SHRM BOCK: Key Terms, SHRM Code of Ethics, Legal and regulatory influences - FINAL SCP, Relationship Management, Global and Cultural Effectiveness, Business Acumen - Organizational budgeting, Business Acumen - organizational compensation, Consultatio...

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Post test, pre-test/post test, pre-test/post test with control

Name three ways to determine the level of learning that occurs in a class

Graphic rating scale

Centralization is one of the most common errors found and using____________ and performance appraisal systems

Organizational life-cycle- 2-growth stage

Characterized by rapid growth in sales and profits. Profits arise due to an increase in output (economies of sales) and possibly better prices. At the stage, employees are paid at market rates. Some training occurs as the company continues to grow and hire a mix of both experience and inexperience workers


City or suburbs; nearness to transportation, shopping, restaurants

Risk Categories

Classification/reporting should be documented in a risk register

social media

Internet technology platforms and communities at people and organizations use to communicate and share information, opinions and resources

rolling budget

Is a method in which a budget establish at the beginning of an accounting period is continually amended to reflect variances that arise due to changing circumstances

Federal contractors executive order 11246 (1965)

Federal contractors or subcontractors with contracts of more than $10,000 and that was performing work under federally assistant construction contracts, are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of national origin Requires federal contractors or subcontractors with 50 or more employees and contracts of, $50,000 or more (50/50 rule) to implement affirmative action plans

What types of organizations are required to maintain an affirmative action program?

Federal government contractors or subcontractors as mandated by the office of federal contract compliance. Outreach efforts and training programs


Process by which persons learn the knowledge language and social skills, culture and values required for assimilating into a group or organization.


Process by which two or more parties work together to reach agreement on a matter

Systems Thinking

Process for understanding how seemingly independent units within a larger entity interact with an influence one another


Process of Collecting, qualifying and evaluate and data


Process of evaluating the most suitable candidate for a position

Succession Planning

Process of implementing a talent management strategy to identify and foster the development of high-potential employees or other job candidates who, over time, may move into leadership positions of increased responsibility

Performance appraisal

Process of measuring and evaluating and employees adherence to performance standards and providing feedback to the employee.

Strategic Planning

Process of setting goals and designing a path toward organizational success

bandwith time

The daily range of hours doing which managers allow flex scheduling (including core.. It defined the earliest time employees may arrive and the latest time they may leave

self-determination theory

autonomy- one has control over ones life purpose- actions have effects beyond the individual workplace

achievement vs ascription

do we have to prove ourselves to receive status or is it given to us?

Merger & Acquisitions - preparation

gather information form team train team (change management skills)

middle of the road managers

get work done, aren't leaders

Lewin's Model of the Change Process-moving

getting people to accept the new desired state

income statement (profit and loss statement)

gives a report of the profit level of an organization over a long period of time (month, quarter, or year)

Common tools HR practitioners use are: Judgmental forecasting

is an educated guess based on the considered opinion of the forecaster. It's subjective...not based on quantitative facts (usually because there aren't any).

Common tools HR practitioners use are: Nominal group technique

is basically the same process as the Delphi technique except the panel of experts are allowed to be in the same room and can openly discuss and debate their predictions.

One of the first steps in a merger or acquisition

is to conduct the due diligence


is used to describe the seven qualities that characterize effective objectives

polycentric approach

recruit host-country nationals to manage subsidiaries in their own country, and parent-country nationals for positions at headquarters

Job rotation

refers to employee movement between different jobs. In a manufacturing setting, for example, an employee may work one day in assembly and the next day in inspection or packaging.

Operational strategy

reflects the way in which organizational and business unit strategies are

global mindset

the ability to take an international, multidimensional perspective that is inclusive of other cultures, perspectives, and views

Sustainability Sweet Spot

where sustainability becomes an engine of innovation and a way to identify bus opportunities...generating new products, processes, markets and bus models (triple bottom line)


Knowledge skills and abilities and other characteristics

Hofstede Masculine Culture

ambition, competition, achievement


anchor the changes into the culture develop ways to sustain the change

democratic leadership

invites followers to collaborate and commits to acting by consensus

collaborative approach to conflict

"third way" that meets the need of both sides

Cultural Layer- Norms & Values

Based on assumptions ( respect for elders)

Dilemma Reconciliation

Recognize, Respect, Reconcile, Realize and Root

Compensation (direct)

Wages, commissions, bonuses

Org/Product Life Cycle Renewal

no growth, decline


political, economic, social, and technological


when ee's are not yet motivated

Best of Breed Approach

The process of selecting only the best software system for a specific need of the organization, which often means not choosing and all-in one system, which may have system limitations.

Achieve the organization goals

The purpose of internal training is to create a motivated skill and effective workforce to

Organizational Justice - interactional justice

The quality of treatment


The process of being re-integrated back into domestic operations after being on an international assignment outside of one country is known ass


The recency error occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to recent occurrences and discounts or minimizes the employee's earlier performance during the appraisal period

Survey Project - Design Phase 1st

The research process begins by defining objectives, determining priorities, establishing realistic expectations, and custom-developing a questionnaire that covers a limited set of relevant topics. Senior management or employee focus group interviews are used to develop the questionnaire. At the end of this phase, a clear go or no-go decision becomes apparent

Examine the referral documents as to dates referred and pay the fee to the agency who's referral was received first

What is the best approach for settling the claims went to employment agencies are claiming the fee for referring a candidate when the candidate is recruited and hired?

Past Performance

What is the best predictor of future performance

Involve worker representatives at the outset

What is the best way to gain support for the anticipated opposition to a shift and company culture

In-basket exercise

What is the common term for requiring students to participate in a process that may involve: -deciding which materials gets first attention -assigning tasks to subordinates -dictating responses to letters in a role-play environment


What is the final step in the disciplinary process

de minimis

What is the least serious OSHA violation

That supports the strategic plan

What is the most important consideration when designing an organization why training and development initiative

Key contributor program

What is the name of a program that rewards individuals who skill, abilities, performance, or contributions have enhanced and organizations productivity or profitability

A systematic way to compare candidates

What is the principal reason employers use application forms

Lexical benefit plan/cafeteria plans

What is the term for benefit plans that allow employees to choose their own mix of benefits or levels of coverage?

Halo/Horn Effect

What is it called when a rater gives an excellent employee top rating in all areas or gives an unsatisfactory employee low ratings in all areas

Disparate Impact

What is it called when an apparently neutral compensation practice results in unintentional wage discrimination for protected group?

Peter Seges Fifth Discipline systems thinking

environment where learning can occur- makes patterns clearer & helps one see how things interrelate/how to change them

Six Sigma's

essential goal is to eliminate defects as well as waste, thereby improving quality and efficiency, by streamlining and improving all business processes. It drives toward six standard deviations between the mean (the average) and the nearest specification limit in any process - from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service delivery.

strategic HR process

establish mission and vision environment scanning hr analysis long term hr goals formulate strategies implementation and development monitor & evaluate strategic alignment

Known Knowns

events that are to be expected and so involve little uncertainty

ethnocentric approach

fill key management positions with parent-country nationals

particular culture

flexible and pragmatic, comfortable, w ambiguity

Employee engagement surveys

focus on employees' level of job satisfaction, commitment, and morale. Survey questions or statements should explicitly link to business objectives

Lean project management

focuses on eliminating waste by: Maintaining a tight focus on the intended value of the project. Empowering the team to make decisions. Analyzing and solving problems rather than working around them. Emphasizing continuous learning.

Organizational strategy

focuses on the future of the organization as a single unit—a general vision of the future it seeks and its long-term goals.

Demand Analysis

forecasts future composition and considers the number of employees & their skills required to meet org goals

affiliative leadership

forging relationships, team building

Suggestion systems - gives employees the formal opportunity to comment on the activities of the organization.

gives employees the formal opportunity to comment on the activities of the organization.

finding allies tugboat pilots

good political instincts, have a deep history with the organization, can predict reactions

pull factors

greater strategic control= developing a multinational presence. control brand image better

Employee Involvement techniques and initiatives- cross functional teams

group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. (Stakeholders, from different departments which creates a wider sphere of support for the initiative.)

different types of teams that attempt to bring about organized change -Cross-Functional Team

has members from multiple functions within the organization. It's a form of matrix management, where people are put together in such a way as to create stake holders who have a vested interest in seeing their solution is fully implemented.

• Decentralized organizational structures

have individuals at each level in the business having some independence in making business decisions. You'll see decision-making at lower levels of management and emphasis on training workers and giving them discretionary authority in this structure. It's usually a democratic and participative environment. Span of control of top management in decentralized organizations is relatively small due to autonomy at the lower ranks.

Pareto Chart

help prioritize actions

a value driver tree

helps ensure a line of sight from an organization's strategic goals through functional goals and objectives

Kirk Patricks Four Levels of evaluation behavior

how employee behaviors were changes

Kirk Patricks Four Levels of evaluation reaction

how employees felt about the program

Kirk Patricks Four Levels of evaluation learning

how ksa's incereased

Kirk Patricks Four Levels of evaluation results

how program effected the org goals

specific vs diffuse

how separate we keep our private and working lives

cash flow statement

illustrates the effect of all organizational activities—activities that both consume value (e.g., production, administration) and produce value (e.g., sales, investments)—on how much cash or cash equivalents the organization has on hand.

coercive leadership

imposes a vision and solution for the team


include the desired strategic effect—for example, expansion or redefinition of markets, increased sales or profitability, increased diversity, or enhanced environmental sustainability.


includes all the methods the organization can apply to maximize its opportunities and manage its constraints. These include work processes and workforce skills (e.g., analysis, communication, resource control, quality control).

Cultural Layer - Basic Assumptions

way the world works/implicit culture

Org/Product Life Cycle Growth

$$ increases. Increase efficiences

Six Phases to Principled Negotiation Process

1. Prepare2. Build relationship3. Exchange Information4. Persuade5. Concessions6. Agreement

job description

A ___________ Is a formal document that describes the essential functions of a particular job

Job enrichment

A development methodology that gradually build a new duties or more challenging responsibilities and two employees current position. It allows employees to acquire new skills while on the job and typically results in heightened job satisfaction

Balance Sheet

A financial statement that reports assets, liabilities, and shareholders equity on a specific date.


Ability of an organization to keep its employees

Emotional intelligence (EI)

Ability to be sensitive to and understand ones own and others emotions and impulses

Global mindset

Ability to have an international perspective, inclusive of others cultures' views.

Path-Goal Theory Identifies

Achievement oriented, directive, participated, and supportive leader behaviors.


An unlawful boycott in which workers pressure and employer that is not directly involved in a dispute is called a___________ boycott

Organizational Change

As a key driver of change, HR pros must be well-versed and able to apply the change management process and know their organization and how it's structured.

HR Planning Tools: Cost-benefit analysis

Attempts to measure the financial value of an ACTION. It can be highly detailed, capturing all possible direct and indirect cost. It can be used predictively as well, to decide whether to make an investment or engage in an activity. HR should complete a cost-benefit analysis on a regular basis (at the least, during budget time) for all HR activities and programs. Cost-benefit analysis = (Value of a projected or received benefit/Cost) * 100

HARD HRM treats employees as a resource of the business just like a machine

Autocratic Leadership style Theory X Appraisals are focused on performance evaluation Pay only enough to attract and retain staff Short term focus on staffing levels. Very reactionary Strong link with corprate business planning in regards to their availability and cost Minimal communication from top down Little focus on employee engagement Identify the needs of business and staffed accordingly hiring or layoffs

Define implied contract

Communication stating that the employer will follow certain discharge procedures or will terminate employees only for good cause

Maturity HR Strategy

Building and retaining a productive workforce to meet a high level of demand. Establishing stable leadership through succession planning. Implementing policies. Communicating and reinforcing organizational culture in policies and practices. Improving channels of communication so that strategy can be understood and aligned at all levels and in all areas. Making sure that formalization does not make the organization less agile and innovative. Consulting to other parts of the organization to solve problems that affect productivity (e.g., conflicts, poor performance, ineffective processes or teams, toxic cultures). Modeling awareness of external influences. HR can be a champion of environmental scanning.

Trough or introduction, Expansion or growth, peak or maturity, recession or decline

Business cycle stages

Comparative methods.: Forced distribution

Employees are rated and placed at different percentage points along a bellshaped curve

Employee engagement

Employees emotional commitment to an organization, demonstrated by their willingness to put in discretionary effort to promote the organizations effective functioning.


Can appeal to team members' individual motivators.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Can be used to gauge the positive investment in an employee, technology, or even infrastructure

Mediation & Conciliation

Can be used to resolve disputes or can coexist with other forms. Grievances that remain unresolved after several set ups of a grievance procedure can be submitted to mediation. Similarly, mediation may be permitted are required as a prelude to arbitration


Can improve a team's efforts by offering advice and guidance. Can win respect for the team and its work throughout the organization.

Subordinate reviews

Can provide insight into strengths or weaknesses in management.


Can save time in decision making and focus team on the organization's goals.

Using emotion to facilitate thought

Capitalizing on feelings to promote and inform decision making, problem solving, and other cognitive activities. The emotionally intelligent person can use changes in mood, for example, as an opportunity to approach a decision from multiple viewpoints.


Career development is now in the hands of the ________________rather than the organization. However, organizations can guide and support their employee's career development trajectory through learning and development interventions to the benefit of both the individual and the organization.

Compensation plans can

Communicate business objectives Provide incentives for employees to maintain or change their behaviors to support those objectives Reinforce the relationship between individual or group goals and broader unit or corporate objectives Reward discretionary effort

The Eiffel Tower - Corporate culture

Contrary to the family model, where relationships are most important-is based on prescriber roles and functions within a rigid system. Germany uses this corporate culture. In this model people are viewed as capital and cash resources typical HRM strategies in this culture include workforce planning and performance appraisal systems


Core Principle As HR professionals, we must maintain a high level of trust with our stakeholders. We must protect the interests of our stakeholders as well as our professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest. Intent To avoid activities that are in conflict or may appear to be in conflict with any of the provisions of this Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management or with one's responsibilities and duties as a member of the human resource profession and/or as an employee of any organization. Guidelines Adhere to and advocate the use of published policies on conflicts of interest within your organization. Refrain from using your position for personal, material or financial gain or the appearance of such. Refrain from giving or seeking preferential treatment in the human resources processes. Prioritize your obligations to identify conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof; when conflicts arise, disclose them to relevant stakeholders.

M&As are a big challenge for HR pros. The biggest challenge for HR is to determine if the cultures of the two companies that are becoming one through a merger or acquisition are compatible. HR must blend different corporate cultures together. HR must have a firm grasp on the culture of the company for which they work and must study the culture of the other organization to make such a determination.

Cultural incompatibility and ideological differences top the list of reasons as to why M&A's and joint ventures fail, which are most often overlooked during the due diligence.

Cultural determinism

Culture defines behavior and therefore excuses some actions and makes changes impossible

Organizational effectiveness

Degree To which an organization is successful in executing a strategic objectives and mission

Data warehousing.

Data gathered from different systems is translated into a standard format, cleaned (or "scrubbed") of errors and duplications, and then stored in databases related to specific uses (e.g., operations, finance, sales, HR).

Data gathering

Data is routinely gathered through different computer systems in all parts of the organization (e.g., point-of-sale performance, purchasing and sales transactions, employee and customer records, security terminals)

Return on Investment (ROI)

Data or calculation comparing an investment monetary or intrinsic value against expanded resources

Performance Measures

Data or calculations comparing current performance against key performance indicators (KPI's)

Power Distance and Needs Analysis: Low Power Distance

Decisions regarding who should participate in training are based on developmental needs or skill deficiencies. An individual's or group's training needs are based on formal performance evaluations and specific developmental objectives

Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Individualism/collectivism

Degree to which individuals perceive themselves as members of a group. me or we? describes contrasting visions of how members of a society relate to each other. In individual cultures, clans and family are less important than individual achievement. In a collectivist culture, one's membership in a group is more important than one's individual identity. The group can provide security, protection, and access to opportunity

Common tools HR practitioners use are: Delphi technique

Delphi technique - a panel of experts are polled, and their predictions aggregated/pooled based on points in predictions they all agree upon. It relies on a panel of experts who are kept segregated from each other during the forecasting process (so not to limit or bias opinions). It usually takes several rounds of questioning of the experts until the panel of experts reach a consensus.

Soft HRM treats employees as if they are truly are the most important resource in the business and a source of competitive edge

Democratic or theory Y leadership style appraisals are focused on professional development competitive pay with performance related rewards such as profit-sharing bonuses strategic focus on long-term staffing levels proactive approach employees or valued for their individuality and their needs are accommodated two way communication systems are established and used employees are engaged and empowered decentralized and flatten management structure concentration on the needs of employees


Description of what an organization helps to attain and accomplish in the future, which guide it toward the define direction


Determine what needs to change ensure strong support from management create the need for change manage and understand the doubts and concerns

design phase

During this important phase, broad goals and objectives are developed and broad plans for the treatment of the content and the strategy for implementation are made. The outcome of the _______________ is an architecture or rough sketch of what the final program will look like. All major content components are included, together with the order and method in which they will be presented.

Job description

Document that describes a job and it's essential functions and requirements (e.g Knowledge, skills, and ability test reporting structure responsibilities)

Individual develop plan (IDP)

Document that guides employees Towards their goals for professional development and growth.

strategy implementation

During____________, data is gathered and then analyzed.

unknown unknowns

Dollars included in a cost estimate to allow for future situations that are unpredictable (sometimes called management reserves)

similarity bias

Drawn to confidantes that are similar to themselves

True, while most drug test are given at the post offer stage, costs prohibitions, not legal restraints, cause most employers to wait to give drug test at the post offer stage

Drug test may be given at the pre-offer stage true or false?

strategy formulation

During ____________, goals and strategically aligned objectives are set, specific key performance indicators are identified, and appropriate metrics are selected

design phase

During the ____________________, all stakeholders should have input and potential conflicts should be surfaced and resolved collaboratively.

Group life, group accident, hospitalization, medical and surgical, dental care

ERISA requires reporting and disclosure of pension and property sharing plans and welfare plans such as those dealing with what five areas?

Comparative methods Paired-comparison.:

Each of the employees is paired with every other employee and compared, one at a time, using the same scale for performance. This method provides more information about individual employees than ranking


Early withdrawal from NIR a is subject to what percentage of tax

High/Low Context cultures Concept of time

Edward Hall 1996

Expectancy Theory (motivation)

Effort increases in relation to one's confidence that the behavior will result in a positive outcome and reward.

The guided missile-corporate culture

Egalitarian, Impersonal and task oriented. Countries that use this culture are the United States and United Kingdom. The focus is on achieving the end goal (do whatever it takes) and the value of employees as in how they perform and to what extent they contribute to the overall outcome. For example, teams serve as vehicles to accomplish goals and her disbanded wants the gold is reach. HRM strategies focus on management by objective and pay for performance.

Preganancy Discrimination Act (PDA) 1978

Employees are prohibited from treating pregnant employees differently than any other employee with the temporary medical issue Prohibits employers from forcing pregnant employees into resigning or taking leaves of absence. 15-19 employees

Immigration Reform and control act (IRCA) 1986

Ensure his employers do not employ or continue to employ aliens on authorized to work in the United States and that employers do not discriminate on the basis of citizenship status or national origin 1-14 Employees

The employer has a legal and financial responsibility to not miss use retirement fines, as they must be protected for the exclusive benefit of the participants

Explain the "prudent person rule" as it applies ERISA and the incumbent fiduciary responsibilities

Cultural Layer- Artifacts & Products

Explicit culture, what we can perceive (food, music, art)

job rotation

Exposing employees to new challenges by placing them, for short duration, into different jobs

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Neutral/affective

Expression of emotion


Extent to which a measurement instrument measures what is intended to measure


Extent to which a measurement instrument provide consistent results


Extent to which an organizations agreements, Dillon's, information, practices and transactions are open to disclose and review by relevant persons.


Extent to which each person in an organization feels welcome, respected, supportive, and valued as a team member

Internal equity

Extent to which employees perceive that monetary and other rewards are distributed equitably, based on effort, skill and/or/or relevant outcomes

Exempt status, child labor, minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping

FLSA is the broadest piece of labor legislation. Name the five major areas it covers

Bona Fide Occupational qualification (BFOQ)

Factor (e.g. gender, religion, national origin) that is reasonably necessary, and the normal operations of an organization, to carry out a particular job function.


Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time.

Organizational Justice - Procedural Justice

Fairness of methods used

KPIs in the original balanced scorecard (developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton) are identified under four key areas:

Finance. Customers. Internal business processes. Learning and growth.

managerial grid (Blake and Mouton)

Five different leadership styles based on the concern for people in the concern for production

Common values.

Finding commonalities helps overcome the sense of "otherness." People trust people who are similar to themselves.

Cost Leadership

Firms that pursue a strategy of ______________ aim at capturing market share within their industry by virtue of lowest price.


Firms that pursue a strategy of differentiation aim for being able to charge a higher price by offering something different or by offering the same thing in a different way from competitors in their industry or market—or by creating the perception that a product is different through superior marketing

Lewin's Change Model: how to get people to change- Unfreezing

First stage. It involves overcoming inertia area and dismantling the existing mindset. Defense mechanisms have to be bypass

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements- Analyze the organization's position

First, outline the organization's overall direction, philosophy, and purpose (that's formulating the plan) The mission statement and former strategic business plans are analyzed (that's conducting a needs analysis) The organization's current status in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats must be considered (which is a form of gap analysis) Now forecasting and planning will only be as good as the information the decisions are based upon. Environmental scanning is a common practice an organization engages in to gather necessary information that will influence the planning process.

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Universal/particular

Flexibility versus rules


Focus interactive communications in guidance and send it to development and hands on the job performance, knowledge or behavior


Focus strategies apply cost leadership or differentiation within narrow industry segments or niches.

Needs Analysis-Individual

Focuses on individual employees and how they perform their jobs. Sometimes determined through performance reviews.

