order, wait until your pizza comes. It may take thirty minutes to an hour (longer on Super Bowl Sunday). When your pizza finally arrives, pay your deliver driver. Don't forget to tip. Then, eat your pizza, or just throw it away. We're fine with either. But before you throw it away, grab the coupon off the top of the box and save it in a drawer. Collect ten of these coupons and the next time you place your order from Mortini's Pizza Parlor, you can redeem them for a free pizza. Now you see, getting a free pizza from Mortini's is as easy as eating pizza.

Second Person

Grilling chicken is easy. First, give yourself plenty of time. If the temperature rises much past 350 degrees, you may burn your chicken. So, keep the temperature low, and give yourself plenty of time to cook the chicken. Set your burners on low and leave the chicken on the top rack. Flip your chicken every 15 to 20 minutes. During final twenty minutes of cooking, brush some barbeque sauce on your chicken. Now prepare to eat a delicious meal!

Third Person Objective

It was noon. The sun was high in the blue sky. The air was filled with the sounds of lawn mowers and birds chirping. A door opened. A young boy walked outside. A woman's voice could be heard from the house yelling, "Wait for me, Michael." The young boy did not wait. He ran to the sidewalk and began jumping. "Yeah! Yeah! Machine gun!" he yelled, pointing an invisible gun in all directions. He took imaginary shots every few seconds and pantomimed the recoil.

Third Person Limited

I Get It from My Father by Laura Paxton Vivian brushed her hair and looked into the mirror. She thought her nose was too big and her face was too round. She sighed. Then she heard her mother call up the stairs, "Vivian, it's time for school!" Vivian replied, "Ok, Mom, I'll be right down!" She put down the brush, grabbed her backpack, and trotted down the stairs. She did not want to go to school, but she knew better than to play around on her mama's time. Her mother met her in the vestibule. She ran her fingers through Vivian's hair and said, "You look beautiful, Viv." Vivian put her head down. She did not believe her mother.

Second Person

If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.


If you ask me, the perfect pizza has a thin crust, but not too thin. Even though I'm from Chicago, I prefer the New York style crust. Your perfect pizza might have tomato sauce on it, but mine has pesto on top of the crust. On the pesto I'd like to see lots of cheese: a full layer of shredded mozzarella and Romano cheese, and on top of the shredded mozzarella, I'd like to see some slices of fresh mozzarella. Now you might think I'm crazy for this one, but I'd really like to see some goat cheese in the crust. To top it all off, I'd like to see it polka-dotted with pepperoni slices. Now that's what I call a pizza pie.

Problem and Solution

If you're planning on dressing up for a wedding, dance, or other formal event, you'll need to wear some dress shoes. While your feet may look great in dress shoes, they will probably feel horrible. Wearing dress shoes for more than a few minutes can be extremely painful. This pain may prevent you from having a good time. One thing that you can do to protect yourself is to bring a box of band-aids with you. As the dress shoes tear up the skin on your feet, put those band-aids on the wounds to ease the pain and prevent further damage. The band-aids will create a protective layer that will reduce the amount of pain that your dress shoes may inflict. Don't let foot pain ruin your fun; come to the party prepared.


Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

Third Person Limited

Jeremiah squinted from the sun. He was thinking about the game. They could have won. He could have won the game for them. All he needed to do was catch the ball, but he didn't. He dropped it. His coach talked to him. "Jeremiah, we had a great season. Nobody's perfect. Look at me. Ha ha," he said. Jeremiah smiled at the coach, but he couldn't forgive himself so easily.


Jimmy's pizzeria is my favorite pizza place in the city, but you wouldn't be able to tell that just by looking at the outside. It is an inconspicuous brown brick building. It doesn't even have a sign, just the name of the establishment in three-inch letters on the storefront window. The inside isn't much to speak of either. There are some chrome swivel stools along a laminate countertop that makes an L shape, separating the register and kitchen area from the dining area. Booth seating lines the eating area of the restaurant area and a few favorable reviews from local publications are framed and displayed on the walls. Yeah, the aesthetics of the place are a little underwhelming, but forget the scenery. I go to Jimmy's for the pizza.

