Social Psyc chapter 12

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Norm of Social Responsibility

A social norm stating that we should help when others are in need and are dependent on us

Just-World Belief

A belief that the world is a fair and equitable place, with people getting what they deserve in life.


A feeling of compassion and tenderness upon viewing a victim's difficult situation

Egoistic Helping

A form of helping in which the ultimate goal of the helper is to increase his or her own welfare

Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis

A theory proposing that experiencing empathy for someone in need produces an altruistic motive for helping; bystanders who experience personal distress will help victims only to reduce their own negative arousal state

Threat-to-self-esteem model

A theory stating that if receiving help contains negative self-messages, recipients are likely to feel threatened and respond negatively. IE; getting EMSed.

Personal Distress

An unpleasant state of arousal in which people are preoccupied with their own emotions of anxiety, fear, or helplessness upon viewing a victim's tough situation

Diffusion of Responsibility

Bystanders make people feel less personally responsible for helping

Prosocial Behavior

Voluntary behavior that is carried out to benefit another person

Arousal Cost-Reward Model

A theory that helping or not helping is a function of emotional arousal and analysis of costs and rewards of helping.

Altruistic Helping

A form of helping in which the ultimate goal of the helper is to increase another's welfare without expecting anything in return

Kin Selection

A theory that people will exhibit preferences for helping blood relatives because this will increase the odds that their genes will be transmitted to subsequent generations

Bystander Intervention Model

A theory that whether bystanders intervene in an emergency is a function of a 5 step decision making process: notice, decide whiter to help, determine the extent to which you are responsible for helping, determine appropriate assistance to provide, implement course of prosocial action.

Audience Inhibition Effect

People are inhibited from helping for fear that other bystanders will evaluate them negatively if they intervene and the situation is not an emergency. IE; calling EMS on someone.

Norm of Social Justice

A social norm stating that we should help only when we believe others deserve our assistance

Reciprocal Helping

An evolutionary principle stating that people expect that anyone helping another will have that favor returned at some future time. Also known as reciprocal altruism.

Negative State relief model

A theory suggesting that for those in a bad mood, helping others may be a way to lift their own spirits if the perceived benefits for helping are high and the costs are low

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