Social studies Midterms, Chapter 15 Focus Questions, ME 1.III, ME I.V, TnT1, History: World [12] The Making of Europe, History: World [13] The Byzantine Empire, Crisis, and Recovery in the West

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Five Pillars of Islam

Belief in Allah and Muhammad as his Prophet; standard prayer five times a day and public prayer on Friday at midday to worship Allah;


Holy month. Fasting from dawn to sunset; making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.

how did the decline of the catholic church lead to the rise of secular leaders?

The decline of the Catholic Church leads to the rise of secular leaders because the Catholic Church lost power. Secular leaders, such as kings and princes, began to take over the church's land. The peace of Augustberg decided that the princes choose their nation's religion, not the church.


recognized as one of the intellectual capitals of the muslim world. had mosques and libraries. City attracted religious leaders/ scholars/ artists from all over the middle east and africa

medici family

rose to control florence 1434 made money from cloth trade. Later established largest bank in europe. Became patrons of many great artist/scientist.


"Go with the flow". Based on the teachings of Laozi. Harmony in society by more personal freedom and less government control.

The Epic of Gilgamesh

(2100-1400 BCE)

The Bhagavad Gita

(ca. 300 BCE)

why do you think the protestant reformation continued to slit and create new faiths?

-less fear of the catholic church -if luther did it why can't i? -printing press -new ideas -never satisfied -luther became role model


18th century philosophical movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution.


Regarded as the founder of Islam. Known by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God to mankind.


A collection of the sayings of the Prophet that was used to supplement the revelations contained in the holy scriptures.


A french noble who identified three different types of government: republics, despotism, and monarchies. He also established the separation of powers in the English government as well as the system of checks and balances.


A law code to provide believers with a set of prescriptions to regulate their daily lives


A panel of Muslim scholars

how does a society affluence and power influence its ability and ideas?

A society's affluence and power influences its ability and ideas to a great extent. A wealthy civilization can afford new technologies and equipment to make advancements in many areas. Even further, a community with great power has a larger influence over the rest of the world and the knowledge that is circulating around.


AZTECS: Constructed huge pyramids/Advanced medical procedures/Unique Farming Systems called "Floating Gardens". The Fall of the Aztecs was to Spanish Conquistadors and smallpox that killed millions! INCAS: Roads across empires with messengers to spread news quickly/Terraces to grow crops in the mountains/Architectural wonders. In 1530, Francisco Pizzaro defeated the empire with the help of European diseases, guns, and horses.

Oresteia in Aeschylus I

Aeschylus (458 BCE)

Ibn Sina

An Islamic philoisipher that spoke if detailed and realistic accounts with God.

how did art show ones wealth and power during the renaissance?

Art and wealth showed one's power and wealth during the Renaissance because of patronage. A patron is a wealthy person that spongers an artist so they can produce their art. An example of patronage is the Medici family sponsoring Brunalesci to make the Dumo. By the artist producing art for someone, it shows that that person has the money to be a patron. This makes them more powerful since the wealthier one was, the more powerful they were.

What were important innovations in literature, education, and the arts during the 16th century Europe? How did they transform Europe into a "modern society"

Arts in 16th century changed from medieval times. Medieval -flat and dull, same faces because focused on Church/ religion, no perspective, disproportionate, no light source, no nudity→ 16th century art gained - perspective, photographic realism, light source, accurate bodies, background, and subject changed from Church to more humanistic view. Advanced art called for more scientific intelligence (bodies-science, perspective/shading- geometry). Focus on humans related to humanistic ideas. Education was focused on educating the "whole person" in math, history, science, rhetoric, Greek/Latin, gymnastics (believed sound mind, sound body) to develop their talents. This skills enabled individuals to follow a path of virtue and wisdom, so everyone in society was full of virtue and wisdom. People had started to put less faith in the Church, and more in the Bible, so as the demand for reading became higher, more people were able to read literature. For example, William Shakespeare

Bartoleme de las Casas

Bartoleme was a defender of the Indians. He persuaded the King of Spain to treat the Indians fairly, however after he died, the encomienda system was restored.


