SOCY 101 Midterm - Davenport

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What does Danielle's story demonstrate about the power of socialization?

Because Danielle was not aware of the social norms within societies, she was viewed as odd for not falling inline with the rest of society.

What was the significance of stealing the bag of chips?

Becayse it gave these youngsters dignity in an environment that already saw them as criminal prior to their committing the act.

bumper sticker experiment?

Black Panther sticker was placed on each car of people with perfect driving records of different ethnic backgrounds in the 70s. One participant was pulled over three times in three days. He quit the study. After seventeen days, the fifteen drivers had collected a total of thirty-three traffic citations. The experiment was halted. The funding to pay traffic fines had run out, and so had the enthusiasm of the participants

How do racism and colorism relate to each other?

Both talk about some aspect of a group having a different physical trait such as skin tone and/or practices that make them seem different from another group, thus setting them apart from one another based off their differences.

What does conspicuous consumption tell us about social class and prestige?

If someone has a sports car they are assumed to be a person of the upper class because nice good are associated with higher wealth and prestige. The nicer the good the higher the prestige.

Opening up costs

If there are fees on buying a new property in the destination location this can be a barrier. Other legal costs may also be involved.

How does the example of skirts show that gender is culturally relative?

In U.S. culture, it is considered feminine (or a trait of the female gender) to wear a dress or skirt. However, in many Middle Eastern, Asian, and African cultures, sarongs, robes, or gowns are considered masculine. The kilt worn by a Scottish man does not make him appear feminine in that culture.

expressive leader

a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone's emotional wellbeing

instrumental leader

a leader who is goal oriented with a primary focus on accomplishing tasks

strain theory

addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals

Respect for persons

all people should be respected and asked for their informed consent before taking part in research

How do sociologists distinguish between sex and gender?

Sex has to do with the physical look between male and female while gender is the social and cultural distinctions between male and females.

How does Siyonbola's experience reflect the power dynamics of demanding/giving accounts?

The female who called the police is asserting her power over Siyonbola by having auhtority wuesion her off of no deviance or acts of violence. The police also asking for Siyonbola's ID and not the girl who called the police shows that the power/authority can do what they please and demand for her ID based off of no evidence.


The gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and the mainstream society


The acquisition of a new culture and language

In the BBC experiment, with the boy and girl toddlers being placed in their opposite gender clothes, how did the volunteers treat them differently?

The boy placed in girl clothes was directed towards more of the stuffed animals while the girl placed in boys clothes was directed towards the toy trucks. The volunteers had no knowledge of the children's gender other than what they were told, thus it was an unconscious response to direct the children to certain toys.

Do you think the broad divisions of upper class, middle class, and lower class are helpful ways to think about wealth? Do you think we need to use the within-class divisions in order to be more accurate? Why/why not?

The broad divisions are helpful for a foundation of defining wealth. Within class would be more accurate because it is more precise.

Distance and landscape

The distance between the origin and the destination is one of the major barriers, including any physical landscapes barriers such as seas and deserts that must be crossed

Objective Qualitative Research

gain an understanding of underlying reasons or motivations. Uncover trends or provide insights into the setting of a problem

"Bootstrap" Mentality

he individuals pull themselves up to a better station in life by their own bootstrap

Symbolic Interactionists ... deviant label?

would say the context shapes people's reactions and people's reactions shape their deviant label

domesticated fatherhood

pattern widely seen among professional immigrants who experience blocked mobility in the US, or at least perceive their experience as such, and as a result they devote more time to their families

What do Agents of Socialization include?

religion, family, peers, school, mass media, and work all of which point towards you


is the belief that one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group. For example, if an employer believes a Black employee with a darker skin tone is less capable than a Black employee with lighter skin tone, that is colorism.

cultural relativism

is the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one's own culture.


is world wide culture and systems being shared


researchers should be fair about who is included in research and how the risks and benefits are shared

What are sanctions?

restrictions intended to enforce international law

what are sociologists?

social scientists: Political Science Anthropology Psychology

True or False. Specific Media cater to subcultures and demographic groups.


Siyonbola's experience

"A black Yale University graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their dorm and called police... 'I deserve to be here. I pay tuition like everybody else,' an annoyed Siyonbola told responding officers in one video after they asked for her ID. 'I'm not going to justify my existence here'"

Giving accounts examples

"I'm having a bad day" "I meant to put my turn signal on but I forgot" "I had to get to the hospital so that's why I was speeding"

What is the benefit to conducting a literature review?

