S-130 - Module 9 (2 of 2. Suppression, Communication, & Mop-up) & 10 (Hazardous Material)

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Fuels should be no close than, (blank), feet to a structure.

30 feet

To eliminate confusion and ambiguity when communicating, use, (blank), when transmitting.

Clear Text

When communicating using engine signals, gunning the motor once means the, (blank), helper should come to the dozer. Gunning the motor twice means the operator can't see the spotter.


(Blank), mop-up uses no water, wetting agent, or retardent. Instead, burning materials are extinguished using soil, hand tools, or piling.

Dry Mop-up

(Blank), foam coats and adheres well to vertical surfaces and drains slowly, it may be well suited for penetrating exposures.

Dry foam

What are the FOUR types of low-expansion foam?

1. Foam Solution 2. Wet foam 3. Fluid foam; & 4. Dry foam

Identify the THREE main hazards of hazardous material:

1. Health 2. Explosive; & 3. Fire

What are THREE warning signs of a hopeless situation?

1. Interior rooms are involved 2. Spot fires are igniting faster than they can be put out; & 3. Water supply is running out or is gone

What are the THREE primary classes of radios?

1. Low-band 2. Very high frequency/ high-band; & 3. Ultra high frequency

What are the THREE general tactical plan categories in a wildland-urban interface?

1. Offensive mode 2. Defensive mode; & 3. Combined mode

Identify THREE things your patrol should do while searching for spot fires in your assigned area:

1. Patrol the area in a pattern that is parallel to the fireline 2. Patrol area at intervals determined by fuel type; & 3. Select two reference points in your assigned area.

Identify THREE potential road access problems you may want to avoid:

1. Private roads & driveways with only one way in or out 2. Dead-end roads or cul-de-sacs; & 3. Driveways and turnarounds with poor access

No matter what your patrol assignment is, make sure you are clear on its:

1. Purpose 2. Coverage; & 3. Information to report

Identify FOUR guidelines to follow when performing systematic mop-up:

1. Start with the hottest area and progress to the coolest 2. Work inward from the control line 3. Plan a beginning and an ending point; & 4. Implement a grid system when faced with complicated situations

What does the acronym, D.E.C.I.D.E, stand for during a HazMat situation?

1.Detect - Detect the hazard 2. Estimate - Estimate likely harm 3. Choose - Choose response objectives 4. Identify - Identify action options 5. Do - Do the best option 6 Evaluate - Evaluate your progress

Identify FOUR factors you must assess at the incident scene:

1. Estimated time when the fire will hit 2. Number of vulnerability of structures 3. Possible fire fighting tactics; & 4. Distribution of structures

Identify THREE contributing factors to extreme fire behavior during a wildland-urban interface?

1. Eye level wind speed greater than 15 miles per hour 2. Unstable atmosphere; & 3. Dry & plentiful fuels

Identify THREE HazMat hazards that you might encounter at farms & ranches:

1. Aboveground diesel tanks 2. Dynamite; & 3. Bulk chemicals

What FOUR steps do you need to take if you encounter possible HazMat material?

1. Attempt to safely identify the material from an area that is uphill and upwind. 2. Isolate the scene and deny entry 3. Warn others in the immediate vicinity; & 4. Notify the IC

What are THREE structure situations to avoid when working in a an wildland-urban interface?

1. Bulging windows & an unventilated roof 2. Smoked-over or blackened windows; & 3. Burning roofs that are 25 percent engulfed in windy conditions

How do you prepare a structure that is not "hopeless"?

1. Clean the roof of combustible materials 2. Cover the roof vents 3. Remove & scatter all fuels away from the structure 4. Shut-off above ground fuel tanks 5. Place combustible furniture inside the structure 6. Close all windows & doors; & 7. Charge all available garden hoses

During mop-up you usually apply wet water directly onto burning fuel with an, (blank), nozzle.

Adjustable Fog Nozzle

Consult the, (blank), Checklist in your IRPG for some practical guidelines on how to access the number & vulnerability of structures.