Third Person Limited

Kelly took her seat in the airplane. There were three seats in her row and, to her dismay, she was assigned the seat in the middle. As the time of departure drew closer, Kelly grew pleased that she was still sitting alone. "Maybe I'll get the whole row to myself," Kelly said under her breath. Just then two tremendously large men approached. "Excuse me, Miss. I have the inside seat." Kelly sighed. She knew where the other person would be seated as well.

Compare and Contrast

Like Dogs and Cats... There are two types of people in this world: cat people and dog people. Which type are you? Well, if you like a pet that is low maintenance, you might be a cat person. Cats are easier to take care of than dogs because cats are very independent. Since they use litter boxes, they do not have to be taken outside to go potty like dogs. Also, cats clean themselves while dogs need occasional baths. If you prefer a pet that requires more attention, you may be a dog person. Most dogs are very loyal and obedient. You can play games like fetch or tug of war with a dog. Dogs will also alert you when someone is outside of your home, whereas cats will usually just stay quiet. Both cats and dogs like to be petted, and they both make excellent pets, but it takes a certain kind of person to own them. Which kind of person are you?

Compare and Contrast

Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run programs. Linux is totally free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify the source code. Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source code.

Cause and Effect

Look down at your feet. Are you wearing shoes? Why? People wear shoes many reasons. The first and most important reason is to protect their feet. Shoes keep people from hurting their feet while walking on rough surfaces, but this isn't the only reason why people wear shoes. Some people wear special shoes that are designed to help them play a game, like bowling shoes or soccer cleats. Some people wear expensive designer shoes so that they appear fashionable and feel good about themselves. And a lot of other people like my dad wear shoes so that their feet won't stink up the room.

Problem and Solution

Lost and Found A mobile phone is lost every second by some estimates. A 2011 survey shows that about 22% of Americans have lost a mobile phone. When a person loses their phone, they don't just lose a device that may have cost as much as $600, they lose phone numbers, photos, and sensitive information. If the phone isn't locked and it gets lost or stolen, someone may use it to commit identity theft. Perhaps the worst part about this is that it can be prevented. Today's smart phones have free applications that allow you to find your lost phone using GPS signals. Even if you cannot retrieve your phone, you can use these applications to delete your data so that you are less likely to become a victim of identify theft. Losing your phone feels horrible, but if you take the time to install a phone-finding app, you'll be much better prepared to deal with it.

First Person

Lucky Duck by Matthew Winters Wham! Jessie slammed the door shut behind him. He didn't say that he was mad, but from how hard he slammed that door, I'm guessing that he was. Caroline came up to me and asked, "What's wrong with him?" I shrugged my shoulders and threw the cards on the table. "I guess he wanted to win a game," I told her. She crossed her arms and gave me a look of annoyance.

Compare and Contrast

Market Leaders Most mobile phones sold today have an operating system that was either designed by Apple or Google. Apple makes the iOS operating system powering their iPhones and iPads. Google makes the Android operating system that can be found on many different mobile phones and tablets. Both of these operating systems allow users to connect to app stores and download applications. To launch these applications, users press small square buttons that appear on their home screens. One major difference between these two operating systems is that Apple makes all of its own hardware. That is to say, the iOS operating system only appears on products created by Apple. On the other hand, many different manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, and LG use the Android operating system. Which one do you like better: Android or iOS?

First Person

Most Improved Player by Robert Grisly "Do you want to take the shot, Vince?" The coach asked me. I looked into his eyes. They were ice-cold blue. His face did not betray his feelings, but I knew that he meant it. "I do, Coach. I can make the shot." I replied. He nodded and then put his hand on top of my head. "I don't know how long any of us will live, but we will all remember what happens next for as long as we do." He then slapped me on the back. The referee blew the whistle and it was time to find out just how I would be remembered.

