SOC 3597.01 FINAL

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What is the feminization of labor? Feminization of poverty?

-feminization of labor: increasing participation of women in the global formal and informal paid-labor force -feminization of poverty: women are being drawn into labor-intensive and low paying industries such as apparel

US-backed Syrian fighters 'overrun IS encampment'

-fighters are reported to have overrun an encampment that made up most of the past patch of territory held by the Islamic state group in Baghuz -powers have greatly reduced IS, but the group is by no means defeated

Notre-Dame: Massive fire ravages Paris cathedral

-fire engulfed medieval cathedral in Paris -cause of fire is not clear, may be linked to recent rennovations -has been there since 1200, UNESCO world heritage site

What is gender? How are gender relations impacted by globalization?

-gender: differences between males and females based on social and cultural expectations -globalization reinforces gender structures, barriers, and relationships

What is the nature of migration from developing countries? What is south-to-south migration and how is it linked to global inequality?

-global inequalities cause increased migration -south-to-south migration: movement of people from poorer Southern countries to somewhat better off Southern countries- those in extreme poverty do not have the means to migrate North -likely to increase due to stricter controls over South-North migration -push factors include wars and political crises -pull factors include stability and work opportunities

What is meant by Ritzer when he says there are many, not one, globalizations?

-globalization is not a single phenomenon, all have additional complicating aspects -no universal consensus that globalization is problematic or needs dealing with or resisting -some globalizations are more negative than others, so need resisting but no agreement on which or how

What are other negative impacts of globalization: Crime

-globalization linked to increase in magnitude and value of cross-border crime -drugs, terrorism, money, victims, criminals, illegal and stolen goods -response- selective tightening or borders, criticized on human rights grounds

What are the patterns of inequality among the world's societies, and how are they related to globalization?

-great economic inequalities exist both between and within sources 3 aspects: 1.) inequality among societies throughout the world 2.) inequality based on race, ethnicity, and gender 3.) inequality that relates to rural and urban differences

What are other negative impacts of globalization: Dangerous imports

-increasingly complex global value chains are vulnerable to the spread of contaminants- very difficult to locate source EX: toys- cheap imports with dangerous parts chemicals- lack of inspection/certification heparin- health problems caused by core ingredient

In what ways do these negative flows impact individuals?

-insecurities and pain brought by ill health, the powerlessness and fear of girls trafficked in the sex trade, those maimed in terrorist attacks, daily exploitation of unprotected workers in global value chains

What are the potential futures of globalization?

-it is likely that both general and economic globalization will continue to grow and expand -Frieden (2006) sees political implications/impediments -economy itself threatened by crisis -Wallerstein (2005) sees hope in social movements and decommodification -some predict a 'Mad Max' scenario --apocalyptic vision of future --return to primitive and violent existence

US-Mexico border wall: Pentagon authorizes $1bn transfer

-lots of money transferred to army engineers to construct the wall -funds will be used to build 57 miles of fencing -democrats are opposed and declare it unconstitutional

What is meant when global inequality is seen as both a moral and an economic/political issue?

-moral issue: of wealthy being held by a small minority whilst vast majority live in poverty -economic and political issue: as wealth gap creats instability and conflict

Dutch shooting: Letter may suggest terror motive in Utrecht

-murder of three people on a tram -terrorist motive is being taken into account

What role do accountability and transparency play in globalization?

-need for increased accountability at all levels of political organizations, all must be accountable for their actions -need for increased transparency aided by mechanisms of transnational justice, international tribunals, civil society, and organizations such as transparency internatio

Christchurch shootings: NZ cabinet backs tighter gun laws

-new laws after an attack on two mosques left 50 people dead -the prime minister to take fast steps to altering the gun-ownership laws in New Zealand to generate a feeling of better safety and security.

