Sociology chapters 9,10, & 16

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A(n) __________ is a number of people who share an interest in a specific idea or issue but who are not in one another's immediate vicinity.​ a.mass b.aggregate c.crowd d.category


A(n) __________ is an organized group that acts consciously to promote or resist change through collective action. It tends to be long lasting, is organized, and has specific goals. movement b.casual collectivity c.acting mob d.conventional crowd


Which of the following racial or ethnic groups has been the most privileged group in the United States? a.Irish Americans b.Italian Americans c.Middle Eastern Americans d.white Anglo-Saxon Protestants


The term __________ refers to the process of treating people as if they were things, not human beings. a.reification b.mechanization c.regularization d.objectification


According to the human capital model, women as a category earn less money than men because __________. a. women diminish their earning capacity when they leave the labor force to engage in childbearing and child-care activities b. capitalists reap higher profits by paying women lower wages c. women are excluded from high-pay employment by the segregated labor market, which works primarily in the interest of men d. men have control of and dominance over women and resources


Anne, a white American, refuses to rent her property to a Hispanic American because she has prejudice against that race. This is an example of __________. a.individual discrimination b.systemic discrimination c.standard discrimination d.institutional discrimination


Antony owned a restaurant in the United States in the 1950s. He did not feel negatively toward African Americans but refused to serve them in his restaurant because he feared that serving them would offend his white customers. In the context of Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, Antony is a(n) __________. a.unprejudiced discriminator b.unprejudiced nondiscriminator c.prejudiced discriminator d.prejudiced nondiscriminator


Each of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic in men except: a.the penis. b.more body and facial hair. c.a deeper voice. d.a more muscular build.


Even with dramatic changes in women's workforce participation, the sexual division of labor in the family has remained essentially unchanged for many years. The first big change in the relationship between family and work occurred with the __________. a.Industrial Revolution b.fall of capitalism c.Marxist revolution d.uprising of the working class


In __________, a steady source of food becomes available. People grow their own food using simple hand tools, such as the hoe. a.horticultural societies b.pastoral societies c.industrial societies d.agrarian societies


In postindustrial societies such as the United States, approximately __________ of adult women are in the labor force. a.60 percent b.25 percent c.33 percent d.50 percent


In sports, calling a player of color by a derogatory name, participating in racist chants, and writing racist graffiti on game-day signs and locker rooms are examples of __________. a.overt racism b.aversive racism c.implicit racism d.subtle racism


In the United States, males are traditionally expected to demonstrate aggressiveness and toughness, whereas females are expected to be passive and nurturing. This illustrates the concept of __________. a.gender role b.sexual role c.gender identity d.sexual identity


Jennifer, a white American, believes that the customs of her own culture are superior to those of other cultures. As a result, she judges members of other cultures based on the standards of her own culture and considers them inferior. This scenario best exemplifies __________. a.ethnocentrism b.scapegoating c.cultural relativism d.xenocentrism


Many Iranian Americans refer to themselves as "Persian" rather than "Iranian" because: a.of the perceived negativity associated with the political history of the country of Iran. b.they had migrated to the United States before Persia was renamed as Iran in 1970. c.unlike Persian Americans, Iranian Americans speak Farsi and, therefore, suffer de facto segregation. d.Persian Americans are considered to be Arab and, therefore, are seldom treated with prejudice.


One dimension of the objectification of women is that __________. a. women are responded to primarily as "females" and their personal qualities are of secondary importance b. women are seen as difficult to ignore, are dismissed, or are trivialized c. women are seen as independent, aloof, and having no regard for the needs of others d. women are regarded as being "all different," with an emphasis on their unique body parts


Radical terrorists who use fear tactics to intimidate those with whom they disagree ideologically are members of __________. a.revolutionary movements b.reform movements c.expressive movements d.alternative movements


Sociologists define __________ as the alteration, modification, or transformation of public policy, culture, or social institutions over time. change deviance c.acculturation d.cultural diffusion


The earliest known division of labor between women and men is found in __________. a.hunting and gathering societies b.industrial societies c.horticultural and pastoral societies d.agrarian societies


The fastest growing racial group in the United States today is __________. a.Asian Americans b.Native Americans c.Hispanic Americans d.Eastern European immigrants