(which is a review of any existing similar or related studies) Helps researchers gain a broad understanding of work previously conducted, identify gaps in understanding of the topic, and position their own research to build on prior knowledge.

Methodological Quantitative

- Data are collected through measuring things - data are analyzed through numerical comparisons and statistical inferences - data are reported through statistical analyses

Why does "domesticated fatherhood" occur?

- This occurs because their career setbacks in American workplaces motivate them to invest more energy in childrearing and give them more time to balance work and family. - If one does not get a job promotion at work, they reorient their life goals towards family life to make sure their children are equipped with the necessary tools to succeed at what they cannot. This is similar to the previous story about Father Raymond and son Kevin.

Methodological Qualitative

-Data are collected through participant observation and interviews. -Data are analyzed by themes from descriptions by informants. -Data are reported in the language of the informant.

What happened in the debate between the parenting instructor and the "Tiger Mom"?

1. The immigrant instructor was emphasizing that in order for their to be success in the American workplace, the immigrants would have to change the way they spoke to fellow coworkers. The Tiger Mom did not like this because she thought that this was an American Problem not a Chinese problem thus, she should not have to conform to avoid mistakes as a strategy of self-protection. The instructor suggested that they do not eat lunch alone so their social interaction can be better and she took this as him being naive about American society because she believes that by not communicating, she is avoiding mistakes.

Why might the idea that bureaucracies are meritocracies be a harmful or false narrative?

A lot of public colleges factor a student's application based on if they are related to an alumni of the school, however a lot of black students' ancestors were not allowed into many colleges until much later in life compared to white students. This creates a bureaucracy that should be based off of merit and yet this system plays a role into acceptance.

What is the difference between a numerical minority vs. a minority the way sociologists use the term?

A numerical minority is sometimes smaller groups can be considered minority groups due to their lack of power. While a minority is any group of people who are singled out from the others for differential and unequal treatment. - The difference is that one group is a larger group singled out for their lack of power while the other is mainly singled out for unequal treatment and differences.

Formal Negative Sanction

A ticket Tells the person they did something wrong in traffic law As decided/mediated by a police officer who represents "the state"

What are two impacts colonization continues to have on African countries' economies?

African poverty is worsened by civil wars and inadequate governance that are the result of a continent re-imagined with artificial colonial borders and leaders. Belgian invaders disrupted a cohabitated Rwanda that led to ethic groups being created and this pitted the Tutsis and Rwandans against one another causing major civil wars and major disputes over land leading to no profit agriculture. NO AVAILABLE LAND UNTIL CLAIMED

Bechdel Test

An assessment of gender bias in media that asks three simple questions of a film: Does it feature two women, who talk to each other, about something other than a man?

What is a technology you believe has had an almost entirely positive impact on people's lives?

Any medical technology

Bad Jobs/Decline of Unions + Stratification example

As union membership rates decrease, middle class incomes shrink.

Conceptual Qualitative

concerned with understanding human behavior from the informant's perspective; assumes and dynamic and negotiated reality

What is meant by the quote: "Chinese culture is preserved like a garnish and carefully placed at the corner of the multicultural salad bowl" (118)

By making sure their children know their Chinese heritage but still conform to some norms of American society, the parents are preserving their culture while still helping their children be authentic and thrive in their life. Immigrant parents who orchestrate children's assimilation do not try to erase their culture of origin but attempt to narrow their social distance from the white majority.

example of Mcdonaldization

COVID drive thru testing

Short answer: Why would conflict theorists say that channels like OutTV and BET exist?

Channels like these exist because the system of mainstream media do not pertain to diverse communities such as the LGBTQ community.

What could resocialization include?

Citizenship Classes College Orientation

Conceptual Quantitative

Concerned with discovering facts about social phenomena; assumes fixed and measurable reality.

What has been happening to crime rates since the 1990s? Do people seem aware of this in our culture?

Decreasing. Through media people are sold the idea that crime is always a top priority to care about however, it has been decreasing over time bu the media wants to grab readers and their wallets, so by publishing eye catching stories, the idea that crime is on the rise is present.

if I tell a joke in another culture it will be understood?

Depending on the culture, and how sensitive the topic is, most jokes are universal as they create a sense of unity.