Christchurch shootings: Ardern vows never to say gunman's name

-no notoriety for him, will never say his name

'I ran away to France to keep my baby'

-pregnant women flee the UK to stop their babies from being taken into care -Zara didn't think social services would allow her to keep her baby because her first child had been taken into care because she was suicidal, her second child had been taken into care because she was dating an abusive man -someone online sold her a new life -she was forced to live in a barn -fled the barn and lived with a childhood friend in France -returned to UK one year later and her child was removed

How does the global women's movement display resistance to the negative aspects of globalization?

-provides an example of how some negative aspects of globalization can be resisted -movement has come to focus on issues of global justice for women and other minorities -strong impact on the UN and has helped to creates strong linkages to the UN, national governments and NGOs -women interact and organize across borders and at transnational and global levels to deal with common problems caused by globalization

What is race? What is ethnicity?

-race: a group which identifies itself or is identified by others as being different on the basis of real or presumed physical, biological, or phenotypical characteristics -ethnicity: a group which identifies itself or is identified by others as being different on the basis of some cultural characteristics

Who are the one resisting globalization? What forms does resistance to globalization take?

-resistance of globalization can be seen as globalization from below and is a product of globalization itself -impetus comes from individuals, groups, and organizations that consider themselves as opposed or see others to be ----- typically those seeking global justice, right wing, fundamentalist resistance

Militia detains migrants at gunpoint along the US-Mexican border

-right-winged militia members stopping migrants at the Mexico-New Mexico border -militia = United Constitutional Patriots -call it a "citizen's arrest"

What is sustainable development?

-said to represent economic and environmental changes that meet the needs of the present without jeopardizing the future -seen as middle path between economic growth and sustainable development

Rwanda genocide: Nation marks 25 years since mass slaughter

-slaughter 25 years ago, killed 800,000 people -Paul Kagame led a rebel force that ended the slaughter -mourning will take place for 100 days, because that is how long the slaughter took -killed by ethnic Hutu extremists

The "bottom billion" refers to the poorest residents of the world's greatest cities (most of which are in the North). True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) False

The U.S. was in the forefront of the movement to ban the export of e-waste from developed to developing countries, as evident from its championing of the 1992 Basel Convention. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) False

South-to-south migration is likely to increase in the future as: A.) Northern nations reduce the wages they are willing to pay migrant workers B.) Northern nations further tighten their border restrictions C.) Southern nations become more selective in granting work visas D.) women flee increasingly oppressive situations at home to more hospitable nations

B.) Northern nations further tighten their border restrictions

According to Sudbury, globalization is responsible for increased poverty among women in poor developing nations -- thus increasing risky, criminal behavior among women in these nations, but has not really had a similar effect on women in wealthy, developed nations like the U.S. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

Developed and developing nations are equally at fault for the development of environmental problems. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

In his work on the 'bottom billion' Paul Collier has argued that it is only through massive increases in foreign aid and fair trade measures that the 'bottom billion' can be saved from poverty. True or false? A.) True B.)False

B.) false

Majority groups are more likely to be affected by negative flows -- "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" as the saying goes. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

NATO was formed to protect Europe from Soviet attack; with the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO was disbanded, a move that many said would only embolden Russian aggression. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

The impact and consequences of black carbon and ozone is evenly spread across the globe, so therefore minimizing their production will take global efforts (and will produce global benefits). True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

The key tenet of neo-liberalism -- unfettered free trade -- is seen by environmentalists as the solution to many environmental problems. A.) True B.) False

B.) false

The recent global "economic meltown" has coincided with a contraction in the operations of organized crime networks, because of the tightening of the money supply (which suppresses the demand for illegal goods and services) and the simultaneous increase in law enforcement funding fueled by terrorism and national security concerns. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

Those who protest globalization are generally opposed to it in all instances and advocate a return to closed borders and the primacy of the nation-state. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

While globalized value chains increase the likelihood of product contamination somewhere along the chain, formal global structures and strict documentation requirements permit quick identification of the contamination's source when one occurs. True or false? A.) True B.) False

B.) false

From a sociological perspective, which of the following is not necessary for a group to be regarded as a minority group? A.) Having less wealth than the majority group B.) Having fewer members than the majority group C.) Having less power than the majority group D.) Having less status and prestige than the majority group E.) ALL of the above are part of the sociological definition of minority groups.