Compare and Contrast

Most people have had red pizza, or pizza covered with red sauce, but have you ever had white pizza? White pizza is made in almost the same way as red pizza: the dough rises and is rolled out, toppings are applied, and it is cooked in an oven—but the key difference is that white pizza does not have any tomato sauce on it. Instead, a white pizza may have olive oil or no sauce at all. I like white pizza more than red pizza because you can really taste the ingredients. Adding some fresh tomatoes to a white pizza will give it that tomato flavor without the completely overwhelming taste of the red sauce that covers most pizzas. If you have not had a white pizza, I recommend that you order or make one today.

Third Person Objective

Mr. Davis had his head on his desk. Several children were chasing each other around the classroom. Others were playing on their cell phones. Everyone was chatting loudly, except Mr. Davis. He was groaning with his head on his desk. Tabitha came to him and asked, "Are you ok, Mr. Davis?" Mr. Davis raised his head weakly and replied, "No, Tabitha, I am afraid that I am ill." Tabitha smiled and ran back to her group of friends. "I told you he was sick!" she shouted.


One of the most popular, sought-after, and expensive shoes ever marketed are the Air Jordan shoes. The first Air Jordan shoes were released in 1985. These shoes were not legal to wear on the court since they did not have any white on them, but Jordan wore them to every game anyway, getting fined $5000 for each appearance. The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986. These shoes were unique for basketball shoes, because they were made in Italy, which gave them a luxury feel. Two years later, the third Air Jordan shoes were released. These were the first shoes with the visible air pocket in the back and were the inspiration for many later shoe designs. The Air Jordan shoe line has had a long history of successful and noteworthy releases.

Third Person Objective

Paws for Inspection: A Dog Pound Story by Mark McCormick Rex walked through the alley toward the street. He stopped by a trashcan and sniffed around it, and then he climbed up on his hind legs and pawed the lid off of the can. The can fell over and the waste spilled out into the alley. Rex began cherry picking the food items. As he was gnawing on a pizza crust a large Rottweiler trotted up to the mess. He began growling at Rex. Rex moved to the perimeter of the spill, but the Rottweiler followed him, growling with more intensity. Rex met eyes with the Rottweiler and instantly they began fighting.

Third Person Limited

Penny pedaled her bike as quickly as she could, but she couldn't seem to build up enough speed. She started rolling down the hill. "I can't do it," she thought to herself. Her friend Melissa was riding behind her. "Keep trying! Stand up on your pedals. You can do it!" Melissa shouted. Penny decided to take her advice. She stood up on the pedals and put all of her weight into the climb. She started going up the hill. This made Penny very happy. "Thanks Melissa!" she said as she got to the top of the hill. Melissa smiled and said, "What are friends for?"

Third Person Limited

Pete didn't feel like doing homework. He felt like playing baseball. He grabbed his mitt off the shelf and began to fantasize about being out in the field. His fantasy was interrupted shortly by the opening of his bedroom door. It was his mom. She started to yell, "Pete, you're not failing baseball class! You're failing math class! You need to study. Put the mitt away!" Pete put the mitt away, but he didn't know the first thing about studying math.

Cause and Effect

Pizza is often viewed as a junk food, and it is true that some pizzas are high in salt, fat, and calories, but there may also be some benefit to eating pizza. Some studies have found that lycopene, an antioxidant that exists in tomato products that are often used in pizza, may prevent some forms of cancer. Dr. Silvano Gallus, of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmaceutical Research in Milan, studied the eating habits of people who developed cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and colon. He concluded that people who ate pizza at least once a week had significantly less chance of developing these cancers. Here's to your health.


Pizza is so old that its origins are not quite clear to historians, but the word pizza comes from the Latin verb pinsere, meaning to press. It may also be related to the Greek word pitta. In any event the word "pizza" was first documented in Italy in 997 AD. Whatever they were eating back then, however, was quite different from the pizza that we know today. Pizza as we know it could not really have been invented until sometime during the 16th century, when tomatoes were brought to Europe from America. This was big, but in my opinion the greatest development in the history of pizza occurred in 1905, when pizza was first sold in America. The rest, as they say, is history.

