Serial Profiling Final Review - Powerpoints/Class Notes

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Professional thief who steels for profit. -Profit from stolen product averages 30-50% of ticketed price -Many have drug, alcohol, or gambling addictions

GA Law - Aggravated Sodomy

When he/she commits sodomy with force and against the will of the other person

Gunther Fiek

•Dec. 1, 2000. Mother of child reports Fiek improperly touched her son. •Fiek, a former tae kwan do instructor Eastside Baptist Church Convicted of 18 counts of child molestation and three counts of aggravated child

Paul C. Gooding "Chester"


Dr. Crowder's First Rape Case

Zone 3 day shift/ Cumberland Mall Precinct 7 am rape call; apartment complex Victim unable to identify attacker Attacker knocked on her door in the am, she opened door and he subdued her by putting a pillow case over her head and hitting her in the face

Preferential Child Molester (Prefers children as providers of sex) 125

125 Seduction- courts victim with attention, affection, and gifts Introverted- immature; uncomfortable with adults Diverse- Try-sexual...until Sadistic- Vital Connection between sex and personal violence Desires to harm victim Stalks/Abducts victim

How ORC works

-Most stolen merchandise is sold to a low-level fence, commonly called a "street fence" -Fencing operations can be very straightforward to can involve multiple stages and a degree of operational sophistication -Street fences will either sell these goods directly to the public or will sell the merchandise to mid-level fences who run "cleaning operations" -Cleaning operations remove security tags and store labels as well as repackage stolen goods so they appear as though they came directly from the manufacturer -Criminals move from store to store/city to city -Work in teams -They often stock up on specific items at the request of the organized crime leader -ORC gangs consistently steal high-value merchandise that can be easily hidden, such as medications, infant formula, razor blades, apparel, camera film, batteries, DVD's, CD's, and smoking cessation products

Robbery Slide Info

-The primary motivation for robbery is a pressing need for cash. (used mostly for illicit actions - drugs) -The more robberies a suspect commits the more likely the violence used will increase -GA legislators have enacted legislation requiring Minimum Mandatory Sentences and stiffer penalties for repeat offenders they also require convicted people to serve 90% of their sentences. -Robbery is the taking of property from another in his presence and against his will; the crime of robbery is serious because it involves immediate personal danger to the victim

Robbery Solvability Factors

-Witnesses to the crime -Knowledge of a suspect's name -Knowledge of where a suspect can be located -Description of the suspect -Identification of a suspect -Property with identifiable characteristics, marks, or numbers -A significant Modus Operandi -Significant physical evidence -Description that identifies the automobile used by the suspect -Positive results from a crime-scene search -The belief that the crime can be solved with publicity or reasonable additional investigative effort -Opportunity for only one person to have committed the crime

Crimes against Children Slide 104

104 •Paraphilia are psychosexual disorders...not types of sex crimes. •When adults and children have sex, lack of consent exists simply because the child is incapable of giving consent. •When Adults have sex with children, the child is always the VICTIM!

Historical Snapshot slide 105

105 •1950/1960 Era - Stranger Danger...the dirty old man in a long coat at the child's playground or school. Advice...say NO, Yell, and Tell. •1970/1980 Era - Good Touch/Bad Touch prevention programs. Right to say NO; incest ...sexual relations between individuals of any age too closely related by marriage. •1990/2000 Era - Acquaintance Child's study...YET... -Availability Heuristic of prosecutors, social workers, and investigators may be...molestation by family -Availability Heuristic of public (jurors) may be stranger danger

Situational Child Molesters 114

114 Will experiment with children Regressed Temporary object for sex Triggering event Morally Indiscriminate "Trysexual" Abuser of all persons Inadequate Suffers from mental disorder (retardation; senility) Unable to determine right and wrong MOST of the sexually motivated child murderers profiled and assessed by the FBI are situational/morally indiscriminate/inadequate patterns of behavior

Situational Child Molester Regressed 116/117

116/117 Turns to children as objects for sexual gratification on a temporary basis as a result of some situational occurrence in his life that challenges his self-image and results in poor self esteem. -When under some type of situational stress, such as the breakup of a marriage or a negative experience in the workplace, this type of child offender experiences the child as a pseudo-adult. -Often married; lives with his family; geographically stable; employed; some alcohol abuse •Low self-esteem and poor coping skills •Children are a sexual substitute •Precipitating stress may trigger •Selects victim on availability...many molest their own children •MO...coerce the child into having sex •Possession of pornography will be homemade photographs or video of the child he is molesting

Morally Indiscriminate Child Molester 118

118 •Abuser of all persons. Molests children...why not attitude •Lies, cheats, and steals •No sexual preference for children; they are just there and vulnerable •May use force, lures, or manipulation •May abduct using trickery or physical force •Collects violent adult pornography •Uses threats or force to overpower and control •Motivation toward sexual experimentation. TRY-Sexual: willing to try anything sexual; such as: tyndarianism- mate swapping, bondage, and triolism.

