SCLOA Social Psychology

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Psychologists believe that the social facilitation effect occurs because A. the presence of other individuals arouses us. B. we are more relaxed in group situations than when we are alone. C. we feel more deindividuated when we are alone than when we are in a group. D. of a genetic predisposition toward heightened performance for new tasks in group settings.


Rob and Deandra are members of a football team. Their self-esteem is greatly affected by their team's performance. They tend to compare their team with that of the opponents in order to improve their self-image. Which of the following theories best explains this scenario? A. the social identity theory B. the realistic conflict theory C. the social exchange theory D. the self-perception theory


In a study based on Tajfel's theory of social identity, Cathy is randomly assigned to Group A, and Sara is randomly assigned to Group B. When asked to award money to other study participants, both Cathy and Sara award money only to members of their own groups. This behavior is predicted by Tajfel's theory and best exemplifies A. in-group favoritism. B. ethnocentrism. C. cultural bias. D. group polarization.


In the context of group decision making, groupthink can be prevented by A. selecting an impartial leader. B. encouraging group conformity. C. isolating the dissenters of the group. D. excluding outside experts in group discussions.


In the context of social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates A. conformity. B. obedience. C. reactance. D. altruism.


____ refers to rationalizing the amount of work we put into getting something by increasing its value. A. Conceptual validation B. Effort justification C. Informational social influence D. Self-perception


_____ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a group. A. Ethnocentrism B. Prejudice C. Discrimination D. Stereotype threat


_____ is based on a person's desire to be liked by a group. A. Informational social influence B. Normative social influence C. Social loafing D. Social facilitation


A man who slaps his wife during an argument is most likely exhibiting A. relational aggression. B. subtle aggression. C. overt aggression. D. covert aggression.


The _____ is the overestimation of the degree to which everybody else thinks or acts the way we do. A. fundamental attribution error B. self-serving bias C. stereotype threat D. false consensus effect


Which of the following is true of majority and minority influence in a group? A. The majority influences group decision making only through informational influence. B. The majority influences group decision making only through normative influence. C. The minority in a group cannot win through informational pressure. D. The minority in a group cannot win through normative pressure.


The mere exposure effect provides one possible explanation for why _____ increases attraction. A. proximity B. similarity C. physical attractiveness D. reciprocity


Which of the following statements best defines conformity? A. a change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard B. behavior that resists the explicit demands of an individual in authority C. the ability of a person to overcome a social influence D. unselfish interest in helping another person


Which theory of attraction suggests that long-term relationships are likely to continue when both partners are committed and put a lot into the relationship and when there are few attractive tempting alternatives around? A. the investment model B. evolutionary theory C. the mere exposure effect D. social exchange theory


_____ refers to the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership. A. Social identity B. Ethnocentrism C. Crowdsourcing D. Groupthink


The tendency to favor one's own cultural group over other groups is called A. social identity. B. ethnocentrism. C. deindividuation. D. groupthink.


. Individuals who have positive illusions about the self A. are judged less positively by others. B. are psychologically less healthy. C. tend to show high levels of psychological well-being. D. display self-views that are rooted in reality


"Am I as popular as Cathy?" This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of A. peer review. B. peripheral evaluation. C. peer recognition. D. social comparison.


According to research on aggressive behavior, which of the following personality factors is mostly associated with aggression? A. low levels of hostility B. low levels of irritability C. low levels of neuroticism D. low levels of conscientiousness


In the context of research in the area of physical attractiveness, which of the following faces will most likely be rated as most attractive? A. a face in which the distinctive features have been digitally enhanced B. a face with an unusually small forehead and unusually large lips C. a round face with unusually large eyes D. a composite of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face


Festinger's social comparison theory A. provides an important rationale for how individuals come to know themselves. B. identifies two ways to persuade: a central route and a peripheral route. C. examines potentially altruistic behavior. D. suggests that aspects of the environment may prime us to behave aggressively.