Berber are north African traders. Berbers traded salt and other goods for gold and ivory from the savannah and forest regions of West africa. Many Berbers were converted to islam. They did practice their religions during the time that they spent traveling in West Africa which helped spread islam to Africa.

mandate of heaven

Chinese emperor linked heaven and earth, thus emperor ruled by mandate of heaven. This became a basic principle in chinese government. This was double edged though because ruler picked for talent and virtue was also responsible for ruling the people with goodness and efficiently. Rule by way of the Dao. It was the emperors duty to keep Gods pleased.

On Duties

Cicero (1st c CE)


City States were areas in Italy which were states that were part of a country, but had their own government as if they were independent. This was because Italy lacked a single strong ruler to keep everything together. This made it possible for these city-states to become independent. These Italian city-states were full of wealthy, educated elites and came to dominate political, social, and economic life in the Renaissance.

in what ways did confucianism, daoism and legalism differ from one another?

Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism were three of the main philosophies in Chinese Society. Confucianism, founded by the famous philosopher Confucius, was about moral order. Considering Confucius lived in a time of chaos, he wanted to emphasize loyalty to the nation and a ruler that set good examples for his subjects. His philosophy was not at all spiritual, but rather political and ethical. Daoism, on the other hand, was very spiritual. This philosophy was based off of the teachings of Laozi, and it taught that the will of Heaven is best followed through inaction so that nature is allowed to take it course. This idea was very laid back and "Go with the Flow". Finally, Legalism was a very strict and concrete philosophy. It stressed the importance of harsh, impersonal laws and a strong leader for an orderly environment.


Council of elders in Bedouin society.

how did economic factors influence social interactions between europe and the non western world?

Economic factors influenced social interactions between Europe and the non-Western world because of mercantilism. One of the ways to better one's countries economy was to colonize in as much places as possible. This would allow for free imports and resources. So, European nations would explore lands and try to conquer them.

why were Europeans disillusioned with the catholic church? What did Martin Luther attempt to change?

Europeans were disillusioned by the catholic church because of the corruption that over took it. Internal power struggles caused the fall of the catholic church. This first started when the Great schism occurred. This was when two competing popes focused on material wealth and power NOT the spiritual needs of the people. when this two priests denounced the other as the Antichrist people's faith in both the papacy and the church were undermined. Another way that showed people being disillusioned by the catholic church is when the printing press was made it made people want to read more which led to vernacular in writing so people didn't have to learn latin (the church language) to read. Lastly in 1517 the catholic church started to sell indulgences to people that would take away part of the punishment for sin so they could get wealthier. Many people bought these because they wanted salvation. Martin Luther said this was corrupt and wrong because all you need is faith to get to heaven. He then started the reform of the catholic church this started Lutheranism- the first protestant faith.

Filial piety

Every family had his/ her own place and subordinated his/her needs to that of the male head of the house

Abu Bakr

Father in law to Muhammad. Became first Caliph following Muhammad's death.

Filial Piety

Filial piety was at the heart of the concept of family in China. Since Filial refers to a son or daughter, Filial piety refers to the duty of the members of the family to make their needs and desires secondary to those of the male head of the family. More broadly, it describes a system where every member of the family has their place.


First Muslim community

The Iliad

Homer (late 700s - early 600s BCE)


Humanism is the belief in the worth of the human being as a whole. Instead of fearing God, humanism encouraged people to worship him and achieving greatness in his name. Humanism was about doing great things in this life, not just trying to get into Heaven. However, humans should not forget about God and still worship him, but with a different purpose.


Islam means "peace through submission to Allah". Islam is a monotheistic religion, which means that one God is worshipped. Followers of Islam worship Allah and live by the Koran. The Five Pillars of Islam regulate daily life.

How did religion shape life in west africa?

Islam was spread to Africa through the Bebers who traded good between the Arabs and Africa. Along with islam came Arabic rule as well so africa was then arabic and islamic. Islam was also spread though Muslim scholars who gave advice to local ruler on trade, security and governing so that they would trust them and spread islam. Because converting an entire nation to islam took a lot of time, many people adopted some islamic beliefs while maintaining some of their indigenous beliefs.

Mansa Musa

King of Mali. Created a strong central government and divided kingdom into provinces. Famous pilgrimage to mecca. Thousands of servants/ soldiers accompanied him. Put so much gold into circulation he cause the value to drop. Made tumbuktu intellectual center of islamic Learning.

