SLLA Study Guide

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Question: An administrator is reviewing feedback from parents, students, and teachers. For each of the following feedback statements, indicate whether each of the statements supports learning or impedes learning. Feedback Statements Supports Learning Impedes Learning Parent: I did not know my child was failing math until I received my child's report card in the mail. 1. 2. Student: I know that my teacher will help me whenever I get stuck. 3. 4. Teacher: I determine the pace and sequence of instruction without flexibility. 5. 6. Student: I really like independent reading time because I can choose which books I want to read. 7. 8.

Correct Answer: 2, 3, 6, 7 The statements in rows (2) and (4) support learning because they indicate that the student knows the teacher will help if needed and that the student knows word-attack skills. The statements in rows (1) and (3) impede learning because they indicate that the parent was not communicated with about the child's failing grade and that the teacher is not flexible in determining instructional pace and sequence.

The use of which of the following communication methods has the advantage of reaching the largest audience most quickly? • A.Interactive school Web sites and social media pages • B.Informational fliers distributed to students • C.Phone calls to stakeholders in the community • D.Fact sheets provided to local news agencies

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. A consistent, positive, honest message about the school will help build community support, and using school Web sites and social media pages can reach a large audience quickly.

According to research, which of the following actions by parents of urban students will best support their children's achievement in school? A.Checking that their children have completed their homework every night B.Volunteering in their children's classrooms and at school activities C.Offering their children incentives for good grades and attendance D.Designating a time and place in the household for their children to study

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. A recent meta-analysis by the Harvard Family Research Project revealed that the parental action of checking that homework is completed every night resulted in significantly positive outcomes for student achievement.

A school receiving funding through Title I, Part A, must A.develop a written school policy describing how parents will be included in school events and activities B.hold a quarterly meeting to inform parents of the school's participation in Title I programs C.notify parents when their child has been taught for two or more weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified D.provide a quarterly individual student report informing parents of the child's performance on state assessments

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. A written school parental involvement policy is required by Title I regulation.

Which of the following is the most effective method for a principal to use to communicate how a recently enacted state education policy will affect the school and its population? A.Holding an interactive information session open to the public B.Discussing the policy at a parent council meeting C.Including an article explaining the policy in the next school newsletter D.Sending an e-blast to all individuals on the school's e-mail list summarizing the key points of the policy

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. An interactive meeting open to the public has the potential to reach the broadest audience for the message and allows participants to receive clarification and ask questions.

Which of the following professional development strategies will best meet the needs of a multigenerational staff? A.Providing collaborative opportunities for teachers to share ideas and talk about their instructional practices B.Incorporating problem-solving activities into adult learning programs to promote higher levels of thinking C.Including training on the importance of identifying routines and procedures to promote effective classroom management D.Using social media networks as a delivery system to facilitate communication among adults

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Collaboration provides opportunities to glean ideas from others, validate personal thoughts and feelings, and hear testimonials about what has worked in similar situations.

When developing a leadership team to review and analyze progress toward the school's vision, a principal should include central office curriculum leaders, campus administrators, parents, teachers, and • representatives • B.the district superintendent • clerical staff • board members

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. In any effort to develop systemic change, a school needs to have the support of the community in order to align the school's vision with the community's needs and resources.

A middle school principal is deciding between purchasing several desktop computers and purchasing two more expensive but portable tablet computers. The best basis for making the decision is which purchase • A.supports the campus goals • B.impresses parents and community members • C.provides the school with the most computers • D.uses the most current technology

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Instructional decisions about equipment and supplies should always be made based on what is best for the students.

Which of the following is the most effective method for a school leader to use to stay abreast of changes in the community? • A.Developing relationships with local businesses and organizations • B.Holding frequent, informal conversations with parents • C.Attending school board meetings that are open to the public • D.Studying demographic projections for the community

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. It is helpful for a school leader to build relationships with local businesses and organizations because they are most likely to be aware of communal trends and changes.

Which of the following is the best reason for a school principal to ask teachers, parents, and other community members how to improve teaching and learning at the school? • A.Building a shared vision among various stakeholders • B.Giving teachers an opportunity to request instructional materials • C.Encouraging business partners to mentor students • D.Justifying annual professional training for teachers and staff

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Principals should solicit input from stakeholders, including teachers and community members, in order to build a shared vision for the school.

Which of the following strategies has research shown to be effective in reducing the achievement gap between primary students who are of lower socioeconomic status and their peers? A.Implementing heterogeneous grouping within small classes B.Using homogeneous grouping in core subject areas C.Clustering students in larger specialized schools within the district D.Using direct instructional strategies in classrooms regularly

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Research has shown that heterogeneous student grouping supports student learning in economically disadvantaged students.

Which of the following has research identified as a powerful instructional strategy that positively impacts student achievement? • A.Providing timely feedback to students on their work • B.Teaching content to students that the teacher enjoys • C.Offering students extra materials to accomplish tasks • D.Using journals to teach comparison in core subjects

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Research shows that providing feedback is one of the most powerful instructional strategies; it positively impacts student achievement by providing students with direction for their learning.

A school administrator who collaborates with staff, parents, and community members to work toward common goals using common processes is demonstrating the importance of which of the following? • A.Shared vision • B.Personal vision • C.Annual yearly progress • D.Data-based decision making

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. School leaders who include stakeholders in formulating and pursuing common goals are promoting a shared vision.

An elementary school qualifies for Title I, Part A funds to implement a schoolwide model. To best follow regulations regarding use, the school can A.upgrade the entire educational program of the school through ten components B.identify participants to receive support using educationally related, objective criteria state standards by choosing to fund programs for students who are failing or who are at risk of failing D.determine which teachers and administrators to designate as being responsible for following protocols

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Schools that are eligible for a schoolwide model using funds from Title I, Part A, must upgrade the entire educational program of the school, which must include the ten components required by the federal government.