Parents warn a new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result of this initial expectation, the babysitter starts calling Dennis "Dennis the Menace," and he behaves in ways that elicit aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called A. self-fulfilling prophecy. B. self-serving bias. C. fundamental attribution error. D. social conditioning.


Social loafing refers to the A. tendency for people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone. B. tendency for people to exert more effort when working in groups than when working alone. C. tendency to spend more time being productive when in the company of one's peers. D. social norm that obligates the general public to help those who may not be completely able to help themselves (e.g., children and the elderly).


According to _____, social relationships involve an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to minimize costs and maximize benefits. A. psychological exchange theory B. social exchange theory C. the concept of social contagion D. the elaboration likelihood model


According to _____, the most important predictor of relationship success is having both partners feel that each is doing his or her "fair share." A. social identity theory B. social exchange theory C. the investment model D. the evolutionary approach


Central route persuasion A. involves the use of non-message factors, such as the source's credibility and attractiveness. B. involves engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument. C. involves emotional appeals. D. involves altruism.


Dr. McCall found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups compared to when each student did an individual project. This difference is best explained by the phenomenon of A. cognitive dissonance. B. social loafing. C. the sleeper effect. D. polarization.


In the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, the central route A. is effective when people lack the time or energy to think about the message. B. is more persuasive when people have the ability and the motivation to pay attention. C. involves factors such as the source's attractiveness or the emotional power of an appeal. D. is usually used by television advertisers to persuade the viewers into buying their products.


Rosalie was invited to a black-tie dinner at the Ritz Carlton. She's never been served a 10-course meal before, so she's unfamiliar with the social etiquette regarding silverware selection. Since Rosalie is in a foreign environment, she gets through the night by watching others who appear to know what they are doing. For each course, she follows their selection of silverware. Rosalie is guided by A. normative social influence. B. informational social influence. C. group polarization. D. the bystander effect.


Social psychologists believe that _____ is particularly strong during the early stages of a relationship, and that _____ increases as the relationship grows and matures. A. affectionate love/romantic love B. romantic love/affectionate love C. consensual validation/romantic love D. consensual validation/passionate love


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is A. estrogen. B. testosterone. C. epinephrine. D. norepinephrine.


Which of the following statements is true of the concept of risky shift? A. It is the tendency to shift to a group that makes less risky decisions. B. It is the tendency for individuals to more willingly endorse riskier decisions when in a group than when they are alone. C. It refers to a person's risk of losing his or her of personal identity when he or she becomes a part of a group. D. It refers to each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort.


Which of the following theories best explains why individuals like to think of their group as an in-group? A. cognitive dissonance theory B. social identity theory C. social exchange theory D. self-perception theory


____ is reflected in a person's conscious and openly shared attitude, which might be measured using a questionnaire, whereas _____ refers to attitudes that exist on a deeper, hidden level, thus they must be measured with a method that does not require awareness. A. Implicit racism/explicit racism B. Explicit racism/implicit racism C. Sexual harassment/ethnocentrism D. Ethnocentrism/sexual harassment


June is usually very quiet, but she recently discovered a different side of herself. During Mardi Gras, she found herself swept up in the festivities, doing the things that the other party-goers were doing. These were not behaviors that she would have ever considered engaging in on her own. Social psychologists would most likely attribute June's behavior to A. inoculation. B. social loafing. C. deindividuation. D. the bystander effect.


Katie, who is moderately liberal, attends a very liberal college. After four years at this college, Katie is likely to become more liberal as a result of A. the fundamental attribution error. B. cognitive dissonance. C. group polarization. D. social loafing


Ralph just started taking guitar lessons last week. Jimmie has been playing guitar for almost 20 years. According to the concept of social facilitation, performing in front of an audience of strangers and friends tonight is likely to _____ Ralph's performance and _____ Jimmie's performance. A. decrease/decrease B. increase/enhance C. decrease/enhance D. increase/decrease


Sherif's Robbers Cave study showed that perceptions of the out-group are affected by A. a person's level of intelligence. B. observational learning. C. competitive and cooperative activities. D. cognitive dissonance.


The tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by the individual group members is known as A. risk hedging. B. social loafing. C. risky shift. D. group polarization.


The volunteer participants in Solomon Asch's experiment on conformity conformed to group pressure to select the incorrect answer approximately _____ percent of the time. A. 60 B. 10 C. 35 D. 90


Which of the following is most likely to reduce the kinds of group biases that exist in face-to-face groups? A. crowd psychology B. herd mentality C. crowdsourcing D. groupthink


Which of the following statements about research on the "beautiful is good" stereotype is FALSE? A. Infants as young as three to six months of age prefer attractive faces over unattractive faces. B. Attractive people are assumed to have a variety of positive characteristics, including being better adjusted, socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and apt to achieve superior job performance. C. There is little truth to the "beautiful is good" stereotype. Attractive people do not really possess the positive characteristics of the stereotype. D. The "beautiful is good" stereotype can influence how we treat others, as in the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy.


_____ are people's opinions and beliefs about other people, objects, and ideas, and how they feel about the world. A. Attributions B. Traits C. Attitudes D. Skills


According to the self-perception theory, A. social comparisons aid in identity building. B. inconsistent thoughts cause psychological discomfort. C. attitudes influence behavior. D. behaviors can cause attitudes.


An important feature of optimal intergroup contact that involves working together on a shared goal is known as A. the mere exposure effect. B. effort justification. C. in-group favoritism. D. task-oriented cooperation.


Andrew openly criticizes the Asian Americans in his neighborhood. He says that the presence of these "outsiders" has led to an increase in the crime rate in the United States. Others in his neighborhood do not agree with him. His openly shared racist attitude is an example of A. institutional racism. B. covert racism. C. implicit racism. D. explicit racism.


In the context of group decision making, which of the following is a symptom of groupthink? A. willingness to hear all sides of an argument B. underestimation of the power of a group C. preference for accuracy over conformity D. pressure for unanimity


The area of social psychology that explores how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information is called A. parapsychology. B. clinical psychology. C. social relativity. D. social cognition.


_____ refers to the impaired decision making that occurs in a team when making the right decision is less important than maintaining harmony. A. Group polarization B. Minority influence C. Risky shift D. Groupthink


Attributions that include causes inside and specific to a person, such as his or her traits and abilities, are called A. internal attributions. B. external attributions. C. stable attributions. D. unstable attributions.


Robert, a nine-year-old boy, loves watching wrestling on TV. Last night, he used several of the aggressive wrestling moves on his little brother. Which of the following theories best explains William's behavior? A. observational learning B. frustration-aggression theory C. identity crisis D. cognitive dissonance


A classic series of experiments by Stanley Milgram demonstrated the profound effect of A. altruism. B. persuasion. C. obedience. D. attraction.


According to the self-perception theory of attitudes, what do individuals do to make inferences about their attitudes? A. They compare themselves to others. B. They assess their emotions. C. They ask a friend. D. They perceive their behavior.


According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when attitudes and behavior conflict, individuals tend to reduce cognitive dissonance by A. changing their attitudes to fit the behavior. B. moving on to a different task. C. ignoring the conflict. D. consulting others.


Although Jeff frequently exceeds the speed limit by at least 10 mph, he justifies his behavior by erroneously thinking that most other drivers do the same. This belief best illustrates A. the false consensus effect. B. the self-serving bias. C. deindividuation. D. social loafing.


Hugh bought a new calculator at Staples for $125. One week later, he saw an ad from Walmart showing the same calculator on sale for $65. Hugh said to himself, "I'm glad I got my calculator at Staples; the ones at Walmart are probably defective. I don't mind having paid more for mine." Hugh's statement reflects A. cognitive dissonance reduction. B. self-perception bias. C. informational influence. D. peripheral-route processing.


