RIU 441 - Thorax questions

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In sagittal sections through the right lateral region of the thorax, how many lobes are evident in the right lung?

3 lobes

How many vertebrobrochondral ribs are there?

3 pairs

The right bronchus divides into how may secondary bronchi?

Three secondary bronchi

What vessel assumes a central position as it communicates with the chamber of the heart with which it is associated?

Ascending aorta

What vessel branches opposite the vertebral artery?

Thyrocervical trunk

When sagittal sections are taken through the mediastinum from right to left, which vessel associated with the heart will be seen second—the ascending aorta, the superior vena cava, or the pulmonary trunk?

Ascending aorta

in coronal sections through the anterior portion of the middle mediastinum, what vessel is seen between the superior vena cava and the pulmonary trunk?

Ascending aorta

Lateral to the clavicle, what name designates the continuation of the subclavian artery and vein?

Axillary artery and vein

What vessel curves over the root of the right lung to drain into the superior vena cava?

Azygos vein

What vessel drains into the superior vena cava just superior to the right bronchus?

Azygos vein

What vessel loops over the right bronchus?

Azygos vein

Which is most to the right side, the azygos vein, the descending aorta, or the esophagus?

Azygos vein

What is the primary orientation of the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle, to the right, to the left, anteriorly, or inferiorly

To the left

In sagittal sections on the left side of the mediastinum, what artery is cut perpendicular to its axis, just inferior to the aortic arch and anterior to the thoracic aorta?

Left pulmonary artery

What vessel passes anterior to the descending aorta?

Left pulmonary vein

On which side of the esophagus is the aorta located?

Left side

On which side of the vertebral column is the thoracic aorta usually located?

Left side

Most of the right ventricle is on which side, to the right side of the midline or to the left side of the midline?

Left side of midline

What blood vessel is closest to the apex of the left lung?

Left subclavian artery

What posterior vessel indents the pleura of the left lung?

Left subclavian artery

When coronal sections are taken from posterior to anterior, which branch of the aortic arch is seen first?

Left subclavian artery

What are the two vessels posterior to the clavicle but anterior to the first rib?

Left subclavian artery and vein

What chamber of the heart indents the left lung?

Left ventricle

What chamber of the heart makes up most of the left side of the heart and forms the apex?

Left ventricle

Which chamber of the heart has the thickest myocardium?

Left ventricle

What vessel ascends from the left subclavian artery?

Left vertebral artery (white arrow)

What muscle extends from the ribs to the vertebral transverse processes?

Levator costarum

On which side of the descending aorta is the azygos vein located, to the right or to the left?

To the right

What is the boundary between the superior mediastinum and the inferior mediastinum?

Line from the sternal angle to the intervertebral disc between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae

Which is more to the right, the trachea or the descending aorta?


What specific portion of the parietal pleura is closest to the pericardial sac?

Mediastinum parietal pleura

What specific portion of the mediastinum contains the heart?

Middle mediastinum

When sagittal sections are taken through the thorax from right to left, which vessel associated with the heart will be seen last—the ascending aorta, the superior vena cava, or the pulmonary trunk?

Pulmonary trunk

Which is most to the left side, the superior vena cava, the pulmonary trunk, or the ascending aorta?

Pulmonary trunk

What is the relative position of the pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch?

Pulmonary trunk is anterior and to the left of the aortic arch

What articulates with the body of a thoracic vertebra?


On which side of the heart do the venae cavae enter?


The lymphatic vessel posterior to the esophagus is called the ___.

Thoracic duct

What lymphatic vessel is to the right of the descending aorta?

Thoracic duct

What structure is posterior to the esophagus, to the left of the azygos vein, and to the right of the descending aorta?

Thoracic duct

Which is more posterior, the left main bronchus, the thoracic duct, or the esophagus?

Thoracic duct

The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is called the ___.

Tricuspid (right atrioventricular) valve

What valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle?

Tricuspid valve

What term is used to designate the true ribs?

Vertebrosternal ribs

What is the name of the specific serous membrane that is closely applied to the lung surface?

Visceral pleura

What layer of the pleura is closely attached to the lung?

Visceral pleura

When sagittal sections are taken through the mediastinum, what chamber of the heart appears to be the most anterior?

right ventricle

Name the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

What valve is in the ascending aorta?

Aortic semilunar valve

What valve is located between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta?

Aortic semilunar valve

Which lung is more displaced by the mass of the heart, the right lung or the left lung?

Left lung

What vessel exits the heart from the right ventricle?

