RNA and Protein Synthesis review

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How many amino acids are attached to a single transfer RNA?


How many bases are in a codon?


How many bases are in an anticodon?


_____ mutations produce changes in the number of structure of chromosomes


____ are sets of three bases that code for a single amino acid


What happens during the completion of the polypeptide?

Continues until stop codon is reached. mRNA leaves ribosome

(During translation) Here at the ribosomes, the message will be translated into an ___ ____ sequence

amino acid

What is at the top of tRNA?

amino acids

Polyploidy is a condition in which

an organism has an extra set of chromosomes

A three-nucleotide sequence on tRNA that is complementary to one of the codons of the genetic information:


During translation, each codon attracts an ____, the complementary sequence of bases on tRNA


What are the four differences among RNA and DNA?

DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded RNA has ribonucleic acid and DNA has deoxyribose RNA has uracil, DNA has thymine RNA functions in the cytoplasm and ribosomes, DNA in nucleus

RNA polymerase used one strand of ____ as a template from which to assemble _______ into a complementary strand of ____

DNA, nucleotides, RNA

Anticodon is AUA. What is the DNA and mRNA?

DNA: ATA mRNA codon: UAU

mRNA is CUA. What is the DNA and anticodon?

DNA: GAT Anticodon: GAU

Anticodon is UUC. What is the DNA and mRNA codon?


Extra copies of a part of a chromosome are made:


Which types of mutations can add genes to a chromosome?

Duplication and translocation

____ are spliced together to make the final mRNA


What are promoters?

Regions of DNA that have specific base sequences

What happens during the beginning of translation?

Ribosome attached to mRNA at a start codon, tRNA carries amino acid to mRNA

_____ use the sequence of codons in _____ to assemble amino acids into polypeptide chains

Ribosomes, mRNA

What is a gene?

Segment of DNA that codes for a trait

What three things are included in point mutations?

Substitution, insertions, deletions

The sequences of ____ in mRNA complements the sequence in the DNA template


In prokaryotes, RNA synthesis and protein synthesis takes place in the ____


In _____, one base is removed from the DNA sequence


Which type of mutation can take genes away from a chromosome?


What causes a frameshift mutation? (2)

deletion and insertion

What are included in chromosomal mutations?

deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation

Which type of mutation changes the order of the genes, but not the number of genes in a chromosome?


Some mutations have ____ or ____ effect

little, no

RNA may be "____" before it is used


Portion of a eukaryotic gene that is translated:


The remaining pieces after editing, ____, are then spliced back together to form the final mRNA


Mutation that shifts the reading frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide:

frameshift mutation

_____ _____ can change every amino acid that follows the point of mutation and can have dramatic effects on the organism

frameshift mutations

The entire process by which proteins are made is called ______ expression


What are the two types of mutations?

gene and chromosomal

The way in which DNA, RNA, and proteins are all involved in putting genetic information into action in living cells is called ___ ____

gene expression

The instructions for assembling proteins are contained in the ___


The ____ code specifies the amino acids and "start" and "stop" signals with their codon


Collection of codons of mRNA that directs the incorporation of a particular amino acid into a protein during protein synthesis is a:

genetic code

The ____ ___ is generally the same in all organisms

genetic code

The sequences of bases in mRNA is the ___ ____

genetic code

Small changes in genes:

gradually accumulate over time

The central dogma of molecular biology is that ___ is transferred from ___ to ___ to ____

information, DNA, RNA, protein

In ____, a base is inserted into the DNA sequence


Long segment of nucleotides on a eukaryotic gene that has no coding information:


Portions that are cut out and discarded from RNA are called _____


A ___ is a chemical or physical agent in the environment that interacts with DNA and may cause a mutation


A ____ is a change in the genetic material of a cell


In eukaryotes, RNA is formed in the ____ and then travels to the _____

nucleus, cytoplasm

Transcription occurs in the ____; translation occurs in the ____

nucleus, cytoplasm

In eukaryotes, RNA is produced in the cell's ____ and then moves to the ____ to play a role in the production of ___

nucleus, cytoplasm, protein

(During translation) The mRNA made in the ___ travels out to the _____ to carry the "_____" of the DNA

nucleus, ribosomes, message

Each tRNA carries ___ kind of amino acid


Piece of DNA that serves as an on-off switch for transcription:


Collective name for a group of genes involved in same function, their promoter site, and their operator


Ultimately, cell protein result in ____ traits


Gene mutation in which a single base pair in DNA has been changed:

point mutation

RNA _____ is an enzyme involved in transcription.


A specific sequence of bases in DNA carries the directions for forming a ____, a chain of amino acids


_____ is a long chain of amino acids that makes proteins


_____ plants are often larger and stronger than diploid plants


RNA polymerase binds only to ____


RNA polymerase binds to regions of DNA called _____, which are "start" signals for transcription


____ are signals to the DNA molecule that show RNA polymerase exactly where to begin making RNA


During translation, ____ is made and released


Most RNA molecules are involved in ___ synthesis


Mutations can also produce ____ with new or altered functions that can be useful to organisms in different or changing environments


The RNA base sequence directs the production of _____


Type of RNA that combines with proteins to form ribosomes:


Describe the role of rRNA during translation

rRNA keeps proteins in place and help locate the start codon. They make up the ribosome

The ___ and ____ of amino acids in a polypeptide determine the properties of the protein

types, order

Errors can be made during ____


A protein that binds to an operator and inhibits transcription:


Like DNA, _____ acid is a molecule of nucleotides linked together.

ribonucleic acid

RNA molecules that are part of the structure of ribosomes are called ____ RNA


On the ___, translation begins at the ___ codon

ribosome, start

Where does translation occur?


