Set 2 MGT 300 EXAM 3

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Jakob thought he'd enjoy his job as a web designed, but it turns out that he is responsible only for updating web pages and not for creating them, too. According to the jobs characteristics model, Jakorb has low ______________ p. 415

Task Identity

What types of control are the task motivation and relationship motivation associated with?

Task Motivation: For high and low control Relationship Motivated: For moderate control

Which core job characteristic describes the extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all of the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end?

Task identity

Fundamental attribution bias

Tendency whereby people attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics rather than to situational factors


Terminology specific to a particular profession or group


The _____ approach to leadership attempts to determine the actions and behaviors that effective leaders engage in when interacting with others.

Emotional intelligence

The ability to cope, to empathize with others, and to be self-motivated

What is the definition of Leadership?

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational gains (Managers use control, leaders use influence/persuasion)

Causal attribution

The activity of inferring causes for observed behavior

The job diagnostic surevey used in connection with the job characteristics model measures an individual's motivating potential score (MPS), which suggests

The amount of internal work motivation associated with a specific job.

Self-serving bias

The attributional tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure


The combined impact of five elements - positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement (PERMA)

D. cross-functional

The community task force consisted of police officers, ambulance drivers, and other support service staff who worked with the public. Their job was to determine the best response system for the 911 services of the town. This task force is an example of a(n) __________ team. A. action B. top-management C. production D. cross-functional

Learned helplessness

The debilitating lack of faith in one's ability to control one's environment

Affective component of an attitude

The feelings or emotions one has about a situation


The first stage of group and team development, __________, is the process of getting oriented and getting acquainted.

A. maintenance

The focus of a(n) __________ role is fostering constructive relationships among team members and keeping the team together as a cohesive whole. A. maintenance B. task-oriented C. task D. coordination

Functional Conflict

The good kind of conflict is __________, which benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests.


The information to be shared

Job characteristics model

The job design model that consists of five core job characteristics that affect three critical psychological states of an employee that in turn affect work outcomes—the employee's motivation, performance, and satisfaction

leader behavior: interaction facilitation

The leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relationships

leader behavior: value-based

The leader establishes a vision, displays passion for it, and supports its accomplishment

leader behavior: work facilitation

The leader plans, schedules, organizes, and coordinates work and assists employees in developing their skills

Glass ceiling

The metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs


The movement of employees in and out of an organization when they obtain and then leave their jobs


The pathway by which a message travels

Extrinsic reward

The payoff, such as money, a person receives from others for performing a particular task.

Extrinsic reward

The payoff, such as money, that a person receives from others for performing a particular task

Sales commission

The percentage of a company's earnings as the result of a salesperson's sales that is paid to that salesperson


The person for whom a message is intended


The person wanting to share information


The practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community, such as Facebook and Twitter users


The primary task of leadership is to communicate the vision and the values of an organization; second, leaders must win support for the vision and values they articulate; and third, leaders have to reinforce the vision and the values. Whereas management is a process that lots of people are able to learn, leadership is more visionary.

Active listening

The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages

Participative management (PM)

The process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes in the organization

Job simplification

The process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs

Scientific management

The process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs.


The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directing behavior.


The right of people not to reveal information about themselves

Stock options

The right to buy a company's stock at a future date for a discounted price

Recency effect

The tendency of people to remember recent information better than earlier information


The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs


The tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively


The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _____ power.


The unofficial communication system of the informal organization

Positive reinforcement

The use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior


The weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


The weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced.

Process perspectives

Theories of employee motivation concerned with the thought processes by which people decide how to act: expectancy theory, equity theory, and goal-setting theory

Content perspectives or Need-based perspectives

Theories that emphasize the nee4ds that motivate people.

Need-based perspectives or Content perspectives

Theories that emphasize the nee4ds that motivate people.

Self-determination theory

Theory that assumes that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Two-factor theory

Theory that proposes that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different work factors—work satisfaction from so-called motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from so-called hygiene factors

Expectancy theory

Theory that suggests that people are motivated by two things: (1) how much they want something and (2) how likely they think they are to get it

Basic Behaviors

There are five __________ that enable you to work on disagreements and keep them from flaring into out-of-control personality conflicts: openness, equality, empathy, supportiveness, and positiveness.

Conflict-Handling Styles

There are five __________, or techniques, a manager can use for handling disagreements with individuals: avoiding, accommodating, forcing, compromising, and problem solving

4. Intellectual simulation: Let me describe the great challenge we can conquer together

These leaders are gifted at communicating the organization's SWOT, so that subordinates develop a new sense of purpose. Employees learn to new problems as personal challenges that they are responsible for overcoming, to questions the status quo, and to seek creative solutions.

Ensuring people do their jobs- motivating and inspiring

They appeal to "basic but often untapped human needs, values, and emotions." Keep people moving in the right direction. Leaders inspire others, provide emotional support, and try to get employees to rally around common goal. *** (IMPORTANT) Leaders also play a role in creating a vision and strategic plan for the organization, which managers are then charged with implementing.

Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- aligning people

They communicate the new direction to people in the company who can understand the vision and build coalitions that will realize it.

Determining what needs to be done-setting a direction

They develop a vision for the future, along with the strategies for realizing the change.

Which of the following is an example of a physical barrier to communication?

Time zone differences between team members who are geographically dispersed

According to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as inputs?

Time, effort, training, experience, intelligence, creativity, seniority, status

What does it take to be a successful leader?

Trait approaches attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders. We describe (1) positive task-oriented traits and positive/negative interpersonal attributes (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) and (2) some results of gender studies.


Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things, while ______ leaders attempt people to do exceptional things.

Transformational Leadership

Transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests.

What is transformational Leadership?

Transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-intersts


Translating a message into understandable symbols or language

T or F Managers should ask questions to determine what rewards are valued by employees when utilizing Expectancy Theory to motivate workers.


True/False: The message is the information the sender wants to share.


True/False: The three main types of barriers to communication are physical barriers, semantic barriers, and person barriers.


What are the universal positive leader attributes?

Trustworthy, just, honest, foresighted, plans ahead, encouraging, positive, dynamic, motive arouser, confidence builder, motivational, dependable, intelligent, decisive, effective bargainer, win win problem solver, administrative skilled, communicative, informed, coordinator, team builder and excellence oriented

Inspirational appeals

Trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to other's emotions, ideals, or values

Inspirational appeal

Trying to build enthusiasms or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values.

If there are many ways to be a leader, which one would describe me best?

Two other kinds of leadership are the leader-member exchange model, which emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates, and e-leadership, which involves leader interactions with others via information technology. A third perspective is the role of followers in the leadership process.

Counterproductive work behaviors (CWB)

Types of behavior that harm employees and the organization as a whole


Tyrone's management style could be best described as the "carrot or the stick" approach. If his subordinates perform to expectations, he will reward them; if their performance falls short of expectations, he will punish them. Which leadership style does this describe?


Under Fiedler's model, the level of influence has in his or her immediate work environment is called _______ control.

In the ________, researcher Rensis Likert idnetified two forms of leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered.

University of Michigan Leadership Model

Positive Reinforcement

Use of positive consequences to strengthen behavior

What is e-leadership?

Using information technology for one-to-one, one-to-many, and between group and collective interactions

Charlie complains to a coworker, "Chris has lied to us so many times about how he's going to try to get us a raise that I don't believe a thing he says anymore." Which personal barrier to effective communication does this best describe?

Variations in trustworthiness and credibility

What is value based (Step 8)

We're destined to accomplish great things


Weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced

A. Members of the team are given administrative oversight for their task area.

What makes a self-managed team unique? A. Members of the team are given administrative oversight for their task area. B. Supervisors do the work normally done by staff. C. Staff members are required to do additional reporting to management. D. Administrative oversight is absent.

A. Openness

When a coworker voiced an opinion in a staff meeting with which he disagreed, Jeb calmly stated, "I don't agree with that approach, but I would like to get a better understanding of your objections to see what other approaches we might consider." Which conflict-handling behavior is Jeb demonstrating? A. Openness B. Empathy C. Equality D. Supportiveness


When an employee doesn't show up for work

Legitimate power

Which all managers have, is power that results form managers' formal positions within the organization.

Trait approaches to leadership

Which attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.


Within the first stage of team development, called __________, members get oriented and acquainted with each other.

________ has become an increasingly important management skill because of the elimination of administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence.


_____________ is an essential management skill made all the more so because of the elimination of administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence.


The basic lesson of Herzberg's research is that_______________________

You should first eliminate dissatisfaction (hygiene factors), making the working conditions, pay levels, and company policies are reasonable. You should then concentrate on spurring motivation by providing opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth (motivating factors).

Global Mind-set

Your belief in your ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context


______ power results from one's specialized information of expertise

Team Composition

__________ reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.

Team Member Interdependence

__________ reveals the extent to which team members rely on common task-related team inputs, such as resources, information, goals, and rewards, and the amount of interpersonal interactions needed to complete the work.

Virtual Teams

__________ work together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals.

Group Cohesiveness

__________, a "we feeling" binding group members together, is the principal by-product of stage 3.

Problem Solving

__________, or integrating, is about collaboration.


___________ is ignoring or suppressing a conflict.

laissez-faire leadership

a form of "leadership" characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support


a leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members' needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust

which one of the following best describes the basis of the nonrational models of decision making? a model that tried to predict future behavior and consequences a model that trains managers how to make ethical decisions a model that describes how managers actually make decisions a model that describes how managers should make optimal decision

a model that describes how managers actually make decisions


a self centered perspective feelings of superiorty and a drive for personal power and glory


a sense of belonging and attachment to others


a sense of belonging and attachment to others


a vision, display for passion for it, and support its accomplishment (we're destined to accomplish great things)

self management

ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways

John has a strong desire to perform difficult tasks well. He is motivated by personal standards of excellence. John has a high need for _______________.


Trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values is called __________.

an inspirational appeal


anne submits her vacation request to her boss


any disturbances that interferes with the transmission of a message

trait approaches to leadership

approaches that attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders

behavioral leadership approaches

attempt to determine the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders

behavioral leadership approaches

attempt to determined the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders - task-oriented behavior - relationship-oriented behavior - passive behavior - transformational behavior

trait approaches to leadership

attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders

a learned predisposition toward a give object is a _____


the activity of inferring causes for observed behavior is known as casual _____


__is the right to perform or command; this right comes with the supervisors job


Jobs with high __________ allow workers to set their own schedules and decide how to perform the necessary tasks.


Jobs with high ______________ allow workers to set their own schedules and decide how to perform the necessary tasks.


jobs with high ________________ allow workers to set their own schedules and decide how to perform the necessary tasks


participate management is said to increase employee motivation and performance because it helps them fulfill three basic needs. what are those basic needs

autonomy meaningfulness of work interpersonal contact

self-_____ is the ability to read your own emotions and accurately assess your moods so that you know you are affecting others


The three main types of __________ to communication are physical, semantic, and personal.


the three main types of ___ to communication are physical, semantic, and personal.


legitimating tactics

basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors

legitimating tactics

basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors ex: "This has been green-lighted at the highest levels."

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement?

be clear about what behavior is desired and give rewards as soon as possible

which of the following are characterisitcs of being a leader, rather than a manager

being a visionary


being upbeat and expressing your willingness to work with the other person to find a resolution to the problem

self efficiancy

belief in ones personal ability to do a task

cash awards given to employees who achieve specific performance objectives



both parties give up something to gain something


can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within a group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology

Which of the following apply to a project team?

can meet just once or for many years, task or problem oriented, and can meet virtually or face to face


can stimulate a person to better coping and adaptation such as performing well on a test

identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age

cell phone abuse, too many emails, lack of privacy, loss of securtiy

identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age

cellphone abuse too many emails loss of security lack or privacy

evaluative style

challenging the speaker

inspiring others providing emotional support being a visionary

characteristics of a leader:


characterized by lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a dearth of remorse when the psychopath's actions harm others

A leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support is demonstrating _____________


Path-Goal Clarifying

clarify performance goals (heres what's expected of you and here's how to do it)

the rational model of decision making is also called the ______ model.


which are accurate concerning body movements and gestures as forms of nonverbal communication?

closed body positions being defensive, the gender of communicator may impact how body movements are interpreted.

which of the following statements are accurate concerning body movements and gestures as forms of nonverbal cmmunication

closed body positions tend to be interpreted as being defensive the gender of the communicator may impact how body movements and gestures are intrepreted

which would be least likely to impact what we say and what we think we hear when communicating?

clothes we wear

Steve docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. Steve is demonstrating ___________ power.


amber docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. amber is demonstrating ____ power


Louisa is a real estate salesperson. When she sells a house, she earns a sales _____________ equal to 6% of the sales price of the house.


Louisa is a real estate salesperson. When she sells a house, she earns a sales ________________ equal to 6% of the sales price of the house.


employee earning a percentage of the sales price


louisa is a real estate salesperson. when she sells a house, she earns a sales _____ equal to 6% of the sales price of the house


the extent to which an employee an organization and is committed to its goals is known as organizational _____


a servant leader would display which of the following characteristics

commitment to the growth of people focus on listening

The transfer of information and understand from one person to another is called:


the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as _____


the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as ________________


Jordan enjoys working at his company because it has the philosophy that every employee is making an important contribution. As a result, there is a mutual level of respect among all employees. In this situation, the company is creating a feeling of ________.


according to self determination theory, people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment and their behavior and well-being is influenced by what three innate needs

competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Team _____________ describes the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.


Connie's manager criticizes her for not including enough information on the report. The criticism she recieves is an example of _____________.


One management responsibility is to identify when to create _______________, not simply when to mitigate it.


_________ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. -conflict -social loafing -groupthink -arbitration


when members are able to express their opinions and reach agreement to support the final decision, ______ occurs.


______ is leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or tust


which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented behaviors?

consideration behavior empowering leadership servant leadership

The sales at Carmen's Cosmetics Company have been falling off for the past year. Carmen decided to hire a consultant to bring in a new perspective and help generate sales. Many of the employees were upset by the consultant's choices but ultimately the company did start gaining sales. Bringing in a new perspective is an example of _______ conflict -ambiguous -constructive -open -dysfunctional


Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of the _________________ influence tactic.


susan was able to get steve to work with er in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on teh design. this is an example of the ___ influence tactic


susan was able to get steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thought on the design. this is an example of the _____ influence tactic




Fiedler's _________ leadership model is determined by whether a leader's style is task-oriented or relationship-oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.


Fiedlers _____ leadership model is determined by whether a leaders style task-oriented or relationship-oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand


Path-goal leadership is one of the _________ leadership approaches and states that leader effectiveness depends on tying meaningful rewards to accomplishment, reducing barriers to success, and providing support.


Path-goal leadership is one of the ___________ leadership approaches and states that leader effectiveness depends on tying meaningful rewards to accomplishment, reducing barriers to success, and providing support.


The __________ approach to leadership asserts that a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation at hand.


path-goal leadership is one of the__ leadership approaches and states that leader effectiveness depends on tying meaningful rewards to accomplishment, reducing barriers to success, and providing support


Frances suggested that the marketing team prepare extra copies of the new catalog in anticipation of the upcoming convention. She knew the sales staff would need plenty of catalogs during the event. Frances is the catalyst for ______ between the two departments. -cohesiveness -cooperation -trust -motivation



create an organization's vision and strategic plan

which of the following is NOT one of the three rules for giving an effective speech?

critique it

The community task force consisted of police officers, ambulance drivers, and other support service staff who worked with the public. Their job was to determine the best response system for the 911 services of the town. This task force is an example of a(n) _____________ team.


when individuals who want to start a new venture obtain many small amounts of money from many people, this type of financing is called ______. crowdfunding multifunding duplicating venture-funding angel-financing


"dark side" trait: Machiavellianism

cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people


cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people

cell phone use can cause negative behaviors that are

deadly, illegal, annoying, unethical

the prospect theory suggests that ______.

decision makers find the notion of an actual loss more painful than giving up the possibility of a gain.

A(n) __________ barrier is when the recipient does not understand the message.


connor rereads the email that he has received in order to make sense of its message. on what part of the communication process is connor focusing?


more women are in the U.S. workforce today than ever before. as a result, there is a growing need for childcare in the United States. this is an example of ______ force.


- women generally use more participative style than men - women are highly collaborative

desirable traits of women who excel as executives:

contingency leadership model

determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand

Which of the following are potential ways to build cross-cultural relationships?

develop and mentor others, be sensitive to the needs of others, and advocate for participative leadership

The method of programmed conflict that is the process of assigning a person to the role of critic is known as ________. -devil's advocacy -the dialectic method -groupthink buster -the Abilene paradox

devil's advocacy

Jan is involved in an office debate. She plays the role of _____________, which involves voicing possible objections to proposals to generate critical thinking and reality testing.

devil's advocate

Applying the Job Characteristics Model requires which of the following?

diagnose the work environment to see whether a problem exists, determine whether job redesign is appropriate, and consider how to redesign the job

The process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal is known as the ___________ method


The process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal is known as the _______________ method.


the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal is known as the ______ method.


Peter divided his staff into two groups to play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand all facets of the proposal before the organization. This process is known as ________. -the dialectic method -scenario planning -devil's advocacy method -the Abilene paradox

dialectic method

task structure

dimension of situational control is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood routine tasks.


displays a clinical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles


displays a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people putting results over principles

attempts to identify__that account for the effectiveness of leaders are the foundation of the trait approaches

distinctive characteratics

attempts to identify ____ that account for the effectiveness of leaders are the foundation of the trait approaches

distinctive characteristics

a person or an organization that helps another organization sell its good s and services is called ______.


In Irene's small tennis apparel studio, three staff members are responsible for clothing design, three other staff members are responsible for accounting and financial information, and three additional people are responsible for sales. The task groups at Irene's studio are an example of ________.

division of labor

when laying out your ideas in writing, which of the following strategies should you use?

don't show your ignorance, understand your strategy before you write, start with your purpose, write simply concisely and directly, and telegraph your writing with a powerful layout

____________ communication flows from a higher level to a lower level in the organization, as when a manager communicates with his or her subordinates.


strong stressors

dramatically strain a persons ability to adapt

Negative conflict that hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests is known as _____________ conflict.


Negative conflict that hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests is known as _______________ conflict.


leadership within the context of electronic technology is known as _____-leadership


The internet and other forms of advanced information technology have led to new ways for interacting one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group and between group, or in and collective interactions via information technology. This results in what Harvard Business School professor D. Quinn Mills calls:


marta is a example of a _____ communicator because her intended message is accurately understoof by david when she explains the project to him


According to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as inputs?

effort, training, and experience

marcis was recently advanced to the directors post at his company. many of the people who report to him are not happy that he was promoted because he tends to tune out their ideas and has been known to take credit for ideas that arent his. his arrogance to demonstrate his _____


they dont call Ed "steady eddy" for no reason. he is unfailingly calm, even under pressure or stress. it would appear that ed has a high level of

emotional stability

leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership

emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

psychological empowerment

employees' belief that they have control over their work

The basic lesson of Herzberg's research is that _______________.

employers should attempt to eliminate job dissatisfaction before addressing job satisfaction

Putting a message into understandable symbols or language is called ____________.


Translating a message into understandable symbols or language for transmission is known as _________.


an __ barrier is when the mesage is ont expressed correct as when you have trouble finding the right word to express how you feel about something.


in the communication process, translating a message into symbols or language for transmission is referred to as _____


translating a message into understandable symbols or language for transmission is known as _______________


In order to increase variety and positively impact worker motivation, Grant Industries increases the number of tasks in each job on assembly line. This practice is known as job _________________.


Jasmine previously handled only accounts payable in the company. However, her job has changed so that she now handles accounts receivable as well. This is an example of job ________________________


jasmine previously handled only accounts payable in the company. however, her job has changed so that she now handles accounts receivable as well. this is an example of job _____


In order to better motivate his employees, Enzo gave them tasks with added responsibility and room for recognition. Enzo was using job _____________


In order to better motivate his employees, Enzo gave them tasks with added responsibility and room for recognition. Enzo was using job _______________.


sam wants to improve job satisfaction, so he adds more responsibility, complexity, and control to his subordinates jobs. this is an example of job _____


task-oriented leadership behaviors

ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization

which of the following theories of motivation as process perspectives on motivation

equity theory goal-setting theory expectancy theory

"throwing good money after bad" characterizes the ______ bias.

escalation of commitment


establish a vision, display passion for it, and support its accomplishment

self-_____ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves


_____ is the belief that ones native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture



evaluating all ideas fairly without regard to ownership

which are types of listening styles?

evaluative, comprehensive, appreciative, empathetic

Conner wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable client's portfolio. Conner reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, he owned, he owned him a favor. This is an example of ___________________ influence tactic.


Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable client's portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, he owed him a favor. This is an example of the ________ influence tactic.


Reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors is an example of persuasion by _________ tactics


The leader-member _________ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders often have different relationships with different groups of subordinates.


Jake is confident that if he studies hard for the next test, he'll earn a high score. In terms of motivation theory, this is an example of ________________.


Jake is confident that if he studies hard for the next test, he'll earn a high score. In terms of motivation theory, this is an example of _____________________________


jake thinks if he studies hard for the next test he'll earn a high score. in terms of motivation theory, this is an example of


______ power results from one's specialized knowledge


trina is the go to gal when anyone in the office has problems with the computer system. she knows more about the system than anyone else, and no matter what the problem is, she can fix it. Trina has _____ power


task identity

extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end

Bob sends info about his company's new product line to a potential customer. this is an example of ________ communication.


bod sends information about his company new product line to a potential customer. this is an example of _____ communcation


the _____ dimensions of diversity include such factors as geographic location, educational background, and marital/parental status


When a supervisor no longer gives bonuses for selling a particular product, employees are less likely to try to sell that product. This is a type of reinforcement called ____________


_____ is the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


________________ is the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced.


Raises and other monetary incentives are examples of ______________ rewards.


Janeens boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the past quarter that he gives her a bonus. in terms of the model of motivation, the bonus represents ____

extrinsic reward

raises and other monetary incentives are examples of

extrinsic rewards

True or false: Studies have proven that a conflict-free work group is a happy work group.


formal communication channels follow the chain of command and are recognized as unofficial


In relationship to the goal-setting theory, what is necessary to have so that employees know if they are on the right track when working on a project?


in relationship to the goal setting theory, what is necessary to have so that employees know if they are on the right track when working on a project


necessary to have so that employees know if they are on the right track when working on a project


the term __ describes when the receiver expresses his or her reaction to the sender's message.


the term _____ describes when the receiver expresses his or her reaction to the senders message



feeling qualified, knowledgeable and capable of completing a goal or task


feelings or emotions one has about a situation

the model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is ______

fiedlers contingency model

a company's triple bottom line measure three aspects of its performance:

financial social environmental

According to the text, what is the modern way of designing jobs?

fitting jobs to people

external communication

flows between people inside and outside the organization

horizontal communication

flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination

transactional leadership

focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance

servant leadership

focuses on providing increased service to others- meeting the goals of both followers and the organization- rather than to oneself

transactional leadership

focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance

discerining style

focusing on the main message

comprehensive style

focusing on the speaker's logic

comprehensive style

focusing on the speakers logic

formal communication channels

follow the chain of command and are recognized as official


form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support

A group established with a leader by an organization to accomplish specific goals is called a ________ group -formal -ancillary -work -informal


A group established with a leader by an organization to accomplish specific goals is called a(n) ______________ group.


jackson sends a memo tho his staff announcing a project review meeting to be held the next day. this is an example of _______________ communication


jackson sends a memo to his staff announcing a project review meeting to be held the next day. this is an example of _____ communication


Susan's team is going through the ______________ stage of team development. In this stage, they are becoming oriented with the group's processes and getting acquainted with one another.


The first stage of team development, called __________, members get oriented and acquainted to each other.


- initiating structure leadership - transactional leadership

forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors

- consideration - empowering leadership - ethical leadership - servant leadership

four kinds of relationship-oriented behaviors:


freedom and discretion to determine what you want to do and how you want to do it


freedom and discretion to determine what you want to do and how you want to do it

Informal groups come together for ______________.


New governmental regulations were going to force Tyler's company to redesign its entire production system, but Tyler knew that after the work was done, his company would benefit. This demonstrates the idea of a _______________ conflict.


While the new governmental regulations were going to force Tyler's company to reinvent the entire production system, Tyler knew that after the work was done, his company would benefit. This demonstrates the idea of a ____________ (functional/ dysfunctional) conflict.


distribution of savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity


the distribution of savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity is known as _____


social media are internet based and mobile techs used to

generate interactive dialogue w members of a network


getting others to participate in a decision or change

consultation tactic

getting others to participate in a decision or change ex: "Wonder if I could get your thoughts about this matter."

coalition tactics

getting others to support your effort to persuade someone

coalition tactics

getting others to support your effort to persuade someone ex: "everyone in the department thinks this is a great idea."

which of the following guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement

give rewards as soon as possible be clear about what behavior is desired

______ theory suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs.


________________ theory suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs.


The __________ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, often a network of gossip and rumor.


the ___ is the unofficial communication system of the informal org, is faster than formal channels, is about 75% accurate, and is used by employees to acquire...


the _____ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, often a network of gossip and rumor


the _______________ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, often a network of gossip and rumor


what are two types of informal communication channels

grapevine, management wandering around

The __________ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, is faster than formal channels, is about 75% accurate, and is used by employees to acquire the majority of their on-th-job information.


A(n) ________________ is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identify.


Connor, Luke, and Mason are co-workers who meet regularly after work to talk about the latest video games on the market and strategies for improving their scores on the games. This is an example of a ________. -department -team -group -club


__________ is a group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives and the inability to think outside the box. -Cohesiveness -Social loafing -Devil's advocacy -Groupthink

group think

_______________ is a group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives and the inability to think outside the box.


a decision-making team that is not able to consider alternatives because it is close-knit and strives for unanimity may be experiencing:



having "a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

Operant conditioning

he process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences.

Trina never disagrees with what her manager asks her to do on a project even if she thinks there is a better way to do the job. Which type of follower does Trina represent?


______ are strategies such as "rule of thumb" that simplify decision making.


programs that encourage employees to strive for a harmonious and productive balance of physical, mental, and social well being brough about by the acceptance of ones personal responsibility for developing and adhering to a health promotion program are commonly referred to as _____ programs

holistic wellness

__ communication flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination


simply giving employees additional tasks of similar difficulty is known as ____________ loading, whereas giving employees more responsibility such as in job enrichment is referred to as __________ loading

horizontal, vertical

which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership

house's path-goal model fiedler's contingency model


how dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, and persistent one is

openness to experience

how intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad minded one is

locus of control

how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts

according to expectancy theory, if people have choices, they will be motivated by which of the following?

how much they want something how likely they are to get what they want

According to expectancy theory, if people have choices, they will be motivated by which of the following?

how much they want something, and how likely they think they are to get what they want


how one intends or expects to respond toward a situation


how outgoing, talkactive, sociable, and assertive a person is


how trusting, good-natured, cooperative, and soft hearted one is

A relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists is called ______________


____ influence is a key kind of behavior of transformational leaders where they are able to inspire trust in their followers becasue they express their integrity by being consistent, single minded, and goals.


thieves hijacl your name and identity and use your good credit rating to obtain cash or make purchases. this is known as _____ _____

identity theft


ignoring or suppressing a conflict

rank the following media in terms of media richness, placing the medium with the least richness at the top and the medium with the greatest rrichness at the bottom

impersonal written media (newslettersm fliersm general reports) personal written media (email, text messages, memos, letters) telephone video-conferencing face to face presence

Within the LMX model of leadership, ________ exchange refers to the relationship between leader and follower and is viewed as a partnership characterized by such aspects as mutual trust and a common fate.


identify the six key benefits of telecommuting

increased ability to tap non labor pools, reduction, increased productivity, competitive, increased flexibility, increased job satisfaction

media richness

indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning

in the ______ approach to solving ethical dilemmas, there is the assumption that you ill act ethically in the short run to avoid others harming you in the long run.


Studies have shown that a conflict-free work group is a(n) ______________ work group.


leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals


A group formed by people seeking friendship that has no official leader or specific organizational goals is called a ___________ group. -informal -vitrual -cross-functional -formal


the danger of using a rich medium for routine matters is that it results in _______________ _______________ more info than necessary

information overloading

the danger of using a lean medium for nonroutine matters is that it results in _______________ _______________ - it doesn't provide enough of the information the receiver needs and wants

information oversimplification


information that is being shared

acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request is an example of what kind of influence tactic


acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as ______

ingratiating tactics

identify forms of task oriented leadership behaviors

initiating structure leadership transactional leadership

Leaders who exhibit ____________ behavior focus on clarifying tasks and setting goals to maximize output and efficiency.


in equity theory, the education, experience, and skills that individuals contribute to their organizations are examples of


Identify the three key elements in equity theory.

inputs, outputs, and comparison

Power that is used as a means to further organizational goals is known as _________________ power.


keri is confident that, if she execeeds her sales quota for the year, she'll promoted to regionalmanagar. this is an example of the _____ element of the expectancy theory


the expectation that successful performance of a task will lead to a desired outcome is called ______.


being confident that if she exceeds her sales quota for the year, she'll be promoted to regional manager. this is an example of

instrumentality element of the expectancy theory

Samantha helps make her employees become aware of problems and view them in new ways that are more consistent with her vision for the organization. Samantha is engaging in ____________ stimulation.


emotional _____ involves understanding and managing your feelings and the feelings of those around you


the information collected from a decision support system is known as business ______.


social media

inter-based and mobile technologies used to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network

One of the advantages of small teams versus large teams is that smaller teams often result in better ________ among team members and better morale. -competition -resources -rewards -interaction


which is NOT an accurate description of the Millennials?

interest w one job during career

Internal conflict between work groups, teams, and departments is known as ________ conflict.


Internal conflict between work groups, teams, and departments is known as ______________ conflict.



interpreting and trying ot make sense of the message

The satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as a(n) _______________ reward.


the satisifcation, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as a ______ reward


the satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as a

intrinsic reward

making a choice without the use of conscious thought or logical inference is known as ______.


according to psychologist Daniel Kahneman, system 1 thinking is ______.

intuitive and largely unconscious

managerial leadership

involves influencing others to see and understand the objectives of the organization as well as facilitation and coordination of individual and collective efforts to achieve those objectives.

passive leadership

is a form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills

alcoholism is associated with which of the following

is chronic becomes progressively worse is potentially fatal

what are the four motivational mechanisms associated with goal-setting theory

it directs your attention it regulates the effort expended it increases your persistence it fosters use of strategies and action plans

inspirational motivation individual consideration intellectual stimulation idealized influence

key behaviors for transformational leaders:

appreciative style

listening to be amused

the toery of motivation that asserts that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self actualization needs is _____ theory

maslow's hierachy of needs


meaning laterally (sideways) suzie sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shift


meaning upward and downward anne submits her vacation request to her boss

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, in which of the following situations will a relationship-oriented leadership style be optimal?

moderate control

After Johanna's company introduced a free breakfast program and on-site childcare, she was happy to get to work early. The free breakfast and childcare are examples of ___________ that direct Johanna's behavior.


people who feel that they are being under rewarded for their inputs/outputs on the job typically respond in a ___________ manner


a rich medium is more effective with _______________ situations.


Eye contact, facial expressions, and body movements and gestures are forms of _________________ communication.


_____ communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word


role conflict

occurs when one feels torn by the different expectations of important people in ones life

role ambiguity

occurs when others expectations are unknown


occurs when people restate in their words the crux of what they heard or read

_____ programs help employees integrate and transition to new jobs by making them more familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture and politics and clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities


efficient communicator

one that can transmit their message accurately in the least amount of time

Patrick's company allows employees to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price. This is referred to as a stock ________________.


Patrick's company allows employees to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price. This is referred to as stock ______________



ordering an outcome

_____ is characterized by value adding behaviors such as making constructive statements about the department, taking a personal interest in the work of others, making suggestions for improvements, and mentoring new employees

organizational citizenship

which of the following are the two factors influencing transformational leaders?

organizational culture and individual characteristics

controlling and problem solving planning and budgeting organizing and staffing

organizations manage complexity by:

according to harvard profeessor john kotter, in which of the following ways does an organization manage complexity

organizing and staffing planning and budgeting controlling and problem solving

According to the LMX model, in an ________-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.


According toe the LMX model, in an ____________________-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.


the rewards, such as recognition and praise, that people receive from an organization (in equity theory)


3 key elements in equity theory

outputs inputs comparison

identify the three key elements in equity theory

outputs, comparison, inouts

One of the dangers of using a rich medium for routine matters is information __________, in which the receiver gets more info than necessary.


one of the dangers of using a rich medium for routine matter is information _____, in which the receiver gets more information than necessary


Leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack of leadership skills, such as management-by-exception style, is referred to as ______________ leadership.


leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack leadership skills, such as management-by-exception style, is referred to as _____ leadership


what type of compensation plan ties employee pay to the number of job relevant skills or academic degrees they earn?

pay for knowledge


people need to feel qualified, knowledgeable, and capable of completing a goal or task and to learn different skills

During the ________ stage in group and team development, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks.


During the ________________ stage in group and team development, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks.


Having already developed relationships with one another. Mikel's team is now starting to focus on solving problems and completing its assigned tasks. Mikel's team has now entered the ______ stage of team development. -storming -adjourning -norming -performing


contingency factors refer to the degree to which individuals want...

personal and psychological development

Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request is an example of persuasion through ________

personal appeals

According to McClelland's acquired need theory, _______power is expressed in an individual's desire to dominate others, whereas ____________ power is used to further organizational goals. Page 401

personal; institutional

according to mcclellands acquired needs theory, _____ power is expressed in an individuals desire to dominate, whereas _____ power is used to further organizational goals

personal; institutional

richard use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. this is an example of _____ power


power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization is called:

personalized power

Work Facilitation

plan, schedule, organize, and coordinate work (here's the goal and here's what i can do to help you achieve it)

work facilitation

plan, schedule, organize, and coordinate work. provide mentoring, coaching, counseling, and feedback to assist in developing their skills

Group-Oriented Decision Making

pose problems rather than solutions to work group (i want your suggestions in order to help me make decisions)

Within situational control, the power to make work assignments and reward and punish is called ________ power.


in the contingency leadership model, the power to make work assignments and reward and punish is called:


situational control is defined by which of the following dimensions?

position power,leader member relations and task structure

A manager tells his employee, "If you exceed your sales quota, I will give you a bonus." In reinforcement theory, this is an example of _________________.

positive reinforcement

Your professor awards five bonus points for coming to class on time. This is an example of _________

positive reinforcement

a manager tell his employees, "if you exceed your sales quota, i will give a bonus" in reinforcement theory, this is an example of ______

positive reinforcement

what important to marie in the workplace is to be in charge, to be "top dog" and be in a position of control over her coworkers. this reflects which of the following needs identified by mcclelland's acquired needs theory


relationship-oriented leadership

primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people

The right of people not to reveal information about themselves is called _________.


the right of people not to reveal information about themselves is called _____


Name migration, which is selling a list of customers to another company, is a type of ____________.

privacy threat

name migration, which is selling a list of customers to another company, is a type of

privacy threat

in the leader-member exchange model of leadership, in-group subordinates may receive special__as well as special__.

privileges and assignments

_______________ perspectives on motivation are concerned with the thought processes by which people decide how to act-for instance, how employees choose behavior to meet their needs.


participative management (PM)

process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes in the organization

Which of the following are included in the four principle perspectives on motivation?

process, reinforcement, and content

A _______ team, such as a data processing group or flight-attendant crew, is responsible for performing day-to-day operations.


The distribution to employees of a percentage of the company's profits is known as ____________________

profit sharing

What type of incentive compensation plan involves the distribution of a portion of the company's profits to employees?

profit sharing

distribution of a percentage of the company's profits to employees

profit sharing

what type of incentive compensation plan involves the distribution of a portion of the companys profits to employees

profit sharing

_______ conflict is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. -programmed -dysfunctional -negative -intragroup


A ________ team works to do creative problem solving, often by applying the specialized knowledge of members of a cross-functional team composed of specialists.


managers can reduce turnover in organizations through which of the following ways

providing post hiring support through onboarding programs incorporating realistic job previews (rjps) basing hiring decision on the extent to which applicatns values match those of the organization

Employees' belief that they have some degree of control over their work is referred to as _________________

psychological empowerment

employees belief that they ha some degree of control over their work is referred to as _____

psychological empowerment

Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model is composed of three major elements. Identify those elements from the list below.

psychological states, core job characteristics, and work outcomes

Lark's company has been operating for several years contracting with the government to create solar arrays around the country. In a recent election, the administration changed and several contracts for solar arrays were cancelled. Lark has been meeting with his staff to figure out how to adapt to the lack of funds and keep the business going. This is an example of ________________.

punctuated equilibrium

The application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is known as ______________


The application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is known as ________________.


the application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior is known as _____


top-down reading strategy steps (5)

rate reason to read; questions and predict answers; survey the big picture; skim for main ideas; and summarize

Frank tells his manager, "After the problems we've had with our current supplier, it just makes sense to switch to a new supplier." What form of persuasion is Frank using.


The extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task is called:


Feedback is the ___________ expressing his or her reaction to the sender's message.


In the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the _______________.


in the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the _____


major problems of the digital age that the text listed include lack of security, loss of privacy, and _______________

reduced productivity due to email

Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of __________ power.


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of _________________ power.


brandon has earned the trust and respect of his staff by consistently modeling the positive behaviors he expects from them. what type of power does this describe


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of:

referent power

personal appeals

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

personal appeals

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request ex: "We've known each other a long time, and I'm sure I can count on you."

Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited is known as ______________________


"Consequences influence behavior" BEST describes which theory of motivation?

reinforcement theory

In the Hersey and Blanchard model, the extent to which leaders maintain communication and support with their followers is called:

relationship behavior

Trisha works hard to maintain a friendly, supportive climate in her department. Her motto is, "People first, production second." Trisha exhibits _________________ leadership

relationship-oriented leadership

exchange tactics

reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors

exchange tactic

reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors ex: "Since I backed you at last month's meeting, maybe you could help me this time around."


represents "the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time", in one explanation

empowering leadership

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others

Which of the following would be characterized as motivating factors by Herzberg's two-factor theory?

responsibility and achievement

which of the following are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model

responsibility for work outcomes meaningfulness of work knowledge of actual results of the work

Which of the following are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model?

responsibility for work outcomes, knowledge of actual results of the work, and meaningfulness of work

What is reward power?

results from managers authority to reward their subordinates

coercive power

results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates

expert power

results from one's specialized information or expertise

The leadership model that includes the factors of leader behavior, employee characteristics, environmental factors, and the resulting leadership effectiveness is the _______.

revised path-goal model

At the completion of a long project, Aileen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of _______________ power.


Sam's ability to influence the behavior of his employees by publicly praising their achievements is the result of his __power.


at the completion of a long project, aileen givers her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. this is an example of _____ power


Sam's ability to influence the behavior of his employees by publicly praising their achievement is the result of his

reward power

job _____ is defined by the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their current job


The system of safeguards for protecting information technology against disasters, systems failures, and unauthorized access that results in damage or loss is called __________.


identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age

security, privacy, identity theft, cell-phone abuse, and too many emails

place the steps in the perceptual process in the order, with the first step listed at the top and the last step listed at the bottom

selective attention interpretation and evaluation storing in memory retrieving from memory to make judgement and decision

"dark side" trait: Narcissism

self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory


self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by the three innate needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness is known as the _______________ theory.


Which of the following theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives?

self-determination theory, hierarchy of needs theory, two-factor theory, and acquired needs theory

the _____ - _____ prophecy occurs when peoples expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true


A ______ consists of workers who are trained to do all or most of the jobs in a work unit, have no direct supervisor, and do their own day-to-day supervision. -continuous improvement team -self-managed team -quality circle -top-management team

self-managed team

A _______________ consists of workers who are trained to do all or most of the jobs in a work unit, have no direct supervisor, and do their own day-to-day supervision.

self-managed team

the three main types of barriers to communication are physical, personal, and _____


the study of the meaning of words is called


In the communication process, the ___________ is the person wanting to share information.


in the communication process, the _______________ is the person wanting to share information


sarah emails joyce to let her know about a job opnening. what is sarah's role in the communication process


A(n) ___________ leader can be described as a humble, giving person who wants nothing in return but to see other people succeed.


