Sacraments and Morality Fall Chapter 7 Study Guide

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What does the word Viaticum mean, and who should receive Viaticum?

"Food for journey", Those who are dying should receive it

Write the passage from Jas 5:13-15 below

"Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven."

What statement did the Council of Trent make about the minister of the sacrament?

"Only priests are ministers of the Anointing of the Sick"

According to the CCC, what is the purpose of the Liturgy of the Word during the Rite of Anointing?

"The Liturgy of the Word, preceded by an act of repentance, opens the celebration. The words of Christ, the witness of the apostles, awaken the faith of the sick person and of the community to ask the Lord for the strength of his Spirit."


"When it was evening, they brought him many who were possessed by demons, and he drove out the spirits by a word and cured all the sick" (Mt 8:16). Jesus freed some people from the domination of Satan. The exorcisms "anticipate Jesus' great victory over 'the ruler of this world'"

How did the Second Vatican Council embrace both the emphasis on healing and the preparation for death in its revision of the Rite of the Anointing of the Sick?

'Anointing of the Sick,' is not a sacra-ment intended only for those who are at the point of death...As soon as any of the faithful begins to be in dan-ger of death from sickness or old age, this is already a suitable time for them to receive this sacrament"

Briefly explain the three types of miracles Jesus performed.

(1.) Physical Cures. All four Gospels record Jesus' ability to restore health to the sick, even those who were paralyzed or had leprosy. (2.) Exorcisms. Jesus freed some people from the domination of Satan. The exorcisms "anticipate Jesus' great victory over 'the ruler of this world.'" (3.) Resuscitations. Jesus raised from the dead at least three people—the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widow at Nain, and his friend Lazarus.

What did saints, like St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Ignatius of Loyola, learn about their suffering?

. These two saints, like many others throughout the Church's history, learned to identify with Jesus through their suffering. Your suffering, united with Christ's suffering, becomes truly redemptive.


A simple white stole is ideal if a priest is not able to bring vestments.

Extreme Unction

A term from the Latin for "last anointing." It once referred to the reception of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick just before death. It is accompanied by Viaticum.

Physical Cures

All four Gospels record Jesus' ability to restore health to the sick, even those who were paralyzed or had leprosy. "People brought to him all those who were sick and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak, and as many as touched it were healed". Jesus could heal the ill and disabled, restore sight to the blind, and give hearing to the deaf.

How can you unite your sufferings with Jesus' sacrifice?

By taking up your cross as his disciple.

What understanding about the sacrament changed during the Middle Ages?

By the Middle Ages, the sacrament had come to be practiced only when someone was close to death.

What is the Catholic view of the suffering of good people?

Catholics continue to believe that at the Final Judgment, each person will be rewarded according to his or her works and acceptance or refusal of grace. The good will be rewarded with eternal life; the evil will experience everlasting punishment. When people of faith endure their sufferings patiently, one day God will make them whole again in the New Jerusalem.

True or False? Without the help of a priest, suffering can wear down our spirit and weaken our faith.

False, Without the help of the Holy Spirit, suffering can wear down our spirit and weaken our faith.

True or False? Among the Hebrew people of the Old Testament, sickness was considered a blessing from God.

False. Among the Hebrew people of the Old Testament, sickness was considered a punishment for sin.

True or False? Healing normally takes place as a result of the sacrament—the effects are tangible and real.

False. Healing always takes place as a result of the sacrament—the effects are tangible and real.

True or False? If the dying person cannot receive Jesus' Body in the form of the consecrated bread, he or she may not receive Viaticum.

False. If the dying person cannot receive Jesus' Body in the form of the consecrated bread, he or she may receive his Blood under the species of consecrated wine.

True or False? The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick helps those who receive it to look at their suffering as a participation in the saving works of Christ and helps them move from God- centeredness to self-centeredness.

False. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick helps those who receive it to look at their suffering as a participation in the saving works of Christ and helps them move from self- centeredness to God-centeredness.

True or False? Jesus told his disciples to cure the sick, and many of them were cured when they were they were anointed with oil.

False. The early Church took up the practice of having presbyters lay hands and anoint with oil, those who were sick in imitation of Jesus and the Apostles.

