soc 200-chapter 9 terms and concepts

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Men's right movement

aruges that because feminism, men are actually discriminated against and even oppressed both in the legal arena and in everyday life Incel movement shares a similar ideology

pro-feminist men's movement

based on the belief that men should support feminism in the interest of fairness to women and because men's lives are also constrained by gender and sexism and are enriched by feminist social change Suggest that the idea that men are superior is a burden and that, in the long term, men will be happier if society become less sexist, Men need to share more of the responsibilities of child care. Generally, respect and value women lives

Rape culture

refers to an environment in which sexual violence against women is normalized and perpetuated through cultural norms and values

Symbolic Interactionism

-emphasize that gender is socially constructed, maintained, and perpetuated in our everyday -Gender behavior is shaped through our interactions with others. Through socialization we learn "appropriate" gender behavior -we learn it first through out mothers and fathers (especially fathers) -we learn from our peers. we establish our gender identity from our friends about how to behave as male and how to behave as female

second wave

1960s-1970s focused on women's equal access to employment and education

third wave

1980s-present; focuses on diversity among women's experiences and identities

work and income

A lot more men are in the labor force than women Wome are more likely than men to be fond outside the labor force altogether Marriage seems to have opposite effects on women's and men's participation rates -Never married women are more likely to work than married women -Married men are more likely to work than single men

sexual diversity from television

Before the 1960s, sexual diversity was absent from television 1967 CBS documentary the homosexuals was the first time it appeared -One psychiatrist claimed that the fact that somebody's homosexual automatically rules out the possibility that he will remain happy for long In recent years, however, increasing levels of tolerance and acceptance of LGBTQ people have been reflected in more positive representations of gays, lesbians, and trans persons on television, although these gains have not been without controversy Just because LGBTQ persons are included o television, however, doesn't mean that they have achieve equal status

Gaining prestige and trying to impress

Boys: athletic ability, well-developed sense of humanity, or taking risks and dyeing norms Girls: social position, physical attractiveness


By the age of three, children develop a preference for same-sex playmates, a tendency that increases markedly as childhood progresses. Children in preschool are 3 times more likely to play with same sex playmates and 11 times more likely in kindergarten Some argue that gender segregation is the result of inherent differences between men and women, but there is evidence to support the notion that same-sex peer groups instead help create gendered behavior When children play with same-sex peers, their activities are more likley to be gendered types than when girls and boys play together Children are punished by their peers for crossing over these gendered borders

How does gender affect family life

By the age of two, children quickly begin to exhibit gender-stereotyped behavior -Aware of their own and others' gender -At age 3 they can identify specific traits associated with each gender implicit in the chores more privileges girls and boys are given where they go or don't go, or what they are encouraged or forbidden to do


Differences in the educational experiences of girls and boys also begin to appear early Early on, girls and boys are frequently put in same-sex groups and assigned gender-stereotyped tasks, such as playing with dolls or playing with trucks. Same sex groups also form on the glayground; girls and boys engage in different kinds of social and athletic activities

Why do male supremacy exist

Inherent in these ideas is the assertion that men are oppressed by changes brought about by modern feminism; proponents blame women for the current crisis of masculinity and so seek to dominate them as before.

instrumental role and expressive role

Instrumental role: being task orientated, a breadwinner, and an authority figure Expressive role: providing emotional support and nurturing. -It is crucial not only for the care of children but also for stabilizing the personality of the instrumental partner against the stressed of the competitive world. In this view, since women are considered better suited to the expressive role and men to the instrumental role, gender segregation serve to uphold the traditional family and its social functions

Male vs Female

Male: XY; Testosterone Female: XX; Estrogen

family vs gender inequality

Men are more likely than women to report never having been married, perhaps reflecting the stronger societal pressure for women to marry at some point in their lives divorce has greater impact on woman women are more likely to be widowed which is in part to women's longer life spans Women work and are caregivers so they have to take time out of work to care of their sick child and women who do take such time off may face discrimination Second shift: unpaid work that must be done at home About four of every five custodial parents are mothers

criminal justice

Men are more likely to die violent deaths and to be victims of assault Women are more likely to be victims of personal theft and much more likely to be victims of rape and victimized by their intimate partners Female homicide victims are killed by current or former intimate partners female only outnumbered men in embezzlement and prostitution More than 20 percent of all hate crimes are motivated by sexual-orientation or gender or gender-identity bias.

