Sensory and Motor Functions of the Cranial Nerves

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Information from the left or right field of vision is seen by ___ eye(s).



IV: Trochlear

General function of the abducens nerve

Motor. Eye movement

General function of the oculomotor nerve

Motor. Eye movement, eyelids and pupil constriction.

General function of the spinal accessory nerve

Motor. Head and shoulder movement


V: Trigeminal

The glossopharyngeal nerve originates in the ___. It innervates the ____ for production of ____, the ___ and the ___, and innervates the ___ for ___.

Medulla, parotid glands, saliva, palate, uvula, posterior 1/3 of the tongue, taste

The trigeminal nerve exist the ___, travels through the ___ in the floor of the middle cranial fossa, and then exits through either the ___ (V1), ___ (V2), or ___ (V3). The ophthalmic and maxillary divisions travel through the ___ before exiting the skull.

Mid-pons, Meckle's cave, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, cavernous sinus

The trochlear nerve nucleus is found within the ___.


The fanning of the fibers in the optic pathway after the lateral geniculate body is called ___.

Optic radiations

The lateral gaze center lies within the ____.


General function of the olfactory nerve

Sensory. Smell


X: Vagus

The trigeminal nerve has 3 major divisions:

1. Ophthalmic/supraorbital (V1) 2. Maxillary (V2) 3. Mandibular (V3)

How many cranial nerves govern eye movement?


The olfactory system is a ___ neuron system.


It's difficult to clinically distinguish function of the ___ cranial nerve from the 10th cranial nerve (vagus) in the head and neck region, because they work together.

9th (glossopharyngeal)

What do you call a bundle of axons that travel through the CNS?

A tract of fasciculus

Failure to smell is called ___.


The hypoglossal nerve exits the ___ of the ___ and innervates ___.

Anterior aspect, medulla, 1/2 of the tongue

In order to vary depth of vision, the eye must change the ___ of the pupil. For near vision, eyes converge and pupils ___. When the eyes converge, a message is sent to the ___ muscle; a band of muscle that surrounds the ___. The muscle constricts. This is called the ___ reflex.

Aperture (size), constrict, ciliary, lens, accomodation

The upper parts of the face are ___ innervated by both cerebral hemispheres. In other words, the ___ part of the face is the only part of the body controlled by both cerebral hemispheres. The rest of the body is ___ controlled.

Bilaterally, contralaterally

If an object comes right at you, you ___. The cornea has sensation. If you touch the cornea, information is conveyed to the cranial nerve ___ and then to the ___. There is a connection through ___ to cranial nerve ___, which in turn causes the ___ to close the eyelid. This is a ___ mechanism.

Blink, 5, mid-pons, interneurons, 7, obicularis oris, protective

When we shine light into one pupil, ___ will constrict. The constriction of the pupil in the eye with the retina we are stimulating is called a ___ response. Constriction in the other eye is called a ___ response.

Both, direct , consensual

General function of the facial nerve

Both. Muscles of facial expression, taste from anterior tongue, lacrimal and salivary glands

General function of the glossopharyngeal nerve

Both. Sensation from pharynx; taste from posterior tongue; parotid gland; baroreceptor afferents

General function of the trigeminal nerve

Both. Somatic sensation from face, mouth and cornea; muscles of mastication

The oculomotor nerve has a nucleus from it has fibers that leave and course through the ___. This is referred to as a ___. It ultimately exits where it is referred to as a ___ nerve. Right next to the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve there is an autonomic nucleus called the ___ involved in ___ activity.

Brainstem, fasciculus, cranial, nucleus of Edinger-Westphal, parasympathetic

Sensory fibers send info to the ___. Immediately upon entering, they ___ to the ___ and ___ sides (both). They travel up to the ___ of the ___ lobe. So, one ear sends information ___.

Brainstem, opposite, ipsilateral, auditory cortex, temporal, bilaterally

The ___ fissure separates super and inferior visual fields.


The receptors embedded in the nasal epithelium are ___ receptors. They sense particles and convey that information through the ___ plate into the ___ lobes. Here, they synapse with a ___ neuron, which then synapses with a ___ neuron.

Chemo, cribriform, olfactory, secondary, tertiary

The Mandibular (V3) division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the ___, ___, ___, ___ and ___.

Chin, the area anterior and above the ear, the anterior two thirds of the tongue (not taste), lower lip, gums

Information coming from the medial retina goes through the optic nerve and to the ___ side to the ___ hemisphere.

Contralateral, opposite

The Vestibular system connects to many other ___. It's nuclei live in the ____, but it courses throughout the entire brainstem. Therefore, it's not uncommon for lesions anywhere in the brainstem to give you ___.

