Rural-Urban Fringe

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How much is the industry worth?


What is the temperature range ?

0 degrees in winter so ice particles force soil apart giving soil a fluffy texture and kills bacteria. 20 degrees in summer ensuring crops ripen.

What are their aims?

1) conserve wildlife 2) increase biodiversity 3)improve landscape quality 4)provide flood management 5)promote public access to the countryside

How to make rural living more sustainable?

1)conserve resources such as water and fossil fuels by using public transport and irrigation techniques to not waste water. 2) protect the environment by reducing use of chemicals in farming and maintaining hedgerows.

What were the three policies?

1)late marriage 2)longer spacing between births 3)fewer children

What types of development increase the urban sprawl?

1.Out of town retail outlets. 2.Leisure facilities. 3.New transport links e.g a new motorway. 4. More housing.

Why is the population of some rural villages decreasing?

1.decline in agriculture and manufacturing means there are less jobs and will need to move away to find work. 2.increased housing cost means young locals can't afford to live there so have to move away

How many workers and from where!

100,000 Migrant workers from Morocco west Africa Eastern Europe live in almeria without papers.

What was it like before?

111 houses, used to be a parade every month, miners started at the age if 14 with low wages

Where is Thurston?

14km east of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk

When was the railway built and how did it help?

1846 made it more accessible. Also allowed elderly people to leave busy cities of Ipswich and Bury and the village grew.

When did china issue the population policy?


Population change?

200years ago there were 2000 residents, in 1991 there was 189.

How big is the farm?

272 hectares.

How many employees are there?


How many workers lost their jobs in the mine?


How many people work here?

6 farmers 1 manager.

How big is her farm?

7.2 hectares

What machines and tools are used?

A machete and wooden plough with oxen

Rural-Urban Fringe is what?

A popular site for development.

What is the rural transport partnership?

A scheme made to set up public transport in rural areas

More developments in Thurston?

A secondary school was built.

What is a commuter village?

A village in a more rural area where commuters live.

Example if intensive farming?

Almeria in Spain where tomatoes are grown.

What is the Environmental stewardship scheme?

An agri-environmental scheme for farmers to improve their sustainability.

What is an urban sprawl?

As the population if an urban area increases, the urban area gets bigger. This is called the urban sprawl.

Why did the mine close down?

BECOMMING unstable and cheaper slate could be produced in China

What are the crops?

Beans, maize, pigeon, peas, goats , chicken( food for family)

Why is this a problem?

Because four main supermarkets control 75% of grocery sales so farmers have no choice but to cut their prices when asked by supermarkets because if they don't the supermarket will find another farm meaning the old farm has to where to sell to.

Why is the amount if migrants a problem?

Because it cost them 1,000 to get to Europe so they have no money to return and often are left without jobs. Spain's recession means local people taking migrants jobs.

How does the urban sprawl get bigger?

Because of development of the rural-urban fringe.

Why had amount of organic farming increased?

Because of higher demand for organic foods, people think modern farming harms the environment and contains chemicals which can harm humans

Why do uk farmers have to compete with the global market?

Because of the increase in global trading of food to provide enough food for the growing population and to get a wide range of food all year round. This food is usually cheaper because farmers get paid less in these pooper trading countries. Uk farmers have to compete with these lower prices.

What has increased the size of commuter villages?

Cheaper and faster transport meaning people can get to work more easily and therefore don't necessarily have to live in the urban areas or near work.

What are the governments initiatives to sustain rural farming?

Community rail partnerships, reduces car use-more public transport-less fossil fuels Rural development programme for England sets up tourist facilities in farms to increase farmers income Environmental stewardship scheme-paying farmers money to maintain their farms.

What were the terms if the longer spacing between births policy?

Couples encouraged to wait 4 years between births.

What methods are used is organic farming?

Crop rotation- where type of crop planted is changed every year to stop pests building up Using manure as a fertiliser Manual weeding Using biological control (using ladybirds to kill aphids)

What other factors contribute to depopulation?

Development in technology-tractors mean less people needed in farms so loose jobs.

What are the limits to production?

Drought, animal/Marietta illness, wild animals stealing food

Characteristics if declining villages:

Elderly population because young people move away due to lack of services Few jobs, and high unemployment Little to no public transport due to lack of demand Poor quality housing

What is subsistence farming?

Farmers only produce enough food to feed their families.

What is organic farming?

Farming without using artificial fertilisers or pesticides.

Why is this a good place for a farm?

Flooding here bring fertile silt/alluvium to the farms fields and ensures profitable crops can be grown.

What is market gardening?

Growing of fruit and vegetables on a relatively small area of land.

Why can rural living be unsustainable?

High car use- little public transport due to lack if demand. Uses up fossil fuels and releases CO2 into the atmosphere. Use if some farming techniques: some use fossil fuels, irrigation can deplete water resources, some techniques damage environment e.g removal of hedgerows

Where do these tomatoes get sold?

Holland, Britain and Germany

How have people living in the area been affected?

Houses are fallin apart. Only one source if heating for whole village. 2/3 unemployed. 3 butchers closed down. Feel remote and cut off.

Where do they live?

In 'chabolas' made from vegetable boxes.

What is the change in amount if mines and workers?

In 1910 2,000 people were employed but now only 2 quarries remain open.

