SOC 134 Chapter 3

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Emmett Till

14 year old boy from Chicago that was tortured and killed for allegedly flirting with a white women. His mother insisted on an open casket at the funeral. His murder is often seen as the start of the civil rights movement.


After Miller v Johnson and Shaw v Reno, gerrymandering was deemed __________, white majority districts treated as normal, white not seen as a race


After the Selma to Montgomery March _____ gave his "How long?" speech

George Wallace

Alabama governor who stood in 1963 on the steps of the University of Alabama to stop the entrance of two black students

American Indian Movement

American Indians participated in acts of civil disobedience that involved seventy property seizures and a takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, between 1969 and 1978


Born out of the MIA a larger more powerful organization known as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, organized demonstrations, marches, and boycotts

Voting Rights Act

Signed by LBJ in 1965, one of the most significant victories of the civil rights movement. The act prohibited voter discrimination, outlawed literacy tests, and gave the federal government the power to oversee voter registration

Civil Rights Act

Signed in 1964 by LBJ, outlawed legal segregation, and all discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, or national origin


Social scientists have documented that as the size of the nonwhite population increases, white voter turnout _________


Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, an organized committee of young people many of whom were college sutdents


The National Association for the Advancement of colored people, dominant black protest organization the preceded the civil rights movement


The National Election Study polled Americans' agreement with the statement "the government should ensure fair treatment of blacks"; 90 percent of African Americans agreed with this statement, but only what percentage of white Americans did? ____%

Bloody Sunday

The first attempt to march to Montgomery was thwarted when marchers were attacked, beaten, and gassed in what came to be known as ________


The tiresome unglamorous labor of chipping away at the white power structure day by day and door to door

Discursive co-optation

When politicians learned to appropriate the language of the Civil Rights Movement while promoting agendas aimed at dismantling the movement.


Which groups organized the Freedom Rides of 1961?


Whites withheld the right to ____ from blacks, even though they were legally allowed to after the 15th amendment

legal, direct

With the weakening of the NAACP, the civil rights organization shifted from one of _____ action to one of ____ action, from bureaucratic to community, after WWII

Democracy in America

Written by Alexis de Toqueville, observed that our political system is often steered by majority interests that overrun minority rights and concerns

The Negro Family

Written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, stated that the blame was in the individual not the system that created him


______ politicians are more likely to represent and fight for issues concerning nonwhites

principle-implementation gap

accept principle of racial inclusion but reject any policy measures to carry out

superficial representation

appointing political positions of nonwhites disconnected from the needs and problems of most nonwhite citizens: Condoleezza Rice, Alberto Gonzales

tolkenistic fallacy

assuming that all latinos holding politcal power care about the needs of latino citizens

Clarence Thomas

black man nominated to the supreme court by George Bush, he opposed many policies designed to bring about racial equality

Third World Liberation Front

founded in part by asian-american students, a multiracial organization founded on the campuses of the University of California-Berkeley and San Francisco State College, challenged campuses' Euro-centric curricula

Substantive representation

genuine political representation marked by a correspondence between goals of nonwhite representatives and nonwhite citizens

Ella Baker

leader in the SCLC that ran citizenship schools that tough courses to help blacks pass voters tests, also instrumental in formation of SNCC

E.D. Nixon

man who bailed Rosa Parks out of Jail

new conservatism

new political movement in response to the Civil Rights movement that had to do with the white majority realigning politically, and called for a return towards moral values and law and order


nonwhites vote for the ________ party

Montgomery Bus Boycott

one of the first major demonstrations of the civil rights movement, began in 1955 after Rosa Parks in defiance of Alabama segregation laws, lasted about one year, successful-brought about that outlawed racial segregation on busses

white middle class

politicians tend to ignore poor whites and nonwhite's issues and instead pander to _____ _____ _____ voters


since the realignment in 1970, most white voters support the ________ party

tyranny of power

states that a system steered by majority interests overrun s minority rights and concerns

threat hypothesis

states that whites who live near nonwhites are more likely to develop racist attitudes about nonwhite people


t/f In response to the civil rights movement, other racial groups began to rise up and challenge racism


t/f The Civil Rights Movement ended because it fulfilled all of its goals.


t/f The NAACP produced written materials including The Crisis because they assumed white racism was rooted in ignorance of nonwhite peoples.


t/f The United States is the only democracy that disenfranchises felons as well as ex-felons.


t/f Upper class hispanics tend to vote republican


t/f Very many nonwhites are elected


t/f the civil rights movement ended with many goals unfulfilled


t/f whites consistently approve of policies aimed at improving nonwhites quality of life


t/f working class and middle class citizens do not vote very differently from one another, however nonwhite citizens and white citizens exhibit very different voting patterns

racially polarized

the American electorate is ______ _______, meaning the majority of whites favor the GOP, while the majority of nonwhites favor the democratic party

ordinary youth

the backbone of civil rights movement was:

racial attitudes

the single most important factor when it comes to determining opinions about public policies promoting racial equality


year SNCC was formed


year the NAACP was founded


year the SCLC was founded

Rufino Contreras

young farm worker killed protesting the dreadful work conditions of lettuce pickers, Chavez gave his eulogy

Double V

Campaign by black soldiers returning from wars, victory at home, victory abroad


Coined by Elbridge Gerry, politicans redraw borders of political districts to secure a political advantage, crack the nonwhite vote


Congress of Racial Equality

Selma to Montgomery March

Coordinated by SCLC and SNCC a march from Selma to Alabama's capital focused on demanding the right to vote

Thrugood Marshall

First african american appointed to the supreme court, concerned about issues affecting nonwhite americans


Group, who after the Six-day war, urged american politicians who supported Israel to seek a more balanced solution to middle east conflicts

Freedom Summer

In 1964, SNCC trained 1,000 students in nonviolent protest tactics and were sent to Mississippi, the goal was to increase voter registration and bring quality education through the establishment of freedom schools


In a famous Indian protest, Wilma Mankiller and Cherokee indians occupied ______ island


In this process, white plantation owners gave small blocks of land to blacks on which they could grow crops. In return, the blacks would give the white planter a portion of his crop

Jimmy Lee Jackson

Man shot and killed by police in 1965, march was done in his honor


Montgomery improvement association, formed to support the boycott, headed by MLK jr.


Most white democrats, when given the option of a white republican or a nonwhite democrat vote ______ the nonwhite democrat

Medgar Evans

NAACP leader who was fatally shot in the back


Orchestrated by SNCC, in 1960 black students sat at "whites only" lunch counters, many were jailed or beaten for doing so

United Farm Workers of America

Organization founded by Chavez, a labor union dedicated to providing farm workers and other working people with inspiration and tool's to share in society's bounty, won many rights for migrant workers including union contracts that secured fair working conditions

Freedom Rides

Organized in 1961 by CORE, designed to test the new desegregation of bus terminals legislated by the supreme court, buses were met by mobs and violence, both whites and nonwhite participated, rode to Birmingham and Montgomery, federal marshals sent for protection

David Dinkins

A Black man who ran for mayor on the democratic ticket, who despite majority democratic support, received only a minority of white votes

Civil Rights Movement

A collection of organizations and people that carried out political acts aimed at dismantling the white power structure by abolishing racial segregation. nonwhite disenfranchisement, and economic exploitation

Cesar Chavez

A migrant worker from southern arizona that emerged as an outspoken critic against migrant worker exploitation.he organized strikes, fasts, demonstrations, etc. to won contracts for poor migrant workers "Don't cry for me, organize!"

coded language

racist phrases that defend the white power structure, although they never mention race specifically

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