Search Engines

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COM means "Top level domain for commerce"

domain name

Domain names are part of the URL. Domain name includes a suffix such as .org, .edu, .com,

Boolean Search

Google automatically defaults the word AND between keywords


Government (organization Domain name) [Internet]


Government this is goverment based search


Limits a search to a type of website or a top level domain. Similar to inurl: but will not search for a sitewithin a subdirectory (anything beyond the / ). Example: "child nutrition"site:gov


Restricts a search tothe titles of Web sites. Example: intitle: "Bob Marley"


Restricts search to the URL of a website


Returns a list of websites linking to a specific URL. Example:

secondary sorce

a secondary sorce is something like a magazine based on a primary sorce and a few steps missing


any word or short phrase that describes a website topic or page


code for networks

Stop Words

use + to force a search for an important stop word. Example: "travel +with +the band"

primary sorce

A Document, record or written account of an event by an eyewitness to the event ''snapshot from history'' example diary, picture....


A program used to view the internet such as Internet Explorer


Abbreviation Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page.


Copyright is mainly used to protect software, people copy film and music and the copyright sign shows that if you copy this it is illegal.


MetaCrawler is a metasearch engine that blends the top web search results from Google, Yahoo!, Bing (formerly Live Search),,...etc.


Provides a page of links to more information about a specified URL. including a link to the page's cache, a list of websites that link to the specified URL, a list of website related to the specified URL and a list of sites that contain the specified URL.


Searches for specific filename extensions. Google searches for PowerPoint (.ppt), Excel (.xls) and Word (.doc) documents as well as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe Postscript (.ps), Rich Text Format (.rtf) and more. Example:intitle:"child nutrition" filetype:ppt


Searches for websites related or similar to a specified URL. This is a good way to retrieve categories or types of Web sites. Example:


Searches for words in a website's link anchors (i.e., the text you click on to get to anotherwebsite.) This can be a useful way to find relevant sites. Example: inanchor:biology Example: inanchor:grants site:gov


Searches for words only in the text of a website, not the title, URL, or links of a page. Example: intext:"global warming"


They find the information and sebd it to the search engines, take Google they have spiders so when you click the enter sing it comes up with results.

Search Engines

This is basicaly Google, Bing,e.c.t. and it is what you use to search the internet, it gives you all the results.


Trolling is were a person or people post off-topic messages on blogs, chat rooms, social networking site like facebook they do it to greving familys and like to see the emotional effects.

UK-based commercial organisation

sponsored link

a form of paid advertising that gets your company's website at the top of a search list


a previous version of a website


to ask; inquire especially using "Key Words"


universe resource locator

Phrase Search

use " " to search for an entire phrase, not individual words. Example: "American soccer teams"


use ( ) to nest synonymous terms when the search statement also contains the AND Boolean Operator; a technique used when search terms and Boolean operators are enclosed in parentheses

Wildcard Search

use * as a placeholder for unknown words in a phrase. Example: "Obama voted * on * bill"


use OR to combine synonymous terms(must type OR in capital letters.)

Synonymous terms

use ~ immediately before a key term to search for synonyms.

- minus sign

used to exclude a word from a key word query; use - to eliminate terms. Example: dolphins -football

Search Engine

A software program you can use to find Web sites, Web pages, and Internet files.




A short desription of a website

Ensembles d'études connexes

computer software and buying a computer

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