Third Person Omniscient

Red looked across the prairie. He didn't see anything concerning. He wondered why Texas Joe had hollered like that. Texas Joe turned to him. The ghost that Texas Joe had just seen was gone. Texas Joe swatted at the air. Now he felt crazy. "You have to believe me, Red. It was just here," said Texas Joe. Red scowled at him in disbelief. "What was just here, Joe?" he asked. Red was angry with Texas Joe for disturbing his sleep for no apparent reason.

Problem and Solution

Save the Tigers Dr. Miller doesn't want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.


Screen Protector Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone's screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone's screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.

First Person

Shadow Wolf by Shannon Kilpatrick "You can't go that way, the path is blocked by something evil. No one who has gone down that path has ever returned," Xandor said to me, his face covered with shadows. We didn't really have any choice, considering that the black mist was following us. If we went the slow way, we would surely be consumed. I didn't want to argue with him, so I finished the argument, "Look, Xandor, I'm going. You can chop down trees and clear brush if you want to be fog food, but you're on your own." Then I started walking down the forbidden path. It wasn't long until I heard his footsteps pattering toward me.

Third Person Limited

Sid saw the ball floating through the air. He knew it was coming to him. He positioned himself where he thought it was going to land. Then a large cloud moved in the sky. The sun blazed and Sid couldn't see anything. "Thump!" the ball landed right in front of Sid. Coach yelled across the field, "Pick it up, Sid! Throw it to second." Sid couldn't see the ball in front of him. All he could see were spots. The coach threw his hat on the ground and continued to yell, "Pick it up, Sid!"


The foundation of every pizza is the crust, and good crust comes from good dough. You might be surprised to learn that pizza dough is made from nothing more than flour, water, yeast, olive oil, salt, and sometimes sugar. Start by adding your yeast packet to a cup of warm water. Let the yeast activate, and then add two cups of flour, two tablespoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of sugar, and a teaspoon of salt. Mix all of that together and wait half an hour for the dough to rise. Now you're ready to roll it out!

Third Person Limited

Suzie applied the lipstick to her lips. She had never done this before. She smacked her lips like she had seen other women do in the movies and looked in the mirror. She felt unsure about what she saw. She turned to her friend Donna and asked, "How do I look?" Donna gasped and said, "You look breathtaking, Suzie." Suzie smiled. She was grateful for these words, even though she didn't believe them.

Second Person

Tatakai Warriors: Fighting for Peanut Butter Instruction Manual by Tatakai Warriors Inc. Congratulations on purchasing the Tatakai Warriors: Fighting for Peanut Butter computer game. Before you install this program, you'll need to make sure that you have at least 24 kb of free space on your installation target. Insert the cd rom disc into your drive. The disc should run automatically. Select "Full Install" from the installation menu. The program will begin installing on your target drive. This might take up to twenty-four hours. Once installation is complete, an alert box should appear. If you see a successful installation message, remove the disc from the drive and enjoy the adventure!


The Age of the Dinosaurs Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years ago to 65 million years ago. This era is broken up into three periods known as the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million years from 250-205 million years ago. Planet Earth was a very different place back then. All the continents were united to form one huge land mass known as Pangaea. The Jurassic Period was the second phase. The continents began shifting apart. The time scale for this famous period is from 205 to 138 million years ago. The Cretaceous Period was the last period of the dinosaurs. It spanned a time from 138 million to about 65 million years ago. In this period the continents fully separated. However, Australia and Antarctica were still united.


The Best PB & J Ever When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching "Cops" on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Second Person

The Dragon's Treasure by Paul Mayfield You carefully walk through the dragon's lair, afraid to trigger any traps or disturb any sleeping things. Behind you is a rope bridge leading back the way you came. Ahead of you is a pile of gold and magical treasures larger than you could carry with one hundred horses and one hundred wagons. You grab a single gold coin from the pile and admire it. As you pick up the coin, you hear a snarling noise ahead of you. You drop the coin immediately. If you want to hide in the pile of gold, turn to page 22. If you want to go back the way that you came, turn to page 49. If you want to keep walking toward the noise, turn to page 85.