Inadequate Child Molester 119/120

119/120 •May have some form of mental disorder (retardation or senility) that renders him unable to make the distinction between right and wrong concerning sexual practices with children. -Retardation -Senility -Psychoses -Eccentric personality disorder •Social Misfit -"strange/bizarre"; loner (cannot establish relationships); usually does not physically harm children (kissing, holding, licking) •Selects children out of insecurity or curiosity...children are non-threatening objects for exploration •Mental or emotional problems may cause an explosion of anger and hostility resulting in sexual torture.

Preferential Child Molesters 122/123/124

122/123/124 •Have sexual fantasies and erotic imagery of children •Have sex with children because the prefer children...they are sexually attracted to them •Potential to molest large numbers of children •Usually have an age and gender preference •Prefer more boy than girl victims •Surround themselves with toys, video games, sporting equipment, and stuff that attracts children. •Has no activity with age mates...considered immature and uncomfortable around other adults •Usually single •Generally thought to be "fixed" in terms of psychosocial development at the age of his intended victims -Speaks the "language" used by the age group they seek •Youth are less demanding, easily dominated, less critical of performance •Tend to be more intelligent and from higher socioeconomic groups •Behavior is persistent and compulsive...fantasy-driven •Consider their "needs" and often make stupid mistakes •Collect pornography and paraphernalia •Will have fantasy fueled script •Lengthy process of grooming or rehearsal

Seduction Child Molesters 126/127

126/127 Seduction Child Molesters •Desires affection from children •Entices children by courting or grooming them with attention, gifts, and affection. •Seduces over a period of time to gradually lower their sexual inhibitions. •Sex is often disguised as a game or horseplay and not understood by the child. •May be involved with several children at one time. •Targets children from dysfunctional home or victims of emotional or physical neglect •Likely to use threats and physical violence to avoid identification, disclosure, or prevent the victim from leaving. •THE MAJORITY of acquaintance child molesters fit this behavioral motivational typology.

Introverted 128

128 Introverted •Prefers children but lacks skill to seduce them •Minimal amount of verbal behavior •Molests strangers or very young children •Fits the old stereotype...hangs around playgrounds, places where they can watch children •May expose himself •Less likely to be involved in simultaneous cases

Diverse (Sexually Indiscriminate) 131

131 •TRY-sexual...willing to try sex with anything he prefers... •Victimizing children is often sexual experimentation •Finds children new and less threatening...they become preferential •May be his own children or ones he has gained access to through marriage •Would provide his children to other adults

Sadistic Child Molester 134/135/136

134.135.136 Sadistic Child Molester •Sexual need to inflict psychological or physical pain or suffering in order to be aroused or gratified •Aroused by victim response to pain or suffering •Will lure or use force to gain a victim •MOST likely to abduct and murder the victim •Abduction is followed by pain inflicted upon the child and the child's death. Interest is only causing harm and death to vulnerable victim over whom he feels great superiority, -Physical violence directed towards child genitals; often mutilates the victim's body. -Aggressive and anti-social personality; will have criminal record. Geographically transient. •Child is usually a stranger •Will stalk where children are: playgrounds, shopping centers, game-rooms, etc. (Investigator input) •Will take child by force •Case Study....Westley Alan Dodd

Some Common Threads 141

141 •Most child offenders today will use some form of technology to prey on victims or to keep them in constant communication with those that excite them. •Possession of child pornography -Pictures of victims -IVT -Check desk drawers, glove compartment, computer at home and at work •Porn Use and Child Abuse: APA article DEC 2009. -85% of 155 men convicted of possessing, receiving, or distributing internet-based child pornography... •Admitted to abusing at least one child •Average of 13.5 victims per offender

Problems Suffered by Victims 142

142 •Posttraumatic Stress Disorders - nightmares and or nervousness •Behavioral Problems - hyperactivity, immaturity, delinquency, or running away •Sexualized Behaviors - putting objects in vaginas or anuses or excessive masturbation •Poor self-esteem •Children seduced and active in participation feel guilty and blame themselves because they did not do what they were "suppose" to do... •Children seduced by acquaintance molesters are ashamed, embarrassed, and guilt-ridden.