The __________ leadership approach focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to the leader.


a__ leader can be described as a humble, giving person who wants nothing in return but to see other people succeed.


a leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a ______

servant leader

which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented behaviors? check all that apply. servant leadership transactional leadership consideration behavior empowering leadership initiating-structure behavior

servant leadership consideration behavior empowering leadership

Achievement Oriented

set challenging goals (I'm confident you can accomplish the following great things)

connie believes that nurturing side of a womans personality makes her better sutied to managerial roles than men. this an example of a _____ stereotype


identify stages of effective listening.

show respect, listen from the first sentence, be mindful, keep quiet, ask questions, paraphrase and summarize, remember what was said, and involve your body

which of the following are common ways that employees express burnout

showing indifference to performance missed deadlines taking longer lunch breaks


simple irritants

According to the job characteristics model, the extent to which a job requires the job holder to use a wide range of different talents and abilities is known as _________________ p. 415

skill variety

A team is a small group of people with complimentary ______________ who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


The behavioral approach to leadership attempts to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders and the combination of behaviors, traits, and _________ that effective leaders use when interacting with others.


during which step in the top-down reading process does the reader look for the essence of the material in a paragraph? this is similar to the survey step in the SQ3R process.

skim for main ideas

collin decided to use facebook to announce the new product his company is introducing. facebook is an example of _____ media


Morgan always gives 150% when doing a project on her own, but if she works with a group of people she tends to work with a little less intensity since she knows there are others in the group who will get the job done. This demonstrates the idea of ____________.

social loafing

Power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself, is known as ________ powers.


power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself, is known as ______ power.


power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping, oneself, is known as _____ power


According to Millington McCoy, "The nature of modern business requires what's more typical to the female mold of building consensus as opposed to the top-down male military model." This use of emotion in relationships is called ___________.

soft skills

according to millington mccoy, "the nature of modern..." this use of emotion in relationships is called

soft skills


stating your views honestly and concentrating on finding a solution to the problem

A(n) ________________ consists of oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people.


a ___ consists of oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people


mike complains to a coworker, "the problem with females managers is that they are just way too touchy-feely and they cant make the tough decisions.' this is an example of which personalm barrier to effective communication

stereotypes and prejudicies

the tendency to attribute to an individual the characterisitcs you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as _____


his company allows employees to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price; example of

stock option

A team in the middle of the ____ stage of team development experiences individual conflicts and the emergence of individual personalities within the group. -storming -performing -norming -forming -adjourning


A team in the middle of the ______________ stage of team development experiences individual conflicts and the emergence of individual personalities within the group.


Negative reinforcement

strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

kerri ann feels very tense at work these days. three people in her department quit, and it is up to her to complete her own work plus all of the work they would have done. she is anxious and often responds rudely when her manager speaks with her about a project. kerri ann is experiencing _____



sudden occasions f overwhelming terror

full-range leadership

suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from passive (laissez-faire) "leadership" at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme

full-range leadership approach

suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational

the ______ bias is demonstrated when managers add up all the money already spent on a project and conclude it is too costly to simply abandon it.

sunk cost

A _______ role consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's work done.


which of the following are employee characterisitc identified in house's path-goal leadership model

task ability locus of control need for achievement experience need for path-goal clarity

the mass media is considered part of an organization's ______. general environment task environment internal stakeholders macroenvironment distribution network

task environment

Which core job characteristic describes the extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all of the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end?

task identity

core job characteristics in the job characteristics model include

task identity skill variety feedback autonomy task significance

according to fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientation or styles

task oriented relationship oriented

Which core job characteristic refers to the degree to which the individual perceives that the job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outside of the organization?

task significance

saying "I make a difference every day to the lives of elderly people in our community" is an example of which element of the job characteristics model?

task significance

"do my subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks?" this question reflects the dimension of situational control called ______

task structure

one of the three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine , unambiguous, and easily understood

task structure

the two environmental factors in House's path-goal leadership model are:

task structure and work group dynamics.

according to fiedler, the dimension of situation control referred to as _____ _____ is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood, routine task

task strucutre

which of the following are environmental factors identified in the path-goal leadership theory

task strucutre work group dynamics

according to Fielder, which two of the following are leader orientations or styles?

task-oriented and relationship-oriented

Team roles are of two types: ____________ and _____________.

task; maintenance

identify the five tips for writing more effectively

telegraph, start w purpose, write simply, dont show ignorance, understand strategy

according to the phil theibert, what are the three rules of an effective speech

tell them what you are going to say say it tell them what you said

The three rules of an effective speech are _________, say it, and tell them what you said.

tell them what you're going to say

according to Phil Theibert, what are the three rules of an effective speech

tell them what you're going to say, say it, tell them what you said

management by wandering around (MBWA)

term used to describe a manager's literally wandering around his or her organization and talking with people across all lines of authority


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.


the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done.


the beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation

Task significance

the extent to which a job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outside the organization


the extent to which a job allows an employee to make choices about scheduling different tasks and deciding how to perform them


the extent to which a job allows the worker to make choices about scheduling different tasks and/or deciding how to perform

darren is interviewing for a new adminstrative assistant. the three people he interviewed include an older woman, a man in a wheelchair, and a recent college graduate with beautiful blond hair. darren knew just by looking at each candidate which one he would hire. his impression of each person was based on a single trait. this is known as _____

the halo effect

Job-centered behavior is when managers pay more attention to __________ than to employees. Their principal concerns are production efficiency, keeping costs down, and meeting schedules.

the job and work procedures

interaction facilitation

the leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relationships

interaction facilitation leaders

the leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relationships

An email, a handwritten notice, or voicemail are all examples of ____________ in the communication process.

the medium

an email, a handwritten notice, or a voicemail are all examples of _____ in the communication process

the medium


the person for who the message is intended


the person wanting to share information

the 88 million people born between 1977 and 1997, called millenials, have also been dubbed the "always-on" generation because _______________

they are accustomed to spending 8 or more hours a day looking at screens

Which of the following are true statements about norms?

they are typically unwritten and exert a powerful influence on group behavior


they implement the vision and plan

social awareness

this includes empathy, allowing you to show others that you care, and organizational intuition, so you keenly understand how your emotions and actions affect others

relationship management

this is the ability to communicate clearly and convincingly, disarm conflicts, and build strong personal bonds

self awareness

this is the ability to read your own emotions and gauge your moods accurately

which are among the six ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed?

time, touch, body movements, facial expression, eye contact, setting,

situational approach (contingency approach)

to leadership, who believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand

Contingency Approach or Situational Approach

to leadership, who believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand.

task significance

to which a job affects the lives of other people whether inside or outside the organization

task identity

to which a job requires worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end


to which receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing the job

the __ reading strategy has these five steps: rate to reason to read; question and predict answers; survey; skim and summarize


examples of input, according to equity theory

training experience effort

the ______ approach to leaderships attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders


five approaches to leadership

trait, behavioral, situational, transformational, and three additional

Leadership styles are the combination of _______ that leaders use when interacting with others.

traits, skills and behaviors

A leader who focuses on claifying employees' roles and task requirements and then provides rewards and punishments based on their performance is called a(n) _________ leader.


transformational leadership

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests


translating a message into uderstandable symbols or language


treat as equals (i want things to be pleasant, since everyone's about equal here)

True or false: According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, employers should first eliminate dissatisfying elements in the work place and then focus on adding incentives to motivate workers.


Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors is known as ___________.


which of the following would be chracterized as organizational (internal) dimensions of diversity?

union affliation work location management status

vertical communication

up and down the chain of command

_____________ communication is when a communication flows from a lower level to a higher level as when a subordinate gives information to his or her immediate superior.


brad sends an email to his boss, asking for permission to attend a training seminar in Houston. this is an example of _____ communication


laura's manager is retiring in six months, and laura really wants to be promoted to succeed her. in terms of expectancy theory, laura has a high __________ in regard to her job


lois asks herself how badly she wants the bonus she could earn by working overtime on her current project. in terms of expectancy theory, this describes lois' _____________ for the additional pay


jessica knows it is wrong to steal. this belief is an example of a _____


within Hillary's company, innovation, risk-taking and creativity are held in high regard. these would likely be considered part of the organization's ______. ethics policy value system procedures manual code of ethics

value system

what are the three types of formal communication

vertical, horizontal, and external

Dara is an account for a major corporation. She works out of her house and stays in touch with her manger through video-conferencing. Dara is part of a _____________ team.


a ______ team consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects.


Management by ________________ around helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up a hierarchy.


management by __ around helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur w formal communication flowing up a hierarchy.


management by _____ around helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up a hierachy



weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


weakening a behavior by presenting soemthing negative or withholding something positive


weakening a behavior by presenting something negative or withholding something positive

role overload

when others expectations exceed one ability


whereby the receiver expresses his or her reaction to the sender's message

path-goal leadership model

which holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support

charismatic leadership

which was assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders

Janet has repeatedly observed safety violations in the factory where she works. she has reported these to her supervisor, who has taken no action to remedy the situation. she calls the occupational safety and health administration to report these violations. this is an example of ______. an ethics violation whistle-blowing a Ponzi scheme insider trading


Three strategies for laying out your ideas in ____________ are write from most important to least important, from least controversial to most, and from negative to positive



"I want to feel connected to other people" - Feel a sense of belonging

House's Model

(1) Leader behaviors are influenced by two contingency factors of (2) employee characteristics and (3) environmental factors in determining (4) the most effective leadership. - Two contingency factors (employee characteristics and environmental factors) cause some leadership behavior to be more effective than others.

Identify strategies of effective listening.

- Ask questions to make sure you understand - Focus on the speaker - Use nonverbal cues to demonstrate interest

Companies manage complexity in three ways

- Determining what need to be done - Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda - Ensuring people do their jobs

(3) Environmental factors

- Task structure - Work group dynamics ( independent versus interdependent tasks)

Describe two main types of conflict that occur in teams. How can teams use conflict effectively?

-Functional and Dysfunctional -They can use conflict to benefit the main purposes of the organization and serve its interests.

Identify the five tips for writing more effectively from the following list.

-Write simply, concisely, and directly -Understand your strategy before you write -Don't show your ignorance -Telegraph your writing with a powerful layout -Start with your purpose

In the leader-memeber exchange model of leadership, in-group subordinates may receive special _______ as well as special _______.

-assignments -privileges

4 motivational mechanisms associated with goal setting theory

-fosters use of strategies and action plans -directs your attention -increases your persistence -regulates the effort expended

What are the disadvantages that may be present in larger teams? -more disagreements -social loafing -cliques -fewer resources

-more disagreements -social loafing -cliques

It is recommended that you not use your call phone to text _______.

-while driving -during face-to-face conversations -during meetings

Five Job Characteristics

1) Skill Variety 2) Task Identity 3) Task Significance 4) Autonomy 5) Feedback

Perspectives on Motivation

1. Content 2. Process 3. Job Design 4. Reinforcement

Successful leader according Ralph Stogdill

1. Dominance 2. Intelligence 3. Self-confidence 4. High energy 5. Task-relevant knowledge

Functions of Motivations

1. Effort 2. Direction 3. Persistence

Place the stages of group and team development in the correct order, with the first stage listed at the top and the last stage listed at the bottom. adjourning, performing, storming, norming, forming

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

1. Physiological 2. Safety 3. Love 4. Esteem 5. Self-Actualization

There are nine tactics for trying to influence others

1. Rational persuasion 2. Inspirational appeals 3. Consultation 4. Ingratiating tactics 5. Personal appeals 6. Exchange tactics 7. Coalition tactics 8. Pressure tactics 9. Legitimating Tactics

Job Characteristics

1. Skill Variety 2. Task Identity 3. Task Significance 4. Autonomy 5. Feedback

model of motivation steps

1. motivation 2. behaviors 3. rewards 4. feedback

How the situational leadership model works

2. Four leadership styles: - telling: high task and low relationship - selling: High task and high relationship - participating: High relationship and low task - delegation: Low relationship and low task

The conclusion of an effective speech should take _______.

5%-10% of your time.

the intro of an effective speech should take


Peter Drucker: 9 behaviors that managers can focus on to improve leadership (2)

6. Focus on opportunities rather than in problems. Treat change as an opportunity rather than a threat 7. Run productive meetings. 8. Think and say "we" rather than "I." Think first of the needs and opportunities of the organization. 9. Listen first, speak last.

the main body of an effective speech should take

75 to 90 of your time

according to research evidence managers may spend upward of ___ of their time in a typical workday communicating.


the importance of communication can be seen in research evidence showing that managers may spend upward of ______ of their time in a typical workday communicating



A __________ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Task Role

A __________, or task-oriented role, consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's tasks done.


A leadership behavior that is concerned with group members' needs and desires and that is directed at creating mutual respect or trust,

Initiating-structure leadership

A leadership behavior that organized and defines—that is, "initiates the structure for"—what employees should be doing to maximize output

Linguistic style

A person's characteristic speaking patterns—pacing, pausing, directness, word choice, and use of questions, jokes, stories, apologies, and similar devices,


A self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory


A system of safeguards for protecting information technology against disasters, system failures, and unauthorized access that result in damage or loss

1. UP

A transformational leader inspires motivation by offering an agenda, a grand design, an ultimate goal- in short, a vision, a realistic, credible, attractive future. This, attracts commitment, energizes workers, creates meaning in their lives, establishes a standard of excellence, promoted high ideals, and bridges the divide between the organization's problems and its goals and aspiration.

according to psychological Daniel kahneman, which of the following characteristics would describe system 2 thinking? check all that apply. A. conscious B. deliberate C. intuitive D. analytical E. unconscious

A, B, D

which of the following are considered special-interest groups? choose all that apply. A. mother against drunk driving B. national rifle association C. the securities and exchange commission D. human society of the United States E. GEICO auto insurance

A, B, D


Abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations; the relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior

Allowing the desires of the other party to prevail


Members prepare for disbandment of the group or team



Administrative changes that managers can make to reduce the stressors that lead to employee burnout,


All the ways people are unlike and alike—the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background

Behavioral component of an attitude

Also known as intentional component, this refers to how one intends or expects to behave toward a situation

Informal Group

An __________ is a group formed by people whose overriding purpose is getting together for friendship or a common interest. It is created for friendship.

Situational approaches

An approach to leadership where it is believed that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand

Halo effect

An effect in which we form a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait


Any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message

Self-determination Theory (Edward Deci and Richard Ryan)

Assumes that people are driven to try to grown and attain fulfillment with the behavior and well being influenced by three innate needs: Competence Autonomy Relatedness

Alderfer's ERG Theory

Assumes three basic needs influence behavior - existence, relatedness, and growth


At the completion of a long project, Aileen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of _____ power.

Behavioral leadership approaches

Attempt to determine the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders.

Behavioral leadership approaches

Attempts to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders

Fitting people to jobs

Based on the assumption that people will gradually adapt to any work situation.

Pay for performance

Bases pay on one's results

Legitimating Tactics

Basing a request on authority or right, organizational rules or policies or explicit/implied support from superiors.

Legitimating Tactics

Basing request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support form superiors.

Type A behavior pattern

Behavior describing people involved in a chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time

Organizational behavior (OB)

Behavior that is dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work

Organizational commitment

Behavior that reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals


Belief in one's personal ability to do a task


Cash awards given to employees who achieve specific performance objectives

Stock Options

Certain employees are given the right to buy stock at the future date fr a discounted price.

Job enlargement

Consists of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation.

Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of the _________________ influence tactic


The __________ approach to leadership asserts that a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation at hand.


What does the textbook describe as the most essential considerations to build a group into an effective team?

Cooperation, trust, cohesiveness, performance goals and feedback, motivation through mutual accountability, size, roles, norms, and awareness of groupthink

Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model is composed of three major elements. p. 415

Core job characteristics Psychological states Work outcomes

D. virtual

Dara is an accountant for a major corporation. She works out of her house and stays in touch with her manager through video-conferencing. Dara is part of a __________ team. A. self-managed B. cross-functional C. open source D. virtual

C. Adjourning

Dave has arranged a catered lunch for all his team members to celebrate the completion of their work so they can see one another before being assigned to new team. Dave's team is now in which stage of team development? A. Performing B. Norming C. Adjourning D. Storming


Defined as "employees" upward expression of challenging but constructive opinions, concerns, or ideas on work related issues to their managers.

Contingency factors

Degree to which individuals want personal and psychological development: Knowledge & skill Desire for Personal growth Context satisfactions


Demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats

Task Significance

Describes the extent to which a job affects the lives of other people, whether inside or outside the organization.

1. Contingency leadership model

Determines if a leader's style is (1) task-orientd or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

Contingency leadership model

Determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

What are contingency (Situational) Approaches?

Determines if a leader's style is task oriented or relationship oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand

A. Norming

During which stage of group development would group cohesiveness be a factor? A. Norming B. Storming C. Adjourning D. Forming

C. negative

Dysfunctional conflict is also referred to as __________ conflict. A. positive B. constructive C. negative D. cooperative


Effective leaders: 1. Tend to have supportive or employee- centered relationships with employees 2. Use group rather than individual methods of supervision 3. Set high-performance goals.

How might effective leadership vary according to the situation at hand?

Effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand, say believers in two contingency approaches: Fiedler's contingency leadership model and House's path-goal leadership model.

Piece Rate

Employees are paid according to how much output they produce, as is often used with farm workings picking produce

Goal-Setting Theory

Employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable

Task-oriented leadership behaviors

Ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

During a classroom debate, you find yourself formulating challengers to a classmate's points and interrupt her several times. What type of listening style are you demonstrating?

Evaluative style

Which of the following would be characterized as hygiene factors in Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Examples are salary, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and company policy

Hygiene factors

Factors associated with job dissatisfaction—such as salary, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and company policy—all of which affect the job context or environment in which people work

True/False: External communication flows only between people outside the organization.


True/False: Formal communication channels follow the chain of command and are recognized as unofficial.


Equity Theory

Focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated compared with others

Laissez-faire Leadership

For of leadership characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading.

Laissez-faire Leadership

Form of leadership characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading.

Task-oriented leadership behaviors

Form of leadership that ensures that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization

The ___________ leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide variety of leadership styles, ranging from take no responsibility leadership to transformational leadership

Full Range

project ___ is a massive and ongoing attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe


B. punctuated equilibrium

Groups often develop through __________, or a process of alternating periods of stable functioning and dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives caused by an event.


Having a "self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory."

B. performing

Having already developed relationships with one another, Mickel's team members are now starting to focus on solving problems and completing their assigned tasks. Mikel's team has now entered the __________ stage of team development.

B. unclear task responsibility

Heidi's boss asked her why the new product information wasn't included in the report. Heidi told her, "It's not my job to generate that information. Ask Carol." Heidi is angry that her boss even asked her. What is the source of Heidi's anger? A. status difference B. unclear task responsibility C. time pressure D. inconsistent reward system

Work Outcomes

High Work motivation High work performance High work satisfaction Low absenteeism & turnover

External dimensions of diversity

Human differences that include an element of choice; they consist of the personal characteristics that people acquire, discard, or modify throughout their lives

Leaders behavior (4) Supportive

I want things to be pleasant, since everyone's about equal here. Treat as equals. Show concern for well-being and needs. Be friendly and approachable.


I want to feel a sense of mastery" - qualified, knowledgeable, and capable of completing a goal or task and to learn skills

What is Group Oriented decision making (Step 6 in revised path)?

I want your suggestions in order to help me make a decision

Leaders behavior (7) Representations and networking

I've got a great bunch of people working for me whom you'll probably want to meet. Present work group in positive light to others. Maintain positive relationships with influential others. Participate in organization-wide social functions and ceremonies. Do unconditional favors for others.

Thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to obtain cash or make purchases. This is known as _____________ _______________.

Identity theft

What is Achievement Orientation (Step 2 in revised path)

Im confident that you can accomplish the following great things...

D. norming

In Jack's work group, members are beginning to develop close interpersonal relationships that have led to an emerging sense of unity and harmony within the team. This is an example of the activities that will occur during the __________ stage of group development. A. forming B. storming C. performing D. norming

A. storming

In Michelle's group, individual members are beginning to assert their personalities, and the group is beginning to experience interpersonal conflict among its members. Michelle's group is entering the __________ stage of group development. A. storming B. forming C. norming D. performing

Punctuated Equilibrium

In another type of group development, called __________, they establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives. The group then establishes and maintains new norms of functioning, returning to equilibrium.