Parents' Wealth + Stratification

Depending on the parent's financial situation, most kids will fall in the same situation when they grow up. The lower the family income, the higher the number of adult children in the bottom quintile, the higher the family income, the higher number of adult children in the top quintile.

structural-functional approach on deviance

Deviants → commit crimes→ which leads to public outrage and punishments → which leads to the majority of people who adhere to and accept moral guidelines and rules → which creates deviants

Organizations can be racist/sexist?

Differential rewards (Black financial advisers) "The client just prefers x" "We value diversity but candidates must 'fit in'"

Why is the digital divide significant? Do you know of any efforts to change it?

Digital divide is similar to plane analogy. Separates those wealthy enough to use computer as somehow better than others who may use more traditional note taking tools like pencil and paper. Efforts to stop this has been lowering prices on older models of computer so they are more accessible to others nor loaner chargers and hot spots for students during COVID.

Economist Keith Chen : language can shape culture

Discovered that speakers with weak future tenses (e.g. German, Finnish and Estonian) were 30 percent more likely to save money, 24 percent more likely to avoid smoking, 29 percent more likely to exercise regularly, and 13 percent less likely to be obese, than speakers of languages with strong future tenses, like English.

Which of the hypothesis in Table 2.1 do you think would be easiest to study? Most difficult?

Easiest: The greater the availability of math tutoring, the higher the math grades. Hardest: The greater the factory lighting, the higher the productivity.

How do sociologists do research?

Ethics/IRB and Methods

Define Structural-Functionalism

Everything has a purpose!

What is the noblesse oblige? What policies would be examples of this? When does noblesse oblige fail?

Example of this would be the US sending foreign aid to underdeveloped countries. This fails when it leads to a feeling of superiority.

Giving Accounts

Explanation for why behavior varied from the norm

What's the difference between an expressive and an instrumental leader?

Expressive focuses on the emotional wellbeing of others while instrumental focus on the goals at hand.

True or False. Culture is not used as a tool to bring people together.


True or False. The media does NOT polarize us politically.



Fast food like processes are becoming more common in organizations.

How do the fathers in this book chapter react to blocked mobility at work?

Fathers try to make sure that their children are better assimilated in life, so they do not have to deal with similar situations in their future jobs like their fathers. This allows them to not have to worry about their children's well-being in the future. The domesticated father comes about in issues like this.

Physical Inequality Example

First class and coach division on airplanes puts a physical barrier between people based on where they sit on the plane and how much their ticket cost.

What kinds of accounts do you think would be most likely to get the desired result of avoiding the negative sanction?


Bias with preschool NPR video.

Four preschoolers, one black female, one black white female, one black male and one white male were playing and being observed boy over 135 preschool teachers. Through optical technology, the teacher's eyes, both black and white, all focused on the black boy expecting deviant behavior. However, there was none.

do black college students in the US feel more understood at HBCUs or public universities?


Informal Negative Sanction

Honking! Tells the person they did something wrong in the "rules of the road" Doesn't have official consequences

Are you familiar with hearing about race as a social construction? What new insights did this chapter offer you?

I am familiar with hearing race as a social construction. This thought suggests that race is not biologically identifiable and that previous racial categories were based on pseudoscience. I found it interesting that the article includes a new addition to the US census that allows people to get even more specific with their ethnicity. - A growing number of people chose multiple races to describe themselves on the 2020 Census, indicating that individuals have multiple identities.

Is there a category you are a part of that you would not identify with being a part of that group?

I am part of USC and I am a public health major however, most students in this major plan to go to med school or become some kind of medical doctor while I want to work with environmental health.

Do you think cultural relativism is a noble goal for sociologists to strive for? Why/why not?

I think cultural relativism is a noble goal for sociologists to strive for. I say this because Sociologists work diligently to keep personal biases out of research analysis.

In your opinion, based on the reading, what is the most influential agent of socialization? Why?

I think mass media is the most influential agent of socialization because almost everyone has a phone or interacts with media everyday thus it is always circulating in our heads and has influence on the way we act within society.

Are there gender stereotypes you would have considered not a big deal, and after reading this chapter do you still feel that way or do you think all gender stereotypes are harmful?