Victims: The Less Dead (Egger) 143

143 •The victims of serial killers, viewed when alive as a devalued strata of humanity, become 'less-dead' (since for many they were less-alive before death and now they become the 'never-were') and their demise becomes the elimination of sores or blemishes cleansed by those who dare to wash away there undesirable elements. •The most frequent victim of a serial killer is the female prostitute. •One of the greatest similarities among serial killer is their consistent choice of victims. •Children and young women are the prime targets for serial killers.

Victims 144

144 •Egger- Victims are selected solely on the fact that they crossed the path of the serial murderer and became a vehicle by which hypo-arousal occurred for his pleasure. •Levin & Fox- Serial killers choose vulnerable victims- those easy to dominate. Ex: prostitutes, children, derelicts, and elderly women. •Sagarin- Choose victims who are vulnerable, closest (spatially and socially), and offer the greatest opportunities. •No single element in the profiling process has been neglected more than the victim. •Victimology- the activities of the victim, lifestyle, habits, oddities, friends, and contacts. •Serial rapists and murderers tell of their conscious efforts to select victims based on those individuals' perceived vulnerability.

Problems in Investigating Serial Murder 149

149 Problems Serial Murder Investigation- initiated by an agency or group of agencies following the identification of a series or probable series of related homicides. How Do We Know 1.May be initiated when a second unsolved homicide is linked to an original case. Linkage may be: victim, crime scene, attack, geography, methodology (MO), or signature. 2.Suspicion from non-law enforcement source may result in enough pressure to acknowledge a possibility of a serial offender. IE: news media, politicians, families, advocate groups. 3. Identification of serial crime may come through happenstance or a fluke- serial murder is revealed through routine police work in response to a seemingly unrelated criminal event. 4. Law Enforcement may be alerted by the confession of the offender.

LEA Response to Serial Crime 150

150 KEYS to Future Success -DNA Fingerprinting -Behavioral Research -Advanced Crime Link Analysis -Better Utilization of Computers -Awareness of Sharing Information Conferences - National Conference on Serial Murder; Increase Investigator Skills Information Clearing House - Collection and Sharing of Information TASK FORCE - Coordination & Organization of Information; Inter and Intra agency concerns Investigative Consultants- Cooperation; Liaison; and Coordination of Special Skills

LEA Response to Serial Crime 151

151 •Forensic Consultants - Services in the Analysis of physical evidence (Turvey); DNA Experts •Major Incident Room Procedures - UK method; standardized method to improve the collation of criminal information and to enhance the flow of investigative documentation •Solicitation from the Public - Rewards; Media Pressure •Computerized Analysis Systems -HOLMES: Home Office Large Major Inquiry System...used in UK. Software based on standardized criminal investigation procedures. -VICAP: FBI...analysis and evaluation of data received to identify the existence of similar characteristics (MO, suspect description, physical evidence) -Interpol: Criminal information exchange service providing reports and studies on individuals and groups involved in international crime

LEA Response to Serial Crime 152

152 CONTROL is currently law enforcement's only feasible strategy in responding to serial murder. CONTROL means to identify, locate, and apprehend. New Ideas Handwriting Analysis: Graphological Society of San Francisco study of John Wayne Gacy. Statement Analysis: Specialized Response Team: •Serial homicide investigations succeed or fail on if the LEA know what they have on their hands, how they accept the truth, and how they manage it once they've accepted it. (Keppell, 2003). •Failure to recognize, to acknowledge, and to manage often leads to a collective sense of denial and defeat. •A thorough and comprehensive analysis by an information system may detect the workings of a serial killer earlier. •Most investigations are solved from the bottom up not from the top down.

LEA Response to Serial Crime 153

153 •Three factors affecting the rigors of serial murder investigations -RECOGNITION: a quick and valid interpretation that one murder is related to another. -ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: a reliable admission to others that a serial killer is operating. -CONTROL: a strategy that properly commands, staffs, and funds the investigative effort. •Recognition is the single most important concept in serial murder investigation because it is the beginning of a required sequence along with acknowledgement and control.

Profiling: Is it the Magic Bullet? 154

154 •Profiling can and should be done by those who are closest to the crime: the police. •Police and Investigators with knowledge of social and behavioral sciences can reliably profile their own cases. •The investigator needs knowledge of sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and criminology, and the ability to blend the theories of these disciplines. •Goal of Profiling: Lead the investigator to a narrowing of the field of suspects. •The interrelationship of physical evidence and non-physical evidence that is the key to the profiling process. •There are different types and approaches to profiling offenders: inductive, deductive, psychological, geographical, and etc.

