Revolutionary War Beginning

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How many British men were killed during the battle of Bunker Hill?


Approximately how many Loyalists left the United States as a result of the American Revolution?

100, 000

What year was the Siege of Yorktown?


How many soldiers crossed the Delaware River with Washington?

2, 500

How many representatives signed the Declaration of Independence?


When did Emanuel Leutze paint a picture of Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River?

75 years after it happened

What was the Olive Branch Petition?

A document sent to the king expressing the colonies loyalty to the crown, but also stating their rights and concerns

What is the quote from the Declaration of Independence, "He has dissolved representatives houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people" an example of?

A grievance of the colonists

What have the ideas of the American Revolution been depicted as?

A triumph of Calvinist dissenting Protestantism

What did the delegates to the First Continental Congress agree to do regarding British trade?

Boycott British goods

What British general failed in his attempt to invade New York and New England via Lake Champlain and the Hudson River?

British General John Burgoyne

How did the delegates show unity?

By sticking to the meetings over the two month period and putting in effort to work through their disagreements

How were the Americans able to win at Trenton?

By surprising the British in the morning after crossing the Delaware River

"The shot heard round the world" was fired under the command of whom?

Captain John Parker and Marine Major John Picarian

What parts of John Locke's writing influenced Thomas Jefferson?

Citizens have the right to overthrow their government if it fails to protect their rights, Jefferson's memorable language was derived from Locke, and "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was derived from "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property"

What occurred at the Siege of Boston?

Colonists seized the fort because it had cannons they needed, they placed the cannons on the ridges surrounding the city and the British knew they were outnumbered and abandoned Boston

What pamphlet did Thomas Paine write?

Common Sense

Who led a French expeditionary force of 6,000 men in July, 1780?

Comte Jean de Rochambeau

Describe the pneumonia and typhoid at Valley Forge

Deadly and contagious

General George Washington crossed the ___ north of Trenton, New Jersey, on December 25, 1776.

Delaware River

What was most likely threatening to the soldiers encamped at Valley Forge?

Disease, starvation, and the cold weather

American weaknesses

Fewer soldiers, poorly trained, lack of supplies and money, weak central government, inexperienced, underdogs, no allies at the start, high inflation

What area of North America was returned to Spain by the Treaty of Paris?


Why was the delay between the two fights of the Saratoga good for the Americans?

Forces grew stronger, soldiers weren't as tired because they shared the workload, more supplies, more animals and crops, more people joined the militia

What country came to aid the Americans?


Where was Thomas Paine after the Revolution?


What three countries fought on the side of the colonists?

France, Spain, and Holland

Ambushing a larger opponent and catching them by surprise is an example of what?

Guerrilla warfare

How did Washington revise his military strategy?

He avoided large battles that would put his army at risk and instead fought defensively and tried to tire out the British

What was probably the most important contribution made by Baron Von Steuben?

He helped transform the Continental Army into an army that could actually fight the British

What did Lord Dunmore offer in the same month that the Continental Congress voted to exclude blacks from military service?

He offered freedom to slaves who fought in the war on the British side, but freedom wasn't extended to slaves owned by Loyalists

How did King George ||| respond to the Olive Branch Petition?

He refused and declared the colonies to be in rebellion and that he must bring the traitors to justice

In what condition was Thomas Paine's health when he arrived in Philadelphia?

He was near death

How was Baron Von Steuben different from American generals?

He worked directly with soldiers

What does "Give me liberty or give me death" mean?

He would rather die than remain under British rule because British rule didn't allow for the freedom the desired

What does the excerpt from "The Crisis", "My country is the world, and my religion is to do good" mean?

His country is the most important thing to him, and his religion his solely to do good, instead of separating the colonists

Who made a speech in the Continental Congress after Bunker Hill?

John Adams

Why was the delay between the two fights of the Saratoga bad for the British?

Ran short on food, days were becoming colder, soldiers did all their own heavy work, forces grew weaker

What happened in June of 1775?

Rebels attacked at Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill

What was the only bilateral defense treaty signed by the United States or its predecessors until 1949?

The Treaty of Alliance

In what treaty, signed on February 6, 1778, did France recognize the United States and offer trade concessions?

