Social Studies: Ch. 2 & 3

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Describe two roles the Roman Catholic Church played in society after the fall of Rome.

1. It was one of the few ties that people had to a stable time. 2. It provided leadership and organized food distribution.

Describe the hiearchy of the Roman Catholic Church and the role of each group of clergy.

1. Pope - Supreme Head of the Roman Catholic Church 2. Cardinals - Ranked below the Pope 3. Arch-bishops - Oversaw large areas of land 4. Bishops - Governed dioceses (land) from great cathedrals

In the 9th and 10th century, Western Europe was threatened by three groups. Who were they?

1. Vikings (from present-day Norway and Denmark) 2. Muslims (from the Middle East and Northern Africa) 3. Magyars (from central Asia)

What is an example of a code of chivalry?

(answers may vary)

What were the three stages of knighthood?

1. A young boy became a page and learned skills in the castle 2. A boy became a squire and helped his lord 3. They were knighted, if worthy

Name at least three things that Charlemagne accomplished in his lifetime.

1. He encouraged scholarship and education 2. He built his empire with the help of Pope Leo III 3. He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 C.E.

Explain two advances in education during the Middle Ages.

1. Writing with lowercase letters 2. Universities rose

What are some things you might find in a manor?

A castle/manor house, some villages, kitchens, a church, gardens, and surrounding farmland.

What types of things did Christian holidays celebrate?

Christian holidays were connected to the church (ex. Christmas, Easter)

Who became the early leader of the Franks in 481 C.E., and what did he do?

Clovis was a young warrior who greatly extended the boundaries of the Frankish kingdom through wars.

What was the purpose of sacraments?

For salvation by God.

What were some differences between Benedictine Monks and Franciscan Friars?

Franciscan Friars did not sleep in monasteries, they begged for food, and they traveled to preach.

Where did monarchs get their power?

From the "divine right of kings"; the idea that God chose them to rule.

Why is William the Conquerer important?

He conquered England and brought feudal ideas, which helped rulers bring order to England.

Who was Thomas Aquinas?

He was an Italian scholar of philosophy who brought together faith and reason through the concept of natural law.

What were fiefs?

Land grants from the king for his more important lords.

How did lords support peasants?

Lords defended their land and the people who worked it.

What were responsibilities of lords and noblewomen in the feudal system?

Lords had to defend their land and the people who worked it. Noblewomen ran their estates, sent their Knights to serve, and oversaw the household.

How did lords support monarchs?

Lords provided knights and soldiers.

In what ways did the art of Medieval Europe reflect the influence of the Roman Catholic Church?

Most of the art was created for a religious purpose.

What were serfs?

Peasants who couldn't leave their lord's land without permission.

What were stained-glass windows?

Pieces of colorful glass arranged in a design, usually depicting a scene from the Bible.

How did Charlemagne's relationship with the Catholic Church benefit both parties?

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne emperor in exchange for the protection of an army.

What did Feudalism provide?

Protection and safety by establishing a stable social order.

What were some of the hardships faced by pilgrims on their journey?

Robbers and bandits.

Who had more power: monarchs or lords?

Some lords were greatly powerful; monarchs were little more than a figurehead.

Describe the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV.

The Pope created reforms, which made Henry angry. Gregory excommunicated him, which resulted in his begging for forgiveness. OVERALL LESSON: This showed the Pope's authority.

Why were flying buttresses important?

They spread the weight of the roof and walls more evenly, allowing for thinner and taller walls.

Through the feudal system, why weren't people able to better their circumstances through good fortune or hard work?

They stayed at the social class they were born into no matter what.

Before Constantine, how had Christians been treated by Romans?

They were persecuted for their beliefs.

What were gargoyles for?

To remind people of the evil spirits that would catch them if they didn't obey the teachings of the Church.

What was the goal of the Crusades?

To seek wealth, adventure, or to guarantee their salvation.

Why did people go on pilgrimages?

To show their devotion to God.

Name three examples of sacraments (BONUS: Explain them)

Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Matrimony Holy Orders Penance Extreme Unction

Describe a nave and transcept.

The two form a cross shape (the nave is longer than the transcept).

Why was there a need for order after the death of Charlemagne in 814?

The weak rulers who came after him couldn't defend the empire against invasions.

What were the challenges of being a serf?

Their lives revolved around work, and they were allowed to be taxed high amounts.

What was one way people celebrated religious holidays?

They acted out Bible stories.

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