Friedrich Engels

Noted that capitalists benefited from maintaining patriarchal families, with women in the private sphere and men in the public workplace, in at least two ways Women do the work of reproducing the labor without receiving any direct compensation, and they serve as an inexpensive reserve army of labor when the need arises Suggested that if private property were abolished, the material inequalities producing social classes would disappear, and there would no longer be powerful interests forcing women into domestic role


People think that "phobia" are prejudices like racism or sexism, which are cultural norms that are learned and trasnmitted socially

LGBTQ movement

Political ideology and social movement that advocate for the full acceptance of LGBT people in society.

primary and secondary sex characteristic

Primary sex: characeristics: Chromosomes, hormones, reproductive organs Secondary sex: characteristics: facial hair, body hair, musculature, other features that are unrelated to reproduction (many happen after puberty)


Refers to an individual's membership in one of two biological categories (male or female) primary sex characteristics secondary sex characteristics

Structural functionalism vs gender ineuqality

Sex determines which roles men and women are best suited to; it is more appropriate for men to play instrumental roles and for women to play expressive roles. Believe that there are still social roles better suited to one gender than the other, and that socieities are more stable when norms are fulfilled by the appropriate sex criticism of functionalism: while the traditional roles may have been necessary in the earliest time of human history these traditional are not necessary now. But the past still exists in the present.

School vs Gender

Textbook often still conain sexist language and gender stereotypes Women are underrepresented, both as subjects and as authors In the social structure of school, women tend to be concentrated at the lower levels, as teachers and aides, while men tend to occupy upper-management and administrative positive For LGBT students, a school is often a place where they learn the lesson that they will be accepted only if they hide their true identities

Media vs gender

Trans characters are still often presented as villains, victims, or sex workers rather than in more ordinary and more positive roles Some social scientists argue that more personal contact between members of different social groups reduces prejudice and discrimination If the media provide people with their only exposure to LGBT1 people, then it is all the, more important that these portrayals represent those communities in realistic ways


We learn how to behave and how to be accepted, what to value, and what is normal, as well as how gender fits into society Across the media, gender roles are represented in highly stereotypical ways Boys and girls learn that certain activities and attitudes are more appropriate for one gender than for the other -Ex: girls should be beautiful and caring while boys should be assertive and strong By the time a child reaches kindergarten, she will know more television characters than real people

Girl vs boys intellectual ability

When girls do well they are credited for their hard work They are encouraged to focus on social skills or appearance rather than brain power In high school or middle school, they begin to slip behind and lose their sense of academic self-esteem They begin to feel uneasy about competing with boys, embarrassed by their own success, or uncomfortable engaging in male-dominated subjects like math or science

Teachers interact with boys and girls differently

Whether or not they realize it, teachers tend to favor boys in several ways. Boys receive more attention and instructional time and are more likely to be called on in class. And boys are posed with more challenging questions and tasks and are given more praise for the quality of their work. Boys are also, however, more likely to make teachers angry by misbehaving and therefore to receive some form of punishment Girls tend to earn higher grades, but their academic achievements are often discounted

What are some jobs considered best performed by women and others by men?

Women are vastly underrepresented as pilot and mechanics while men are nearly absent as secretaries and child care Despite advances in workplace technologies that would enable both women and men to perform similarly in jobs, men still vastly outnumber women in certain professions, especially those with high salaries and prestige. Women earn about 82 cents for every dollar a men earns Motherhood limits the amount of time women can spend engaging in paid work


Women have increasingly outnumbered men in college Starting mid-1900 women have made up the majority of college graduates 2005 more women were earning doctorates For many queer youth, the most difficult period in dealing with their sexual and gender identities in a transphobic and homophobic culture occurs during their adolescent years. ex: More than 8 out 10 kids expereinced harassment or assualt at school


Women live longer than men The longer men live, the closer their life expectancy comes to that of women, but the overall average is depressed because young men are at greater risk of accidental death. recently things have been changing because women are engaged in stress-related behaviors: smoking and drinking women have more risk factors for diseases and women are more likely to suffer from depression

Bacha Posh

a girl who is dressed up and disguised as a boy A common practice that's been kept secret for centuries and continues today When the family has only girls, they may turn one of the girls into a bacha posh The girl is not only dressed like a boy but also raised like one Bacha Posh can leave the house without an escort, go to school, drive a car, and even get a job

Carl Nassib

a linebacker for the Raiders, came out on Instagram in June 2021

Toxic Masculinity

adherence to traditional male gender roles that restrict the kinds of emotions allowable for boys and men to express, including social expectations that men seek to be dominant (the "alpha male") and limit their emotional range primarily to expressions of anger

Heterosexism/ cisgenderism

analogous to sexism and racism and describe an ideological system that stigmatizes an nonheterosexual or non-cisgender identities or behaviors

Feminist Theory

apply assumptions about gender inequalities to social institutions to illuminate how gender inequality affects all areas of social life.