Georgia Robbery Code 16-8-40

16-8-40 robbery (a) A person commits the offense of robbery when, with intent to commit theft, he takes property of another from the person or the immediate presence of another. (1) By use of force, (2) By intimidation, by the use of threat or coercion, or by placing such person in fear of immediate serious bodily injury to himself or to another, or (3) By sudden snatching

Georgia Armed Robbery Code 16-8-41

16-8-41 Armed robbery, robbery by intimidation, taking controlled substance from pharmacy in course of committing offense (a) A person commits the offense of armed robbery when, with intent to commit theft, he/she takes property of another from the person or the immediate presence of another by used of an offensive weapon, or any replica, article, or device having the appearance of such weapon. The offense of robbery by intimidation shall be a lesser included offense in the offense of armed robbery. (b) A person convicted of the offense of armed robbery shall be punished by death or imprisonment for life or by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years.

Larry Gene Bell

1985 Lexington County, S. Carolina Sherry Smith abducted in her driveway Kidnapper calling family on their home phone Kidnapper had Sherry write Last Will; mailed home Mom asked about her medical condition; his response was impossible (2 gal water per hour) Called and told them where to find body She had been dead 4 days He had been talking to the sister for 4 days leading them to believe she was still alive Exerted power over family even though she was dead 9 days later another girl was kidnapped Bell called Sherry's sister to tell where child's body was He requested a meeting with Sherry's sister after arrest He stated he had been "justly" instead of unjustly accused

Serial Rapist Characteristics

80% under the age of 30; 75% under age 25 Lower class backgrounds Most choose victims of their own race History of conflict and trouble with women; inability to relate to women personally and sexually Plan their attacks If weapon is used, it is usually a sharp instrument 1 in 3 has prior record for violence.

Power Reassurance Slide 86 - Predicated on the elements of power, rage, and sex

86 Power Reassurance Least violent and aggressive Least socially competent Extremely low self-esteem 10th grade education Non-athletic, quiet, passive, few friends (social loner), no sex partner, menial occupation Voyeurism (Peeping Tom) Purpose of Rape: elevate his own self-status; sex act validates his position of importance; primary aim is sexual. Elements of the Rape: travels on foot; *believes the victim enjoys the rape; wants victim to talk "dirty"; victim asked to remove cloths; same age and race as victim; *possible later contact with the victim; collection of souvenirs;

Comparing/Contrasting Situational vs. Preferential SITUATIONAL

Comparing: SITUATIONAL •Situational -Biological/Physiological needs -Power/Anger Nonsexual needs -Less intelligent -Lower Socioeconomic status -Varied criminal behavior -Violent pornography -Impulsive -Considers Risk/Sloppy Mistakes •Situational -Personality Disorder •Anti-Social •Narcissistic •Schizoid -Thought driven -Spontaneous/Planned •Availability •Opportunity •Tools •Learning •Situational -MO Patterns •Works •Dynamic


Desire to have sex with a corpse


Desire to whip, beat, or club someone

Erotophonophilia Lust Murder Slide

Deviant sexual behavior exists on a continuum and varies in severity This type of killer makes a profound connection between sexual gratification and fatal violence Sexual enjoyment and erotic fulfillment depend on the amount of torture and mutilation they can inflict Motivated by a violent and powerful need for sustained sexual satisfaction

Power Reassurance Slide 87/88 Keppel & Burns Inductive Notes

87/88 Power Reassurance Dynamics Planned single rape followed by an unplanned overkill. Motivated by idealized seduction and conquest fantasy. Focus in on acting out fantasy and seeks verbal reassurance of his sexual adequacy. If victim does not yield, he senses failure and panic. May kill to gain control and lessen the threat. The quest for sexual competency and personal adequacy dominates any fantasy. Homicidal Patterns Selects and watches a casual acquaintance, neighbor, or stranger. Murder occurs after the rape attempt- a failed sexual groping- and he need an emotional catharsis. Often selects an older than himself victim. Uses threats and intimidation. Kills by pummeling and manual strangulation. Killing victim protecting his self-image. Possible mutilation of the body coupled with evidence of sexual exploitation. Will take a souvenirs and collect newspaper clippings. Operates at night. Suspect Profile Often mid-twenties age range. Dull and scattered personality. Socially isolated. Loner. Weirdo. Gathers erotic pornography. Possible past arrests for peeping tom. Underachiever; possible learning disability. Compulsive behaviors make up for his lack of machismo. Walks. If he has a car it is old and in need of repair. Leaves a disorganized crime scene and lots of valuable evidence.