The Treaty of Amity and Commerce

What were the Divine right of Kings?

The belief that kings derived their authority from God rather than their subjects, and that rebellion is the worst of the political crimes

What was General Howe impressed by after the battle of Bunker Hill?

The bravery of the rebel officers

Who benefitted the most with the Triangular Trading System?

The colonies because they received goods and slaves

What land conflicts arose between the colonies after the Treaty of Paris was ratified?

The colonies started to claim land for that state and there was an overlap

What important decisions did the Second Continental Congress make?

The creation of the Continental Army, appointment of George Washington as commander in chief, the authorization of paper money, they chose John Hancock to be the president of the meeting, Benjamin Franklin as post master, approved the measure to declare independence from Britain, sent the Olive Branch Petition

Why did Washington's Army attack sleeping soldiers in Trenton?

Washington knew they were going to attack Philadelphia

What does "Nothing but independence... can keep the peace of the continent... A government of our own is our natural right: and when a man seriously reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, he will become convinced, that it is infinitely wiser and safer, to form a constitution of our own in a cool deliberate manner, while we have it in our power..." mean?

We need to be free now before things get any worse. If we wait, it will only be harder

Describe the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-1778


Where did General Cornwallis surrender at on October 19, 1781?


What were the rebels at Breed's and Bunker Hill defending?


How does the Slavery Grievance describe slavery?

As a cruel war against human nature and violates rights of life and liberty, takes distant people who never offended them and transported them to another hemisphere

Who said, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately?"

Benjamin Franklin

According to the Declaration of Independence, if government does not protect the rights of the people it governs, what do the people have the right to do?

Abolish the government and build a new one

For which group of Americans did the Declaration of Independence raise questions for?

African Americans because it stated that all men are created equal but slavery was still in use

When did Thomas Paine publish Common Sense?

After he recovered from typhoid

When did the Second Continental Congress meet?

After the battles at Lexington and Concord

What were the key provisions of the Treaty of Paris?

Agreement to cease fighting and create peace, Britain recognized America as an independent country, territory was given to the US, the US agreed to return all rights and property during the war and to repay all previous debts

How many colonies voted for independence on July 2, 1776?

All but two

Who has the unalienable rights?

All men in America, more accurately white men

What was the main idea of Common Sense?

America should fight to become an independent nation

Who won the second day of fighting during the Saratoga battles?


What was Ticonderoga?

An old British fort in New York

What did the Olive Branch Petition do?

Asked the King to end the quarrel

How did the French feel about Thomas Paine?

At first he was an asset, then a nuisance

When did George III issue a proclamation declaring the colonies to be in a state of rebellion?

August 23, 1775

Why did the Continental Congress vote in November 1775 to exclude blacks from military service?

Because Southerners thought they were more useful on the plantations, and their support was critical to the war effort

Why did British troops and some loyalists leave Boston in 1776?

Because after the Battle of Bunker Hill and during the Siege of Boston, the colonists got supplies from Fort Ticonderoga and surrounded the British in Boston, causing them to flee and retreat

Why were the results of the Revolutionary War so important to the development of American democracy?

Because if they didn't win the war, they never would have escaped the monarchy and wouldn't have created the democratic government we have today

Why did Jefferson italicize the word 'Christian' at the end of the first paragraph on slavery?

Because slavery violates a Christian belief that slavery is a moral sin, and the Christian King owns slaves

Why did the American cause look more hopeful after the Battle of Saratoga?

Because the French allied with them afterwards

Why did the delegates to the Second Continental Congress meet?

Because they needed to guide the colonists through the Revolutionary War

Why didn't Georgia send a delegate to the First Continental Congress?

Because they relied on Britain's help in defending it from hostile attack by Native Americans

Why was the Olive Branch Petition sent?

Because they wanted to conciliate with the King and avoid further conflicts like war

Who is John Locke?

Believed in social contract between people and government, an English philosopher

Who infamously betrayed the Americans at West Point, New York?

Benedict Arnold

What American intellectual and inventor was sent to Paris in 1776 to gain France's support for the American Revolution?

Benjamin Franklin

What did Thomas Paine's first publication support?