B.) having fewer members than the majority group

Society's development must happen in ways that meet the needs of all of society and do so in ways that do not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This idea is known as: A.) ecological modernization B.) sustainable development C.) liberal renewal D.) downsized development

B.) sustainable development

How do the countries where the 'bottom billion' live compare to other developing countries?

- <1/5 the income -lower life expectancy -higher infant mortality -greater malnutrition

What are the arguments presented by Jared Diamond in his work "collapse" regarding societal collapse?

-5 factors contribute to societal collapse: 1.) climate change 2.) hostile neighbors 3.) collapse of essential trading partners 4.) environmental problems 5.) failure to adapt to environments -environmental factors contributing to societal collapse is not new and societies are unlikely to collapse in isolation

Brunei implements stoning to death under anti-LGBT laws

-Brunei is introducing strict laws that make anal sex and adultery offenses punishable by stoning to death- part of Sharia Law -implemented by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah -sultan called for strong Islamic teachings -law applies to Muslims and children who have reached puberty

China to curb all types of fentanyl, following US demands

-China will crack down on all types of synthetic opioid fentanyl, following a plea from US -driving a huge drug addiction in China -thought to be a large source in the US, fueling drug addictions

What kind of responses have minorities had to their minority status?

-EX: international women's movement --acquisition of the rights of suffrage --local responses to global problems resulting from globalization -action taken locally but making use of global connections both to other groups and international agencies like the UN

European MPs vote to end summer time clock changes

-European parliament has backed a proposal to stop the obligatory one-hour clock change which extends daylight hours in the summer -argue that fewer time differences would facilitate cross-border trade and travel -reduce spending on artificial lighting -effects on human biorhythm -Northern countries want this more because they have so little daylight in the winter

Grande America: France braces for oil spill damage after ship blaze

-Italian ship capsized -2,200 tons of fuel has been spilled into the ocean -also contained HCl, sulfuric acid

What have been the global responses to environmental problems?

-Kyoto protocol: created ceiling for carbon emissions in developing countries- lack of US support -Carbon tax: businesses pay a tax based on the amount of their carbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels -Carbon neutral: generate no net greenhouse gases in the atmosphere -alternative fuels and power sources: hybrid technology, ethanol, palm oil, solar power

Oil Spill Now Larger than Paris Ravages Indonesian Island, 5 Dead

-Oil spill headed out into the open ocean -spill stemmed from a pipeline in Borneo -killed 5 fishermen who were trying to clean the oil by burning it on the water's surface -killed endangered dolphin

What are protectionism and Fair Trade? What are issues involved in helping the 'bottom billion'? What are Collier's views?

-Protectionism: government intervention in order to encourage domestic production, may be adopted to defend against the negative consequences of free trade, can protect the domestic economy, can foster the development of new industries -Fair trade: concern for the social, economic, and environmental well-being of marginalized small producers, counters, neo-liberal principles, calls for more equitable global system with transparent pricing -Collier argues that assistance must be increased but can only be effective in conjunction with other actions, even military action -international norms and standards could be adopted and modified to meet the needs of the bottom billion -reductions in some trade barriers would help -Collier is pessimistic overall about the effectiveness of aid -positive effects diminish as aid increases; aid money tends to flow into military; may lead to civil conflict over control of aid money; doesn't address underlying causes such as lack of natural resources -Collier sees fair trade as a form of charity to developing nations which serves to keep people producing what they've always produced, instead of diversification which he sees as the key to exiting poverty

What are the major delates over global inequality?

