Sheep/ Goats

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folds of skin that hang from either side of the neck

Hair sheep

generally any sheep that doesn't require annual shearing either because it has no wooly fibers or because it sheds its hair annually

sheep and goats are classified as

order: Artiodacterm-1tyla ( even toed ungulates) Family: Bovidae Species: Ovis aries (sheep) Capra hircus (goat)

Gastrointestinal Track

- Both sheep and Goats are true herbivores - they posse a 4 compartment stomach - the rumen is the largest of the 4 stomachs - rumen is where fermentation and digestion by microorganisms occur - the gastrointestinal anatomy of a ruminant is what allows it to eat highly fibrous plants - ruminant is of substantial size and weight compared to the body of the animal > this is significant b/c it can compromise the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during recumbency (surgery) do to compression of major vessels and displacement of the diaphragm

Social Animals

- Both sheep and goats are social animals - when housing indoors these animals should be group housed whenever possible - there should always be enough room for all animals to be able to lie down at once -This synchronization is especially important for sheep and is an example of an allelomimetic behavior - Sheep in general have a stronger flocking instinct than goats which are naturally more curious and independent - sheep will become very agitated if they are separated from the flock or other animals. - Isolation in sheep can evoke an even greater stress response than restraint - At a minimum separated sheep should be kept within sight of a companion animal. - sheep and goats that are single housed should be given extra attention from a known handler - They should also be provided extra enrichment such as mirrors and sounds of other sheep/goats

over 300 breeds of sheep , ut the commonly used breeds are ...

- Suffolk - Dorset - Finn - Merino


- The most important environmental enrichment for these animals is social interaction - Human interaction can be as important as animal interaction - they like to be petted or rubbed on their lips, mouth, face, top of the head, ears and nasal bridge because these are the most sensitive areas to human touch - these animals are capable of recognizing and remembering their human handlers - the use of mirrors for enrichment is controversial - male animals of the species may see their reflection as a threat and can become aggressive - other forms or enrichment include: >salt or other flavored licks > natural light > music or conspecific sounds > Fresh grasses and greens > outdoor time( pasture or bridal and lead ) > vertical space ( especially for goats)

Behavioral Training of Sheep and Goats

- both sheep and goats have excellent long term memories and can remember handling procedures for up to one year - Animals in research and teaching can be "trained" for procedures with food rewards >however as the impact of the procedure increases the effectiveness of the reward diminishes > it is best to start with simple handling procedures with minimal/no pain or distress

over 40 breeds of goat, but the commonly used breeds are

- pygmy - Nubian - Saanen - Toggenburg

4 stomachs are ...

- reticulum - rumen - omasum - abomasum (true stomach)


- sheep and goats can often develop uneven hooves, particularly when housed indoors, which can lead to lameness and foot problems - The hoof sole in sheep and goats may need to be trimmed if the ground or flooring is not sufficiently abrasive to wear down their hooves - the hoof wall can curl under the foot where it applies pressure to the sole and can trap dirt and bacteria (sometimes resulting in hoof rot) - Trimming the hooves about every 3-6 months will help prevent these issues - to trim the hooves a sharp hoof knife and small hoof nippers can be used to remove excess hoof wall - this is most easily accomplished when the sheep or goat is tipped into the sitting position


- the dental formula for sheep and goats is 2(I 0/4 ; C 0/0 ; P 3/3; M 3/3) - the dental pad is a firm fibrous pad that takes place of the 4 upper incisors (Allen 1999) - b/c there are no canines, there is relatively large diastema that can be useful for restraint and medicating these animals

sheep :Hair coat & cutaneous structures

- the different breeds of sheep vary in wool type and in the presence of absence of horns - regardless of breed a sheep with no wool on the face is called " open face" - sheep with wool on its face is called " closed face". - sheep with wool on their lower limbs are called 'Wooled" - sheep with no wool on their lower limbs are called "clean" - approximately 10% of the sheep population are hair sheep - wooly sheep should be shorn at least once a year, in the late winter or spring as the weather starts to warm up - regardless of the weather, wooly sheep housed indoors for research should be shorn because they are easier to keep clean and the indoor housing is much warmer

Eyes / Vision

- the eyeball of sheep/goats is placed more to the side of their face to provide them with a wider field of vision. - their field of vision can range from 191-306 degrees, depending on the amount of wool on their face - they have poor depth perception/ decreased vertical vision - sheep in particular have difficulty differentiating between light and dark that is caused by shadows - they are reluctant to go where they cannot see - this can make it difficult for them to move through small openings, such as the opening of a run

Recognizing Signs of Pain and/ or Distress

- to recognize abnormal signs, one must first be familiar with the normal presentation of the animals - to establish a baseline it is recommended that upon arrival, veterinary staff should perform a routine physical examination including but not limited to: > Weighing the animal > Palpation of external lymph nodes > examination of oral cavity, eyes, and nares > Auscultation pf the heart and lungs > Inspection and palpation of feet and joints > inspection of skin for evidence of ringworm or other external parasites - all animals should then be provided with an acclimation period of at least 7 days prior to initiating a research project to allow the animals to adjust to their new environment

Goat: Hair coat & cutaneous structures

- typically have a short hair coat that varies in color and texture - horns can be present or absent depending on the autosomal dominant polled gene - there are scent glands surrounding the horn buds that can produce a pungent odor - to prevent injury to personnel/animals, most horned goats have their horns removed when they are less than one month old ( as a safety measure, especially if being housed indoors) - goats of both sexes may have beards and /or wattles - wattles can become injured and a source of infection and therefore are sometimes removed surgically

Prey Species

-Sheep and goats are prey species - In their natural environment the animal that is showing signs of illness is the one that. the predator will attack - As a result, they have a natural instinct to try to hide any signs and pain and/or distress - even so, there are some subtle signs that can indicate that these animals are not ok, and with severe illness, these animals, despite their stoic nature, will be unable to hide their clinical state - the following are some clinical abnormalities that may indicate pain, distress, and/or illness in sheep and goats: > Isolation from other animals > Lack of appetite or "eagerness" to eat > lack of cud-chewing > Bruxism( teeth grinding) >Unsteadiness/ swaying > Reluctance to move > Looking at or kicking at their abdomen > Self-mutilation > Aggressiveness > Hyperactivity (pacing, head butting) > Vocalization- either unprovoked or when touched(more common in goats than sheep) > loss of body weight - some literature suggests than one could even use facial features to be able to determine the stress level of sheep - Bulging eyes slightly flared nostrils, and flattened ears are typical of stressed sheep - These of course would be nonspecific signs but could be used to help identify ore substantiate pain and distress


The scientific study of how living things are classified

Dental Pad

a firm fibrous pad that takes place of the 4 upper incisors (Allen 1999)

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