Universalism vs. Particularism Individualism vs collectivism Neutral or emotional Specific vs diffuse Achievement vs ascription Passage of time Relationship to the environment

Fons Trompenaars 1993

Competencies required and how they are assessed and maintained

For virtual jobs performed by individuals working on cross functional teams that change frequently or shift from project to project, a job analysis must focus on the


Former employees may return to a company at some point with more diverse experience as well as insider knowledge that allows them to hit the ground running. The level of engagement the employee feels at separation will influence the chances of a valued employee's eventual return

Balance scorecard

Performance management tools that depicts and organizations overall performance, as measured against goals, lagging indicators and leading indicators

Social interaction

Friendly workplace, family picnics or outings

strategic orientation (how the organization steers a path between global integration and local differentiation) and stakeholder buy-in and support

Global HR professionals charged with the responsibility of designing, developing, and delivering cross-border or cross-cultural learning and development programs must do so within the context of two important influences

Level 2— Learning

How participants increased or otherwise changed their knowledge, skills, and attitudes

Level 4— Results

How the program affected the organizational goals

Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Indulgence/restraint

Gratification of individual desires refers to how the gratification of desires is viewed. An indulgent culture believes in fun and pleasure, while a restrained society controls its desires according to social norms.

Gainsharing, team incentives, cash profit sharing plans, combination plans

Group incentive plans encompass what 4 areas

Labor union

Group of workers who formally organize and coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer (I.e. trade union)

trade union

Group of workers who formally organized and coordinate their activities to achieve come in girls and relationships with any employer our group of employers ( i.e., Labor union)

work councils

Groups that represent employees, generally on a local or organizational level, for the primary purpose of receiving from employers and conveying to employees information about the workforce and the health of the enterprise.

Compliance Officer -

HR is commonly charged with overseeing and maintaining compliance with federal, state and local governmental employment and labor laws. HR pros are the tip of the spear here, as more organizations are hiring lawyers to work in HR due to the complexity of compliance.

HR Business partner

HR professional who advised that organizations later than developing and implementing a human capital strategies that closely aligns with overall organizational mission, vision and goals


HR professionals are expected to exhibit individual leadership as a role model for maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. Intent To set the standard and be an example for others. To earn individual respect and increase our credibility with those we serve. Guidelines Be ethical; act ethically in every professional interaction. Question pending individual and group actions when necessary to ensure that decisions are ethical and are implemented in an ethical manner. Seek expert guidance if ever in doubt about the ethical propriety of a situation. Through teaching and mentoring, champion the development of others as ethical leaders in the profession and in organizations.

Communication Officer -

HR teams are increasingly being asked to drive and deliver internal communications. Communications is one of, if not the most important roles HR plays.

Confidentiality of anonymity surveys

Has a big effect on the quality of the results. The communication plan must confirm absolute confidentiality and anonymity, as well as reiterate management's commitment to report results.

Work conditions

Hazard-free workplace

HR's strategy must align with when an organization is in the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stage of its life. Business Life Cycle- decline stage

Hr focus is change management, out placement, and cross training in this stage. The challenge Hr professionals face is change resistance. The need is streamlined decision making, flexibility, and small company thinking. sales, profits, and cash flow all decline. accept the failure. loss of competitive advantage, and finally leave the market.

HR's Role in M&A:

Help determine if the cultures of the two companies that are becoming one through a merger, acquisition or a joint venture are compatible HR from the purchasing company specifically assesses the HR policies, procedures, direct and indirect comp and benefits of the other company to uncover any potential problems, such as a pension plan that's running low on funds or a health insurance package that will cost a significant amount for the company to continue offering HR in both companies help smooth out the transition for employees, helping calm any fears as well as answering questions about how the merger or acquisition affects each employee individually Communicate to employees any changes in who they report to within the company, if their position is found to be redundant, what team or work group employees are assigned to as well as any changes to different positions' roles in the organization.

Indicates that hierarchy is important

High Power Distance

The family - Corprate culture

High context culture, the leader sets the tone. This model gives high priority to doing the right things rather than doing things. Pleasing one superior for example is considered a reward in itself. Countries that use this model include Japan, Italy, France and Spain

3 years

How Many years does FLSA required that basic recordkeeping (name, address, sex, date of birth, occupation, pay, and ours were) be kept?

business strategy

How an organization can create what Michael Porter calls a strategic position, a position in which it enjoys a competitive edge over its rivals

Level 3— Behavior

How participants changed their behavior on the job

Level 1— Reaction

How participants felt about the program

HR's strategy must align with when an organization is in the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stage of its life. Business Life Cycle- maturity

Hr focus is comp, hr planning, & training in this stage. The challenge Hr professionals face is bureaucracy . The need is formal systems. when the market "matures", sales slow and decrease. reinventing occurs at this phase, and investing in new technologies and emerging markets. "reposition in the businesses industry, and refresh their growth in the market place

HR's strategy must align with when an organization is in the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stage of its life. Business Life Cycle- growth

Hr focus is staffing and training in this stage. The challenge Hr professionals face is delegation. The need is clear direction. rapid sales growth, business begin to see profit. cash flow becomes positive, representing an excess cash inflow.

Skills gap analysis

Identifies gaps in employee skills and training interventions.

Risk Scorecard is used to

Identify the event/threat. after factoring in the event/threat, probability, speed of onset, existing mitigation, and the severity of the impact, the user will see a final number that displays a weighted threat ranking index.

Perceiving emotion

Identifying and evaluating emotions in oneself and others. For example, the emotionally intelligent person is in tune with emotional shifts in a room during an organizational meeting.

The three primary goals of a compensation program are

If active recruitment, retention, and motivation

hostile environment

If an HR manager has posters of scantily clothed female is removed from the shop floor, he is doing so based upon what theory of sexual harassment

No. Only hours actually work must be counted

If an employee is off on a paid holiday, such as memorial day, must a holiday hours because it in calculating hours for overtime pay

Organizational life-cycle- 5-demise stage

If the business doesn't turn around and profit doesn't improve, the organization may decide to in itself or may fall into bankruptcy

Gantt Flow Chart (start end)

Illustrates both the start and finish dates of the steps of a project in the relationship between the different task

Value can be defined and measured differently.

In a general sense, it refers to an organization's success in meeting its strategic goals. (Note that "value" is not the same as "values." Organizational values relate to guiding principles and beliefs.) A critical aim for all organizations and their business units and functions is to protect and enhance the value of the organization's assets (financial, people, technological, and physical) and to add new value where possible. The assumption behind strategic planning and management is that purposeful activity will yield greater value. Before strategic planning can begin, an organization must consider this question of value: how it creates value and what activities are critical to the creation, retention, and increase of value.

Ensure the selection of trainees as well documented and does not result in adverse impact

In order to prevail in a charge of discrimination based upon selecting the participants for a training program, and organization must

Job Enrichment

Incorporate meaning, variety, autonomy, and coworker respect into jobs.

Human resource information system (HRIS)

Information technology (IT) framework and tools for gathering, storing, maintaining, retrieving, revising and reporting relevant HR data

ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model

Instructional systems design (ISD) framework consisting of fi ve steps that guide the design and development of learning programs.

Employee surveys

Instruments that collect and assess information on employees attitudes and perceptions (e.g Engagement, job satisfaction) of the work environment or employment conditions.

Remuneration surveys

Instruments that collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefits practices (including starting wage rates, base pay, pay ranges, statutory and market cash payments, variable compensation, and paid time off).

Internal Mobility

Internal mobility refers to career development through employee movement to other positions

Job specifications/qualifications

KSAs required for a person to have a reasonable chance of successfully performing the job


Process by which an organization sigsauer candidates and encourage them to apply for job openings

Define job posting

Listing of open jobs, with requirements, salary range, gray, and description of major activities that are placed on a bulletin board for qualified applicants to see the availability of the position

Effective practices for developing global business leaders include

Longer-term international assignments. International cross-functional team participation. Internal management/executive development programs. Development of global management teams. Mentoring and coaching. International leader development centers. 360-degree feedback.

Career pathing

Process by which employers provide employees with a clear outline for moving from the current to a desired position

Maturity characteristics

Need for greater control emerges. This often results in more formalization and complex reporting and decision-making structures. Top management plans; lower-level management implements. There can be a loss of connection with the organization's strategy.

Everything ink does not spend a lot of time monitoring its employees meal. So it automatically deducts 30 minutes pay on a daily basis. Is this permissible?

No. If employees are found to be eating on the go or not taking the full 30 minutes as a break., There could be substantial liabilities

Structured exercises

Participants complete tasks that are similar to those they encounter on the job.

To Increase Engagement

Offer skill development training to increase job performance, satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

Lewin's Model of the Change Process-refreezing

Once the change has been implemented and generally accepted, the focus should be on making the new idea a regular part of the organization.

Survey Project - Data Collection Phase 2nd

Once the questionnaire has been developed and the decision made to proceed, data collection begins. During the data collection phase, the questionnaire is administrated, data is processed and analyzed, results are interpreted, and the findings are presented to management. A summary report to employees marks the end of this phase

Graphic rating scales

One of the most common methods are performance appraisal. They require an evaluator to indicate on a scale the degree to which an employee demonstrates a particular trait, behavior, or performance result. Rating forms are composed of a number of scales each relating to a certain job or performance related to mention, such as a job knowledge, responsibility, or quality of work. And identify certain subject of characteristic traits, such as a pleasant personality, initiative or creativity to be used as a basic job performance criteria

Assessment center

Process by which job candidates are employees are evaluated to determine their suitability and/or readiness for employment, training, promotion or an assignment.

Work variety

Opportunities to experience different job tasks, responsibilities, and project opportunities


Organization's debts and other financial obligations.

Types of Organizational Cultures-Learning

Organizational conventions, values, practices, and processes encourage individuals—and the organization as a whole—to increase knowledge, competence, and performance. Shared and continuous learning are embraced

National Labor relations act (NLRA, Wagner Act) 1935

Outline the process of forming and creating labor unions, defining practices and procedures of collective bargaining, as well as protection of worker designation of representatives to negotiate terms and conditions of employment Prohibits most private sector employers from certain unfair labor practices (ULPs) Administer/enforcer national Labor relations Board 1-14 Employees

Role plays

Participants assume and act out roles to resolve conflicts or practice appropriate behavior for various situations.


Person who exchange their work for wages or salary


Person who has applied or formally expressed interest in a position


Plan of action for accomplishing an organizations overall and long range goals.


Process by which new employees become familiar with the organization and what their specific department coworkers and job

Career mapping

Process by which organization to use visual tools or guide to the pig prototypical or exemplary career possibilities and path, in terms of sequential positions, roles and stages.

during due diligence, HR (you) needs to check (not all-inclusive, most likely to present)

Potential for loss of key personnel Underfunded retirement planso Pending litigation/government complaints If a CBA is in place or any pending labor unresto Severance and continuation of benefitso Balancing different pay/benefit policies Eliminating redundancies in processes, technologies, job roles and classifications


Potential harm, often associated with the conditioner activity that, it left our control, can result in injury or damage to persons or property.

Types of Organizational Cultures-Authoritarian

Power resides with top-level management. Employees have no involvement in the decision making or goal-setting processes


Process by which an organization contract with third-party vendors to provide selective services activities, instead of hiring new employees


Practice of purchasing and using resources wisely by balancing economic, social and environmental concerns, toward the goal of securing present and future generations interest.


Princes in peoples characteristics ( e.g. Age, believe, education, ethnicity, gender, job function, personality, race, religion, socioeconomic status, that processes, work style).

Change management

Principles and practices for managing a change initiative so that it is more likely to be excepted and provide it with the resources (financial, human, physical etc.) necessary to reshape the organization and its people.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Quantifiable measures of performance that gauge organizations progress toward strategic objectives or other agreed upon performance standards.

Limited use of the rating scale

Raters may avoid giving very high are very low ratings, since these require greater justification and require the rater to take greatest responsibility for the decisions

Business intelligence

Raw data, internal and external to an organization that is translated into meaningful information for decision makers to use and taking strategic action.

Once workplace diversity initiatives are implemented, an organization must effectively manage the changes in policies. This presents a challenge for many organizations. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's Theory of the "Three R's" will help:

Recognize - Management needs to "recognize" the differences workers from diverse backgrounds bring. Respect - Once management recognizes the diverse nature of its workforce, they must "respect" these differences. Reconcile - After recognizing and respecting these cultural differences between workers, the leader's primary responsibility is to "reconcile" these variances and build a high-performing work team.

Inadequate observation.

Raiders who are not familiar with all aspects of an employee's performance me feel compelled to fill in a standardized form completely. Writers who do not work her closely with subordinates maybe unable or unwilling to arrange for a sufficient number of observations. In addition Raiders may become sit in their opinions and disregard observed behavior that different from their conclusions


Raters May be afraid to hurt employees feelings or to her employees financially. Sometimes a razor may be unwilling to give a low rating to an employee who is likely to bring a grievance or lawsuit, Even when the employees performance is hurting coworkers morale.

Decline HR Strategy

Reducing the workforce size. Helping the organization's members manage constant stress and workplace changes necessary to survive. Attracting necessary talent. Reduced assets and prospects demand greater creativity in talent acquisition.

Renewal HR Strategy

Reductions in workforce to right-size the organization as it rebuilds. A change in leadership and workforce requirements. A streamlining of structures and policies. Added responsibilities to job descriptions and remaining staff.


Refers to societies that emphasize individual achievements and rights


Respect and prominence due to work contributions

Individualized total compensation statements

Salary/hourly rate. Paid leave—vacation/sick/paid time off, holiday, personal, bereavement, military pay, jury duty, etc. Retirement benefits


Some writers have unrealistic expectations about employee performance. Others are simply reluctant to offer praise


Scope of work roles and responsibilities associated with one or more persons

Competency-based interview

Screens candidates who qualify for a job by targeting specific competencies required for the position.

Statement of Retained Earnings

Second financial statement that should be prepared in the accounting cycle. Retain earnings are the amount of income left in the company after dividends are paid. This income is then reinvested in the company Once shareholders have taken some of the profits of the company and a dividend payouts, the remaining profits are turned back into the company to improve operational capacity, and thus, improve the ability of the company to improve shareholder value in the next financial cycle

Conflict of interest

Situation in which a person or organization may potentially benefit directly or indirectly, from undue influence, due to involvement in outside activities, relationships of investments that conflict with or have impact on the employment relationship or it outcomes

Workforce planning

Strategic process by which an organization analyze its current workforce and determines the steps required for it to prepare for a future needs

Stay interviews

Structured conversations with employees for the purpose of determining which aspects of a job (e.g. Culture, engagement, leader ship, organization, satisfaction) encourage employee retention, or may be improved to do so.

Profit and loss statement (income statement)

Summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specific duration (fiscal year or even quarter). The P&L shows how well a company is generating profit by increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both. The P&L statement is also referred to as a statement of profit and loss, income statement, statement of operations, statement of financial results, and income and expense statement. The income statement, along with the balance sheet and cash flow statement, is issued annually by every public company

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Sustainability reporting framework developed among stakeholders

Risk Management

System for identifying, evaluating and controlling actual and potential risk to an organization, and which typically incorporate mitigation and/or respond strategies, including the use of insurance.

Strategic Management

System of actions that leaders take to drive an organization toward its goals and objectives

Talent Management

System of integrated HR processes for attracting developing engaging and retaining employees who have the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) to meet currnt and future business needs


System of rules and processes set up by an organization to ensure it's compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, internal code of conduct and other standards.

Comparative methods

The appraiser directly compares the performance of each employee with that of the others

People management techniques Coaching

The leader focuses on developing team members' skills, believing that success comes from aligning the organization's goals with employees' personal and professional goals

Narrative methods Field review

The supervisor or manager and a human resource professional cooperate in this method. HR interviews the supervisor about the performance of each employee. After the interview, HR compiles comparison ratings for each employee and then submits the ratings to the supervisor for approval or changes.

Cultural relativism

There are no absolutes. Norms and values vary by situation and cultural perspective.

Affirmative action plans AAP

These are proactive policies aimed at increasing the employment opportunities of certain groups (typically, minority men and or/or women of all racial groups)

Business case

Tool or document that defines a specific problem, proposes a solution, and provide justification for the proposal in terms of time, cost efficiency and probability of success.

Realistic Job Preview (RJP)

Tool used in the staffing/selection process to provide an applicant with honest, complete information about the job and work environment


Total pay in the form of salary and wages received in exchange for employment (e.g., allowances, benefits, bonuses, cash incentives, monetary value of non-cash incentives)

Regulating emotion

Tracking and managing one's own and others' emotions. For example, the emotionally intelligent person can detach from feeling angry about a particular problem if anger has proven limiting in helping to solve the problem.

Four T's of training

Travel- expose managers to various countries, cultures economies, work forces, political systems and markets Teamwork-exposure on an international team teaches managers to operate at an interpersonal level while dealing with business decision making processes that are embraced by differences in culture norms in business models Training-cultural training, language training, and other training programs are beneficial prior to an assignment. However expatriates report the actual assignment in the field has the most benefit and shaping global leaders Transfer any more and more organizations are requiring those managers on the first track to senior corporate leadership positions to have a quiet international experience by serving an overseas assignment


Treating workers well during employment is a must, and helping them transition to other employment will encourage them to spread positive feedback as "brand ambassadors."

Solution Analysis

decide rather to build, buy, or borrow


during which leaders gather and analyze internal and external information to determine the organization's current position and capabilities, opportunities, and constraints

transactional engagement

ee's appear to be engaged & committed, but aren't usually. A lack of connection with others signals incomplete engagement

Trust- and relationship-building techniques

emotional and social intelligence

external culture

fatalistic, people can adopt to nature, they can't dominate it

A merger

is a legal consolidation of two companies into one entity.

Herzberg Intrinsic factors Extrinsic factors

job security, pay, conditions

Performance support -

managing the performance of human capital, the value of employees' talent and expertise, is essential for an organization to reach its goals and meet fiduciary obligations. HR plays a key role here, as organizations are having to do more with less. HR develops tools such as opinion surveys and action plans, monitors compliance with labor and employment laws, addresses employee concerns, and provides training and guidance to supervisors and managers.

ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) -

many organizations use employee stock option plans to compensate, retain, and attract employees by giving them the right to buy a specific number of Company shares at a fixed, attractive price. Employees who are granted stock options hope to profit by exercising their options at a higher price than when they were granted. The company hopes the employees are motivated to help the company succeed and drive the price of the stock higher. Again, creating stakeholders for a win-win.

Environmental scanning

may be defined as a process of systematically surveying and gathering data, from both internal and external sources, that can be analyzed to identify opportunities and threats and to strengthen strategic plans and goals.

different types of teams that attempt to bring about organized change - Virtual Team

members of a team do not meet in the same physical location. Primary means of communication is electronic. It cuts across borders, time zones and cultures.

McClelland's Theory of Needs

need for achievement, need for power, need for affiliation Individuals are motivated by three basic desires: Achievement (accomplishment) Affiliation (feeling part of a group) Power (influence or control over others)

Balance sheet

only gives financial performance for a specific point in time a snapshot of the financial position of the company on that day.

Career development

programs provide employees with opportunities to learn new ideas and skills, thus preparing them for future positions and challenges.

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)

proposes terms that provide more accurate sense of the value you need

Merger & Acquisitions - monitor

pulse check survey communicate success and achievement

Systems thinking

recognizes that organizations are composed of interacting and sometimes interdependent parts that together create a dynamic internal environment. Each part is differentiated by the role it plays in the system and its own particular challenges, values, and processes— referred to as the differentiation of units. The internal environment is created by the varying ways that all of these units interplay. The challenge in strategic planning and management is to coordinate these parts to achieve strategic goals

geocentric approach

seek the best people, regardless of nationality, for key jobs

Cultural Ethnocentrism

the belief that one's own culture is superior to that of other cultures

Some organizations use a balanced scorecard approach

to identify their key performance indicators (KPIs) and to make sure that the objectives used to measure performance are strategically aligned to the various sources of value to the organization and are balanced

"What is the first step human resources should take to become a strategic partner?"

to study, know and understand the operational goals of the organization. Without that knowledge and understanding, the HR function will be acting independently and will be out of sync with the operations. The HR function and functional management must reach a point where they support each other to achieve common goals with the purpose of attaining the organization's objectives.

China: personal experiences and mistakes India: personal experiences and crossing cultures Singapore: stakeholder engagements and crises United States: mistakes and ethical dilemmas

two sources of leadership learning specific to each country

Regression Anan

type of degree,performance rating relationship of one or more variable

Centralized vs. Decentralized -

under a centralized structure, important decisions are taken on my top-level management, whereas a decentralized structure will have systematic delegation of authority at all levels within the organization.

Regiocentric Approach

uses managers from various countries within the geographic regions of a business

different types of teams that attempt to bring about organized change - Committees

usually are a long-standing group that works on a series of issues within a defined topic that reports to a larger organization. (Example: finance committee that reports to a BOD)

The GI-LR Matrix: transnational

value chain activities wherever it is most advantageous. org is highly integrated. "tans" strong global identity

When an organization considers international expansion, it may opt to execute a greenfield project

where they build or buy a new facility and hire an entirely new workforce. This type of international expansion strategy can be appealing as many developing countries attract prospective companies with offers of tax breaks, subsidies and other incentives to build and do business there. They can be challenging though, especially so if the organization has little to no institutional knowledge of the targeting country, its laws, labor availability and culture.

finding allies benevolent bureaucrats

willing to partner but have their own agenda

wind surfers

willing to partner, but only to share in any success. add little value to the initiatve

principled negotiation

win-win, found to be effective in global settings

neutral vs emotional

do we display our emotions

Job enlargement

Process broadening a job scope by adding different task to the job

Strategic HR

The process of aligning HR functions with business strategies.

sequential vs synchronic

do we do things one at a time, or several things at once

Individulaism vs collectivism

do we function in group or as individuals

Org/Product Life Cycle Introduction

$$ is low, identity must be created w/ customers and a value proposition must be developed

intragroup conflict

Conflicts can occur inside a team

Employee retirement income security act (ERISA) 1974

Ensure his employee benefit and welfare plans offered by private industry employers meet certain standards Under ERISA, pension benefits guarantee Corporation (PBGC), protects retirees retirement funds; ensure his money set aside and trust fund and covers under funded pension plans Specifies a plan cannot require more than 1000 hours/year (covering some PT ee's) to be eligible to participate in employer offered plans 1-14 Employees


Employees are fully concentrated on and completely engrossed in their work


Employees are involved in their work and have a sense of pride and enthusiasm about it.

Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty avoidance Long Term Orientation

Geert Hofstede 1980


Method by which an organization relocate is process our production to an international location through subsidiaries or third-party affiliates

SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

Method for assessing an organization strategic capabilities through the environmental scanning process, which identifies are considered the internal and external factors and affect the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

Gap analysis

Method of assessing a current state in order to determine what is needed to move it to a desired future state


Process by which an unacceptable action or behavior is corrected.


Relationship in which one person helps guide another's development.

top management support

To improve the participation rates of a professional development program, what is required

TN Visa

Trade visas for Canadians and Mexicans

Change initiative

Transition and organizations technology culture or behavior of its employees and managers.

corporate strategy

Where an organization will compete in terms of markets and industries—

horizontal axis

X axis

Hard negotiators

are committed to winning, even at the cost of the relationship

Global integration (GI) strategy

consistency of approach, standardization of processes, and a common corporate culture across global operations.

Personal mastery

is the high level of proficiency in a subject or skill area.

Alternative work schedules -

organizations can benefit by utilizing flexible work arrangements such as part time, telecommuting, job sharing and flex time. It promotes work/life balance and empowers employees by giving them some discretion over their work schedule.

COSO ERM Framework ( enterprise risk mgmt)

strategic, operational, compliance

Blake-Mouton Team leaders (leadership)

(high task, high relationship) lead by positive example, foster a team environment, and encourage individual and team development.

Blake Mouton Theory Authoritarian managers (leadership)

(high task, low relationship) expect people to do what they are told without question and tend not to foster collaboration.

Blake Mouton Theory Country club managers (leadership)

(low task, high relationship) create a secure atmosphere and trust individuals to accomplish goals, avoiding punitive actions so as not to jeopardize relationships.

Blake Mouton Impoverished managers (leadership)

(low task, low relationship) use a "delegate-and-disappear" management style. They detach themselves, often creating power struggles.

Blake-Mouton Middle-of-the-road managers (leadership)

(midpoint on both task and relationship) get the work done but are not considered leaders.

Organizational Values

(to be distinguished from the economic value an enterprise produces for its stakeholders) are beliefs that are important to an organization and often dictate employee behavior

Risk scorecard

1) Event probability 2) Speed of onset 3) Existing mitigation 4) Severity of impact.

unfair labor practices five of employer practices considered unfair labor practices

1) unfair for an employer to interfere in the activities of a union 2) establishes that it is unfair for an employer to take any action that would allow the organization to control a union or offer special attention or preferential treatment to a particular union 3) establishes that it is unfair for an employee to discriminate against any employee because here she is a member of a union or takes part in any lawful union activity 4) it establishes that it is unfair for an employer to discriminate against any employee because here she has filed charges with the NL RB or has taken part in any investigation 5) it establishes that it is unfair for an employer to refuse to bargain with the union representing the employers employees

Kotter's 8-step change model

1. Create a sense of urgency. 2. Assemble a strong guiding team. 3. Provide a clear vision. 4. Over-communicate. 5. Empower action. 6. Ensure short-term successes. 7. Sustain progress and build on achievements. 8. Institutionalize

Barriers to Risk Management

1. Structural - Silo Structures overlook dependencies 2. Cognitive - Lack of creativity and openness to change 3. Cultural - type of mindsets that are sought, instilled and rewarded

Lack of Clear Standards

Clear, measurable standards are invaluable for producing accurate appraisals. Raters usually benefit from spelling out with behavior with merit each of these ratings before assessing individual employees

leading indicator

A ______________ is predictive in that action in this area can change future performance and help achieve success. For example, employee satisfaction indicates future retention rates and associated costs of hiring

realistic job preview (RJP)

A __________________ is any part of the selection process that provides an applicant with honest and complete information about a job and the work environment—a clear picture of what a job will be like if the applicant is hired. The RJP has three primary objectives: To give candidates as much information as possible so that they can make an informed decision about their suitability for the job To allow the organization the opportunity to portray the job objectively—including both favorable and unfavorable aspects To increase the potential of a good match between the candidate and the organization


A benevolent person is perceived as having genuine concern about another's well-being, above or at least equal to his or her own interests. Leaders who risk their own advancement opportunities to champion or protect followers will be trusted. Someone who manipulates others to achieve personal objectives is not benevolent.


Clusters of highly interrelated attributes including knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs), that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively)

ROI Training Formulat Example

A classroom training program for sales personnel cost a total of $5000. From past training evaluations, the company knows that total sales of train staff run about 20% higher than the cells of untrained personnel. For the size of the training class, there's improvement and sale should generate about $20,000 more income for the company. The companies return on is training investment is calculated by subtracting the programs cost ($5000) from the total returns ($20,000), which heels a net training return of $15,000. Dividing the net return ($15,000) by the programs cost ($5000) shows the company getting a $3 return for every $1. invested in training for a 300% ROI $20,000-$5,000= Net Training return $15,000/$5000= $3 ROI (May be expressed as 300%)


A conflict style in which both parties give and receive factors in a series of trade in order to reach the midpoint, or temporary solution is what

Compressed workweek

A full-time work schedule that is completed in less than five days is best known as a_________

Fishbowl activities

A group of learners, sitting in the center of a circle, debate or discuss a topic while the remaining learners observe the discussion. (This is a blend of active and passive learning. For those discussing, it is active; for those observing, it is passive.)


A job with duties that can be clearly identify, defined, and compared to other jobs in the marketplace are called _______ jobs

performance management system.

A key component of employee engagement— and the organization's own competency development and retention—is its _____________________

Non-directive interviewing technique

A line of interviewing questions that follows no particular pattern is a __________

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

A lower-level need must be relatively satisfied in order for a higher-level need to emerge or serve to motivate. No need is ever totally satisfied, however. The lower-level needs will always have some influence on behavior.

organizational, task, and individual, as described

A needs analysis assesses and identifies developmental needs at three levels


A number of ____________________ measure sets of leadership styles, skills, and strengths, either as part of 360-degree assessments or as solely self-administered tests.

predictive validity for the performance appraisal process

A performance appraisal process has predicted validity if a positive statistical correlation exists between an employees performance appraisal and employees performance in later jobs

merit pay

A permanent increase in base salary pay for an individuals outstanding performance is called _______

cross training

A practice where employees are trained on jobs other than the one they normally perform so they can step until the role if required

Narrative methods Critical incidents

A record of employee actions is kept in addition to actual ratings. Both positive and negative actions are recorded for the entire rating period.

construct validity

A selection test that measures certain characteristics, traits or behaviors that are important to successful jar performance, when on the job is known as ________ ____________

Six Sigma/Lean Six Sigma

A set of techniques and tools for process improvement, and increasing quality by decreasing the facts and processes. Lean six Sigma also aims at increasing speed by eliminating waste

high-context culture

A statement's meaning includes the verbal message and the nonverbals and social and historic content attached to the statement. They are characterized by complex, usually long-standing networks of relationships, which are as important as work and often blur the line between business and social lives. Since members of the culture share a rich history of common experience, the way they interact and interpret events is often not apparent to outsiders. There are rules—sometimes exceedingly complex rules—but they are implicit, and the rules are often applied flexibly

Low-context culture

A statement's meaning is encoded in its words only. package necessary background in the communication itself. In a low-context culture, relationships tend to have less history. Because individuals know each other less well and don't share a common database of experience, communication must be very explicit

Electromation, Inc., v. NLRB

A supreme court case in which the court ruled that employer-created "action committees" compromise of both employees and managers that met to discuss working conditions, and were a violation of the NLRA is known as

What is organizational development

A systems approach based on valid information to help organizations and teams to manage change

Variance Analysis

A technique for determining the cause and degree of difference between the baseline and actual performance.

McKinsey 7-S Framework

A tool that analyzes firms organizational design by looking at: Elements Strategy Structure Systems Shared Values Style Staff Skills All seven areas are interconnected and a change in one area requires change in the rest of a firm for it to function effectively

Job Analysis

A trainer will utilize the___________ to ensure that a job training program is valid

Define vestibule training

A training course or class that stimulates or mimics the actual job function with actual production equipment

Predictability and integrity.

A trustworthy person reliably "walks the talk"—there is consistency between values and behavior. Occasional acts of integrity are not enough.

The manager should approve the request

A union employee is asked to the office about violating a work rule. The employee request the presence of a union representative. What response to the manager give?

top management support

A workforce staffing program that lacks consistent results, is underfunded, and results in high turnover among new hires most likely lacks

Authority/control/ autonomy

Ability to influence others and control one's own destiny


Ability to influence, guide, inspire or motivate a group or person to achieve their goals.

—transactional engagement

Academic literature review also suggests that employers need to beware of engendering an undesirable form of engagement_____________________—where employees appear engaged, for example, by working longer hours and even responding as such in engagement surveys, but are not actually engaged. An individual may act in an engaged way because that is the organizational expectation and they will be rewarded for doing so (and potentially punished for not doing so) but not in reality feel motivated by or committed to their role or their employer organization. If this "façade" of engagement is mistaken for "real" engagement, it may present risks to the sustainability of employees' engagement and performance and employees' well-being.

Mclleland's theory of needs

Achievement, affiliation, power


Active replacing employees who are leaving an organization. Attrition or loss of employees


Adherence to the side of ethical standards, reflecting strong moral principles, honesty and consistency in behavior

Differential pay

Adjustments to base pay me to address factors that create pay inequities (less desirable shifts, performing unpleasant or arduous work)

performance management

Alignment of __________________ to organizational values and goals works best when these values and goals are evident in the actions of the organization's leaders


All employers with________or more employees must file an annual EEO Dash one with the

H-1B Visa

Allows U.S. employers to employ in the United States, foreign nationals who are skilled in specialty occupations

Manager assessment

Allows a manager to evaluate direct reports on competencies for the current job or future jobs of interest.


Allows individuals to evaluate themselves against a competency list for the current job or future jobs of interest.

Portal-to-Portal Act

Amendment to FLSA, which further defined what time is considered compensable work time. For exam purposes, as long as an employee is engaged in activities that benefit the employer, regardless of when they are performed, the employer is obligated to pay the employee for his/her time. Specified travel time to and from work was a normal incident of employment and should not be considered paid working time 1-14 Employees

Critical path

Amount of time needed to complete all required elements or components of a task determined by taking into account all project task relationships

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

An OLAP application uses a server sited between the user and the organization's database. The OLAP server takes the data from the database and stores it in a compact, multidimensional "cube." Each dimension (e.g., employees) contains all the attributes in the database (e.g., gender, age, function, pay grade, promotions, education, source of recruitment). The OLAP tool can quickly find all the varied intersections of the dimensions. This means that, with the right OLAP application, a user can analyze the same data and produce different types of analysis—for example, a times series that shows trends in hiring certain demographic groups or a regression analysis that compares retention with the date of the employee's last promotion.

The employee may be terminated or discipline for falsification of the application

An applicant is hired that does not list being fired for misconduct by a previous employer. The truth is discovered one month later how can the situation be handled


An employee was invited to a training session in a classroom at a specified time, listened to a series of lectures, and was sent back to work. Content was ________________to employees based on the training department's schedule, and success was measured by how many employees attended the class.

No, Wage and hour Will not except him as an independent contractor. He must be paid for his hours worked and overtime is calculated if he exceeds 40 hours in total between the two positions

An employee works for my organization who moonlights in a landscaping business that he owns. We have retained him and his business on weekends to cut and maintain our yard. We have issued him a 1099 in the past for this work as we consider him a independent contractor is this permissible?

Ethics Officer/Ombudsman -

An ethics officer is a corporate executive charged with overseeing all aspects of a company's operations to ensure that they are consistent with the company's code of ethics. This role frequently falls to HR. And an HR pro often acts as an "ombudsman" where they are the internal intermediary who must remain neutral, investigate allegations of wrongdoing, and offer remedies for the situation.

Known unknown

An event that will likely happen within the project, but when it will happen and to what degree is unknown. These events, such as delays, are usually risk-related.


An individual appointed to and partially investigate internal complaints, report findings, and facilitate equitable settlement is an _________

Corporate Culture

An organization's corporate culture is made up of its values, customs, and traditions. The culture of an organization is a continuation of the design of the organization. There's no correct corporate culture for an organization. The right culture will be one that closely fits the direction and strategy of an organization and its industry, competition and marketplace.

Dual career ladder/path

And advancement system that offers a technical employee the choice between management or advanced technical work


And environment where everyone has access to the same opportunities and is treated equally

Highly paid executives

And exemption to ADEA that allows the establishment of a mandatory retirement age is applying to what group only?

shop steward

And on the job union representative who carries out the responsibilities of the union, in the plant, at the department level is known as a ____________

Laissex-faire taxes

And this approach the company is not actively involved in managing United States in foreign taxes. Essentially, the employee is responsible for any taxes incurred. However often the employer increases the expats compensation to cover the additional tax expense

Ranking systems

And this method the supervisor list our subordinates and order from the highest of the lowest and performance ranking system such as this are most appropriate and small companies are small departments. As a number of employees increases, it becomes gradually more difficult to discern differences in their performance. The disadvantages of this method are the relative size of differences among individuals may not be will define for example, there may be a little difference between individuals ranked second and third but a big difference in performance between bells rang third and fourth

Bar Graphs

Another great tool for visually displaying the relationships between a series of data. The height of the bar corresponds to the measured value. The higher the bar, the greater the value and vice versa. Bars can be graphed vertically or horizontally

subject matter expert (SMEs)

Another term for your in-house technical guru who were chosen to act as trainers because of their skills in the domain


Appeals to social needs of individuals, the desire for affiliation.

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)

Approach to determine the financial impact of an organization's activities and programs on profitability through a process of data or peculation comparing value create against the cost of creating that value


Approach to evaluation and decision-making that utilizes data and research finding to drive business outcomes

HR service model

Approach to structuring and delivering and organizations HR services to support organizational success


As HR professionals, we are responsible for adding value to the organizations we serve and contributing to the ethical success of those organizations. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We are also advocates for the profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value. Intent To build respect, credibility and strategic importance for the HR profession within our organizations, the business community, and the communities in which we work. To assist the organizations we serve in achieving their objectives and goals. To inform and educate current and future practitioners, the organizations we serve, and the general public about principles and practices that help the profession. To positively influence workplace and recruitment practices. To encourage professional decision-making and responsibility. To encourage social responsibility. Guidelines Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior. Measure the effectiveness of HR in contributing to or achieving organizational goals. Comply with the law. Work consistent with the values of the profession. Strive to achieve the highest levels of service, performance and social responsibility. Advocate for the appropriate use and appreciation of human beings as employees. Advocate openly and within the established forums for debate in order to influence decision-making and results.

Americans with Disabilities Act

As employer should carefully review training facilities and materials for necessary accommodations in order to avoid liability concerning what act


As human resource professionals, we are ethically responsible for promoting and fostering fairness and justice for all employees and their organizations. Intent To create and sustain an environment that encourages all individuals and the organization to reach their fullest potential in a positive and productive manner. Guidelines Respect the uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every individual. Treat people with dignity, respect and compassion to foster a trusting work environment free of harassment, intimidation, and unlawful discrimination. Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their skills and new competencies. Assure an environment of inclusiveness and a commitment to diversity in the organizations we serve. Develop, administer and advocate policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent and equitable treatment for all. Regardless of personal interests, support decisions made by our organizations that are both ethical and legal. Act in a responsible manner and practice sound management in the country(ies) in which the organizations we serve operate.

Scheduled after an employment offer has been extended, per ADA

As part of the selection process, a medical examination should be __________


As professionals we must strive to meet the highest standards of competence and commit to strengthen our competencies on a continuous basis. Intent To expand our knowledge of human resource management to further our understanding of how our organizations function. To advance our understanding of how organizations work ("the business of the business"). Guidelines Pursue formal academic opportunities. Commit to continuous learning, skills development and application of new knowledge related to both human resource management and the organizations we serve. Contribute to the body of knowledge, the evolution of the profession and the growth of individuals through teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge. Pursue certification where available, or comparable measures of competencies and knowledge.

Hersey Blanchard Situational Leadership Participating

As team members grow in skill and experience, leaders supply the appropriate behavior: when competent workers can be included in problem solving and coached on higher skills. 4. Delegating when very competent team members

Hersey Blanchard Situational Leadership Telling

As team members grow in skill and experience, leaders supply the appropriate behavior: when the employee is not yet motivated or competent.

Hersey Blanchard Situational Leadership selling

As team members grow in skill and experience, leaders supply the appropriate behavior: when the increasingly competent employee still needs focus and motivation ("why are we doing this").

Hersey Blanchard Situational Leadership Delegating

As team members grow in skill and experience, leaders supply the appropriate behavior: when very competent team members can benefit from greater levels of autonomy and self direction.


As time proceeds (the horizontal axis), revenue begins to increase. The rate of growth (or the steepness of the curve) will vary by industry, enterprise, or product. The focus shifts to creating processes that will increase efficiency without stifling innovation.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Software application that automates organizations management of the recruiting process (e.g excepting application materials, screening applicants).


Basic beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors and custom shared and followed by members of a group, which gave rise to the group sense of identity.

Strategic Partner

Becoming skilled and knowledgeable about the operations side of the business and basing every decision in HR on the premise that the decision will support/align/sustain/reinforce or strengthen the operational business plan. Only by doing this will HR be considered a true strategic partner!

PEST analysis

Before traveling or collecting sample documents, a _____should be conducted from an HR viewpoint. This _______will influence most decisions that need to be made, so thorough research and analysis is critical

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Behavior is driven by intrinsic factors (innate desires) and extrinsic factors (workplace hygiene)

performance standards

Behaviors and results to fine by an organization to communicate the expectations of management

Organizational values

Beliefs and principles defined by an organization to direct and govern its employees' behavior.

rating scale

Best suited for a situation in which the supervisor is very familiar with the employees duties in which the duties are specific, objective, and easily measured. The supervisor chooses her or his assessment of the employees performance from a range of numbers on a scale of let's say 1 to 5. The leader then assess his employees performance against stated performance areas such as quality of work quantity of work attendance etc. this is a time-saving method of appraisal when a supervisor must appraise meeting employees at once

Narrative or essay valuations

Best suited for a situation in which the supervisor is very familiar with the employees performance and in which the employees duties are not objective, specific, or easily measurable. In an essay appraisal the supervisor simply describes in a paragraph he is her impression of the employees performance. It is helpful if the appraisal is divided into topics such as attitude, creativity, reliability and so on

Totalization agreements

Bilateral agreements entered into by many countries to eliminate double taxation for individuals on international assignments.

Types of Organizational Cultures-Participative

Collaborative decision making and group problem solving are embraced. Employees actively participate in the decision making or goal-setting processes.

360-degree assessment

Collects data in a full circle around an individual; compares self-ratings to ratings by others (e.g., an immediate supervisor, peers, subordinates, internal and/or external customers, suppliers

180-degree assessment

Collects data in a half circle around an individual; compares self-ratings to ratings by others but limited to internal personnel (e.g., an immediate supervisor, peers, and/or subordinates).

pie chart

Compares all the individual data points to the whole. It breaks down the different numerical components down into percentages. Each section must represent a percentage of total value of 100%. By viewing the entire distribution of values, it is simple to see how the data points are distributed and how large or small each set of data is when compared to the other sets.

Needs Analysis-task

Compares job requirements to employee knowledge and skills to identify areas requiring improvement.


Compensation provided on an individual basis in the form of goods or services. Examples of perquisites include automobiles and mobile devices.

Environmental scanning external factors

Competing employer expanding its operations, or an increase in demand for computer programmers, also can cause turnover rates to counter pass trends. Social and economic policies in local labor conditions can have a sudden impact on traditional labor patterns. For instance recording high unemployment or prosperity nationally or locally may alter past turnover rates. Intermediate and long range plans are even more unpredictable then short term forecast. The planning process should include a procedure for addressing these forecast based on external changes

Common Law or Case Law

Complex set of rules and precedents that are developed by judges in the court system as they interpret Statutory Law with their courtroom decisions.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Concept of corporation has an impact on the lives of its stakeholders in the environment, encompassing such areas as corporate governance, philanthropy, sustainability, employee rights, social change, volunteerism, corporate sponsored community programs and workplace safety.

Comparable worth

Concept of jobs primarily feel by women, which requires skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions comparable to similar jobs primarily feel by me in, to have the same classifications and salaries


Concept that employers and employees can act together for their common good.


Concept that management labor conflict is an inherent characteristics of capitalism and can be resolved only with a change in the economic system

Mission Statement

Concise Outline of an organization strategy, specifying the activities and intends to pursue and of course it's management has charted for the future

Negligent Hiring

Conducting background checks is the best offense from what kind of charge


Conscious or unconscious beliefs that influence a persons perceptions or actions, which may cause a person to become partial or prejudiced


Core Principle HR professionals consider and protect the rights of individuals, especially in the acquisition and dissemination of information while ensuring truthful communications and facilitating informed decision-making. Intent To build trust among all organization constituents by maximizing the open exchange of information, while eliminating anxieties about inappropriate and/or inaccurate acquisition and sharing of information Guidelines Acquire and disseminate information through ethical and responsible means. Ensure only appropriate information is used in decisions affecting the employment relationship. Investigate the accuracy and source of information before allowing it to be used in employment related decisions. Maintain current and accurate HR information. Safeguard restricted or confidential information. Take appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all communicated information about HR policies and practices.​ Take appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all communicated information used in HR-related training.