The term __________ is used to refer to people and groups that are blamed for societal problems (such as unemployment or an economic recession) over which they have no control and that are incapable of offering resistance to the hostility or aggression of others. a.scapegoat b.unprejudiced discriminator c.prejudiced discriminator d.mascot


The term __________ refers to rumors about the personal lives of individuals. a.gossip b.hype c.hype d.fad


The text observes that most sociological research on fashion has focused on __________., especially women's apparel fads are related to fashion in terms of art, literature, and architecture


Which of the following statements is true about gender socialization? a.Parents are more likely to assign maintenance chores to boys. b.Boys are less likely to be paid for doing chores at home than girls. c.Boys are more often engaged in cooperative play in toy commercials. d.Parents tend to give baby boys more gentle treatment.


Which of the following statements is true about gender stratification in horticultural and pastoral societies? a.In horticultural societies, neither sex controls the food supply. b.Horticultural societies are characterized by a high degree of gender inequality. c.Pastoral societies are characterized by an active involvement of women in subsistence production. d.In pastoral societies, herding is primarily done by women.


__________ in the United States created a gap between nonpaid work performed by women at home and paid work performed by men and women. a.Industrialization b.Pastoralism c.Postmodernism d.Horticulturalism


__________ refers to the attitudes, behavior, and activities that are socially defined as appropriate for each sex and that are learned through the socialization process. a.Gender role b.Gender identity c.Sexual role d.Sexual identity


"New Age" movements that direct people's behavior by emphasizing spiritual consciousness combined with a belief in reincarnation and astrology are an example of __________. a.expressive movements b.alternative movements c.revolutionary movements d.resistance movements


A group of college students is discussing radical extremist groups. Gita believes that shared beliefs are the primary reason for the formation of such groups. According to her, personal tendencies bring people together to act toward or against a common belief and that although their behavior appears irrational, it is likely to be predictable to those who share similar beliefs and emotions as them. Gita is most likely a proponent of __________. a.resource mobilization theory b.convergence theory c.emergent norm theory d.value-added theory


A(n) __________ is one in which factory or mechanized production has replaced agriculture as the major form of economic activity. a.pastoral society b.industrial society c.foraging society d.horticultural society


Ali recently started following a Facebook meme page that has been trending on social media. This page grew in popularity in a week's time and is now followed by people from around the world. Fads such as the meme page described in this scenario best exemplify __________. a.crowd behavior b.mass behavior c.class behavior d.mob behavior


Despite legislation prohibiting racial discrimination and decades of enforcement of civil rights legislation, neighborhoods in the United States still tend to be racially segregated. Owners, landlords, real estate agents, and apartment managers often use informal mechanisms to maintain their properties for "whites only." This is an example of __________. a.miscegenation facto segregation jure segregation


Hijra, xanith, and berdache are all examples of __________. a.gender rigidity b.a third sex c.gender stereotyping


In sports, calling a player of color by a derogatory name, participating in racist chants, and writing racist graffiti on game-day signs and locker rooms are examples of __________. a.aversive racism b.overt racism c.implicit racism d.subtle racism


__________ takes into account the complexity of social movements and makes it possible to test Neil Smelser's assertions regarding the necessary and sufficient conditions that produce such movements. a.Resource mobilization theory b.Social constructionist theory c.Value-added theory d.Relative deprivation theory


In the United States, indigenous groups lost property, political rights, aspects of their culture, and often their lives because of invasion by Euro-Americans and others. The capitalist class acquired cheap labor and land through this government-sanctioned racial exploitation. The effects of this __________ are reflected today in the number of Native Americans who live on government reservations. a.structural assimilation b.internal colonialism c.racial accommodation d.ethnic pluralism


In the context of sociological research on fashion, Herbert Blumer argued that__________________. serves mainly to institutionalize conspicuous consumption among the wealthy b.taste is a matter of collective mood, tastes, and choices c.members of the lower classes emulate the fashions of the upper class d.matters of taste constitute a large share of the dominant classes' cultural capital


In the context of theories of prejudice, the __________ states that people who are disappointed in their efforts to achieve a highly desired goal will respond with a pattern of hostility toward others. learning theory b.frustration-aggression hypothesis c.endogenous growth theory d.authoritarian personality principle