Which of the following actions by school principals has the greatest influence in increasing student achievement? • A.Collaborating with others in decision making • B.Acquiring additional college training and degrees • C.Balancing the workload of responsibilities • D.Utilizing available community resources

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Shared decision making between administration and staff builds a unified commitment to the same goal—student achievement.

A high school principal assesses reading scores, which have shown a steady decline for the last few years. The chairperson of the reading department asks the principal for assistance in identifying methods to boost students' reading abilities. Which of the following data will be most important for the principal to suggest that the chairperson share in guiding the department's instructional decisions? A.Subskill reading assessment scores B.Reading scores from other schools C.Longitudinal reading achievement D.Student population demographics

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Subskill reading performance data will enable teachers to discern exactly which reading subskills (such as vocabulary) to spend more time teaching.

Which of the following is the best first step for a school leader to take when initiating change at a school? A.Collecting perceptions, demographics, and student performance data to assess needs B.Developing actions, strategies, and interventions aligned with school needs C.Establishing a supervision, evaluation, and accountability system to support the change process D.Budgeting, purchasing, and inventorying items to support schoolwide reform activities

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The first step in the change process is to engage stakeholders in using data to determine school needs in relation to the school vision.

A superintendent who arranges for language translation services at board of education meetings demonstrates an understanding of the importance of • A.promoting effective communication • B.building teacher-parent partnerships • C.advocating bilingual education • D.involving families in district decision making

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The needs of parents whose primary language is not spoken English are best served by a translator who is able to communicate the nuance and detail necessary to convey ways to meaningfully engage in their children's learning process.

A principal who provides professional development for teachers on the use of formative classroom assessments promotes teachers' understanding of the importance of A.monitoring student learning to facilitate instructional decision making B.eliciting prior knowledge from students before implementing an instructional unit C.sustaining active student involvement to promote learning D.analyzing student achievement results at the end of an instructional unit

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The purpose of formative assessments is to check for understanding. Formative assessments take place during a learning activity to provide the instructor with information regarding how well the learning objectives of a given learning activity are being met.

A middle school principal wants to assess the effectiveness of a new science curriculum that has been in place in seventh grade for one year. Which of the following methods will provide the principal with the most valuable data? A.Comparing the performance of seventh graders on the annual state science assessment with the performance of previous seventh graders B.Comparing seventh-grade students' report card grades with their grades in fifth and sixth grades C.Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the new curriculum with science teachers at the end of the school year D.Surveying parents and students for their feedback on the effectiveness of the new curriculum

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The results of the state assessment test are valuable because they provide quantifiable information by comparing like to like—in this case, seventh graders with seventh graders.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of having an administrator add pictures and short video clips to slide presentations used in staff meetings? A.To demonstrate that technology is a valuable tool to enhance communication B.To ensure that classroom teachers are highly trained in current technology tools C.To guarantee that meetings are more productive by using technology D.To help school staff meet or exceed technology standards

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The use of technology demonstrates the administrator's belief that it enhances communication.

A middle school principal plans to implement professional learning communities (PLCs) on campus in the coming year. To best build leadership capacity on campus, the principal should A.attend training on PLCs with teachers identified as leaders on campus B.conduct a training on the advantages of PLCs for interested teachers C.send the assistant principal to attend a training on implementing PLCs D.invite a consultant to the school to train the leadership team on PLCs

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. This action builds leadership by identifying teacher leaders and supports them by going with them to the training.

Which of the following is the intent of Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)? A.To provide financial assistance to local education agencies with a high percentage of children from low-income families B.To design programs to help children overcome any educational disruption and social isolation that may inhibit their ability to succeed in school C.To provide students in homeless situations with access to educational and other services they need to meet academic achievement standards D.To ensure that English-language learners receive appropriate language assistance services to become proficient in English

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Title I, Part A (Title I) of the ESEA, provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

After analyzing student performance data and conducting classroom observations, a school administrator decides professional development is needed. Providing teachers with training on which of the following professional development topics would best help teachers improve the teaching strategies used in their classrooms? A.Helping teachers better understand how students acquire content knowledge B.Understanding the characteristics of quality classroom assessments C.Studying practices that foster a positive classroom learning environment D.Engaging teachers in activities to map the curriculum both horizontally and vertically

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. To best enhance teacher pedagogical practices in a manner that leads to improved student performance, professional development should focus on enhancing teachers' content knowledge, methods and pedagogy that support student learning because studies have shown that the most effective PD will focus upon teacher content knowledge and pedagogy skills.

Which of the following questions is most effective for evaluating the impact of a professional development program on teacher behavior and student learning? A.Does student work demonstrate evidence of teachers' application of the strategies taught in the program? B.Are teachers expressing the desire to learn advanced strategies by continuing the program? C.Do the results of surveys and interviews indicate that teachers found the program beneficial? D.Are parents indicating that their children are engaged in their coursework and motivated to perform well?

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. To best measure the impact of a professional development program, leaders should look for evidence of change in teacher behavior and improvement in student learning over time.

A school district is facing budgetary concerns and is trying to decide whether to reduce or eliminate some arts programs. Which THREE of the following factors should the district consider while determining its plan of action? • A.Community needs • B.Student assessment results • C.Fiscal costs • D.Community housing data • E.Current artistic trends

Correct Answer: A, B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. Budget items related to curriculum issues must reflect the interests and scope of the surrounding community, the performance results of state assessments that will shape the focus and direction of district curricula, and the costs of personnel and supplies associated with implementing and maintaining a quality arts program.

Which of the following best identifies the focus of a high school elective called Building Digital Literacy? A.Identifying ergonomic practices for the healthy use of digital tools B.Developing efficiency in selecting and using digital tools C.Displaying appropriate conduct in digital communications D.Becoming effective consumers in digital marketplaces

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. A course on digital literacy would focus on building students' ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment, including selecting and using a variety of digital resources and tools, and the sophisticated searching and processing skills required in the twenty-first-century workplace.

