Rococo to Realism Question Bank

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In different ways, the careers of Ingres and Manet emphasize the influence of what institutions on the Paris art world?

Academies and salons.

A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery by Joseph Wright of Derby and The Oath of the Horatii by Jacque- Louis David have all of the following in common EXCEPT:

An emphasis on narrative

Both paintings are examples


The artist of the work on the left was a leading representative of


Goya created this work while

Working as the court painter to the king of Spain

All of the following are found in BOTH Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People (left) and Gericault's Raft of the Medusa (right) EXCEPT

a combination of allegorical figures and real people

The artist Antoine Watteau is BEST known for his

a new genre known as the "fete galante"

Manet modernized the tradition of the female nude by rejecting academic conventions of

-Chiaroscuro, or modeling, in the figure's form -The relationship of the nude to the viewer

The date of the painting is


Which of the following statements is true about both paintings?

They reflect a transcendental vision of nature

The woman is an allegorical figure of Liberty who holds the tricolor flag symbolizing the Revolution's values of

-Equality -Fraternity -Liberty

Which of the following are true of Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People?

-The revolution of 1830 ushered in a constitutional monarchy, but still only a small percentage of the population was eligible to vote. -The representation of Liberty draws on the classical tradition in the profile pose but also appears more real, less ideal than classical figures. -It depicts a scene at a street barricade on the cobblestone streets of Paris during the French Revolution of 1830. -Delacroix captured realistic details of the street violence.

Who stated that artists should turn their attention to the "heroism of modern life"?

Charles Baudelaire

The plow behind Washington is a direct reference to which Roman leader?


The painting was inspired by

Classical literature

The painting is by


Who painted portraits of Marie Antoinette?

Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun

A stylistic comparison of Ingre's La Grande Odalisque to Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People would include what key difference?

Emphasis on the brushstroke ("painterliness") v. emphasis on clarity of detail.

The artistic process used to create this particular work was


Which of the following artists BEST demonstrates in his work the influence of Peter Paul Rubens?

Eugene Delacroix

The painting was carefully composed to include only upper-class men who joined together to overthrow the monarchy.


The ax contained within a bundle of sticks is a Roman symbol, known as the


The artist withdrew the series from public auction because he

Feared he might offend members of the royal family*

Los Caprichos can be translated to mean


Which of the following is NOT true of Fragonard's The Swing?

Fragonard sets the scene in a misty and lush overgrown garden behind a villa to reinforce the seriousness of the subject.

The artist of the painting on the left is associated with an art-historical movement known as the

Hudson River School

The painting on the right focuses on the

Idea of Manifest Destiny

What is the role of the landscape in Fragonard's The Swing?

It emphasizes the fecundity and sensuality of the scene.

How is Ingres's Raphael and the Fornarina characteristic of much of this artist's work?

It seems infused with an underlying sensuality

The work on the left was painted by

Jacques-Louis David

The artist of the painting on the left is

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Which of the following artists would have taken the greatest interest in depicting nature as an expression of what Edmund Burke defined in the eighteenth century as the "sublime"?

Jean-Francois Millet

A contemporary and fellow countryman of the artist was

John Constable

The painter of the work is

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People was painted in response to the

July Revolution of 1830

Although the painting is quite sensuous, Ingres retains the Neoclassical trait of

Linear precision

An innovative aspect of the work is the artist's

Manipulation of freely applied pigments

The emergence of Impressionism was influenced by all of the following new technologies EXCEPT:

Mass-produced binoculars and telescopes

The Neoclassical style of Houdon's statue of George Washington carried the following associations which made it appealing to an American public EXCEPT:

Military force

Both paintings are primarily concerned with themes of


The subject matter of the painting reflects all of the following EXCEPT

Neoclassical treatment of subject

Due to globalization in the 19th century, artists showed their fascination with distant, exotic lands through the trend known as


The American architect and president Thomas Jefferson studied classical architecture and carefully read the Four Books of Architecture written by


The artist included in the painting a recognizable landmark located in


The painting is based on a _____but rooted in the common practice among slave ship captains to throw sick slaves


Manet's Olympia answered Baudelaire's call to represent the beauty of modern life by

Presenting a modern alternative to the idealized beauty of the past

Olympia is shown with various attributes that make it clear her occupation is that of a


Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People would have been radical for its _____ stance

Revolutionary Republican

The subject of the work on the left is derived from

Roman history

Francisco de Goya was an artist associated with which art-historical movement?


The painting is most closely associated with which of the following art historical periods?


The artist Gustav Courbet provides a link between the two art movements

Romanticism and Impressionism*

The painting proved most directly influential for the creation of which of the following works?

Rude's La Marseillaise

How does Vigée Le Brun's approach to portraiture in Madame Perregaux differ from Boucher's in his painting of Madame de Pompadour?