I would have considered the children's chores not a big deal however I disagree with this now. Boys may be asked to take out the garbage or perform other tasks that require strength or toughness, while girls may be asked to fold laundry or perform duties that require neatness and care. Fathers are firmer in their expectations for gender conformity than are mothers, and their expectations are stronger for sons than they are for daughters I think that all gender stereo types because they lead to the demeaning of a specific gender and the uplifting of another. For example, in a study of teacher responses to male and female students, data indicated that teachers praised male students far more than female students. Teachers interrupted girls more often and gave boys more opportunities to expand on their ideas

How can strain theory be applied to crimes like shoplifting or drug dealing?

If one is shoplifting because they are bored it is perceived as deviant however if one is shop lifting or selling drugs to pay for their families food and shelter, their goal is more socially accepted even though both actions are deviant.

"Wealthy LA convicts can spend extra to serve their time in fancy jails" meaning

If some California inmates are not happy with their jail conditions, those who have money to spare can pay for an upgrade.

What does the example of hand-holding demonstrate about different cultural values on physical intimacy?

In many parts of Africa and the Middle East, it is considered normal for men to hold hands in friendship. However, in the US it is seen as a display of love or kinship thus, people may view this display as romantic in the US while in parts of Africa and the Middle East people would see this as friendship.

Skills required for visas

In some countries such as Canada, a skills test is required, and only certain trades and professions will be allowed entry into the country.

What does the author mean by 3 generation mobility?

In the text, the grandparent generation, got an education lower than high school, this began the family's upward mobile trajectory through a super small business and invested their hard-earned assets in their children's overseas education. - The parent generation achieved transnational mobility but feels marginalized in the new country - thus, expecting the child generation to achieve full success and integration in the US.

Risk Example

Issues "framed" as dangerous even if not

What is your biggest criticism of the Davis-Moore thesis? What is a profession you would say is not adequately compensated compared to how important it is?

It does not factor in gender or race. Teachers are not accurately compensated for.

Culture can change languages. Example?

Latino/a Latinx Latine

Conflict Theory view of Stratification

Look at all the ways the rich stay rich and the powerful make their kids powerful

What is the IRB?

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a board established to review and approve research involving human subjects. Purpose: to protect the rights and welfare of the human subjects

Globalization vs. Local Diversity Example

McDonalds in India that features a salsa bean burger, green chilli aloo naan, and the Mcspicy chicken burger.

Capital can move more quickly than ever before, but humans are still bound (if they are poor) by borders. What does this mean for global inequality?

Money is super easy to move and yet getting aid to people or helping people does not seem to be so easy. People around the globe are harder to move than money because of strict rules or tests required to get around form country to country.

What are some difficulties transgender people face in our society? What is at the root of these difficulties?

More than half of LGBTQ adults and 70 percent of those who are transgender or gender nonconforming report experiencing discrimination from a health care professional; this leads to delays or reluctance in seeking care or preventative visits, which has negative health outcomes (American Heart Association 2020). The root of these difficulties is hetero sexism. Straight people are preferred by institutions, and biases and stereotypes.

Would you rather have a professor who is mostly instrumental but slightly expressive or one who is mostly expressive but slightly instrumental?

Mostly instrumental and slightly expressive. I am not going to school to be friend's with my teachers.

How do cultures of prejudice develop?

NOT based on personal experience; instead, it is a prejudgment, originating outside actual experience. - Cultures of prejudice develop through prejudgment not based on an actual experience. An example of this could be the media portraying a certain racial group such as Hispanic people involved in weed selling. A person will the judge Hispanics as being drug dealers when they have never even met a Hispanic drug dealer.

What does the Asch experiment show about conformity pressures within groups?

Nearly 75% of the participants in the conformity experiments went along with the rest of the group at least one time. By seeing what others do about something, the individual is influenced and feels he/she needs to conform with the group.

Were you surprised to see such large differences in life expectancies across different countries? Why/why not?

No, because not every country has the same resources as others.

Type of Empirical Research....

Objective, sample and data analysis

Subcultures can be a huge source of community...

Often differ in timing or intensity from "mainstream" behavior

What is needed to have democratic leadership? What are the assumptions?

Open mindedness and the people of the organization being able to have a say.


People at risk/in danger/ 'imminent threat"

Symbolic Interactionism Organizations

People make the place Set of relationships, history, norms

Example of Reesearch

Picture to the left is of three framed photos against a brick wall. Each one seems to depict homeless people. The picture to the right is of a door lock with a keypad on the door handle. Interest: Homeless exclusion.


Problems as one person instead of social problem.