A district-level leader can best model integrity and ethical behavior by A.delegating all responsibility for the well-being of teachers to school-level administrators B.transparently implementing policies, administrative rules, and regulations in a fair manner C.relying on consultants to determine the direction of district traditions, mission, and values D.using personal relationships to influence political, social, or economic decisions in the district

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. A district-level leader can demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior by implementing policies, rules, and regulations in a fair manner. Being transparent is a key feature of ethical leadership.

Which of the following best describes an action of a principal working as a change agent? A.Maintaining open and effective lines of communication with staff B.Reviewing existing procedures with staff to identify needed improvements C.Reminding staff of important school policies that should be followed D.Being highly visible to school and community stakeholders on a regular basis

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. An important step in the change process is to engage staff in honest dialogue about processes, procedures, and beliefs that fail to support the school's vision and, therefore, need to be changed.

Which of the following best identifies how classroom assessment results improve learning? A.Helping teachers rank-order students for purposes of accountability and grading B.Identifying for teachers what they taught well and what students still need to work on C.Promoting the alignment of instruction to the textbook and instructional materials D.Determining how well students read and interpret content-specific information

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Assessments built to measure established instructional goals provide the teacher meaningful feedback on what has been taught well and in what areas students need more instruction to master the key concepts and ideas. Using this information to guide future instruction makes assessments an important tool for improving student learning.

Which of the following questions will best help a school leader determine his or her reflective baseline? A.How am I going to reach my personal goal? B.Where am I now in relation to my personal goal? C.What evidence will I accept that I have reached my personal goal? D.How will I share my growth once I have reached my personal goal?

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. By assessing current status in reaching a personal goal, a school leader can more clearly determine a reflective baseline. Analyzing whether any steps have been taken to achieve the goal, what further steps are needed to achieve the goal, and what plan is needed to meet the goal are all part of determining the baseline.

A principal presents the following topics at a faculty meeting. • Title IX of the Education Amendments • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act The principal's primary purpose in discussing the topics is to • A.encourage teachers to gain additional certifications • B.stress the importance of an inclusive school community • C.disseminate pertinent information about the school population • D.explain how the district receives federal funding

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. By presenting details of these national laws, the principal provides staff members the opportunity to understand the purpose of the laws and the legal basis for establishing and maintaining an open and inclusive school community.

Although staff members assisted in the development of the vision statement, "Whatever it takes, all students will learn," the principal believes that many teachers have lower expectations for limited English proficient (LEP) students. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial step for the principal to take to encourage greater support of LEP students? A.Discussing concerns at the next school parent meeting about the achievement of LEP students B.Facilitating staff conversations to discuss how to better meet the needs of LEP students C.Registering teachers for a workshop that offers strategies for working with LEP students D.Requiring teachers with LEP students to obtain English speakers of other languages certification

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Communicating with teachers and involving them in the process of setting goals for meeting the needs of LEP students is the most appropriate way for the principal to facilitate change.

Which of the following is the primary reason for a principal to perform a 360-degree self-assessment? A.Reviewing current practices in order to foster adult learning and cooperation from staff B.Understanding daily habits and practices in order to determine alignment with the school vision C.Determining which elements of school operation influence the effectiveness of teaching and learning D.Gathering data to create descriptions of best instructional practices that measure standards of practice

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Completing a 360-degree self-assessment will help a principal reflect on daily habits and practices to determine whether these habits are in alignment with the school vision.

The primary purpose of conducting tabletop exercises with the crisis management team is to A.solicit ideas needed to create a new crisis management plan to replace an outdated plan B.elicit constructive discussion to identify and resolve problem areas in an existing crisis management plan C.coordinate a supervised practice of a procedure with students to test a single function in a crisis management plan D.simulate a real crisis event as closely as possible to evaluate the operational capability of the emergency management processes

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Conducting tabletop exercises involves all necessary stakeholders in an informal environment to assess the viability of the plan and improve its functionality.

Which of the following is the most valuable reason for utilizing technology to access and disaggregate student data to improve student performance? A.Student attendance and mobility data can be tracked to maintain correct enrollment information. B.Data can be reviewed in various combinations to examine the effectiveness of programs and student groups. C.Teachers can readily share student academic performance when conferencing with parents. D.Administrators can determine which teachers are most effective in the classroom.

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Deeper disaggregation is essential to making meaningful instructional decisions about student performance and the effectiveness of instructional practices.

Many parents express concern that communication regarding school events arrives late or too close to the date of the events to allow sufficient planning time for their families. Which of the following actions by the principal best addresses the concern? A.Posting events in each classroom to allow students to write events on a take-home calendar B.Designating a specific notification period for all classroom and schoolwide events that seek parental involvement C.Allowing multiple staff members to be in charge of writing and sending schoolwide communication D.Using a single method of distributing information that specifically highlights events of interest to parents and the community

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Designating a specific notification time for parents and staff focuses their attention to relevant and timely information that allows for appropriate adjustments to schedules and for preparations to be made.

A school principal wants to reduce the effects of poverty in the building by creating a learning environment that demonstrates respect for all students and families. Which of the following actions should the principal use to reach this goal? A.Ensuring that every classroom has appropriate materials and furniture B.Encouraging faculty to develop supportive relationships with students C.Allowing teachers to determine the direction of curriculum and instruction D.Sending letters to parents with information about school discipline policies

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Establishing connections and relationships with students is a top priority.

While a state may adopt more inclusive requirements, federal law requires school districts that receive Title I grant monies must participate in the biennial state-level National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in reading and math at grades • A.3 and 7 • B.4 and 8 • C.6 and 9 • D.8 and 11

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Federal law requires districts that receive Title I funds to agree to participate in the NAEP at grades 4 and 8. Other subjects and grades may participate in the NAEP, but are voluntary.

Which of the following actions best describes the first step for developing a school emergency operations plan? A.Examining the school site to determine the preparedness of the school's buildings and grounds B.Forming a collaborative team of school officials and community first responders C.Identifying potential threats and hazards that could affect the staff and students D.Providing staff development in crisis prevention measures

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Forming a collaborative team of school officials and community first responders ensures that preventative and protective measures have been considered in the emergency operations plan.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) specifically provides parents with the right to A.take possession of their child's original school records B.request that the school correct information in their child's records that they believe is inaccurate C.access information about students involved in a disciplinary incident with their child D.inspect their child's school transcript within 30 days of making the request

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. It is a parental right provided by FERPA.