Power Assertive Slide 89 Predicated on the elements of power, rage, and sex

89 Power Assertive Sense of superiority: he rapes because he is entitled to. Attempts to express virility and personal dominance Rapist cares nothing about victim: she is at his mercy and must do what he desires. Has had a series of unhappy marriages / relationships Image conscious; flashy dresser; uniform part of dress Loud and boisterous to validate his image of a macho individual.

Power Assertive Slides 91/92 Keppel & Burnes Inductive Notes

91/92 Power Assertive Dynamics Rape is planned, murder is unplanned...a response of increasing aggression to ensure control of the victim. A direct and overpowering assault and multiple ante-mortem rapes. Killing ensures the success of power and control. Control is an exaggerated machismo overreaction and expression of virility, mastery, and dominance. Homicidal Patterns Clothing torn from victim. Weapon is a knife or rope; easily concealed. Brings his own tools and takes them with him when he leaves. Evidence of bruises from beating and pummeling. The more challenged the more the beating. Generally no mutilation of the body. Will leave an organized crime scene to cover up and protect his ID. His desire for power will demand credit for the kill. The murder does not count unless someone knows or suspects him. Due to his need for glory and recognition, his will betray his secret to a bar patron, fellow worker, admirer, cellmate, and maybe LE. Suspect Profile •Usually in early twenties; emotionally primitive. •Preoccupied with projecting a macho image. Often a body builder or displays tattoos for machismo. Well attended car, carries weapons, and is arrogant and condescending. •Not seen as a team player; even in sports. Individual contact sports: wrestling, judo, karate, boxing. Winner take all sports and attitude. •Multiple marriages and relationships that he does not view as successful. •Often a high school drop-out; possible homophobic. •Kicked out of military or very poor record there. •Antisocial; lives on the edge of being a loner.

Anger Retaliation Slides 93/94 Predicated on the elements of power, rage, and sex

93/94 Anger Retaliation •Neighborhood attack; blitz style; little planning •Intent to harm victim; uses weapons of opportunity •Rips off victim's cloths; excessive profanity •Victim same age or older than rapist •Anal and Oral Sex Demands •Increasing Aggression •Travels by Car •Stalks victims close to his home Purpose: Hurt WOMEN. Get even with all women for the injustices (real or imaginary) he has suffered at the hands of other females all his life. Most were physically abused as children. From divorced families; 20% adopted; 80% raised by single female Athletic; masculine; contact sports; action-oriented occupation; extramarital affairs; quick-violent temper

Anger Retaliatory Slides 95/96 Keppel and Birnes Inductive Notes

95/96 Anger Retaliatory Dynamics Rape and murder is planned. Murder is overkill. Venting anger and symbolic revenge on a female Poor relationships with women result in explosive revenge. Possible triggering event from a female: criticism or scolding. Homicidal Pattern Violent sexual assault and overkill. Victim is his age or a little older. Victim comes from where he lives or works...familiar areas. Walks to crime scene often and uses a ruse to approach victim. Once alone, immediately hits victim in mouth and face. Uses weapons of opportunity to brutalize the victim. Acts of assault include fists, blunt objects, or a knife. Places the body into a submissive position by placing it on its side away from door or face down or with an artifact or cloth across the eyes, or placed in a closet with the door closed. Disorganized crime scene and improvised murder weapon found within 15 feet. Takes a souvenir. Suspect Profile •Mid to late twenties. •Explosive personality, quick-tempered, self-centered. •Social relations are superficial. Person no one really knows. •History of spousal abuse. •May be impotent. •Arrests for wife beating, battery, reckless driving, assault. •School dropout. •Probably discharged from military for behavior.

Sadistic Rapist 97

97 Most Dangerous Rape is expression of sexual-aggressive fantasies. Purpose: Inflict physical and psychological pain. Vital Connection between aggression and sexual gratification...eroticized aggression and violence. Middle Class; white collar; educated; no police record. Carefully plans rapes and carries them out within the parameters of his plans.

Elements in the Sadistic Rapists Act 98

98 •Victim is stalked, transported, and clothing cut off. •Use of gags, bonds, blindfolds, and/or handcuffs (duct-tape) •Ritual which utilizes a "rape kit" •Degrading Language and Increasing Violence •Will take precautions necessary to hinder detection of the crime •Takes victims to a place where he controls the action/his comfort zone


Enjoyment of performing sex in front of others


Enjoyment of stabbing someone with small objects

Behavioral Motivational Typoloy

Examples written on board in class

Essential Components to MOST Paraphilic Behaviors

Fantasy Compulsive Masturbation Facilitators (alcohol, drugs, and/or pornography) Paraphilia exists on a continuum and have the potential to become more violent over time.