-There is an agreement that inequality exists, but disagreement as to whether inequalities are increasing -disagreement about the impact of globalization on inequalities -some problems result from methodological issues and decisions made about measurements of inequalities -Firebaugh and Goesling (2007): claim gains from modernization in developing countries reduce income and health inequalities -Friedman's 'flat world' thesis claims elimination of barriers to trade will enrich everyone -Wallerstein extends Marx's comparison of 'haves' and 'have nots' to global level- with increasing gap between core and periphery in world system -Korzenienwicz and Moran (2007) describe a constant drive towards increasing inequality

Third Brexit vote must be different- Speaker

-UK is due to leave the EU on 29 March -considering a third attempt to get it through parliament -Theresa May will be unable to present another proposal to be voted on unless its substance is substantially different in context than the past 2 submitted. This is becoming crucially important as the UK is supposed to leave the EU on the 29th with or without a deal unless they ask for an extension. -The article also made a short note that the MPs favored an extension for 3 months or longer to pass a law, but was not legally binding which could be a problem.

What is the relationship of the world's cities to global problems?

-a lot of inequalities within cities -cities in developing countries are swelling rapidly as the countryside is transformed by industrialized farming practices which reduce the need for farm labor -cities are most affected by global problems --targets of terrorist attacks, where impoverished immigrants end up, dumping ground for globally forgotten problems -cities are less able to react and solve pressing problems as the problems are global in nature

What are other negative impacts of globalization: Terrorism

-actions that cause death, bodily injury, damage to property and are aimed at intimidating citizens, government

What are the problems associated with those global responses?

-all alternatives have their own problems Economic problems: -high costs from damage -possible solutions expensive -disagreements about how costs should be shared Opposing environmentalism -resistance against change, especially those who might lose from it -concerns about power relations of those imposing changes and those impacted

What is meant when it is said that majority and minority statuses are social constructions?

-categorization of a group is subjective - all distinctions are socially constructed, fluid, differ from place to place and over time -all majority and minority statuses are products of socially constructed definitions

Nasa: India's satellite destruction could endanger ISS

-could endanger the international space station -the risk of debris colliding with ISS has risen 44% -adds debris to the atmosphere that would make space travel even more dangerous

What are the leading environmental problems and their impacts?

-destruction of natural habitats- deforestation -decline of fish and whales- problems in ocean fishing and whaling practices -decline in fresh water- bottled water -toxic chemicals- long-term impacts -greenhouse gases and global warming- rising seas -population growth- brings increases in consumption -global flows of dangerous debris- waste often dumped in developing countries -global spread of insects- flow across regions destroying vulnerable ecosystems

How do developed and developing nations experience environmental destruction differently?

-developed countries are disproportionally responsible and also better equipped to deal with the problems than less developed countries -those in the South will have fewer options, as they cannot sell their homes and move to less threatened locale

What are other negative impacts of globalization: Borderless disease

-diseases crossing borders at a high speed and extent -affected by increased global people flows -less developed nations are likely to suffer EX: HIV, AIDS, SARs, ebola

What are other negative impacts of globalization: War

-due to the interconnectedness of conflicts -technology makes new forms of war possible (information wars, cyberwars)

What is e-waste and how is it linked to inequality?

-electronic waste involves hazardous and toxic materials -1992 Basel convention to regulate and prevent Northern waste being dumped in South -Not all countries ratified (including US) and also still occurs illegally because it is much cheaper -income earned is meager with many health problems related to exposure to dangerous material

Saudi Arabia temporarily releases three women activists

-temporarily released three of 11 women activists standing trial for charges related to human rights work -some females have been tortured and sexually harassed in prison -They were being held because of suspicion that they were working with international organizations to protest laws that made women property of their male guardians and banned activities such as driving

What is the global 'digital divide'?

