social studies unit 2

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How did Parliament and colonial assemblies differ?

Assembly members had to live in the districts they represented, but members of Parliament did not.

As plantations expanded, what effect did the increased workload have on enslaved Africans?

Death rates increased.

What led to the settlement of New Netherland?

Dutch merchants establishing a base for trade

What is one reason England established colonies in America?

England wanted a trade monopoly on all good from their colonies.

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Navigation Acts of 1651?

European ships could only dock in New York and Charleston.

Which of the following is NOT a principle stated by John Locke?

Focusing on everyday material concerns makes people less free.

What was one result of the French and Indian War?

France lost all its territory in North America.

Why did King George II allow James Oglethorpe to establish the colony of Georgia?

Georgia could be a military barrier between Spanish Florida and South Carolina.

How did William Penn keep peace with Native Americans in the region?

He purchased land from Native Americans.

What role did John Sassamon play in King Philip's War?

He warned colonists of a Wampanoag attack and was later found dead.

How did life differ for enslaved African Americans in New England and in the Southern Colonies?

In New England, enslaved African Americans were trained for specific duties.

Which Native American people joined forces with the British to drive French fur traders out of the Ohio Valley?


What did the Dutch West Indies Company's "half freedom" do for older enslaved Africans?

It freed them but not their children from slavery.

What effect did the Massachusetts charter of 1691 have in New England?

It increased the number of voters

How did the Enlightenment influence the thinking of many American colonists?

It led people to question authority and think for themselves.

Why was Georgia returned to Great Britain in 1752?

It rules were too strict for the colony to thrive.

Which statement is NOT true of gristmills?

It took a long time to grind grain with a gristmill.

What made Pennsylvania different from other colonies?

It was an extremely diverse society.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Albany Plan of Union?

It was written and presented by George Washington.

Who created the Dominion of New England and why?

King James II created the Dominion to strengthen English control over the region.

Why did the South Carolinian legislature prohibit enslaved people from learning to read and write in 1740?

Legislators feared that literate slaves would rebel as they had at Stono.

The capture of which city ended the French control of Canada?


Why did enslaved African Americans account for only a small percentage of the population in the New England Colonies?

Most New England farms were too small to require or support slave labor.

Who made up the two sides in the French and Indian War?

Native Americans and the French fought against American colonists and the British.

How did the Pilgrims recover after their first deadly winter in Massachusetts?

Native Americans taught them how to fish and grow crops.

Pontiac was a leader of which Native American people?


What idea of the Great Awakening was similar to that of the philosophers of the Enlightenment?

People could think for themselves.

Which group of people established Harvard and Yale?


Why were female property owners seen as threatening to the people of Salem?

Salem residents thought women owning property challenged Puritan gender roles.

How did religion impact the settlement of Plymouth, Massachusetts?

Separatists established the colony to freely practice their religion.

What made Mary Rowlandson famous?

She wrote a book about being captured by Native Americans.

Why did the Plymouth government force the Wampanoag to surrender their guns in 1671?

Tensions were rising between colonists and Native Americans.

Which statement best describes how control of New York City changed in the 17th century?

The English acquired the city from the Dutch

What happened as a result of the marriage between John Rolfe and Pocahontas?

The Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan lived in peace for a number of years.

Why did the Mohawk support the British in battle?

The Mohawk and the British relied on each other as trading partners.

Which of the following helped make Philadelphia the fastest-growing city in the colonies?

The city was a major trading post.

What was the underlying cause for the wars between the colonists and the Powhatan between 1622 and 1670?

The colonists killed a powerful Powhatan leader.

How did the prices of tobacco and land lead to tension between colonists during the late 1600s?

The low tobacco prices made it difficult for landless men to afford high prices.

What did Thomas Hooker, Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson have in common?

They all disagreed with the New England Way.

What did the Dutch do when they arrived in the Middle Colonies?

They began trading with Native Americans.

Which of the following best describes the work performed by enslaved people in South Carolina?

They completed tasks assigned each day.