Better pay for tax collectors

British weaknesses

Distance from England to America stretched supply lines British people lost support for the war, poor leadership, fighting away from home, didn't send top military leaders, lacked motivation, over-confident, wore redcoats that were easily identified

What does "But Britain is the parent country, say some. Then the more shame upon her conduct. Even brutes do not devour their young, nor savages make war upon their families..." mean?

Don't call Great Britain our caretaker- they've been abusive to us

What was the message of "The Crisis"?

Encouraged colonists to stand up for the freedom they were entitled too; what was oppressing the colonies and what must be done about it

Describe the international impact of the American Revolution

Encouraged other countries to rebel, encouraged Spanish colonies to revolt, attracted attention of thinkers and philosophers over the world, strengthened ideas of eights and getting rid of kings

What did the Continental Congress do following John Adam's speech?

Established the Continental Army

True or false: The Declaration of Independence stated that a government based on popular consent could never secure its citizens' natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


Who sent lots of aid to the American colonies during the French Revolution?


How did soldiers get pneumonia at Valley Forge?

From the crowded and unsanitary conditions

Who lead the American forces?

General George Washington

By November, 1776, who had captured Fort Washington on Manhattan Island, leaving New York City under British control until the end of the Revolutionary War?

General Howe

Who was the commander of the British forces?

General Howe

What British general sent troops to face 77 Minutemen at Lexington on April 19, 1775?

General Thomas Gage

As decided by the Second Continental Congress, who was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army?

George Washington

Who did John Adams want to be the leader of the Continental Army?

George Washington

Who was appointed commander-in-chief of colonial forces on June 15, 1775?

George Washington

Which colony did not send delegates to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia?


How did victories at Trenton and Princeton affect morale?

Greatly boosted confidence and showed that the Americans had a chance

American military strategies

Guerilla tactics, ambushes, the element of surprise, sabotage, disguises, used their knowledge of the land, mobile, altered rifles to get a spiraling bullet, took Native American fighting styles, hit and run, hid in anything that the British wouldn't expect, went after British officers

What does "Small islands, not capable of protecting themselves, are the proper objects for kingdoms to take under their care; but there is something absurd, in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island. In no instance hath nature made the satellite larger than its primary planet" mean?

How can a tiny country like Great Britain be expected to care for such a large nation like America. It just doesn't make sense. It should be the other way around.

What did Baron Von Steuben teach the colonists at Valley Forge?

How to make better use of guns

What are the two reasons that may have driven the signers to write the document?

Ideological or selfish reasons

What does "We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately"?

If they all worked and fought together, hey would have a much better chance at success, but if they didn't do it together, they would surely fail

What did "Common Sense" call for?

Immediate independence from Britain because nothing positive could come from staying connected with Britain

Where did delegates of both of the First and Second Continental Congresses meet?

In Philadelphia

Why did Jefferson write a paragraph about slavery when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

In hopes that he could get other people or the colonies to get rid of slaves, so that he could then get rid of his slaves

Did Thomas Paine's Common Sense urge colonists to support independence or the king?


How did Natural rights shape the world in their day?

It gave reason for the American Revolution, and allowed a person to express any political or religious views, but needed to be enforced by authority so it drove the colonists for independence

What was the impact of "Common Sense" in the colonies?

It urged colonists to fight for independence because it conveyed that there was nothing positive that could happen from staying connected to Britain

Why did General Washington choose Valley Forge as the site of his army's winter encampment?

Its location made it easy to defend

Who edited the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence?

John Adams and Benjamin Franklin

Who were the representatives sent to work on the deal of the Treaty of Paris?

John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin

One of the actions taken by the Second Continental Congress was to chose _____________________________, a wealthy Massachusetts merchant and a member of the Sons of Liberty as the president

John Hancock

Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

John Hancock

On what day was the Declaration of Independence officially approved?

July 4, 1776

When is the first Independence Day?

July 4, 1776

British warfare strategies

Keeping their soldiers organized, trying to overpower the Americans with a bigger and stronger army, controlled New York the whole time, controlled the sea with their better navy to prevent supplies being shipped to the colonies, later they attacked the South in hopes of support from Loyalists and slaves

Who does Jefferson blame for the continuation of the slave trade?