Data from a survey a school conducted show that many parents believe the school is not meeting the learning needs of their children. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step for the principal to take in response to the survey? A.Instituting after-school tutoring sessions for any interested student B.Meeting with representative parents to identify the ways the school can support their children's learning needs C.Holding a series of meetings for parents on creating a home environment that is conducive to learning D.Examining the most recent data on student performance on the annual state assessment

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Meeting with parents to hear their concerns and allowing their input into the solution will help increase the parents' trust in the school.

A school leader can best engage with the community by • A.creating a presence on social media • B.partnering with local organizations • C.patronizing neighborhood businesses • D.welcoming visitors at school events

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Partnering with local organizations helps the school leader to learn of and share concerns that affect students and families and to set goals for using school and community resources to meet mutual needs.

Which of the following entities regulates the frequency of and special actions to be taken during school fire drills? • A.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration • B.The state government • C.The county government • D.The United States Department of the Interior

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Safety drills, including fire drills, fall under the jurisdiction of the state government.

A new principal heads a campus crisis team including the assistant principal, two teachers, and the school nurse. The principal believes the team is missing crucial members. Which of the following is the most reasonable addition to the team? • A.District director of human resources • B.School social worker • C.President of the parent-teacher organization • D.Head teacher of each grade level

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. School crisis team members should include the principal, counselor, teachers, school nurse, and school social worker.

Which of the following information about a school district is most likely to build support among community stakeholders for the district's educational mission? A.The racial and socioeconomic demographics of the school population B.The district's vision of student success C.The employment status of former students D.The number of volunteer hours performed by community members

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Stakeholders desire to know specifics about the vision of the school, the beliefs held within the school about teaching and learning, and the district's vision of student success.

The curriculum director of a low-performing school district wants to initiate systematic changes to improve student learning in core content areas. The most appropriate first step is to • A.recommend revising the learning objectives by content • B.investigate the causes of poor student performance • C.implement interventions to address areas of student weakness • D.provide teachers a list of approved assessment tools

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The first step in the curriculum reform process is to identify the cause of low student performance before implementing any interventions.

A new principal wants to garner more parental involvement in the school. Which of the following strategies best addresses the principal's goal by creating a welcoming environment for all parents? • A.Establishing Individualized Education Program committees that involve the parents • B.Sending monthly invitations to parents listing opportunities where their involvement is requested • C.Requiring that parents attend a parent-teacher conference each grading period • D.Inviting one parent to join a school council so that parents have a representative voice

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The most appropriate strategy for fostering widespread parental involvement is to repeatedly communicate available opportunities to parents and to invite their participation.

During the middle of the school year, the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) asks the principal to report on the school's progress toward achieving campus goals. The principal's best response is to A.prioritize the goals and only address goals that have been met by the school B.gather information on processes the school is using to reach intermediate goals as well as on indicators toward meeting outcome goals C.alert members of each grade level to be ready to present benchmark data that show achievement of outcome goals D.request that the PTA wait until all data regarding the school's achievement are available at the end of the year to determine progress

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The principal should gather information about all of the processes being used to reach the intermediate goals, as well as other indicators that show progress towards the outcome goals.

During a postobservation conference, a principal tells the teacher that the observed lesson did not address the stated learning objective. Which of the following strategies suggested by the principal will best help the teacher address the situation? A.Collaborating with other teachers to develop a lesson-plan template for engaging and rigorous lessons B.Collecting evidence of student performance to determine whether students have met the identified learning goal C.Practicing writing student learning objectives that align with state content standards D.Attending professional development training on content-specific curriculum mapping

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The teacher is not providing instruction that enhances student learning for an identified learning objective. To improve in this area, the teacher should collect evidence (i.e., student responses to questions or tasks during the lesson or reflections by students at the end of the lesson) to ensure that student performance is specifically aligned to the identified objective.

Which THREE of the following actions are examples of a school leader demonstrating professionalism and ethics? A.Taking care of employees who show extra loyalty to the principal's efforts B.Developing positive relationships with students and parents C.Placing primary importance on students' best interests D.Making all financial and curricular decisions autocratically E.Accepting responsibility for school-related decisions and for their results

Correct Answer: B, C, E Options (B), (C), and (E) are correct. A principal demonstrates professionalism and ethical behavior by developing positive relationships with students and parents, placing primary importance on students' best interests, and accepting responsibility for school-related decisions and for their results. All of these actions are important for the principal to do to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.

A principal is working with the campus planning committee to develop a new strategic plan to better focus its efforts. The principal wants the planning committee to begin by identifying the current state of school programs and campus culture. Which THREE of the following questions will help the principal address this goal? • A.How can we measure progress toward new goals? • B.What are our strengths and weaknesses? • C.What resources do we have to work with? • D.What long-range goals are needed to support improvement? • E.Which faculty are supportive of the change process?

Correct Answer: B, C, E Options (B), (C), and (E) are correct. The first steps in the strategic planning process are to address the current status of the campus, including strengths and weaknesses, current available resources, and existing supportive personnel.

A radio station expresses interest in partnering with a local school to develop a program to strengthen students' written and oral communication skills. Which of the following describes the principal's most appropriate initial consideration before forming the partnership? A.Determining how much time stakeholders will be able to commit to the program B.Assessing the expertise of the radio station personnel who will implement the program C.Evaluating the alignment of the program to student needs and campus goals D.Analyzing the budget to estimate how much the program will cost

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. A viable partnership with a business or community organization should be aligned to student needs and campus goals.