On the Nature of the Universe

Lucretius (ca 60 BCE)

What were the main tenets of Lutheranism and Calvinism, and how did they differ from each other and from Catholicism?

Lutheranism: • Justification by Faith- the act by which a person is made deserving salvation • "Humans are not saved through their good works but through faith in the promises of God" Calvinism: • Institutes of the Christian Religion- book of Protestant thought that secured Calvin's reputation as one of the new leaders of Protestantism. • God-Predestination- God has predestined some people to be saved and others to be damned. Differences from Catholicism: • Lutheranism: Stresses concept of faith. If one has faith in God they will be saved. Catholicism claims that through good works and faith, one could achieve salvation. Lutheranism doesn't believe in good actions but only justification by faith. • Calvinism: Goes against Catholicism because the catholic church claims one can control their destiny of whether they can be saved and Calvinists believe their destiny is pre-determined.


Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. He persuaded the King of Spain to finance his voyage to Asia through the Western Hemisphere.

what were the major ideas of the enlightenment? How did these ideas influence political, social, and economic thought?

Many philosophers promoted an enlightened monarchy, as well as a monarch who was given power by the people, not God. They advocated for separation of Church and State, so they would not have to pay the Catholic Church taxes.


Muhammad lived 570-632 ce in a time of tension between rich people and poor people. He was an ordinary man who began retreating to the hills to pray for better times. When he was praying he received a revelation brought to him by the angel gabriel from God. He then began to recite what he heard which is that there is one God who you should submit yourself fully to. This was the start of the religion Islam which means "submission to the will of Allah", in which Muhammad was the prophet.


Muhammad's wife. First women to convert to Islam.


Nomadic peoples who came originally from the northern part of the peninsula.

in what ways did the non western civilizations change though contact with the western cultures?

Non-Western civilizations changed through contract with the Western cultures in many ways. China gained new information from the Jesuits. The natives of the Americas were tortured and many died of disease. The encomienda system emerged which was the use of Native Americans are forced laborers. Also, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade drastically affects Africa. Innocent Africans were taken from their homeland in Africa to the Americans as slaves. In America, they would harvest sugar on the plantations. However, African officials were happy with this slave trade since they were trading their Africans for goods from the Europeans. So, civil war broke out between Africans and their government.

"Draw Their Veils over Their Blossoms"

Poem on how the Islamic religion changed what women who follow it can do.


Original languages of islam; Koran written in Arabic; communication for trade


Plato (ca 380 BCE)

Leonardo Da Vinci

Renaissance Man; Master of many different fields such as Art, Science, Music, and Poetry. His ideas reflected the emerging concept of Humanism, that humans can achieve great things!


Rousseau was one of the most famous philosophers of the Enlightenment Era, presenting the concept of a social contract. Through a social contract, an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. Rousseau, unlike other Enlightenment thinkers, believed that emotions as well as reason were important to human development. He also thought that women should be educated to fill the roles of a housewife and care for the family.


Taught by Confucius who was a philosopher who lived in a time of chaos and war. Confucius's ideas were not spiritual but political and ethical. Two elements stand out: Humanity and duty. Governement service based on merit no noble birth. His ideas = order. He makes filial piety bigger into 5 constant relationships: Ruler ---> Subject Father ---> Son Husband ---> Wife Older brother ---> Younger Brother Older friend ---> Younger friend

why did the Arabs undergo such rapid expansion in the seventh and eighth centuries and why were they so successful in maintaining an empire?

The Arabs undergo such rapid expansion because written in the Koran it told muslims to seek knowledge. This lead muslims to go out and discover knew knowledge which helped then achieve new things and advance beyond anyone. Also the spread of islam. Also they gained it through war and conquest. They maintained it through good rulers. Arabs underwent a rapid expansion in the seventh and eighth centuries mainly because of trade! The interaction with other societies allowed the Arab Empire to expand and build off of previous knowledge. Not only that, but war and conquest caused the empire to grow and maintain what had been created.


The Koran is the holy book of Islam. It contains the ethical guidelines by which the followers of Allah are to live. Muhammad received the final relevations from God, which were delivered by the angel Gabriel. Out of these relevations came the Koran.

Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty was a dynasty that lasted from 1368 to 1644. The Ming dynasty was focused on ethnocentrism and internal success. The Ming Dynasty extended China's rule into Mongolia and Central Asia and briefly conquered Vietnam. They also set up a nationwide school system, introduced new crops, increased food production, and created more efficient transportation.

