social media ch. 11 (metrics)
steps in social media marketing metrics
1. define smart objectives and metrics 2. decide on metrics 3. choose data sources for tracking 4. report social media performance
Return on Investment (ROI)
A measure of profitability and efficiency.
DATA approach
Define: Define the results that the program is designed to promote. Assess: Assess the costs of the program and the potential value of the results. Track: Track the actual results and link those results to the program. Adjust: Adjust the program based on results to optimize future outcomes.
advocacy KPIs
UGC as reviews ratings recommendations positive WOM participation in brand social community
relative pull
a comparison of how well different creative executions generate a response
a metric that allows a marketer to compare its performance on some dimension to other things
A/B testing
a strategy in which two versions of a message, Version A and Version B, are tested against each other
purchase KPIs
acquisition metrics (conversion rates, average sales)
inspire evangelism
activate customer influencers KPIs: earned impressions, reach, social UGC
social media marketing metrics matrix
activity metrics interaction metrics return metrics
social media return on investment (SMROI)
answers the question "how much income did our investments in social media marketing generate?"
preference KPIs
applause metrics (likes, favorites) engagement metrics (sharing) lead generation metrics (volume and quantity)
return on social media impact model
attempts to track coverage across media and in different markets against sales over time
buyer's journey
awareness consideration decision adoption advocacy
coincident tracking
begins during the activity or campaign
why metrics?
campaigns are not complete unless objectives are set and effectiveness has been assessed by your KPIs. The challenge is to identify the right KPIs to use. There's a difference between knowing what the stats mean and knowing which stats are meaningful
data and statistics that give you the insights into your social media marketing performance
return on impressions model
demonstrates how many media impressions were generated by the social media tactics employed
generate demand
drive engagement of target audience with brand content KPIs: number of engagements, types of engagements
delight customers
drive engagement with brand product/services KPIs: (positive) earned mentions, customer care
social media trend
engagement metrics are most meaningful for content performance
loyalty KPIs
engagement over time continued purchase activity
create awareness
expose target audience to brand content KPIs: impressions, reach, cost-per-impression
dimensions of engagement
involvement interaction intimacy influence
measurements within a defined context
key performance indicators (KPIs)
metrics that are tied to SMART organizational objectives
social media
metrics: assess and adjust social media strategy and tactics KPIs: impressions, consumption, applause, amplification, response
metrics: assess contribution to marketing objectives/ inform strategy KPIs: reach, share of voice, market insights, return on investment, cost to convert
metrics: evaluate contribution of social media to meeting business objectives KPIs: revenue generated from social media activity, cost-efficiencies achieved
drive conversion
move target audience to brand offers KPIs: link clicks, cost-per-click
objective: create awareness
objective: delight customers
objective: drive conversion
objective: generate demand
objective: inspire evangelism
activity metrics
organization's social media marketing efforts
return metrics
outcomes achieve from social media activities and engagement
awareness KPIs
reach views/impressions WOM mentions CPM
refers to how people think or feel about an object, such as a brand, or a political candidate
Return on target influence model
relies upon survey data to assess the effectiveness of social media marketing
require context to provide useful feedback
interaction metrics
target market engagement with social media marketing
site stickiness
the ability of a site to draw repeat visits and to keep people on a site
the actions people take while present at the social touch point metrics: likes, shares, completion rates, average time spent per interaction, comments, downloads
the affection or aversion a person holds for the brand metrics: sentiment, complaints posted in social channels, compliments posted, contribution quality, emotion expressed, brand perception, brand attitudes
the average number of times someone is exposed to a message
the likelihood that a person will advocate for the brand metrics: quantity, frequency, and score of reviews and ratings, number of recommendations in social word-of-mouth communication and impressions reached due to influencer network size
the number of people exposed to a message
the number of people exposed to an online ad or link who actually click on it
the number of people who are exposed and do not click through, but who later visit the brand's website
sales conversions
the number of people who click through who go on to purchase a product
the presence of a person at each social touch point metrics: page or profile visits, content views
consideration KPIs
time spent with content number of interactions video view completion rate use of recommended apps and reviews
Return on earned media model
uses a metric called advertising equivalency value to equate publicity in news media outlets to its paid advertising equivalent