Created by plotting various data points on a XNY axis in order to create a visual representation to determine if a train our relationship exist between the data points. While the data points are not connected to trans can be predicted by the use of a regression line

Power Distance and Needs Analysis: High Power Distance

Decisions regarding who should participate in training may be based on group membership. Individual or group skill deficiencies or developmental needs may not be expressed. Participation in training may be driven by group affiliation rather than individual need.

The Consulting Model 4 steps

Define the Problem- HR collects data to define the gap between desired and actual performance and identify possible causes for the gap (e.g., misalignment of competencies, leadership models, structures, or cultures). Information that will affect the eventual plan is also gathered. Design and Implement the Solution- Criteria for an effective solution are defined and an appropriate tactic for development is chosen—for example, job assignments or a mentoring program. The implementation may be managed as a separate project, using traditional project management skills to direct and control the initiative and make sure that it meets the defined objectives within the allocated budget and resources. Measure Effectiveness- The solution's effects are measured to determine if the objectives of the consultation have been met and if the consultation has had the desired strategic impact (e.g., faster decision making, better teamwork, better output). HR's effectiveness as a consultant is reviewed as well, and plans for improvement are made. Experiences are monitored and documented for later study. Problems in implementation are identified and addressed. Sustain the Improvement- The new process is monitored to encourage continued effort. HR provides guidance to leaders about ways in which new values, attitudes, or practices can become institutionalized or applied in different areas.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)1970

Defined employees and potential employees rights regarding employers use of information obtained by reports compiled by third-party credit reporting agencies as a basis for employment decisions Allows employers to review candidates or employees consumer report under certain conditions. You must give disclosure and acquire a written authorization prior to acquiring and using consumer reports Amended by fair and accurate credit transactions act (FACTA) 2003 which added that employers must take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of identity theft and other harms to their employees, resulting from employers failure to properly dispose of confidential records 1-14 Employees

Sarbanes-Oxley act (SOX) 2002

EEs working for publicly traded companies or companies that are required to file certain reports with the SEC are protected from retaliation for reporting alleged violations of mail wire banks are securities fraud; violations of rules or regulations of the SEC; or federal laws relating to fraud against shaereholders Section 306 (B) of SOX provides investor protections and requires that participants in individual account plan be notified in advance when they will be subject to a black out. 30 days notice must be provided but no more than 60 days notice prior to the start of a black out period 1-14 Employees


Electronica media delivery of educational and training materials, processes and programs

Business unit

Element or segment of an organization that represents a specific business function (e.g. accounting, marketing, production); also may be called department, division, group, cost Center or functional area.

Employee value proposition (EVP)

Employees perceived value is of the total rewards and tangible and intangible benefits they receive from the organization as part of the employment which drives unique and compelling organizational strategies for talent acquisition, retention and engagement

"Engaged to wait" and "waiting to be engaged" are both considered work time.

Employees required to remain on or so close to the employees premises that they cannot use this time effectively for their own purposes are not considered to be working while on call


Employees show high levels of energy and invest effort into their work


Employment and rewards packages that do not change dramatically in content or value from year to year

corporate spending

Encourage ___________________ on employee recognition. Organizations that invest in employee recognition experience better results: Higher engagement levels Better retention Better financial results Employees have stronger ties to company values.

The patient protection and affordable care act 2010

Ensure all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare Illuminates lifetime annual limit on benefits and prohibits cancellations (recessions) of health insurance policies due to health problems Requires preventative services in immunizations coverage and extends a dependent coverage up to age 26 Provide assistance to those uninsured due to pre-existing conditions Cabs insurance companies non-medical administrative expenditures Insurance consumers have access to an affect appeals process and provides a source for assistance in navigating the appeals process and accessing their coverage Facilitate simplification of health insurance administration to Laura Health system cost and establish portal to assist Americans with identifying coverage options and uniform coverage documents to even comparing coverage went shopping for health Create a temporary reinsurance program to support coverage for early retirees 50-99 employees

The difference between the assets and the liabilities is known as

Equity (or net assets or net worth). The sum of the net worth minus liabilities equals assets, that's the term balance because the opposing measurement must balance

Renewal/no growth/decline

Eventually demand will decrease, either because the need no longer exists or it is satisfied more effectively by something or someone new. Organizations can: Renew themselves by completely changing their offerings, where they compete, or how they compete. If they succeed, revenues rise. Organizations must return to their innovative roots. Take no action and accept continued low revenue. As time goes on, organizations and products have few resources to take advantage of opportunities that might deliver growth. Take no action and experience a decline in revenue that will make it impossible to compete or operate.

360° evaluations

Expand on the idea and includes not just the peers but superiors, subordinates, and even the customers. This review six input from all people who deal regularly with the employee. The performance appraisal is a modern approach to evaluate and improve performance. This process collects feedback from people all around the person being evaluated and interprets a common theme in it. This outcome is use for professional development and self improvement of the employee. In many ways the pros and cons of 360° appraisal systems mirror the peer review method

Kotter's Eight Steps for Leading Organizational Change

Factors that lead to successful change within an organization 1) create a sense of urgency 2) build a guiding coalition 3) form a strategic vision and initiative 4) List of volunteer army 5) enable action by removing barriers 6) generate short term wins 7) sustain acceleration 8) Institute change Articulate the connections between the new behaviors and organizational success, making sure they continue until they become strong enough to replace old habits

Federal insurance contributions act (FICA) 1935

Federal payroll tax required of both employers and employees to find Social Security and Medicare, which provides benefits to retirees, disabled, and children of deceased workers 1-14 Employees

HR's strategy must align with when an organization is in the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stage of its life. Business Life Cycle- introduction

Hr focus is staffing in this stage. The challenge Hr professionals face is leadership. The need is creativity. sales are low, but hopefully increasing. the focus is on marketing. losses occur in this phase. cash flow is low due to startup costs

1. The reason for withdrawing the offer is job related, consistent with business necessity, or essential to avoid a direct threat to health or safety. 2. No reasonable accommodation would allow the person to perform the job, or making the necessary accommodations what causes employer undue hardship

If an employer withdraws an offer after a pre-employment physical, they must be prepared to demonstrate to important facts what are they


In this conflict style both parties for their goals in order to achieve all of them. This is also known as a win win style

Long term orientation

Indicates that cultural values are future looking, including thrift, perseverance, humility/shame, and observe hierarchical relationships,

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Internal/external

Individual control over one's destiny

Needs Theory

Individuals are motivated by a desire to satisfy certain needs. Understanding these needs allows leaders to offer the right incentives and create the most motivational external environments. Common factors are achievement, a desire for social connection, and some degree of control.


Individuals are motivated by innate needs, such as competence (McClelland's achievement) and relatedness (McClelland's affiliation) but also by needs for: Autonomy, or the need to feel that one has control over one's life. Purpose, or the sense that one's actions have effects beyond the individual or the workplace.

Environmental scanning internal scanning

Internal changes such as shifts in workforce demographics and composition can alter the accuracy of staffing forecast. For instance if a larger percentage of the companies workforce is nearing retirement age, future turnover rates will be higher than the pass. Or a change in retirement policy may affect traditional retirement patterns. Examples of internal scanning include skills inventory staffing projections business trans needs assessments human resource inventory etc.

Understanding emotion

Interpreting complex emotions and understanding their causes. The emotionally intelligent person, for example, can predict how employees' emotions are likely to evolve following the announcement of structural changes to the organization.

Paired comparison analysis

Involves comparing each employee to every other employee in the rating group, one at a time, to determine the better. A rank order is obtained by counting the number of times each individual is selected as being the better of a peer. The major disadvantage of this method is if the number of employees to be ranked as large, the number of comparisons that have to be made, may may be unmanageable

Capital Budgeting

Is a plan for raising large and long-term sums for investment in plant and machinery, over a period greater than the period considered under an operating budget. Techniques such as internal rate of return, net present value, and payback are employed in creating capital budgets

unemployment insurance

Is an employee benefit administered through a joint federal state program designed to provide qualifying workers with financial security while they are temporarily unemployed

Formula Based Budgetting

Is one where the Budgeter applies a formula to determine budget allocation for a business unit. It may be based on units produce, or a number of employees etc. There could be a base amount of the budget and the rest is determined by the formula applied

incremental budgeting

Is one where the budget is prepared using a previous periods budget or actual performance as a basis with incremental amounts added for the new budget period

Zero-based budgeting

Is one where the total income minus the total expenses equal $0. In Other words it forces the budgeter to assign every dollar of income to an expense (or savings) category each year during the budgeting process the budget or my start over at zero balance and justify every dollar of expense

employee engagement

Is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work.

Critical incident reports

Is where the worker is evaluated on their affected and less of handling key or critical situations that have arisen during the evaluation period. The manager keeps a written record of the highly favorable and unfavorable actions in the employees performance. There is little form or format to follow. The evaluator relies on their own judgment as to the examples of critical situations that are to be chosen for review

Statement of Cash Flows

Issue by a business, and describes the cash flows into and out of the organization. It's particular focuses is on the types of activities that creating use cash, with your operations, investments and financing. I it can be used to discern trends in business performance that are not readily apparent and the rest of the financial statements. It is especially useful when there is a divergence between the amount of profits reported and the amount of net cash flow generated by operations.

Griggs v. Duke Power (1971)

Issue: Adverse Impact (disparate impact) Relevance: discrimination need not be intentional or apparent to be illegal. Adverse impact most often occurs unintentionally. Discrimination can occur if the policy or practice presents at the testicle he significant adverse impact on members of a protected class. When an employment policy our practice does not have an impact on members of a protected class, the Bryden approve lies with the employer to prove that the specific requirements are Job related and consistent with business Necessity Background: duke power required a high school diploma or scores on a standard IQ test to equal dells of the average high school graduate. Griggs was denied a position based on the results of preemployment test and the fact that he was not a high school graduate. Duke power fail to prove the requirements were job-related, therefore the court found that search requirements discriminated against to protect the class

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green (1973)

Issue: Disparate Impact (prima facie) Relevance: The burden of proof for establishing a prima Facey open parentheses first view, excepted as correct until proven otherwise) case of discrimination against an employer or potential employer is the responsibility of the employee or candidate, who must establish all four of the key element: 1-The employer/Candidate is a member of a protected class 2-The employee/candidate apply for a promotion/job in which the employer was seeking applicants 3-The employees last candidate was rejected, despite being qualified for the position; and 4-after rejection, the employer continue to see other applicants with similar qualifications. After the employee or candidate establishes a prima facie case for disparate treatment the burden of proof then ship to the employee who must provide non-discriminatory reasons for their decisions Sidebar: this case also involves reverse discrimination, where a majority class member was alleging discrimination. Background: Green was laid off in RIF. While unemployed, he took part in protest against McDonald Douglas. Later, he apply for and advertise job with them, he was qualified but rejected. He sued and wine, demonstrating primer facie case disparate treatment, able to establish all four key elements

Washington vs. Davis (1976)

Issue: Employment test and disparate impact Relevance: And employment test that has an adverse impact on a protected class of people is legal as long as the test can be shown to be valid and job related Background: two black applicants applied for police office service positions with Washington, DC Police Department and were rejected after failing a preemployment test. They suit claims that the police department use of preemployment test (test 21) was discriminatory as blacks disproportionately fail the preemployment test. That supreme court found that the departments preemployment test was valid as it was directly related to the job

Albermarle Paper v. Moody (1975)

Issue: Job-relatedness and predictive validity of employment test Relevance: test used in making employment decisions (hiring, promotion, etc.) must be job related. This applies to any instrument used as a test even if that was not its original purpose. Employment test must demonstrate predict availability, consistent with the uniform guidelines for employee selection procedures Background: Albemarle Paper Require applicants and those up for promotion to pass to test for nonverbal intelligence and verbal facility in order to be considered. The suit claim test created disparate impact as many skilled workers cannot pass a test that were members of a protected class. The Supreme Court ruled employers must be able to establish that test using employment decisions can demonstrate job relatedness

Circuit City Stores v Adams (2001)

Issue: Mandatory arbitration agreements as a condition of employment Relevance: With exception of seaman and railway workers, requiring employees to sign mandatory arbitration agreements as a condition of employment is enforceable under the Federal Arbitration (FAA) Background: Saint Clair Adam sign an employment application requiring all employment disputes be settled by arbitration. Adams later sued for discrimination. Circuit city claim that under the federal arbitration act, the employee Matthews arbitration to settle the dispute. The district court agreement; appeals court disagree. The supreme court final rule stated that only (transportation workers are exempt from the Federal Arbitration Act)

Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Service, Inc.(1997)

Issue: Sex Discrimination (same sex) Relevance: Title VII prohibition of sex discrimination includes harassment of individuals by others who are of the same sex Background: Oncale worked on an oil rig with an 8-man crew for Sundowner. He was subjected to sex related, humiliating actions by coworkers. He's sued under Title VII for sexual-harassment. Supreme court found in his favor stating that Title VII bars all forms of discrimination because of sex, including same sex harassment.


It's best suited for situations in which supervisors are longtime acquaintances of employees or are involved in a similar extent and difficult, stressful task. The purpose of this type of program is to avoid over generous, non-specific appraisals. For each category or performance, the supervisor must choose one phrase describing employees performance from a list of three or four phrases. There is usually no allowance for additional commentary

Harris vs Forklift Systems 1993

Issue: Sexual Harassment Relevance: This case help to clarify what constitutes a sexually hostile work environment. Conduct that produces no tangible effects may steal violate title VI I brought role of work price equality. And plaintive alleging sexual-harassment need not demonstrate any concrete psychological harm. The challenge to conduct must be sufficient enough to create and objectively hostile and abuse of work environment - one in which a reasonable person would find hostile or abusive Background: Harris, female manager with forklift systems, clean the president often insulted and directed sexual in the windows at her. Harris quit and Sue, claiming harassment created an abuse of work environment in violation of Title VII. The employer countered that the harassment had not been severe enough to seriously affect her psychologically or impair her ability to work, and it did not create an abusive working environment under the meaning of the Title VII. The district court agreed, closing the case and a Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals panel confirmed the courts decision. The supreme court overruled, finding that if a reasonable person would perceive the conduct as hostile, evidence of psychological injury need not be proven

NLRB vs Weingarten Inc (1975)

Issue: Union employees rights and workplace investigations Relevance: employees are required to grant union employee request for a union representative to attend an investigatory interview that might lead to discipline of an employee. Weingarten rights do not extend to a workplace where the employees are not represented by a union Background: The supreme court in 1975 decision required that employers grant union employees request for a union representative to attend an investigatory interview then my lead to discipline of the employee. And July 2000, the NL RB rule that nine union employees cannot request the presence of a coworker at an investigatory you interview. In 2004 the NLRB reversed this position for the fourth time announcing Wingerton right do not extend to employees not represented by union, which is their current position on the matter

Ledbetter vs Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (2007)

Issue: Wage Discrimination Relevance: This case right about the Lilly Ledbetter at, amending title VI of the silver rights act of 1964, ASA, rehabilitation act, and a DEA, emphasizing the responsibility of employers to abide by the equal pay act, equal pay for equal work and the ramifications of not doing so. Protected classes must be paid same as others when performing the same work, except when others have seniority, have better credentials or experience, and/or when they live in a higher cost of living area Background: Ledbetter a female, worked for Goodyear for 19 years, Was consistently giving lower ranking is an annual performance and salary reviews and lower rate is relative to Mill employees. Lead better suited for gender discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, alleging the company discriminated due to gender. A jury found in her favor, awarding $3.5 million; District Judge reduced it to 360,000. The supreme court overruled stayed in discriminatory intent must occur during the 180 day challenge.. The Lilly Ledbetter act was in acted in 2009, revising the statue of limitations for filing a P discrimination claim. The act states for each patient, distribution of benefits or other form of compensation marred by married by discrimination, the statute of limitations renews, creating a role in open time frame (180 days or 300 days, depending on the state of employment)

United Automobile Workers vs Johnson Controls (1991)

Issue: discrimination of Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act Relevance: The Supreme Court rule Johnson Controls' fetal protection policy constituted a violation of Title VII if the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. And doing such, even rules that are well-intentioned are still unlawful as such rules result and discrimination on the basis of sex. Background: Johnson Controls manufactures batteries who's assembly process includes exposure to high levels of lead. Discovering 8 of their female employees became pregnant while maintaining blood level in excess of those themes safe by OSHA, Johnson bard all of its value for all employees except those with medically documented in fertility, from engaging in production tasks that require exposure to lead in excess of OSHAs recommendations levels. The union, united auto Mobile workers challenge Johnson's fetal protection policy as sexually discriminatory in violation of title VII of the civil rights act, as amended by the PDA. Court found that Johnson's fetal protection plan discriminated against women by not requiring their male counterparts to demonstrate proof of medical sterility

Meritor Savings Bank vs Vinson (1991)

Issue: sexual harassment Relevance: this case establish that sexual-harassment whether quid pro or quo or hostile environment, constitutes a violation of title VII. Organizations must have a policy prohibiting discrimination, as well as take "reasonable care" and effective communication of policies and training. "The employer has the burden of proof" Background: Vinson claimed her supervisor at Meritor savings Bank Court, coerced her into having sex and made demands for sexual favors in order for her to remain employed and to receive advantages of employment. She claims her supervisor created a hostile work environment, therefore violating Title VII. The Supreme Court ruled in favor, state at sexual-harassment violates title VI, whether it be hostile environment or quid pro quo

Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth (1998)

Issue: sexual harassment, hostile work environment Relevance: employers are liable for supervisory harassment that results in adverse employment action. An employer can be held liable if an employee is subject to a tangible adverse employment action because of a supervisor sexually harassing behavior. If a supervisor creates a sexually hostile work environment, even if an employee is not subjected to an adverse employment action, the employer can be held vicariously liable for the supervisors actions. This holds true whether the employer was negligent or directly at fault in dealing with issues related to such. If an employee is not subject to tangible adverse employment action, the employee may be able to defend themselves, presenting evidence they acted reasonably to prevent or swiftly correct any sexual harassing behavior and the plaintiff failed to take a vantage of the employees correct of a preventative practices Background: Kimberly Ellerth Super sexual harassment claim and constructive discharge even though she did not suffer any tangible retaliation. The supreme court ruled employers are vicariously liable for a supervisor to create a hostile

business case

It will fall to HR then to create the ______________ for why employers should invest in employee engagement.

Growth characteristics

Keen awareness of markets and customers make the difference. Managers must be strategically disciplined and maintain focus. There are competing demands for innovation and efficiency. This requires some degree of formalization of structure and processes without affecting the vibrant culture that brought the organization out of the start-up phase.

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle Growth

Keen awareness of markets and customers make the difference. Managers must be strategically disciplined and maintain focus. There are competing demands for innovation and efficiency. This requires some degree of formalization of structure and processes without affecting the vibrant culture that brought the organization out of the start-up phase. Impact on HR Strategy Tactical buildup of talent. The right talent must be acquired and/or built in-house. Tactical increase in complexity of structure and policies. Changes must weigh improvements in efficiency against impact on culture. Helping leaders redefine their roles and share leadership with others. Formalization of job descriptions. Managing changes caused by the organization's growth and increased formalization.

Strategic Partner - if the HR manager isn't already a member of the senior leadership team, his/her role in relationship of the overall organization is to maintain an open line of communication between the HR department and the company's executive team. This means:

Keeping them abreast of changes and developments concerning human capital, workforce planning, and employment trends that affect the business. (This point is a great test question...know to appear on exams!)

design phase include

Key components of the _______________________composing goals and objectives, outlining the flow and structure of the program, and further defining the target audience.

economic performance

Laos, reductions in fourth (RIFS), and downsizing our terms for employment termination due to _________ rather than _______ Factors

stautory law

Laws a legislation passes like FMLA, FLSA, ADA, Equal Pay ACT

referent power (personal)

Leader personality = feelings of admiration & loyalty in others

Hersey Blanchard Situational Leadership

Leaders adapt their behaviors to meet the evolving needs of team members. Like Blake-Mouton, the behaviors involve tasks and relationships.

Emergent Theory (leadership)

Leaders are not appointed but emerge from the group, which chooses the leader based on interactions

Fiedler's Contingency Theory (leadership)

Leaders change the situation to make it more "favorable," more likely to produce good outcomes. Unfavorable situations must be changed to improve group (and leader) effectiveness.

Behavioral Theories (leadership)

Leaders influence group members through certain behaviors.

Trait Theory (leadership)

Leaders possess certain innate characteristics that followers do not possess (and probably cannot acquire), such as physical characteristics (e.g., strength, stamina) and personality traits (e.g., decisiveness, integrity). Sometimes referred to as the "Great Man" theory. It equates these characteristics and leadership but without evidence. It may discourage leader development by implying that the ability to lead cannot be acquired with study and practice.

Blake Mouton Theory (leadership)

Leadership involves managing: Tasks (work that must be done to attain goals). Employees (relationships based on social and emotional needs).


Leadership is the ability of an _____________ to influence a group or another individual toward the achievement of goals and results.

Transformational Leadership

Leadership style that focuses on challenging and developing members of an organization to attain long race results through continuous evolution, improvement or change, based on the leaders vision and strategy


Leniency errors are the result of appraisers who do not want to give low scores. All employees in this case are given high scores.

Layers of Culture Norms and values.

Less immediately obvious are a culture's shared and stated sense of acceptable behaviors—what is right and wrong. These may be a country's rules and regulations or a company's mission statement and code of conduct

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

Level of effort depends on: Expectancy. (With reasonable effort, the employee can succeed.) Instrumentality. (Success will result in a reward.) Valence. (The reward is meaningful to the employee.) All three factors must be addressed to create motivated employees.

Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Uncertainty avoidance

Level of tolerance of ambiguous, new, or changed situations. describes how members of a culture feel about uncertainty and lack of clarity. Cultures that avoid uncertainty tend to be more rigid about rules and uncomfortable with change (which always implies risk).