Changing the world through....

Public Sociology and Teaching

Examples of Sociology

Race, gender, class, etc

How would you describe the process by which racial inequality becomes sedimented?

Racial inequality becomes sedimented through intergenerational impact of both practical and legalized racism that limits the abilities of Black people to accumulate wealth. - An example of this is: not giving Black people the same resources to other racial groups such as proper insurance funds and /or appropriate job opportunities.

People with both parents republicans trended more ________ than average and same with children whose parents are both Democrats.


How did the steak restaurant manager and Ronny view their interaction through different lenses?

Ronny did not shake her hand out of respect for he was told that he might come off as a robber to her. He did not want to give that impression so he refrained from shaking her hand. The manager barely looked at Ronny because she immediately labeled him as a deviant for not shaking her hand and for being a black male.

Demanding Accounts Example

Sara Ahmed discusses how "When you are stopped, a right to stop you is asserted. In being assertive, such speech acts render you questionable, as someone who can be questioned"

formal positive sanctions

Saving money on insurance

3. Short answer: Kathy wants to do research for her senior thesis. She decides to attempt to measure if students who are very involved at USC are more successful. Why does she need to operationalize her variables?

She needs to operationalize (define and put into measurable terms) her variables to uncover what success at USC means. Whether that is good grades, social interaction or even those who are involved in multiple clubs. Once she classifies that, she will then need to send out a survey to measure these outcomes.

How do people become aware that their actions are deviant?

Society seeks to limit deviance through the use of sanctions that help maintain a system of social control.

Conflict Theory Organizations

Sociological evidence confirms that organizations produce inequality or systematic disparities between racial groups. (whites always have it better)

Define Sociology (Davenport version)

Sociology is about power/privilege and disadvantage, identity, and the central debate about structure vs. agency

Structural-Functionalism view of Stratification

Some people have to be at the bottom... shrug?. Need to incentivize more important jobs with higher salaries. Boot strap mentality

Data Analysis Quantitative Research

Statistical; data can be expressed as a number

What strategies of resistance are available to the boys? Which aren't?

Strategies like stealing a bag of chips or acts of resilience. But strategies that are not available to them are proper schooling, and main stream acts of norms that would allow them to accepted within society and to not be misrecognized as deviant.

Changing the World example

Study about how COVID was not being studied in prisons because the data was not being publicly reported.

Why might Sweden's open approach to sexuality result in fewer teenage pregnancies?

Sweden, has very few regulations on sexual images in the media, and sex education, which starts around age six, is a compulsory part of Swedish school curricula. It would appear that these approaches are models for the benefits of sexual freedom and frankness. With more freedom in sex and less pressure to conform to sexual pressures, younger people feel less obligated to have a child at a young age or the pressure to even have sex, protected or unprotected.

Multiple choice: Which is correctly matched with the perspective it represents? Functionalist- the vast differences in life expectancy across countries reflects structural violence, and could be prevented by more investment into global health infrastructure Conflict theory- inequality helps sort people into jobs that someone has to do- higher paid jobs are more important Davis-Moore Thesis- jobs that are dangerous are only dangerous because of the social conditions and hazards we have imposed Symbolic Interactionists- the favorite objects section of the global poverty photos showed people's ability to create meaning and joy out of terrible circumstances

Symbolic Interactionalists

According to the chapter, how does technology shape work/life balance? What might be some impacts of this?

Technology limits human interaction because sending a text or email is much quicker than in person interaction. This puts a further divide in between people as they look to technology as a better ways of communication rather than human to human communication. Some impacts of this may be isolation within the work place.

Informal Positive Sanction

The "Wave"

How can deviance move society forward? Give one example not mentioned in the text.

The Civil Rights Movement was based off of deviance. By going against Jim Crow laws, black protestors were fighting for their rights while also going against society's norms.

True or False: sociologists use quantitative and qualitative data


Yellow kittens and green robotrucks: the gender gap in children's clothes example

The more clothes that have flower and the color pink and purple are associated with girl clothes while the clothes that have trucks and dinosaurs on them are associated with boy clothes. "These messages in and on our clothes might seem to be small and insignificant, but our world is made of such small and insignificant things that together make up our reality."

Why is the boys' organic capital not that helpful in the labor market or at school?