In which of the following types of societies are women likely to have the highest degree of relative equality with men? a.industrial societies b.hunting and gathering societies c.horticultural and pastoral societies d.agrarian societies


Josephine, an African woman, relocated to France for her new job. She met Louis, a French man, at her workplace and eventually married him. This scenario exemplifies __________. a.cultural assimilation b.biological assimilation c.structural assimilation d.psychological assimilation


Mobs, riots, and panics are examples of __________. a.expressive crowds b.acting crowds c.conventional crowds d.casual crowds


Most crossdressers are __________. a.lesbians b.heterosexual men men d.heterosexual women


People following each other on Twitter and people from different states and countries being Facebook friends are examples of __________. a.categories b.masses c.crowds d.aggregates


People in a shopping mall or on a city bus are examples of _________. a.acting crowds b.casual crowds c.expressive crowds d.conventional crowds


Some people may be genetically of one sex but have a gender identity of the other. These people are termed __________. a.cisgender people b.transgender people c.asexual people d.homosexual people


The fastest growing racial group in the United States today is __________. a.Eastern European immigrants b.Asian Americans c.Hispanic Americans d.Native Americans


The first U.S. sociologist to investigate crowd behavior was __________. a.Jane Addams b.Robert Park c.Herbert Gans d.Louis Wirth


To reinforce an existing generalized belief, an inciting incident or dramatic event must occur. In the context of value-added theory, which of the following conditions does this statement best illustrate? a.structural strain b.precipitating factors c.mobilization for action d. ocial control factors


Twenty-year-old Kesha appears to be female on the outside and has naturally developed breasts. However, she was born with a penis and does not have a vaginal opening. Given this information, it can be said that Kesha is most likely a(n) __________. a.cisgender person b.intersex person c.asexual person d.homosexual person


Which of the following is a criticism of the internal colonialism perspective that is rooted in the conflict perspective? a. It does not examine the effects of historical colonization on the lives of Native Americans who live in the United States today. b. It does not explain the continued exploitation of some immigrant groups, such as the Chinese, Filipinos, Cubans, Vietnamese, and Haitians. c. It does not explain the continued subjugation of racial and ethnic groups even after many years since the prohibition of segregation laws. d. It tends to view all members of colonized groups as having many more opportunities than do voluntary immigrants.


Which of the following is the most disadvantaged racial or ethnic group in the United States in terms of income, employment, housing, nutrition, and health? a.Hispanic Americans b.Native Americans c.African Americans d.Asian Americans


Which of the following statements is true of Puerto Rican Americans in the United States? a.They are the largest segment of the Latino/a population in the United States. b.About 50 percent of Puerto Rican Americans live in poverty. c.They have higher levels of educational attainment than the Hispanic population overall. d.About 67 percent of Puerto Rican Americans are homeowners.


__________ is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices used to justify the superior treatment of one ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another ethnic group. a.Amalgamation b.Racism c.Ethnic pluralism d.Lynching


__________ is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices used to justify the superior treatment of one ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another ethnic group. a.Ethnic pluralism b.Racism c.Amalgamation d.Lynching


__________ reflects the influence of Erving Goffman's Frame Analysis, in which he suggests that our interpretation of the particulars of events and activities is dependent on the framework from which we perceive them. a.Relative deprivation theory b.Social constructionist theory c.Value-added theory d.Resource mobilization theory


A(n) __________ is a number of people who share an interest in a specific idea or issue but who are not in one another's immediate vicinity.​ a. crowd b.aggregate c.mass d.category


According to liberal feminism, __________. a.socialism plays a bigger role than capitalism in contributing to women's inequality in society b.women diminish their human capital when they leave the labor force to engage in childbearing c.the roots of women's oppression lie in women's lack of equal civil rights and educational opportunities d.male domination is the primary cause for all forms of human oppression, including racism and classism


According to sociologists, which of the following is most important in defining what females and males are, what they should do, and what sorts of relations do or should exist between them? a.biological differences between women and men b.cognitive and behavioral factors and cultural processes d.objective standards set by different sociological perspectives


According to the __________, human capital acquired by education and job training is the source of a person's productivity and what a person earns is a reflection of his or her individual choices. a.conflict perspective b.symbolic interactionist perspective c.neoclassical economic perspective d.postmodernist perspective