In the context of psychological factors in conformity, which of the following best describes informational social influence? A. It refers to the influence people have on an individual because the individual wants to be right. B. It refers to how people resist authority when they feel their authority is being threatened. C. It refers to the influence people have on an individual because the individual wants to be liked by them. D. It refers to the focused interest that some individuals have in influencing others.


In attribution theory, the person who offers a causal explanation of the actor's behavior is called the A. attributor. B. observer. C. influencer. D. mediator.


Lily does not approve of abortion. She is shocked when she finds out how many people in her state hold pro-choice attitudes. This is an example of A. the self-fulfilling prophecy. B. cognitive dissonance. C. the false consensus effect. D. groupthink.


The process by which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to others is known as A. peer review. B. peripheral attribution. C. social comparison. D. peer recognition.


Cindy recently played in a softball game in which she misplayed a ground ball for an error. Later, in the same game, she made a great catch on a very difficult play. According to the self-serving bias, she would attribute her error to _____ and her good catch to her _____. A. bad fielding skills/luck B. bad fielding skills/good fielding skills C. a bad bounce/luck D. a bad bounce/good fielding skills


Cognitive dissonance theory states that in order to reduce dissonance, individuals A. change attitudes in order to be more popular. B. change behavior in order to be more popular. C. do not perceive a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior. D. try to align their attitudes and behavior.


Deficits in the functioning of the _____ are associated with aggression. A. hippocampus B. hypothalamus C. parietal lobes D. frontal lobes


Equity is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction A. among men, but not among women. B. among women, but not among men. C. during both the early and later stages of a relationship. D. during the early but not later stages of a relationship.


Attribution theory A. is an explanation of how behaviors influence attitudes. B. views people as motivated to discover the underlying causes of their behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior. C. suggests that we feel uneasy when we notice an inconsistency between what we believe and what we do. D. is a theory of social comparison which posits that when individuals lack objective means to evaluate their opinions and abilities, they compare themselves with others.


The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big, ugly election sign on their lawn. If the people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn. The staff is using A. the foot-in-the-door technique. B. the door-in-the-face technique. C. the elaboration likelihood model. D. a negative appeal.


The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the external situation and overestimate the impact of inner traits when they seek explanations of another person's behavior is called A. the self-serving bias. B. the fundamental attribution error. C. the false consensus bias. D. cognitive dissonance.


When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person, they are displaying A. romantic love. B. affectionate love. C. the mere exposure effect. D. passionate love.


When people try to confront Alfred about drinking too much alcohol, he replies, "Drinking may be harmful to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement made by Alan illustrates his attempt to reduce A. stereotype threat. B. cognitive dissonance. C. the self-serving bias. D. the fundamental attribution error.


Whenever Claudia gets an A on her psychology exam, she believes it was due to the fact that she is an intelligent, hard-working student. However, when she receives a C on an exam, she blames the instructor's ineffective teaching style and poor choice of test questions. Claudia's behavior is an example of A. learned helplessness. B. the self-serving bias. C. the false uniqueness effect. D. the false consensus effect.


Which of the following conclusions was drawn from the Stanford prison experiment conducted by Zimbardo? A. Good people can never act evil. B. People are more likely to be evil when personal responsibility is removed. C. Bad people will act evil regardless of the situation. D. Authority forces people to act evil.


A _____ is a generalization about a group's characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another. A. stereotype B. hypothesis C. proposition D. classification


A person on campus walks up to you and asks if you would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for her cause. Though the ribbon is a bit unattractive, it is small so you agree to wear it. After agreeing to this request, the solicitor then asks you if you would be willing to make a donation of $15. This example best demonstrates the A. foot-in-the-door technique. B. door-in-the-face technique. C. norm of reciprocity. D. central route to persuasion.