Third Person Limited

The Gorlak raiders surrounded Bruce Hand. The one with the red eye said, "Now we have you, Bruce Hand. Give us the key to your adventure Jeep." Bruce couldn't allow the Gorlak raiders to get their hands on such advanced technology, but they had him surrounded. Fear sank through his heart. Suddenly he had an idea. "Ok," he said, "here's the key." Bruce activated the plasma grenade in his pocket and tossed it at the red-eyed Gorlak raider.

Third Person Omniscient

The Great Divide and Other Freshman Tales by P. W. Dunhill "Wow, look at his costume," said Annie. "He's dressed up like an electric jellyfish." She observed the flashing lights with genuine admiration. Adrianna looked at the costume and scoffed. Secretly, she envied the detail and craftsmanship that went into the jellyfish costume, but she would never let on to Annie. "What kind of loser goes walking around like a Christmas tree?" Adrianna said. Annie did not agree, but did not want to be disagreeable. "Yeah... what kind?" The ladies walked by another house. Annie did not like this. It seemed like Adrianna more interested in criticizing others than in trick-ortreating. Annie adjusted the headband to her costume. Adrianna was not wearing a costume.

Third Person Omniscient

The Green Fox notched his arrow and pointed it at Sheriff Woodburn. The Sheriff had been in standoffs like this in the past. Sheriff Woodburn did not fear death and he wasn't going to give this masked bandit the privilege of seeing him cower. The Green Fox, however, wasn't going to take any chances with the Sheriff, whom he knew to be a crafty adversary. So the Green Fox said, "Put your hands in the sky, Sheriff." The Green Fox waited for the Sheriff to comply. If the Sheriff resisted this order, the Green Fox was prepared to loose the arrow.

First Person

The green ooze dripped slowly down the steps. We didn't have a Geiger counter with us, but if we had, I bet that it would have been beeping. I noticed Chris moving toward the ooze and said, "Chris, don't!" but it was too late. Chris dipped the front part of his shoe in the ooze and the ooze burned the sole off his shoe instantly. Then it melted his sock, and then it began to go to work on his foot. Vanessa began licking her lips. "I wonder what it tastes like," she said. I screamed, "No Vanessa! Don't!"


The Intelligent Telephone A smart phone is a mobile phone with built-in computer system that can send emails, view websites, or download applications. The first use of the term smart phone was in 1997, when Ericson described its GS 88 as a "smart phone." In 2003 phones got even smarter when Andy Rubin launched the Android mobile operating system. It would take years for the first Android powered phone to reach the market, but today over 80% of all mobile phones are powered by Android. Yet, perhaps the biggest development in the history of smart phones occurred in 2007, when the original iPhone was released. The first iPhone didn't even have an app store, but it set many of the standards that people have come to expect from smart phones, like using the phone with just a finger on the screen rather than with a keypad or stylus. Smart phones have changed the world and continue to improve. I don't know where the future will take us, but I bet that the phones will be cooler.


The Twist The twist is a dance inspired by rock and roll music. To do the Twist, first stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart. The torso may be squared to the knees and hips, or turned at an angle so one foot is farther forward than the other. Then, hold your arms out from your body, bent at your elbow. Next, rotate your hips, torso, and legs as a single unit with your arms staying more or less stationary. Every so often lift one leg off of the floor for styling. Now you're doing the twist!

Third Person Limited

The bell rang. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for science! I've got to go," said Cassie to her friend Tom.Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Little Miss Perfect can't be late." This upset Cassie. She hated when people gave her a hard time for trying to do the right thing, especially Tom. "Quiet you," she said while swinging at Tom with her folder. He narrowly dodged the strike and said, "Be careful now. Attacking another student is a level two offense." Then he smiled a big, cheesy grin at her.