-the poor often lack access to computer -lack access to a computer -often do not have the infrastructure available to support these (stable electricity supply) -language is a problem- 80% of the internet content is English -has implications for ability to contribute to or take part in many global flows, particularly economic

Who are the 'bottom billion' and why is it better to examine global inequality by focusing on them, as opposed to viewing it in terms of North-South, Core-Periphery, Developed-Developing?

-the poorest people in the world, ~70% live in Africa -the North-South, Core-Periphery, Developed-Developing frames can distort extent of inequality and ignore the poorest

What are the major differences between rural and urban areas? How are they related to globalization?

-the urban-rural relationship is an important one for understanding global processes, and relates to economics, political and cultural flows -economic inequality is central to the urban-rural relationship

What do voters make of Brexit?

-voters believe that Brexit was handled poorly -they do not feel that remaining should be a choice on a new referendum. People may not support May's deal, but are unsure on where they should go next is the ending of the article.

Islamic State group: Syria's Kurds call for international tribunal

-want to try thousands of suspected members of the IS group -many emerged from Baghuz in the east -believe that many are hiding underground There are an estimated 15000 to 20000 armed IS members left -The tribunal idea was proposed since many nations have done little to punish their citizens who have joined an IS group. Many members are currently being held in an al-Hol camp led by Syria -Foreign affairs is disappointed that countries are removing nationalities of citizens that have joined such groups -The US supports taking back citizens, but is contradicted through the case of Hoda Muthana. The US is not considering the international tribunal idea

What are the 4 'traps' of impoverishment faced by nation-states?

1.) Conflict trap: nation-state confronted with either continuing civil wars or frequent coup d'e tats 2.) Natural resource trap: limiting economic development because of excessive dependence on abundant natural resources 3.) Trap of being land-locked with bad neighbors: impact on ability to transport goods 4.) Bad governance trap: policies which can inhibit or destroy economy

What are the 3 'global cities'? How are they different from other large cities?

1.) London 2.) New York 3.) Tokyo -key cities in the global capitalist economy -seats of most powerful stock exchanges -seen as 'central nodes' in a new global division of labor

How have nation-states responded to ethnic minorities?

1.) genocide/ethnic diversity: acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group by physical extermination or forcible removal 2.) assimilation: ethnic minorities are incorporated into society by adopting characteristics of the majority group 3.) pluralism: acceptance of multiculturalism, with minority groups accepted into society but retain their unique identities

What kind of relations characterized rural areas in the globalized world?

1.) relations of agricultural production -new relationships largely resulting from rise of global agribusiness, factory farming, and protectionist policies 2.) relations of social production -processes through which populations survive within institutions that govern material conditions 3.) relations of resistance -movements opposed to exploitative global practices

The homes of Turkish workers in Germany are firebombed, French school authorities refuse to admit muslim girls to school unless they remove their headscarves, Pakistani migrants are beaten and killed in Greece -- these incidents are all examples of: A.) xenophobia B.) agoraphobia C.) migrant hatred D.) defining an "other"

A.) Xenophobia

Key cities serving as central nodes in the global economy, such as New York or Tokyo are known as: A.) global cities B.) world cities C.) mega-cities D.) megalopolises

A.) global cities

A nation's textile industry receives special tax breaks, while producers of fruit receive export subsidies. This is an example of: A.) protectionism B.) Fair trade C.) consumptionism D.) trade accountability

A.) protectionism

According to Ritzer, when examining terrorism, the key distinction we must make is between that of: A.) stateless and state-sponsored terrorism B.) religious and non-religious terrorism C.) domestic and foreign terrorism D.) organized or spontaneous terrorism

A.) stateless and state-sponsored terrorism

Ritzer argues that the major threat to globalization comes from the continued crises faced by the global capitalist economy. True or false? A.) True B.) False

A.) true

The biggest resistance to globalization is best characterized as 'globalization from below'. True or false? A.) True B.) False

A.) true

Most scientists predict that unless there is radical intervention to address climate change, the planet's temperature will rise by ____ degree(s) Fahrenheit by the end of this century. A.) 1 B.) 5 C.) 12 D.) 17

B.) 5

Major environmental problems like climate change: A.) can be addressed successfully even in the absence of global cooperation. B.) do not require global attention because there are many different environments on this planet. C.) must be dealt with with globally, because the environment is inherently global. D.) illustrate how each and every nation has been equally responsible for environmental damage.