According to _____, people who have first agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger request. A. the foot-in-the-door technique B. the door-in-the-face-technique C. the bystander effect D. the social facilitation effect


According to attribution theory, attributions vary along which of the following dimensions? A. internal/external causes B. known/unknown causes C. regular/irregular causes D. consistent/inconsistent causes


Behavior that is meant to harm the social standing of another person through activities such as gossiping and spreading rumors is known as A. relational aggression. B. institutional aggression. C. overt aggression. D. physical aggression.


_____ means helping another person for personal gain, such as to feel good, or avoid guilt. A. Egoism B. Altruism C. Ethnocentrism D. Utilitarianism


_____ theory is Daryl Bem's take on how behaviors influence attitudes. A. Self-perception B. Social identity C. Self-serving D. Social comparison


According to social exchange theory, the most important predictor of relationship success is A. equity. B. physical attractiveness. C. the availability of attractive alternative partners. D. passionate love.


_____ is the psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts. A. Consensual validation B. Cognitive dissonance C. Risky shift D. Deindividuation


Susan drives by an unusually colorful apartment building each day on her way to and from work. Initially, she does not think much of the structure and has a mild dislike for it. However, after several months of commuting, she starts to like the apartment building and is even considering renting an apartment there. This change in Susan's feelings about the building best demonstrates A. the comparison effect. B. normative social influence. C. the mere exposure effect. D. informational social influence.


When members of a group know something that a person doesn't, the person will follow the group to be right. This explains the concept of A. groupthink. B. normative social influence. C. herd instinct. D. informational social influence.


You are studying in a quiet but crowded library when you suddenly start coughing. You soon notice others doing the same thing. This is an example of A. social loafing. B. group polarization. C. social facilitation. D. social contagion.


_____ are favorable views of the self that are not necessarily rooted in reality. A. Fundamental attribution errors B. Self-serving biases C. Self-deceptions D. Positive illusions


Based on Claude Steele and Eliot Aronson's research on stereotype threat, we should be especially concerned about instructions for standardized tests if they A. ask for race/ethnic information before the test starts. B. ask for names before the test starts. C. are administered by men and women from different racial/ethnic backgrounds. D. are culturally/racially sensitive.


Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a(n) A. positive illusion. B. hallucination. C. reactive illusion. D. ideal self.


In the context of social behavior, which of the following best explains why the bystander effect occurs? A. People tend to look to the behavior of others for cues about what to do. B. People do not wait for others to offer help during emergencies. C. When witnesses are present, individuals feel a sense of personal responsibility. D. When others are watching, individuals tend to behave more altruistically.


Jack and John were recently dumped by their girlfriends. Jack believes that his girlfriend broke up with him because she is selfish and unhappy, whereas John believes that his girlfriend broke up with him because she had to attend to a family emergency and could not make a commitment right now. Jack is making a(n) _____ about his girlfriend's behavior, whereas John is making a(n) _____. A. internal attribution/external attribution B. external attribution/internal attribution C. downward social comparison/upward social comparison D. upward social comparison/downward social comparison


Melissa and John have been happily married for 30 years because they have ensured that they have no opportunities to fight. Both of them have jobs so they contribute proportionately to the household income, and they equally share all other responsibilities. Melissa and John's happy marriage can best be explained by the A. social exchange theory. B. social contagion theory. C. social identity theory. D. elaboration likelihood model.


Tom has left home and is attending college in a city far away from home where he doesn't know anybody. According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be most likely to make friends with A. Bill, his roommate. B. John, who lives across campus. C. Michael, who lives in the same dorm but two floors below Tom. D. Stuart, who lives in the adjacent room.


Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory? A. Both theories suggest that behavior can change attitudes. B. Both theories suggest that when attitude changes, behavior changes too. C. Both theories suggest that attitude remains constant while behavior changes. D. Both theories suggest that individuals should change their behavior to fit their attitude.