Sadistic Slides 99/100 Keppel and Birnes Inductive Notes

99/100 Sadistic Dynamics Planned sexual assault and homicide designed to inflict terror and pain on the victim for the gratification of the perpetrator. Prolonged torture energizes the killer and satisfies lust for domination and control (although temporary). Ritualistic carnage designed to appease the killer's process for killing. The luxury of sadism is found in the art and process of killing, not the victim's death. Sadistic murder is comprised of recognizable deviancies coalesced into a ritualistic satisfaction. An indulgence in the suffering of the victim. Homicidal Patterns Prolonged, bizarre, ritualistic assault. Advanced plan of action including a murder kit. Will use a con/ruse until the victim is isolated. Bondage and Domination play a significant role in the killing process. Evidence of ante mortem cutting. Localized brutalization: skin tears and inserted objects into the body. May harvest body parts and souvenirs. Organized offender tends to commit offenses distant from his usual activities. May inject himself into the investigation. Suspect Profile 1)Well appearing, bright, socially facile. 2)May be married or in a long term relationship. Dutiful husband. 3)Compulsive and structurally organized. 4)Two years of college; possible graduate. 5)Will keep victim's souvenirs, his murder kit, and favored pornographic material in a closet, room, basement or even hole in the ground.

GA Law - Sexual Assault

A person has supervisory or disciplinary authority over another person and such person engages in sexual contact with that other person


A person that rubs, bumps, or presses up against others in a crowd


A significantly older person who prefers to have sex with individuals legally considered children. Sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.

How to differentiate between PA, AR, & PR

AR is Mad - ANGER PA is trying to asset control - POWER PR is more sexually incompetent - HORNY


Abnormal love. Para - Greek for beyond or outside the usual Philia - Greek for love Paraphilia's are a group of persistent sexual behavioral patterns in which unusual objects, fetishes, rituals, or situations are required for full sexual satisfaction The average number of paraphilia's is 4.8 per person

Robert Hanson

Alaska 1983 14 Women found dead; he confessed to 17 murders Picked up prostitute, took her home; raped her Attempted to fly her somewhere; she escaped Security guard witnessed Hanson running from airport Hanson had a pilot's license Several dancers were reported missing Profiler predicted offender stuttered; Hanson did Took 3 requests to get search warrant granted June 13 kidnapping/rape was only charge originally Geographic profiling of flight maps helped solve case

Child Molester

An adult who touches or fondles a child for sexual gratification. A significantly older individual who engages in any type of sexual activity with individual legally defined as children.

Wayne Williams

Atlanta; East Point Section, black neighborhood 28 children/teens dead 12 victims had DNA that linked Williams Prosecuted for only 2 of the 12 linked victims His case was KEY to starting criminal profiling methods Hair/Fiber DNA Evidence - Orange carpet fiber All victims strangled Bodies dumped in water in attempt to wash away DNA He impersonated a police officer He lured kids in with talent scout ruse He was angry/power seeking He was organized The victim's MOTHERS were responsible for getting FBI involved Power Assertive Motivational T ypology

9 months

Average grooming time for child molesters


Cannibalism; the eating of man's flesh

GA Law - Rape

Carnal knowledge (when there is any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ) of: -A female forcibly and against her will -A female less than 10 years of age -Statutory rape: sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 16 (not his/her spouse)


Children can ___________give consent


Choice of older person for sexual intercourse

Comparing/Contrasting Situational vs. Preferential PREFERENTIAL

Comparing: PREFERENTIAL •Preferential -Psychosexual/Deviant -Sexual needs -More intelligent -Higher Socioeconomic status -Focused criminal behavior -Theme pornography -Compulsive -Considers Needs/Needy Mistakes •Preferential -Paraphilia •Pedophilia •Voyeurism •Sadism -Fantasy Driven -Script •Audition •Rehearsal •Props •Critique •Preferential -MO Patterns •Need •Static

True Pedophile

For the ___________an adult woman doesn't sexually interest them They have no interest in anything BUT children; most prefer children that are pre-pubescent (Child Molesters are NOT exclusively attracted to children)