Dr. Rachel Levine

appointed assistant secretary for health, becoming the first openly trans federal offical confirmed by the senate

kara smith

argues that gender role socialization begins even before birth Because the sex of the fetus can now be determined in utero, families may begin relating to the new baby as either a girl or a boy far in advance of the baby's arrival. Demonstrates how knowing the baby's sex affects how the mother talks to her fetus Once the baby is born, clothing, rooms, and toys will be different


belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes and the social movements organized around that belief Both a theoretical perspective and a social movement Rebecca West

Gender binary

classifies gender into two distinct, opposite, and separate categories You are either male or female from birth to death, and there are no other options

moya bailey

coined the term misogynoir to refer to the unique form of anti black sexism that black women experience

Lisa Duggan and Cathey Cohen

contend that arguing for same sex marriage creates hierarchies of worthiness in that benefits are affored to the most socially acceptable within the LGBTQ community (those who most closely minic heterosexual unions)


do not fit neatly into the binary classification of gender -May not identify as exclusively men or women -Not all nonbinary people consider themselves transgender -Ex: genderqueer, gender fluid, bigender


encompasses intersex and asexual people under the community umbrella sometimes + is added to the end to represent allies as well as people with other sexual identities

C..J Pascoe's ethnography

ethnography of high school boys, dude you're a fag shows how powerful peer groups can be in enforcing gender roles and the assumptions about sexuality that underlie them Not only do boys police each other's performances of masculinity by criticizing normative behavior, dress, and other practices, but they can also lay claim to masculine identities by lobbing homophobic epithets at on another Fag: inflates the bully's own sense of masculinity, while demonstrating to others the consequences of deviating from masculine norms


fear of and prejudice against homosexuality


fear of or discrimination toward transgender or other gender-nonconforming people


female domination Little evidence that this ever existed Although some societies have been more pro-feminine than others Ex: men are allowed to take up more physical space wherever they go, are not expected to smile at all times, and are less likely to be interrupted while speaking

percent of active duty in the U.S military

females: 14 males: 86

Michael sam

first openly fay player drafted by nfl Celebrated joining the St. Louis Rams by kissing his boyfriend on camera

Sarah Miller

found that bullin in form of homophobic labeling and the spreading of sexual rumors (slut shaming) helped reinforce traditional gender and sexuality norms in young women

Tey Meadow

found that parents today not only are more accepting of gender nonconformity, but are actually actively facilitating it in their children by allowing them to waer the clothing they are most comfortable in and also calling them by new names

New Guinea

gender equality The Vanatina, a small society in New Guinea in which women share equal access to the position of prestige, power, and control over means of production

chilly climate

gender inequality playing out in college classrooms study: 95 hours of observation in nine classrooms, Men take up more sonic space (speaking 1.6 times as often as their women counterparts), Men use more assertive language and women are more hesitant and apologetic

Fifth grade

gender norms are established

Georgiann Davis

has critiqued the practice of classifying intersex as a medical disorder rather than simply as a biological variation; calling it abnormality is often harmful to intersex people and can have profound life consequences


having variant chromosomal makeup and mixed or indeterminate male and female sex characteristics Detected at birth most of the time, but sometimes it doesn't appear till puberty or adulthood In modern western society, the prospect of an ambiguously sexed person seems so threatening and unacceptable that most parents seek our surgical and other procedures to quickly remedy the situation

Talcott Parsons

identified two complementary roles instrumental role expressive role

Sexual orientation/identity

inclination to feel sexual desire toward and engage in sexual behavior with persons of a particular sex or gender heterosexuality homosexuality bisexuality asexuality


ingrained prejudice against women; dislike, contempt, or hatred of women

Inceal movement

involuntary celibate; a man who feels aggrieved because he has not been able to find a willing sex partner These men—who are largely young, white, and heterosexual—feel a sense of entitlement to have sex and believe they are suffering an injustice by being deprived. When they are denied opportunities for sex, their frustration and humiliation turn into rage against women and other sexually active men. The incel movement has grown over the last several years in online forums where men gather to discuss their resentment, self-pity, and hatred toward women. proponents blame women for the current crisis of masculinity and so seek to dominate them as before. has been called terrorist organization and labeled a hate group


involves the lack of sexual attraction of any kind (nonsexual and very small minority group) Only 1 percent of adults identify as asexual


kara smith social learning we have learned that heterosexuality and biological parenting are the normal or natural ways to form a family