Which of the following practices by a school leader best exemplifies high-quality professional development? A.Focusing on the need of adult learners to build theoretical foundations B.Allowing participants to determine whether the learning can be applied to their work C.Engaging adult learners in active learning of new knowledge and skills D.Scheduling follow-up classroom observations to determine the session's effectiveness

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. High-quality professional development should align to school goals, focus on core content and teaching strategies, provide active learning and collaboration for teachers, and embed follow-up and continuous feedback.

While walking through the hallways, a principal observes a teacher beginning class with a reading from the Bible and a recitation of a brief prayer. When questioned about the practice, the teacher explains that the ritual sets a proper and settling tone for the rest of the class period. Which of the following is the principal's best response to the situation? A.Allowing the teacher to continue as long as the reading and prayer do not exceed 60 seconds B.Reminding the teacher that the practice is allowable as long as other religious practices are represented C.Informing the teacher that only the schoolwide period of silent reflection each day is allowable D.Asking the teacher to hold either a Bible reading or a prayer each day but not both

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. If a school has a "minute of silence" or other quiet period during the school day, students are free to pray silently, or not to pray, but teachers and other school employees may neither encourage nor discourage students from praying during such time periods.

The school counselor informs the principal that an anonymous student survey on bullying reveals that one in four students experiences bullying in school. Which of the following is the principal's most reasonable response to the findings in the survey? A.Identifying students with poor attendance records as possible candidates for counseling B.Waiting for a bullied student or a bullying student to be identified before taking any action C.Implementing a schoolwide counseling and antibullying program to address school climate D.Reviewing the results of the survey to compare to other school results

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Implementing a schoolwide counseling and antibullying program will most effectively address the concern by providing staff and students training to know how to react in bullying situations. The program will address the bully, the bullied, and the bystander.

While working late one evening, the principal walks into the teachers' lounge and discovers two teachers drinking alcohol. Which of the following actions should the principal take under the circumstances? A.Reporting the teachers to local law enforcement because drinking is not permitted on school grounds B.Consulting the district counsel for advice on protecting the teachers' rights C.Informing the teachers that the incident will be referred to the superintendent for further action D.Notifying the board of education to arrange for the teachers' suspension pending a hearing

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. In matters of potentially serious misconduct by employees, the principal has a responsibility to report the incident to the superintendent in a timely fashion. This action keeps the superintendent abreast of incidents that might be harmful to students, might receive attention from the media, and might need to be reported to state agencies.

A director of guidance is establishing a school-based mentoring program to support high school students who might benefit from receiving academic and emotional support from a caring adult. Which of the following is the director's first consideration when screening mentor candidates? A.Can the candidate maintain interest in a youth's well-being over a period of time? B.Does the candidate's experience with schooling reflect a positive view of education? C.Does the candidate need to undergo safety checks required for adults who work with children or youth? D.Does the candidate view the mentor's primary role as helping the youth to grow?

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Many states and school districts require safety and health checks for volunteers who work with minors and the director is legally bound to conform to such policies. The director needs to first discover whether the check is required before continuing with the screening process.

Which of the following actions by a school leadership team will best promote the ongoing involvement of parents in their children's education? • A.Recognizing their value as volunteers • B.Granting parental requests, when appropriate • C.Honoring their contributions as educational partners • D.Maintaining open lines of communication

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Parents are likely to remain involved in their children's education when the school shares decision-making responsibilities, considers their contributions valuable, and cultivates parent leadership.

A principal is reviewing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with a teacher who struggles with student misbehavior. Which of the following components of PBIS should the principal emphasize first? A.Creating generalized behavior plans to address the needs of all students B.Designing behavior charts with individualized goals for misbehaving students C.Teaching and monitoring clear behavioral expectations of all students D.Implementing a consequence plan for misbehaving students

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) asserts that the process of teaching and monitoring expectations is one of the essential foundations for positive behavior. If many student misbehaviors are being seen, it is a classroom problem, not an individual student issue.

Which of the following scenarios best describes a principal reinforcing transparent decision-making practices? A.The principal of a high school revises the schedule to allow time for teachers to engage in meaningful collaboration in support of students' learning. As a follow-up, the principal sends a letter to parents identifying the rationale for the change and the research supporting professional learning communities. B.An elementary school principal decides to replace outdated playground equipment and asks a committee of parents and teachers to decide which equipment is outdated. The principal then selects new equipment to replace three of the five outdated pieces. C.A middle school principal holds open forums to meet with teachers and parents to discuss the possibility of using block scheduling and the impact on student achievement. After receiving mainly positive feedback, the principal decides to form a committee of stakeholders to design the implementation plan. D.A school district is considering combining two smaller elementary schools, after the retirement of one of the principals, to save money by eliminating maintenance on one of the buildings. The remaining principal recommends keeping both schools open and splitting administrative time between them.

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The principal exhibits transparent decision-making practices by engaging stakeholders in open forums and including them in designing the implementation plan for block scheduling.

Which of the following is a principal's most reasonable response to a board of education that takes a position the principal does not support? A.Standing firm against the board's position B.Tabling any decision relating to the position until consensus can be reached C.Respecting the authority of the school board and supporting its position D.Accepting the school board's decision but withholding full support

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The principal is employed by the school board and must put aside personal views that are contrary to the board's position.

A principal works with a committee to develop a new vision statement for the school. The principal suggests stating that the school will accept and support all students while meeting their educational needs. Which of the following best describes the principal's primary purpose for the wording? • A.Eliminating controversy among stakeholders • B.Suggesting new practices to improve learning • C.Modeling respect and equitable treatment of everyone • D.Encouraging staff to address their personal beliefs

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The principal's primary purpose for the wording is to ensure the vision creates an inclusive school.

A principal shares research with the instructional staff showing that most students learn better when exposed to the richness of the general education curriculum as long as appropriate strategies and accommodations are in place. Which of the following educational practices best supports the research? A.Providing instruction for struggling students in one area of the school B.Assigning students to special education resource classrooms C.Ensuring teachers vary instructional practices and supports D.Having teachers provide direct instruction with a peer partner

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The research supports an inclusive setting where teachers provide appropriate individualized attention, accommodations, and support that results in meaningful learning for all students without the stigmatization that comes with separation

Following a classroom observation, a principal works with a teacher to improve the quality of feedback given to students. Which of the following is the best example of teacher feedback that is focused and promotes student motivation? A."Why don't you skip the difficult part now and come back to it later?" B."I know this is a difficult passage, but keep trying and you'll get it." C."Try using the strategy for reading difficult texts that you learned yesterday." D."You seem tired, and it's difficult to stay focused when you are tired."