You are watching golf and see Tiger Woods scowl. You would be making the fundamental attribution error if you assumed that A. he has an angry and volatile personality. B. he just missed a putt. C. he was thrown off by the flash of a camera. D. he was in a tough situation.


. From the perspective of the investment model of close relationships, long-term relationships are most likely to continue when A. one person is more committed to the relationship than the other person. B. both persons have invested less in the relationship. C. there are few tempting alternatives for the partners. D. one person has invested more in the relationship than the other person.


Dave is a handsome and famous celebrity. He has been dating Gabriela, a beautiful and popular actress, for the past two months, but he doesn't feel strongly committed to their relationship. Recently, Dave has been working on a new movie and several women have expressed their interest in getting to know him better. Dave is now contemplating whether he should stay with Gabriela or explore the more tempting alternatives. According to the investment model, what will Dave probably do next? A. He will probably ask Gabriela to marry him. B. He will probably ask Gabriela to move in with him. C. He will probably stay with Gabriela for at least another year so that he can give their relationship a second chance. D. He will probably break up with Gabriela and give in to the temptation of dating other women.


The process by which we come to understand the causes of others' behavior is known as A. deindividuation. B. validation. C. perception. D. attribution.


Self-fulfilling prophecy A. effects show the potential power of stereotypes and other sources of expectations on human behavior. B. shows that aspects of the environment prime us to behave aggressively. C. examines the characteristics of cultures that are associated with the emergence of altruism and with the belief that everyone deserves fair treatment. D. is the solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion or interaction.


The Stanford prison experiment provides a dramatic example of how social situations and the roles we take on in life can influence A. deindividuation. B. the self-serving bias. C. the false consensus effect. D. social loafing.


The bystander effect is most likely to occur A. when someone is witnessing an emergency and there are several other people present. B. when someone is witnessing an emergency and no one else is present. C. in emergencies where people's actions are being videotaped. D. in memory studies in which bystanders did not remember as much about an emergency as the individual who was the victim.


You come to a conclusion that Carla is a naturally anxious woman. You ignore the fact that Carla is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. You are demonstrating the A. fundamental attribution error. B. universality mistake. C. self-serving bias. D. availability heuristic.


_____ involves strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and is often predominant in the early part of a love relationship. A. Romantic love B. Affectionate love C. The mere exposure effect D. Companionate love


_____ is an individual's fast-acting, self-fulfilling fear of being judged based on a negative idea about his or her group. A. Stereotype threat B. Self-serving bias C. False uniqueness effect D. Stereotype consensus effect


Which of the following statements is true of social comparison? A. When engaging in social comparison, people try to act like others and lose their true identity. B. Social comparison helps identify distinctive characteristics of a person and helps in building an identity. C. Social comparison eliminates the ill effects of stereotype threat. D. Social comparison is an individual's fast-acting, self-fulfilling fear of being judged based on a negative stereotype about his or her group.


Which of the following statements is true of stereotype threat? A. A person facing stereotype threat usually performs well in any test to prove he or she is better than what is indicated by the stereotype. B. A person who experiences stereotype threat is well aware of stereotypical expectations for him or her as a member of a group. C. Stereotype threat affects performance on math tests by men compared to women. D. In stereotype-relevant situations, a person has the tendency to overperform.


Which of the following statements is true of the frustration-aggression hypothesis? A. It states that besides frustration, no other experiences can cause aggression. B. It states that frustration always leads to aggression. C. It states that aggression usually leads to obedience. D. It states that aggression stems from an attitude of altruism.


You watch as Emma stumbles and drops her books in the hall. If you commit the fundamental attribution error when assessing Emma, how would you explain her behavior? A. She must have tripped over something. B. She is a clumsy person. C. She couldn't help it; there were too many books to carry. D. She was trying to get out of someone else's way.