The cellular machinery that replicates DNA inserts an incorrect base:

roughly once in every 10 million bases

Some codons serve as a "____" and "___" signals for protein synthesis

start, stop

During translation, the process concludes when a "___ ___" is reached. The newly formed ____ and the _____ molecule are released from the _____

stop code, polypeptide, mRNA, ribosome

Translation continues until a ____ codon is research on the end of the ___

stop, mRNA

In _____, one base is changed to a different base


Type of RNA that carries each amino acid to a ribosome during protein synthesis is:


Which RNA carries the anticodon?


____ adds the complementary 3 bases to a codon called an ____

tRNA, anticodo

What happens when cells cannot repair the damage caused by a mutagen?

the DNA base sequence changes permanently

An exception to the central dogma of molecular biology is:

the ability of some viruses to transfer information from RNA to DNA

All organisms are most the same in:

the molecular biology of their genes

The process of using DNA to produce complementary RNA molecules is called _____


The process of making RNA from DNA is called ____ and it occurs in the _____

transcription, nucleus

RNA molecules that temporarily carry a specific amino acid on one end are called _____ RNA


A process that puts together the amino acids that make up a protein:


Process by which the sequence of bases of mRNA is converted into the sequence of amino acids of a protein:


The process of decoding an mRNA message into a protein is:


The process of assembling a protein from RNA is called ____ and it occurs in the ____

translation, cytoplasm

_____ is a group of there bases on a tRNA molecule that are complementary to the three bases of a codon of mRNA


What does tRNA do?

Carries amino acids to the ribosome and matches them to the coded mRNA message

What does mRNA do?

Carries copies of instructions for polypeptide synthesis from the nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm

What does rRNA do?

Forms an important part of both subunits of the ribosomes, the cell structures where proteins are assembled. Located start codon, helps bond amino acids together

Point mutation that inserts or deletes nucleotide bases:

Frameshift mutation

_____ mutations produce changes in a single gene


____ ____ is the way in which DNA, RNA, and proteins are involved in putting genetic information into action in living ells

Gene expression

____ are portions of RNA that are cut out and discarded


Sections of a chromosomes are reversed:


What happens during the assembly of a polypeptide?

Join together onto chain, tRNA leaves. Ribosome moves along chain, binds amino acids

Which of the following most accurately summarizes the effects of mutations on living things?

Many mutations have little or no effect, but some can be harmful or beneficial

Mutation that changes one or a few nucleotides:

Point mutation

_____ is a condition in which an organism has an extra set of chromosomes


What ist he end product of translation?


Similar signals cause transcription to stop when a new ____ molecule is completed


____ is a single-stranded nucleic acid that contains the sugar ribose


The enzyme _____ ______ binds to DNA during transcription

RNA polymerase

What enzyme puts together the RNA molecule?

RNA polymerase

What is translation?

The process of assembling a protein from RNA

What is transcription?

The process of using DNA to produce complementary RNA molecules

What is gene expression?

The way in which DNA, RNA, and proteins are involved in putting genetic information into action in living cells

____ is the synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template


What is the difference between transcription and translation?

Translation is the decoding of an mRNA message into a protein, occurs in ribosomes. Transcription is the process by which information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of mRNA takes place in nucleus

Translation occurs in the ____, specifically on the ____

Translation, ribosomes

Part of a chromosome breaks off and attached to another chromosome:


Mutations are important to the evolution of a species because they are:

a source of genetic variability

During translation, the amino acids ___ together, each in turn


Cancer is the product of a mutation that:

causes the uncontrolled growth of cells

A _____ is a group of three nucleotide bases in mRNA that specify a particular amino acid to be incorporated into a protein


A three-nucleotide sequence on the mRNA that specifies an amino acid to "start" or "stop" signal


Each three-letter "word" in mRNA is known as a ___


The match between the ___ and ____ ensures that the correct amino acid is added to the growing chain

codon, anticodon

What are the two important areas of tRNA?

codon, anticodon

What are the four similarities among DNA and RNA?

consists of a long chain of nucleotides, is a nucleic acid, contains adenine, guanine, and cytosine, and have the same phosphate group

Type of RNA that carries copies of instruction for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell:


What is the end product of transcription?


When transcription is finished, _____ goes out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm to start stage 2


Which RNA carries the codon?


Which RNA codes for the amino acid?


What are the three main types of RNA?


During translation, the ribosome moves along the ____, exposing the codons that attract still more ____ acids


During translation, ____ works with other types of RNA (___ and ____) to build proteins by ____ amino acids

mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, joining

If the DNA contains the code TTGGCCAAT what is the mRNA and tRNA strand?


DNA is ACC. What is the mRNA codon and anticodon?

mRNA: UGG Anticodon: ACC

The type of RNA that carries the instructions for making a protein from a gene to the site of translation is called ____ RNA


Why are insertions and deletions called frameshift mutations?

they shift the "reading frame" of the genetic message

What are four mutagens?

tobacco, pesticides, x-rays, ultra-violent light

Most of the work of making RNA takes place during ____


Process for transferring a gene's instructions for making a protein to an mRNA molecule:


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