Ryan and Deci: Self Determination Theory

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SDT and Motivations

according to SDT, different motivations reflect differing degrees to which the value and regulation of the requested behavior have been internalized and integrated has addressed issues of (a) processes through which nonintrinsically motivated behaviors can become truly self-determined (b) the ways in which the social environment influences those processes

Identified Regulation (Extrinsic Motivation)

a conscious valuing of a behavioral goal or regulation accepted as personally important

Intrinsic Motivation

inherent tendency to seek out novelty and challenges, to extend and exercise one's capacities, to explore and to learn no single phenomenon reflect the positive potential of human nature more than this regulatory style: intrinsic regulation self determined

Three Basic Needs essential for optimal functioning

competence relatedness autonomy

Undermining Intrinsic Motivation

extrinsic rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation all expected tangible rewards made on task performance do reliably undermine intrinsic motivation also: threats, deadlines, directives, pressured evaluations, and imposed goals diminish intrinsic motivation (becuase they conduce toward an external perceived locus of causality

Self Determination Theory

highlights the importance of humans evolved inner resources for personality development and behavioral self-regulation investigation of people's inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs that are the basis for their self-motivation and personality integration


humans can be: proactive/engaged or passive/alienated (a function of social conditions) SDT focuses on social-contextual conditions that facilitate natural processes of self motivation three innate psychological needs: competence, autonomy, relatedness

Externally Regulated (Extrinsic Motivation)

least autonomous performed to satisfy external demand/reward usually when being controlled or alienated

Authentic Motivation

literally, self-authored, endorsed have more interest, excitement, and confidence, which in turn is manifested both as enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity

Integrated Regulation (Extrinsic Motivation)

most autonomous form of extrinsic motivation behaviors are fully assimilated to the self (brought to congruence with one's other values) share qualities of intrinsic motivation, but still extrinsic because they are done to attain a separable outcome

Motivational Consequences

motivation is highly regarded in the real world because it produces

Some things that facilitate intrinsic motivation

optimal challenges effectance-promoting feedback freedom from demeaning evaluations

Extrinsic Motivation

performance of an activity in order to attain some separable outcome contrasts from intrinsic motivation compliance with an external regulation regulatory styles: external, introjected, identified, integrated ranges in determination


relatedness, need to feel belongingness and connectedness with other is centrally important for internalization also a function of perceived competence


results from not valuing an activity regulatory style: non-regulation non-self determined

Organismic Integration Theory (OIT)

second subtheory of SDT different forms of motivation describes theoretically, experientially, and functionally distinct types of motivation

Summarize CET

social environments can facilitate or forestall intrinsic motivation by supporting versus thwarting people's innate psychological needs there are strong links between intrinsic motivation and satisfaction of the needs for autonomy and competence people will only have IM for things that are intrinsically interesting to them (otherwise, CET doesn't apply)

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

subtheory within SDT specifies factors that explain variability in intrinsic motivation framed in terms of social and environmental factors that facilitate versus undermine intrinsic motivation "it will flourish if circumstances permit" focuses on the fundamental needs for competence and autonomy

Autonomy and Motivation

support for autonomy allows individuals to actively transform values into their own


support of autonomy and competence facilitate expression of human growth tendency contexts supportive of autonomy, competence, and relatedeness foster greater internalization excessive control, lack of connectedness, disrupt inherent actualizing and organizational tendencies endowed by nature; such factors result not only in lack of initiative and responsibility but also distress and psychopathology

Introjected Motivation (Extrinsic Motivation)

taking in a regulation but not fulling accepting it as one's own behaviors are performed to avoid guilt or anxiety or ego enhancements (pride) regulation by contingent self-esteem, ego-inolvement

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