- rely on the core - be authentic - consult rather than legitimate - be subtle - learn to influence

In order to be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following?

Equity theory

In the area of employee motivation, the focus on how employees perceive how fairly they think they are being treated compared with others


In the final stage of group and team development, __________, members prepare for disbandment.


In the fourth stage of group and team development, __________, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.

___________ communication develops outside the formal structure and does not follow the chain of command skipping management levels and cutting across lines of authority.


A group without an official leader that is formed by individuals who have a shared interest.

Informal group


Information about the readtion of the environment to the outputs that affect the inputs,

___________ create an organization's vision and strategic plan, and ___________implement that vision and plan

Leaders, managers

Transactional leadership

Leadership style that focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance

Transformational leadership

Leadership style that transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests

The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _____________power.

Legitimate power

One of the key "take-aways" from expectancy theory is that a manager should_________________________

Link rewards to levels of employee performance

Cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people



Making explicit or implied promises and trading favors

- Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- organizing and staffing

Managers achieves its plans by organizing and staffing.

Ensuring people do their jobs- controlling and problem solving

Managers monitor results versus the plan in some detail by means of reports, meetings, and other tools. They then plan and organize to solve problems.

Tuckman's Five-Stage Model

Managers often talk of products and organizations going through stages of development, from birth to maturity to decline. Groups and teams go through the same thing. __________ is a theory which proposes five stages of group and development: forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Locus of control

Measure of how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts

Pay for performance, basing pay on one's results, is also known as ___________________ pay.


Nanci needs to let Morgan know that the production line will be down until tomorrow and the items she needs to ship to the customer won't be ready on time. this info Nanci wants to share is called the _________.


Equity theory (J. Stacey Adams)

Model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships.

Leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership

Model or leadership that emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

If a model of motivation starts with an unfulfilled need, list the rest of the steps in the correct order, with the first step at the top. Rewards Motivation Behaviors Feedback

Motivation Behaviors Rewards Feedback

___________ represents the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time such as texting during a meeting.


Dark side traits

Narcissism Machiavellianism Psychopathy

__________ communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word.


Resolution of conflicts, and the emergence of unity and harmony among group members


_______ are general guidelines or rules of behavior that are often unwritten but that group or team members follow. -Roles -Norms -Attitudes


How do the hidden aspects of individuals—their values and attitudes—affect employee behavior?

Organizational behavior (OB) considers how to better understand and manage people at work. In this section, we discuss individual values and attitudes and how they affect people's actions and judgments.

_________________ occurs when people restate, in their own words, what they have heard or read.


Style of Leader Behaviors

Path-goal clarifying Achievement- oriented Work facilitation Supportive Interaction facilitation Group-oriented Representation and networking Value- based

Piece rate

Pay based on how much output an employee produces

Tyler works for a large financial services firm. Each time he earns a professional certification in his field, he is rewarded with an increase in his salary. Which type of compensation plan does this describe?

Pay for knowledge

Extrinsic Rewards

Payoff, such as money, that a person receives from others for performing a particular task

Expectancy Theory

People are motivated by two things: (1) how much they want something and (2) how likely they think they are to get it

What are the distortions in perception that can cloud one's judgment?

Perception, a four-step process, can be skewed by four types of distortion: stereotyping, the halo effect, the recency effect, and causal attribution. We also consider the self-fulfilling prophecy, which can affect our judgment as well.

Members concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks



Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior

E., B., A., D., C.

Place the stages of group and team development in the correct order, with the first stage listed at the beginning and the last stage listed at the end. A. Norming B. Storming C. Adjourning D. Performing E. Forming

Task-oriented leadership examples of behaviors

Planning Clarifying Monitoring Problem solving Initiating-structure leadership Transactional leadership

What is Leaderships common mistake?

Position power too much, personal power too little

Which of the following is NOT a way to streamline your reading?

Practice speed reading

Collaborating to generate a win-win solution

Problem solving

Negative reinforcement

Process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

Is a good reward good enough? How do other factors affect motivation?

Process perspectives, which are concerned with the thought processes by which people decide how to act, have three viewpoints: equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal-setting theory.

Holistic wellness program

Program that focuses on self-responsibility, nutritional awareness, relaxation techniques, physical fitness, and environmental awareness

Conflict designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.

Programmed conflict

Servant leadership

Providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to oneself

What is greenleaf's servant leadership model?

Providing service to others, not oneself

A sales engineer tells a client "this is state of the art technology and it will streamline your inventory process" What form of persuasion is the sales engineer using? Rational persuasion Personal appeals inspirational appeals exchange tactics

Rational Persuasion

Which of the following are among the most common influence tactics?

Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Ingratiation Personal Appeals Exchange Coalition Tactics Pressure Legitimating Tactics

B., C., D., and E.

Recall the four reasons norms tend to be enforced by team members: A. to eliminate group identity B. to avoid embarrassing situations C. to help the group survive' D. to clarify role expectations E. to emphasize important values

________ is more effective with nonroutine situations.

Recall when it is best to use a rich medium

John's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result they are very loyal to him. This is an example of _________ power


What are the types of incentives I might use to influence employee behavior?

Reinforcement theory suggests behavior will be repeated if it has positive consequences and won't be if it has negative consequences. There are four types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. This section also describes how to use some reinforcement techniques to modify employee behavior.

Reinforcement Theory

Relationship between behavior and its consequences

In order to be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following?

Rely on the core Be authentic Consult rather than legitimate "Glad handing" is not a good long-term strategy Be subtle Learn to influence

Empowering leadership

Represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others.

Dialectic Method

Requiring a bit more skill training than devil's advocacy does, the __________ is the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand a proposal.

- significance - community - excitement

Research shows that followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of:

2. Reward Power: Influencing behavior by promising or giving rewards

Reward power, with all managers have, is the power that results from managers; authority to reward their subordinates. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotion.


Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of ______ power.

Sales Commission

Sales representatives are paid a percentage of the earnings the company made from their sales

Intrinsic Rewards

Satisfaction, such as feeling of accomplishment, a person receives from performing the particular task itself

Determining what need to be done- planning and budgeting

Setting targets or goals for the future, establishing steps for achieving them, and allocating resources to accomplish them.

During which step in the top-down reading process does the reader look for the essence of the material in a paragraph? This is similar to the survey step in the SQ3R process.

Skim for main ideas

B. conflict triggers

Sources of conflict such as differences between personalities, groups, and cultures are called __________. A. social loafing B. conflict triggers C. conflict vices D. fire starters


Standardized mental pictures resulting from oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people


State of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion


Steve docks an employees pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. Steve is demonstrating ______ power.

Management by wandering around (MBWA)

Style of management whereby a manager literally wanders around the organization and talks with people across all lines of authority

T or F According to Maslow, the needs at the lowest level in his hierarchy must be met before an individual will seek to achieve needs at a higher level.



Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited


Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited; the four types are positive, negative extinction, and punishment

Full-range leadership

Approach that suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from take-no-responsibility (laissez-faire) "leadership" at one extreme through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme

Reinforcement theory

Attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.

Trait approaches to leadership

Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders


Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account of the effectiveness of leaders are called the _______ approaches to leadership.

Is it important for managers to pay attention to employee attitudes?

Attitudes are important because they affect behavior. Managers need to be alert to the key work-related attitudes having to do with engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Among the types of employee behavior they should attend to are their on-the-job performance and productivity, absenteeism and turnover, organizational citizenship behaviors, and counterproductive work behaviors.

___________ is the right to perform or command; this right comes with the supervisor's job.


A college professor who is required by the department chair to use a certain textbook and has no input into the number or types of assignments she uses in class would likely have low ____________________


Ignoring or suppressing a conflict



Awareness; interpreting and understanding one's environment

Contingency Approach to leadership

Believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand. A situation change, and different styles become appropriate. Three contingency approaches: 1. The contingency approach by Fiedler 2. The path-goal leadership model by House 3. The situational leadership model by Hersey

D. team

Benita, Sanjay, Brian, and Sonja are studying the sales figures for the automobile industry in the last six months and will then recommned strategy adjustments for the auto manufacturing facility they work at. These four people are an example of a ___________. A. department B. gorup C. skill D. team


Best leaders learn to display both transactional and transformational styles of leadership. Whereas transactional leaders are dispassionate, transformational leaders excite passion, inspiring and empowering people to look beyond their own interests to the interests of the organization. they appeal to their followers' self-concepts -their values and personal identity- to create changes in their goals, values, needs, beliefs, and aspirations.

Job enrichment

Building into a job such motivating factors as responsibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement

E-leadership: Managing for global networks

Can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology. Means having to deal with quite a number of responsibilities, such as developing business opportunities through cooperative relationships, restructuring a company into global networks, decentralizing the company's organization. and energizing the staff.


Characterized by lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a dearth of remorse when the psychopath's actions harm other.

External communication

Communication between people inside and outside an organization

What do I need to know about the communication process to be an effective communicator?

Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. The process involves sender, message, and receiver; encoding and decoding; the medium; feedback; and dealing with "noise," or interference. Managers need to tailor their communication to the appropriate medium (rich or lean) for the appropriate situation.

___________ is when a sender transmits a message through a medium to a receiver who responds.

Communication process

Informal communication channels

Communication that develops outside the formal structure and does not follow the chain of command

Downward communication

Communication that flows from a higher level to a lower level

Upward communication

Communication that flows from lower levels to higher levels

Horizontal communication

Communication that flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination

Nondefensive communication

Communication that is assertive, direct, and powerful

D. functional

Conflict that benefits the main purposes of the organization or serves its interests is known as __________ conflict. A. dysfunctional B. productive C. collaborative D. functional

D. conflict

Connie's manager criticizes her for not including enough information on the report. The criticism she receives is an example of __________. A. groupthink B. social loafing C. adjourning D. conflict

Influence tactics

Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others.

What kinds of needs motivate employees?

Content perspectives are theories emphasizing the needs that motivate people. Needs are defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior. The content perspective includes four theories: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, McClelland's acquired needs theory, Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory, and Herzberg's two-factor theory.


Describes the extent to which a job allows an employee to make choices about scheduling different tasks and deciding how to perform them.

Skill Variety

Describes the extent to which a job requires a person to use a wide range of different skills and abilities

Task Identity

Describes the extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end.


Describes the extent to which workers receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing the job.

Procedural justice

"How fair is the process for hanging out rewards" The perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions.

International justice

"How fairly am I being treated when rewards are given out? Relates to the "quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented.

Distributive justice

"How fairly are rewards being given out" - reflects the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed or allocated.

Need for Affiliation

"I need close relationships" - Desire for friendly and warm relations

Need for Power

"I need to control others" Desire to be responsible for other people, influence their behavior or control them.


"I want to feel independent and able to influence by environment" - Freedom and the discretion to determine what they want to do.

Transformational leadership positive results

(1) Measures of organizational effectiveness (2) Measures of leadership effectives and employee job satisfaction (3) More employee identification with their leader and with their immediate work groups. (4) Higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, work engagement, and setting goals consistent with those of the leader.


***Best leaders learn to display both transactional and transformational styles of leadership. Whereas transactional leaders are dispassionate, transformational leaders excite passion, inspiring and empowering people to look beyond their own interests to the interests of the organization. they appeal to their followers' self-concepts -their values and personal identity- to create changes in their goals, values, needs, beliefs, and aspirations.

Contingency approaches

- Fiedler's contingency model- task-oriented style and relationship-oriented style- and three dimensions of control: leader-member, task structure, position power - House's path- goal revised leadership model- clarifying paths for subordinates' goals, and employee characteristics and environmental factors that affect leadership behaviors - Hersey's situational leadership model- adjusting leadership style to employee readiness

Leader Member exchange (LMX)

- George Graen and Fred Dansereau The leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership emphasized that leader have different sorts of relationship with different subordinates - The LMX quality looks at the quality of relationship between manager-subordinates relationship unique/ The unique relationship can produce two types of leader-member exchange interactions: in-group exchange, out-group exchange

Trait approaches

- Kouzes and Posner's five traits: honest (the most important), competent, forward-looking, inspiring, intelligent. - Gender studies: motivating others, fostering communication, producing high-quality work, and so on. - Leadership lesson from the GLOBE project: visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders are best worldwide

Four additional perspectives

- Leader-member exchange (LMX) model-leaders have different sorts of relationship with different subordinates. - Shared leadership- mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading - Greenleaf's servant leadership model- providing service to others, not oneself - E-leadership-using information technology for one-to-one,one-to many, and between group and collective interaction.

Five sources of power leaders may draw on

- Legitimate - Reward - Coercive - Expert - Referent

(2) Employee characteristics

- Locus of control - Task ability - Need for achievement - Experience - Need for path-goal clarity

Behavioral approaches

- Michigan model- two leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered - Ohio state model- two dimensions: initiating-structure behavior worldwide

Which of the following statements accurate concerning body movements and gestures as forms of nonverbal communication?

- Open body positions convey warmth and closeness - Closed body positions tend to be interpreted as being defensive

Organizations may apply trait theory are

- Organizations may incorporate personality and trait assessments into their selection and promotion process - To enhance leadership traits, organization may send employees to management development programs that include management classes, coaching sessions, trait assessments...

(1) Leaders behavior

- Path-goal clarifying - Achievement-oriented - Work facilitation - Supportive - Interaction facilitation - Group oriented decision making - Representation and networking - Value-based Revised path goal theory/ before directive, supportive, participative, achievement-oriented.

Behavioral leadership approaches

- Patterns of behavioral or leadership styles. - Attempts to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders. - Leadership style: the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors that leaders use when interacting with others. - What all models of leadership behavior have in common is the consideration of task orientation versus people orientation. - Two studies: Michigan/Ohio university

3. The situational leadership theory model: Hersey's appriach

- Paul Hersey and Keneth Blanchard - Situational leadership theory, leadership behavior reflects how leader should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers. - Managers should be flexible in choosing a leadership behavior style and be sensitive to the readiness level of their employees

There is "bad power" and "good power"

- Personalized power: power directed at helping oneself. - Socialized power: power directed at helping others.

Ohio State Leadership Model

- Ralph Srogdill - Two major dimensions of leader behavior: - Initiating structure - Consideration

Which of the following are good tips for handling communication via-email?

- Remember not every topic belongs on e-mail - Reduce unnecessary e-mails that you receive - Treat all e-mail as confidential

University of Michigan Leadership Model

- Rensis Likert- two forms of leadership styles - Job Centered behavior- I am concerned more with the needs of the job: Managers paid more attention to the job and work procedures. Their principal concerns were with achieving production efficiency, keeping cost down, and meeting schedules. - Employee centered behavior- I am concerned more with needs of employees: more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive. They hoped to build effective work groups with high performance goals.

Does the revised path-goal theory works?

- Research on transformational leadership is supportive of the revised mode. - It offers two important implications for managers: 1. Use more than one leadership style 2. Modify leadership style to fit employee (ability, experience, and need for independence) and task/environmental characteristics (task characteristics of autonomy, variety, and significance) and manager contingency factors.

Servant Leadership: Meeting the goals of followers and the organizations, not of oneself

- Robert Greenleak - Focus on providing increased service to others -meeting the goals of both followers and the organization- rather than to themselves. - Long-term transformational approach to life and work.

Servant Leadership:

- Robert Greenleak - Focus on providing increased service to others -meeting the goals of both followers and the organization- rather than to themselves. - Long-term transformational approach to life and work. Meeting the goals of followers and the organizations, not of oneself

2. Path-goal leadership model

- Robert House - Holds that the effective leader available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support. - rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers, and providing support

Which of the following are types of barriers to communication?

- Sender barrier - Encoding barrier - Medium barrier - Decoding barrier - Receiver barrier - Feedback barrier

When writing, which of the following are important rules of thumb?

- State what you expect of your reader. - Use simple words, phrases, and sentences

Positive traits for leaders

- Task competence: Intelligence, knowledge, problem-solving skills - Interpersonal competence: Ability to communicate and ability to demonstrate caring and empathy - Traits of character: Conscientiousness, discipline, moral reasoning, integrity, honesty. - Biophysical traits: Physical fitness, hardiness, energy level - Personal traits: Self-confidence, sociability self-monitoring, extraversion, self-regulating, self-efficacy

Which of the following are types of informal communication channels?

- The office grapevine - Management by wandering around

Which style is more effective

- The task-orientes style works best in either high-control to low-control situations. - The relationship-oriented style works best in situations of moderate control. If leadership orientation does not match the situation os better try to move leaders into other situations rather than try alter their personalties to fit situations.

Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age.

- Too many emails - Loss of security - Lowered productivity

Five approaches to leadership

- Trait - Behavioral - Contingency - Full-range - Four additional

Full-range approach

- Transactional leadership- clarify employee roles and tasks, and provide rewards and punishments - Transformational leadership- transform employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests, using inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individualized consideration, intellectual simulation.

Mediums that use video and audio links along with computers, either with regular equipment or with telepresence technology, to enable people located at different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another are know as which of the following?

- Video conferencing - Teleconferencing - Webcasts

Which of the following are communication characteristics men are more likely to exhibit than women?

- more likely to boast - self focused statements - talking over others

Kohlberg's level of personal moral development with its description

- preconventional - follow rules and obey authority to avoid unpleasant consequences - conventional - generally adhere to the expectations of others - postconventional - guided by their own internal values and standards

Describe the five styles employees use to deal with conflict and when each is effective.

-Accommodating (high concern for others, low concern for self) -Collaborating (high concern for others, high concern for self) -Avoiding (low concern for others, low concern for self) -Forcing (low concern for others, high concern for self) -Compromising (concern for others and self)

Listening Styles

-Active: I'm fully invested -Involved: I'm partially invested -Passive: It's not my responsibility to listen -Detached: I'm uninterested

Which of the following are potential ways to build cross-cultural relationships? -Advocate for participative leadership -Emphasize differences to set up potential conflicts -Develop and mentor others -Dominate the other party to show them how your culture works -Be sensitive to the needs of others

-Advocate for participative leadership -Develop and mentor others -Be sensitive to the needs of others

Which of the following are among the five actions managers should take to better insure positive results from transformational leadership?

-Choose the right people -Make performance expectations reflect employee treatment -Reward high moral conduct -Employ a code of ethics -Emphasize value of diversity

According to Kouzes and Posner, followers want leaders to have which four of the following traits?

-Competent -Inspiring -Forward-looking -Honest

Which of the following are ways that Kotter says companies manager complexity?

-Creating arrangements of people who will wok to accomplish an agenda through organizing and staffing -Ensuring people do their jobs by controlling and problem solving -Determining what needs to be done by planning and budgeting.

Outline the stages of team development and briefly describe what happens at each stage and what managers can do during each stage to help teams perform?

-Forming: getting oriented and acquainted -Storming: emergence of individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group -Norming: conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity/harmony emerge. Group cohesiveness develops -Performing: members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks -Adjourning: members prepare for disbandment

What has research shown to be the value of the LMX model of leadership?

-Increases goal commitment -Improves job satisfaction -Improves job performance

Which of the following are the two factors influencing transformational leaders?

-Individual characteristics -Organizational culture

As a result of the Ohio State Leadership Model, which major dimensions of leader behavior were identified?

-Initiating structure -Consideration

Which four of the following are key behaviors for transformational leaders.

-Inspirational motivation -Intellectual stimulation -Individual consideration -Idealized influence

Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age.

-Loss of security -Too many emails -Lack of privacy -Cell-phone abuse

Good listeners will do which of the following?

-Mentally summarize the speaker's remarks -Focus on the content of the message -Ask questions to make sure you understand

Which of the following are personal barriers that hinder communication?

-Nonverbal communication -Over-sized egos -Faulty listening skills -Stereotypes and prejudices

Identify the six key benefits of telecommuting.

-Reduction of capital costs -Increased job satisfaction -Increased flexibility for workers -Increased productivity -Increased ability to tap non-traditional labor pools -Competitive edge in recruiting hard-to-get employees

According to Fiedler, which two of the following are leader orientations or styles?

-Relationship-oriented -Task-oriented

Which of the following are among the six ways in the which nonverbal communication is expressed?

-Setting -Eye contact -Time -Facial expression -Touch -Body movements

Leadership copes with change by doing which three of the following?