Strategic Alignment of HR Goals and Objectives

Like the development of strategic statements, the process of setting goals must be repeated on a unit or functional level, including the HR functional level. This supports alignment of the functional/unit goals with the organization's goals. In other words, it creates a line of sight from the organization's strategic goals to the goals and objectives of the organization's functions and units. The organization's high-level strategic goals are used by functions to generate relevant unit- or function-level goals


Likely to get immediate results.

first impression bias

Make a hiring decision based solely on initiate thoughts and feelings of the person

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 1993

Mandates employees who have worked at least 12 months and at least 1250 hours in the previous 12 months are eligible to take up to 12 weeks leave during any 12 month period for the purpose of birth, adoption, or foster care of a child; caring for a spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition; or serious health condition of employee National defense authorization at the 2008 amended FMLA to allow a spouse, parent, son, daughter or next of kin up to 26 weeks to care for a member of the arm services suffering injuries or illness sustained while on active duty. Allows 12 weeks unpaid leave for a qualifying exigency for a son,daughter, parent, or spouse on active duty 50-99 employees

Federal contractors Davis-Bacon act 1931

Mandates federal contractors what contracts of 2000 or more who perform construction, alteration, repair, painting or decoration on public buildings or public works, pay wage is equal to or better than similar jobs of those in the community in which work is performed

Federal contractors Walsh Healy 1936

Mandates federal contractors with contracts of 10,000 or more pay wage is equal to the area including minimum wage and overtime

Federal contractors McNamera O'Hare a service contract at 1965

Mandates federal contractors with contracts of 2500 or more, preferably's service are using service employees for the US to pay wage is equal to or better than similar jars of those in the community in which work is performed

Occupational safety and health act (OSHA) 1970

Mandates in compliance with federal health and safety standards Employers with fewer than 10 employees are exempt from starting reporting requirements 1-14 Employees


Mandatory or voluntary payments or services provided to employees typically covering retirement, healthcare, sick pay/disability, life insurance and paid time off (PTO).

workforce surveys

Many organizations use ______________ to gauge the intensity of employee engagement and assess the relationships between engagement and important business results. Findings from such surveys can also shed light on which investments in engagement initiatives are paying off, which are not, and how the organization might change its engagement-related HR practices and investment decisions.

Organizational life cycle- 1-introduction stage (development stage)

Market size and growth is light. It is possible that substantial research and development costs have been incurred in getting the product to the stage. In addition marketing cost may be high in order to test the market, under Girl Launch promotion and set up distribution channels. It is highly unlikely that companies will make profit on products at the introduction stage. Therefore there is little money to pay employees so they are normally below market rate. Instead, employees are generally give me is that options are promises of growth potential. When staffing, business managers preferred to hire Experience personnel since there is no infrastructure to train and develop an experience staff

Employee personal background

May rely on assumptions that employees with more experience are performing better and may fail to test these assumptions rigorously through observation. Radin's that take background into accounting to be an accurate and profitable and illegal

Rating personality rather than performance

May respond quickly and strongly to personality traits, such as charm or aggressiveness, which my bias them when it comes time to assess accomplishments. The appraisal should focus only on actions and accomplishments.


Measure of usefulness, worth or importance.

Quality. How well the work is performed and/or how accurate or how effective the final product is. Quantity. How much work is produced. Timeliness. How quickly, when, or by what date the work is produced. Cost-effectiveness. Dollar savings to the organization or working within a budget.

Measures of employee performance include


Method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by which disputing parties agree to be bound by the decision of one or more impartial person to whom they submit a dispute for final determination


Method of non-binding alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by which a neutral third-party tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision


Method of non-binding alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by which a neutral third-party tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision (I.e conciliation)

Workplace accommodation

Modification of a job, job site, or way of doing a job, so that persons with disabilities can have equal access to opportunity in all aspects of work and can't perform the essential functions of their positions.

Labor-management relations act (LMRA) (Taft Hartley) 1947

Prohibit certain unfair labor practices by unions, protecting management rights Allow states to declare themselves right to work Authorize union decertification 1-14 Employees

Goal-Setting Theory

Motivation can be increased by providing employees with goals against which they can assess their achievement. Optimally, employees should be involved in designing goals and supported in achieving their goals. Effective goals are: Specific and clear. Important to the individual. This enables greater commitment. Realistic but challenging. Goals that are unrealistically high can harm motivation. Feedback helps employees determine the effectiveness of their effort.

Theory X/Theory Y

Motivation is seen as absolutely irrelevant (Theory X) or absolutely critical (Theory Y) in the workplace.

Wanton disregard for the safety of others Deliberate acts or violence or hostility Attempts to financially defraud a company Significant levels of insubordination Dishonesty through the falsification of documents or other forms of misrepresentation

Name the five major examples of gross misconduct in the workplace

Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results

Name the four ways that a training course is evaluated for effectiveness per Kirkpatrick's model

I'll find time. Has he laughs, the former employee becomes eligible for insurance coverage under another plan, the employee fails to pay the cost of the coverage

Name the three events that will end cobra coverage

Scanlon plan, Rucker Plan, Improshare

Name the three most well known traditional game sharing plans

Factor comparison method Point Factor

Name the two job evaluation systems that breaks jobs down into compensable components

Cliff testing; serving a set number of continuous years of employment Graded vesting; incremental vesting overtime

Name the two methods that an employee becomes vested in an Orissa qualified pension program

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle Maturity

Need for greater control emerges. This often results in more formalization and complex reporting and decision-making structures. Top management plans; lower-level management implements. There can be a loss of connection with the organization's strategy. Impact on HR Strategy Building and retaining a productive workforce to meet a high level of demand. Establishing stable leadership through succession planning. Implementing policies. Communicating and reinforcing organizational culture in policies and practices. Improving channels of communication so that strategy can be understood and aligned at all levels and in all areas. Making sure that formalization does not make the organization less agile and innovative. Consulting to other parts of the organization to solve problems that affect productivity (e.g., conflicts, poor performance, ineffective processes or teams, toxic cultures). Modeling awareness of external influences. HR can be a champion of environmental scanning.

Halo/Horn Effect

Occurs when a raters gives an excellent employee top ratings in all areas or gives an unsatisfactory Employee low ratings in all areas. This effect results when raters let one strong value judgment in one area color their judgment of other behaviors and traits. Poor employees usually have some strengths and higher Cheever some weaknesses

Public-sector employees employees, firefighters, emergency workers, etc.

Only one group of nonexempt employees are allowed to receive compensatory compensation time off. Name this group and give one example of a profession/occupation covered by this law


Opportunities to get ahead

Horns Bias

Opposite of Halo bias, a decision maker will put a bias on a previously failing team, even if it was a one time occurance

Product Knowledge

Organizational sales training programs are most focused on what subject?

What are Gardensuatz & Rowe four dimensions of diversity

Organizational, External, Internal, Personality


Some appraisers may be reluctant to give high ratings. In the case of strictness, appraisers who believe that standards are too low may inflate the standards in an effort to make the standards meaningful in their eyes.

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Organizations that have invested in an _______________________ system are able to integrate these distinct databases. This allows everyone in the organization access to the same current data. This improves communication and coordination. ERP products are "suites" of integrated applications for special purposes

engagement strategy

Overall, an_______________ should specify how engagement efforts will be sustained over time.

The business case includes information on _____.

Package of information, analysis, and recommendations. It includes a plain language statement of the problems to be solved, with key data to illustrate it's public policy significance, as well at it severity and complexity. I also identifies customers and other stakeholders and how they are affected by the problem. The case clearly states assumptions, estimates, and other weaknesses in your underlying data. Represents the options available to the decision-maker, comparing features, cost and benefits, and stakeholder impacts for each option. The case concludes with the recommended course of action and a justification that presented strengths and weaknesses


Participants perform an assigned role within a complex scenario designed to resemble a reallife challenge.

Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Power distance

Pattern of distribution of power to culture's members. describes the way in which power is distributed in a culture and how an unequal distribution is perceived by the culture's less powerful members

Incentives or premiums

Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives. Often they are calculated as a percentage of base salary. Payment may be made in a lump sum or as ongoing payments over a specified period of time.

Capability or competence.

People must feel that an individual can deliver on commitments. People who over-promise or do not follow through do not merit trust.

Lewin's Model of the Change Process-unfreezing

People need to accept that the change will occur. Must reduce factors that work against the change

Are federal contractors and vendors

Per federal law, which employees must use E-Verify

Organizational Justice - distributive justice

Perception of process and fairness of the outcome

Cultural stereotypes

Perceptions of a culture are applied to all of the culture's members, often in a negative manner.

What is the first step when a red circle right employee has been identified

Perform a job evaluation to determine if the employee is classified correctly I need to have an adjustment in title, position, or duties

Inappropriate time span (a.k.a. recently error)

Performance appraisal should cover the whole of employees behavior and the extent of the employees progress during the time. From one appraisal date to the next and not just recent issues that may have a car. Writers who look back to incidents that occur before the last appraisal are also being unfair to employees.

Spot awards

Performance space programs that are discretionary and nature where in payments are usually made after the fact


Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits ones major life activities

HR Planning Tools

Predicting the future is one of the more important tasks for the senior leadership team during the planning process. The HR team must estimate or anticipate future developments in business such as available manpower, economic trends, pay scale/benefits inflation, employee turnover, and new compliance from legislative activities.


Process by which a person or group provides to stay in commitment and support of a decision, approach, solution or course of action.


Process by which an organization identifies performance gaps and set goals for performance improvement, by comparing it's data, performance levels and/or processes against those of other organizations.


Process by which employees are provided with knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics pacific to a task or job


Process by which employees returning from international assignment re-integrate into their home country cultures, conditions and employment

Collective bargaining

Process by which management and union representatives negotiate the employment conditions for a particular bargaining unit for a designated period of time

Merger and acquisition (M&A)

Process by which two separate organizations combine, either by joining together as relative equals (merger) or by one procuring the other (acquisition).


Process of a simulating new employees into an organization through orientation programs to help them. new employees experiences in their first months of employment.

Job evaluation

Process of determining a jobs value and price in order to attract and retain employees, by comparing the job and other jobs within the organization Oregon similar jobs and competing organizations.

Job analysis

Process of systematically studying a job in order to identify the activities/task and responsibility it includes, the personal qualifications necessary to perform it, and the conditions under which it is performed

Leader development

Professional program that helps management- and executive-level employees develop knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) related to leadership.

Career development

Progression through a series of employment status characterized by relatively unique issues, themes and task

Universalism vs. Particularism

What is important, rules or relationhips

Uniform guidelines on employees election procedures (UGESP) 1978

Prohibit selection policies and practices from having an adverse impact on the employment opportunities for any race, sex, or ethnic group unless it is business necessity (BFOQ) Requires employers use only job related criteria in employment decisions 1-14 Employees

Age discrimination in employment act (ADEA) 1967

Prohibit this crimination and employment decisions and health benefits for persons age 40 and over Prohibits mandatory retirement ages Executives over the age 65 and highly compensated executives may be forced to retire while others cannot 20-49 employees

Foreign corrupt practices act (FCPA) 1977

Prohibits American companies from making corrupt payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business Amended (1988) to permit some grease or facilitating payment to expedite or secure performance of routine government action 1-14 Employees

Right-to-work concept

Prohibits agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1991)

Prohibits discrimination in all terms and conditions of employment (including pay and benefits) on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (Title VII becomes applicable to employment agencies in labor organizations at 1+employees) 15-19 employees

Uniformed Services Employment & Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA) 1994

Prohibits discrimination in employment against past, current or future military service members. Protect military service workers employment rights and benefits of employment If it employee is called up for active-duty (National Guard, reservist) and they returned within five years, they must get their job back They have a maximum of two weeks to return to the job after the active-duty ends or the job is forfeited If their job was eliminated (due to mass layoff) during their active duty., Employer doesn't have to reinstate them Provide military men/women/the pin is 24 months of continued health coverage while on military leave 1-14 Employees

Federal contractors Copeland at 1934

Prohibits federal contractors from the persuading employees to give up any part of compensation in which they are entitled (anti-kickback)

Federal contractors vocational rehabilitation act (VRA) 1973

Prohibits federal contractors with contracts of $10,000 or more from discriminating against people with physical or mental disabilities by requiring the contractor to take affirmative action employing and advancing disabled individuals

Genetic information non-discrimination act ( Gina) 2008

Prohibits health insurance from discriminating based upon genetic information Prohibits employers from requesting or requiring employees or family members to provide genetic information 15-19 employees

Employee Polygraph Protection Act of (EPPA) 1988

Prohibits private sector employers from requiring pre-employment polygraph examinations unless employer is in these industries: pharmaceutical, national defense, law enforcement/security (gun carry industry) Permits polygraph testing of certain employees of private sector who are reasonably suspected of involvement in a workplace incident that resulted in specific economic loss or injury to the employer 1-14 Employees

Equal pay act (APA) (1963)

Prohibits wage discrimination; requires equal pay for equal work of the same skills, effort, and responsibilities 1-14 Employees

Closing the Project

Projects should be assessed at their completion to evaluate whether the project investment yielded the desired results.

strategic recognition

Promote a _____________________program. Employees must be put in a position to succeed. Have people in the right roles and provide them with both the resources and the support to get things done.

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Amendments ACT (ADAA) 2008

Protects qualified individuals with disabilities from unlawful discrimination in employment decisions. Discrimination is prohibited if an individual can perform the essential job functions. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for such individuals unless doing so what caused the employer undue hardship. A D a a a, the amendments act of 2008 (ADAA), remove the mitigation limitation make it easier for an employee seek protection under the actual establish that he or she has a disability

Performance appraisals accomplish three purposes

Provide feedback and counseling Help in allocating rewards and opportunities Help in determining employees' aspirations and planning developmental needs

Health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) 1996

Provides protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health plans, including limited exclusions for pre-existing conditions and general health conditions Provides privacy protections for employees against an authorized disclosure of health related information Prohibits employers from using personal health information as a basis for making employment decisions 1-14 Employees

intrinsic rewards

Psychological and intellectual rewards inherent in the job itself, such as the opportunity to perform meaningful work or gain a sense of accomplishment are all called what kind of rewards?

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Specific/diffuse

Public and private boundaries. Achieved/ascribed—Source of merit (personal accomplishment or connection)


Revenue (the vertical axis) is low because there is little market awareness (of the new industry, organization, products, services, or processes) and because of the market's resistance to change. Entrants (new industries, organizations, or products) must create an identity with customers and develop a value proposition. This takes imagination, business acumen, and leadership.

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's The Three R's

Recognition- The first step for leaders is to help all players recognize the cultural differences between the team members. The leader must recognize the importance of these differences in how they have an impact on the teams function Respect end different culture orientation and views about where I am coming from are neither right or wrong - they are just different. It is all too easy to be judge mental and distrust those who give a different meaning to their world from the one you gave to yours. Thus, the next step is to respect these differences in to except others right to interpret the world from their cultural perspective Reconciliation - once managers and multicultural environments are aware of their own mental models and cultural predisposition's, and once they can respect and understand that those of another culture are legitimately different, then it becomes possible to reconcile differences yielding positive business benefits. This is the most difficult stage to put into actual practice. They are core finding is that great leaders reconcile seemingly opposing values-that's what they do, that's what makes them affective, and that's what makes them great

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Reduces writer bias an error by anchoring the rating with specific behavioral examples based on job analysis information. The scale is best suited for companies interested in long range performance of employees and field that are often changing, such as in research industries. Each job is measured in job-related terms, rather than numbers. Bars or rating scales whose scale points are defined by statements of effective and ineffective behavior. Bars utilize critical incidents to focus appraisal on employees behavior that can be changed. They are said to be behaviorally anchored and that the scales represent a continuum of descriptive statements of behaviors ranging from least to most effective. And evaluate a must indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employees performance. Bars are constructed by the evaluators who will use them

Total compensation system

Refers to all forms of financial rewards, both direct and indirect, that employees receive from their companies


Refers to societies in which the group is valued over the individual and the individuals responsibility to the group overrides the individuals rights

low-context culture

Rely on direct messages such as clear, stated in words, with emphasis on time management, punctuality, and deadlines

High-contect culture

Rely upon an internalized social context and/ or physical environment ( such as body language) and face to face communication for all or a large part of the message such as indirect, subtle, ambiguous

Pert Flow Chart (program evaluation & review technique) Critical Path Method (CPM)

Represent an illustrate the sequential order of tasks while allowing flexibility in the scheduling of task accomplishment. This chart shows the fourth progression of a project by demonstrating each succeeding step of the process.

Federal contractors drug-free workplace act 1988

Require some federal contractors to have a written drug use policy and follow certain requirements to certify that they may maintain a drug-free workplace

Due diligence

Requirement to thoroughly investigate an action before it is taken, through diligent research and evaluation

Worker adjustment and retraining notification act (WARN) 1989

Requires employers to give 60 day advance notice of plant closings are Layoffs. Mass layoff is when 50 or more employees are to lose their jobs and these 50 represent 33% of the workers at their location or anytime there is a layoff for 500+ workers. Exceptions (when employer is not required to give 60 days one notice) acts of God, unforeseen business circumstances, publicizing state of affairs may jeopardize business continuously; or employer ops to provide 60 days pay in lieu of providing notice 100 or more employees

Consolidated Omni bus budget reconciliation act (COBRA) 1985

Requires employers to permit employees to expand their health insurance coverage a group rates for up to 36 months following a qualifying event (18 months normally, 29 months for disabled workers, and 6 months for dependent of workers 20-49 employees

EEO-1 Report filed annually with EEOC if not federal contractor

Requires employers with 100 or more employees to submit a list of the number of employees by race and sex for each EEO job category

Federal contractors Vietnam era veterans readjustment act (VEVERAA) 1974

Requires federal contractors and subcontractors with contracts valued at $10,000 or more are required to take affirmative action in hiring and promoting a veterans and disabled veterans (not limited to the Vietnam era veterans) Federal contractors and subcontractors with 50 or more employees and contracts of $50,000 or more are required to implement affirmative action plans for hiring and promoting such individuals

Federal contractors EE-1 report filed annually with the EEOC

Requires federal contractors, with more than 50 employees and contracts valued at $50,000 or more to submit a list of the number of employees by race and sex for each EEO job category

environmental scanning

Requires identifying the external threats that will affect the short and long-term goals of the organization. Problems can arise when projecting pass transit into even the near future. The forecasting process must certainly look at internal factors that may affect future business plans. However environmental scanning is the process of including issues, trends, demographics, or other data that are external to the organization

Benefits (indirect)

Retirement income replacement programs, life insurance, short-term disability coverage, health insurance, dental insurance, vacations, noncash rewards, perquisites

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle No Growth

Revenue and workforce remain static or decline. Fewer opportunities for employee advancement arise. Compensation is static. Impact on HR Strategy Maintaining engaged workforce with fewer resources. Dealing with increased turnover rate. Delivering HR services with shrinking budget.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Revised statue of limitations for filing a pay discrimination claim to receive restitution. For each paycheck, or distribution of benefits or other form of compensation marred by discrimination, the statue of limitations renews, creating a rolling open time frame (180 days or 300 days, depending on state of employment) Amended Title VII, ADA, Rehabilitation Act, ADEA to specify that unlawful discrimination occurs when: 1) a discriminatory compensation decision is adopted 2) when an individual becomes subject to a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice 3) when an individual is affected by application of a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, including each time wages, benefits, other compensation is paid, resulting in whole or part from such a decision or other practice Arose from Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Supreme Court Case 1-14 Employees

extrinsic rewards

Rewards that derive from sources external to the job itself are called

Risk Matrix

Risk Level, impact & the probability of the event occurrence


Rule or order issued by an administrative agency of government, which usually has the fourth of law

Management by Objectives (MBO) Peter Drucker

SMART: widely excepted as a motivating system that appeals to employees ownership of his or her job. The employee and the appraiser collaborate and planning performance goals for the employee to work toward until the next appraisal. Specific about the required income Measurable so that achievement can be determined Agree between the manager and the job holder, (sometimes the A is for the achievable) Realistic so they are stretching but achievable Time down so there is a clear deadline

Lewin's Change Model: how to get people to change- Change Move

Second stage. Called move. This is typically a period of confusion and transition. Workers are aware that the hallways are being challenged but do not have a clear picture as to what is replacing them

Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of an emotional intelligence quotient (EIQ) in the workplace, more specifically as a measure of leadership ability. The EIQ Goleman describes suggests the qualities that an organization's upper management and HR management will need to be able to successfully promote EI throughout the organization. Goleman describes five components:

Self-awareness. Becoming more aware of one's own emotions and needs and their effect on work relationships. Goleman's example is the manager who knows he becomes short-tempered under deadline stress. Self-regulation. Learning to control and accommodate one's emotions. The manager who has trouble dealing with deadline stress can manage schedules and work plans to minimize those stresses. Motivation. A passion for the job or current objective. Goleman explains that the drive to succeed, resilience, and optimism are all part of this component. Empathy. Moving from self-awareness to awareness and acceptance of the importance and legitimacy of others' emotions. This is a critical quality for team building, coaching, and mentoring. In a diverse organization, where one person's emotional response may at first be inexplicable to someone with a very different background, this is a critical skill. Social skills. The ability to create connections or rapport with others. This ability has been called social intelligence. Social intelligence entails seeing and interpreting the impact of one's behavior on others and altering behavior to increase other people's level of comfort and trust. People with social intelligence understand the "rules" of particular social contexts, such as the workplace, the relationships attached to these contexts, and expected behaviors. They can shift roles in different contexts and with different people, but without falseness. An example is a manager who can shift easily from talking to a work-focused engineer who needs help getting resources for a project to asking a young new hire about his or her holiday plans. Social intelligence supports critical activities, such as forming teams, persuading and influencing, or leading change.

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Sequential/synchronic

Sense of time (linear and limited or cyclical and expansive).


Set up behavior guidelines that an organization expects all of his directors, managers and employees to follow, in order to ensure appropriate moral and ethical business standards.