The Qur'an: The pilgrimage

The Qur'an is the sacred book of Islam. These paragraphs describe the importance of making a pilgrimage to Mecca.

How did the scientific revolution further the rise of secularism?

The Scientific Revolution furthered the rise of secularism because the theories of scientists were based off of facts and could be proven, as opposed to the Middle Ages, when science was based off of religion and the Bible. The fact the religion is no longer a part of science promoted secularism because people are beginning to focus more on achieving greatness in this life through science and less on getting into Heaven.

How was the scientific revolution an intellectual revolution?

The Scientific Revolution was an intellectual revolution because advances in math and science allowed scientists to show proof for their theories. Many people gained new knowledge, which helped others prove their theories and gain more knowledge. Many intellectual advances were made, which is why the Scientific Revolution was an intellectual revolution.

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas.

Five pillars

The five pillars of islam are acts of worship like: Belief- Believing there is one deity but the One God, and Muhammad is his messenger Prayer- Performing the prescribed prayers five times a day facing Mecca Charity- Giving part of one's wealth to the poor Fasting- refraining from food or drink from dawn to sunset through the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage- Making a pilgrimage to Mecca once a lifetime (Hajj) The faithful who follow the law go to eternal paradise


The flight that Muhammad and some of his closest supporters left the city and retreated north to the rival city of Yathrib, later named Medina.

what is the legacy of the protestant reformation?

The legacy of the Protestant Reformation was the Counter-Catholic Reformation. After the Catholic Church viewed the new protestant religions as a threat, they decided they needed to change. A group called the Jesuits emerged and they focused on regaining followers and spreading the religion. A new pope came to power and he was more focused on the future, not Old Catholic traditions. Also, the Council of Trent was a meeting that all the Popes attended. They decided how they would remove corruption and adjust the practices.

What were the main features of Islamic society and culture during its era of early growth?

The main features if Islamic society and culture during its growth was the stress of The five pillars of Islam, as well as the placement of theocratic governments in order to apply the ideas of Islam into ones daily life.

Describe the message of islam and why it was so appealing to such a diverse and broad range of people?

The message of Islam was received by muhammad when he's praying for better times to come in such hard times he was living in. The angel of gabriel came down and told him to recite what he heard. The message was that their is one God and one must submit but himself completely in mind and action to the will of god. This was so appealing to people because it was a simple/easy religion to follow. People also felt they could relate to muhammad because he was just an ordinary man. People also had an excuse to go to mecca because of hajj. Also there was no miracles that occurred so people believed it more. The only miracle was the Koran.

what is the role of the middle passage as part of both economic and social history?

The middle passage was important to social and economic history because it was the portion of the triangular trade route where enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas. Over 10 million enslaved Africans were shipped to the Americas between the early 1500s and late 1800s. The numbers were so high because there was such a high death rate on the journey. This had economic impacts because the journeys needed to become cheaper in order to export this many Africans. Therefore, the conditions on ships were harsh due to the fact that the slave trade had to keep up its end of the triangular trade route. Also, since the slaves who did survive were not in good condition, they had to be sold for much cheaper. It impacted the Africans socially because they lost many of their friends and family members on the journey. They were also encouraged not to have children on the plantations because the cost of raising a child was more than buying another slave shipped from Africa. This caused enslaved Africans to miss out on having a family.

did china during the ming dynasty try to stay isolated from the world? or did they interact with other civilizations?

The ming dynasty did not try to stay isolated from the world. We know this because during the ming dynasty a court official named Zheng was ordered to go on 7 voyages of exploration where trade took of and the brought back new knowledge/ goods. Although after this one emperor died Yong le, all voyages were halted and once again china when back to isolated itself through ethnocentrism and geographic barriers but things were pulling at china such as: trade (porcelain), desire to expand, the gates in the great wall were open, and the ocean to the east which is bond to have people sail up to.


The name Muslims refer to the God that they worship.

What were the main tenets of islam, and how does religion compare with Judaism and Christianity?

The religion compares to Judaism and Christianity because both are monotheistic, worshipping one God. They also have to follow commandments to follow in their God's ways and they also pray. The main tenets of Islam is prayer, testimony, pilgrimage, fasting, and Almgiving


The ruling member of the tribe in Bedouin society.


