Social Psych Practice Quiz

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An excessive tendency to seek concurrence among group members. Example - a business leader welcomes a variety of opinions from subordinates and invites experts' critiques of her company to inhibit this

two-factor theory

Schachter's theory that to experience emotion one must (1) be physically aroused and (2) cognitively label the arousal - specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated by physical arousal


Solomon Asch's experiment was designed to study...

cognitive dissonance theory

When no weapons of mass destruction were found following the US invasion of Iraq, some Americans revised their memories of the main rationale for going to war. We can best explain why people change their memories in terms of...

get into more arguments and fights

compared to their nonplaying counterparts, kids who play a lot of violent video games have been found to...

normative social influence

conformity resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval is said to be a response to:

Philip Zimbardo

devised a simulated prison and randomly assigned college students to serve as prisoners or guards; experiment illustrated the imact of role-playing on attitudes

informational social influence

influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality. Example - after hearing respected medical authorities lecture about the value of regular exercise, Raul begins to jog regularly.


overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underlie prejudicial emotions are called:

bystander effect

people are less likely to give aid if an emergency occurs in the presence of many observers

diffusion of responsibility

plays an important role in bystander effect

attitude; behavior

prejudice is an ... , discrimination is a ...

fundamental attribution error

refers to our tendency to underestimate the impact of situational influences and overestimate the impact of personal dispositions in explaining the behavior of others


research has clearly demonstrated that animals can be bred for...


the participants in ...'s prison study were so endangered by their role-playing experience that the experiment was discontinued

mere exposure effect

the phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them (contributes to positive relationship between proximity and liking)

beliefs, emotions, predispositions to action (C)

the three components of prejudice


verbal behavior intended to hurt another person

Solomon Asch

social psychologist who found that individuals conformed to a group's judgment even when it was clearly incorrect

social facilitation

tendency for people to do better on SIMPLE tasks when in the presence of other people. This implies that, whenever people are being watched by others, they will do well on things that they are already good at doing.

cognitive dissonance

the discomfort we feel when two thoughts are inconsistent

social loafing

Decrease in effort and productivity that occurs when an individual works in a group instead of alone.


a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity


behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others

conscious; unconscious

explicit attitudes are typically..., whereas implicit attitudes are often...


grit attempts to reduce conflict through

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