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The teacher directs the students' efforts toward an effective strategy and builds a positive attitude by reminding the student that he or she has the knowledge to succeed.

A superintendent asks the principal of a high school to collect data concerning allegations of unfair practices in the selection of students for placement in advanced courses, scholarships, and student awards. The principal forms a committee to examine the selection processes, which reveals that some faculty have not conformed to guidelines, resulting in some students being treated unfairly. Which of the following is the principal's best initial response? A.Releasing all information about the participants, incidents, and wrongdoings immediately B.Releasing the information to the committee but withholding the names of the involved personnel C.Postponing releasing the information to anyone until the superintendent is informed D.Calling the involved personnel before the committee to explain their actions

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. This is clearly an issue for the superintendent and the district's legal counsel because falsifying student records is fraud and has both criminal and civil consequences. The involved personnel have rights. Principals must know which information can be released and what cannot and there may be some form of personnel actions taken for these individuals who completed these acts.

A principal must cut the high school budget for special programs by 30 percent. Which of the following criteria is most important for the principal to consider when making a decision? • A.Perceptions of staff, students, and parents • B.Longevity of the program on the campus • C.Impact of each program on student learning • D.Number of teachers and students involved

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. This question tests the school leader's awareness of factors that influence the creation of a budget that meets the needs of students first. The impact of each program on student learning is the most important factor for creating any budget; that is, the effect that the cuts will have on instructional practice and student learning.

A school improvement team recommends establishing professional learning communities (PLCs) to address identified instructional needs. Which of the following actions taken by the principal best promotes the successful implementation of PLCs? • A.Selecting a book to be studied by teachers in each PLC • B.Including only teachers who are interested in participating • C.Establishing regular times for using data to inform practice • D.Delegating the oversight of PLCs to the assistant principal

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Work done in PLCs should be an ongoing time for educators to work collaboratively to collect student data and to respond by adjusting instruction. The principal should work to create the conditions necessary to make this practice fundamental.

Following the administration of midyear district benchmarks, the principal desires to build teacher literacy in using data to measure student achievement. The first step in meeting that goal is to A.create a historical individual profile for each student in the school and contrast data between classes in the same content area C.analyze which students achieved higher than minimum performance D.interpret recent performance data based on curriculum-guided essential questions

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A few essential questions must be formed first in order to focus attention on the information sought in the data.

Which of the following is the best first step for a school leader to take in establishing personal goals for professional growth? A.Choosing education courses of interest from an online university B.Researching current trends in education in order to select new initiatives C.Reading journal articles about successful national school leaders and programs D.Identifying existing strengths and weaknesses as an instructional leader

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A personal growth initiative should begin with a rigorous self-assessment that identifies existing strengths and weaknesses that can be addressed in a focused professional development program.

The philosophy statement below best introduces which of the following district policies? The public school system seeks to educate young people in the democratic tradition, to foster an appreciation for individualism and social responsibility, to inspire respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and to maintain an atmosphere free from censorship and restraint of inquiry and learning. • A.Diversity • B.Acceptable use • C.Code of student conduct • D.Academic freedom

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A policy on academic freedom states the district's philosophy on the curriculum and content students are exposed to in its schools and may be referenced when a text taught in a class is challenged.

Each year, the principal of a school in a low-income urban area organizes a parent-led community walk for new staff members. The primary benefit of the event is to A.observe the practices of the different cultures in the community B.rally support for fund raisers and volunteer programs C.establish relationships between teachers and the parents of their students D.highlight the resources and challenges of the school neighborhood

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A tour led by parents increases the staff's understanding of both the challenges within the community and the resources, sometimes hidden, that the staff can use to address them.

A middle school wants to address the achievement gap in mathematics between students of different genders. Which of the following types of data can best help determine if a competitive testing environment is a possible cause of the discrepancy? • A.Graduation and college acceptance rates for the past five years • B.Student attendance data from the past three years • C.Budget data showing mathematics staff development offered • D.Perceptual data from student and parent surveys

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Big-picture data will provide insight into student and parent expectations of math abilities and factors affecting student achievement.

A district leadership team can broaden and deepen teachers' understanding of the effects of socioeconomic status on student achievement by having teachers participate in a study of a well-documented book on the subject. The primary benefit of this method of professional development is that • A.teachers can work at their own pace • B.teachers gain experiential knowledge by reading • is not time-consuming • encourages dialogue among teachers

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Book study groups promote conversations among teachers and school staff that will lead to the application of new ideas in classrooms and improvement of existing skills.

Which of the following should a school leader identify first when planning for effective professional development? • A.Fiscal and human resources needs • B.State and federal mandates • C.Timeline for implementation and completion • D.Student and teacher learning needs

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Effective professional development should begin with an analysis of school needs in terms of both student and teacher learning based on formative evidence of their performance.

Which of the following best describes the initial step in preparing a school's operating budget? • A.Providing an estimate of revenue resources needed • B.Preparing instructions for departments and programs • C.Establishing and understanding the budget policy • D.Developing a calendar based on the fiscal year

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. It is important to make sure the budget is developed and approved prior to the next fiscal year. The first step in the budget process is to develop the budget process calendar.

A new principal displays the school's mission statement in prominent places in the building and makes reference to it in each faculty meeting and school newsletter. The primary benefit of this practice is that stakeholders A.appreciate the leadership capability of the principal B.distinguish their school from others in the district C.feel invested in the school community and culture D.retain focus on the school's most important purpose

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Keeping all stakeholders focused on the mission of the school is key to holding everyone accountable.