Joe Fulton

Fulton APD officer; former Baltimore PD -Convicted of child molestation against step-daughter in 1990 (incident date in 1989). -3 daughters and 1 son (claims 5 children in other documents) -Claimed allegations were the result of a "crazy wife" and step-daughter that was rebelling against discipline -Claims "story" made up by wife and step daughter -Absolutely denies the incident ever occurred 1985 learns wife is having affair with her boss -Separation leads to Chapter 11; leads to wife using son to get back together; leads to serious altercation with the guy his wife had affair with; and on and on and the next affair -Convicted on the sole testimony of teenage step-daughter that he made her masturbate him

Sexual Assault Kits

GBI gets 250 sexual assault kits to process per month; they are currently 750 behind,


Insertion of penis into rectum

Forensic Files Video - Badge of Deceit

Lafayette LA 1995 Serial Rapes Randy Como/Law Enforcement Officer was Perp Power Assertive Motivational Typology Geographical profiling helped solve case Most crimes too place w/in 2 miles of his home DNA retrieved from cigarette butt

George Miller LeCroy

LeCroy Cobb County Court Clerk; Cobb County Police Sergeant; Austell Police Officer -Sixteen years service with Georgia National Guard -Graduate of Marietta HS and 1-year at Kennesaw State University -Fired from Cobb PD...Insubordination -In third marriage...when... •February 15, 1988: picked up 7-year old stepdaughter from daycare •Took pictures of her nude in various poses. Put his genitals in the vaginal area of stepdaughter •Previously had abused stepdaughter by making her eat her own feces and burning her feet •Admitted to abusing her as early as when she was 4-years old •Arrested for: Aggravated Child Molestation (oral sodomy), Incest (sexual intercourse), Sexual Exploitation of Children (nude photographs), and child molestation (fondling breasts of child) •Plead guilty; sentenced to 30-years. •Reasons -"I would get intoxicated and do something stupid." -Abused stepdaughter because "he knew his wife was running around on him." -Was abused as a child himself; forced to perform oral sodomy on his cousin.

Erotophonophilia Definition

Lust Murder The acting out of injurious behaviors by brutally and sadistically assailing the victim

What is Sexual Deviance?

Non-consenting partner Illegal sexual behavior Violation of others boundaries or rights Significant impairment to one's functioning Persistent of Escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others.


Oral sex performed on a male

Differences between Pedophiles and Child Molesters

Pedophiles are diagnosed with have 6 months of recurrent, intense sexual arousing fantasies or urges... Child molesters appear to use physical force more than pedophiles

GA Law - Child Molestation

Person does any immoral act or indecent act to or in the presence of or with any child under the age of 16 years with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the person

GA Law - Sodomy

Person performs or submits to any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another

Reasons for NOT reporting rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault

Personal matter - victim's feelings of shame - stigma attached to the victim Fear of reprisal Police biased Protect the offender Lack of faith in the cj system - society belief that victim somehow invited the attack or cooperated with the rapist The closer the relationship between the female victim and the offender, the greater the likelihood that the police would not be told about the rape or sexual assault

Power Assertive Elements of Rape

Power Assertive Elements of Rape -Verbal and Physical Violence; will overpower victim -Cruises Single Bars; Attacks between 7pm to 1am -Tear Victim's clothing; No attempt to hide Identity -Multiple Assaults: Anal then oral assault -Selfish behavior; very brutal attack -Victim will be conned or overpowered -Rapist has no further contact with Victim -Victim same age and race as rapist

Serial Rapist Added Dimensions

Power, anger, sexuality Deficiencies in heterosexual development Abuse of alcohol Pornography Mother=rejecting, excessively controlling, dominant, punitive, overprotective, and seductive A rapist hostility toward women in general in adulthood may stem from the pain he suffered at the hands of a particular women - his mother! Father=uninvolved, aloof, distant, absent, or passive


Prefer children who are already into puberty. Children between 13 to 16 yoa -Hebephilia...female youth -Ephebephilia...male youth

Forensic Files Video - Bad Blood

Rape case; "Candy" Perp was town favorite physician; Dr. Shneburger Victim was drugged and raped in his office No one believed victim Dr. did blood test but didn't match DNA Dr. inserted someone else's blood into his arm DNA match discovered from chapstick Used meds/drugs on Candy and stepdaughter Drugs were a control mechanism Power Assertive Motivational Typology Asked victim if drugs gave her "wild dreams" Wife found drugs/condoms in box at home after daughter made outcry Dr. was self confident; smarter than police/techs He only served 6 year