Consumer credit protection act (CCPA) 1968

Sets the national maximum limit on the amount of wages that can be withheld from and employees wages to satisfy court order wage garnishments, such as tax gonna mess, domestic relations court orders such as child support and alimony 1-14 Employees

Conditions That Make Change Possible McKinsey & Company consultants Emily Lawson and Colin Price identify several conditions that make it easier for people to get to the point where they will consider or try a new way of doing things:

Shared purpose. If people believe in the overall purpose of and reason for the change, they will make a legitimate effort to change themselves. Those leading a change initiative should communicate how proposed changes are necessary to achieve the organization's strategic goals and/or values. Reinforcement systems. Structures, management processes and encouragement, measurement, communication, and other critical support factors must be present and congruent with the desired change initiative. Skills required for change. While this need may seem obvious, it is often overlooked. Training is a much more efficient and effective method than trial and error for equipping people with the knowledge and skills to be successful. Consistent role models. The presence of a role model within an individual employee's sphere of influence makes change real and demonstrates, in real time, that change is possible. Many role models (in addition to managers and executives) need to be present throughout the organization to keep the message of change alive until it becomes part of the way the organization operates.

Focus group

Small group of invited person (typically 6 to 12) to actively participate in a structured discussion, led by a facilitator, for the purpose of eliciting their input on a specific product, process, policy or program.


State of being in accordance with all national, federal, regional and/or local laws, regulations and/or the government authorities and requirements applicable to the places in which an organization operates

Cash flow statement

Statement of an organizations ability to meet its current and short term obligations, showing incoming and outgoing cash in cash reserves and operations, investments and financing

Balance sheet

Statement of an organizations financial position at a specific point in time, showing assets liabilities and shareholder equity

Variance Analysis

Statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between plan an actual performance or outcomes


Status of growing interconnectedness and interdependency among countries, people markets and organizations worldwide

Heider, Weiner

Success or failure can be attributed to internal factors (e.g., skills, diligence) or external factors (e.g., available resources, market events). Internal factors may be under the employee's control (e.g., the employee can work harder or be more careful), but external factors are probably beyond the employee's control. A track record of success can create empowered and resilient employees, while a track record of failure (even though the causes were external to the employee's control) can create "learned helplessness" and even aggression or hostility in the workplace. Leaders create opportunities for success for less experienced employees, perhaps by providing more resources, coaching, and guidance. More challenging assignments are given to employees who believe they can (and are likely to) succeed.

Growth HR Strategy

Tactical buildup of talent. The right talent must be acquired and/or built in-house. Tactical increase in complexity of structure and policies. Changes must weigh improvements in efficiency against impact on culture. Helping leaders redefine their roles and share leadership with others. Formalization of job descriptions. Managing changes caused by the organization's growth and increased formalization.

Introduction HR Strategy

Talent acquisition, finding the resources needed to build a foundation for the enterprise. Helping to define and create a culture in keeping with the founders' values. Controlling risks associated with human resources (e.g., compliance with laws, stress management).

Types of Organizational Cultures- Highperformance

Talent is championed. Innovation, elevated performance, customer-centric strategies, relationships, communication, and other characteristics are driven from the bottom up

Types of Organizational Cultures-Mechanistic

Tasks and responsibilities are defined clearly to the employees and shaped by formal rules and standard operating procedures. Communication processes follow the direction given by the organization. Accountability is a key factor.

Center of excellence (COE)

Team or structure that provides expertise, best practices, support and/or knowledge transfer in a focused area.

Peer reviews

Tends to be stable task relevant and accurate. By helping peers to understand each other's work and by airing grievances in a nonthreatening manner, pier reviews may also help people to get along better. For the organization this means higher performance

behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

The BARS method was designed to overcome the problems of category rating by describing examples of desirable and undesirable behavior. Examples are then measured against a scale of performance levels

Retirement income, disability, survivors benefits, hospital/medical insurance (Medicare)

The Social Security act provides four types of benefits to workers. Name these four types


The _______ must be aligned with the organizational strategic plan, vision, mission, and values and create an image that attracts people. Further, it must provide an accurate picture of employment for employees and candidates. Any inconsistencies in the work environment can erode the credibility of a branding strategy. An _______ must also be congruent with the organization's external brand.


The ____________ rule proposes that to develop leaders it is important to engage them in challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and training (10%). Leadership development strategies can be formal or informal.

employee engagement, retention

The _______________________ and _____________ process should cover the entire employee life cycle—strengthening the connection between employer and employee from hiring (e.g., more realistic job previews during the hiring process, better onboarding programs) through employment (e.g., better work/life balance) to organizational exit (e.g., using exit interviews to create "boomerang" employees who are willing to bring their skills back to the organization in the future

career planning.

The actions and activities individuals perform to give direction to their work lives are collectively referred to as __________________________ Managers, supervisors, and human resource professionals often assist employees as they assess their skills and abilities in order to establish a career plan, but the focus of career planning is on the individual and his or her personal responsibilities.


The age discrimination in employment act (ADEA) prohibit Arbitary age discrimination against employees or applicants age ____________and older

Category rating methods: Graphic scale

The appraiser checks the appropriate place on the scale for each task listed. A typical example is a five-point rating scale where 1 is significantly below standard, 3 is standard, and 5 is significantly above standard

Category rating methods: Checklist

The appraiser is given a list of statements or words and checks the items on the list that describe the characteristics and performance of the employee

Comparative methods Ranking.:

The appraiser lists all employees from highest to lowest. If there are 20 employees, the appraiser ranks them in order from 1 to 20—best to poorest in performance

Narrative methods

The appraiser submits written narrative performance appraisals.

Narrative methods Essay

The appraiser writes a short essay describing the performance of each employee during the rating period. Ordinarily, the appraiser is given several topic areas for comment

That the information given was the truth

The best defense an employer has in a deformation of character lawsuit arising from providing reference information is:

Tax Protection

The company figures the experts hypothetical United States income tax and compares it with actual taxes pay. At the end of the year, the company reimburses any disparity. If the ex-pat pays less than taxes then here she would have paid in the United States, the ex-pat keeps the difference. A disadvantage of this program is that a create an equities between Xbox and low tax costs countries and those in high tax costs countries


The compensation programs of other organizations are more performance-driven, putting emphasis on the performance and contributions of individual employees. These compensation systems emphasize performance-based pay, incentives, and shared responsibility for benefits. For example, the firm may require copayments for medical insurance.

Bloom's taxonomy

The concept here is based on _____________________learning objectives proceed in a hierarchical manner. Starting with the lowest level, Bloom's taxonomy cites: Knowledge, or remembering facts. Recognition of learning content when content is presented differently. Application of learning to an example in order to draw a conclusion or to identify a principle at work. Using learning content to analyze the causes or possible outcomes in an example. Using learning content to create new solutions to a problem. Making judgments about the value of materials and methods for given purposes.


The concept of using ___________ to reinforce desired behavior derives from the behaviorism theory of B. F. Skinner

Define reward theory

The concept that employees will repeat behaviors that are reinforced through Rewards

Central tendency

The contrast error occurs when an employee's rating is based on how his or her performance compares to that of another employee instead of on objective performance standards

Ad Hoc Taxes

The employer determines tax reimbursement on a case by case basis. Essentially each ex-pat employee negotiate his or her own deal with the company. This approach may work when it companies international workforce is small, but as an international program grows, the negotiation process can become cumbersome

PESTLE Analysis

The environmental scanning process is systematized by searching for environmental forces organized under specific categories. This process is commonly referred to as a _____________________

Tax equalization taxes for expats

The ex-pat tax situation is neither better nor worse than it would have been in the United States. A hypothetical United States income taxes withheld from each paycheck. More in taxes are either paid by the employer or reimbursed although this program ensures equity among experts it requires more administrative resources than other methods

contrast effect

The exceptionally good or bad performance of one or two employees may greatly distort the ratings that the others receive. While contrasting the relative contributions of a group of employees can contribute to the appraisal process and especially relevant when a fixed amount of rewards must be determined within a group, morale may fall if the rating of the employees shifts the rating scale of others

Content validity

The factors use in a performance appraisal process our content valid if they are both representative of the job and relevant to the job. Example a typing test for a typist position


The final phase of the ADDIE model involves measuring the effectiveness of the training. ________________consists of comparing the program results to the established objectives to determine whether the original needs were met. Participant reactions, retention of new information, application of new procedures, changes in behavior on the job, and changes in organizational performance are all indicators that should be considered when evaluating training result

There are two ways an organization can create competitive advantage, and both involve change

The first involves customer demand, prices, or technology. The second involves change inside the organization itself. If there is only stasis—in the industry or market or in the organization—there is no opportunity. Generally, these industries become commodity markets.

analysis or assessment

The first phase of the ADDIE process is _______________, in which data is collected to identify gaps between actual and desired organizational performance. When those gaps point to a lack of employee knowledge or skill, objectives are established to address training needs.

The Incubator corporate culture

The for filament of individuals is more important than the organization. The structure is Eagle of Teryan, personal and individualistic, such as entrepreneurial firms and Silicon Valley in California and many Scandinavian companies, where the goal is innovative products or service. SHRM's strategies focus on reward for innovation

Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner —cultural dilemmas Individual/communitarian

The good that drives decisions (the individual or society as a whole).

Halo/horn effec

The halo effect may occur when an employee is extremely competent in one area and is therefore rated high in all categories. Conversely, the horn effect may occur when one weakness results in an overall low rating.

It may perpetuate a status quo of underrepresented classes of workers

The heavy use of employee referrals for filing job vacancies could violate nondiscrimination laws. How?


The practice of union member seeking work at unorganized work places in order to organize them is referred to as________

Collaborate (or confront

The leader and those in conflict accept the fact that they disagree and look for a "third way," a new solution to the problem of the conflict. Since both sides contribute to the solution, this may be seen as "win/win" conflict resolution. Useful when the stakes are high, relationships are important, and time allows. (It does require time and strong interpersonal skills.) There is greater chance for an enduring, equitable, mutually satisfying resolution.


The leader asks those in conflict to bargain— altering positions on different issues until a mutually acceptable solution is defined. The solution relies on concessions. For this reason, it is often referred to as "lose/lose" conflict resolution Useful for complex issues, when both sides are determined to win, and when time doesn't allow for true problem solving. Solutions may be temporary and only partially effective, but when strong personalities are involved, it does preserve the egos of all parties.

Assert (or force)

The leader imposes a solution. One side wins and the other loses— hence the term "win/lose" conflict resolution. Useful in a crisis because it resolves the issue quickly; also when authority is being challenged or when the impact on future relations with the group is minimal. Like accommodation, it does not permanently address the problem

Accommodate (or smooth)

The leader restores good relations by emphasizing agreement and downplaying disagreement. Useful when there is little time to be lost and movement forward is needed. It does not, however, address the root conflict. If the group continues, the conflict will probably recur.


The leader withdraws from the situation or accepts it, leaving the conflict to be resolved by others or remain unresolved. Useful when the conflict will resolve soon without any direct intervention or when the conflict or relationship is not worth the time investment. Leaders should be aware that avoiding conflict can weaken their role in the organization and may damage the group by leaving a problem unresolved or allowing it to be poorly resolved

Category rating methods

The least complex means of appraising performance, in category rating methods the appraiser marks an employee's level of performance on a designated form.

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

The managers job is viewed as guiding workers to choose the best path to reach their goals, as well as the organizational goals. The theory argues that leaders will have to engage in different types of leadership behavior depending on the nature in the demands of a particular situation. It is the leaders job to assist followers in attaining goals and to provide the direction and support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the organizations goals.


The market is saturated with competitors and growth occurs only through introduction of new products or customer groups (which starts new cycles for those entrants) or through acquisitions. Profit margins become narrower and efficiency becomes more important. This means greater formalization and perhaps bureaucracy.

Organizational life-cycle 4-decline stage

The market is shrinking, reducing the overall amount of profit that can be shared amongst the remaining computers. Usually, the company looks to take out some production costs, to transfer production to cheaper for Sellitti's, sell their product into other, cheaper markets, lay off employees, reduce or eliminate the training budget, higher only replacement workers when necessary. The goal is to reinvent the organization and re-enter the growth stage heading back into maturity again

Hershey Blanchard model of situational leadership

The model that plays leadership style against the three dimensions of task behavior, relationship behavior, and task maturity


The most effective _____________ ask questions that can lead to specific corrective actions and that demonstrate a long-term commitment to providing a rewarding work experience.

Survey Project - Deployment Phase 3rd

The most important part of a successful action research program is using the results to put words into action. Deployment begins with a feedback process that includes refining the results (i.e. looking behind the numbers) and continues through the action planning process

Bias- similar to me

The natural Tennessee for Raiders to get a favorable ratings to someone like themselves. This is sometimes known as the similar to me by us

Renewal characteristics

The organization attempts to reconnect with or find new customers or missions. If the organization has become slowed by its size and held back by complex structures and too many policies, it will need to restructure. Vision and innovation, strong leadership, motivation, and communication are vital

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle Renewal

The organization attempts to reconnect with or find new customers or missions. If the organization has become slowed by its size and held back by complex structures and too many policies, it will need to restructure. Vision and innovation, strong leadership, motivation, and communication are vital. Impact on HR Strategy Reductions in workforce to rightsize the organization as it rebuilds. A change in leadership and workforce requirements. A streamlining of structures and policies. Added responsibilities to job descriptions and remaining staff

Decline characteristics

The organization shrinks in size and assets. In-fighting increases. There may be a swing back to more autocratic control by leaders.

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle No Decline

The organization shrinks in size and assets. In-fighting increases. There may be a swing back to more autocratic control by leaders Impact on HR Strategy Reducing the workforce size. Helping the organization's members manage constant stress and workplace changes necessary to survive. Attracting necessary talent. Reduced assets and prospects demand greater creativity in talent acquisition.

Disposable earnings

The portion of earnings left after deductions required by law are called _______

During the Project Stage Planning

The responsibility of the project leader is to make sure that the project meets its objectives in terms of schedule, budget, and quality. This requires establishing processes that support work and monitoring progress and use of resources. The project manager: Establishes and maintains channels of communication within the team and between the project team and the project's stakeholders. Provides leadership by communicating the value of contributions, keeping the group focused on goals, and modeling organizational values. Clears away obstacles to progress. This requires quickly identifying performance issues (such as conflicts, performance gaps, inadequate supervision, inadequate resources, morale problems) and taking steps to correct them and navigate the team back onto the right course and into smoother waters. Manages internal and external stakeholders. This involves making sure that expectations are understood, realistic, and agreed upon and checking in periodically to make sure that stakeholders are satisfied or if their needs have changed. Project managers may have to guard against incremental increases or changes in the project's scope. Monitors and controls progress. Measurement cannot wait until the end of the initiative. Milestones can be set to judge progress toward goals. Use of resources is measured regularly and projected to detect problematic trends. Variance analysis is used to compare actual against planned use of resources (e.g., staff hours, expenses) and time line. Data can be projected forward to detect problematic trends

launching or improving an executive compensation program.

The role of HR with regard to designing and managing an executive compensation program is varied, complex, and company- and/or industry-specific. The most basic (but critical) role an HR professional plays is communication regarding the benefits, costs, and array of options in _______________________an executive compensation program

Compensation Philosophy

The starting point for developing a total rewards strategy is the organization's _________________________. A _____________ _____________________ is a short (but broad) statement documenting the organization's guiding principles and core values about employee compensation. Ideally, development of the compensation philosophy should precede development of the total rewards strategy, because the philosophy essentially serves as a mission statement that informs the organization's compensation strategies.

forced distribution

The supervisor must assign a certain proportion of his or her subordinates to each of the several categories on each evaluate a factor. I come in force distribution scale is divided into five categories a fixed percentage of all subordinates in the group fall within each of these categories. For example a supervisor with 10 employees must write one employee as unsatisfactory, two employees as below average, for employees as average two employees as above average and one employee is outstanding

Succession Planning

The term for forecasting managerial and executive vacancies in developing our identifying potential promotional candidates


The third phase of the ADDIE process is ____________________, during which materials are created, purchased, or modified to meet the stated objectives.

performance appraisal

The typical method of measuring employees' adherence to performance standards and providing feedback is the __________________________

Ethnocentrism and parochialism

The viewer perceives and judges other cultures according to the norms of the viewer's own culture and rigidly maintains that narrow mindset.

Attribution Theory

The way a person interprets the causes for past success or failure is related to the present level of motivation. A leader can help employees attribute results to the correct causes and create opportunities for success.

bosses and superiors, turnarounds, increases in job scope, horizontal moves, and new initiatives.

There are five universally important sources of leadership learning in the four countries

Coach—listening to, clarifying, and assisting in identifying the employee's career concerns Appraiser—giving feedback and clarifying performance standards and job responsibilities Advisor—suggesting options, making recommendations, giving advice, and helping the employee set goals Referral agent—consulting with employees on action plans and linking them to available organizational resources

There are four roles managers can perform in order to further their employees' career development:

Layers of Culture Basic assumptions

These are the culture's core beliefs about how the world is and ought to be. They may be unspoken, and members may not even be consciously aware of them.


These program established and on the job relationship with an experienced employee and a less experienced individual in the same career track

Skills test

They assess ability rather than effort

Performance management systems can be fully effective only if:

They have the support of senior leaders. The managers who must implement the system accept the system's value to the organization and thoroughly understand how to implement it. Employees are educated about the system— how to get the most value from it and how to ensure their rights to provide responses and feedback. The implementation of the system is regularly evaluated and improved and its alignment with strategy and culture is adjusted as needed.

Lewin's Change Model: how to get people to change- Freeze (refreeze)

Third and final stage. The mindset is crystallizing and one's comfort level is returning to previous levels. New habits are formed and practices are standardized.

Innovative (aka, Adhocracy, Organic) Culture -

This culture is based on energy and creativity. Employees are encouraged to take risks, and leaders are seen as innovators and entrepreneurs. The organization is held together by experimentation, with an emphasis on individual ingenuity and freedom. The core values are based on change and agility. Facebook can be seen as a typical innovative, adhocracy organization, based on Zuckerberg's famous speech, "move fast and break things - unless you are breaking stuff, you aren't moving fast enough."

Highly Skilled (aka, Market) Culture -

This culture is built upon the dynamics of competition and achieving concrete results. The focus is goal-oriented, with leaders who are tough and demanding. The organization is united by a common goal to succeed and beat all rivals. The main value drivers are market share and profitability. This culture is sometimes referred to as a "baseball team" culture, where they focus on recruiting top talent - people who can achieve results that directly impact the bottom line. A good example of this culture is General Electric. Their former CEO, Jack Welch, declared that every GE business unit must rank first or second in its respective market or face being sold off. This culture is also common of high-risk organizations such as financial speculation (Wall Street, investment firms).

Social Culture (aka, Participative, Clan) -

This culture is rooted in collaboration. Employees share commonalities and see themselves as part of one big family who are active and involved. Leadership takes the form of mentorship, and the organization is bound by commitments to traditions. The main values are rooted in teamwork, communication and consensus. A good example is Tom's of Maine, the maker of all-natural hygiene products. Tom Chappell, their founder, focused on building respectful relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and the environment.

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)

This entity administers ERISA's termination insurance provisions and protects against a loss of retirement benefits when a benefit pension plan terninates with inadequate or no funding

Forced choice.

This is a variation on the checklist method. The appraiser is required to check two of four statements: one that the employee is most like and one that the employee is least like

Organizational life-cycle- 3-maturity stage

This is the stage that competition is most intense as companies way to maintain their market share. It is a time when most profit is earned by the market as a whole. Any expenditure on research and development is likely to be restricted to product modification and improvement and perhaps to improve production efficiency and quality. Employees are paid well, normally above market rates. Recruiting is easier since top candidates are tracked by the plethora of pay and benefits. Monies are plentiful and training budgets are large enough to accommodate extensive employee development

Coordination of Benefits (COB)

This prevents plan participants with coverage under two or more plans from being able to collect duplicate benefit payments

Path-Goal Theory (leadership)

This theory emphasizes the leader's role in coaching and developing followers' competencies. The leader performs the behavior needed to help employees stay on track toward their goals. This involves addressing different types of employee needs:


Those affected by an organization social environmental and economic impact (e.g., customer, employees, local communities, regulators, shareholders, suppliers).

corporate values

Tie recognition programs to _____________________. Link each recognition moment directly back to the organization's core values and strategic objectives. Give those moments more meaning by reinforcing the company's core values in the minds of the employees.

race, color, religion, sex, national origin

Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of what five categories

Appropriate knowledge, skills, and understanding Desire and motivation on the part of the employee to change Support from systems and management

To develop a global mindset, or to really achieve any change in behavior, three elements must be in place

The goal of orientation training is

To quickly align new hires with the ongoing business plan

Performance Management

Tools activities and processes that an organization uses to manage, maintain and/or improve the job performance of employees.


Tools that add context or sub-classifying comparison groups to data so that data can be used for decision support.


Training department overhead is an example of a_________ cost

4 T's Global Leadership

Travel, teams, training, transfers


Trustworthy people communicate often and fully. They listen and respond to what they hear. They reveal things about themselves, and they are open to hearing about how others see them.

Path-Goal Theory Supportive (leadership)

Try to fulfill employee's relationship needs


Type of labor environment in which multiple forces are at work in an organization each with its own agenda, in which conflict is overcome through negotiation

leading indicators

Type of metric describing And activity that can change future performance and predict success in achievement of strategic goals

Lagging Indicator

Type of metric describing an activity or change in performance that has already occurred.

Tort Law

Typically apply to non-criminal infractions, such as defamation claims, intentional infliction of emotional distress, product liability, and negligence. It defines whether a person or organization may be held liable for an injury they have caused, whether it be physical emotional or economic

Traditional (aka, Hierarchy, Authoritarian) Culture -

Typically, there's a clear chain of command in this culture with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. It's founded on structure and control and is usually top-down driven. The values include consistency and uniformity and procedures are normally standardized and strictly enforced. For organizations that have well-established, tried and true methods for conducting business, a tradition, hierarchy culture may be most effective. Examples...think of stereotypical large, bureaucratic organizations like McDonald's, the military or the Department of Labor.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Umbrella term for the various approaches and techniques, other than litigation, that can be used to resolve a dispute (e.g arbitration, conciliation, mediation).