-Setting a direction -Motivating and inspiring -Aligning people

What actions can a manager take to stimulate constructive conflict?

-Spur competition among employees -Change the organization's culture and procedures -Bring in outsiders for new perspectives -Use programmed conflict

Situational control is defined by which of the following dimensions?

-Task structure -Leader-member relations -Position power

Women are usually preferred for executive coaching jobs for which of the following reasons? Click all that apply

-They do not bring out the need to compete in men they coach. -They are more intuitive communicators.

House's revised path-goal theory - implications

-Use more than one leadership style - Study eight styles offered in path-goal theory -Help employees achieve their goals-guide and coach employees in achieving their goals by clarifying the path and removing obstacles to accomplishing them. -Modify leadership style to fit employee and task characteristics. - Small set of employee characteristic (ability, experience, and need for independence) and environmental factors (task characteristics of autonomy, variety, and significance) are relevant contingency factors, and managers should modify their leadership style to fit them

Which of the following are symptoms of a team suffering from group think? -feelings the team is vulnerable -ignoring of ethical consideration -an illusion of unanimity -pressure to conform -carful consideration of alternatives

-ignoring of ethical consideration -an illusion of unanimity -pressure to conform

Recall the four reasons norms tend to be enforced by team members -to help the group survive -to eliminate group identity -to clarify role expectations -to avoid embarrassing situations -to emphasize important values

-to help the group survive -to clarify role expectations -to avoid embarrassing situations -to emphasize important values

The two environmental factors in House's path-goal leadership model are:

-work group dynamics -task structure

Which of the following conditions supports teamwork? -being accountable to a supervisor -work is considered meaningful -ambiguous performance goals exist -workers not feeling they are being exploited by others

-work is considered meaningful -workers not feeling they are being exploited by others

Four others


Transformational leaders four behaviors


Motivation as a manager

1) Join your organization 2) Stay with your organization 3) Show up for work at your organization 4) Be engaged while at your organization 5) Do extra for your organization

Which of the following are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model? P.416

1) Meaningfulness of work 2) Responsibility for results 3) Knowledge of results

Based upon the text, which of the following are accurate statements concerning the desirable traits of women who excel as executives.

1) Men were observed to display for task leadership and women more relationship leadership. 2) Women used a more democratic or participative style than me, and men used more autocratic and directive style 3) Female leadership was associated with more cohesion, cooperative learning, and participative communication among team members 4) Peers, managers, direct reports, and judges/trained observers rated women executives as more effective than men. Men also rated themselves as more effective than women evaluated themselves.

According to Dale Carnegie, what are the three rules of an effective speech?

1) Tell them what you are going to say 2) Say it 3) Tell them what you said

Motivation model

1) Unfulfilled need - desire to create to fulfill a need - food, safety, recognition. 2) Motivation - search for ways to satisfy the need 3) Behaviors - Choose a type of behavior you think might satisfy the need 4) Rewards - two types of rewards satisfy needs - - EXTRINSIC AND INTRINSIC

Five sources of power leaders may draw on:

1) legitimate 2) reward 3) coercive 4) expert 5) referent

According to Fielder's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles?

1) task-oriented 2) relationship-oriented

Jog Design

1) the division of an organization's work among its employees 2) the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance.

How the situational leadership model works

1. Leadership styles- relationship behavior (vertical axis) plus task behavior (horizontal axis) - Relationship behavior: is the extent to which leaders maintain personal relationships with their followers, as in providing support and keeping communication open - Task behavior: is the extent to which leaders organize and explain the role of their followers, which is achieved by explaining what subordinated are to do and how tasks are to be accomplished.

How the situational leadership model works

1. Leadership styles- relationship behavior (vertical axis) plus task behavior (horizontal axis) - Relationship behavior: is the extent to which leaders maintain personal relationships with their followers, as in providing support and keeping communication open - Task behavior: is the extent to which leaders organize and explain the role of their followers, which is achieved by explaining what subordinated are to do and how tasks are to be accomplished. 2. Four leadership styles: - telling: high task and low relationship - selling: High task and high relationship - participating: High relationship and low task - delegation: Low relationship and low task 3. When a leadership style should be used depends on the readiness of the followers.

Rank the following media in terms of the media richness, placing the medium with the least richness at the top and the medium with the greatest richness at the bottom.

1. Newsletter 2. Text message 3. Phone Call 4. Video conference 5. Face-to-face meeting

kotter: companies manage complexity in three ways

1. determining what needs to be done- planning and budgeting 2. creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- organizing and staffing 3. ensuring people do their jobs- controlling and problem solving

leadership copes with change in three ways

1. determining what needs to be done- setting a direction 2. creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- aligning people 3. ensuring people do their jobs- motivating and inspiring

1. setting a direction 2. aligning people 3. being motivating and inspirational

3 ways leadership copes with change:


3. When a leadership style should be used depends on the readiness of the followers.

How the situational leadership model works

3. When a leadership style should be used depends on the readiness of the followers.

Intrinsic reward

<b>Def</b>: <em>The satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, a person receives from performing a task


<b>Def</b>: <em>Working at a job that requires less education than one has

Formal communication channels

>Communication that follow the chain of command and are recognized as official

Profit sharing

>The distribution to employees of a percentage of the company's profits

Acquired needs theory

>Theory that states that there are three needs—achievement, affiliation, and power—that are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace

Formal Group

A __________ is a group assigned by organizations or its managers to accomplish specific goals. It is created to accomplish specific goals.


A __________ is defined as (1) two or more freely interacting individuals who (2) share norms, (3) share goals, and (4) have a common identity.

Maintenance Role

A __________, or relationship-oriented role, consists of behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members.


A cynical view of human nature and condoning opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles

Passive leadership

A form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills

Laissez-faire leadership

A form of leadership characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading

Empowering leadership

A form of leadership that represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others


A global _______ is your belief in your ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context.

A. informal

A group formed by people seeking friendship that has no official leader or specific organizational goals is called a(n) __________ group. A. informal B. cross-functional C. formal D. virtual


A lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a dearth of remorse when the psychopath's actions harm others

Identity theft

A violation of privacy in which thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to get cash or buy things

A. role

A(n) __________ is a set of behaviors that people expect of individuals in a certain position. A. role B. job C. rule D. expectation

C. group

A(n) ___________ is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity. A. department B. team C. group D. division

Both A. and B.

According to a 1970s study, work groups that experience too little conflict tend to experience which of the following? A. Lack of creativity B. Apathy C. Infighting D. Turnover

McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory

Achievement, affiliation, and power are major motives in determining people's behavior in the workplace

Content Perspective - 4 theories

Acquired Needs Hierarchy of needs theory Self-determination theory Two-factor theory

Which of the following theories of motivation should be characterized as content perspectives?

Acquired Needs Hierarchy of needs theory Self-determination theory Two-factor theory

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against the disabled

4. Ingratiating Tactics

Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request.


Actions and judgments

Gregor feels that other employees in his department are given important tasks than he is. He doesn't understand why they are rewarded with these bigger projects because he has been working there as long as they have and has the same skill set. Which perspective explains how Gregor feels?

Equity Theory

Perspectives on motivation - three processes

Equity/justice theory Expectancy theory Gold-setting theory

Which of the following theories of motivation are characterized as process perspectives on motivation? P. 406

Equity/justice theory Expectancy theory Gold-setting theory

Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable clients portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, he owed him a favor. This is an example of the ___________ influence tactic


Internal dimensions of diversity

Differences that exert a powerful, sustained effect throughout every stage of people's lives


Displays a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles.

Job Design

Division of an organization's work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance

A communicator is an ___________ when their intended message is accurately understood by the other person.

Effective communicator

Charismatic leadership

Once assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders, now considered part of transformational leadership

A. conflict

One management responsibility is to identify when to create __________, not simply when to mitigate it. A. conflict B. synchronicity C. consensus D. work

Referent power

One of five sources of a leader's power deriving from personal attraction

Legitimate power

One of five sources of a leader's power that results from formal positions with the organization

Coercive power

One of five sources of a leader's power that results from the authority to punish subordinates

Reward power

One of five sources of a leader's power that results from the authority to reward subordinates

Expert power

One of five sources of a leader's power, resulting from specialized information or expertise

D. bonuses

One of the tactics for using conflict to stimulate cultural and procedural changes in an organization is to announce __________. A. lay-offs B. demotions C. pay-cuts D. bonuses

What trends in workplace diversity should managers be aware of?

One of today's most important management challenges is working with stakeholders of all sorts who vary widely in diversity—in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background. Managers should also be aware of the differences between internal and external dimensions of diversity and barriers to diversity.

What is the GLOBE project?

Ongoing attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe, understand, and predict and impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these procedures

The theory of motivation that assets that motivation is the combination of how much you want something and how likely you think you are to get it is known as ___________________ theory.


Three psychological states

Experienced meaningfulness of work Experienced responsibility for work outcomes Knowledge of actual results of the work.

Mike half-jokingly calls deb "Tax Goddess" at work because she knows more about tax implications of investments than anyone else in the office. Deb has _________ power


_________ power results from one's specialized information or expertise.


Expert power: Influencing behavior because of one's expert

Expert power is power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise. Expertise, or special knowledge can be mundane, such as knowing the work schedules and assignments of the people who report you or sophisticated, such as having computer or medical knowledge.

Motivating factors

Factors associated with job satisfaction—such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement—all of which affect the job content or the rewards of work performance

Socialized power occurs when power is directed at helping oneself as a way of enhancing one's own selfish ends. True or False


True/False: The medium is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message.


True/False: Writing is not important for a career in management because managers have administrative assistants who edit and correct their business correspondence.



Form of communication that occurs when a person restates in their words the crux of what they heard or read,


Form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support


Form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support.

Passive Leadership

Form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills.

Relationship-oriented leadership

Form of leadership that is primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people

___________________ communication channels are those that follow the chain of command and are recognized as official.


How can I use the different channels and patterns of communication to my advantage?

Formal communication channels follow the chain of command, which is of three types—vertical, horizontal, and external. Informal communication channels develop outside the organization's formal structure. One type is gossip and rumor. Another is management by wandering around, in which a manager talks to people across all lines of authority.

the process of getting oriented and acquainted


Place the stages of group and team development in the correct order, with the first stage listed at the top and the last stage listed at the bottom. Performing Storming Adjourning Forming Norming

Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

Leaders behavior (5) Interaction facilitation

Let's see how we can all work together to accomplish our goals Emphasize collaboration and teamwork. Encourage close employee relationships and sharing minority opinion. Facilitate communication, resolve disputes.

What is interaction facilitation (Step 5 in revised path)?

Lets see how we can all work together to accomplish our goals Emphasize collaboration and teamwork

Derek tends to pace around the desk and throw in a few jokes when he talks to his assistant about a project. Derek's speaking pattern demonstrates his __________ style.


3. Consultation

Getting others to participate in a decision or change


Getting others to participate in planning, decision making, and changes

Coalition tactics

Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone

Coalition Tactics

Getting others to support your efforts to persuade someone


Getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request

_____________________ theory suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs.


A cohesive group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives and "think outside the box".


B. personality conflict

Gregor is furious with his manager because he has asked Gregor to produce a sales report by the end of the day. Gregor knows he can't get all the numbers he needs until at least tomorrow because the head of sales is out of town until then. He is also sure that whenever he informs his manager of an obstacle or unrealistic goal, his manager's response is always to tell him to "get it done," which Gregor considers trite. What is the ultimate source of this conflcit? A. inexeprience B. personality conflict C. competition for resources D. opposing morals

Which of the following theories proposes that work satisfaction originates from motivating factors and dissatisfaction originates from hygiene factors?

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Telepresence technology

High-definition videoconference systems that simulate face-to-face meeting between users

Motivating factors

Higher level are factors associated with job satisfaction, such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement all of which affect the job content or the rewards of work performance.

What is the leader member exchange model?

Holds that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

What are Kouzes and Posner's Five Trains?

Honest, competent, forward thinking, inspiring, intelligent

Communication that flows within and between work units is known as ____ communication.


Communication that flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination.

Horizontal communication

Employee assistance programs (EAPs)

Host of programs aimed at helping employees to cope with stress, burnout, substance abuse, health-related problems, family and marital issues, and any general problems that negatively influence job performance

What are the universal negative leader attributes?

Loner, asocial, non cooperative, irritable, non-explicit, egocentric, ruthless, and dictatorial

Hygiene factors

Lower level needs - factors associated with job dissatisfaction - such as salary, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and company policy all of which affect the job context in which people work.


How do you think your ratio of inputs and rewards compares with those of others

Ed set several goals for his new hire, who failed to complete several of them despite working diligently. According to goal-setting theory, it is likely that Ed did not do which of the following?

Make sure his employee understood and accepted the goals.

Which of the following statements about Millennials is true?

Millennials are more likely than older generations to sleep with a cell phone next to their bed.

Three dimensions of situational control

How much control and influence a leader has in the immediate work environment. - Leader-member relations: Do my subordinates accept me as a leader (if leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the group) Good/Poor - Task structure- Do my subordinated perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks? (the more structured the jobs, the more influence a leader has. High/Low - Position power- Do I have power to reward and punish? More power equals to more control and influence. Strong/weak

Leaders behavior (2) Achievement-oriented

I am confident you can accomplish the following great things. Set challenging goals. Emphasize excellence. Demonstrate confidence in employee abilities.

Need for achievement

I need to excel at tasks." Desire to excel, do something better or more efficiently, solve problems, to achieve excellence

What is Supportive? (Step 4 in revised path)

I want things to be pleasant, since everyone's about equal here

Motivation-Contextual factors

Organizational culture, cross-cultural values, physical environment, rewards and reinforcement, group norms, communication technology, leader behavior, organizational design, organizational climate, job design.

Leaders behavior (6) Group-oriented decision making

I want your suggestions in order to help me make decisions Pose problems rather than solutions to work groups. Encourage members to participate in decision making. Provide necessary information to the group for analysis. Involve knowledge employees in decision making.


In __________, both parties give up something in order to gain something.

What is Fiedler's Contingency Model?

Includes three dimensions of control: Leader-Member Relations: Reflects the extent to which the leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group Task Structure: Extent to which tasks are routine and easily understood Position Power: Refers to how much power a leader has to make work assignments and reward and punish

Which of the following is the BEST example of an effective goal for an employee

Increase sales by 10% during the next quarter.

What are the advantages of teams?

Increased productivity, increased speed, reduced costs, improved quality, reduced destructive internal competition, and improved workplace cohesiveness.

Job enlargement

Increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation

Media richness

Indication of how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning

Which of the following are likely characteristics of transformational leaders?

Individual Characteristics - extroverted, agreeable, proactive, and open to change Organizational Culture - Adaptive, flexible organizational cultures, more rigid, bureaucratic cultures

What are the two factors influencing transformational leaders

Individual Characteristics, Organizational Culture

_____________ consideration is a key kind of behavior of transformational leaders where they actively encourage employees to grow and excel by giving them challenging work, more responsibility, empowerment, and one-on-one mentoring.


According to Herzberg, ______________ factors are more frequently associated with achievement, recognition, responsibility. advamcment, and love of the work itself.


Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request is an example of what kind of influence tactic.


What is the Ohio state model?

Initiating Structure Behavior: Behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing (Can I tell you how to do your job)? Consideration Behavior: Expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive, climate Blake and Mouton's model thinks that you can be trained to be 100% on both (Initiating and Consideration)

Initiating Structure- What do I do to get the job done?

Initiating structure is leadership behavior that organized and defines what group members should be doing. The efforts the leader makes to get things organized and get the job done. - "Likert's job-ceneterd behavior"

Which of the following are key behaviors for transformational leaders?

Inspirational motivation Idealized influence Individualized consideration Intellectual stimulation

Keri is confident that, if she exceeds her sales quota for the year, she'll be promoted to regional manager. This is an example of the ___________________ element of the expectancy theory.


Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important is an example of what kind of influence tactic


Which of the following is NOT one of the types of formal communication channels?


Social media

Internet-based and mobile technologies used to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network


Interpreting and trying to make sense of a message

Brittani has worked long hours putting the finishing touches on a presentation to a major client, but she was a strong sense of self-satisfaction with her work and feels good about what he has accomplished. In terms of the model of motivation, this self-satisfaction would be categorized as _____________

Intrinsic reward


Involves encouraging followers to solve problems on their own. Because it shares decision making, this style encourages subordinated in performing tasks. Most appropriate for followers whose readiness is in the moderate to high range.

Project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness)

Is a massive and ongoing attempt to develop an empirically based theory to "describe, understand, and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these process. This determined that certain leadership attributes were universally liked or disliked. Visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders generally do the best. Self-centered leaders seen as loners or face-savers receive a poor reception worldwide.


Is explaining decisions and persuading others to follow a course of action. It offers both direction and support. This style is most suitable for followers who are unable but willing to assume task responsibility.


Is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.

What's the motivation for studying motivation?

Motivation is defined as the psychological processes that arouse and direct people's goal-directed behavior. The model of how it works is that people have certain needs that motivate them to perform specific behaviors for which they receive rewards, both extrinsic and intrinsic, that feed back and satisfy the original need. The three major perspectives on motivation are need-based, process, and reinforcement.

Self centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and drive for personal power and glory


D. task

It is Jacob's role during the meeting to make sure everyone stays on track and focuses on finding the cause of the drop in sales. Jacob is performing a __________ role. A. maintenance B. social C. coordination D. task

What is representation and networking? (Step 7)

Ive got a great bunch of people work for me whom you'll probably want to meet Present the work group in a positive light to others

Durning the first staff meeting after Blake joined the company, he was completely confused by his coworkers' repeated references to the "PPAC committee" and "the next level drill-down." Blake experienced which barrier to communication.


A. formal

Jen's department has been assigned the task of developing new flavors for the company's line of soft drinks. This is an example of a(n) __________ group. A. formal B. informal C. production D. continuous

What is the 'old approach' as it relates to House's Path Control model?

Job Structured (Y/N) Job has intrinsic value (do you like what you do)? Y/N If YY do nothing If YN concern for people is needed If NY concern for task is needed If NN then concern for people and task is needed

In equity theory, the outputs received from an organization are which of the following?

Pay, benefits, praise, recognition, bonuses, promotion, status perquisites.

What's the best way to design jobs—adapt people to work or work to people?

Job design, the division of an organization's work among employees, applies motivational theories to jobs to increase performance and satisfaction. The traditional approach to job design is to fit people to the jobs; the modern way is to fit the jobs to the people, using job enrichment and approaches that are based on Herzberg's landmark two-factor theory, discussed earlier in this chapter. The job characteristics model offers five job attributes for better work outcomes.

leader-member exchange

Johnathan manages a department of ten people. Once he got to know each of the individual employees, he realized it would be best for him to approach them with projects in different ways. For example, Susan likes to know the final goal of every project while Carson only wants the details of his task. Which type of leadership is based on having different relationships with different subordinates?


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of _____ power.

B. devil's advocate

Kan is involved in an office debate. She plays the role of __________, which involves voicing possible objections to proposals to generate critical thinking and reality testing. A. objective coach B. devil's advocate C. dialetic advocate D. perspective critic


Leader behavior that is concerned with group members' needs and desires and that is directed at creating mutual respect or trust.

Initiating-structure leadership

Leader behavior that organizes and defines, that is, "initiates the structure for" what employees should be doing to maximize output.

Which leadership model examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates.

Leader-member exchange

Managers and lasers not always the same

Leaders manage and managers lead. - Management is about coping with complexity - Leadership is about coping with change

____________ create and express and organizations vision and strategic plan, whereas ___________ implement that vison and plan

Leaders; Managers

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as


_____________ is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals



Leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack of leadership skills, such as management-by-exception style, is referred to as ______ leadership.

the situation at hand

Leadership depends on _____.


Leadership that involves one-to-one, one-to-many, and within-group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology

Garrett told his sales team to send their monthly sales figures to him via email rather than calling him on the phone. Garrett is indicating his preference for a ________ medium.


Which of the following is an example of an "open" body position?

Leaning backward


Learned predisposition toward a given object

As shift supervisor Cassandra developed the schedule for the day indicating which of the staff would be doing which job. The staff follows this schedule because of Cassandras __________ power


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _____________ power


1. Legitimate power: Influencing behavior because of one's formal position

Legitimate power, which all managers have, is power that result from manager;s formal position within the organization. This power is may be exerted both positively or negatively- as praise or as criticism.

