RPAS Foundations and Remote Vehicles Summative

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When are remotely piloted aircraft systems considered a favorable alternative to conventional aircraft? (Select all that apply)

When conducting flights that expose human pilots to more dangerous situations, When conducting flights with highly repetitive tasks, When conducting flights that involve exposure to hazardous environments

Increasing the Angle of Attack (AOA) of a wing is directly proportional to the amount of lift produced until boundary layer separation, resulting in which of the following?

Wing stall

Compliance staff

individuals responsible for developing, enforcing, and interpreting the rules and regulations that govern remotely piloted aircraft systems.

Technical staff

pilots, payload operators, and maintenance technicians

Micro UAS systems have a max gross takeoff weight of ___ or less.

.55 pounds

In visual line of sight (VLOS) the range of the system is limited by the crew's ability to see the air vehicle. A general rule of thumb for distnace in VLOS is _ meters from the ground observer.


A small UAS (sUAS) weighs less than _ pounds.


How does the way a fixed-wing aircraft induce yaw differently than a multirotor?

A fixed-wing moves a rudder into the airstream, whereas a multirotor increases the RPM of two diagonal motors

Which of the following is NOT a Civil Aviation Authority responsible for regulating UAS?


How will adding more weight to a remotely piloted aircraft affect performance?

Adversely affect stability

Lighter than air systems that use a gas to stay afloat


Removing the need to support a human pilot can have which of the following effects on the design process?

Allows for lighter weight aircraft, Reallocates space on the aircraft for fuel or payload, Can simplify the design

Beyond Line-of-Sight Operations require which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Alternative means of complying with 'see and avoid' requirements, Multiple data links

What is the impact of poor management decisions on remotely piloted aircraft systems

Can make operations less cost effective and effectively negates the advantages of using an unmanned system

A fixed-wing air vehicle is more stable when the payload is placed close to which of the following?

Center of Gravity

What is the ability of a remote pilot ro machine agent to change the aircraft's flight conditions?


How does a propeller generate thrust?

Creates a low-pressure zone in front of and a high-pressure zone behind the blades

Small UAS systems are typically used for cargo transportation.


Stability and control are the same for remote vehicles.


True or False. Beyond Visual Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight are the same.


True or False. Dead reckoning is different from ground reference navigation in that dead reckoning uses known landmarks to maintain course, whereas ground reference uses direction and speed of travel.


Look and fly like traditional airplanes.


How can loss of link occur? (Select all that apply)

Frequency crowd-out, Exceeding system limits, Malicious intent

Which of the following is NOT one of the four forces acting upon an aircraft?



Have only one power-driven engine or motor

Operational staff

Individuals responsible for planning, executing, and managing missions.

What avionic sensor combines information from gyroscopes and accelerometers to determine the aircraft's attitude and angular rate?

Inertial Measurement Unit

Place the steps of combustion in order for a four-stroke engine starting with "intake."

Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust

Which of the following are classification systems used for regulating UAS? (Select all that apply)

Kinetic Energy, Gross Takeoff Weight

What level of autonomy (LOA) describes a vehicle that can perform tasks under limited conditions and make minor decisions (like avoiding an obstacle) independently without direct human supervision, but the operator is still able and ready to intervene if necessary?



Main body of the aircraft that holds the cargo compartment and payload

What is the most common and useful method of tracking aircraft, equipment or part failures so that future failures can be anticipated and preventative maintenance can be scheduled and performed?

Mean time between failure (MTBF)

Which of the following are common architecture components shared by all robots? (Select all that apply)

Mechanical structure, Software, Electronic systems

What advances make it practical to produce small flying robots? (Select all that apply)

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Small lightweight inertial measurement units (IMU), GPS navigation, Closed loop stabilized flight control systems, High capacity lithium ion batteries, Microprocessors

Have more than one power-driven engine or motor. These vehicles take off and land like traditional helicopters and are incredibly maneuverable.


Total drag is the combined effect of which two drag components?

Parasitic and lift-induced

Moving a fixed-wing aircraft's elevators, a type of control surface, will generate rotation around the lateral axis, also known as which of the following?


Provide the advantages of both rotors and fixed wing



Provide lift and stability to the air vehicle


Provide lift and stability to the air vehicle in multi rotor vehicles and helicopters

Operating an aircraft at a high density altitude will result in the following (Select all that apply)

Reduced engine power, Reduced lift

Adding an overweight payload to a remotely piloted aircraft system can adversely affect air vehicle performance in which of the following ways? (select all that apply)

Reduced maneuverability, Diminished controllability, Higher stall speed, Poor rate of climb

Open category

Remotely piloted aircraft systems that are intended for low-risk operations, such as hobby flying, and have minimal regulatory requirements.

Specific category

Remotely piloted aircraft systems that are intended for operations that pose a higher risk, such as commercial operations, and have more stringent regulatory requirements.

Certified category

Remotely piloted aircraft systems that are intended for the most critical and high-risk operations, such as emergency response and search and rescue, and have the most stringent regulatory requirements.

An Autonomous Uncrewed Aircraft System has which of the following features?

Requires no human intervention

How many degrees of freedom does any aircraft have?


Which of the following are considered malicious uses of an autonomous UAS or RPAS? (Select all that apply)

Smuggling contraband, Weaponization, Invasion of privacy

Which of the following describes the tendency of an aircraft to fly in a prescribed flight condition?


Which of the following are core components of all remotely piloted aircraft systems? (Select all that apply)

Support Equipment, Payload, Control Station

What happens when a remotely piloted aircraft system loses the link between the control station and the air vehicle?

The air vehicle executes a pre-programmed logic.

How is a brushless DC motor different than a brushed DC motor?

The magnets are on the rotor and coils are on the stator

Traded control

The operator is not directly controlling the vehicle's movements but is actively monitoring performance and can override the autonomous system if needed.

Supervisory control

The operator is not directly controlling the vehicle's movements but sets the parameters(like mapping a flight plan) and can override the autonomous system as needed.

Manual control

The operator must manually control the vehicle's movements and make all decisions about its actions.

Automatic control

The operator sets the conditions, and the system will not operate unless those conditions are met. Once in flight, the operator is not flying the air vehicle and cannot intervene in its actions.

Which of the following have limited the growth of the UAS regulations (Select all that apply)

The rapid pace of technological advancement, Low-flying Aircraft Traffic Management, Visual Flight Rules 'See and Avoid' requirements


The tail section and control surfaces, such as the rudder and elevators, which control the aircraft's pitch and yaw

What is the primary role of the human in a remotely piloted aircraft system

They are responsible for the safety and reliability of the system

Commutation is the process of switching current on and off in a specific sequence.


The rotors on a multi-rotor aircraft rotate in opposite directions to prevent inducing a torque on the air vehicle.


True or False. A Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) has lower levels of autonomy than an Autonomous Uncrewed Aircraft System.


True or False. A closed-loop control system adjusts the control output based on the difference between the desired and measured outputs.


True or False. Air density decreases with increasing temperature, causing aircraft performance to decrease.


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