Special Education EC-12(161) Certify Teacher

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Which of the following types of instruction promotes the learning and practice of both academic and functional skills in the student's natural environment?

Community-based instruction

Lawrence is a nineteen-year-old student with a mild intellectual disability. He is in a work program where workers with and without disabilities work side-by-side for the same wages and benefits.This particular type of setting is known as:

Competitive employment

The special education teacher wrote the following annual goal for a fourth-grade student using the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills —At the end of the year, Sue will identify angles (right, obtuse, acute) using a protractor.What is missing from the annual goal stated above?


A student is struggling with calming themselves down when presented with stressful situations. Which calming strategy would be least effective for the student to assist them in this self-control skill?

Crying out for help

Many parents and community members have preconceived ideas about characteristics of dyslexia. All of the following answers are misconceptions about dyslexia except which one?

Difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition.

Mrs. Mitchells has students with various physical disabilities in her classroom. She has adapted one of English lessons to allow the use of voice to text software to assist students in recording/typing their thoughts. Which of the following disabilities is least likely to need this accommodation?

Emotional behavioral disorder

John is a student with an emotional disturbance. He has difficulties using appropriate social skills in collaborative groups. Which of the following strategies would NOT be useful for promoting learning while in collaborative groups?

Expect continued progress during contention to teach appropriate interactions.

Mrs. Gray is working with a student, parents and other ARD committee members to develop post-secondary goals for the student. Which of the following is not one of the areas these goals should focus on?

Financial independence

Julie has been promoted to fourth grade and is excited to go back to school. Two weeks after school starts, her teacher will test Julie to see how many of her multiplication facts she remembers from 3rd grade. If Julie demonstrates that she remembers most of her facts, the teacher will continue to increase the difficulty. If Julie has forgotten the facts, the teacher will provide support by demonstrating the concept using manipulatives, use technology to practice the facts, and provide prompts a


The IEP team has created 2 behavior goals for Stephanie, a fourth-grader with down syndrome. These specific desired behaviors have been taught explicitly, rehearsed and there is a plan in place to positively reinforce them when they occur. After 4 weeks, Stephanie's classroom teachers, special classes teachers (PE, music and art), paraprofessionals who work with her and parents are asked to complete a simple checklist on how she is doing with demonstrating these taught behaviors. Having everyo


Mrs. Carter has a paraplegic student who is a sophomore in high school. She is trying to prepare him for life after high school and wants to include independent living skills and vocational skills in her instruction. Which of the following should Mrs. Carter consider first in planning her instruction?

What type of career or vocation he would like to pursue.

Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by deficits in several key areas. Manifestations of the characteristics may be mild or severe. Select all that apply.

Communication Odd or unusual behavior Social skills

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides the Ticket to Work program for individuals ages 18 to 64 with the goal of them becoming financially independent. What does this program provide for these individuals?

A letter, or "ticket", for free employment services from an SSA registered provider.

Mr. Cooley notices a student with a vision impairment is sitting closer and closer to the computer screen as she works despite wearing her corrective lenses. Which type of assistive technology could aid this student in this scenario?

A screen enlargement application.

Which of the following technologies would assist a special education teacher with tracking students progress towards goals and the associated assessment data over time in an organized and logical fashion?

A spreadsheet where the teacher can sort and graph data.

Sam, Jane, and Robert all have learning disabilities. On standardized tests all three would demonstrate —

Academic achievement significantly lower than intellectual functioning.

Mrs. Jones teaches Math and Science to fourth-graders. Her class includes children with great diversity including vision impairment, learning disabilities, English language learners, and students with emotional disturbances. All of the children in her class will take the state standardized test for Reading, Math, and Writing. Mrs. Jones plans to provide large print test booklets, a quiet place to test individually, a Spanish language booklet, and frequent breaks to several of her students. Mrs.


Which of the following is available to college students with disabilities?

Accommodations under ADA law.

Julie, a fourth-grader, was just determined to be eligible for special education under the category of specific learning disabilities. She specifically has difficulty with her short-term memory and visual-spatial abilities. Which of the following academic behaviors might be directly related to these identified deficiencies?I. Difficulty remembering verbal instructionsII. Poor handwritingIII. Tasks that require copyingIV. Taking notes while listening

All of the above

Social skills are learned behaviors and can be taught. Which of the following behaviors exhibited by students with disabilities would most likely not be appropriate to target for social skills training?