C.) must be dealt with globally, because the environment is inherently global

When dealing with the negative aspects of globalization, no problem has received more attention than: A.) climate change B.) population growth C.) the economy D.) human rights

C.) the economy

Which of the following would not be considered a racial group by sociologists? A.) Caucasians B.) African-Americans C.) Asians D.) Egyptians

D.) Egyptians

The roots of the horsemeat scandal lie in the global economic crisis and its effects on ________, where unwanted horses became the target of criminal gangs who stole the horses and smuggled them across national borders so they could be slaughtered and mixed in with other ground meats. A.) Scotland B.) England C.) France D.) Ireland E.) Spain

D.) Ireland

Which of the following is NOT associated with the growth of global crime flows? A.) criminal cartels with sophisticated organization B.) new technologies that enable easier and more successful criminal flows C.) the internet's operation outside of any individual nation-state's jurisdiction and ability to control it D.) a decline in law enforcement attention to crime that crosses state borders and a reorientation towards dealing with domestic crime.

D.) a decline in law enforcement attention to crime that crosses state borders and a reorientation towards dealing with domestic crime

Which of the following is NOT a problem with ethanol as a more environmentally-safe alternative to fossil fuels? A.) resulting high corn prices can negatively impact American trade balance and world food supplies B.) huge amounts of scarce water is used in producing ethanol C.) the destruction of forests to convert into farmland for raising corn D.) a decline in profits for agribusiness corporations who will switch to growing corn instead of other crops E.) new croplands absorb fewer carbon emissions than forests, leading to greater greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere F.) NONE, they are ALL problems associated with ethanol

D.) a decline in profits for agribusiness corporations who will switch to growing corn instead of other crops

The growth in the global sex industry (and the human trafficking and exploitation of women and girls which is a vital part of it) has been encouraged by: A.) the greater flows of girls and women from poor nations to wealthier ones where they become part of the sex industry B.) the greater flows of people from wealthy countries to poorer ones as "sex tourists" where poor girls serve the needs of tourists C.) the emergence and growth of the internet, a key site for promoting trafficking and sexual exploitation D.) ALL of the above

D.) all of these

According to P.W. Singer, the coming development of the so-called "internet of things" provides greater opportunities for: A.) using 3-D printers to transmit 'things' instead of just information. B.) criminals to hack into your email account and debit/credit card accounts. C.) linking laptops, desktop PCs and tablets seemlessly into limited networks. D.) increased cyberthreats whereby hackers could tap into and control any enabled device, such as one's car

D.) increased cyberthreats whereby hackers could tap information and control any enabled device, such as one's car

While environmental problems have been responsible for the collapse of societies in the past, today's global era: A.) is not all that different from the eras of previous collapses. B.) is different in that previous eras have not had to deal with the dangers posed by climate change. C.) is better equipped with technologies that can prevent the environment from playing such a key role in a society's collapse. D.) is different in that societies today are not likely to collapse in isolation from each other, and their global linkages might create a domino collapse effect.

