Science Final Chapters 1-9

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What portion of water on earth is fresh water?

3 percent

What is a species?

A group of individuals sharing some common characteristics or qualities and a particular kind of creature

What does it mean for a species to be extinct?

A type of plant or animal no longer in existence, having died out leaving no living representatives

What is an endangered species?

A type of plant or animal whose numbers are so small that it is at risk of extinction

What is a watershed?

All the land that drains water into a particular body of water

What is the hydrosphere?

All the water on earth

What is sediment?

Any bit of rock or soil that is suspended or carried in water

Where does the water cycle start?

Anywhere water exists in any form

What is climate?

Average atmospheric conditions in an area over many years

Predict the types of organisms in a fourth-order stream.

Both rooted and floating aquatic plants and many types of animals have a niche in which they live, for example: algae, water willow, coontail, silver maple, sycamore, mayfly, gilled snail, crayfish, damselfly, scud, channel catfish, bluegill, largemouth bass, and longnose gar

What is conservation?

Carful use

How does water pollution affect aquatic life?

Cloudy water blocks light and slows plant growth Too much fertilizer causes overgrowth of algae Toxic chemicals are poisonous to living things

How does water's temperature affect the amount of oxygen in it?

Cold water holds more oxygen

What is detritus?

Dead plant and animal matter in the process of decay

How does the water cycle purify water?

Every time water evaporates it becomes pure again

Water is a unique substance. It can be found in all 3 states on earth-solid, liquid, and gas. Which of the following are other properties of water?

Exhibits surface tension Acts and a solvent Is transparent

What is the biggest threat to aquatic communities?

Human caused habitat destruction

Which of the following statements is true?

In a straight stretch of river, the main force of the current is in the middle. The deepest water is also in the middle When there is a sharp bend in the river, the strongest current and deepest water is at the outside edge of the bend In flowing water, there is less current near the bottom

Which of the following statements about competition is true?

Individuals within a population may compete with other individuals of the same species Individuals within a population may compete with individuals of different species A population within a community may compete with other populations within the community

What can most energy pyramids continue for only 4 or 5 trophic levels and support only a few top level consumers?

Most of the available food energy is lost moving up each trophic level Animals lose energy doing tasks such as hunting and keeping their bodies warm Only a little of the sun's energy passes from one trophic level to the next

Predict the oxygen level in a pond

Oxygen levels are high each day while the sun is shining and plants are photosynthesizing, but they can drop dramatically at night

What kinds of aquatic ecosystems do we have in Missouri?

Ozarks, prairies, lowlands, and big rivers

Predict the impact of sediment and nutrients brought by storm water runoff on the organisms in a lake or pond ecosystem.

Pond succession will speed up

Individual is to population as...

Population is to community

What are 3 factors that are required for a place to be considered a wetland?

Saturated soil, wet for a major part of the growing season, plants specially adapted to live in saturated soil

Predict the impact of flooding on the organisms in a wetland ecosystem.

Some fish, plants, or other aquatic life could be washed downstream There would be no long term damage Fresh nutrients would be brought in

Predict the impact of flooding on the organisms in a stream ecosystem.

Some fish, plants, or other aquatic life could be washed downstream There would be no long- term damage Fresh nutrients would be brought in

Which of the following statements about adaptations is true?

Species adaptations provide them with survival advantages in a particular environment

Which of the following statements about invasive species is true?

The invasive species may compete with native species for habitat or food

Why don't fish sink to the bottom or float on top of the water?

The more air a fish's swim bladder contains, the higher the fish will suspend or float in the water

What is erosion?

The movement of solid material, such as rock, soil, or mud

What is biodiversity?

The variety and number of different organisms and populations, and the way they live together

Where does water go when it runs off a street?

Through storm drains and ditches, then directly into stream, lakes, and wetlands without being cleaned or processed

Why do scientists use sampling?

To estimate things without having to count each orgamism

What is non-point pollution?

Water pollution that comes from a broad area or a number of sources

What is water quality?

Waters fitness for a particular use

Carrying capacity is the result of of which of the following:

While living organisms have the capacity to produce populations of infinite size, environments and resources are limited

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