Serial Rapists Slide

Rape is a crime of power and violence in which sex is the weapon Rape - the crime of having sexual intercourse with another person forcibly and against their will Statutory Rape - unlawful sexual intercourse because it involves a person younger than the age prescribed by statute as the age of consent Forcible Rape - Sexual penetration without a person's consent Victims - 16-24 yoa; most are white; single Stranger Rape - most often occurs in the victim's home in the period from 6pm to midnight. LOCK YOUR DOORS and Turn on your outside lights - offenders avoid lights


Sexual enjoyment of feces


Sexual interest with a part of the body (feet, hair, etc)


Sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object (date 1906); the acts or fantasy of engaging in sexual activity with pre-pubertal (period of life just prior to sexual maturation) children as a repeatedly preferred or exclusive method of achieving sexual excitement. who practices pedophilia.

Age of consent

The legal age for sex to be treated as by agreement; different in each state. 16 in Georgia

Organized Retail Crime

Theft/Fraud activity conducted with the intent to convert illegally obtained items or cash into financial gain, where/when the following elements are present: 1) Multiples of items 2) Over multiple occurrences 3) and/or in multiple stores or locations 4) and/or in multiple jurisdictions 5) By 2 or more persons or an individual acting in dual roles (booster & fence)


Thief who steals for personal gain or consumption No conversion or transfer of product to another person

Living Victim

To be sadistic requires that there be a ____________________


Tongue to anus contact


Tongue to vagina contact

Unknown Motive Category

UCR classifies sexual homicide under the ________________. Lust Murder (erotophonophilia) does NOT have a specific taxonomy (the science or technique of classification) in the UCR.

Victim Info Required in the Profiling Process

•Physical Traits -Physical Description -The way a person dresses (may signal a vocation) -Hairstyle and color (Ted Bundy example) •Marital Status -Jealous Husband/Spouse -Outside Love Interest -Police Reports on Marital Disputes -Others view of the marriage or relationship •Lifestyle -Daily Activities -Circle of Fiends -Hobbies -Drug Use -Gathering Spots/Drinking Locations -Social Groups -Religious Activities •Occupation -Contacts at Work -Organizations, Conferences, or Meetings -Past job: enemies, friends, former dating partners -Travel associated with work •Education -Schools and Programs attended. -Intelligence indicates type of people victim associates with. -Dating Partners -Conduct of the Victim •Medical History -Communicable Disease -Dental Records -Psychological State/Mental Health History -Contacts through Medical appointments -Psychosexual History •Personal Demographics -Home Location(s) -Past Neighbors and Fiends -Contact with Neighbors •Other Interest Items -Contact with the Criminal Justice System -24 hour time-line of last activities -Routes of travel for last 24 hours -Unusual activities for the Victim

Behavioral Analysis Typologies for Child Molesters

•SITUATIONAL -Regressed -Morally Indiscriminate -Inadequate •PREFERENTIAL -Seduction -Introverted -Sadistic -Diverse

Situational Molesters

•Tend to be less intelligent and more likely from lower socioeconomic groups •Criminal sexual behavior tends to service basic sexual needs (horniness and lust) -OR...non-sexual needs (power and anger) •Sexual behavior primarily thought-driven -Age, race, gender of victim •Will consider the risks, but make stupid mistakes •Self-perception is entitlement ...entitled to have sex •Behaviors intend to obtain and control the victim •Verbal skills are weak so they are more likely to use force •Will have a criminal and person victims •Victims are targeted because of availability and opportunity. •Do not have a true sexual preference for children •Molest children because of easy access...those they live with or have control over •Targeted because the child is weak, vulnerable, or available •Other vulnerable victims may be targeted: sick, elderly, or disabled

Ability to understand

•The ____________________________ why child molesters have sex with children leads to an understanding of how child molesters have sex with children...hopefully, assisting in identifying, arresting, and convicting them. -What evidence to look for... -Possible additional victims... -How to ID those victims... -How to interview the suspect... •Descriptive terms learned may assist in better understanding in reports, search warrants, and testimony. The JURY just may get IT!

Wesley Allan Dodd

•Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) convicted serial killer and pedophile. • Executed on January 5, 1993. • First legal hanging (at his own request) in the United States since 1965. •Began sexually abusing children when he was a teenager •First victims were his cousins •Victims (over 50 in all) were children less than 12, some as young as 2 •He killed brothers Cole and William Neer (aged 11 and 10, respectively) in Vancouver, Washington in 1989 •Tortured, raped and murdered four-year-old Lee Iseli. •After he was arrested for trying to abduct a boy from a movie theater

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