She reveals something about the personality of her subject.

The artist included figures wearing black top hats in the painting to indicate

Social class

The painting exhibits all of the following formal characteristics EXCEPT

Spatially flat composition

The____ suggests the divine power of nature to punish the slave traders, but it remains indifferent to the struggle of


Courbet's The Stone Breakers and Manet's Olympia have all of the following in common except:

Subject matter reflecting the consequences of urbanization.

What printing technique used in "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" allowed for the rich and varied tones of the background?


All of the following are common themes in French Rococo painting EXCEPT . . .

aristocratic virtue

In his time, the artist Gustave Courbet was seen by most Parisians as a

bohemian rebel

Based on the examples discussed, which is NOT a feature found in the landscapes included in Fragonard's paintings?

carefully trimmed, geometrically organized gardens

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Rococo painting?

dramatic tenebrism

Ingres takes liberty with anatomical form in order to

emphasize the sensual lines of the woman's body.

As articulated by Edmund Burke, the notion of the "sublime" inspires

feelings of awe mixed with terror

Typical of many Rococo paintings, Fragonard's The Progress of Love was intended

for a specific architectural interior.

What detail of the figure of Liberty suggests that Delacroix drew on Classical tradition?

her face shown in profile

Francisco Goya was known for all of the following EXCEPT

his flattering portraits of Napoleon*

This painting by Courbet challenged established traditions in all of the following EXCEPT . . .

in its medium.

Fragonard's The Swing reflects the


Delacroix's painting, Liberty Leading the People, was deemed too radical by the government because

it called attention to the power of the French people

Those who affiliated themselves with Romanticism believed that the path to freedom was through all of the following EXCEPT


The Realist Movement of nineteenth century was MOST strongly connected to ideas based on


Which influence is evident in Rococo paintings such as Boucher's Venus Consoling Love and Vigée Le Brun's Madame Perregaux?

the Baroque interest in motion and theatricality

Thomas Cole belonged to a group of artists known as

the Hudson River School

The allegorical figure in Liberty Leading the People is based on

the Nike of Samothrace

How does Turner's Rain, Steam, and Speed—The Great Western Railway suggest the move toward abstraction in art?

the broad areas of thick paint, and the interest in colored light

Which contributes MOST to the flat two-dimensional appearance of the nude woman in Manet's painting, Olympia?

the lack of chiaroscuro

What characteristic of Ingres's paintings reflects his adherence to the academic tradition of Neoclassicism?

the precise linear drawing

Which detail in "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" suggests Goya's interest in Romanticism?

the reference to dreams and imagination

Which characteristic of the women in the foreground in Millet's The Gleaners made these peasants less politically threatening to the urban elite?

their healthy appearance

What was the primary function of Goya's Los Caprichos series?

to critique contemporary society in Spain

The subject matter of the painting includes all of the following EXCEPT

A biblical parable

The Swing by Fragonard embodies what characteristic of Rococo art?

A focus on the leisured life of the nobility.

Manet presents Olympia to the viewer as

A real woman

Turner's The Slave Ship and Monet's The Saint-Lazare Station share all of the following EXCEPT:

A spontaneous, "snapshot" style of composition based on direct observation.

First owned by John Ruskin, Slave Ship was sold to an American_____ reminding us that in 1840 slavery was still a charged political issue in the United States.


The artist's response to shape and form is most similar to which of the following twentieth-century movements?

Abstract Expressionism

Turner's The Slave Ship and Thomas Cole's The Oxbow share the following:

An interest in atmospheric effects.

The work is part of a series called

The Disasters of War

Both paintings address

The Sublime

The Neoclassical style of Jefferson's Monticello reflected which of the following influences?

The Venetian Renaissance architect Palladio

The Portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and the Self-Portrait by Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun show all of the following stylistic similarities EXCEPT:

The degree of detail with which the setting is portrayed.

When comparing Goya's etching And There's Nothing to Be Done to Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, all of the following should be kept in mind EXCEPT:

The differences in style and era.

Ingre's Grande Odalisque and Manet's Olympia have all of the following in common EXCEPT:

The inclusion of contemporary details

Which statement about Ingres's La Grande Odalisque is true?

The painting includes elements typical of Romanticism. The painting includes Neoclassical elements.

Which of the following is NOT true of Ingres' La Grande Odalisque?

The painting shows respect for non-Western attitudes to sexuality.

The painting of the left was painted by

Thomas Cole

Manet based the composition of Olympia on a female nude painted by which earlier artist?


At first glance, the viewer sees only the beauty of Turner's sensual use of paint and color before the horror of the subject becomes apparent.


The painting depicts the dead and wounded from both sides of the fighting.


The painting reflects imperialist attitudes of French moral superiority that were used to justify colonialism over non- European cultures.


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