D.) is different in that societies today are not likely to collapse in isolation from each other, and their global linkages might create a domino collapse effect

The model of agriculture pioneered in the US and now being exported to other countries involves: A.) large farms growing 3-5 basic crops B.) an increasing reliance on consumption of locally produced crops C.) large networks of small family farms employing annual crop rotation D.) large farms growing a single capital-intensive commercial crop (often a hybrid)

D.) large farms growing a single capital-intensive commercial crop (often a hybrid)

Which of the following is NOT seen as an advantage of so-called 'dot-org' politics? A.) Using light forms of organization that are decentralized and cheap to operate B.) Scaleability C.) Lack of hierarchical structures encourages a more democratic and grassroots process D.) People can protest effectively by "liking" a page on social media or signing an online petition without risking their safety

D.) people can protest effectively by "liking" a page on social media or signing a petition without risking their safety

The concept of 'Fair Trade' includes all of the following elements except: A.) the desire to engage in the global economy in moral ways B.) creating a more equitable global economic system C.) protecting producers, workers, and consumers D.) prices should be set blindly by the 'free market' E.) NONE -- they are ALL key elements of Fair Trade

D.) prices should be set blindly by the 'free market'

Which of the following is not a contributing factor to the growth in female incarceration, according to Sudbury? A.) the war on drugs B.) the global spread of neoliberal economic and social policies C.) a prison-industrial complex that is mutually profitable for politicians and corporations D.) social changes creating greater opportunities for women, including greater opportunities for women to commit crime

D.) social changes creating greater opportunities for women, including greater opportunities for women to commit crime

Which of the following is NOT regarded as a major contributor to the spread of viruses like Ebola, which could spawn a new pandemic? A.) the lack of clean drinking water and adequate sewage and sanitation B.) climate change resulting in droughts, floods, and new rainfall patterns C.) the bush-meat trade D.) the surreptitious mixing of horsemeat with beef and pork, spreading contamination.

D.) the surreptitious mixing of horsemeat with beef and pork, spreading contamination

Which of the following groups does NOT stand to profit from the melting polar ice caps? A.) mining companies in the US, Russia, Canada and Sweden B.) oil and gas companies C.) Russian developers and operators of Arctic shipping lanes D.) farmers in Greenland E.) NONE, they ALL stand to benefit

E.) NONE, they All stand to benefitgm

Which of the following trends is NOT implicated in increasing the likelihood of a Mad Max scenario? A.) climate change and rising oceans B.) higher petroleum costs leading to rising costs of transporting goods C.) food shortages D.) limited nuclear exchange between nuclear-armed nations following rising tensions E.) a satellite-based global communications system accelerating economic crises F.) accelerating economic crises

E.) a satellite-based global communications system accelerating economic crises

Which of the following does NOT demonstrate the problem of lack of transparency? A.) Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear weapons B.) Iran's nuclear weapons program is shrouded in secrecy C.) The US government conducted experiments in which US servicemen were unwittingly given syphilis D.) The Greek government awarded a no-bid contract to the German firm Siemens for the nation's communications network E.) Global financial institutions agree to measures to fight money laundering

E.) global financial institutions agree to measures to fight money laundering

Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the opinions of Bill McKibben in "Climate Change"? A.) One of the effects of climate change is likely to be increased warfare. B.) Climate change is not reversible. C.) The release of trapped methane gas from thawing of permafrost is a greater threat than carbon dioxide emissions. D.) We are increasingly discovering that scientists have underestimated effects and that climate change is happening at an accelerated pace. E.) The biggest obstacle to doing something about climate change is our lack of scientific understanding and our low levels of technological development.

E.) the biggest obstacle to doing something about climate change is our lack of scientific understanding and our low levels of technological development

In what ways do environmental problems constitute global problems, and in what ways don't they?

Global: -these problems cannot be dealt within the confines of a nation-state, a global response is necessary Not Global: -not everyone or every part of the world is equally responsible for the most pressing global environmental problems and not everyone will be affected the same way

What are minority groups and majority groups? How do they relate to global inequalities?

minority group: a group of people in a subordinate position in wealth, power, and prestige --more likely to be affected by negative flows majority group: a group of people in a superordinate position in wealth, power, and prestige --more likely to be affected by positive flows and able to create protective barriers -do not rely on size, but class, status, and prestige -can result in exploitation, conflict, injury and death

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