Obergefell v Hodges

legalized same sex marrage

Judith butler, bell hooks, and catharine mackinnon

link gender inequality with inequality in other social hierarchies and aruge that gender and power are inextricably intertwined in our society


male domination Enjoy certain unearned advantages not available to female Male privilege: include a wide range of advantages experienced in our large social institutions as well as in our small everyday interactions Gender inequality can be traced back to biological differences in early societies, in which activities like hunting and warfare were more essential to the livelihood of human groups

conflict theory and gender inequality

men stand a lot to lose if traditional gender roles disappear historically men had greater access to most of society material resources power and privileges the traditional gender roles are protected by the males. Thus, by keeping the traditional division of labor intact, males will continue to preserve the privileges they now enjoy.

First wave

mid-nineteenth century through 1920; focused on gaining suffrage for women

male liberation

need to free men from oppressive gender roles Influential studies pointed to evidence that men suffer from greater stress, poorer health, and a shorter life expectancy and argued that these resulted from pressure to achieve success combined with men's inability to express themselves and their emotions

Two-Spirits (berdache)

neither male or female or both (native) Biological males who dressed as women and took on types of work we think of as feminine A biological female who took on traditionally male pursuits, such as hunting some researchers believe that people who became two-spirits were assigned to such a role from a very young age, if not from birth


neither male or female or both (nonnative)

zilch Eisentein

noted that men stand to lose a good deal if gender segregation disappears They would have to do more unpaid work They would have to find jobs in a larger and more competitive market

women are underrepresented

only 27% of congress is comprised of women 7.4 of CEOs 25 computing jobs 41 of women in tech resign from their positions women are taking 10 times as much temporary leave to be with their newborns than men do 66 female service members reported experiencing sexual harassment or sexual assault

Gender identity

our deeply held sense of ourselves as male, female, or some other gender May or may not correspond with the sex we have been assigned at birth


people who do not follow other people's ideas or stereotypes about how they should look or act based on the female or male sex they were assigned at birth. Currently accepted as an umbrella term that can encompass trans individuals as well as other gender-nonconforming persons, including those who identify as nonbinary ex: trans people

employment non discrimination act

proposed legislation that places both sexual oreintation and gender identity in a protected class along with race and gender, but it has consistently failed to pass both houses of congress to make it to president's desk


refers to the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers to be normal, natural, right, and good for its male and female members Reflects our notion about what is appropriately masculine or feminine We often think of such characteristics as biologically determined or natural, but no society leaves it completely up to nature to dictate the behavior of its male and female members While we tend to feel that our gender is a deeply personal part of who we are, we have also all learned to interpret and enact gender in ways that are specific to the cultural and historical time in which we were raised.

Queer theory

rejects the idea of a single gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, or transgender identity, emphasizing instead the importance of difference It asserts that being queer is about possibilities, gaps, overlaps, dissonances, and resonances, and suggests that any kind of categorization is outmoded and limiting Queer: used to describe anything that challenges prevailing binary notions of sex, gender, and sexuality and is sometimes used to describe nonconformity in other areas as well Queer theory says that sexuality is not binary (straight/gay) because various sexual orientations can exist.

Constructionist approach

see gender as a social construction; a concept that has been shaped socially by the culture and the historical time period Acknowledge the possibility that binary male-female categories, being socially constructed is not the only way to classify an individual's gender Believe that the meaning of masculinity and feminity may differ drastically in different societies and historical periods


see gender as immutable and biological and as an unambiguous, two-category system Believe that culture plays little to no role in shaping identity. Believe that chromosomes, hormones, and genitalia determine your identity Often found in such fields of medicine, theology, and biology

Gender expression

separate from gender identity; our external manifestation of gender which include masculine or feminine clothings, frooming, behavior, body language, gestures, and even names


sexual attraction to both genders (minority) 3% men and 4% women identifying as bisexual


sexual desire for same gender (minority) about 4% of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian


south asain; example of third-gender individiuals Recognized by society as an acceptable variation on gender (neither male nor female but something else entirely) Biological males who have all or part of their genitals removed and most become voluntarily in their teens or twenties


straight sexual desire for the other gender (normative and dominant)