Cranial nerves, dorsal lateral medulla, vertigo symptoms

The ___ nerve is the only cranial nerve to exit on the ___ surface of the brain. It also ___ once it exits and moves to the ___ side. All other cranial nerves exit and ___ side (the same side as their nucleus).

Dorsal, crosses, contralateral, remain on the same

If the eyes didn't align together, you would see ___. Small interneurons leave the ___ nucleus, cross the the opposite side and travel up a tract and synapse on the contralateral ___ cranial nerve nucleus. The ___ cranial nerve supplies the medial rectus. When the ___ nucleus fires, a signal is simultaneously sent to the opposite side so you get movement of both medial and lateral recti on opposite eyes.

Double, abducens, 3rd, 3rd, abducens

Information regarding the presence of light is sent to the ___ nucleus instead of the occipital lobe, which causes the ___ to constrict.

Edinger-Westphal, pupils

The motor component of the facial nerve mediates ___, ___, ___ and ___.

Eye closure, wrinkling, smiling, grimacing

The Ophthalmic (V1) division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the ___, ___, ___ and most of the ___ (provides sensation from these places).

Forehead, upper lateral nose, cornea, nasal mucosa

The most common REAL clinical problems related to anosmia is ___.

Head trauma. The olfactory loves are delicate tissue. If you have an acceleration/deceleration injury, the lobes can shear off.

The superior oblique muscle travels through a ___ on the ___ aspect of the orbit, which ___ it. When the muscle contracts, because it attaches on the ___ and ___ aspect of the globe, it pull the eye ___, making it ___ and pull ___. This allows the eye to look ___ and ___.

Hook, medial (inward), anchors, lateral, posterior, inward, intort, forward, down, in


I: Olfactory


I: Olfactory. Sensory


II. Optic. Sensory


II: Optic


III. Motor. Oculomotor


III: Oculomotor


IV. Motor. Trochlear


IX. Both. Glossopharyngeal


IX: Glossopharyngeal

Information coming from the superior aspect of the visual field (___ aspect of the retina) remains ___ throughout its course in the optic pathway.

Inferior, inferios

Light coming in from the superior part of the field goes through the lens and is captured by the ___ retina (and visa versa). That information then ___ throughout its pathway in the brain.

Inferior, stays inferior

Information coming from the temporal retina of the right eye is ___ throughout its course, and will travel to the ___ hemisphere. Information coming from the nasal lobe of the left eye is ___ throughout its course and will travel to the ___ hemisphere. So, in the occipital lobe, each hemisphere gets its information from the ___ visual field.

Ipsilateral, ipsilateral, contralateral, opposte, contralateral

Information coming from the lateral retina remains ____, stays within the ___ hemisphere and projects in to the ___ cortex.

Ipsilateral, ipsilateral, ipsilateral

Typically there ___ deafness with brain lesions. Auditory information travels ___ and ___ to the brain hemispheres. The only CNS lesions that result in deafness is if the lesion/tumor is located specifically where the nerve ___ and before it ___ to both sides. This could lead to ___ deafness.

Is no, ipselaterally, contralaterally, enters, splits, unilateral

Olfaction is heavily tied into the ___ system (memory), which involves the ___ and the ___.

Limbic, hippocampus, amygdala

The Maxillary (V2) division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the ___, ___, ___ and ___ (provides sensation from these places).

Malar region, lower lateral nose, upper lip, inner cheek

General function of the trochlear nerve

Motor. Eye movement

The right retina in the left eye is referred to as the ___ retina, and the right retina in the right eye is referred to as the ___ retina.

Nasal, Temporal

What do you call a bundle of axons once it leaves the CNS?


Cranial Nerves (pneumonic)

On Old Olympus' Towering Top, A Find And German Viewed Some Hops.

The ___ is the point where both optic nerves come together.

Optic chiasm

The extension from the chiasm posteriorly is called the ___.

Optic tract

When the oculomotor nerve exits the brainstem, it then enters the ___ where it supplies ___ motility. In other words, it will supply the ___, ___ and ___. In addition to eye muscles, a branch of the nerve goes to the ___, which is a muscle in the upper ___ that holds it up.

Orbital fissure, subservian ocular, superior rectus, superior oblique, medial rectus, levator palpebrae, eye lid

Overall, are cranial nerves primarily involved in sympathetic or parasympathetic function?


An unpleasant detection of odor is called ___.


The abducens nerve is found in and exits the ___. It enters the ___ and supplies the ___. It is responsible for ___: movement ___ from the midline of the ___.

