SOC 211 Exam 1

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The Bell Curve examines race as it is correlated to


ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except

protecting informants' blood samples and other biological information

the social, economic, and political processes of transforming populations into races and creating racial meanings is called


anthropologists overcome ethnocentrism by

seeing matters from the point of view of another culture

in "Mixed Blood" Fish compares race in the USA and


which of the following groups were considered nonwhite racial groups?

Jews, Italians, Finns

in which of the following locations would you find an anthropologist doing field work

a factory, a mental institution, a New York City neighborhood, the Amazon rain forest

which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures, often focusing on the rise of cities, is called


name one subfield of anthropology


a paradigm that emphazises humans that are made up of complex biological, cultural, and psychological processes is


the subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including human genetics and human nutrition, is called

biological anthropology

cultural anthropologists do research by

building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

a misconception about hormones in society is that

certain hormones are linked solely to a specific sex, they are important only for sexual functioning, sex-specific hormones cause particular behaviors

name two methods or techniques of studying culture

comparative method, rapid appraisal

the people anthropologists gather data from are called


the things people make and use are referred to as

cultural artifacts

the moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgment about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is

cultural relativism

negative or unfair treatment of a person because of his or her group membership or identity is


assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is


what does Spradley describe as "the work if describing a culture"?


a major problem with the approach to race that defines race as reproductively isolated breeding populations is that

every breeding population qualifies as a race, it is essentially trait-based, it does not allow for cultural factors to be included

all humans are born with some culture


anthropologists do not consider unstructured, casual conversation data


archaeologists never excavate sites where written historical documentation exists; that documentation provides a complete and accurate description of the way the people actually lived


diversity defined anthropologically is

focuses on multiplicity and variety

what is the term for the cultural expectations places on males and females


an anthropologist might consider doing ''anthropology at a distance'' because

he or she has no research funding to go into the field, there is conflict or violence in the field site produced by others

which of the following is a dilemma facing an ethnographer of transgender people in the United States

how one's research or advocacy can reinforce social inequalities and suffering

individuals who diverge from the male-female norm and exhibit sexual organs and functions somewhere between, including both male and female, are called


why did Liberian rebel soldiers cross-dress during the civil war in the 1990s?

it distinguished them from the government's soldiers

name two cultural universals

kinship, family bonds, supernatural belief system

name two characteristics of culture

learned, dynamic

the affects and feelings we experience as humans

may not have an exact equivalent in another culture

anthropologists believe that our behavior is influenced by

nature and nurture

the flexibility of the brain is called

neural plasticity

intelligence is

not marked by a single fixed gene

this type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants

participant observation

which of the following is the defining methodology to the discipline of anthropology

participant observation

a performed, usually unfavorable, opinion about people who are different is



presents a major problem for anthropologists, means you think your culture is superior to others, is a common feature of culture

a cross-cultural perspective on eating insect larvae would reveal

the artificiality of taste, the cultural constructions of insects as food, that eating insects can be adaptive

all biological approaches to race are problematic because

they rarely describe an actual individual or characterize whole groups of people, the sampling is too specific and focuses only on visible traits, one trait tends to be representative of other characteristics like intelligence and personal character

the most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


anthropologists agree that, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege uphold social inequality


anthropologists are deeply skeptical of grandiose claims about biological destiny and the belief that nature explains all of our behavior


genetically speaking, humans are a remarkably homogenous species: there is far greater variation within human groups than there is between them


in ''Ethnography and Culture" Spradley describes what it would be like for an Inuit woman to study life at a college


patterns of social inequality and racial discrimination have important biological consequences for certain groups, such as African Americans


ethnopsychology is largely concerned with

understanding how other societies make sense of selves, persons, and emotions

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