What kind of government did the American colonies form?

They elected assemblies that were modeled after the British Parliament.

Why did the original settlers at Jamestown struggle to establish their colony?

They had little experience farming, hunting, or fishing.

What important benefit did the Treaty of Paris grant to American colonists?

They had the right to fish in waters off the Canadian coast.

Which statement best describes backcountry settlers?

They hunted and fished and were able to raise enough crops and livestock to support themselves.

What did the Iroquois do when the beaver population dwindled in the mid-1600s?

They moved west.

Why did the Pilgrims write and sign the Mayflower Compact?

They realized that they would be landing in a place without a colonial government.

Which statement best describes enslaved Africans in New York City around 1700?

They were skilled workers living and working next to free and indentured whites.

Which settlement was NOT part of the Middle Colonies?


Which event began the French and Indian War?

Washington's defeat at Fort Duquesne

Who was George Whitefield?

a British minister who used theatrical gestures and thundering words

What is a charter?

a document detailing rights and privileges

Which phrase best describes Charles

a large port city controlled by shippers in England and New

What is a midwife?

a person (typically a woman) trained to assist women in childbirth.

Who was John Rolfe?

a tobacco farm owner

What was the triangular trade?

a trans-Atlantic trade system linking North America, Europe, and Africa

He warned colonists of a Wampanoag attack and was later found dead.

accusations from village authorities and villagers

What content in the New York Weekly Journal led to Zenger's libel trial?

articles about a colonial governor who removed a judge and tried to rig an election

Why did William Berkeley accuse Nathaniel Bacon of being a traitor?

because Bacon challenged Berkeley's and wealthy planters' power

Why were the Middle Colonies called the "breadbasket of the colonies"?

because the colonies grew much grain, which could be made into bread

Why were gristmills usually built on rivers?

because their grinding stones were turned by the river's flow

Which of the following best describes subsistence farming?

family farms that produce only enough food for the family

Which activities were especially important in New England's economy?

fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding

What kind of agriculture flourished in the Southern Colonies?

growing cash crops on large plantations

What was one source of tension in the Middle Colonies in the 1600s?

historical tensions between the Algonquian and the Iroquois peoples

Which of the following is NOT a reason Germans immigrated to the Middle Colonies between 1683 and 1783?

hot climate

What advantage made Maryland economically successful?

its location on the Chesapeake Bay

What did the Puritan founders have control over that affected social class in New England?


What style of home did the Iroquois build?


What rules did James Oglethorpe require all Georgian colonists to follow?

no enslaved people, no liquor, and limited landownership

Which crop did colonists learn how to farm from enslaved Africans?


Which action was NOT a factor that led to Pontiac's Rebellion?

the British giving Native Americans smallpox-infested blankets as gifts

What did Native Americans and the Pilgrims celebrate at the first Thanksgiving?

the Pilgrims' first harvest

What doctrine did William Penn use to establish his colony?

the Quaker doctrine

What was the Glorious Revolution?

the bloodless overthrow of James II in favor of William and Mary

What did King Charles I's charter grant to George Calvert?

the right to establish a colony called Maryland

According to historians, what was the underlying cause of the Salem witch trials?

the societal threat of women owning property

Why did King James I issue a charter to the Virginia Company?

to detail the company's rights and privileges in settling the colonies

Why did the Virginia Company encourage people to settle in the American colonies?

to farm tabacco

Why did the Algonquian tribes move each season?

to follow the supply of food

Why did the Iroquois move west in the mid-1600s?

to gain greater access to the beavers in the region

Which group of people established Harvard and Yale?

to train men to be members of the clergy

Which of the following best describes William Braddock's army at the Battle of the Monongahela?

well-trained but unprepared for frontier fighting

Before 1698 what was the main source of labor in the Southern Colonies?

white indendtured servants

Who was eligible to vote in colonial America?

white men who owned property and were not Catholic or Jewish

Which words did enslaved Africans introduce to the English language?

yam and tote

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