Sociology Final

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Currently, the median household income in the United States is about


According to lecture, about how people are starving in sub-Saharan Africa?

150 million

According to Judith Lorber's article on gender, some societies have __________ genders


The lifetime chance of imprisonment of an African American male is about


Currently, about how many people were counted by the government as having incomes below the official poverty line?

45 million

Among all workers, women earn about ______ cents on the dollar compared to men


The ratio of income in high income to low income countries is about


According to your professor, if your father graduated from college, your chance of doing so as well is about


According to the article on wealth differences between blacks and whites, what percentage of lifetime wealth comes from inheritance?


According to your reading, which group of students appeared to be most heavily targeted by the zero tolerance approach?


According to the class material, what is the main reason African-American incomes continue to lag behind those of whites?

African-Americans are discriminated against in hiring and Because of historic discrimination, African-Americans continue to find themselves in low-paying occupations

According to your professor, which of the following is true about capital punishment?

Criminologists generally feel it is not a deterrent to murder and Most American adults support it

Which types of discrimination against African Americans are mentioned by Wright and Rogers?

Discrimination in micro-interactions, Discrimination in credit markets, Discrimination in housing, and "Driving while black"

The article on kindergarten mentioned which founder of sociology?

Emile Durkheim

According to the reading in your text on the uses of global poverty, who benefits from "brain drain"?

England and the U.S.

According to the article on wealth differences between blacks and whites, blacks and whites with similar incomes have similar amounts of wealth


Crime rates in the U.S. have been decreasing since the early 1990s. This is clearly a result of putting more people in prison


In the contemporary United States, there is more downward occupational mobility across the generations than upward occupational mobility


The Davis-Moore theory implies that the amount of inequality we currently have in the United States is necessary in order to induce the best people to train for and remain in the most important positions.


According to lecture, which group is least likely to receive a B.A.?


Which of the following is NOT true

Hispanics are more likely to graduate from college than African Americans

Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a function of global poverty?

It enables rich countries to spend more on the military

The United States has the highest levels of inequality and poverty among wealthy countries. Which reasons for this were mentioned in lecture?

Labor unions have declined in their significance in American society and The United States has a low-road capitalist economy

What might a sociologist say about why an individual chooses a particular person to marry?

People who marry tend to be very similar in status

In class I discussed some famous research on conformity. Which of the following social scientists was NOT mentioned in connection with conformity?

Samuel Stouffer

Lecture discussed three categories into which all religions of the world can be placed. Which was NOT mentioned?


What was NOT an outcome of the chain mail experiment?

The majority of people sent the folders to relatives

According to the article on men as success objects and women as sex objects, men placed more personal ads than women


According to your reading on corporate crime, more people die of this type of crime than are murdered each year in the U.S.


In Guns, Germs, and Steel, what was Yali's question?

Why do you white people have so much cargo?

Max Weber considered an individual's social position to be:

a matter of social status or prestige, a matter of power, and a matter of economic class

The concept "race" refers to:

a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important

In lecture your professor presented some data on the decline in prejudice in the United States over the course of the past 30 years or so. To measure prejudice, he used

a survey question on whether racial differences are due to inborn disabilities

Asceticism is

a way of life characterized by abstinence

In the article on masculinity, Messner argues that boys use sports as a means to connect with other boys. What is one problem with this, in Messner's view?

acceptance by other boys is contingent on winning

Being a college student is a(n)

achieved status

The purpose of Dismas House is to address the _________ of former prisoners


In "The Sociological Imagination", C. Wright Mills states that personal troubles

are easier to deal with if we understand the social context in which they occur and recognize them as social issues that many others face as well

Dependency theory claims that poor nations:

are exploited by rich nations

Guttentag and Secord's theory

argues that female power increases when they are in relatively large supply

While prejudice is a matter of _____, discrimination is a matter of ____

attitudes; action

Given what you have learned in this part of the course, it is most accurate to say that being a college graduate is

both an achieved and an ascribed status

According to the article you read, the focal point of the Nacirema shrine room is a

box or chest

Dismas House seeks to create relationships between people who have been in prison and

college students

Which theoretical perspective would focus on how whites benefit from discrimination against members of minority groups?


When Max Weber describes the "spirit of capitalism," he is emphasizing the

connection between our material abundance and our religious beliefs

Social and cultural reproduction theories of education stress the importance of

cultural capital

Max Weber is a

cultural sociologist

Which of the following sociological terms refers to the violation of cultural norms?