The organic capital the boys have is the skills they acquire from being shunned from main stream norms. For example, the boy who didn't shake the manager's hand when applying for a job because she was a white woman. He did that out of respect for her because he did not want to scare her or make her uncomfortable.

third world

The poorest, most undeveloped countries

What does the social norm function mean for media? How does it relate to our discussion of deviance?

The social norm function for media is that it is normal;l for most people to have social media. This puts one in contact with other people and makes them look for sociable while someone who does not have Instagram or snap chat may seem as someone more isolated. In addition, core nations such as the United States risk the use of international media by criminals to circumvent local laws against socially deviant and dangerous behaviors such as gambling, child pornography, and the sex trade.

How does social capital harm immigrants at work?

This harms immigrants at work because they do not know popular things that their coworkers will know in America. Thus, this sets them apart and makes them feel marginalized to the point where they do not feel as though they are working together to their full potential.

Government immigration laws

This is one of the biggest barriers. Most countries require visas to enter and remain tin the country and these are often not granted.

Human danger along borders

This refers to any human dangers presented during the migration journey. For example, people fleeing Zimbabwe for South Africa have encountered bandits on the both sides of the border, waiting to rob them.

Closing up costs

This refers to the cost of "closing up" your affairs in your origin location. For example, selling your house incurs estate agents fees and you must pay to have your goods transported.

Actual transport costs

This will depend on the mode of transport used and the time taken for the journey.

Hoes does Media act as filters we see the world through?

Through framing, angles, and agenda setting.

After 9/11, The relative risk of poor birth outcomes was significantly elevated for Arabic-named women and not for any of the other groups. True or False


True or False. Broadly speaking, the industrial countries, with a combined 20% of global population, are responsible for around 80% of all emissions, ever.


True or False. Media frames are often un-sociological


True or False. Media is consolidated.


True or False. Social media can cause emotional contagion.


True or False. Social media can help strengthen weak ties.


True or False.Some forms of media thrive off of fear


True or False: 27% of trans people have been fired, not hired or denied a promotion due to their trans identity


True or False: Gender and Sex are different


True or False: Many people believe gender to be a fixed, binary


True or False: Race is Socially Constructed!


True or False: Sociologists study many things


True or False: Women do more housework, regardless of who the breadwinner is


how is gender "done"

We "do" gender when we cross our legs in a skirt or dress in a certain way

Symbolic Interactionism

We build meaning through interactions which then shape experiences.

Do you think in the U.S. we have a caste system or a class system? What is your evidence?

We have a class system. There is lower and middle and upper class that each have subcategories, however, they are still used to identify wealth within the US everyday. We have opportunity within the US for individual achievement.

How does the social class of parents affect the way children interact with authority?

When one middle-class child was denied entry to a gifted and talented program, the mother petitioned the school and arranged additional testing until her daughter was admitted. - Lower-income parents, however, were more likely to unquestioningly obey authorities such as school boards. Their children were not being socialized to comfortably confront the system and speak up (Gladwell 2008). The different social classes, make the parents feels obligated to act a certain way based off of their wealth. The higher the income, the more likely the parent would petition authority thus forming the way their children view authority through observation.

What are the results of being misrecognized?

When the boy did not shake the manager's hand he was recognized as being disrespectful and yet he was under the impression that by shaking her hand he would have created an uncomfortable situation for her.

Within country? Between country? Which inequality is more important?

Within because in order to help other countries, the first country has to have the resources and means to help other countries.

Is there discrimination against perceived foreigners/immigrants?

Yes! people tend to stereotype immigrants and will then blame their own problems of not having a job on immigrants who supposedly "steal" their jobs, not true.

is race viewed differently in different parts of the world?

Yes, Boundaries around races have changed over time

Does restricting felon voting rights create a master status that is hard to escape? Why/why not?

Yes, because those felons will be labeled as less than the rest of society for a crime they committed.

Is the fourth world transnational? Explain and evaluate if you think this is a useful concept.

Yes, because you have people who are homeless in every nation of the world. This is a helpful concept for it identifies who needs the most help within society.


a bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on merit—proven and documented skills

Informal Sanction

a spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or a group


a term that denotes the presence of physical or physiological differences between males and females


a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions of behaviors that are considered male or female

What does it mean that humor is a cultural universal?

a universal way to release tensions and create a sense of unity among people. It is necessary for human interaction because it helps individuals navigate otherwise tense situations.


an adjective that describes individuals who identify with the behaviors and characteristics that are other than their biological sex


an ideology and a set of institutional practices that privilege straight people and heterosexuality over other sexual orientations.