Is achieved by behavior that results in fewer unforeseen consequences

Uncertainty Avoidance


Uncertainty that has an effect on an objective, where affect outcomes me a clue opportunities, losses and threats

No, that is not a reasonable accommodation

Under ADA, can an employer be required to reallocate an essential function of a job to another employee has a reasonable accommodation?

gross misconduct

Under COBRA, former employees can continue their insurance coverage should they terminate their employment. There is one exception that allows employers to terminate coverage name this exception

Form 5500

Under ERISA, an annual report form must be filed with the IRS and be made available for participants in the employee benefit plan to inspect.

Their availability in the relevant job market

Underutilization is having fewer minorities or women in a job classification then would be expected based on

Organize labor groups

Unions, work counselors, and employee electives are all examples of what

Trompenaars and Hampden-Cultural Models

Universalism vs. Particularism Individualism vs. Communitarianism ( see Hofstedes model on Individualism vs. collectivism Affective vs neutral Achievement vs ascription Specific vs diffuse Sequential time vs synchronous time Inner directed vs outer directed

Over emphasis on on characteristic

Unusual behavior is more memorable than typical behavior. Raters observing behavior that seems on characteristic should make an effort to find out whether it is part of a pattern. Ratings should focus on typical behavior patterns

Line graphs

Use a connecting line between the different data points. They are extremely common in the workplace. They are useful for showing relationships or trends

Information management (IM)

Use of technology to collect, process and condense information, for the purpose of managing the information efficiently as an organizational resource

RACI Matrix

Used to better define roles and responsibilities: R: Responsible A: Accountable C: Consult I: Inform define teams

Skill assessment center

Uses role plays, case studies, structured experiences, simulations, business games, and other activities to provide a holistic perspective of individual competencies aligned to a position.

Training potential

Using an aptitude test in a selection program best predicts

Work importance

Value of work to organization or society

short-term orientation

Values look to the past, such as respecting tradition

Unfair labor practices (ULP)

Violation of employee rights action prohibited under labor-relation statutes

Unfair labor practice (ULP)

Violation of employee rights; act prohibited under labor relations statutes.

Introduction characteristics

Vision, innovation, and energy are critical. There is little structure and no formal policies. There may not be a dedicated HR function; it may be outsourced to a consultant or performed by a top manager.

HR and Organizational/Product Life Cycle Introduction

Vision, innovation, and energy are critical. There is little structure and no formal policies. There may not be a dedicated HR function; it may be outsourced to a consultant or performed by a top manager. Impact on HR Strategy Talent acquisition, finding the resources needed to build a foundation for the enterprise. Helping to define and create a culture in keeping with the founders' values. Controlling risks associated with human resources (e.g., compliance with laws, stress management).

Flow charts

Visual representations of a workflow or process that shows the order of steps that must be taken to successfully accomplish the task. It is a model for performing the process in a step-by-step method.

Multiple incumbent positions

Weighted application forms are most appropriate for

Business Case

Well reasoned argument designed to convince an audience of the benefits of an investment, while educating them about the changes, costs, and risk that will be part of the effort. The goal of your business case is to inform clear players about your initiative and convince them to support it in some specific way

Consumer Credit Protection Act

What act is the principal federal law governing wage garnishment

Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)

What act prohibits most private sector employers from requiring or requesting employees or job applicants to take any lighter tactor test or from using the results of such a test, even if an outside agency screens employees or applicants?

Worker adjustment and retraining notification (Warn Act)

What act requires employers with 100 or more employees to give 60 days notice of a plant closing or large scale layoff?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

What act requires employers with group health plans to offer continue coverage to employees and their dependent under certain circumstances where coverage would otherwise end

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

What act requires that employers provide employees with specific information concerning benefit plans

Technical skills ladder (similar to a career ladder)

What approach is one in which employees in a skilled trades, as well as research and development, progress through the salary ranges by acquiring new skills and knowledge, usually on the job?

Cost-of-living adjustments (COLA)

What are races that are given to match the inflation rate to maintain a level purchasing power

Aligned interests.

What do we do if we don't share values—if we come from different cultures or belong to different religions or political parties or generations or genders? Trust is possible to construct across differences in beliefs, experiences, or culture; it simply takes time and communication. In organizations, a common value can be found in a commitment to stakeholders—for example, to the visions of leaders or the well-being of employees and customers.

Communication of information

What is HR's most important task during the rollout of a new health insurance benefits plan

Rabbi trust

What is a nonqualified deferred compensation arrangement under which an employer place is finding a trust, for an executive, that remains under the employers control

Utilization Review (UR)

What is the term for the process of evaluating the medical appropriateness of healthcare services with the purpose of ensuring that patient receive cost-efficient, high quality healthcare

Job ranking, which is a form of job

What is the term that involves ordering jobs from highest to lowest based on some definition of value our contribution to the organization?

Red-circle rates

What is the term that refers to pay rates that are above the maximum of the pay range

programmed instruction

What is the training technique that allows trainees to learn at their own pace? Topics are broken down into discrete unit and it is usually sell instructed

Internal Revenue Code

What limits the weekly amount that may be withheld from an employees wages that are different for tax levies then they are for other types of garnishments

Fixed rate

What pay structure does each job have a single rate of pay

Workers Compensation

What provides employees with financial protection in the event of a disabling workplace injury or illness and protects employers from potentially costly damage suits?

1. Be modularized and spread out over a period of time 2. Have measurable objectives that focus on developing specific KSAs

What should orientation programs do in order to reduce information overload?


What term describes compensation for the sale of products or services, usually calculated as a percentage of the sale?

Lag Policy

What term describes when a company establishes a structure that matches the market rates at the beginning of the plan year

Lead Policy

What term describes when a company projects were the market will be at the end of the structure playing year and matches those rates at the start of the playing year

Lead/Lag Policy

What term describes when a company projects where the market rate will be at the middle of the plan year and matches those rates at the start of the plan year

comparable worth

What term is used to describe when employees are compensated similarly to perform different jobs that require similar skills, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions?

Expectancy Theory

What theory emphasizes the need for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are deserve and wanted by recipients

Copeland Act and Anti-Kickback Law

What to ask are designed to protect the employee from unlawful or unauthorized deductions

Employee Wellness Program

What type of employee programs provide access to health education seminars, smoking cessation programs, nutrition and weight loss programs

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

When a company operates in a way to hold his cell socially accountable it is engaging in what practice

The interpretation of the language of the labor agreement and the information presented by both parties

When a labor grievance goes to final and binding arbitration, the arbitrators base their decisions on


When an appraiser's values, beliefs, or prejudices distort ratings (either consciously or unconsciously), the error is due to bias

Constructive Discharge

When an employee resigns due to intolerable working conditions imposed by a supervisor or coworker

Define unfair labor practices (ULP)

When employers are unions violate employees or each others LMRA-protected rights

Clear direct factual and concise

When leaders are compelled to hold a performance management discussion with under performing employees, what are the essential communication requirements for the leader?


When salary data is __________, movement in market rates is used to adjust outdated data. For example, assume that pay movement or pay increases are averaging 3% a year. If we use a salary data point from a source with an effective date of one year ago, we would increase that number by 3% to account for the movement of salaries through time.

criterion deficiency

When significant aspects of performance are not measured by the performance appraisal form, this is called

Labor management reporting/disclosure act (also known as the Landrum-Griffin act)

Which act created a bill of rights for union members to come back wrongdoing and to limit control of the union leadership?

Portal-to-Portal Act

Which act discusses payment for time preparing to work, but not yet actually working?

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Which act requires employers with at least 50 employees to provide up to 12 work weeks unpaid leave for certain events in a 12 month period

Davis-Bacon Act of 1931

Which act requires the payment of minimal prevailing wages for the locale in which workers are employed in a federally sponsored public works

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Which appraisal method is widely excepted as a motivating system that appeals to an employee ownership of his or her job?

Disparate Treatment

Which discriminatory act is intentional, disparate treatment or disparate impact?


Which job evaluation system appraises the whole job by comparing each job title to one another


Which job evaluation system measures a jobs worth based on how the job is valued by the broader market place of employers as reflected by the prevailing compensation rates for the particular job?

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

Which landmark case established rules and preemployment testing that states that selection testing must be job-related

Kotters 8-step change model

Which model, involving eight steps, list a variety of factors to aid in successful change in the organization

Those with well-defined and measurable tasks

Which positions are most ideal for telecommuting option?


Work attire, schedules, work-at-home opportunities


Work that can be accomplished in time allotted


_______ Group oriented incentive pay plan that Link paid directly to specific operational and productivity improvements in the companies probability performance

emotional intelligence

________ ____________ is the ability of the individual to understand the emotions that their peers, supervisors, and subordinance have an order to navigate them appropriately

job specifications/qualifications

_________ organize information gathered through the job analysis and allow a meaningful comparison of jobs for evaluation and pricing

Performance evaluations

____________, Along with job descriptions, record the skills required for each job and how well employees are doing currently


_________________ is a developmentally oriented relationship between two individuals. usually pairs a senior colleague and a junior colleague or perhaps peers, but usually not a supervisor. In nearly every case, a mentor is someone other than an employee's immediate supervisor


_________________ may be seen as more transactional— the various financial and nonfinancial benefits for which superior performance can be exchanged. Rewards can be financial (in addition to wages or promotions) and nonfinancial, such as public praise or private feedback, greater involvement in workplace activity and decisions, or privileged access to training or career development tools. The rewards can demonstrate appreciation, but they also help build the employee's competencies. They can be customized to an individual employee's personality, interests, or needs.


__________________ initiatives range from informal networking and knowledge sharing to evaluate organizational pay strategies (e.g., lead, lag, or match) to formal engagements with private firms that provide current survey data sometimes in conjunction with consulting services for a fee

Transfer of learning

____________________ is the effective and continuing onthe-job application of the knowledge and skills gained through the training experience.

Needs Analysis-organizational

_____________________Identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities employees will need in the future.

Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline

discusses five disciplines that interface and support one another in order to create an environment where learning can occur

Lag market competition

______________________Controls labor costs by setting pay rates below those of other organizations May be used because of economic necessity May enable an organization to offset other higher costs such as purchasing, distribution, or sales expenses Typically will offer other benefits such as learning and development, attractive roles via career paths, etc

Match market competition

_________________________Offers wage rates and benefits packages similar to that of the competition Often referred to as being externally competitive Most common approach

Lead market competition

_____________________________Offers higher wages and/or better benefits in an attempt to attract and keep the best talent Rationalizes that higher-quality employees are more productive, which makes up for the higher salaries

Leader development

______________________________, as used in the context of human resources management, refers to an organization's training and professional development programs targeted to assist management- and executive-level employees in developing the skills, abilities, and flexibility required to deal with a variety of situations.

lagging indicator

_________________________describes effects that have already occurred and cannot be changed. For example, the turnover rate indicates the success or lack of success in employee engagement.


________________________are often associated with technical skill development. Trade associations, unions, employers, or groups of employers design, organize, manage, and finance approved apprenticeship programs, typically under a set of government-approved standards that combine on-the-job experience with classroom instruction.

Career management

________________________is the term applied to the process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring an employee's career path with a primary focus on the goals and needs of the organization.


_______________________is the phase of the ADDIE process where the program is delivered to the target audience. Several types of activities, including pilot programs, revisions to content, announcements and launch events, participant scheduling, and preparation of the learning environment, are done during implementation. A large number of factors can influence the choice of the most effective way to implement a program.

Recognition programs

_______________________tied to organizational values do better than other programs

Career development

_____________________is the process by which employees progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks. Through a strong career development program, organizations can design and implement strategies that are simultaneously aligned with the organization's business objectives and the personal interests, goals, and aspirations of the individual employee.

Dual career ladders

_____________________provide a meaningful career path for professional and technical employees without requiring that they be placed in supervisory or managerial positions.


____________________involves one-on-one discussions between an employee and an experienced individual. Some organizations integrate coaching as a part of leadership or professional skills development.


_________________addresses employees' psychological needs—the desire for approval and distinction, for growth and advancement

Developmental activities

_________________have a long-term focus on preparing for future responsibilities while increasing the capacities of employees to perform their current jobs. The sales manager is identified as a potential leader in the division and is provided with additional learning opportunities to develop leadership capabilities.


_________________involves a process of providing knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) specific to a particular task or job. It is appropriate when skills and knowledge are missing and the individual has the willingness to learn. It provides skills that can be used immediately and is an excellent solution for solving short-term skill gaps. A sales manager is trained on how to develop high-performance teams

External equity

_________________involves comparing an organization's compensation levels and benefits to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and that compete for the same employees.

A job analysis

________________generally gathers information about the following: Job context—the purpose of the job, its work environment, its place in the organizational structure Job content—the duties and responsibilities of people who hold the job Job specifications/qualifications—KSAs required for a person to have a reasonable chance of successfully performing the job Performance criteria—desired behaviors/results that will constitute performance in the job

Experiential learning

________________in the workplace should undergo the same rigor as training, and it needs to be set up "behind the scenes" to facilitate its greatest impact.


_______________raining is still generally used for required training such as compliance related subjects.

principled negotiation, Principled negotiators

_______________the negotiators aim for mutual gain, applying a process developed by Roger Fisher and William Ury called interest-based relational negotiating or integrative bargaining. Fisher and Ury emphasize the need to focus on the problem instead of personal differences and on mutually beneficial outcomes rather than hard positions. _______________________ can separate people from positions. They identify common interests and make them a goal of the negotiation.


____________affects everything in an organization, ranging from the public's perception of the organizational brand to employee job satisfaction and engagement and bottom-line profitability


____________involves supervisors or other subject matter experts and evaluators in verifying (certifying) an employee's competencies. If the employee is successful, he or she receives positive feedback and certification. If the employee is not successful, he or she receives positive but corrective feedback and prescribed follow-up actions.

Internal equity

____________occurs when employees feel that performance or job differences result in corresponding differences in rewards that are fair. In other words, employees think that they are being rewarded fairly according to the relative value of their jobs within an organization.

Career advancement

____________opportunities within the organization. These can include job enlargement (doing different tasks within the same job) or job enrichment (increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities).

transparency, transparency

_________commits an ethical organizations to disclosing details about dealings, transactions, or processes to those who have a vested interest; ________ provides assurance when behaviors cannot be witnessed and it cannot be verified that they comply with laws, rules, or policies.

Layers of Culture Artifacts and products

a culture's obvious features, such as its food, dress, architecture, humor, and music.


a massive migration often caused by war, famine, or persecution that results in the dispersal of a unified group. Move abroad for better employment opportunities

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

a personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people into 1 of 16 personality types

Business unit strategies

address questions of how and where the organization will focus to create value.

Global HR downstream

allow for decisions at a local level, rather than headquarters "local workforce groups

An acquisition

also known as a takeover, occurs when one company purchases another (the "target") and


also known as sensitivity training). A group of people investigate and explore patterns of authority and communication among themselves

Strategic HR- Strategies

answer the what and why of the initiative. What I want you to remember here is that strategies are the large, global plan to reach the company's long-term goals. The key words here are global and long-term.

Value drivers

are actions, processes, or results that are needed to deliver a desired value


are all the factors that can affect the outcome. They include: Internal and external constraints that will make a chosen strategy more difficult to achieve—for example, an organizational culture that does not align with the characteristics required for rapid decision making and creativity or a population that does not possess necessary skills. Organizational resources or external conditions that will enhance the chances of achieving strategic goals. They could include ample financial reserves that can fund research and development or weakening competitors.

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment - HR Audits

are an intensive and objective examination of an organization's HR strategies, policies, practices and processes. The goal of an HR Audit is to protect the organization, establish best practices, and identify opportunities for improvement. They look at both numerical indicators (time to fill positions, EE satisfaction rates, grievances) and are an in-depth assessment of adequacy of the HR function's policies, practices and processes in support of business strategy and their ability to minimize risks.

Mental models

are our deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.

Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline Systems Mental models

are our deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.

HR Planning Tools: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) -

are quantifiable measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of performance. KPIs can be evaluated by any of the following.

Conflicts of interest

are situations in which a person or organization may benefit from undue influence due to involvement in outside activities, relationships, or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or its outcomes

Strategic HR-Tactics

are the doing aspect that follows planning. Tactics tellus how we are going to accomplish the large, long-term goal. Atsome point in the plan, the thinkers decide how to achieve their goals, how to carry out the actions, and how many resources will be needed. In other words, they decide what tactics will be employed to fulfill the strategy. The tactics themselves are the things that get the job done.

Performance standards

are the expectations of management translated into two key elements that employees can deliver: Behaviors. What the organization wants the employees to do. Results. What the organization wants the employees to produce or deliver


are what an organization owes. Liabilities can include items such as rent, loans or notes, wages and benefits that have been earned but not paid, reserves set aside to cover potential liabilities, unpaid fines or legal judgments, tax debts, and accounts payable


are what an organization owns. They can be tangible (e.g., cash or cash equivalents, inventory of finished product or materials, property, and equipment) or intangible (e.g., copyrights and patents, proprietary knowledge).

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

argues that work motivation is determined by individual beliefs regarding effort-performance relationships and work outcomes expectancy, instrumentality, valence

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment- Compensation

as a percentage of operating expense is another great KPI.

Employee attitude survey

attempt to determine employees' perceptions of such topics as company culture and company image, the quality of management, the effectiveness of compensation and benefits programs, organizational communication and involvement issues, diversity, and safety and health concerns.

Lean Approach Six Sigma's essential goal is to eliminate defects as well as waste, thereby improving quality and efficiency, by streamlining and improving all business processes. It drives toward six standard deviations between the mean (the average) and the nearest specification limit in any process - from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service delivery.

believes that the only way to determine if something has value or not is to consider whether a customer would be willing to pay for it. Any part of the production of a service or product that doesn't add value is simply eliminated, leaving a streamlined and profitable process that will flow smoothly and efficiently.

dedicated hr model

businesses with different strategies, in multiple units to apply HR expertise to e/ units specific strategic needs. (hr functions at headquarters & in a corp function embedded in the companies or business unit)

SPHR/SHRM candidates, know the two types of acquisitions: Full acquisition- Asset-only acquisition

buyer buys the assets of the target company, basically, cherry-picking the assets it wants and leaving out assets and liabilities that it does not.

Performance management systems

can be fully effective only if: They have the support of senior leaders. The managers who must implement the system accept the system's value to the organization and thoroughly understand how to implement it. Employees are educated about the system— how to get the most value from it and how to ensure their rights to provide responses and feedback. The implementation of the system is regularly evaluated and improved and its alignment with strategy and culture is adjusted as needed

intergroup conflict

can occur between the team and an outside group, such as another HR team or another function in the organization

Herzberg Intrinsic factors

challenging work, meaningful impact of work, recognition

Remuneration surveys

collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefits practices, including starting wage rates, base pay, pay ranges, other statutory and market cash payments (e.g., overtime pay and shift differentials), variable compensation (e.g., short- and long-term incentive plans), and time off (vacation and holiday practices).

Hard Approach/Hard Negotiators

committed to winning, even at the cost of the relationship

change and or moving

communicate often dispel rumors empower action involve people in the process

income statement

compares revenues, expenses, and profits over a specified period of time—usually a year or a quarter. The ___________ is also known as the profit and loss statement or P&L

Financial Ratios as an Indicator of Business Health

compares two values; the result is a useful measure that can be compared to benchmarks of financial performance


competent ee's still need focus/motvation


competent workers included in problem solving and coached on higher skills

A global value chain

consists of multiple organizations producing parts of a good or service across geographical regions, with each link on the chain adding value. It is more integrated than a business model that simply outsources production or supply from other countries. In a global value chain, participants share expertise. Although maintaining good governance of all chain participants is difficult, global value chains are important agents of economic development.

Peter Seges Fifth Discipline mental modes

deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world, and how we take action

What is the ISO 26000 standard?

defined as the international standard developed to help organizations effectively assess and address social responsibilities that are relevant and significant to their mission and vision; operations and processes; customers, employees, communities, and other stakeholders; and environmental impact.

Corporate Strategy

defines the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes." The decisions here often center on growth and integration, although sometimes the strategy will involve shrinking and shedding parts to refocus on a core business.

impoverished managers

delegate and DISAPPEAR, DETACH, often creating power struggles

Six Sigma project management

derives from quality principles. refers to a level of quality so high that very few errors occur. It emphasizes focusing on projects with a quantifiable return of value, encouraging team commitment to quality and involvement in problem solving, measuring results in a manner that allows empirical analysis, and fact-based decision making.

Organizational learning

describes certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of several levels within an organization—individual, group, or organization:

Trait engagement

describes the inherent personalitybased elements that make an individual predisposed to being engaged—a natural curiosity, a desire to be involved, an interest in problem solving. These traits may figure into recruiting and hiring efforts.

Employee Involvement techniques and initiatives- self directed

designed to provide employees a sense of ownership by allowing them to operate without a manager and by holding them accountable for their own performance. Functions normally performed by a manager, like planning, scheduling, monitoring and staffing are delegated to the self- directed work team.

Performance criteria

desired behaviors/results that will constitute performance in the job

HR Planning Tools: Break-even analysis

determines the point in time which revenue associated with a program is equal to the total cost of the program. Beyond that point, ROI occurs. Break-even point = (Cost/Savings) * time

internal control vs external

do we control our environment, or are we controlled by it

HR Planning Tools: Measuring Outcomes...Seeking ROI

includes measuring and monitoring outcomes. All of the following are key metrics HR uses to measure outcomes and ultimately to develop strategies for greatest ROI. We're officially talking about HRM & HCM analytics/KPIs.

Job enrichment

increases the depth of a job by adding related responsibilities such as planning, organizing, tracking, and completing reports.