This philosophy proposed that humans beings were all evil by nature. Legalist believed harsh impersonal laws were need. They believed that a strong ruler was needed for an orderly society. Harsh laws and strict control of the people would cause commoners to serve the interest of the ruler.

Heliocentric Theory

This theory was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543. This theory stated that the sun was at the center rather than the earth. This gave rise to further secularism because the church believed that people were at the center of the universe and that at the other end of the universe was God. This theory was later added onto by Johannes Keppler who said that each planet moved around the sun in an oval shaped orbit called an ellipse. Galileo then built a telescope and confirmed the heliocentric model.

What are some major aspects of of chinese society and how do those aspects shape the attitudes of the chinese toward outsiders?

To begin china was very isolated with mountains at the south, ocean at east and desert at north. They also out up the great wall of china so all of this made it hard for outsider to even get in. Family was the center of Chinese society. They believed in Filial Piety, or the idea that every family member has his/her own place and subordinated his/her needs to that of the male head of the house. China lacked interest for anything foreign and believed they were superior to all other civilizations (Ethnocentrism). Therefore, the people of China were not very interested in outsiders and wanted to keep their society isolated and apart from the rest of the world. Also Confucius teaching said that trading wasn't important.


Universalist religions are religions that are always looking to convert new followers. Most major religions are Universalist because they go out of their way to gain followers and build a larger empire.

Zheng He

Zheng he served under the Ming Dynasty. Zheng he who was a court official led a series of naval voyages into the indian Ocean that sailed as far west as the eastern coast of Africa. He led seven voyage of exploration between 1405 and 1433. They returned with items unknown in china and with information about the outside world. These voyages led to enormous profits but after Yong Le's death the voyages were halted, never to be revived.


a slip pf paper sold by the pope, said to release/cleanse an individual from sin

catholic counter reformation

christian unity is shattered. goal=reform church. people need inner piety to improve themselves and catholic church. People need a personal relationship with God. Christianity should provide an example of how to be a good person not just a path to salvation. Started by martin luther.

Martin Luther

he was a monk and professor i Germany. Saved by faith alone, no need for fluff such as huge cathedrals and stained glass windows. Wrote 95 thesis (attack on the pope and church). 1521 luther is excommunicated and outlawed (denied access to heaven by pope)

China isolation vs. interactions

isolation: surrounded by enemies built walls around themselves few trade routes interaction: desire to expand gates in great wall and ocean to east

how did humanists thought change the way europeans society functioned during the renaissance?

it was less important to get to heaven. More about THIS LIFE and creating greatness in Gods image. People feared God less. This brought about secular education that taught humanism. This was a time to realize talents and create greatness with them.

printing press

numerous copies of books. News travels faster. More detailed info. Use of vernacular writing grew (latin was used before). Catholic church loses power over writing.


ones culture is superior to all other- china= most advanced civilization ever


statue. contained idols to over 300 Gods.

Great Wall

the Great Wall of China started as a series of walls built by a number of states to keep out nomadic tribes. Qin Shihuangdi decided to connect all of these individual walls, strengthening them into one large wall in hopes of solving the problem. This required the efforts if thousands of laborers, many of whom died while working on the wall. With this wall, Qin Shihuangdi had some success with fighting off the nomads, but the victory was only temporary.

what are the main aspects of islam and how does islam and confucian philosophy compare?

the main aspects of Islam is that there is one god and one must completely submit, in mind, and action to the will of God. Islam also requires you to follow the 5 pillars. the Koran was like a bible to islam and you must follow everything in it. It also said that you must follow the prophet muhammad. Confucian compares to islam because both arouse in a time of trouble and tension. Also confucian taught you how to live your life and so did islam by using the 5 pillars. 5 pillars of islam and 5 relationships


wrote the prince- how to acquire/keep political power similar to legalism a ruler must put the gov. first not focus on moral principles human nature=selfish

What was absolutism and what were the main characteristics of the absolute monarchies that emerged in France Prussia Austria and Russia?