Third person objective

The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. Kevin and Juno were sitting on a park bench together. Neither of them was smiling. After a long period of silence, Kevin said, "This isn't going to work. I mean, you're a dog person and I'm a cat person." Juno nodded. A tear rolled down her face. Kevin went on, "If we got married and bought a house, what kind of pet would we get? Some kind of cat-dog? Somebody's going to be unhappy." Juno began sobbing and said, "Ok, let's just end it now. Have fun with your slobbery dogs." She jumped off the bench and ran into the woods.

Cause and Effect

The dodo bird used to roam in large flocks across America. Interestingly, the dodo wasn't startled by gun shot. Because of this, frontiersmen would kill entire flocks in one sitting. Unable to sustain these attacks, the dodo was hunted to extinction.

Third Person Objective

The doorbell rang. Scott bounded down the stairs. He looked through the peephole and then opened the door. The mailman stood there holding a package. "Is your mother or father home?" Scott shook his head back and forth. The mailman handed Scott a bulky scanning device and said, "Sign here, please." Scott grabbed the stylus and scrawled his name.

Third Person Objective

The old man stared at the dog. The dog was sitting on his hindquarters and staring back at the old man. The old man put his hands on his hips. The dog barked. The old man reached behind his back and pulled a leather chew from his back pocket. The dog barked again. The old man smiled and laughed. Then he threw the leather chew toy. The dog bounded after the chew toy in a manner that shook the pictures hanging on the walls. The old man laughed deeply.

Third Person Objective

The parade marched down the street. It was led by a caped drummer. He set a stately pace and tapped the accompanying rhythm. A marching band followed behind him, matching his pace. Behind the band were floats of all sizes and designs. Children and adults were riding on the floats, tossing out penny candies, streamers, and plastic prizes. The street was lined with people. The noises of revelry filled the streets.

Third person Objective

The scarecrow sagged on the pole. The corn reached for the heavens. A man dressed in gray was walking through the cornfield. The field rustled as he parted the spears. Soon he reached a breach in the field. A road cut across the landscape. The man in gray began walking down the road toward the sun. He walked to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. A man in a white shirt opened the door. "May I help you?" the white shirted man asked. The man in gray responded, "My name is Julius Cornwall. I've traveled from the future to deliver a message to you."

First Person

The stage was bordered with colorful lights but otherwise dark, yet in the center was a single spotlight, and in the center of that was microphone stand. I slowly walked across the stage with my hands by my side. The crowd murmured. I grabbed the microphone from the stand and cleared my throat. Then I held it a few inches from my face and said, "Greetings, my fellow Thunderhawks. Are you ready to get excited for the pep rally?" One guy clapped slowly.

Second Person

The stars seem brighter tonight. The night sky seems deeper. You gaze through the telescope and stare into the wonder of the cosmos. As you turn the focus knob back and forth, something catches your eye. It is appears to be some kind of spacecraft, but it doesn't look like any that you've seen before. It seems more advanced.

First Person

The stars were burning brightly in the night sky. The evening breeze felt cool on my skin. It was the last night of summer break and I was calm, oddly calm. It's not that I was excited to go back to school. I wasn't. School is a lot of work for me. But I was excited to see my friends again, and I knew that she would be there.

Third Person Omniscient

The sun was rising. Ivan saw the light piercing through the drawn curtains in his bedroom and knew that he would have to get up soon. He hadn't been sleeping for the last hour. He had been thinking about the future. He nudged his wife Nadia. Nadia came to slowly. She smiled, still thinking about the pleasant dream that she had been having, until she looked at Ivan's face. She could tell that something was wrong.

Compare and Contrast

Tornados and Hurricanes Hurricanes and tornados are both amazing yet deadly natural phenomena. Both generate deadly conditions, but in different ways. Tornados are likely to damage people and property with their high winds, which go up to 300 miles per hour, but hurricanes are generally more feared for their flooding. Also, hurricanes can produce tornados, which makes them quite dangerous indeed.