Andrea, a student with Tourette syndrome, makes grunting noises in class.

Several students have been evaluated using standard measures of intelligence and achievement. John's IQ score is 111. Sue's IQ is 96. Bill's IQ score is 117. Gwen's score is 55 and Jane's IQ is 71. Intelligence tests usually have the same mean and standard deviation. Considering the scores of the children in this scenario, which students' scores are more than two standard deviations from the mean?

Bill and Gwen

Mr. Hughes is working with his junior high resource reading class on summarizing short passages. Most of his students do not write well but he still needs to have them practice this skill and be able to assess it. His students are also reading on various different levels so he often has to use multiple passages to meet their needs. Considering the varied needs and levels of his students, which of the following would be the best option for him to incorporate to allow for practice and assessment o

Have the students audio record their summaries on their phones and upload it to cloud storage for his review.

Mr. Hahn is a special education teacher working with special education students in high school. He is trying to help students manage their assignments and due dates independently as much as possible. All the students have smartphones, access to computer labs, paper planners issued to all students, and access to Google Classroom for all their courses. He wants them to learn this life skill that will carry far beyond high school. What would be the most efficient and effective strategy to implement

He could have them set up and use the Google Calendar application on their phones that they would have access to anywhere they went. He could have them share their calendars with him so he could monitor their use and provide support as needed. Students could manually enter due dates, or they could sync with their Google Classroom courses.

Mr. Winters has a fifth-grade student with a strong stutter. He is very self-conscious about his speech impairment and will often refuse to engage or participate orally in class to avoid embarrassment. An objective Mr. Winters needs to assess this week is related to the following TEKS:5.17(C) recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag,He plans to have students do the recitation in front of the class and then write their explanations. Which of the followi

He should allow the student to record the recitation so that it could be paused and redone as necessary. Then the student could write the explanation to accompany his video.

Selena is a sixth-grade student with a mild intellectual disability. Her teacher has been having difficulty getting her to do her work because Selena believes that she is not good at doing schoolwork and will fail regardless of what she does. Which of the following strategies will best assist Selena's teacher address this situation effectively?

Help Selena develop strategies to organize and manage her own learning.

Ms. Habib is teaching a unit on fiction to her fourth-grade class. To begin, students read several simple fairy tales and discuss the moral or meaning of each one. The teacher then assigns a more complex story and leads a discussion about the moral of the story after students finish reading it. This instructional strategy is most likely to promote students' reading proficiency by —

Helping students identify and understand the theme of a literary text.

The special education teacher wrote the following annual goal for an eighth-grade student with a significant cognitive disability using the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills: At the end of the year John will create a timeline of historical events when given a list of specific years and a timeline template with 80% accuracy. Which of the following would be an appropriate short-term objective for this annual goal? I. John will use the terms past, present, and future correctly when given picture

I and III

Mr. Johnson is an eighth-grade special education teacher who happens to have an English language learner (ELL) with a disability in his class that he taught in the fifth grade. This student is scheduled for a three-year evaluation. In fifth grade this student was involved in an incident in Mr. Johnson's class in which the parent blamed Mr. Johnson and requested their child be transferred out of his class. Which of the following actions can a special education teacher take to minimize bias in the

I, II, and III only

Danielle is a sixteen-year-old with moderate intellectual disability. Her transition planning committee will be meeting soon to discuss her post-school goals. It is important for the committee to remember that transition involves more than employment; the committee should also include —

Independent living and community adjustment

After reading Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, a fifth-grade special education student writes the following summary: Number the Stars is set during World War II and is about Annemarie Johansen and her Jewish family. The family had to escape from Copenhagen to Sweden to avoid being deported by the Nazis. While reading Number the Stars, the teacher asked students to predict what might happen to Annemarie's family if they are caught by the Nazis. Which of the following levels of reading comprehensio


John is a fifth-grade student in a general education classroom. John's teacher is very concerned about his ability to learn new material. After examining John's cumulative record, his teacher realizes John has demonstrated similar characteristics throughout his school career. John does not process new information efficiently and gets confused when the material is presented in an unstructured manner. He tends to learn best when provided direct, consistent instruction. Additionally, John's adaptiv

Intellectual Disorder

Haley is a fifth-grade student with an intellectual disability. She is very eager to learn and comes to class ready to focus. She wants to make A's and B's and not just pass her classes. Haley's teacher increasingly raises expectations for Haley and encourages her efforts. One can observe her confidence increase when she meets her personal goals which make her determined to improve even more. What is likely driving Haley to succeed?