King George |||

How did the Divine right of Kinds shape the world in their day?

Kings didn't have to take responsibility for their actions even when they didn't believe in the Divine right of Kings

American strengths

Knew the territory, received help from France and Spain, effective leadership, patriotism, defending their liberty and homes, the war is personal, used hit and run tactics

What factors led to an American victory over the British?

Knowledge of the land, better leadership, unique strategies, won the battle of Saratoga, received assistance from the French and training from a veteran soldier

What new lands did the U.S. gain from the Spanish-American War through the Treaty of Paris?

Land between the Atlantic Ocean and Mississippi and from Canada to Florida

What are the three unalienable rights?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What governor of Virginia offered freedom to all slaves who would fight for the British?

Lord Dunmore

What does "We have boasted the protection of Great Britain without considering that her motive was interest, not attachment; and that she did not protect us from our enemies on our account, but from her enemies on her own account..." mean?

Maybe all along the only reason Great Britain cared for us was for her benefit

Did the slavery grievance in the Declaration stay after editing?


Were slaves treated equally when fighting for the British?


Where were Washington and his men before the attack on Trenton?

North of Philadelphia

What does the excerpt from "The Crisis", "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph" mean?

Nothing worth having comes easy

On what date did John Burgoyne surrender his entire army?

October 17, 7777

What did the delegates do within the Declaration of Independence?

Outlined their reasons for declaring independence

Who said "Give me liberty or give me death"?

Patrick Henry

The Olive Branch Petition was sent to King George ||| as a symbol of___?


How did the British respond to the Battle of Yorktown?

Positively because they were tired of the war but King George ||| didn't want to accept defeat

George Washington defeated the British at ___, New Jersey, on January 3, 1777.


Strengths of the British

Professional, well-trained, large army, had German Hessian mercenaries fighting with them, recruited loyalists and others, well supplied, most powerful navy in the world, more soldiers

How did the American Revolution affect other countries, especially France?

Proved that it's possible to overthrow their government and inspired the French to do the same, which resulted in the French Revolution

How did the success of the Continental Army in the South contribute to the American victories?

Pushing the British to retreat to Yorktown where they surrendered

What Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress introduced a resolution declaring, "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states"?

Richard Henry Lee

What are "unalienable rights"?

Rights given to people that cannot be taken away

What were Natural rights?

Rights that weren't dependent on the laws or customs of any particular government or culture; John Locke stated that these were "life, liberty, and property"

Describe the Battle of Bunker Hill

Short but bloody

What does "I have heard it asserted by some, that as America hath flourished under her former connection with Great Britain, the same connection is necessary towards her future happiness, and will always have the same effect. Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument", mean?

Some people believe that the colonies have and will always benefit from Great Britain, but I couldn't disagree more with that statement

In which direction did Washington's army travel after crossing the Delaware River?


What did the Battle of Bunker Hill prove to the British?

That the British would not easily defeat the colonists

What did Common Sense state?

That the colonies needed independence from the British tyranny

What was the Declaration of Independence written to explain?

That the colonies were declaring independence and why they were; it listed the rights each person should have, followed by a list of grievances directed toward the king

Which of Thomas Paine's pamphlets angered his former supporters?

The Age of Reason

When Loyalists voluntarily left or were expelled from the United States, what happened?

The American society because more liberal-minded

What was considered a turning point for the Americans?

The Battle of Saratoga

What was the first engagement to utilize guerrilla warfare in the American Revolution?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

Who won the first day of fighting during the Saratoga battles?

The British

What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British defeated the colonists only after the colonists ran out of gunpowder

According to James Madison, where can the best guides be found regarding the distinctive principles of our government and nation?

The Declaration of Independence

What document, adopted July 4, 1776, set forth a philosophy of human freedom that would become a dynamic force throughout the world?

The Declaration of Independence

What was the result of the American victory at the Battles of Saratoga?

The French allied with the Americans because they showed they could win the war

What was sent to King George ||| to humbly ask that the king protect the colonists' rights and to inform him that the colonists did not want war?

The Olive Branch Petition

What meeting was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 10, 1775?

The Second Continental Congress

What did the delegates of the Second Continental Congress accomplish?