_____ refers to the processes by which we use social stimuli to form impressions of others. A. Form perception B. Person perception C. Visual perception D. Amodal perception


According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others is likely to A. enhance performance on all types of tasks. B. improve performance on new tasks. C. reduce performance on difficult tasks. D. have little to no effect on performance.


Allison is at a workshop where a presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but potentially profitable financial investment. The arguments for investing appeal to logic and reason. After slowly and carefully considering the presenter's arguments, Alison finds that this person's idea sounds compelling and decides to invest. This example best demonstrates the A. peripheral route to persuasion. B. norm of reciprocity. C. central route to persuasion. D. foot-in-the-door technique.


In the context of persuasion strategies, the door-in-the-face technique involves A. making a smaller request at the beginning. B. relying on the notion that the persuader has formed a relationship with the persuadee. C. making the biggest pitch first. D. ensuring that the persuadee does not experience cognitive dissonance.


John is selling magazine subscriptions and chocolates. He asks you whether you are interested in buying some chocolates for $1 and you say yes. When you go to get the money to pay for the chocolates and return to the door, John asks you if you would also like to buy a $25 subscription to a variety of magazines. Even though you don't read magazines, you agree to buy a magazine subscription. This is an example of A. social loafing. B. the door-in-the-face technique. C. the foot-in-the-door technique. D. the bystander effect.


Juanita returned home after being away for several years. When she saw her father, whom she thought she disliked, she hugged him and cried. Based on her crying when she saw him, she determined that she must like him more than she thought. This is most consistent with the of attitudes A. evolutionary theory. B. social learning theory. C. self-perception theory. D. social identity theory.


One explanation for the effects of deindividuation in groups is that groups A. make people more inhibited. B. reduce the diffusion of responsibility. C. give people anonymity. D. increase personal identity.


Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen conducted a study in 1968. The researchers told grade-school teachers that five students were likely to be "late bloomers"—that these students had high levels of ability that would likely emerge over time. In reality, the students had been randomly selected by the researchers. Nonetheless, a year later, the researchers found that teachers' expectations for the "late bloomers" were reflected in student performance—the academic performance of the "late bloomers" was beyond that of other students. The results from this study demonstrate which of the following concepts? A. cognitive dissonance theory B. the butterfly effect C. self-fulfilling prophecy D. self-serving bias


The effects of others on our behavior can take the form of _____, imitative behavior involving the spread of behavior, emotions, and ideas. A. egoism B. altruism C. social contagion D. social loafing


Which of the following is true of agreeableness in the context of prosocial behavior? A. It has no association with brain structures. B. It is the personality trait that is least associated with prosocial behavior. C. It is related to greater volume in the posterior cingulate cortex. D. It is most strongly associated with neuroticism.


_____ refers to the tendency to take credit for one's own successes and to deny responsibility for one's own failures. A. Positive illusion B. Learned helplessness C. Self-serving bias D. Stereotyping


Joyce has the potential to be an honor student but frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than working to succeed, she tends to "dummy down" to act more like the students that she hangs out with. She has at times answered questions incorrectly in class on purpose to be more like her friends. Joyce's behavior is due to A. informational social influence. B. ethnocentrism. C. groupthink. D. normative social influence.


The elaboration likelihood model A. views people as motivated to discover the underlying causes of behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior. B. explains the effects of deindividuation. C. refers to the processes by which we use social stimuli to form impressions of others. D. identifies two ways to persuade: a central route and a peripheral route.


The factor that differentiates Jerry Burger's recreated Milgram's study from the original Milgram's experiment is that, in Burger's study A. participants could see everyone else being obedient to authority. B. the authority figure was perceived to be legitimate. C. the authority figure was far away as opposed to nearby. D. participants were never allowed to go higher than 150 volts.


The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group is known as A. social contagion. B. the self-serving bias. C. the false consensus effect. D. deindividuation.


_____ is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people. A. Social Darwinism B. Social analytics C. Socialism D. Social psychology


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