At puberty, an increased production of hormones results in the development of __________, the physical traits (other than reproductive organs) that identify an individual's sex. a.primary sex characteristics b.gender identifications c.secondary sex characteristics d.hormonal correlates


Between 1619 and the 1860s, about 500,000 Africans were forcibly brought to North America, primarily to work on southern plantations as slaves. Slavery continued in the South until 1863, when the practice was abolished by __________. a.Jim Crow laws b.the Bill of Rights c.the Emancipation Proclamation d.a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court


Frank, a referee, is a white supremacist, and, therefore, he often deliberately calls a play incorrectly when people of color are involved in a tackle. In the context of sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, Frank can be classified as a(n) __________. a.unprejudiced discriminator b.prejudiced nondiscriminator c.prejudiced discriminator d.unprejudiced nondiscriminator


In the __________ of a social movement, people begin to organize and to publicize the problem. At this stage, some movements become formally organized at local and regional levels. a.intermediate stage b.incipiency stage c.coalescence stage d.institutionalization stage


In the context of gender differences in contemporary society, according to studies conducted by the Pew Research Center, __________. a. both parents work full time in less than 24 percent of two-parent households b. fathers are more likely than working mothers to indicate that parenting has interfered with their career advancement c. fathers perform more housework and child-care activities than in the past d. child care accounts for an average of twenty hours per week of mothers' time, as compared to five hours per week of fathers' time


Students gathered for a college lecture are an example of a(n) __________. The event has a preestablished schedule and norms, and interaction among participants is likely. The crowd is considered essential to the event. a.casual crowd b.acting crowd c.conventional crowd d.expressive crowd


The term __________ refers to the coexistence of a variety of distinct racial and ethnic groups within one society; this coexistence occurs when many groups share elements of the mainstream culture while remaining culturally distinct from both the dominant group and other social and ethnic groups. a.ethnocracy b.ethnocentrism c.ethnic pluralism d.ethnic nepotism


The term __________ refers to violent crowd behavior that is fueled by deep-seated emotions but not directed at one specific target. a.aggregation b.mass hysteria c.riot d.mob violence


The term __________ refers to violent crowd behavior that is fueled by deep-seated emotions but not directed at one specific target. a.mob violence b.mass hysteria c.riot d.aggregation


The text uses the term __________ to refer to men or women who do not alter their genitalia but whose appearance and mannerisms fall within the range of what is expected from members of the opposite sex. a.straight ally b.homosexual c.cross-dresser d.asexual


When fans express joy and exuberance during celebrations after sports victories by storming athletic courts or fields, they are most likely engaging in __________. a.collectivities b.mob violence c.riots d.mass hysteria


Xavier believes that African Americans are as intelligent as white Americans and therefore warmly invites them to join his chess club. His friend Reuben, however, believes that African Americans have weak cognitive abilities. However, to impress Xavier, Reuben conceals his beliefs and acts friendly and unbiased toward African Americans. In the context of Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, Xavier is a(n) __________, whereas Reuben is a(n) __________. a.prejudiced discriminator; unprejudiced discriminator b.prejudiced nondiscriminator; prejudiced discriminator c.unprejudiced nondiscriminator; prejudiced nondiscriminator d.unprejudiced discriminator; unprejudiced nondiscriminator


__________ seek to prevent change or to undo change that has already occurred. a.Reform movements b.Alternative movements c.Regressive movements d.Revolutionary movements


A teen pop band is performing in New York City. About 200 students aged 13 to 18 years are gathered for the event. This type of crowd best exemplifies a(n) __________. a.acting crowd b.expressive crowd c.casual crowd d.conventional crowd


According to __________, people who are satisfied with their present condition are less likely to seek social change. a.value-added theory b.resource mobilization theory constructionist theory d.relative deprivation theory


At puberty, an increased production of hormones results in the development of __________, the physical traits (other than reproductive organs) that identify an individual's sex. a.gender identifications b.hormonal correlates c.primary sex characteristics d.secondary sex characteristics


Frank, a referee, is a white supremacist, and, therefore, he often deliberately calls a play incorrectly when people of color are involved in a tackle. In the context of sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, Frank can be classified as a(n) __________. a.prejudiced nondiscriminator b.unprejudiced discriminator c.unprejudiced nondiscriminator d.prejudiced discriminator