The creation of the Continental Army, appointment of George Washington as commander in chief, the authorization of paper money, they chose John Hancock to be the president of the meeting, Benjamin Franklin was post-master, approved the measure to declare independence from England, sent the Olive Branch Petition to Britain, declared that the colonies were not a part of Britain

What made the defense of the Declaration of Independence possible?

The formation of the Continental Army

What was the main source of conflict when writing the Declaration of Independence?

The opposition of slavery, it ended up not being included

Where does a government get its power from?

The people

What were the core ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

The reasons why the colonies were separating from Britain, that there are certain rights that everyone had, the government gets its power from the people, and the grievances against the King

Why did the Treaty of Paris take so long to ratify?

The representatives had to work out details and kinks in the document and also convince the King to agree

What are the three rights that Thomas Jefferson said people were born with when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

The rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Who suffered the most under the Triangular Trading system?

The slaves from Africa because they were treated as objects instead of people and were transported against their will

In the American Revolution, where were guerrilla tactics most important and most often used?

The south

What did Thomas Paine do during his early years?

Work as an apprentice, run a business, and serve on a boat

What do the American Colonial responses to British Government actions indicate about American unity prior to the 1776 Declaration of Independence?

The two Congresses, Lexington and Concord, Tea Party, and boycotting showed that these actions strengthened the unity between the colonies

Why did the French ally with the Americans?

The wanted to get back at Britain for humiliating them during the French and Indian War

What sacrifices were the signers willing to make in order to gain America's independence?

Their lives, as traitors were exectued

What does "I challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation, to show a single advantage that this continent can reap, by being connected with Great Britain. I repeat the challenge; not a single advantage is derived" mean?

There is nothing positive that will come from staying connected to Great Britain

What government decisions were the colonists allowed to do after the Treaty of Paris?

They could create their own rules, state, and national government

What effect do you think these words had on American colonists- "A government of our own is our natural right: and when a man seriously reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, he will become convinced, that it is infinitely wiser and safer, to form a constitution of our own in a cool deliberate manner, while we have it in our power, than to trust such an interesting event to time and chance"?

They most likely strengthened the colonists desire to act on their wish to separate from Britain

After Lord Dunmore's offer, what did the Continental Congress do?

They reversed their policy and granted freedom to slaves who joined the American troops

How did the French help the Patriots in the Battle of Yorktown?

They sent troops and warships to trap the British

What could it mean for the people who had declared independence if independence failed?

They would be executed because traitors to Britain were executed

Who represented the American side at the peace negotiations in Paris?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was elected to be the main drafter of the committee to write the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What radical political theorist, who had come to America from England in 1774, published Common Sense in January, 1776?

Thomas Paine

What is the purpose of government, as explained in the Declaration of Independence?

To advocate for the people, represent them, and enforce the unalienable rights

What did most delegates to the Convention hope?

To avoid a final break from Britain

Why were both Continental Congresses held?

To discuss solutions to the ongoing hostility and deteriorating relationship with Britain

Why was the long list of grievances included in the Declaration of Independence?

To explain why the colonies were breaking away from Britain and to enforce the statement that Britain was ruling tyranically

What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress?

To get the colonies on the same page on how to proceed with their actions to mend Britain and the colonies relationship, and discuss a unified position and Parliament's assertion that it could control the colonies

Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?

To influence more people to join the independence movement

According to Thomas Jefferson, what was the objective of the Declaration of Independence?

To justify why the colonies were separating from Britain

What was the purpose of the mercantile trade routes?

To obtain goods from other places

Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

To tell the world why the colonies wanted to be free

What treaty ended the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris

Who composed the Continental Army?

Troops from all colonies

True or false: After the Battles at Lexington and Concord, there were many more battles


How many British soldiers lost their lives in the Battle of Trenton?


How many American soldiers lost their lives in the Battle of Trenton?


General Washington and his troops spent the brutally cold winter of 1777-1778 at ___, Pennsylvania, where they were short of clothing, food, and supplies.

Valley Forge

What state is Yorktown in?


During what season did the Battle of Trenton take place?


After the treaty was ratified, who were the colonists free to trade with?

Whoever they wanted

Finish the line: "We hold these truths to..."

be self evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

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