Pons, orbit, lateral rectus, abduction, away, eyes.

Cranial nerves may be ___, ___ or ___ in function.

Pure sensory, pure motor or both motor and sensory

The Optic pathway starts in the ___, which has cells with axons that synapse with the ___ and from there the path moves to the ___. From here, it's referred to as the optic ___. It then moves to the ___ body where it is now CNS and fans out. Some fibers move through the ___ lobe while heading to the ___ lobe. Other fibers move through the ___ lobe while heading to the ___ lobe.

Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, tract, lateral geniculate, temporal, occipital, parietal, occipital

The left visual field is seen by the ___ retinal half of both eyes, and the right visual field is seen by the ___ retinal half of both eyes.

Right, left

The sensory receptors for the vestibular component of the vestibulocochlear nerve lie in the ____, ____ and ____. Here the info comes from the ____. The sensory fibers enter the ___ near the ___ and then have widespread connections throughout the brainstem.

Semi-circular canals, utricle, saccule, peripheral vestibular apparatus, dorsolateral medulla, vestibular nuclei

The trigeminal nucleus is divided into ___ and ___ components. The motor (or masticator) nucleus is located in the ___. The sensory nucleus is subdivided into 3 regions: the ___, which sub-serves proprioceptive sensation, the ___, which conveys touch sensation from the face, and the ___, which is concerned with perception of pain and temperature. All of this information comes through the trigeminal nerve to the ___.

Sensory, motor, mid-pons, mesencephalic nucleus, pontine (primary) trigeminal nucleus, nucleus of the spinal tract, mid-pons

General function of the optic nerve

Sensory. Vision

Cranial nerve function pneumonic

Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter Most.

The ___ nerve isn't really a cranial nerve. It comes from the upper aspect of the spinal cord and innervates the ___ and ___ muscles.

Spinal accessory, trapezius, sternocleidomastoid

The trochlear nerve innervates the ___. Activation of the nerve causes the muscle to contract, resulting in an ___ rotation and ___ and ___ movement of the eye. This movement is called ___.

Superior oblique, inward, downward, lateral, intorsion

Information coming from the inferior aspect of the visual field (___ aspect of the retina) remains ___ and goes through the ___ lobe on its way to the ___ lobe.

Superior, superior, parietal, occipital

The sensory component of the facial nerve mediates ___from the ___ as well as __ from the ___ and the ___.

Tastes, anterior 2/3 of the tongue, sensation, skin behind the ear, external auditory meatus

The left retina in the left eye is referred to as the ___ retina, and the left retina in the right eye is referred to as the ___ retina.

Temporal, nasal

What's the most common cause of anosmia?

The common cold. Your immune system destroys the nasal epithelium and it takes a while to regrow (may even lose smell permanently).

Where is the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve found?

The midbrain (close tot he cerebral aqueduct)

General function of the hypoglossal nerve

Tongue movement

The ___ nerve is the major sensory nerve of the face.


The ___ nerve supplies motor innervation to the muscles of mastication.


The lower parts of the face are ___ innervated from the ___ hemisphere.

Unilaterally, contralateral

The trapezius muscle is found in the ___ and results in a ___.

Upper shoulder, shoulder shrug


V. Both. Trigeminal


VI. Motor. Abducens


VI: Abducens


VII. Both. Facial


VII: Facial


VIII. Sensory. Auditory (Vesitbulocochlear)


VIII: Auditory (Vestibulocochlear)

The ___ nerve mediates the gag reflex.


This cranial nerve has major representation in the thorax and abdomen



XI. Motor. Spinal Accessory


XI: Spinal Accessory


XII. Motor. Hypoglossal


XII: Hypoglossal

The sternocleidomastoid muscle ___ the ___ to the ___.

turns, head, opposite side

General function of the vagus nerve

Both. Parasympathetic regulation of gut; sensation from pharynx and larynx; muscles of vocal cords and swallowing

The sensory receptors for the auditory component of the vestibulocochlear nerve lie in the ___.


The 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve split at the ___ ganglion.


The facial nerve also has fibers that innervate ___ glands for ___ and ___ and glands for ___.

Lacrimal, tearing, submandibular, , sublingual, salivary production

Some optic nerve fibers leave the optic tract prior to reaching the ___ and terminate in the pretectal region of the ___. These neurons participate in the ___.

Lateral geniculate ganglion, midbrain, pupillary light reflex

General function of the auditory (vestibulocochlear) nerve

Sensory. Balance and hearing

The ____ nerve regulates bronchiole size, gut function, HR, contractility.



X. Both. Vagus

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