In the United States, males are traditionally expected to demonstrate aggressiveness and toughness, whereas females are expected to be passive and nurturing. This illustrates the concept of __________. a.sexual role b.sexual identity c.gender identity d.gender role


In the context of conflict perspectives on race and ethnic relations, __________ refers to the division of the economy into two areas of employment: a primary sector or upper tier, composed of higher-paid (usually dominant-group) workers in more secure jobs, and a secondary sector or lower tier, composed of lower-paid (often subordinate-group) workers in jobs with little security and hazardous working conditions. a.isolate discrimination jure segregation c.racial formation d.split labor market


In the context of conflict perspectives on race and ethnic relations, __________ refers to the division of the economy into two areas of employment: a primary sector or upper tier, composed of higher-paid (usually dominant-group) workers in more secure jobs, and a secondary sector or lower tier, composed of lower-paid (often subordinate-group) workers in jobs with little security and hazardous working conditions. a.racial formation jure segregation c.isolate discrimination d.split labor market


In the context of sociological research on fashion, Herbert Blumer argued that__________________. a.matters of taste constitute a large share of the dominant classes' cultural capital serves mainly to institutionalize conspicuous consumption among the wealthy c.members of the lower classes emulate the fashions of the upper class d.taste is a matter of collective mood, tastes, and choices


In which of the following types of societies are women likely to have the highest degree of relative equality with men? a.agrarian societies b.industrial societies c.horticultural and pastoral societies d.hunting and gathering societies


Leah, a white American sports journalist, describes African American athletes as naturally gifted people with athletic abilities who are more suitable for team positions that require agility rather than information processing. However, she describes white athletes as intelligent people who are better suited for decision-making positions. This scenario exemplifies __________. a.manifest racism b.overt racism c.explicit racism d.subtle racism


Many Iranian Americans refer to themselves as "Persian" rather than "Iranian" because: a. Persian Americans are considered to be Arab and, therefore, are seldom treated with prejudice. b. unlike Persian Americans, Iranian Americans speak Farsi and, therefore, suffer de facto segregation. c. they had migrated to the United States before Persia was renamed as Iran in 1970. d. of the perceived negativity associated with the political history of the country of Iran.


Political opportunity theory states that __________. a. social movements arise as a response to people's perception that they have been deprived of what they consider to be their fair share b. a social movement is an interactive, symbolically defined, and negotiated process that involves participants, opponents, and bystanders c. certain conditions are necessary for the development of a social movement and each condition contributes to the final outcome d. people will choose those options for collective action that will produce the most favorable outcome for their cause


Special education classes were originally intended to provide extra educational opportunities for children with various types of disabilities. However, critics claim that these programs have amounted to racial segregation in many school districts despite lack of support from the norms of the immediate organization. In the context of the types of discrimination identified by Joe Feagin, this scenario illustrates __________. a.individual discrimination institutionalized discrimination c.isolate discrimination d.indirect institutionalized discrimination


Which of the following statements is true about gender socialization in schools? a. Female peer groups place more pressure on girls to do "feminine" things than male peer groups place on boys to do "masculine" things. b. Young boys have been socialized to play exclusively with others of their own age, in groups of two or three. c. Girls are socialized to participate in rule-oriented games with a larger number of participants than games played by boys. d. Boys express much more favorable attitudes toward physical exertion and exercise than girls do.


Which of the following statements is true about social movements? a.They tend to be unorganized and shorter-lived than collective behavior. b.They tend to develop primarily in societies that accept traditional beliefs and practices. c.They are more likely to develop in preindustrial societies than in industrialized societies. d.They make democracy more available to excluded groups.


__________ is a person's perception of the self as female or male. Typically established between eighteen months and three years of age, it is a powerful aspect of our self-concept. a.Sexual identity b.Gender role c.Body consciousness d.Gender identity


__________ seek to bring about a total change in society. These movements usually do not attempt to work within the existing system; rather, they aim to remake the system by replacing existing institutions with new ones. a.Alternative movements b.Reform movements c.Expressive movements d.Revolutionary movements


__________ states that racial and ethnic relations in the United States have been shaped to a large extent by the actions and policies of the government. a.Critical race theory b.The split-labor-market theory c.Ethnicity theory d.The theory of racial formation


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