Saying "This has been Green Lighted at the highest level" is an example of persuasion using which influence tactic pressure coalition legitimating exchange


__________ is the extent to which a person is able to influence others to they respond to orders


___________ is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done. Power is primarily about influence.


Referent Power

Power deriving from one's personal attraction.

Personalized power

Power directed at helping oneself

Personalized power

Power directed at helping oneself-as a way of enhancing their own selfish ends may give the word power a bad name.

Socialized power

Power directed at helping others

Socialized power

Power directed at helping others.

Expert Power

Power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise.

Reward Power

Power that results form managers' authority to reward their subordinates - all manager have this.

Reward Power

Power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates - all manager have this.

Which of the following is a characteristics of legitimate power?

Power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization.

Using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance in regards to a decision is an example of what persuasion tactic

Pressure tactic

Negative Reinforcement

Process of strengthening behavior by withdrawing something negative


Process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive


Programs that help employees to integrate and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities

_________ does not work when the material is dense or unfamiliar.

Recall when speed reading is ineffective.

6. Exchange tactics

Reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade

Interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.

Personality conflict

Proactive personality

Someone who is apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment,

What causes workplace stress, and how can it be reduced?

Stress is what people feel when enduring extraordinary demands or opportunities and are not sure how to handle them. There are six sources of stress: individual differences, individual task, individual role, group, organizational, and nonwork demands. We describe some consequences of stress and three ways to reduce it in the organization.


Tamika emails a supplier, asking for a price on a product

Asked to describe what was most meaningful about his job at the senior citizen center, Marc answered, "I make a difference every day to the lives of elderly people in our community." This is an example of which element of the job characteristics model?

Task significance

(1) Two leadership orientations

Task versus relationship - LPC: Least preferred co-worker. The higher the score, the more the relationship oriented the respondent; the lower the score, the more task-oriented.

C. composition

Team __________ describes the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members. A. cohesion B. interaction C. composition D. conflict

Women excel in (high scores than male on variety of measures)

Teamwork and partnering, being more collaborative, seeking less personal glory, being motivated less by self-interest than in what they can do for the company, being more stable, and being less turf-conscious; producing quality work, recognizing trends, and generation new ideas. Also used more democratic or participative style than men (men more autocratic and directive style). Women more social leadership and man more social leadership.


The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals


The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as ______.


The belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance


The belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance.

Reinforcement theory

The belief that behavior reinforced by positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior reinforced by negative consequences tends not to be repeated,


The belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture

Cognitive component of an attitude

The beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation


The distribution of savings or "gains" to groups of employees who reduce costs and increase measurable productivity


The distribution of savings or "gains" to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity.

Profit Sharing

The distribution to employees of a percentage of the company's profits

Job design

The division of an organization's work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance


The expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired


The expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired.


The extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to others.

Job satisfaction

The extent to which one feels positive or negative about various aspects of one's work

An integrated model of leadership considers which of the following in order to create leadership effectiveness?

Traits, Gender, and Skills Power and Influence Leader Behavior Situational Factors

Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while ______________ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things


3. Individualized consideration: you have the opportunity here to grow and excel

Transformational leaders don't just express concern for subordinates' well-being. They actively encourage them to grow and to excel by giving them challenging work, more responsibility, empowerment, and one-on-one mentoring.

2. Idealized influence: we are here to do the right thing

Transformational leaders express their integrity by being consistent, single-minded, and persistent in pursuit of their goal. they display high ethical standards and act as models of desirable values. They also are able to make sacrifices for the good of the group.

Transformational leadership

Transforms employee to pursue organizational goals over self-interests. - Try to get people to do exceptional things: significantly higher levels of intrinsic motivation, trust, commitment, and loyalty. Transformational leaders are influenced by 2 factors: 1. Individual characteristics: extroverted, agreeable, proactive. 2. Organizational culture: Adaptive, flexible (+rigid and bureaucratic)

True/False: A stereotype consists of oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people.


True/False: Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.


True/False: Management by wandering (or walking) around is the term used to describe a manager's literally wandering around his or her organization and talking to people across all lines of authority.


True/False: Six keys to effective listening are don't rush to respond; judge content, not delivery; ask questions, summarize remarks; listen for ideas; resist distractions, show interest; and give a fair hearing.


True/False: Telecommuting involves doing work that is generally performed in the office away from the office using a variety of information technology.


True/False: The Ohio State Leadership Model identified the two major dimensions of leader behavior as initiating structure and consideration.


True/False: Vertical communication is communication that flows upward and downward in the organization.



True or false: Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors is known as trust.

Charasmatic Leadership

Was assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders.

Which of the following are four conclusions we can draw from trait theory?

We cannot ignore the implications of leadership traits The positive and "triad triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid. Organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation process Global mind-set is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait.

How can I be a better listener, reader, writer, and speaker?

We describe how you can be a more effective listener, as in learning to concentrate on the content of a message. We also describe how to be an effective reader. We offer four tips for becoming a more effective writer. Finally, we discuss how to be an effective speaker, through three steps.

What are the important barriers I need to be aware of, so I can improve my communication skills?

We describe three barriers to communication. Physical barriers include sound, time, and space. Semantic barriers include unclear use of words and jargon. Personal barriers include variations in communication skills, trustworthiness and credibility, stereotypes and prejudices, and faulty listening skills. We also describe how misunderstandings can arise from nonverbal communication and gender-related communication differences.

How do contemporary managers use information technology to communicate more effectively?

We discuss digital communication technology and workplace behavior, including the characteristics of the "Always On" (Millennial or Internet) generation. We also describe three technologies that are altering the communication process: videoconferencing, telecommuting, and teleworking. Finally, we discuss some difficulties of the digital age: security problems, privacy concerns, e-mail overload, and cell-phone abuse.

Leaders bheavior (8) Value-based

We're destined to accomplish great things Establish a vision, display passion for it, and support its accomplishment. Communicate high performance expectations and confidence in other's abilities to meet their goals. Give frequent positive feedback. Demonstrate self-confidence.

Outputs or rewards

What do you think you're getting out of the job?


What do you think your putting into the job? - time, effort, training, experience, intelligence, creativity, seniority, status

Path-goal leadership model

Which holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support.

initiating structure

Which leadership behavior would be considered task-oriented and aimed at maximizing output?

B., C., and E.

Which of the following apply to a project team? Check all that apply. A. should meet weekly until employment ceases B. can meet just once or for many years C. task or problem oriented D. management oriented E. can meet virtually or face to face

A., C., and D.

Which of the following are potential ways to build cross-cultural relationships? Check all that apply. A. Advocate for participative leadership B. Emphasize differences to set up potential conflicts C. Be sensitive to the needs of others D. Develop and mentor others E. Dominate the other party to show them how your culture works

Both A. and B.

Which of the following conditions supports teamwork? Check all that apply. A. Work that is considered meaningful B. Workers not feeling they are being exploited by others C. Working with ambiguous performance goals D. Having to be accountable to a supervisor

Portia realized that not everyone agreed with the plan James had come up with, but they were all agreeing because they didn't want to "rock the boat" and look like an outsider. As a manager, what can Portia do to avoid future groupthink? -advise each member of the team to be a critical evaluator -limit the amount of information coming rom outside sources -implement divisiveness among future teams -work with a larger team

advise each member of the team to be a critical evaluator

What Myra enjoys most about her job is the camaraderie with her coworkers and the close friendships she has formed. According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, this reflects Myra's need for___________


which of the following are included in the internal dimensions of diversity

age, race, ethnicity

leadership copes with change by doing which three of the following?

aligning people, motivating and inspiring and setting a direction

reward power

all managers have it power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates

reward power

all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates

legitimate power

all managers have, is power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization

coercive power

all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates


allowing the desires of the other party to prevail

Trait Approaches to leadership

Wich attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that accounts for the effectiveness of leader

Self-Managed Teams

__________ are defined as groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains.

Cross-Functional Teams

__________ are designed to include members from different areas within an organization, such as finance, operations, and sales.

B. Norms

__________ are general guidelines or rules of behavior that are often unwritten but are followed by most group or team members. A. Attitudes B. Norms C. Roles


__________ are general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow.


__________ are socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in a specific position.

D. Programmed

__________ conflict is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. A. Intragroup B. Dysfunctional C. Negative D. Programmed

D. Groupthink

__________ is a group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives and the inability to think outside the box. A. Devil's advocacy B. Social loafing C. Cohesiveness D. Groupthink


__________ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.


__________ is allowing the desires of the other party to prevail.

Personality Conflict

__________ is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement.


__________ is defined as reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors.

Programmed Conflict

__________ is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.


__________ is the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome.

Devil's Advocacy

__________ is the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic to voice possible objections to a proposal and thereby generate critical thinking and reality testing.

Work-Family Conflict

__________ occurs when the demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible.

During the final stage of group and team development, which is called _______________, the work has been completed and members prepare for disbandment.


During the final stage of group and team development, which is called ___________________, the work has been completed and members prepare for disbandment.


A team created to broaden the information base for making managerial decisions is referred to as a ________ team.


What are three of the five main ways that motivation plays a role in an organization?

it helps employees go beyond the call of duty, it keeps workers engaged and producing quality work, and it helps good people remain in the organization

which of the following are disadvantages of communicating via email

it leads to coworkers feeling less connected the use of other forms of communication tends to decrease emotions may be miscommunicated

which of the following are among the implications of transformational leadership for managers?

it requires ethical leadership, it can be used to train employees, it can improve results for both indiv and groups

terminology that is specific to a particular profession is known as


A manager with a(n) __________ - centered behavior orientation will pay more attention to production costs than employee morale.


Liu wants to better understand how to motivate employees at her company. Because she knows there is no one leading theory accepted by everyone on what motivates people, she looks into the top four perspectives: content, process, reinforcement and _____________

job design

division of an organization's work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction are both part of

job design

in order to increase variety and positively impact worker motivation, a company increases the number of tasks in each job on the assembly line. this is known as

job enlargement

jasmine previously handled only accounts payable in the company. now she handles accounts receivable as well. this is an example of

job enlargement

sam wants to improve job satisfaction, so he adds more responsibility, complexity, and control to his subordinates' jobs. this is an example of

job enrichment

reducing the number of tasks an employee performs

job simplification

in the university of michigan leadership model, researcher Rensis Likert identified the __forms of leadership styles

job-centered and employe-centered

In the University of Michigan Leadership Model, researcher Rensis Likert identified the _________ forms of leadership styles.

job-centered and employee-centered

Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model is composed of 3 major elements:

work outcomes psychological states core job characteristics

hackman and oldham's job characterisitcs model is composed of three major elements. identify those elements from the list below

work outcomes, psychological states, and core job

Telecommuting, or enabling employees to work at home while keeping in touch with their employers and coworkers via email, phone, and other electronic technologies is one example of a ______________.

work-life benefit

which of the following would be characterized as hygiene factors in herzbergs two factor theory

working condition, supervisors, and pay and security

___ is an essential management skill made all the more so because of the elimination of admin assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence


_____ has become an increasingly important management skill because of the elimination of adminsitrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence


_______________ has become an increasingly important management skill because of the elimination of administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence



lack of concern for other, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others.

"dark side" trait: Psychopathy

lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others


lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others

According to a 1970s study, work groups that experience too little conflict tend to experience which of the following?

lack of creativity and apathy

A leadership style characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading is referred to as ____________ leadership


according to the concept of full-range leadership, leadey rship behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other



leader behavior that is concerned with group members' needs and desires and that is directed at creating mutual respect or trust

initiating-structure leadership

leader behavior that organizes and defines- that is, "initiates the structure for"- what employees should be doing to maximize output

The ________ model of leadership considers the in-group and the out-group.

leader-member exchange

jonathan manages a department of ten people. once he got to know each of the individual employees, he realized it would be best for him to approach them with projects in different ways. for example, susan likes to know the final goal every project while carson only wants the details of his task. which type of leadership is based on having different relationship with different subordinates

leader-member exchange

Within situational control, the extent to which a manager has or does not have the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group is known as ____________

leader-member relations


letting the other person determine a resolution that will be mutually beneficial

one of the key "take aways" from expectancy theory is that a manager should link rewards to the

level of performance

______ style refers to a person characteristic speaking patterns


One of the key "take-aways" from expectancy theory is that a manager should ________________.

link rewards to levels of employee performance

when laying out your ideas in writing, which of the following strategies should you use

lis ideas from least controversial to most controversial list ideas from negative to positive list ideas from most important to least important

the measure of how much people believe they are in charge of their fate through their own efforts is known as _____

locus of control

trevor knows it is up to him to make the new business plan work. even if the board of directors steps in to guide the resources, it is still trevor's job to carry out the plan. which aspect of a core self evaluation does trevor demonstrate

locus of control

Which of the following are employee characteristics identified in House's path-goal leadership model.

locus of control task ability need for achievement experience and need for path-goal clarity

A _________-control situation is one in which a leader's decisions can't produce predictable results because he or she can't really influence outcomes.


Erin realized that the arguing during a discussion was getting out of control, so she commented, "Before we all drive off a cliff, let's slow this car down and find some common ground." Her comment eased the tension in the room. Erin is demonstrating a(n) _____________ role.


erin realized that the arguing during a discussion was getting out of control, so she commented, "Before we all drive off a cliff, let's slow this car down and find some common ground." Her comment eased the tension in the room. Erin is demonstrating a ________ role. -coordination -maintenance -completion -task


Frederick has a disability and works at Goodwill Industries. Because he works best by concentrating on a single task, his boss assigns him the job of carrying packages from the front of the warehouse to the back of the warehouse. By reducing the number of tasks Frederick performs, his boss is engaging in scientific ________________.


Scientific _______________ is the process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs.


influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives is the focus of _____ leadership


which of the following theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives

maslows hierachy of needs theory mcclelland's acquired needs theory deci and ryan self-determination theory herzberg two factor theory

the theory of motivation that asserts tht achievement, affliation, and power are the major motives determining peoples behavior in the workplace is called _____

mcclelland's acquired needs theory


meaning outside the organization tamika emails a supplier, asking for a price on a product

research shows that transformational leadership yields several positive results including which?

measures of organizational effectiveness, higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, measures of leadership effectiveness; more employees identification with their leaders

a ___ barrier is when the communication channel is blocked


Pay for performance, basing pay on one's results, is also known as _________________ pay.


pay for performance, basing pay on one's results, is also known as _____ pay


pay for performance, basing pay on one's results is known as

merit pay

nanci needs to let morgan know that the production line will be down until tomorrow and the items she needs to ship to the customer won't be ready on time. the information nanci wants to share is called the


what is a true statement about millenials

millennials are more likely than older generations to sleep with a cell phone next to their bed

researchers believe that workplace stress generally affects job performance in which of the following ways

moderate levels of stress lead to optimal performance low levels of stress lead to low performance high levels of stress lead to low performance

The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior


the use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior ______.


the use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behvaior _____


After Johanna's company introduced a free breakfast program and on-site childcare, she was happy to get to work early. The free breakfast and childcare are examples of _________________ that direct Johanna's behavior.


after johanna comapny introduced a free breakfas program and on site childcare, she was happy to get to work early. the free breakfast and childcare are examples of _____ that direct Johanna behavior


getting free breakfast program and on site childcare at work causes employee to get to work early. this is an example of


psychological processes that arouse and direct goal directed behavior


if a model of motivation starts unfulfilled need, list the rest in the correct orde, with the first step at the top

motivation behaviors rewards feedback

The use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time is referred to as _________________.


mike repeatedly checks his email and sends several text messages during a presentation by the division manager. This is an example of _____


the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time is referred to as _______________


Conflict that results from a clash between two or more cultures is known as _______ conflict. -programmed -personality -intergroup -multicultural


Carlos worked overtime everyday last week and his boss didn't even say anything to him about his extra time. People who feel that they are being under-rewarded for their inputs/outputs on the job typically respond in a ________________ manner.


Carlos worked overtime everyday last week and his boss didn't even say anything to him about his extra time. People who feel that they are being under-rewarded for their inputs/outputs on the job typically respond in a __________________(positive/negative) manner.


carlos worked overtime everyday last week and his boss didnt even say anything to him about his extra time. people who feel that they are being under rewarded for their inputs/outputs on the job typically respond in a _____ manner


"I'll take out the garbage," Jan's husband tells her. "Just stop bugging me about it." This situation exemplifies ______________.

negative reinforcement

according to reinforcement theory, turning in your monthly expense report on time so that your supervisore wont nag you for its an example of _____

negative reinforcement

the biggest problem most people have w public speaking is controlling their


Any disturbances that interferes with the transmission of a message in the communication process is known as _______________.


Anything that delays or obstructs any stage of the communication process is referred to, in general, as _________.


during the professors lecture, jake was distracted by a classmats coughing. this distraction is an example of _____ in the communcation process


During the _____________ stage of team development, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.


During which stage of group development would group cohesiveness be a factor?


In Jack's work group, members are beginning to develop close interpersonal relationships that have led to an emerging sense of unity and harmony within the team. This is an example of the activities that will occur during the ________ stage of group development. -norming -forming -storming -performing


______ are general guidelines or rules of behavior that are often unwritten but that group or team members follow.


according to the LMX model, in an _____-group exchange, leaders are characterized as oversees who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate


in an __-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.


Which leadership model states that successful leaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support?

path-goal leadership

which leadership model states that successful leaaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support

path-goal leadrship

Which of the following would be characterized as hygiene factors in Herzberg's two-factor theory?

pay and security, working conditions, and interpersonal relationships

Tyler works for a large financial services firm. Each time he earns a professional certification in his field, he is rewarded with an increase in his salary. Which type of compensation plan does this describe?

pay for knowledge

individual characteristics

personalities of such leaders tend to be more extroverted, agreeable, proactive, and open to change than nontransformational leaders

the stable behavioral and psychological characterisitcs responsible for a persons identity are known as _____


Sam and Eric don't get along well because Sam is very rigid and goes "by the book," while Eric is much more likely to bend the rules. This is an example of which type of conflict?

personality conflict

Sam and Eric don't get along well because Sam is very rigid and goes "by the book," while Eric is much more likely to bend the rules. This is an example of which type of conflict? -personality conflict -multicultural conflict -intergroup conflict -programmed conflict

personality conflict

Which of the following are considered conflict triggers?

personality conflicts, cross-cultural conflicts, intergroup conflicts

Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of __________ power.


richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of__

personalized power

the wall separating henri from his manager made it hard to hear what his manager was saying. the wall is an example of a _____ barrier


referent power

power deriving from one's personal attraction

personalized power

power directed at helping oneself

socialized power

power directed at helping others

socialized power

power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself

personalized power

power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization


power directing at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself, is known as ______ power

expert power

power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise

Path-goal leadership model

pproach that holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with supporta

which is NOT a way to streamline your reading?

practice speed reading.

the purpose of the field of organizational behavior is to not only explain workplace behavior but also to _____ it


Representation Networking

present work group in positive light to others (i've got a great bunch of people working for me whom you'll probably want to meet)

Using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance is an example of persuasion using _____________


using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic


The key to protecting yourself against online security threats is __________.


The key to protecting yourself against technological security threats is ___________.


Relationship-oriented Leadership

primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people

rather than wait for the other company affiliates to implement casual Friday, ryan decided to start the practice in his office next week. ryan displays a _____ personality


which of the following are likely characteristic of transformational leaders

proactive agreeable extroverted

Jonathan's team has to decide whether or not to pursue a new business opportunity in Japan. He split the team into opposing sides and has them engage in role-playing to help them consider the decision from multiple perspectives. This is an example of ______________ conflict.


nonverbal communication is responsible for ___ of a message being communicated

between 65% and 95%

an example of a new technological force being used in transforming resources into a good or service is ______.


Elaine surpassed her sales goal and earned a small cash award for her strong performance. This is an example of a ___________________.

bonus program

One of the tactics for using conflict to stimulate cultural and procedural changes in an organization is to announce ______________.