Gross National Happiness

an indicator that measures quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than gross domestic product (GDP).

Gender + Stratification example

any race of women always paid less than the white male

caste system

are closed stratification systems where people can do little or nothing to change the social standing of their birth.

cultural universals

are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies.

First world

capitalistic democracies such as the United States and Japan were considered part of the....

noblesse oblige

developed nations should provide foreign aid to the less-developed and underdeveloped nations in order to raise their standard of living.


everything has a purpose


formal organizations characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality.

In order to carry out their studies, sociologists identify cultural patterns and social forces and determine how they affect __________ and _____________.

individuals, groups

Is it more common to receive informal or formal sanctions for deviant behavior? Explain

informal sanctions are more common because people are more influenced by action rather than implication such as a child's toy being taken compared to a parent threatening a child by taking their toy.


is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices that are used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to other.

class system

is based on both social factors and individual achievement.

Local Diversity

is cut off from society, it has it's own culture and systems, it doesn't have other ideas from other places

Individualism Example

mass shooting as "crazy person" rather than toxic masculinity

After the birth of a child, fathers spend ______ time at the office, whereas mothers spend ______"

more, less

third world

nations not as limited in development as the third world, but not as well off as the first world, having moderate economies and standard of living

Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

non-statistical; data cannot be expressed as a number

USC Structural functionalist

organs in a body

Wine stratification example

people were survyed off of which wine they thought was the more expensive one. After some were told that the cheap wine was super expensive they guess that it was the more expensive out of two even though it was only 5 dollars compared to the 55 dollar wine. Part of brain associated with desire lit up when drinking the cheap wine after being told it was super expensive.

What is the looking-glass self?

people's self understanding is constructed, in part, by their perception of how others view them. the way your view yourself is how you think others view you.

Children with no consistent partisanship among parents varied in their ....?

political affiliation

A theory is a ....

proposed explanation of those social interactions.

Objective Quantitative Research

quantify data and generalize results from a sample from the population of interest. Measure the incidence of a particular occurrence, view or opinion in a chosen sample

Formal Sanction

sanctions imposed by persons given special authority

formal sanctions

sanctions imposed by persons given special authority

informal sanctions

sanctions that occur in face-to-face interactions

Who defines subjective poverty and absolute poverty?

subjective - the poor absolute - World Bank

Macro-level theories

such as structural functionalism and conflict theory, attempt to explain how societies operate as a whole.

Macro-level theories....

such as structural functionalism and conflict theory, attempt to explain how societies operate as a whole.

Micro-level theories

such as symbolic interactionism, focus on interactions between individuals.

Micro-level theories....

such as symbolic interactionism, focus on interactions between individuals.

Conflict Theory

system is rigged

Concern for welfare

taking part in a research study should involve as little risk and as much benefit to the participants as possible


the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group.

Davis-Moore Thesis

the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater must be the reward. The

moral development

the way people learn what society considers to be "good" and "bad," which is important for a smoothly functioning society.

absolute poverty

the number of people under that extreme poverty level of $1.90 per day.

Red lining

the practice of routinely refusing mortgages for households and business located in predominately minority communities

conspicuous consumption

the purchase and use of certain products to make a social statement about status.

social capital

the relationships among people who live in a particular society, making that society function effectively

Define Sociology

the study of groups and group interactions, societies and social interactions, from small and personal groups to very large groups.

conflict theory

the system is rigged

operational definition

they define each concept, or variable, in terms of the physical or concrete steps it takes to objectively measure it.

fourth world

to refer to stigmatized minority groups that were denied a political voice all over the globe

USC Symbolic interactionism

traditions, moments

USC Conflict theorist

underpaid, privilege

McCarty Red Menace

used during the Cold War era to describe the Soviet Union or an "international communist conspiracy. suspected people within the US were communists or communist spies

"Ideal worker"

used to justify discrimination against mothers

Sample Quantitative Research

usually a large number of subjects who are randomly selected and represent the population of interest

Sample Qualitative Research

usually a small number of non-representative cases. Subjects can be chosen deliberately to test a particular theoretical premise

What is deviance?

violation of social norms

subjective poverty

when one's actual income does not meet one's expectations

3 generation mobility

when there is a movement between social classes for three generations.

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