Merger & Acquisitions - intergration

integrate change mgmt. approaches into each area; structure, staffing, technologies, finances, legal

cultural relativism

interpret general guidelines according to local cultural practices & norms

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment - Balanced Scorecard Approach

is a KPI, it links performance to goals; provides a concise, yet overall picture of an organization's performance as measured against goals in four areas from the perspective of stakeholders. The four areas: finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth.

Systems thinking

is a conceptual framework that makes patterns clearer and helps one see how things interrelate and how to change them.

Case that involves TQM- NLRB vs. Electromation

is a court case that was concerned with the use of employee involvement committees in a nonunion workplace. The NLRB successfully defeated Electromation's use of these TQM-type committees as the Administrative Law Judge ruled the company had unlawfully controlled the committees (they dominated the union) as the employees had illegally discussed pay, benefits, working hours and working conditions. Bottom-line...don't let employees discuss mandatory bargaining topics when working with your teams.

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements- Scanning the environment- SWOT Analysis

is a form of environmental scanning. It's a great tool for management to analyze the strategic position of the organization for planning purposes. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors over which the company has some measure of control. Opportunities and threats are external factors which the organization has no control.

Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline Systems Shared vision

is a look into the future that fosters genuine commitment and is shared by all who need to possess it.

Shared vision

is a look into the future that fosters genuine commitment and is shared by all who need to possess it.

business case

is a presentation to management that establishes that a specific problem exists and argues that the proposed solution is the best way to solve the problem in terms of time, cost efficiency, and probability of success.

SWOT analysis

is a simple and effective process for assessing an organization's strategic capabilities in comparison to threats and opportunities identified during environmental scanning

Job analysis

is a systematic study of jobs to determine what activities (tasks) and responsibilities they include, the personal qualifications necessary for performance of the jobs, and the conditions under which the work is performed. It results in a written statement of the tasks performed in the job and the necessary qualifications of the job incumbent—education level, experience, training, skills, and so forth.

Job Analysis

is a systematic study of jobs to determine what activities (tasks) and responsibilities they include, the personal qualifications necessary for performance of the jobs, and the conditions under which the work is performed. It results in a written statement of the tasks performed in the job and the necessary qualifications of the job incumbent—education level, experience, training, skills, and so forth. An analysis is conducted of the job, not the person doing the job (even though some job analysis data may be collected from incumbents).

learning organization

is a systems-level concept in which an organization is characterized by its ability to adapt to changes in its environment and respond quickly to lessons of experience by altering organizational behavior.

different types of teams that attempt to bring about organized change -Task Force or Project Team

is a temporary team that is brought together to isolate and deal with a particular task. When the task or project is completed, the team disbands.

vision statement

is a vivid, guiding image of the organization's desired future—the future it hopes to attain through its strategy

Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline Systems Team learning

is aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members desire.

Team learning

is aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members desire.

bring about change and involve expert manpower: Total Quality Management (TQM)

is an approach that seeks continuous improvement in an organization's products, quality, and services by involving the workers in the creation and implementation of process improvements. Employees solve quality issues. Everyone has a voice on the team and is an equal contributor - they call it a "quality circle." Usually these are made up of a cross-functional group of workers who are invested in the topic to be resolved.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment - Reviewing an organization's most important issues

is another form of KPI. Think strategically here folks. For example, consider the percentage of the workforce that's unionized or dollar sales per employee. BIG POINT are looking at measurements that are focused on what's important to the organization's business and industry.

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements- Scanning the environment-PEST or PESTLE Analysis

is another form of environmental scanning that involves the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social and technological events and trends which influence a business, industry or market. Or, an org could choose to perform a PESTLE analysis, which is more in depth, looking at political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors which can impact business.


is combined with liabilities in the balance sheet because it represents what a company owes to either its owner(s) or its shareholders. Equity is what is left of a company's assets after its liabilities have been discharged. Stockholder equity is the value of all stock held by investors. In this case, it also includes profits that have not been distributed to investors as dividends but have been retained by the company, probably for reinvestment to grow the company, e.g., the purchase of robotic equipment to increase productivity.

Referent power

is created by the force of the leader's personality—the ability to attract admiration, affection, and/or loyalty.

Legitimate power

is created formally—through a title or position in the hierarchy that is associated with the rights of leadership.

Expert power

is created when a leader is recognized as possessing great intelligence, insight, or experience.

Reward power

is created when the leader can offer followers something they value in exchange for their commitment (e.g., promotions, compensation).

Coercive power

is created when the leader has the power to punish those who do not follow.

Behavioral engagement

is evident in the effort employees put into their jobs, which leads to greater value, creating higher performance than from their lessengaged counterparts. It can occur when both trait and stage engagement are present.

State engagement

is influenced by workplace conditions or practices (e.g., task variety, opportunities to participate in work decisions) that can be improved through organizational interventions directly under management's control.

balance sheet

is one indicator of the organization's financial health. It is a statement of the organization's financial position—its assets, liabilities, and equity—at a particular time

A brownfield project

is simply an expansion or remodeling or reconstruction on or to an existing factory/unit.

Organizational Change-Lewin's Theory of Change - Changing and/or Moving

is the change stage where people begin to come to terms with their uncertainty and look for new ways of doing things. People will start to believe and act in ways that support the new direction of the change initiative. Support is critical at this stage and can come in the form of training, coaching and expecting mistakes as part of the process. Allowing people to be involved in developing and implementing the change will bring greater acceptance from them...they must become stakeholders in the success of the change if they are involved in its development. HR's role is to communicate during the change stage. See where Siler's Prince #7 can help you answer questions on this concept?

Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline Systems Personal mastery

is the high level of proficiency in a subject or skill area.

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements- Scanning the environment

is the internal and external collection of data to assess current company performance and to forecast future performance. In HR, we want to know what the unemployment rate forecasts is, are new competitors for labor locating to the area, are new laws coming down from federal or state legislators.

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment- Cost per hire

is the organization's cost of finding and selecting quality human capital.

One of the first steps in a merger or acquisition. What is a Due diligence

is the practice of analyzing and researching a company or an organization prior to blending the two entities into one.

Matrix management

is the practice of managing individuals with more than one reporting line (matrix organizational structure). The matrix structure is also commonly used to describe managing cross-functional, cross-business groups and other forms of working that cross the traditional vertical business units which often appear with silos of function and geographical location. A matrix structure can be expensive to maintain and difficult to explain to employees and may result in conflicting priorities as many individuals will have more than one supervisor they report to. The matrix structure is tough on Project Managers as they often must compete for use of resources that are critical to other areas of the business.

Emotional intelligence (EI)

is the quality of being sensitive to and understanding of one's own and others' emotions and the ability to manage one's own emotions and impulses.

Strategic planning Strategic planning is vital because it aligns the organization's vision, mission and goals. In the model I have for you here which is memory-friendly, you'll recognize our trusted friend, ADDIE! Each step closely corresponds with the ADDIE model.

is the systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives, and a sequence of steps to achieve them.

Strategic HR- strategy

is the thinking aspect of planning a change, organizing something, or planning a new business objective. Strategy lays out the goals that need to be accomplished and the ideas for achieving those goals. Strategy can be complex, multi-layered plans for accomplishing objectives.

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment-Training investment factor

is the total investment in building basic skills to improve individual productivity.

HR Planning Tools: Return on Investment (ROI)

is the value received from an investment. ROI focuses on tangible cost and results. You could be calculating ROI for a training program, recruitment initiative, benefit offering, onboarding program, etc. We'll work out an example ROI calculation when we reach the Learning & Development section. ROI = ((Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment)/Cost of Investment) * 100

Organizational design or structure

is the way a company sets itself up to function. You may be asked questions about what type of organizational design or structure works best based on information provided in a scenario on your exam.

Critical chain project management

is used when resources cannot be increased to meet deadlines. For example, an HR department may be able to allocate no more than 10 hours per week of staff time to do project work. Project activities are scheduled accordingly. Buffers are built into the schedule both to account for dependencies (i.e., having to wait for another task to be completed) and to allow some room for variance for the estimated task requirement. Once the buffers are set, however, they are strictly enforced.

Agile project management

is used when the assumptions on which a project is based are unclear or may evolve as project work proceeds. The project focuses on iterations of the deliverables—completing one iteration and then using customer input to plan the next iteration

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements-Strategy implementation

is where the plan is carried out and executed. Implementation may be monitored by using a balanced scorecard (or other reporting formats from spreadsheets to technology-driven software) to document changes and communicate performance measures for goal achievement.

Strategic planning is vital because

it aligns the organization's vision, mission and goals. In the model I have for you here which is memory-friendly, you'll recognize our trusted friend, ADDIE! Each step closely corresponds with the ADDIE model.

finding allies bureaucratic black belt

knows the business, and organization, decision making processes and requirements. will help you gather support for an idea

Theory Y

leaders believe that employees dislike rigid controls and inherently want to accomplish something. Therefore leaders apply a more participative style that empowers employees. this is also considered more appropriate in today's knowledge-driven workplaces.

reward power

leaders have the ability to motivate with rewards

Theory X

leaders micromanage and coerce team members because they believe people do not like to work and must be strictly controlled and forced to work.

Adler's "synergistic approach"

leaders recognize the differences in negotiating styles across cultures and use those differences to craft agreements that allow both sides to winindividuals should begin by taking the cultural perspective of the other side in the negotiations

blake moutons theory

leadership requires managing and trust individuals to accomplish goals

Short-term planning is

less than 12 months out. Where a short-term assignment is less than 12 months and doesn't include the family while on assignment and may not include language training since it's a short-term assignment.

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's Cultural Models. (PARTICULARISM SOCIETY) General knowledge of their characteristics is all you need to know. The Universalism vs. Particularism model indicates how society applies rules of morals and ethics. (It's the most frequently used and known to present on the exams.)

like China, focus heavily on relationships and avoid rigid or standardized systems to manage across cultures.

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's Cultural Models. (UNIVERSAL SOCIETY) General knowledge of their characteristics is all you need to know. The Universalism vs. Particularism model indicates how society applies rules of morals and ethics. (It's the most frequently used and known to present on the exams.)

like in the U.S., rules and contracts are developed which can apply in any situation. Strong universalistic cultures use the court to mediate conflicts.

The GI-LR Matrix: International

little pressure to increase efficiency. low in local responsiveness

Long-term planning is

longer than 12 months. Example: a long-term international assignment will last more than 12 months and usually involves: relocating the assignee and their family, providing for housing, food, language training, etc.

Peter Seges Fifth Discipline shared vision

look into the future that fosters genuine commitment and is shared by all who need to posses it

Org/Product Life Cycle Maturity

lots of competitors, introduce new products customer groups, profit margins become narrower & efficiency becomes more important

Aging Data

makes data sources consistent with one another

task conflict

may be time-consuming, because it often requires negotiation or consensus building to establish the best path forward. however, can sometimes lead to discovering better ways to do things—more efficient approaches that save time and resources or more innovative approaches that produce better results.

Setting Strategic Goals, The mission statement

may include general goals that suggest how the organization will focus its resources. These goals are influenced by the deeper understanding of the organization and its surroundings and start moving the organization and its people in the intended direction. They describe general, longer-term, desired outcomes of the strategy.

Project Stages, traditional project management,

most initiatives have three stages: planning, executing, and closing. If projects have phases, the stages repeat for each phase

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment- Absence/tardy rates

organizations employ efficient numbers of staff to meet production needs. Employee absences and tardiness can have a significant impact on productivity.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory Unfavorable situations (leadership)

must be changed to improve group (and leader) effectiveness. This can include: Improving relations between the leader and the team (e.g., by building trust). Changing aspects of the task (e.g., breaking a project down into more manageable pieces, providing more resources for the team). Increasing or decreasing the leader's exercise of power (e.g., to increase team involvement in and ownership of ideas, to decrease harmful conflict or resistance to change).

push factors

need for new markets, government policies, trade agreements, globalized supply chain

Individual learning

occurs mainly through experience and what is learned from others and training such as self-study, classes/seminars, and technology-based instruction.

Group learning

occurs through the increase in skills, knowledge, and abilities accomplished within groups or teams

Job enlargement

occurs when the employee is given additional, different tasks within the same job. Adding more tasks gives the employee a variety of responsibilities that require the same level of skills.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory "Situation favorableness" (leadership)

occurs when: Leader-member relationships are strong. Task structure and requirements are clear. The leader can exert the necessary power to reach the group's goal.

Task migration

occurs whereby traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities are transferred to leaders at lower levels. This is partly a function of the trend toward flatter organizations, but it is also due to the greater speed and complexities of challenges. What was typically handled by senior leaders in the past has been handed down to junior leaders so the former can focus on even more complex issues.


of results, both continually, to make sure that activities maintain strategic focus and are effective, and at designated intervals, to determine the effectiveness of the strategy itself and the need for change or improvement


of strategic goals and tactics that will optimize success given the environment, opportunities, and constraints—the strategic plan.

Halo Bias (Rater)

once we know a positive/negative fact about someone, we tend to perceive other information we learn about that person in line with our initial perceptions (i.e. physically attractive people)

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements-Strategy evaluation

one of the most important steps in the strategic plan is monitoring overall progress. Creating a feedback system can help to automate corrective actions.

Neutral Culture

opposite of an effective culture.

Positive reinforcement

or adding something valued— e.g., an employee receives time off for a significant work contribution.

Negative reinforcement

or removing something disliked —e.g., a team that has worked especially hard is given a "casual dress" day.


organizations feel that employees are entitled to benefits such as health care, employee assistance, or disability insurance as a condition of employment. In general, as benefits increase, there is less emphasis on individual employee contributions and responsibility and more emphasis on the success of the organization as a whole.

Round robin

participant or team competes against every other participant or team to answer a question or complete a task. Failure to win one of the competitions may result in elimination

IPO (Input/Process/Output)

past current projected (turnover data showing a steady increase in voluntary resignations in the past year)

Affective culture

people feel free to express their emotions

Influence and persuasion techniques

personal appeal, forming coalitions, leading by example, rational persuasion

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization

Four Functions of Management

planning, organizing, leading, controlling Planning- logical thinking through goals and making the decision as to what needs to be accomplished in order to reach the organization's objective Leadership- Power of persuasion of one person of others to inspire actions towards achieving the goals of the company Organizing- a matter of appointing individuals to assignments or responsibilities at Blinn together to develop one purpose, to accomplish the goals. Controlling- guarantees plans are being implemented properly

legitamate power


coercive power

power to punish

Leading indicators

predicts future performace

Centralized organizational structures rely on one individual making decisions and providing direction for the company. Small business will often use this structure as the owner is ultimately responsible for the company's business operations. This structure has an emphasis on top-down control and leadership; operational control is tight and able to be decisive, fast and coordinated.

rely on one individual making decisions and providing direction for the company. Small business will often use this structure as the owner is ultimately responsible for the company's business operations. This structure has an emphasis on top-down control and leadership; operational control is tight and able to be decisive, fast and coordinated.

value chain

represents the process by which an organization creates the product or service it offers to the customer. This may also be referred to as the organization's business model, every activity required to make a good or service and then sell or deliver it. The process is described as a chain because it represents the sequential and simultaneous contributions of a number of internal and external participants. Each participant adds an element of value, and the total value is more than the sum of its parts. RD>>Ops>>Marketing and Sales>>Fulfillment

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

risk mgmt process= communication, consultation, monitoring, and review to the CI process

pacesetting leader

set a model for high performance standards & challenges followers to meet these expectations

An organization's strategic business plan usually consists of several elements-strategy development

sets the long-term objectives and formulates short-term tactics to reach them.


settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider

mission statement

specifies what activities the organization intends to pursue and what course management has charted for the future

Merger & Acquisitions - due dilligence

structure issues technological factors financial issues cultural concerns

The GI-LR Matrix: Multidomestic Strategy

subsidaries in multiple countries that operate w a fair degree of independence from each other and from headquarters which remain in home country

expert power

superior knowledge, skills, experience in area

workforce analysis four areas

supply analysis, demand analysis, gap analysis, solution analysis

Organizational Change-Lewin's Theory of Change - Refreezing or Freezing

takes place when all the elements of the change appear to be working. That's the time to lock things down as this will be the method going forward. Changes are accepted as the new norm in this stage of change. People form new relationships and become comfortable with their new routines. It can take some time to get to this stage, but perseverance pays off with success.

Shared Services Center (COE)

talent mgmt processes are integrated and therefore more consistent across the organization

Employee opinion surveys

tend to measure important data on specific issues. These surveys may seek to gain opinions on specific processes an employee performs, safety procedures, or some other issue the employer may be evaluating or considering.

Business intelligence

the ability to use information to gain a deeper understanding of an organization and its parts, to see how the whole organization and its parts are performing (through business metrics) and to make sound business decisions that are grounded in relevant and accurate facts rather than assumptions or "gut feelings." A commitment to good governance requires more informed, transparent, and accountable decisions, and better business intelligence makes those decisions possible.

Keeper of the Files -

the administrative roles of human resource management include policy formulation and implementation, records maintenance, welfare administration, and legal compliance. The administrative role is heavily oriented to processing and record keeping.

SPHR/SCP candidates, add more analytics/KPI's! You're more strategic, therefore, looking closer at the bottom line and seeking greater return on investment - Turnover cost

the average cost of turnover is at least six months' equivalent to revenue per EE.

SPHR/SHRM candidates, know the two types of acquisitions: Full acquisition

the buyer buys the shares, and therefore control, of the target company being purchased. This form of transaction carries with it all of the liabilities accrued by that business over its past and all the risks that company faces in its commercial environment.

cultural determinism

the culture made me do it

Job content

the duties and responsibilities of people who hold the job

management by objectives (MBO)

the employees help set objectives for themselves, defining what they intend to achieve within a specified time period. The objectives are based on overall goals and objectives for the organization. When the employee has set goals and objectives, there is a dialog between the employee and the manager, so mutual agreement may be used to finalize the goals and objectives. In this way, the goals and objectives are not imposed upon the employee but still reflect the goals of the organization.

Organizational Change-Lewin's Theory of Change - Unfreezing

the first stage of the changeprocess. This stage prepares the organization andworkforce to accept that change is necessary,which involves breaking down that existing stateof affairs or status quo before building up a newway of operating and doing things. The workforce must get to the point of understanding change is necessary and that they must move away from their current methods and comfort zones.

synchronic culture

the past and the present are as important as the future, possibly more important

Implementation of tactics

the process of strategic management. This requires clear communication of objectives to teams, coordination and support of their efforts, and control of resources.

Executing the Project Plan

the project manager: Works with stakeholders to define strategically aligned project objectives. Defines the project's deliverables. . Creates a project schedule. Various tools have been developed to assist in project scheduling: Critical path analysis uses information about start or mandatory end dates, the logical relationship of tasks (e.g., whether task C must be completed before task F can begin), and the length of each task to find the earliest completion date (or latest start date). An example of critical path analysis Gantt charts represent the scheduling of tasks visually, showing the length and timing of specific activities. They can help identify problematic conflicts in activities or gaps that can be exploited to condense the schedule. They are also a primary way to communicate expectations to the team and coordinate activities. Assembles a team with the requisite skills and communicates to them the project's connection with the organization's strategy, its specific objectives, and their specific roles and responsibilities. A matrix chart showing the responsibilities of each team member for each task (e.g., responsible, contributing, consulting) can be used to clarify roles and minimize misunderstandings.

Job context

the purpose of the job, its work environment, its place in the organizational structure


the treatment of personal information that has been disclosed to another person (e.g., one's doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor) or organization (e.g., one's employer or a hospital)

Lean & Six Sigma -

these are process improvement methods that are designed to re-engineer the workplace by making it more efficient. They require workers in an area to use a set of approaches (which you don't need to know for the exam) to improve the effectiveness of their area by collaborating on system improvements. They are employee involvement processes that creates stakeholders by involving the workers in the creation of new policies and procedures.

IPO (Input-Process-Output) Model

those who plan and implement strategy often use an ______________________ model to analyze actions

Organizational learning begins

through the shared insights and knowledge of individuals and groups and then builds on past organizational memory such as policies, strategies, and models

Soft negotiators

value the relationship more than the outcome and will back down on issues in the interest of reaching agreement—even if they are no longer getting what they need.

Peter Seges Fifth Discipline personal mastery

what we are doing right now. high level of understanding of SME or skill area

Employee Involvement techniques and initiatives- work teams

when multiple people work together in a collaborative and cooperative environment to develop and deliver an improvement to the organization.

different types of teams that attempt to bring about organized change - Problem-solving Teams

work through the details of a problem to reach a solution. They are temporary and cross-functional, with team members having various relevant skill sets.

Global HR upstream

workforce alignment, org development are made at headquarters decisions apply to strategy & coordination. focus on standardization of process/integration resources= strategic planning/workforce alignment


workforce is becoming young, while in developing economies becoming older

Multi-culturalism/diversity -

workplace diversity exists when companies hire employees from various backgrounds, ages, nationalities, races, and experiences. Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better business by creating a workforce that reflects its customer base.

vertical axis


Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Masculine/feminine

—Degree to which a culture follows traditional gender characterizations (masculine as rigid and competitive, feminine as nurturing and sharing) cultural distinctions describe the extent to which a culture embodies specific traditional gender images: A masculine culture will be oriented toward competition and achievement, while a feminine culture is empathetic, nurturing, and collaborative. In masculine cultures, gender roles tend to be more distinct and rigid; in feminine cultures, there is greater sharing of roles between the sexes

Path-Goal Theory Directive (leadership)

—Help the employee understand the task and its goal.

Geert Hofstede— dimensions of culture Long-term/short-term

—Long-term cultures prepare for change; short-term cultures focus on traditions and tend to resist change. may also be referred to as normative/pragmatic. The dimension refers to the way the culture sees the effect of the past on the future. A long-term or normative culture tends to use traditions as a guide and values loyalty to those values and ideas. A short-term culture is more pragmatic; it believes that its actions today can shape its future.

Path-Goal Theory Achievement (leadership)

—Motivate by setting challenging goals

Path-Goal Theory Participative (leadership)

—Provide more control over work and leverage group expertise through participative decision making.

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