. True or False? The sacrament should take place in a Church.

False. The sacrament may take place in the family home, a hospital, a convalescent home, a hospice, or a parish church.

True or False? When a priest is called to administer the Sacrament to someone who has already died, he prays that God will forgive the person's sins and welcome him or her into the Kingdom, before he administers the Sacrament of Anointing

False. When a priest is called to administer the sacrament to someone who has already died, he prays that God will forgive the person's sins and welcome him or her into the Kingdom, but he does not administer the sacrament.

Why is Christ known as the Divine Physician?

He treated physical illness as well as offered forgiveness for sin.

How do you know that Jesus loves us?

His healing miracles show his love.

What happens if a priest is called to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and he is not sure whether the person is alive or dead?

If they would have wanted it, they should administer the sacrament

How does the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick remind Catholics of Baptism and Confirmation?

In both you are anointed with oil. These anointing change your character

Name the eight parts of the Rite of the Anointing of the Sick.

Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Litany, Laying on of Hands, Blessing of Oil, Praying of Thanksgiving, Anointing with Oil of the Sick, and Prayer After Anointing

How does the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick bring about spiritual healing?

It strengthens your faith, promotes growth and holiness,

How did Jesus answer the question about the reason for suffering?

Jesus did not say as much about suffering as he acted on suffering. For example, he was moved by the faith of those who lowered a paralyzed man through a hole in the roof to be healed by him. Jesus forgave the man's sins.


Jesus raised from the dead at least three people—the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widow at Nain, and his friend Lazarus. Jesus resuscitated these people, which means they were restored to life but would eventually die.

Job was challenged to put himself in God's place—to see the world and everyone in it from God's perspective. Explain.

Job came to accept his limitations and inability to understand the mind of God. He took up the challenge to trust in God's loving plan for all creation; he found God in the midst of his suffering. He believed that good somehow came out of his bad situation.

Oil of the sick

Olive or another plant oil that is blessed by a bishop at a Chrism Mass or, in case of necessity, by any priest at the time of anointing. Anointing with the oil of the sick is an efficacious sign of healing and strength that is part of the Sac-rament of the Anointing of the Sick.

What other sacraments are the recipients of anointing encouraged to receive in conjunction with the anointing?

Penance and Eucharist

. What are the "last rites" for the dying?

Penance, Anointing of the Sick, and Viaticum are the "last rites" for Catholics on their way to God. They mark the end of a person's earthly pilgrimage and prepare him or her to enter eternal life.


Relating to belief in the enactment of God's justice after death or in an end time when good people will be rewarded and evil people will be punished. In the Bible, the Books of Daniel and Revelation contain examples of apocalyptic writing.

How did some Israelite writers adapt the law of retribution to better understand why good people who suffer in this life are not restored to their riches or good health?

Some Israelite writers began to adapt the law of retribution into a new way of thinking known as apocalyptic writings. In this genre, God's justice remains intact. If good people do not find justice in this life, then God will give them justice in the next life.

What was St. Cyril's warning to Christians about remedies for illness?

St. Cyril of Alexandria warned Christians not to turn to pagan magi-cians and sorcerers when they were sick. Instead, they were to turn to God's healing through the bishop and pres-byters of the Church.

Briefly describe the lessons St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Ignatius of Loyola learned about suffering.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux learned to change her natural willfulness-especially her impetuous temper-into patience and endurance. She taught to miss no opportunity to make some small sacrifice, always doing the small thing right. Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. St Ignatius of Loyola came to know the Blessed Trinity as never before and wrote that few will understand God's will

What moral responsibilities did the Israelites begin to understand in the Old Testament books of Exodus, Ruth, and Tobit?

The Fourth Commandment, "Honor your father and your mother" told adults they needed to take care of their sick and elderly parents and not abandon them. The Books of Ruth and Tobit reinforced this message: Truly good people take care of their sick parents and other relatives, and God will reward them for doing so.

What is the first written evidence of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick being practiced in the Church?

The Letter of James

How does the sacrament promote conversion?

The Sacrament helps a person see sickness and suffering as opportunities for growth in holiness

Explain the essential Rite of the anointing of the Sick.