The basic idea behind labeling theory is that:

deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do

The physical differences that may become part of racial categories have their origins in:

different geographical conditions in which humans live

According to your professor, the fundamental reason for the decline in gender inequality is

economic development

For Marx, which part of society was fundamentally the most important?

economic institutions

A person who criticizes the Amish farmer as backward for tilling his fields using horses and a plow instead of a tractor is exhibiting:


What is NOT mentioned by Huff as a source of misleading statistics?

excessive number crunching

In lecture, your professor discussed a theory that posited a relationship between religiosity and conformity. To measure religiosity, your professor utilized

frequency of attendance at religious services

Values are while norms are

general; specific ideals; rules

A father may need both to be paternal and civic minded. This shows that

his status involves two different roles

According to the article on how Hispanic immigrants are treated in the United States,

immigrants take jobs that native-born Americans do not want, immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in social services, and immigrants account for billions in consumer spending

According to the article you read from Slate Magazine, which of the following is NOT an important reason for the recent increase in inequality in the United States?


A social group toward which a member feels respect and loyalty is called a(n)


"Social stratification" is a concept that refers to:

inequality of valued rewards in society and its social aspects

An empirical implication

is what we expect to see in the real world if our theory is correct

According to the article you read on drug development, which disease is the leading cause of global suffering?


According to lecture, one reason women have entered the labor force increasing numbers is the decline of the _____ sector and the expansion _____ sector


Which of the following crime theories has NOT been supported by research?

mental illness

According to the article on family-school relationships, middle-class parents are more involved in their children's schooling than working-class parents because

middle-class parents have more cultural capital than working-class parents

An interaction in a triad is

more stable than a dyad

According to the film "Race the Power of an Illusion"

most genetic variation is within races, the concept of race is a relatively recent one, and the concept of race has been used to justify social inequalities

In 1953, the United States intervened in Iran to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Mossadegh and install Shah Reza Pahlavi in his stead. This is an example of:


The article on female circumcision pointed out that

not all Nigerian ethnic groups support the practice

Your reading discussed the social forces that make it difficult to combat climate change. Which of the following was not one of them?

our master statuses

In which type of research is replication most difficult?

participant observation

When Weber looks at his modern world, he sees

people trapped in a capitalist system but no longer holding the values or beliefs that helped create it

According to the reading in your text on the uses of global poverty, where are companies most likely to locate?

places with low labor costs

Assume some survey research found that children who play video games are more likely than children who do not to engage in violent behavior. This means that

playing video games is correlated with violent behavior and this could be a spurious correlation owing to confounding factors

The social-conflict approach to deviance would argue that

powerless people are at the highest risk of being defined as deviant


refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share a culture

The chart on marathon runners suggests that

sex differences in athletic performance may at times be due more to the social construction of gender than to innate biological differences and the women's movement encouraged women to show their true athletic abilities

Sociologists call the resources our networks provide

social capital

Mills calls the features of a society-how it is organized and how it operates-

social structure

Probably the best synonyms for social facts are

society and culture

Because of social stratification in the United States:

some people have more privileges and opportunities than others

According to lecture, which theoretical perspective views gender as mainly helpful?

structural-functional (functionalist)

According to lecture,

students from schools that spend a lot of money on education may be more successful in school and later in life, but this may be a function of their family background rather than what happens in the school

The murder rate

tells you how many people are murdered in a given year, taking into account the size of the population

According to the radio program you listened to,

testosterone levels can be influenced by the environment

Where was the fertile crescent?

the Middle East

Differential association theory links deviance to:

the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage the behavior in question

In the "Uses of the Underclass in America," Gans shows how

the label "undeservedness," when attached to poor persons, provides a reason for not trying to solve the problem of poverty

Modernization theory claims that:

the main causes of poverty involve traditional culture and lack of advanced technology

Why were women displaced from their jobs after WWII?

the men were given their jobs back and they were encouraged to take care of their families

Gender refers to:

the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female and male

Sociology is

the study of social facts

According to the article you read, there is great dissatisfaction among the Nacirema with

the typical female breast shape

What is the name of Jeannie Oakes idea that children are instructionally divided based on ability?


What job did Barbara Ehrenreich (In "Nickled and Dimed") plan not to do, but did anyway?


Emile Durkheim

was a French pioneer of sociology and a functionalist and argued that individuals are constrained by social forces external to them

Crimes committed by which group causes the greatest dollar amount of loss to victims?

white collar people

According to lecture,

women tend to work fewer hours outside the home than men

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