Intrinsic motivation

Lawrence is a nineteen-year-old student with a mild intellectual disability. He is in a work program where workers with and without disabilities work side-by-side for the same wages and benefits.In contrast to Lawrence, a classmate named Joe will need a more intense level of service in order to be successful in the work place. The district has hired someone whose job will be to assist Joe and other students with similar needs to learn the skills necessary for success on the job and to provide co

Job coach

Which of the following would not be a social skill likely to be taught to an elementary student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Learning a strategy to calm oneself down in a stressful situation.

Niesha is transitioning out of high school and the special education teacher is partnering with her parents to give her the necessary skills to live independently in an apartment in the city where they live. Which of the following independent living skills would be the least important for Niesha to be able to live on her own?

Learning how to drive.

If a special education student's placement has been changed due to a violation of the school code of conduct, according to the procedural safeguards, what must be done within 10 school days?

Manifestation determination review

A student with Down's syndrome also suffers from ADHD. Which of the following would be the worst place to seat this student in the classroom?

Near a window that faces the playground.

Upon reviewing the subtest scores of a student, a special education teacher concluded that since Zac's Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) was in the 52nd percentile, and his Working Memory Index (WMI) score was in the 36th percentile that this difference was statistically significant because PRI and WMI had a difference of 16 points. This conclusion was erroneous because:

Percentile ranks are not equal interval data and therefore cannot be added or subtracted from each other.

Repeating the same behaviors again and again is known as —


Mr. Ward is planning to teach a unit on plants next week. He has two students with learning disabilities in reading. Which strategy would be best to prepare the students for the upcoming plant unit?


Jenny is a twelve-year-old girl with Down syndrome. She is able to read most of the sight words when presented on flash cards. She can recognize numbers up to 20 and is beginning to add single digit numbers. Since Jenny is not able to imagine objects in her head, her teacher provides manipulatives for her to use when adding. Jenny's teacher provides manipulatives to Jenny despite her advanced age because she realizes Jenny is in what stage of Piaget's stages of learning?


After reading Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, a fifth-grade special education student writes the following summary: Number the Stars is set during World War II and is about Annemarie Johansen and her Jewish family. The family had to escape from Copenhagen to Sweden to avoid being deported by the Nazis. Based on the summary, the student will benefit most from instruction in which of the following skills?

Providing a beginning, middle, and end.

A middle school Structured Learning teacher set up structured work systems for her students. Which of the following is not a benefit of using these?

Reduce the amount of individualized assignments the teacher has to create.

Mr. Johnson is an eighth-grade special education teacher who happens to have an English language learner (ELL) with a disability in his class that he taught in the fifth grade. This student is scheduled for a three-year evaluation. In fifth grade, this student was involved in an incident in Mr. Johnson's class in which the parent blamed Mr. Johnson and requested their child be transferred out of his class. How should Mr. Johnson proceed in determining whether this student still qualifies for spe

Request that another teacher conduct the three-year evaluation to eliminate the possibility of perceived bias.

Mr. Roberts is setting up his middle school classroom management plan for his special education classroom. He has set up four rules for basic expectations and appropriate punishments when rules are broken. What basic component of his plan is missing that can be especially effective for many students with disabilities that impact their behavior?


Mr. Rodriguez is a special education teacher who has not received any information about Sandra, a student who just transferred into the district. When Mr. Rodriguez called the transferring school, he received a fax with recent IQ testing done on Sandra indicating a Z-score of 0 (zero) and a percentile score of 50. What can Mr. Rodriguez infer from this score?

Sandra scored in the average range on this IQ test.