Where will half of them be re-employed?

In Bethesda.

Where was Ffestiniog?

In snowdonia, north wales.

What is the climate in Mongolia?

In winter -20, summer over 20 degrees.

Why has intensive farming of sheep become an issue?

Increase population means more sheep to create wool which rips out roots leaving land bare. Lack if rainfall and constant wind means soil quickly degrades.

What is the soil type?

Infertile, hard, dusty soils

How many workers?

Just Marietta and her children

How many people are currently loving there?

Just over 3000 people.

Where is Marietta's farm? (Subsistence farm)

Kenya, East if the equator

Why was there a drop is population?

Land clearances-when wealthy landowners thought that they would get more money by farming their own land or use for deer hunting, so took their farms away from their tenants, forcing them to leave the area in a search for new jobs in growing factories in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

What is agri-business?

Large-scale commercial farming

What is the rainfall? Why is this an issue?

Less than 250mm of rainfall per year making it hard for crops to grow.

How much rainfall is there?

Less than 750mm a year and it is very unreliable.

How much do they get paid?

Less than half the minimum wage.

Where is grange farm? (Example of an agri business)

Lincolnshire, on the low lying almost flat land of River Trent's flood plain.

What is sustainable living?

Living in a way that lets the people alive now get the things they need without stopping people in the future from getting things they need.

What are the characteristics of growing commuter villages?

Lots of services New detached houses, converted barns Good public transport links Some jobs Middle aged couples with kids Wealthy retired elderly couples

Why have many young people left?

Main priority of village is now conservation of the village so there is no change or development which puts off young people. In 1979 35 pupils in primary school, 1990 16 pupils.

How have second homes affected Laggen?

Many second homes of artists and craftsmen ect. Has increases house prices meaning locals cannot afford them and are forced to move out.

What are the terms if the late marriage policy?

Men were encouraged to marry after the age of 28, women after the age if 25.

What effects does agri-business have on the environment?

Monoculture (growing one type Of crop) reduces biodiversity Removing hedgerows to increase land available for farming destroyed habitats and increases soil erosion. Herbicides can kill wildflowers. Pesticides can kill other insects. Fertilisers can pollute rivers killing fish Making these chemicals used fossil fuels which contribute to global warming.

Impacts of development inn the rural-urban fringe?

More traffic-->more noise, more pollution. Disruptive to residents already living there. Farmers may be forced to sell their land so it can be built on. Habitat destroyed.

Why do people prefer to live in commuter villages?

Nicer environment with less crime, pollution and noise than in urban areas.

What are the pain chemicals involved?

Nitrogen, phosphorus, ammonia

Where is Laggen?

North Eastern Scotland

Desertification case study-Mongolia where is it?

Northern China in the northern side if the Gobi Desert

When did it close and why?

On Tuesday 16th march 2010 due to subsidence.

Where is the Batain flower company?

On the slopes of Mount Kenya.

One example: environmental stewardship scheme does what?

Paying farmers money for every hectare of land they manage in a way that reduces environmental impacts e.g organic farming.

Another example of a governmental policy: single payment scheme

Paying gamers enough money to have a decent living (subsidy) but only if they keep their land in a good environmental condition.

What other sources of income does grange farm have?

Pigs Bed and breakfast

How does this company help Kenya's environment?

Plants 1000 trees annually

Disadvantages of increasing size of commuter village.

Property prices increase, traffic increases.

How did Thurston become more accessible?

Railway and A14 was built nearby encouraging more commuters

What do government policies aim to do?

Reduce farming's environmental impacts.

What do they sell?

Roses to Dubai and Kenya

How has this impacted the area?

Shops closed down, 2/4 of population unemployed.

What is the amount farmers paid dependant on?


What do the Batain flower company do for their employees?

Supply them with their own bank account Provides medical care for their employees and families Provides them with a bicycle to get to and from work Training programmes are provided Provides protective clothing and equipment

Which housing estates were built?

The Oaks- 100 trees were cut down in order to build.

What is eutrophication?

The impact if chemicals on the environment.

Why is the rural urban fringe popular for development?

There is lots of land available which is cheaper than in urban areas. Anything built in this area is easily accessible from urban areas.

Negatives if Thanet earth

They promised work locally but actually has 300,000 migrant workers. 0hour contract for workers- sometimes have to work 12hours a day

Positives if Thanet earth?

Tomatoes all year round, cucumbers from February to November. Computer controlled technology Generating power from national grid Picks millions of tomatoes, 750000 peppers, 700000 cucumbers a week and recycles the water.

What machinery is used?

Tractors, combine harvesters. Grain dryers, and ploughs.

What was the fewer children policy?

Urban families limited to 2, rural to 3. Later all families could only have 1

What is shifting cultivation?

When farmers constantly cut down trees and clear land for farming then when the soil becomes infertile, move to a new site and clear more land

What are declining villages?

When services and schools close due to lack of because of decreasing population, more people leave because there are fewer job and the whole thing happens again.

For not sticking to policy fines and punishments were introduced.

Women were forced into having abortions. Heavy fees for additional kids.

What is the energy source for this farm?


What is the produce of Mongolia?

Wool from sheep that are well adapted to these environments. Wool keeps people warm in winter and allows skin to breath in summer.

How much do farmers get paid per hectare if land that is maintained sustainably?


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