The essential Rite of the Anointing of the Sick consists in the anointing of the forehead and hands of the sick person (in the Roman Rite) or other parts of the body (in the Eastern rite) while the celebrant prays for the special grace of the sacrament.


The name for priests or members of the order of priesthood who are coworkers with the bishops and are servants to God's People, especially in celebrating the Eucharist.

In what sense did the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council embrace the practice of the Anointing of the Sick from both the early centuries as well as during the Middle Ages?

The new Rite of Anointing of the Sick emphasizes God's concern for the sick, Christ's healing love, and the Church's prayers for the sick person's recovery to health—both physically and spiritually. Any baptized person of any age who has a serious or life-threatening illness or is about to undergo major surgery may receive the sacrament.


The priest brings a copy of the prayers of the ritual.


The priest carries these with him in a small travel container.

Who is the minister of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?

The priest or bishop

Name and explain the four main effects of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

The sacrament is a particular gift of the Holy Spirit, unites the person with the Passion of Christ, a grace for the Church, and preparation for the final journey

How did the ancient Israelites understand suffering?

They believed sickness was a moral condition caused by sin.

What are some effects that suffering can have on people?

They often turn inward to self absorption, anguish, and sometimes even despair, and the revolt against God. They ask the most difficult questions: Why me? Why do I suffer? Why is there illness and suffering in the world? Why does God permit such pain?


This small, round box holds the Eucharist for those who can't attend Mass.

What types of people are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?

Those who are dangerously ill due to sickness or old age, those whose illness recurs or becomes more serious, those about to undergo serious surgery, those who are growing weaker due to old age, even if no serious illness is present, children who have reached the age of reason and who are seriously ill, sick people who have lost consciousness or the use of reason, but who would have asked for the sacrament if they were able to do so

True or False? For the anointing to be sacramental, it was necessary for the oil to be blessed by a bishop, and for either the bishop or presbyter to administer it.


True or False? In rare cases people are miraculously cured as an effect of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.


True or False? The Sacrament of Anointing may take place during Mass


True or False? The early Church took up the practice of having deacons lay hands on and anoint with oil those who were sick in imitation of Jesus and the Apostles


True or False? The sacrament helps a person see sickness and suffering as opportunities for growth in holiness rather than as a punishment.


True or False? The use of oil in the sacrament is evident as early as the third century A.D.


True or False? Viaticum is a person's last reception of the Eucharist and it is a separate liturgical rite for those who are dying


What is Viaticum, and how does it relate to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?

Viaticum is a separate liturgical rite for those who are dying. It is a person's last reception of the Eucharist

Explain what Henri Nouwen means when he speaks of us as "wounded healers."

We are able to heal others because we know what it is like to be in pain and be healed by God's love

What is a common response to people who face illness and suffering?

When people face illness and suffering, they often turn inward to self-absorption, anguish, and sometimes even despair and revolt against God. They ask the most difficult questions, which usually begin with the word why.

Briefly explain how the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was practiced in the early Church.

Whenever a person was seriously ill, other Christians would gather around and pray for him or her and then rub oil that had been blessed by a bishop on whatever parts of the body needed healing. For the anointing to be sacramental, it was necessary for the oil to be blessed by a bishop and for either the bishop or presbyter to administer it.

What did Henri Nouwen mean by the term "wounded healer"?

You can heal others because you know what it is like to suffer and be healed by God's love

What happens to your suffering when it is united to the Passion and Death of Christ in this sacrament?

You will come to accept your suffering as Jesus did

What five important points did Jesus make about suffering?

• Sickness and death are not God's ways of punishing people. • God loves the sick and disabled just as much as he loves healthy people. • God's love is stronger than sickness, pain, suffering,and death. • God does not abandon you when you are sick or suffering. Rather, he shares your suffering, above all through the Cross. • The sick should not be treated as outcasts; instead, they have an important role to play in the community.

Name six categories of people who should receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

• those who are dangerously ill due to sickness or old age; • those whose illness recurs or becomes more serious; • those about to undergo serious surgery; • those who are growing weaker due to old age, even if no serious illness is present; • children who have reached the age of reason and who are seriously ill; and • sick people who have lost consciousness or the use of reason but who would have asked for the sacra-ment if they were able to do so.

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