Julie has been promoted to fourth grade and is excited to go back to school. Two weeks after school starts, her teacher will test Julie to see how many of her multiplication facts she remembers from 3rd grade. If Julie demonstrates that she remembers most of her facts, the teacher will continue to increase the difficulty. If Julie has forgotten the facts, the teacher will provide support by demonstrating the concept using manipulatives, use technology to practice the facts, and provide prompts a


Mr. Smith is teaching a young student to count to 10. He begins by modeling holding up his fingers while the child does the same and they count aloud. After some time, Mr. Smith does not hold up his own fingers but requires the child to continue holding up his own fingers while counting aloud. A few days later, Mr. Smith asks the child to count to 10 without holding up his fingers and prompts when necessary. After some time, the child is able to count to 10 without any prompts or cues. This is a


Arnol has limited mobility and dexterity in his arms and hands due to his disability. Which of the following assistive technologies would be least helpful for Arnol?

Screen readers

Lawrence is a nineteen-year-old student with a mild intellectual disability. He is in a work program where workers with and without disabilities work side-by-side for the same wages and benefits. In contrast to Lawrence, a classmate named Joe will need a more intense level of service in order to be successful in the workplace. The district has hired someone whose job will be to assist Joe and other students with similar needs as Joe's to learn the skills necessary for success on the job and to p


Wyatt's Life-skills teacher is focusing on activities that promote choice making, decision making, goal setting, and problem solving. He wants the students to obtain necessary skills to make decisions about their own lives while in school and after graduation. Wyatt's teacher is teaching him what concept?


Mrs. Andrews is a special education teacher who notices her students are struggling with writing assignments in multiple classes. She wants to provide support to them as they work on those assignments but there are so many of them spread over multiple classes that she is struggling to figure out how to manage it. How could she best use technology to aid in this task?

She could share a folder in her Google drive for each of her students she is concerned about. The students could then type their assignment in a Google Doc. She could review and provide feedback through comments to support them as they work. These could even be shared with the general education teachers for their review.

Mrs. Mendoza has a student who gets very upset and acts out whenever there is an unexpected change in his schedule such as an assembly or fire drill. Which strategy would be best for helping the student adjust to these changes appropriately instead of acting out?

She could use a visual schedule and introduce a surprise card into it. This card could be taught and added to the daily schedule at these things come up.

Michael is a seventh-grade student with autism. He has been having difficulty respecting other students' personal space by hugging his peers without their consent. Which of the following would be most effective in helping teach Michael to respect the personal space of his peers?

Social stories addressing respecting personal space.

Shandra struggles in Mr. Coleman's class with following his procedure to raise her hand to ask a question. Mr. Coleman has taken the time to teach and rehearse the procedure one-on-one with Shandra, but she continues to call out his name when she has a question. What should Mr. Coleman do next to best help Shandra master this procedure?

Teach her a hand signal, such as raising his hand, to prompt use when she calls out as a prompt/reminder of what the procedure is that she needs to follow. As she is successful, he can then fade the prompt out.

Mrs. Aleena is working with a family whose special needs student is wanting to pursue college. What is the primary thing Mrs. Aleena needs to communicate to parents clearly in order for their child to be successful in this transition?

That the burden of responsibility for communicating about the disability and needed accommodations will shift to the student and not the parents in college.

A primary grade special education teacher is working with her students on basic phonics. A few of her students are struggling with letter sounds and blending. Who should the teacher consult with for strategies to help these students?

The Speech Language Pathologist

A student with spina bifida is wanting to try walking with braces or a walker (instead of using his wheelchair) during recess and other non-instructional times during the school day. The student has shared with the teacher that this is something he has been working on for months and has been successful. Who would the teacher need to seek consultation and direction from before even considering allowing the student to attempt this mobility task?

The physical therapist

Stanley has been using a visual schedule posted in the room and taped to his desk throughout elementary school. He is moving to the junior high school and will have to change classes for the first time. What could the teacher teach him to best help Stanley cope with the multiple transitions required on a junior high campus?

The teacher could make Stanley a laminated visual schedule to put in his binder that he will carry from class to class. She can also teach him to compare his watch to his visual schedule to help him anticipate the transitions and prepare.

Lawrence is a nineteen-year-old student with a mild intellectual disability. He is in a work program where workers with and without disabilities work side-by-side for the same wages and benefits. In contrast to Lawrence, a classmate named Joe will need a more intense level of service in order to be successful in the workplace. The district has hired someone whose job will be to assist Joe and other students with similar needs as Joe's to learn the skills necessary for success on the job and to p

community-based instruction

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