Software Engineering - exam

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What is a state machine diagram?

A state machine diagram models the behaviour of a single object, specifying the sequence of events that an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events.

What does "system" means in System Reqiuirements?

An interacting combination of elements to accomplish a defined objective. These include hardware, software, firmware, people, information, techniques, facilities, services, and other support elements.

Who should review presented model?

Different stakeholders, including representatives of the customer and developer.

What items should we identified while drawing use case diagram?

-Functionalities to be represented as use case -Actors -Relationships among the use cases and actors.

What are the purposes of use case diagram?

-Used to gather the requirements of a system. -Used to get an outside view of a system. -Identify the external and internal factors influencing the system. -Show the interaction among the requirements are actors.

How does requirements reviewing looks like?

A group of reviewers is assigned a brief to look for errors, mistaken assumptions, lack of clarity, and deviation from standard practice. The composition of the group that conducts the review is important, and it may help to provide guidance on what to look for in the form of checklists.

What is a definition of functional requirements?

Functional requirements describe the functions that the software is to execute; for example, formatting some text or modulating a signal. They are sometimes known as capabilities or features. A functional requirement can also be described as one for which a finite set of test steps can be written to validate its behavior.

What is IEEE CS?

IEEE CS is the world's leading membership organization dedicated to computer science and technology

What is the SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) Guide?

It is a project of the IEEE Computer Society. SWEBOK establishes a baseline for the body of knowledge for the field of software engineering

What is a prototyping?

It is commonly a means for validating the software engineer's interpretation of the software requirements, as well as for eliciting new requirements.

What does "quantifable" for SE requirements means?

It is important toavoid vague and unverifiable requirements that depend for their interpretation on subjective judgment ("the software shall be reliable"; "the software shall be user-friendly"). This is particularly important for nonfunctional requirements.

What is Software Engineering?

It is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software

What is model validation?

It is validating the quality of the models developed during analysis.

What is a definition of nonfunctional requirements?

Nonfunctional requirements are the ones that act to constrain the solution. Nonfunctional requirements are sometimes known as constraints or quality requirements. They can be further classified according to whether they are performance requirements, maintainability requirements, safety requirements, reliability requirements, security requirements, interoperability requirements or one of many other types of software requirements

What is the purpouse of requirements validation?

Requirements may be validated to ensure that the software engineer has understood the requirements; it is also important to verify that a requirements document conforms to company standards and that it is understandable, consistent, and complete

What are the objectives of the SWEBOK guide?

SWEBOK has five objectives: 1) to promote a coherent view of software engineering; 2) to clarify how software engineering is related to other disciplines; 3) to characterize the scope and thematic contents of the software engineering discipline; 4) to ease the access to the contents of the software engineering body of knowledge; 5) to provide a reference for the definition of curricula and professional certifications in the software engineering discipline.

What are Software Engineering Knowledge Areas?

Software Requirements Software Design Software Construction Software Testing Software Maintenance Software Configuration Management Software Engineering Management Software Engineering Process Software Engineering Models and Methods Software Quality Software Engineering Professional Practice Software Engineering Economics Computing Foundations Mathematical Foundations Engineering Foundations

What is a definition of software requirement?

Software requirement is a property that must be exhibited by something in order to solve some problem in the real world. It may aim to automate part of a task for someone to support the business processes of an organization, to correct shortcomings of existing software, or to control a device

What are System Requirements?

System requirements are the requirements for the system as a whole. In a system containing software components, software requirements are derived from system requirements.

What are emergent properties?

That is, requirements that cannot be addressed by a single component but that depend on how all the software components interoperate.

What is a class diagram?

The class diagram shows the building blocks of any object-orientated system. Class diagrams depict a static view of the model, or part of the model, describing what attributes and behavior it has rather than detailing the methods for achieving operations

What is a use case diagram?

The use case model captures the requirements of a system. Use cases are a means of communicating with users and other stakeholders what the system is intended to do.

What is main disadvantage of prototyping?

These include the danger of users' attention being distracted from the core underlying functionality by cosmetic issues or quality problems with the prototype. For this reason, some advocate prototypes that avoid software, such as flip-chart based mockups. Prototypes may be costly to develop. However, if they avoid the wastage of resources caused by trying to satisfy erroneous requirements, their cost can be more easily justified.

What is an essential property of all software requirements?

They can be verifiable as an individual feature as a functional requirement or at the system level as a nonfunctional requirement. It may be difficult or costly to verify certain software requirements.

What is main reason and advantage of prototyping?

They can make it easier to interpret the software engineer's assumptions and, where needed, give useful feedback on why they are wrong. For example, the dynamic behavior of a user interface can be better understood through an animated prototype than through textual description or graphical models.

What is an acceptance tests?

This is a process during which all goals of the final products are being validated and checked wether product satifies it.

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