Which of the following is the most appropriate strategy for a principal to use to facilitate the participation of working parents in parent-teacher conferences? A.Providing child-care services during conference times to enable parents to attend B.Providing a videoconferencing service so parents can participate from their workplaces C.Allowing teachers to hold conferences at parents' workplaces D.Offering parents meeting times from early morning to the evening

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Offering parents a wide variety of meeting times, including those outside school hours, increases the likelihood that parents and teachers can meet face-to-face. Face-to-face conferences allow the teacher and parents to view student work together, to build teacher-parent partnerships, and to enhance parents' sense of belonging to a school community.

To obtain community support for future projects and initiatives, a principal wants to update community leaders and stakeholders about new academic programs and other recent achievements at the school. Which of the following actions is the most effective way for the principal to accomplish the goal described? A.Calling the local legislative representative to discuss recent school successes as well as necessary facility upgrades B.Sending parents a newsletter that highlights the achievements of high-performing students each semester C.Inviting parents and community members to provide feedback while attending seasonal events at the school D.Posting the school's achievements each month on the Web sites for the school and the district

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Posting the school's achievements on the Web sites for the school and the district establishes a clear and routine method of communicating the school's successes to community leaders and stakeholders.

A district advisory committee recommends adding a service-learning project to high school graduation requirements. Based on research, which of the following is an effect the superintendent can anticipate if each high school facilitates a service-learning project for all high school students to complete before graduation? A.Parents will be unsupportive because the requirement reduces the amount of time students will spend in areas of academic need. B.Students' face-to-face instructional time in core content areas will decrease due to requirements of the project. C.The requirement will cause the district to lose funding as a result of decreased enrollment among high school students. D.Students will develop a better sense of being able to make a difference and of increased engagement in their education.

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Research has shown a correlation between a sense of belonging and service learning.

Schools with enrollments of at least forty percent of low-income families qualify for which of the following federal programs? • A.National School Lunch Program • B.Physical Education Program • C.Federal Impact Aid • D.Title I

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Schools in which children from low-income families make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds for schoolwide programs that serve all children in the school.

Monies from Title II, Part A, of the Higher Education Act can be used to fund which of the following? A.A mathematics intervention program for students receiving free and reduced lunch B.A resource officer for maintaining a safe and drug-free school environment C.A tutor to work with secondary students with limited English proficiency D.A staff development training on differentiation for elementary school teachers

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The United States Department of Education provides Title II funds to state and local educational agencies to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers.

In preparation for a disciplinary hearing, parents request a copy of their child's disciplinary records. Before providing the records, the principal redacts the names of other students to protect the • A.other students from disciplinary consequences • B.students' teachers from identification in the records • C.administration from misrepresentation of the incident • D.privacy of other students mentioned in the records

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The administrator has a responsibility to protect the privacy of other children who might be mentioned in the records

Which of the following is the first step an educational leader should take to promote ethical behavior among the faculty and staff? A.Conducting periodic ethics audits to flag suspicious data or behavior B.Installing surveillance devices at random locations in the school building C.Having all personnel sign an ethics agreement at the beginning of each school year D.Providing staff with the knowledge needed to solve problems ethically

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The first step educational leaders should take to promote ethical behavior is to close the gap between employees' knowledge about what to do and the actual actions they take.

Which of the following actions is most important for a principal to take to ensure faculty and staff are implementing goals associated with a newly developed shared vision? A.Providing research-based practices for curriculum issues addressed in the plan B.Updating personal knowledge of curriculum content in the plan C.Completing an evaluation of current programs and resources D.Communicating progress toward the plan frequently throughout the year

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The implementation of a new vision and associated goals can best be achieved by keeping the teachers focused frequently on the goals, not just once a year. Employees need to hear the message repeatedly to be ensured that the work is getting the focus and support it needs.

A special education paraprofessional tells the principal that the classroom teacher is delegating difficult instructional tasks regularly. When responding to the situation, the principal should ensure that the general education teacher is primarily considering which of the following when assigning tasks to the paraprofessional? A.The clerical roles to complete and time required of the paraprofessional B.The instructional roles the paraprofessional enjoys doing regularly C.The tasks the paraprofessional was asked to complete in previous jobs D.The skill level of the paraprofessional and needs of students in the classroom

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The principal should encourage the classroom teacher to take into consideration student needs and the paraprofessional's skill level when determining appropriate tasks to delegate. This will provide the flexibility to ensure the paraprofessional is effective in supporting students academically.

Read the information provided in the data table below. Demographic Group # of Students Passing a #of Students Enrolled Precollege Assessment in Advanced-Level Courses White 150 100 African American 55 12 Hispanic 85 15 Analysis of Tenth- and Eleventh-Grade Student Performance A high school offers a free precollege assessment to assist tenth- and eleventh-grade students in deciding whether to pursue enrollment in advanced-level courses. The school currently offers ten advanced-level courses for eleventh and twelfth graders either at the school or online. Based on the data provided, which of the following actions should a school administrator initially take to promote equity in advanced courses? A.Providing parents of minority students with information about the purpose of advanced-level courses B.Requiring all minority students who pass the assessment to take at least one advanced-level course C.Asking teachers if they are willing to teach additional advanced-level courses specifically for minority students D.Creating a plan collaboratively with teachers to determine the motivations for minority student enrollment in advanced-level courses

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The school administrator needs to work with teachers to understand what motivates minority students to participate in advanced-level classes and to expand opportunities for increased enrollment of underrepresented students.

During an annual review of campus programs, a principal asks committee members to refer to the campus improvement plan while reviewing the effectiveness of various programs. By taking this action, the principal demonstrates an understanding of the importance of • A.creating a culture of shared leadership among faculty • B.ensuring curriculum programs are research based • C.meeting the needs of diverse populations • D.analyzing accomplishments against a benchmark

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The school improvement plan provides detailed expectations for improvements and is being used by the principal in a manner that encourages the committee to compare actual progress to goals set.