Compare and Contrast

Vicious Predators The Cretaceous Period was filled with dangerous predators, but two of the most feared hunters were the tyrannosaurs rex and the velociraptor. The tyrannosaurs rex was one of the largest carnivores to ever walk the Earth. He was 20 feet tall and weighed seven tons. His jaws could crush down with 3,000 lbs. of force, enough to smash the bones of his prey. The velociraptor was very small compared to rex. Raptors only stood three feet tall and were seven feet long, weighing merely 35 pounds. But the velociraptor was fast. Scientists think that raptors could run 24 miles per hour and turn on a dime. Both dinosaurs used their jaws to kill prey, but the raptor had a secret weapon: a retractable toe claw that he pulled out like a knife to slash at his prey. Both dinosaurs had eyes on the front of their heads, which helped them track prey. If these two dinosaurs had fought, it would be difficult to say which would win; however since raptors died over ten million years before the first tyrannosaurs was born, scientists don't believe such a fight ever occurred.

Third Person Omniscient

Warning: System Meltdown Imminent by Terry Pierson Beep, beep, beeeeeeeeep. The computer was going haywire. Scott read the message on the monitor. "Error 26: Resource Not Found." This made absolutely no sense to Scott. He continued troubleshooting, unplugging the drive and plugging it back into the computer, closing the program and reloading it, and shutting down the device and restarting it. None of this made any difference. Scott scratched his head. Well, I guess I'll have to recode this driver, Scott thought to himself, but this made Scott cringe. He felt that nothing was worse than writing driver code, except writing the driver code twice. Just then Dennis came in from the break room. He wasn't scheduled to have a break at this time, but he knew that Scott would never notice, not when he was so entrenched in his work. Dennis quietly returned to his desk.

Cause and Effect

What Happened to the Dinosaurs? There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory that many people believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth.

Compare and Contrast

When playing some sports, athletes are required to wear special shoes. Two such sports are golf and bowling. Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes called cleats. These cleats help golfers keep their footing while swinging the club. On the other end of the spectrum are bowling shoes, which are very smooth and have almost no traction at all. Bowling shoes help bowlers slide down the lane while throwing the ball. While both of these types of shoes help athletes perform, I wouldn't wear either of them outside of games. Aside from looking ridiculous, golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles that are fit for street use.


When you spend your hard earned savings on a pair of shoes, you want to get the most for your money. One way to do this is to clean your shoes. When you get done, they'll almost look brand new. First, get out a toothbrush and some cleaning spray. Spray the shoes over a sink with no dishes in it and gently scrub the shoes with a toothbrush. Wash the dirt off of the toothbrush repeatedly while you are scrubbing. When you finish scrubbing the foot covering, it is time to clean the soles. Get out some steel wool or an SOS pad, wet it, and then scrub the soles of your shoes clean. You may need to use a paperclip to free any pebbles stuck in the treading. Lastly, scrub the shoes off with a paper towel or clean rag. If you did a good job, your shoes should look almost as nice as when you first got them.

Second Person

You look at the blueprints laid before you. You have no idea how to read them. "Why did I lie to get this job?" you wonder to yourself. The men in the room are watching you. The man in the suit who hired you asks, "Well, what do you think about these plans? Should we go for it?" You pick up the blueprints and pretend to study them carefully. "Um, well, have we done any fault testing?" you ask. The man in the suit squints at you and says, "Fault testing? What's fault testing?" To buy yourself time in a really smooth way you say, "Uhh..."

Problem and Solution

You'd think that making a frozen pizza would be as easy as rolling out some dough, dropping some ingredients on it, and freezing it, but it's actually a lot more complicated than that. Some of the challenges in creating a good frozen pizza include the sauce combining with the dough and the crust becoming rigid after it is frozen and reheated. To prevent the sauce from combining with the crust, you can use a layer of modified cornstarch as a moisture barrier between the sauce and the crust. This will prevent the crust from absorbing the sauce. Additionally, partially baking the dough and other ingredients will keep the dough from becoming too rigid after it is frozen and reheated. On second thought, you're probably better off not trying this at home.

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