Structure Assessment Checklist

Base escape time and safety zone requirements on your estimation of wind speed, wildland fuel loads, and the fire's current and expected, (blank).


The ERG's, (blank), section, is where you will find Hazardous material names listed alphabetically.

Blue section

Start mop-up as soon as line construction and, (blank), are complete.


You may frequently have to follow up on, (blank), lines constructed by mechanized equipment. Your crew will improve and maintain these control lines.

Control Lines

You will need to stay on patrol until the, (blank), is completely out.

Fire edge

When working in a an wildland-urban interface you can determine what structures to save by assessing their, (blank).


The, (blank), is one of your best resources for HazMat information.

Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)

A pumper is called an, (blank), not a truck.


To prevent being overrun by rapidly advancing fire, it is important to: pay close attention to a fire's behavior, be prepared to withdraw into safety zones, and keep an open path to your, (blank)

Escape route.

Mechanized control line construction normally takes place further from a fire's, (blank), than hand built lines.

Fire's edge

(Bank), foam adheres well to foliage and drains readily, wetting the foliage in the process.

Fluid foam

Use, (blank), solution as an extinguishing agent only during mop-up when maximum penetration and wetting is needed.

Foam Solution

Make sure your radio frequencies are licensed by the, (blank), for use in the sate you are in.


If you encounter a tall, (blank), that is burning or smothering at the top, then your crew should scrape around the snag, spray it down, and anticipate which way it may safely fell into the black.


The purpose of a"Combined Mode" is to hold a portion of the wildland, (blank), to reduce the number of structures threatened.

Fire edge

The ERG's, (blank), section is where you will find evacuation distances.

Green section

Seeing potential hazards and being seen by equipment operators are two of your high-priority safety concerns around, (blank).

Heavy Equipment

When working in a an wildland-urban interface fuels surrounding or those down-slope from a structure present a situation where structure survivability is low and firefighter risk is, (blank).


(Blank), radios are frequently used in wildland fire operations.


(Blank), expansion foam is one of the most used foams because of its versatility and excellent stream reach.

Low-Expansion Foam

VFH or high-band radios have waves that travel shorter distance than, (blank), radios

Low-band radios

Patrol is part of, (blank), but they are often done at the same time with patrollers leading the way.


If you're reporting a serious injury or fatality over the radio DO NOT refer to the person by, (blank), or describe the extent of injury or condition.


Assessing the, (blank), &, (blank), of structures in your area helps you determine how many structures can be saved.

Number & Vulnerability

Once you have identified the "Watch-out!" situations and assessed the interface scene of a wildland-urban interface, it is time to perform your, (blank), plan.

Tactical Plan

A, (blank), is an air tanker.


The ERG's, (blank), section is where you will find hazards of an identified material.

Orange section

When you are a, (blank), you will be watching for spot fires and preventing hot spots from breaking over the part of control line that you are assigned to.


After mechanized equipment has been used, it may be necessary to restore or, (blank), the area.


Approach mechanized equipment from the, (blank), only after being signaled to do so by the operator.


During mop-up make sure that burning logs and stumps lie with the, (blank), not across it, so they do not roll down.


Never allow personnel to work on a, (blank), below an operating dozer.


What is the safety guideline when you're working on a ground crew in the trees with heavy equipment nearby?

Stay back twice the height of surrounding trees

If you are caught in the open during a drop-zone, lie face down with you head pointing, (blank), the aircraft.


A mobile water supply apparatus is a, (blank).

Water tender. Note: Other support vehicles are also called tenders (e.g. dozer tenders, fuel tenders, etc.)

(Blank), mop-up uses water or water and soil together to extinguish burning materials that have been separated and exposed.

Wet Mop-Up

(Blank), foam penetrates surface fuels rapidly and cools them well.

Wet foam

The ERG's, (blank), pages is where you will find placards and colors.

White pages

The ERG's, (blank), section is where you will find identification numbers listed consecutively.

Yellow section

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