Miliann Kang

study of the work of asain immigrant women in nail salons Agured that the femininity that is central to the beauty rituals performed in salons is also racialized Not all participants see their manicures the same way

Microagressions vs gender

subtle verbal and nonverbal communications that convey denigrating or dismissive messages to members of certain social group Ex: woman being being asked to smile in public; sererna willams Ex: woman being interrupted in conversation or being labeled as bossy, catcalls when people are misgendered by others -ex: accidentally calling a trans man "ma'am" Ex: Serena Williams

Alfred Kinsey

suggested that human sexuality is far more diverse than commonly assumed His own studies led him to believe that people are not exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, but can fall along a wide spectrum have suggested that we can best understand sexual orientation not through binary categories (gay vs straight) but rather as a fluid continuum that can change over the course of a person's lifetime


the assumption that heterosexuality is the only acceptable orientation What process of socialization tends to support


the belief that one sex, usually male, is superior to the other persists to some degree in all conteporary cultures Sexism is used to justify gender inequality and reinforce the status quo Comes in the forms of misogyny

hegemonic masculinity

the condition in which men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege is invisible defines a specific standard of manhood to which men must then measure up and prove themselves the intersections of man's class background, race, or sexuality will also figure into a hierarchy where upper-middle-class white, cisgender, heterosexual men are at the top

gender pay gap

the difference in average earnings between men and women Female-dominated occupations such as education and health services are consistently undervalued and underpaid compared to male-dominated occupations, reflecting cultural ideas about the value of "women's work" gender pay gap is largest for women of color

social learning

the process of learning behaviors and meaning through social interaction Babies respond to and internalize the expectations of others around them Sometimes there is a conscious effort to instill certain behaviors in children ex: scolding a boy for crying sometimes it happens in a more subtle way ex: Baby learns through observation, imitation, and play

Gender role socialization

the subtle, pervasive process of learning what constitutes masculinity and femininity Begins early and continues throughout our lives Accomplished primarily by the four agents of socialization


those who gender identity does not align with the sex assigned at birth

Silicone Valley

unequal representation of women in tech roles is due to supposed biological differences between men and women women: higher anxiety and lower stress tolerance men: higher drive for status female executives even at the highest levels are marginalized, excluded, and silenced

Second Shift

unpaid work that must be done at home


used in a vairety of way Ex: used to describe sexual behavior, desires, and fantasies do as well as the things they think or dream about doing


was a pejorative term applied mainly to gay men (before that it was used to mean "odd" or "peculiar" in a nonsexual way now used to describe anything that challenges prevailing binary notions of sex, gender, and sexuality represents the Q in

Harold Garfinkel

was one of the first sociologist to focus on the international work involved in expressing gender identity in a world of binary categories he conducted intensive interviews with agnes (trans woman born with male genitalia and raised as a boy). Agnes states that she knew that she was 120% naural normal women, but it was only at 17 when she began to learn how to do being female She carefully adopted her female roommate's style of dress, makeup, and body language She learned how to maintain proper deference to her male boss at work and she listened to her boyfriend and his female family members as they expressed their expectations for her as a future wife and mother. Unlike other women, agnes had to take extra precautions: intercourse, wearing skirts. Passing as a female was a good deal of work for agnes, and she constantly dealt with the fear that her secret would be discovered. This case emphasizes the interactionist's view of gender as something that we do in our interactions with others

stone wall

watershed moment, jump starting a larger, more visible LGBTQ liberation movement Ushered in a new era of campaigning for civil rights for LGBTQ individuals Many LGBTQ right groups emerged after stonewall

gendered language

we basically refer to human as mankind we referred to humanity as mankind and noted at all men are created equal. But clearly, not everyone experiences the world from a male perspective, and using this kind of language can make some women feel excluded and demeaned. Not everyone experiences the world from a heterosexual perspective either, but in most societies, heterosexuality is assumed and is part of the structure of society in ways that we may not even notice.


when our ssex and gender identity match up

Dana Rosenfeld

who studies LGBT1 identity aserts that there are two distinct cohorts among members -those who lived before gay liberation movement and those who lived druing and after

Feminization of poverty

women are more likely to live in poverty then men Results from a combination of social forces, gender pay gap, the higher proportion of single women taking on the fiancial responsibility of children, and the increasing cost of child care in states that do not have laws prohibiting it, employers can still discriminate against LGBTQ persons in hiring and pay.

Elliot Rodger

wrote a 140 page manifesto linking himself to the incel movement, before killing six people and injuring 14 more in Isla Vista California, and then killing himself

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