Pulmonary trunk

What are the 3 divisions of the sternum?

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

Valves located in the outflow vessels from the heart are called ____.

Semilunar valves

What type of fluid is produced by the pleural membrane?

Serous fluid

What is the name of the muscle that, in transverse sections, appears to enclose the rib cage like a set of parentheses?

Serratus anterior

The muscle that appears to enclose the ribs and intercostal muscles like parentheses is the ____.

Serratus anterior muscle

What is the name of the smooth-walled region of the right atrium where the superior vena cava enters?

Sinus venarum

What muscle begins at the clavicle and ascends through the neck?


What ligament extends between the pericardium and the posterior surface of the sternum?

Sternopericardial ligament

From what vessel does the vertebral artery arise?

Subclavian artery

What artery is cut perpendicular to its axis in sagittal sections, posterior to the internal jugular vein?

Subclavian artery

What blood vessel is prominent posterior to the anterior scalene muscle?

Subclavian artery

Which is more posterior, the brachiocephalic vein or the subclavian artery?

Subclavian artery

What is the small muscle along the posterior surface of the clavicle?

Subclavius muscle

What muscle is between the scapula and the serratus anterior muscle in sagittal sections through the lateral thorax?


Which valve associated with the heart is located farthest to the left?

Bicuspid (mitral) valve

The valve located between the most posterior chamber of the heart and the chamber with the thickest walls is the _____.

Bicuspid or mitral (left atrioventricular) valve

What single vessel branches from the aorta to supply the right side of the head and the right upper extremity?

Brachiocephalic artery

What piece of bone is anterior to the left brachiocephalic vein?


What bones are anterior to the brachiocephalic veins?


List structures and/or tissues that are found in the anterior mediastinum

Connective tissue, fat, lymph nodes, and a portion of the thymus gland

What is the venous structure in the posterior atrioventricular sulcus?

Coronary sinus

What venous structure is located along the posterior surface of the heart, between the left atrium and the left ventricle?

Coronary sinus

What vessel is posterior to the left bronchus?

Descending aorta

List structures and/or vessels that are found in the posterior mediastinum

Descending aorta, azygos vein, hemiazygos vein, thoracic duct, esophagus

What forms the partition on the left side between the mediastinum and the abdominal organs?


What muscular structure is between the right ventricle and the liver?


What longitudinal structure is slightly to the left of the trachea?


What structure descends, and is therefore cut parallel to its axis, between the left atrium and the descending aorta?


Which is more anterior, the descending aorta or the esophagus?


Which is more to the left, the trachea or the esophagus?


What is the position of the esophagus relative to the trachea?

Esophagus is to the left of the trachea

The parenchyma of the breast is arranged in ____.

Glandular lobules

Which blood vessel is anterior and to the right of the esophagus?


Is the left pulmonary artery superior or inferior to the aortic arch?


What muscle is superficial to the body of the scapula?

Infraspinatus muscle

What two blood vessels join to form the brachiocephalic vein?

Internal jugular vein and subclavian vein

What two vessels join to form the brachiocephalic veins?

Internal jugular veins and subclavian veins

What is the name of the muscular wall between the right and left ventricles?

Interventricular septum

What is the name of the ligament between the two clavicles?

Intraclavicular ligament

The vessels identified as B and I (pulmonary veins) enter what chamber of the heart?

Left atrium

What chamber of the heart is immediately anterior to the esophagus?

Left atrium

What chamber of the heart is most closely related to the esophagus?

Left atrium

What chamber of the heart is posterior to the ascending aorta?

Left atrium

What chamber of the heart is posterior to the superior vena cava and inferior to the right bronchus?

Left atrium

When coronal sections are taken from posterior to anterior, which chamber of the heart is seen first?

Left atrium

Which chamber of the heart is associated with the pulmonary veins?

Left atrium

Which chamber of the heart is most directly related to the esophagus?

Left atrium

What vessel is anterior to the ascending aorta?

Left brachiocephalic vein

Which is longer, the right brachiocephalic vein or the left brachiocephalic vein?

Left brachiocephalic vein

Which is more anterior, the left brachiocephalic vein or the brachiocephalic artery?

Left brachiocephalic vein

when sagittal sections are taken through the mediastinum, what vein, cut perpendicular to its axis, is anterior to the ascending aorta?

Left brachiocephalic vein

What portion of the respiratory system is superior to the left atrium?

Left bronchus

Which vessel is the middle branch from the arch of the aorta?

Left common carotid artery

What fissure is present in the left lung?