_____________ are cash awards given to employees who achieve specific performance objectives.


In equity theory, the outputs received from an organization are which of the following?

rewards, pay, and praise

a __ medium is more effective w nonroutine situations


A ________ is a set of behaviors that people expect of occupants in a certain position. -expectation -job -role -rule


a lean medium is more effective with _____ situations


lean medium is more effective with _______________ situations


according to maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order for jospehina to seek fulfillment of her love needs

safety and physiological

frederick has a disability and works at goodwill industries. because he works best by concentrating on a single task, his boss assigns him the job of carrying packages from the front of the warehouses to the back of the warehouse. by reducing the number tasks frederick performs, his boss is engaging in job


Leadership depends on ---------------

situation at hand.

Under Fiedler's model, the level influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called ____________ control.


Under Fiedler's model, the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called ___________ control.


under fiedler's model, the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called _____ control


in fiedlers contingency leadership model, the amount of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called his or her ______

situational control

the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called:

situational control

under fielders model, the level influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called__.

situational control

The leadership model that holds that leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of their follower is that:

situational leadership model

According to the job characteristics model, the extent to which a job requires the job holder to use a wide range of different talents and abilities is known as _______________.

skill variety

Mobile and internet-based technologies that are used to generate interactive dialog with member of a network are known as _______________.

social media

mobile and internet-based technologies that are used to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network are known as _______________

social media

the Sarbanes-Oxley reform act was established to monitor ______ of public institutions. advertising campaigns social media equal pay financial records

social media

a technique used to help groups generate multiple ideas for solving problems in which members silently generate ideas which are collected and written on a board or flip chart is known as ______. benchmarking brainstorming a decision support system the Delphi technique


electronic brainstorming, also called ______, is a technique used to help members of a group come together over a computer network to generate ideas and alternatives for solving problems.


A(n) ______________ role consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's work done.


According to Fieldler, the dimension of situational control referred to as ____________________ ___________________ is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood routine tasks.

task structure

Benita, Sanjay, Brian, and Sonja are studying the sales figures for the automobile industry in the last six months and will then recommend strategy adjustments for the auto manufacturing facility they work at. These four people are an example of a ________.


Benita, Sanjay, Brian, and Sonja are studying the sales figures for the automobile industry in the last six months and will then recommend strategy adjustments for the auto manufacturing facility they work at. These four people are an example of a _________________.


Norms tend to be enforced by ______________ to help the group survive, to clarify role expectations, to help individuals avoid embarrassing situations, and to emphasize and identify the group's important values.

team members

_______________ involves doing work that is generally performed in the office away from the office using a variety of information technology


barb works for an accounting firm. she works out of her home and communicates with her boss via email and phone. barb job is an example of _____


enabling employees to work at home while keeping in touch with their employers and coworkers via email, phone, and other electronic technologies is known as



the extent to which a job allows the worker to make choices about scheduling different tasks and/or deciding how to perform them

skill variety

the extent to which a job requires a person to use a wide range of different skills and abilities

Skill variety

the extent to which a job requires a worker to use a wide range of different abilities and skills

skill variety

the extent to which a job requires a worker to use a wide range of different abilities and skills

Task identify

the extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end

- rational persuasion - inspirational appeals - consultation - ingratiation - personal appeals - exchange - coalition tactics - pressure - legitimate tactics

the nine most common influence tactics:

which of the following are types of informal communcation channels

the office grapevine management by wandering around


the pathway by which a message travels

active listening

the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages

managerial leadership

the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objective

managerial leadership

the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives

negative reinforcement

the process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

kayla has made her sales quota every month during the past year except for last month. when her boss conducts her perfomance appraisal, he focus on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. this is an example of _____

the recency effect


the result of the stressor can be anxiety and illness


the right of people not to reveal information about themselves


the right to perform or command; this right comes with the supervisor's job


the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another


the unofficial communication system of the informal organization

what are some disadvantages of communicating via e-mail

the use of other forms of communication tends to decrease, it leads to coworkers feeling less connected, and emotions may be miscommunicated

positive reinforcement

the use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior


the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced

Situational Approach or Contingency Approach

to leadership, who believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand.

the _____ reading strategy has these five steps: rate reason read; question and predict answers; survey the big picture; skim for main ideas; and summarize


As the CEO, Matt typically works with Ken, the company president when evaluating performance figures. Matt and Ken are part of a _______ team.


Candidates for the management development program at GenCo Enterprises must first complete a personality assessment to determine their suitability for a leadership role. Based on this, it would appear that GenCo believes in the ____________ approach to leadership.


Morgan considers Jessica an effective leader because she is intelligent, has high energy, and displays self-confidence, Morgan is characterizing Jessica based on the ______________ approach to leadership.


attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the _____ approach to leadership


Leadership that focuses on clarifying employees' roles, explaining task requirements, and providing rewards or punishments based on performance is called _______________ leadership.


the human resource director told james that in his role as product supervisor he would get the best work out of his staff by employing a reward system for jobs done well. the human resource director is focused on _____ leadership


identify forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors

transactional leadership initiating structure leadership

identify forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors. tranformational leadership transactional leadership charismatic leadership initiating structure leadership

transactional leadership initiating structure leadership

The three ways to streamline your reading are to be savvy about periodicals and books, _________, and make internal memos and e-mail more efficient.

transfer your reading load

the three ways to streamline your reading are to be savvy about periodicals and books, __ and make memos and e mail more efficient.

transfer your reading load

The ________ leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interest


The __________ leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interest.


Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while __________ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.


_____ leaders use inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation to pursue organizational goals


transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while _____ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things


transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while__ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.


- more employee identification with their leaders and their immediate work groups - improved leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction - higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion and work engagement - measures of organizational effectiveness

transformational leadership positive results:


treat as equals. show concern for well being and needs. be friendly and approachable

True or false: According to Maslow, the needs at the lowest level in his hierarchy must be met before an individual will seek to achieve needs at higher levels.


t/f: the two types of informal communication channels are teh gravevine and management by wandering arounod


the top down reading strategy has these five steps: rate reason to read, question and predict answers, survey the big pic, skim for main ideas, and summarize


true or false: psychologise daniel kahneman decribes two kinds of thinking: system 1, which is intuitive and largely unconscious, and system 2, which is analytical and conscious.


Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors is known as _____________.


inspirational appeals

trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

inspirational appeals

trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values ex: "if we do this as a goodwill gesture, customers will love us"

rational persuasion

trying to convince someone by using reason, logic, or facts

rational persuasion

trying to convince someone by using reason, logic, or facts "You know, all the cutting-edge companies use this approach."


trying to experience the other people's feelings and point of view


trying to experience the other person's feelings and point of view

empathic style

tuning into the speaker's emotions

empathic style

tuning into the speakers emotion

the results of the company survey showed that while the majority of employees were pleased with the advancement opportunities within the organization and the merit system in place, they were dissatisified with the things like pay scale and sharing an office with someone they didnt get along with. these results exemplify which theory of motivation

two factor theory

laura talks fast, walks fast, eats fast, and is in constant rush to accomplish everything she think she needs to do. Which of the following best describes laura's behavior

type A behavior pattern

legitimate power

type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization

identify strategies of effective listening

use nonverbal cues to demonstrate interest ask questions to make sure you understand focus on the speaker

three ways in which organizations may apply trait theory

use personality and trait assessments, choose personality over intelligence, and use management development programs

task-oriented leadership behaviors

used to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization - two kinds are (1) initiating-structure leadership and (2) transactional leadership

pressure tactics

using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance

pressure tactics

using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance ex: "If this doesn't happen, you'd better think about cleaning out your desk"

Positive reinforcement

using rewards or positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior

Laura's manager is retiring in six months, and Laura really wants to be promoted to succeed her. In terms of expectancy theory, Laura has a high ____________________ in regard to her job.


Laura's manager is retiring in six months, and Laura really wants to be promoted to succeed her. In terms of expectancy theory. Laura has a high ________________ in regard to her job.


laura manager is retiring in six months, and laura really wants to promoted to succeed her. in terms of expectancy theory, laura has a high _____ in regards to her job


_____ are abstract ideals that guide ones thinking and behavior across all situations


A ________ team consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects.


Louis, Craig, and Steve golfed with Dan. They needed Dan's help on a new project. Before golfing, Louis asked Craig and Steve to help him get Dan's support with the project saying "We all think Dan's help on the project is crucial to its success and we should work together to convince him of this." This is an example of a(n) _________ tactic.


Which of the following is not considered a "soft" influence tactic?

coalition pressure legitimating

Although she might not like to, Amber sometimes has to reprimand her employees when they do not comply with the rules.When she does this, Amber is using her__ power.


_____ describes the psychlogical discomfort a person experiences when his or her attitude and behavior are incompatible

cognitive dissonance

The "we feeling" that binds group members together is called _________. -identity -friendliness -cohesiveness -effort


Shared leadership is based on the idea that people need to share information and to __________ to get things done.


Problem solving

collaborating to generate a win-win solution

Frances suggested that the marketing team prepare extra copies of the new catalog in anticipation of the upcoming convention. She knew the sales staff would need plenty of catalogs during the event. Frances is the catalyst for _______________ between two departments.


The systematic integration of the efforts of individuals to achieve a common objective is known as _______. -cooperation -cohesiveness -motivation -roles


The systematic integration of the efforts of individuals to achieve a common objective is known as __________. -motivation -cooperation -cohesiveness -roles


Sources of conflict such as differences between personalities, groups, and cultures are called _________________.

conflict triggers

Fielder's __leadership model is determined whether a leaders style is task oriented or relationship oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.


the __approach to leadership asserts that a leaders effectiveness depends on the situation at hand,


the approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach


it is recommended that you not use your cell phone to text ___?

driving, face to face, meetings

An ____________ communicator transmits his/her message accurately in the least time.


Communication must be __________ and effective in order for the intended message to be understood by the other person.


Marcus was recently advanced to the director's post at his company. Many of the people who report to him are not happy that he was promoted because he tends to tune out their ideas and has been know to take credit for idea that aren't his. His arrogance demonstrates his _________________.


which of the following are persoanl barriers that hinder communication?

egos, stereotypes, faulty listening, nonverbal com

Interaction Facilitation

emphasize collaboration and teamwork (lets see how we can all work together to accomplish our goals)

When building an effective team, one key aspect to motivating members through mutual accountability is to __________. -ensure members don't have to worry if they fail at their efforts. -emphasize accountability to the supervisor. -emphasize mutual accountability to team members.

emphasize mutual accountability to team members

When building an effective team, one key aspect to motivating members through mutual accountability is to _______________.

emphasize mutual accountability to team members

Which one of the following would be considered the most appropriate action for a leader during the norming stage of team development?

encourage members to help identify goals and values

which of the following is not a layer on the diversity wheel

environmental dimension

connor wanted to help chris with a new, potentially profitable clients portfolio. connor reminded chris that since he was instrumental in getting chris hired, he owed him a favor. this is an example of the _____ influence tactic


the leader-member__ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders often have different relationships with different groups or subordinates.


Robert believes that no matter how hard he studies, he will never pass the exam. According to Victor Vroom's theory, Robert has low _______________________


robert believes that no matter how hard he studies, he will never pass the exam. according to victor vroom's theory, robert has low _____


the theory of motivation, that asserts that motivation is the combination of how much you want something and how likely you think you are to get it is known as

expectancy theory

theories of motivation that are characterized as process perspectives on motivation

expectancy theory goal setting theory equity theory

according to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as an input

experience, effort, and training

Mike half-jokingly calls Deb the "tax goddess" at work because she knows more about the tax implications of investments than anyone else in the office. Deb has _______________ power.


leaders especially want ______ who are productive, reliable, honest, cooperative, proactive, and flexible


upward communication

from bottom to top. flows from a lower level to a higher level(s)

downward communication

from top to bottom. flows from a higher level to a lower level (or levels)

The ____________ leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across the wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take-no-responsibility leadership to transformational leadership.


the _____ leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take no responsibily leadership to transformational leadership


The suggestion that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles ranging from take-no-resonbility leadership to transformational leadership is referred to as _______.

full-range leaderhsip

while the new government regulations were going to force Tyler's company to reinvent the entire production system, Tyler knew that after the work was done, his company would benefit. this demonstrates the idea of a ______ conflict.


The Scaniron plan is an example of _______________, which distributes company savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased productivity.


The distribution of savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity is known as ___________________________


the ":invisbile barrier" that prevents minorities and women from being promoted to top executive jobs is metaphorically referred to as the _____ _____

glass celing

The two types of ____________ communication channels are the grapevine and management by walking around.


a group formed by people seeking friendship that has no official leader or specific organizational goals is called an ______ group.


__is according to the ohio state leadership model, leadership behavior that consists of the efforts the leader makes to get things organized and get the job done,

initiating structure

which of the following leadership behaviors would be considered task-oriented and aimed at maximizing output

initiating structure

as a result of the Ohio State Leadership Model, which major dimensions of leader behavior were identified?

initiating structure and consideration

the illegal trading of a company's stock by people who have access to and use confidential company information is known as ______.

insider trading

President Obama's famous quote, "We are the change that we seek " best demonstrates which persuasion tactic?

inspirational appeals

what are the key behaviors for transformational leaders?

inspirational motivation, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation and idealized influence

Which of the following are characteristics of being a leader, rather than a manager?

inspire others provide emotional support try to get employees to rally around common goal. creating a vision strategic planning

Keri is confident that, if she exceeds her sales quota for the year, she'll be promoted to regional manager. This is an example of the ______________ element of the expectancy theory.


The quote "Flattery will get you everywhere" demonstrates the effectiveness of which influence tactic? Personal appeals integrating tactics legitimating factors Rational Persuasion

integrating factors

Which three of the following are considered conflict triggers? -geographic conflicts -intergroup conflicts -cross-cultural conflicts -personality conflicts

intergroup conflicts cross cultural conflicts personality conflicts

Work-life benefits

Employer-sponsored benefit programs or initiatives designed to help all employees balance work life with home life.

Managers should be concerned with motivation primarily for which of the following reasons?

1) Join your organization 2) Stay with your organization 3) Show up for work 4) Be engaged 5) Do extra for your organization

Full-range leadership

- Bernard Bass and Bruce Avolio - Suggests that leadership behavior varies a log a full range of leadership styles, from take-no responsibility (bad leadership) -laissez-faire, at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme (last two good leadership)

1. Inspirational Motivation: Let me share a vision that transcends us all

- Charisma: a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support. - Charismatic leadership: was assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders; now is considered part of transformational leadership. Someone with charisma is presumed to be more able to persuade and influence people than someone without charisma.

Leadership copes with change in three ways

- Determining what needs to be done - Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda - Ensuring people do their jobs

The ethical things top managers should do to be effective transformational leaders

- Employ a code of ethics - Choose the right people - Make performance expectations reflect employee treatment. - Emphasize value of diversity - Reward high moral conduct

(4) Leadership Effectiveness

- Employee motivation - Employee satisfaction - Employee performance - Leader acceptance - Interaction facilitation - Work-unit performance

How does a manager know when to use teams and when not to use them?

-Use teams when: there's a clear purpose, the job can't be done unless people work together, team-based rewards are possible, ample resources exist, and teams have authority. -Don't use teams when: there is no cleat purpose, the job can be done independently, only individual-based rewards exist, resources are scarce, and management controls.

Which of the following conditions supports teamwork? -Workers not feeling they are being exploited by others -Ambiguous performance goals exist -Work is considered meaningful -Being accountable to a supervisor

-Workers not feeling they are being exploited by others -Work is considered meaningful

Cell phone use can cause negative behaviors that are ____________.

-annoying -unethical -illegal -deadly

Identify ways in which managers can stimulate constructive conflict. -Create competition among employees -Avoid the issue entirely -Bring in outsiders for new perspectives -Change the organization's procedures -Use the devil's advocacy and dialectic methods

-create competition among employees -bring in outsiders for new perspectives -change the organization's procedures -use the devil's advocacy and dialectic methods

which of the following are ways that Kotter says companies manage complexity?

-creating arrangements of people who will accomplish an agenda through organizing and staffing -determining what needs to be done by planning and budgeting -ensuring people do their jobs by controlling and problem solving

applying the job characteristics model requires the following:

-diagnose the work environment to see whether a problem exists -consider how to redesign the job -determine whether job redesign is appropriate

What are the advantages of larger teams versus smaller teams? -division of labor -better morale -better interaction -more resources -social loafing

-division of labor -more resources

Which of the following are ways that managers can prevent groupthink? -the leader should make his or her preferences clear at the beginning of the meeting -encourage each member of the team or group to provide criticism -discuss the issue privately with each individual before the meeting -allow individuals and outside experts to present other perspectives

-encourage each member of the team or group to provide criticism -allow individuals and outside experts to present other perspectives

Which of the following are potential implications of teams experiencing groupthink? -fewer alternative ideas being brought to the table by members -less new information is introduced -stronger emphasis on the ethics of information introduced to the group -less rationalization and more objective discussion of ideas

-fewer alternative ideas being brought to the table by members -less new information is introduced

Identify disadvantages of small teams versus larger teams. -Fewer resources from which to extract knowledge and skills. -Decreased creativity and boldness due to peer pressure. -Improved opportunity for interaction and participation. -Increased commitment and satisfaction. -An uneven distribution of work among members.

-fewer resources from which to extract knowledge and skills -decreased creativity and boldness due to peer pressure -An uneven distribution of work among members

Which three of the following stimulate cohesiveness? -Choosing large groups for team projects -Making sure team members know the team's goals -Emphasizing the common characteristics of the teammates -Recognizing and appreciating each other

-making sure team members know the team's goals. -emphasizing the common characteristics of the teammates -recognizing and appreciating each other

Research demonstrates that transformational leadership yields several positive results, including which of the following:

-measures of organizational effectiveness -measures of leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction -more employee identification with their leaders and with the immediate groups -commitment to organizational change -high levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, work engagement, setting of goals consistent with those of the leader, and proactive behavior -employees less likely to quit.

Identify the five steps in Alesandrini's top-down reading strategy.

-rate reason to read -question and predict answers -survey the big picture -skim for main ideas -summarize

five sources of power:

-reward power -legitimate power -expert power -referent power -coercive power

Identify the three key elements in equity theory

-rewards -comparisons -inputs

Which of the following are potential benefits for the participants of continuous improvement teams? -skills enhancement -chance for meaningful participation -pay increases -increased job responsibility

-skills enhancement -chance for meaningful participation

The five employee characteristics in House's path-goal leadership model are:

-task ability -need for achievement -experience -need for path-goal clarity -locus of control

Which of the following are true statements about norms? -they are typically unwritten -they are usually specific -they exert a powerful influence on group behavior -they are often discussed openly among members

-they are typically unwritten. -they exert a powerful influence on group behavior

Goal-Setting - Practical results

1) Goals should be specific 2) Certain conditions are necessary for goal setting to work 3) Gold should be linked to action plans 4) Performance feedback and participation in deciding how to achieve goals are necessary but not sufficient for goal setting to work.

Goal-Setting - 4 motivational mechanisms

1) It directs your attention 2) It regulates the effort expended 3) It increases your persistence 4) It fosters use of strategies and action plans.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Abraham Maslow)

1) Physiological need - the most basic human physical need. 2) Safety need - Physical safety, emotional security, avoidance of violence 3) Love Need - Love, friendship, affection 4) Esteem need - Self-respect, status, reputation, recognition,, self-confidence 5) Self-actualization need - Highest Level - Need for self-fulfillment, increasing competence, using abilities to the fullest

Reinforcement - Four types

1) Positive reinforcement 2) Negative reinforcement 3) Extinction 4) Punishment

What is the steps in Ducker's Tips for Improving Leadership Effectiveness?

1. Determine what needs to be done 2. Determine the right thing to do considering the welfare of the entire organization 3. Develop an action plan that specifies desired results, probable restraints, future revisions, check-in points, and implications for how one should spend his or her time 4. Take responsibility for actions 5. Take responsibility for communication action plans and give people the information they need to get the job done **6. Focus on opportunities rather than problems, Do not sweep problems under the rug, and treat change as an opportunity rather than as a threat 7. Run productive meetings, Different types of meetings require different forms of preparation and different results. Prepare accordingly 8. Think and say "we" rather than "I." Consider the needs and opportunities of the organization before thinking of your own opportunities and needs 9. Listen first, and speak last

Peter Drucker: 9 behaviors that managers can focus on to improve leadership

1. Determine what needs to be done 2. Determine the right thing to do for the welfare of the entire enterprise or organization 3. Develop action plans that specify desired results, probable restrains, future revisions, check-in points, and implications for how one should spend time. 4. Take responsibility for decisions 5. Take responsibility for communication actions plans and give people the information they need to get the job done.

