South and East Asia

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Which of these languages is not a subgroup of Chinese?


Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of Hinduism?

Hinduism is a syncretic religion based on animist and Buddhist beliefs.

The Treaty of Nanking in 1842 gave _____ to the _____.

Hong Kong; British

Which of these nations has no claim to the Spratly Islands


Shifting cultivation

Is not very productive where it is practiced

Which country has so far resisted using genetically modified food crops?


Which of these countries is not one of the "Asian Tigers"?


Much of Bangladesh's agriculture is classified as:

Rice subsistence

"More crops will be produced at lower cost for higher revenue" describes:

The Green Revolution

in this text, what country is not considered part of east asia?


On a per capita GDP-PPP basis, which of these countries is the poorest?

east timor

Which of these countries does not have a shoreline on the South China Sea?

east timor

Borneo is the only island Indonesia shares with other countries.


In contrast to the rest of the region, Japan mostly utilizes swidden agriculture.


India's recent economic prosperity, as seen in its 8 percent rate of growth since 2000, has significantly reduced problems such as childhood malnutrition and rural poverty.


Japan, South Korea, and Myanmar have the highest Human Development Indices (HDI) in the region.


Only China, Mongolia, and Pakistan have desert climate conditions and vegetation in this region


Population density in Monsoon Asia is greatest away from coastal areas because of concerns for tsunamis and heavy seasonal precipitation.


The summer monsoon in India is characterized by prevailing land-to-sea winds


China's exports and imports doubled between 1991 and 2004

false; increased at 10%

The Dravidian language family is mostly found in


the deccan plateau lies in


in terms of population the third largest country in the monsoon asia region is


which of these countries has the slowest growth rate


The least populated country in the region is:


Confucianist and Daoist thought are generally not found in


the irrawaddy river runs through which country


which of these countries does not extend south of the tropic of cancer


Which of these countries is not predominantly Muslim?


which country in the region has he highest population density


Why are some couples flouting China's one-child policy?

some are wealthy enough; rural are under less scrutiny to follow the law; safety net children; want a boy if they had a girl first

The largest metropolitan area in the region is


Although China's one-child policy has managed to curb population growth, some couples have violated the policy by having larger families.


India's recent economic growth helped spur diplomatic dialogue with Pakistan


Singapore is one of only a few of the world's countries that are 100 percent urban


Thailand does not border which of these countries?


The characteristic natural vegetation of tropical savanna areas in Asia is:

Deciduous forests

the average elevation of the plateau of tibet is

15000 feet

combined india and china have __ billion people

2.4 billlion

Throughout most of the monsoon-affected region, winter is characterized by: Throughout most of the monsoon-affected region, winter is characterized by:

A long dry spell as winds blow off the land towards the sea

Shintoism is

A nationalistic Japanese religion blending Chinese ritual and nature reverence

Which of these languages is not spoken widely in Pakistan


why was chinas one polcy child instituted

China's population was surging while China's food production was growing only modestly.

The two predominantly Christian nations in Asia today are _____ and _____.

East Timor and the Philippines

A traditional theory for selecting favorable sites for buildings and cities is called

Feng shui

Which river is particularly sacred to Hindus?


What incident prompted the United States to renew its resolve to developing an antimissile shield over the country?

North Korea launched a missile over Japan in 1998

kashmir is disputed between which countries

Pakistan, India, and China

Farmers who are _____ cannot be sure the money they invest in the Green Revolution will benefit them in the future

Share tenants

Which is not one of Buddha's "Four Noble Truths"?

Suffering ends with rebirth and good deads.

The primary atmospheric dynamic that causes monsoons is:

The differing ways in which land and sea absorb heat from the sun

Which of these was likely not one of India's motivations for conducting nuclear tests?

To get India a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council

monsoons are:

Winds blowing from sea to land or land to sea

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