Oblique fissure

Which of the 2 fissures in the right lung is more superior?

Oblique fissure

The chord tendineae are anchored to projections of myocardium called ____.

Papillary muscles

What is the name of the ridges in the anterior portion of the right atrium?

Pectinate muscle

What are the two muscles evident in the anterior thoracic wall of sagittal sections through the right lateral region?

Pectoralis major and pectoralis minor

The skeletal muscle most closely related to the breast is the _____.

Pectoralis muscle

What two muscles form the anterior wall of the pectoral region?

Pectorals major and minor

What is the name of the "envelope" around the heart?

Pericardial sac

Do the right pulmonary veins enter the heart anterior to the right atrium or posterior to the right atrium?


Which valve is located at the exit from the right ventricle?

Pulmonary semilunar valve

Which valve of the heart is the most superiorly located and is seen first when visualizing serial sections from superior to inferior?

Pulmonary semilunar valve

At lower levels, near the heart, which vessel is most anterior, the superior vena cava, the ascending aorta, or the pulmonary trunk?

Pulmonary trunk

In sagittal sections, what vessel associated with the heart is seen as having a distinct anterior-to-posterior orientation?

Pulmonary trunk

What are the two vessels that join to form the superior vena cava?

Right and left brachiocephalic veins

In coronal views, what vessels appear immediately superior to the left atrium?

Right and left pulmonary arteries

What vessels are associated with the left atrium?

Right and left pulmonary veins

In coronal sections, which chamber of the heart is seen as being on the right side?

Right atrium

Into which chamber of the heart does the coronary sinus drain?

Right atrium

What chamber of the heart is associated with the inferior vena cava?

Right atrium

What chamber of the heart is to the right of the ascending aorta?

Right atrium

When sagittal sections are taken from right to left through the thorax, what chamber of the heart is seen first?

Right atrium

Which bronchus is straighter or more vertical in Fig. 2-25, the right bronchus or the left bronchus?

Right bronchus

What blood vessel is located in the sulcus between the right atrium and right ventricle?

Right coronary artery

Which coronary artery is seen in the sulcus between the right atrium and the right ventricle?

Right coronary artery

Which is longer, the right coronary artery or the left coronary artery?

Right coronary artery

Which is most posterior, the superior vena cava, the right main bronchus, or the right pulmonary artery?

Right main bronchus

What vessel is cut perpendicular to its axis and is located between the right bronchus and superior vena cava?

Right pulmonary artery

What vessel is posterior to the ascending aorta and superior to the left atrium?

Right pulmonary artery

What vessel is posterior to the superior vena cava and ascending aorta?

Right pulmonary artery

What vessel is posterior to the superior vena cava but anterior to the right bronchus?

Right pulmonary artery

As the esophagus descends through the posterior mediastinum, on which side of the thoracic aorta is it typically located?

Right side

On which side of the body does the diaphragm typically extend more superiorly?

Right side

Which is more posterior, the right subclavian artery or the right common carotid artery?

Right subclavian artery

What chamber of the heart forms most of the anterior surface?

Right ventricle

What chamber of the heart is most anterior?

Right ventricle

Which chamber of the heart is most anterior?

Right ventricle

What major vessels are associated with the right atrium?

Superior and inferior venae cavae

In coronal sections, which vessel associated with the heart is most closely related to the right lung?

Superior vena cava

When sagittal sections are taken through the thorax from right to left, which vessel associated with the heart will be seen first, the ascending aorta, the superior vena cava, or the pulmonary trunk?

Superior vena cava

Which is most anterior, the superior vena cava, the esophagus, or the right main bronchus?

Superior vena cava

Which is most to the right side, the ascending aorta, the descending aorta, or the superior vena cava?

Superior vena cava

Which one of the great vessels of the heart is to the right side of all the others?

Superior vena cava

Name in sequence, from right to left, the three main vessels at or just superior to the base of the heart

Superior vena cava (right), ascending aorta (middle), pulmonary trunk (left)

What is the position of the superior vena cava relative to the ascending aorta?

Superior vena cava is to the right of the ascending aorta

Fibrous connective bands that help to support the breast are _____.

Suspensory ligaments

The two branches of the left coronary artery are visible in this image. Why is the left coronary artery itself not visible?

because it is hidden behind (posterior) the pulmonary trunk

What large vessel is posterior to the left atrium?

descending aorta

When sagittal sections are taken through the mediastinum, what chamber of the heart appears to be the most posterior?

left atrium

Which is more anterior, the superior lobe of the left lung or the inferior lobe?

superior lobe

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