Peter Drucker: 9 behaviors that managers can focus on to improve leadership

1. Determine what needs to be done 2. Determine the right thing to do for the welfare of the entire enterprise or organization 3. Develop action plans that specify desired results, probable restrains, future revisions, check-in points, and implications for how one should spend time. 4. Take responsibility for decisions 5. Take responsibility for communication actions plans and give people the information they need to get the job done. 6. Focus on opportunities rather than in problems. Treat change as an opportunity rather than a threat 7. Run productive meetings. 8. Think and say "we" rather than "I." Think first of the needs and opportunities of the organization. 9. Listen first, speak last.

10 Characteristics Servant Leadership

1. Focus on leadership 2. Ability to emphasize with other's feelings 3. Focus on healing suffering 4. Self-awarness of strength and weaknesses 5. Use of persuasion rather than positional authority to influence others 6. Broad-based conceptual skills 7. Ability to foresee future outcomes 8. Belief they are steward of their employees and resources 9. Commitment to the growth of people 10. Derive to build community within and outside the organization.

What are the 5 steps in applying situational theories?

1. Identify important outcomes 2. Identify relevant leadership behaviors 3. Identify situatonal conditions 4. Match leadership to the conditions at hand 5. Determine how to make the match

Important implications of transformational leadership for managers

1. It can improve results for both individuals and groups: You can use the four types of transformational behavior such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance. Also group's outcomes can be improved. 2. I can be used to train employees at any level: also employees can be trained to be more transactional and transformational. 3. It requires ethical leaders


Also known as "dominating," __________ is simply ordering an outcome, when a manager relies on his or her formal authority and power to resolve a conflict, but the needs of the other party are largely ignored.

Content perspectives

Also known as need-based perspectives; theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Also known as the Pygmalion effect; the phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others leads them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true

Psychological empowerment

An employee's belief that they have control over their work

Employee engagement

An individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work

- situational factors - traits, genders, and skills - power and influence

An integrated model of leadership considers these ignorer to create leader effectiveness.

Law of effect

Behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, while behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear.

Do effective leaders behave in similar ways?

Behavioral leadership approaches try to determine unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders. These approaches can be divided into four categories, the first three of which are discussed in this section: (1) task-oriented behavior, (2) relationship-oriented behavior, (3) passive behavior, and (4) transformational behavior (discussed in Section 14.5).

I don't want to be just a manager; I want to be a leader. What's the difference between the two?

Being a manager and being a leader are not the same. That said, they both are necessary in the pursuit of organizational goals. For example, leadership skills are needed to create and communicate a company's vision, strategies, and goals, while management skills are needed to execute on these plans and goals. This section highlights how management and leadership skills are complementary and describes five sources of power leaders draw on to influence others. Leaders use the power of persuasion to get others to follow them. Five approaches to leadership are described in the next five sections.

What is transactional leadership?

Clarifying employee roles and tasks requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance "task oriented"

Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone is an example of persuasion by _________ tactics


A manager who tells his subordinate "Do it or else pay the consequences" is demonstrating ___________ power


3. Coercive power: Influencing behavior by threatening or giving punishment

Coercive behavior, which all managers have, result from manager's authority to punish their subordinates. Punishment can range from verbal or written reprimands to demotions to terminations. Coercive power has to be used judiciously.

____________ which all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates.

Coercive power

Elements of Equity Theory

Comparing the inputs and outputs with those of others.

How can I use compensation and other rewards to motivate people?

Compensation, the main motivator of performance, includes pay for performance, bonuses, profit sharing, gainsharing, stock options, and pay for knowledge. Other nonmonetary incentives address needs that aren't being met, such as work-life balance, growth in skills, and commitment.

According to Harvard professor John Klotter, Management is about coping with __________ whereas leadership is about coping with ______________

Complexity, change

Both parties give up something to gain something


Process perspectives

Concerned with the thought processes by which people decide how to act.

Process Perspectives

Concerned with the thought processes by which people decided how to act

_______________ is leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members' needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust.


Consideration- What do I do to show consideration for my employees

Consideration is leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate. Is sensitive to subordinates' ideas and feeling and established mutual trust. - Reassembles Likert's employee-centeres behavior.

Job enrichment

Consists of building into a job such motivating factors as reprehensibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement.

Job Characteristics model

Consists of five core job characteristics that affect three critical psychological states of an employee that in turn affect work outcomes - employee's motivation, performance, and satisfaction. Skill variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback

Connor rereads the email that he has received in order to make sense of its message. on what part of the communication process is Connor focusing?


During an argument with a coworker, Analiese became increasingly hostile and profane. This would BEST be described as ____________ communication.



Defined as the extent to which followers possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task. Employees with hight high readiness (high ability, skills and willingness to work) require different leadership style than those with low readiness (low ability, training, and willingness). Diagram 455.

Leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership

Emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates.

Organizational citizenship behaviors

Employee behaviors that are not directly part of employees' job descriptions—that exceed their work-role requirements—such as constructive statements about the department

___________ behavior is when managers pay more attention to employee satisfaction and making groups cohesive. By concentrating on subordinates' needs, they hope to build effective work groups with high-performance goals.


Goal-setting theory

Employee-motivation approach that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable

For example

Employees with an internal locus of contro are more likely to prefer achievement-oriented leadership or group-oriented decision making. Sme gor high experienceask ability and t employees. Employees with an external locus of control, view the environment incontrollable, so they prefer supportive or path-goal-clarifying structures. Same inexperienced employees. House's revision puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster intrinsic motivation through empowerment; and stresses the concept of shared leadership.

Psychological empowerment

Employees' believe that they have control over their work.

________________________ is the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced.


Janeen's boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the past quarter that he gives her a bonus. In terms of the model of motivation, the bonus represents a _________

Extrinsic rewards

B. F. Skinner

Father of operant conditioning, the process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences.

The expression of the receiver's reaction to the sender's message is known as __________________.



Fiedler's _____ leadership model is determined by whether a leader's style is task-oriented or relationship-oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

Which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership?

Fielder's contingency model Houses's path-goal model

Ordering an outcome


A servant leader would display which of the following characteristics?

Focus on listening Ability to empathize with other's feeling Focus on healing suffering Self-awareness of strengths & weaknesses Use of Persuasion rather than positional authority Broad based conceptual thinking. Ability to foresee future outcomes Believe they are stewards of their employees & resources Commitment to the growth of people Drive to build community within and outside the organization.


Focuses on providing increased service to others-meeting the goals of both followers and the organization, rather than to oneself.

Defensive communication

Form of communication that is either aggressive, attacking, angry, passive, or withdrawing

What is the Michigan model?

Focuses on two leadership styles: Job Centered: Principal concerns were with achieving production efficiency, keeping costs down, and meeting schedules Employee Centered: Managers paid more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive

Tranactional Leadership

Focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

Transactional Leadership

Focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance. Also encompassed the fundamental managerial activities of setting goals and monitoring progress toward their achievement. - Best in stable situations - Try to get people to do ordinary things

What is House's Path Control Model?

Folds that the effective leader makes available to follower desirable reward in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and provide them with support


For each dimension , the amount of control can be high- the leader's decisions will produce predictable result because he or she has the ability to influence work outcomes. Or it can be low: he or she doesn't have that kind of predictability or influence.

What does it take to truly inspire people to perform beyond their normal levels?

Four key behaviors of transformational leaders in affecting employees are they inspire motivation, inspire trust, encourage excellence, and stimulate them intellectually.

D. collaboration

Frances suggested that the marketing team prepare extra copies of the new catalog in anticipation of the upcoming convention. She knew the sales staff would need plenty of catalogs during the event. Frances is the catalyst for __________ between the two departments. A. trust B. cohesiveness C. motivation D. collaboration

Dysfunctional Conflict

From the standpoint of the organization, __________ is conflict that hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests. It is bad for organizations.

telepresence technology

HD videoconferencing systems that simulate face-to-face meetings between users, not very similar to traditional videoconferencing because it is HD and all high tech and special and needs a certain room and stuff

Traits that women bring to the table in leadership?

Helpful: More teamwork, less personal glory (social power) Hindering: Less competitive, more modesty Handicaps? Fewer mentors, being lower in hierarchy

What is Goal Clarifying? (Step 1 in revised path)

Here what's expected of you and here's how to do it. Clarify performance goals Clarify standards vs. expectations

What is work facilitation (Step 3 in revised path)

Here's the goal and here's what I can do to help you achieve it. Plan, schedule, organize, and coordinate work, provide mentoring, coaching, counseling, and feedback

Leaders behavior (3) Work facilitation

Here's the goal, and here's what I can do to help you achieve it. Plan, schedule, organize, and coordinate work. Provide mentoring, coaching, counseling, and feedback to assist employees in developing their skills. Eliminate roadblocks. Provide resources. Empower employees.

Leaders behavior (1) Path-goal clarifying

Here's what's expected of you and here's how to do it. Clarify performance goals. Provide guidance on how employees can compete task. Clarify performance standards and expectations. Use positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.

Which of the following theories proposes that work satisfaction originates from motivating factors and dissatisfaction originates from hygiene factors?

Herzberg's Two-factory theory

In-group exchange

In the in-group exchange, the relationship between leader and follower becomes a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect and liking, and a sense of common fate. Subordinates may receive special assignments and privileges. Why? compatibility + associated w/ goal commitment, trust between managers and employees, work climate, satisfaction with leadership, and job performance and job satisfaction.

Out-group exchange

In the out-group exchange, leader are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate. Subordinates receive less of the manager's time and attention than those in in-group exchange relationships. Why? Competence


In the third stage of group and team development, __________, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.

The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called ______________.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Indication of how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning.

Media Richness

Why women are not on the Top

Men: (1) women lack general management experience (2) women have not been in the executive talent pool long enough to get selected. Women: (1) male stereotyping (2) exclusion from important informal networks. 1. Women simply aren't willing to compete as hard as most men are or are not willing to make the required personal sacrifices. 2. Women have a tendency to be overly modest and to give credit to others rather than taking it for themselves. 3. Women are less likely than their male counterparts to have access to a supportive mentor. 4. Early-career success is pivotal; women MBAs start out at lower levels than men do in their 1st job.

Nonverbal communication

Messages in a form other than the written or the spoken word

"I'll take out the garbage," Jan's husband tells her. "Just stop bugging me about it." This situation exemplifies ________________

Negative reinforcement

In the hiring process, do employers care about one's personality and individual traits?

Personality consists of stable psychological and behavioral attributes that give you your identity. We describe five personality dimensions and five personality traits that managers need to be aware of to understand workplace behavior.

Motivation-Personal factors

Personality, ability, care self-evaluations, emotions, attitudes, needs, values, work attitudes.

Richards use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of ______________ power


Hillary knows she needs a full-time job so she can buy groceries and clothing for her three children/ Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Hillary concerned with.



Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior.

Two-factor theory (Herzberg)

Proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors - work satisfaction from motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors.


Providing subordinates with little support or direction. The leader's role is to observe and monitor. This style is best for followers who have a high level of readiness, both able and willing to perform a task.

Cognitive dissonance

Psychological discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incomparable behavior


Psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior

Hierarchy of needs theory

Psychological structure proposed by Maslow whereby people are motivated by five levels of needs: (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) love, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization

Lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and lack of remorse when your actions harm others


__________ power is power that results from managers' authority to reward subordinates.


Major problems of the digital age that the text listed include lack of security, loss of privacy, and _______________.

Reduced productivity due to email

Brandon has earned the trust and respect of his coworkers by consistently modeling the positive behaviors he expects from them. What type of power does this describe? a. Expert b. Coercive c. Referent d. Reward


Referent power: Influencing behavior because of one;s personal attraction

Referent power is power deriving from one's personal attraction. This kind of power characterizes strong, visionary leaders who are able to persuade their followers by dint of their personality attitudes, or background. Referent power may be associated with managers, but it is more likely to be characteristic of leaders.

5. Personal appeals

Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

Personal Appeals

Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request, asking a friend to do a favor.

Core self-evaluation

Represents a broad personality trait comprising four positive individual traits: (1) self-efficacy, (2) self-esteem, (3) locus of control, and (4) emotional stability

Ethical Leadership

Represents normativiely appropriate behavior that focuses o being moral role model.


Represents the extent to which our lives contain PERMA


Represents the guiding and directing of performance. This leadership style works best for followers with a low level of readiness: subordinated are neither willing nor able to take responsibility.

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement.

Reward only desirable behavior Give rewards as soon as possible Be clear about what behavior is desired Have different rewards and recognize individual differences.

Coercive Power

Results form managers' authority to punish their subordinates. all manager have this.

What is coercive power?

Results from managers authority to reward their subordinates

What is legitimate power?

Results from managers formal positions within orgnaization

At the completion of a long project, Allen gives his assistant the day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of ______________ power


The "Power of purse strings" meaning that a manager can approve other monetary incentives for her employees ________ power


The theory of motivation that asserts that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by the three innate needs of competence, autonomy and relatedness is know as the __________________ theory



Self-respect; the extent to which people like or dislike themselves

The study of the meaning of words is called _________________.



Sets of behaviors that people expect of occupants of a position

Shared leadership

Simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading. It is based on the idea that people need to share information and collaborate to get things doe. It is more like to be needed when people work in teams, are involved in complex projects, or are doing knowledge work -work requiring voluntary contributions of intellectual capital by skilled professionals. + Associated with group cohesion, group citizenship, and group effectiveness.

Pay for performance

Situation in which an employee's pay is based on the results he or she achieves

Pay for knowledge

Situation in which employees' pay is tied to the number of job-relevant skills they have or academic degrees they earn

The tendency for people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.

Social loafing

Power directed at helping others as opposed to helping oneself is known as _____________ power


Applying situational theories

Step 1: Identify Important outcomes: what goals am I trying to achieve? (in what time) Step 2: Identify relevant employee leadership behaviors: what management characteristics are best? (for the situation) Step 3: Identify situational conditions: What particular events are altering the situation? (Considerations) Step 4: Match leadership to the conditions at hand: how should I manage when there are multiple conditions? Step 5: Determine how to make the match: Change the manager or change the manager's behavior.

the emergence of individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group


Expectancy Theory (Victor Vroom)

Suggest that people are motivated by two thing (1) how much they want something and (2) how likely they think they are to get it.

Goal-setting theory (Edwin Locke and Gary Latham)

Suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable.

Full-range leadership

Suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from passive leadership at one extreme, through transformational leadership to transformation leadership at the other extreme.


Suzie sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shift

leader behavior: supportive

The leader treats subordinates as equals, and shows concern for the well-being and needs


The leadership _______ approach suggests leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational.

Managerial leadership

The process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives

Negative reinforcement

The process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative.


The process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive


The process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive.


The right to perform or command; it comes with the job.

Intrinsic reward

The satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, a person receives from performing the particular task itself.


The second stage of group and team development, __________, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.


The sense of belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self.


The source of stress


The stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity


The study of the meaning of words

Positive reinforcement

The use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior.

Behavior modification

The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior


The use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time


The value or the importance a worker assigns to a possible outcome or reward


The value, the importance a worker assigns to the possible outcome or reward.


These influence tactics are considered generic because they are applied in all directions: within the organization. The first five influence tactics are considered "soft" tactics because they are considered friendlier than the las four "hard," or pressure, tactics. The three possible responses to an influence tactics -enthusiastic, commitment, grading compliance, and outright resistance- commitment is most apt to result when the tactics used are consultation, strong rational persuasion, and inspirational appeals.

Big Five personality dimensions

They are (1) extroversion, (2) agreeableness, (3) conscientiousness, (4) emotional stability, and (5) openness to experience

Expectancy theory

Three elements: Expectancy Instrumentality Valence

Acquired Needs Theory (David McClelland)

Three needs - achievement, affiliation, and power - are major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace.

Pay for Knowledge

Ties employee pay to the number of job-relevant skills or academic degrees they earn.

Rational persuasion

Trying to convince someone by using reason, logic, or facts.

Rational persuasion

Trying to convince someone with reason, logic, or facts

If a model of motivation starts with an unfulfilled need, list the rest of the steps in the correct order, with the first step at the top

Unfulfilled Need Motivation Behaviors Reward Feedback

Persuade Tactics

Using demands, threats, or intimidation to going to gain compliance.

____________ communication is communication that flows upward and downward in the organization.


__________ involve(s) using video and audio links along with computers to enable people located at different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another.


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Work satisfaction arises from motivating factors and work dissatisfaction arises from hygiene factors

At Art's firm, employees are allowed to work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days. This BEST describes which attempt to balance work and life?

Work-life benefits

transactional leader

a leader who focuses on clarifying employees roles and task requirements and then provides rewards and punishments based on their performance

organizational culture

adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely than are rigid, bureaucratic cultures to foster transformational leadership

which of the following would be characterized as motivating factors by Herzberg two factor theory

achievement and responsibility

The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called__________

acquired needs theory

ingratiating tactics

acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request

ingratiating tactics

acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request ex: "I hate to impose on your time, knowing how busy you are, but you're the only one who can help me."

hospital surgery teams, airline cockpit crews, mountain-climbing expeditions, police SWAT teams, and labor contract negotiating teams are all examples of _______ teams. -production -advice -action -project


a persons behavior is influenced by values and attitudes and consists of which of the following

actions and judgements

the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is known as

active listening

Conrad and his wife Olivia are both managers at different companies. While Conrad prefers to allow his team to make decisions and come up with the process to get something done, Olivia prefers to tell her staff how to approach a project and who should be responsible for what. Each as a unique style and both are effective. This demonstrates the _______________ leadership approach.


______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders


conrad and his wife olivia are both managers at different companies. while conrad prefers to allow his team to make decisions and come up with the process to get something done, olivia prefers to tell her staff how to approach a project and who should be responsible for what. each has unique style and both are effective. this demonstrates the _____ leadership approach


the __ approach to leadership attempts to determine the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors that effective leaders use when interacting with others.


there are three types of formal communication: vertical, external and


The type of leader that inspires motivation by offering a vision that inspires people and energizes workers is called a _______ leader.


Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone is an example of persuasion by ______________ tactics


which would be likely result of a lack of trust between two parties?

communicators will be concentrating more on being defensive than on the meaning of the message.

the division of an organization work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction are both part of job ______


media richness examples rated from highest to lowest

face to face, video-conferencing, telephone, personal written media, impersonal written media

alexis sends a text message to her coworker, asking her to verfiy the time of a meeting with a client. this is an example of _____ communication


which of the following statements concerning managerial leadership is accurate?

is something that could potentially be exhibited by someone who is not a formal manager.

transformational leaders

leaders that excite passion, inspiring and empowering people to look beyond their own interests to the interests of the organization

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as ____________


The five principal approaches or perspectives on __________ are trait, behavioral, contingency, full-range, and the four additional approaches (LMX, servant, shared, and electronic).


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as _____



leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate.

passive leadership

leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack of leadership skills, such as management-by-exception style


leadership within the context of electronic technology

which of the following is an example of an open body position

leaning backward

the power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power


the type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _____ power


the type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called __

legitimate power

Basing a request on one's right or authority, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors is known as __________ tactics


Hillary knows she needs a full-time job so she can buy groceries and clothing for her three children. Which level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Hillary concerned with?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order for Josephina to seek fulfillment of her love needs?

physiological and safety

A pay-for-performance plan in which an employee is paid according to how much output she or he produces is referred to as __________________

piece rate

Merilee is a seamstress in a garment factory, and she is paid $10 for each women's skirt she produces. What compensation plan does this describe?

piece rate

seamstress paid $10 for each skirt she makes. what compensation plan does this describe

piece rate

emotional stability

the extent to which people are secure and unworried and how likely they are to experience negative emotions under pressure

self esteem

the extent to which people like or dislike themselves

task significanace

the extent to which the job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outside the organization


the extent to which workers receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing the job


the extent to which workers receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing the job

value-based leader

the leader establishes a vision, displays a passion for it, and supports its accomplishment

work facilitation leaders

the leader plans, schedules, organizes, and coordinates work and assists employees in developing their skills

supportive leader

the leader treats subordinates as equals, and shows concern for the well-being and needs

leader-member exchange model

the leadership model that examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates

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