• Absolutism: The sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rests in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right- the idea that kings received their power from God and were responsible to no one but God. o France: Louis XIV • Control of the central policy-making machinery of government • Eliminated threats of high nobles and princes by removing them from royal council. • Power over: formulation of foreign policy, making of war and peace, assertion of secular power against religious authority, and the ability to levy taxes. • John Baptiste Colbert: controlled finances and granted subsidies to individuals who established new industries. • Louis waged four wars with ambitions of Europe to form coalitions to prevent destruction. o Prussia: Frederick William the Great Elector • Established War commissariat to levy taxes for the army o Austria: Hasburgs created new Empire. • After the defeat of the Turks, Austria took control of all of Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia, establishing the Austrian Empire in southeaster Europe. • Monarchy never became a very centralized, absolutist state, mostly because of so many different groups. o Russia: • Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible): • Expanded territories of Russia and crushed the power of Russian nobility • Ruthless deeds including stabbing his son to death. • Peter the Great: • Vicious punishments • Determined to Westernize or Europeanize Russia • Re-organization of the army and creation of a navy o Built army of 210,000 men • Divided Russia into provinces • Wanted to make Russia a great state of military power, accomplished it.

Triangle Trade (middle passage):

• Connected Europe, Africa, and American continents • European goods→a African slaves → American tobacco, molasses, sugar, raw cotton → Europe


• Developed scientific method, a method to arrive at the truth (observe→ hypothesis→ experiment→ share/redo) • Nature is always adapting/changing • Education should apply to everyday life


• English • Thought all men are created equal and entitled to life, liberty, and property, which were taken by the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence • We are all born with a blank mind good influence→ good person → better society


• French explorer • The first to establish France's claim to North America • Made three voyages to Canada between 1534 and 1541.

5. How did the artistic and literary achievements of this era reflect the political and economic developments of this period?

• People were highly impressed with the achievements • Golden age of literature in England o Shakespeare

Silk Road

• Reached from city of Changan in China across central Asia to Mesopotamia, covering 4,000 miles • Wound through mountains and deserts • Luxury goods from West (silk, spices, teas, porcelain, ivory, textiles, presious stones, pepper) traded for luxury goods from East (woolen/linen clothes, glass, precious stones) and shipped across Meditteranian to Greece and Rome • Only luxury goods carried on Silk Road because camel caravans were difficult, dangerous, and expensive

Why is the period between 1560 and 1650 in Europe called an age of crisis?

• Religious wars throughout Europe o French Wars of Religion: Huguenots became a potential dangerous political threat to monarchial power. o Phillip II of Spain attempted to crush Calvinism • Invasion of England was a disaster • Economic contraction: imports of silver declined • Population decline due to war, famine, and plague • Witchcraft: 100,000 people were prosecuted on witchcraft charges


• Set of principles that dominated economic thought in 17th century • Prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold/silver • Successful if you had a balance of trade- you export more then you import • Military→conquer→more land→ more gold → military

4. How and why did England avoid the path of absolutism?

• Slipped into Civil War won by parliamentary forces • Cromwell wrote: "This is none other but the hand of God; and to Him alone belongs the glory" • After death of Charles I, Parliament abolished the monarchy and the House of Lords and proclaimed England a republic. • Charles II: "Declaration of Indulgence": Suspended the laws that Parliament had passed against Catholics and Puritans after the restoration of the monarchy. • James II: guaranteed constitutional crisis for England o Attempted to further Catholic interests; caused conflict • William and Mary's BILL OF RIGHTS: o Affirmed Parliament's rights to make laws and levy taxes o Rights of citizens to keep arms o This Bill of Rights destroyed absolutism Magna Carta in 13th century limited kings power


• Spanish conquerors of the Americas • Used firearms, organization skills, and determination to gain success • Conquered the Aztecs


• The right of landowners to use Indians as laborers in exchange for protection and converting to Christianity • Supposed to protect the Indians, but the owners took advantage of the fact that they were far from Spain and ignored the government • Forced labor, starvation, and disease killed many Indians • Indian culture replaced by Europe systems of religion, language, and government


• Thought we could observe the natural world through observation → new type of science →developed theory of gravity/ laws of motion • We base our knowledge off Newton's law of motion (sports)

Vasco Da Gama:

• Went around the Cape of Good Hope (discovered by Bartholomeu Dias) and cut across Indian Ocean to coast of India • Took a cargo of spices back to Portugal, making a huge profit • First voyage along this route

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