A principal establishes connections with community stakeholders to learn about issues, concerns, and new developments outside of school. The principal's action primarily demonstrates an understanding of the importance of A.promoting volunteerism from community members to support school programs B.forming cooperative partnerships with business leaders C.establishing a leadership position in the community D.monitoring changes in the community that can affect the welfare of the school

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. This action is often referred to as environmental scanning, and it allows an administrator to gauge the pulse of the community in garnering support for building initiatives, especially those involving student progress and achievement.

A dentist with a local practice contacts the principal of an elementary school with an offer to address K-2 students about dental hygiene and hand out free dental supplies. Which of the following is the principal's most appropriate response to the offer? A.Forwarding the dentist's request to the health teacher B.Allowing the dentist to address the classes and distribute the supplies C.Asking the dentist to provide the supplies but deny the request to speak to classes D.Inviting the dentist to participate in the school's career day

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. This is the appropriate role for a community member who owns a business and wishes to support the school.

A school district is permitted to use Title III monies to fund which of the following? • A.Drug-awareness education for high school students • B.Professional learning for teachers • C.Soccer equipment for boys' and girls' teams • D.Tutoring programs for English-language learners

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Title III provides funding for English-language learners.

Which of the following is an attribute of transformational leadership? A.Monitoring student progress toward identified learning goals at the end of the semester B.Supervising instructional staff on a regular basis C.Establishing schoolwide routines and policies D.Assisting staff members in establishing goals aligned with the school's vision

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Transformational leadership inspires and empowers members to take ownership of the change process and to focus on the organizational purpose.

When acting as a cultural leader, a principal focuses on A.facilitating smooth operations through effective management of the building and schedules B.guiding curriculum development and instruction at each grade level and content area C.managing teachers and community resources to maximize capital and time commitments D.enhancing student achievement by seeking to develop a community with a common purpose

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. When focused on cultural leadership, the principal draws people's attention to compelling concerns for student learning by developing a common vision.

In which of the following contexts are teachers most likely to freely recognize and address positive and negative beliefs about students? • A.During a postobservation conference with the principal • B.During a parent-teacher conference • C.Within a district-level curriculum meeting • D.Within their professional learning community

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Within the collaborative and risk-free context of a professional learning community, teachers would feel free to not only acknowledge their beliefs, but also work on ways to address them.

Ms. Ballo, a fourth-grade teacher, is organizing additional, targeted instruction for students who are not showing mastery of grade-level knowledge and skill statements or who failed the third-grade criterion-referenced competency test. After reviewing Ms. Ballo's list of selected students, the school principal discovers that none of the newly enrolled students are included. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the principal to take to address the situation? A:Assigning the new students to a different teacher to reduce Ms. Ballo's class load B.Having Ms. Ballo assess the new students' need to be included C.Asking Ms. Ballo to provide extra instruction to all new students D.Referring Ms. Ballo's new students to the special education coordinator for additional services

Option (B) is correct. Assessing the learning needs of new students will assist the school in better meeting their needs if learning gaps are found. Students who are newly enrolled could also be included in the remedial instruction if needed.

Mr. Baker, a middle school principal, is conducting a summer orientation for five teachers joining the campus teaching staff. He lists three general topics for discussion in the agenda for the meeting. 1. Campus data a. Review state accountability data b. Review school attendance data 2. Campus instructional plan a. Review scope and sequence b. Review campus goals and expectations for instruction c. Review discipline procedures 3. Campus mission and vision a. Review district mission and vision b. Review campus mission and vision c. Review implementation and expectations of campus mission and vision Question: Which of the following additional data in agenda topic 1 will be most valuable for helping new teachers gain an understanding of their prospective students? • A.Rates of student promotion and retention • B.Median of students' grades by course • C.Student demographic data • D.

Option (C) is correct. Research supports that demographic data, such as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or gender, are powerful predictors of student achievement.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides job protection for an employee who needs to take up to twelve workweeks of leave in a twelve-month period in order to A.cope with the death of an immediate family member for any relative who has a serious health condition C.manage a serious health condition affecting the employee's essential job functions D.respond to family needs after a natural disaster in the local area

Option (C) is correct. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) covers twelve weeks of leave for a serious health condition affecting the following: the employee, spouse, parent, or child.

Mr. Baker, a middle school principal, is conducting a summer orientation for five teachers joining the campus teaching staff. He lists three general topics for discussion in the agenda for the meeting. 1. Campus data a. Review state accountability data b. Review school attendance data 2. Campus instructional plan a. Review scope and sequence b. Review campus goals and expectations for instruction c. Review discipline procedures 3. Campus mission and vision a. Review district mission and vision b. Review campus mission and vision c. Review implementation and expectations of campus mission and vision Answer the question below by clicking on the correct response. Question: Which of the following information should be added to the agenda to best facilitate a supportive learning environment for new teachers? • A.Campus extracurricular activities and clubs • B.State and district testing requirements for each grade level • C.Laws related to the rights of teachers, students, and parents • D. Relationships

Option (D) is correct. Forming relationships with mentors and key school personnel is most likely to result in a supportive learning environment for new teachers.

Mr. Baker, a middle school principal, is conducting a summer orientation for five teachers joining the campus teaching staff. He lists three general topics for discussion in the agenda for the meeting. 1. Campus data a. Review state accountability data b. Review school attendance data 2. Campus instructional plan a. Review scope and sequence b. Review campus goals and expectations for instruction c. Review discipline procedures 3. Campus mission and vision a. Review district mission and vision b. Review campus mission and vision c. Review implementation and expectations of campus mission and vision Answer the question below by clicking on the correct response. Question: Which of the following information should be added to agenda topic 2 to best help teachers understand how their growth as teachers will be monitored and assessed? • A.Procedures for addressing discipline problems • B.Alignment of standards and instructional objectives • C.Methods for using data to inform instruction • D.Teacher evaluation and professional development

Option (D) is correct. Understanding how they are evaluated helps teachers meet administrators' expectations. Teachers also need to understand opportunities for growth through professional development.

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