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Which of the following phonetic segments is used as a spelling rule?

-es Answer Explanation : An important spelling rule to impart to new spellers includes the segment ending of -es. Rule: When creating a plural for nouns that end with -s, -z, -x, -sh, -ch, add -es. For example, box becomes boxes.

What is the approximate prevalence rate of students with disabilities across the country?

12% Answer Explanation : In 2004, it was estimated that the prevalence rate for students receiving special education services was at about 11%. This number has been on the rise over recent years due to the increased number of children being diagnosed with autism and changes in the definitions of learning disabilities. It is now estimated at 12% nationwide.

A middle school student with an emotional disability is attempting to eliminate some of the inappropriate behaviors that caused so many class interruptions when the student was in elementary school. Which strategy would help this student in providing self-delivery of reward?

A contract system Answer Explanation : A contract system can be formed by the student and the teacher based on the particular behaviors and the types of rewards the student would be eager to receive. The student and teacher can monitor the behaviors and the student can keep track of the "on and off task" behaviors. When the criteria are met, the student can obtain the reward without the teacher's involvement. Often these rewards consist of "free time," computer access, time to listen to music, or extra time to talk with friends.

In order to conduct an age appropriate, informal assessment on writing skills, which of the following activities should be used in a second grade classroom?

A daily journal Answer Explanation : A daily journal is an example of an informal assessment. Through an informal assessment, the teacher observes while the student performs a daily task in a natural setting.

Which of the following would BEST assist a student with a disability in the area of writing?

A graphic organizer Answer Explanation : A graphic organizer makes an abstract concept more tangible and will help students remember the steps of the writing process. Students with disabilities need to learn techniques that they can apply to different situations and students will be able to use this graphic organizer in many subject areas.

A preschool student with mild intellectual disability is preparing for the transition into kindergarten. The student has participated in a full inclusion setting for early childhood education under an IEP. The team is meeting to discuss the placement for kindergarten. They have reviewed records and addressed progress on goals. The student did very well in the current setting. What would be the BEST way to handle the child's transition?

A kindergarten class with the supports needed to meet the goals set forth Answer Explanation : A child who is leaving a successful full inclusion program and transitioning into another program should have access to a very similar model. The expectations for this child should remain high, as the child demonstrated success on all goals in the inclusive model. The IEP team can always readdress the child's needs after several weeks or months, but the child should be placed in a natural setting with necessary supports to maintain a positive experience.

A student with a hearing impairment spends 80% of the time in a general education classroom. Which of the following would BEST aid the student in accessing the general education curriculum?

A note-taker Answer Explanation : Providing a note-taker to a student with a hearing impairment would allow the student to participate in the classroom activities, observe the class, concentrate on the speech of other students and watch an interpreter if necessary.

Which of the following strategies increases students' vocabulary by using the words that they are able to recall and read?

A personal dictionary Answer Explanation : A strategy for maintaining and increasing students' vocabularies is to encourage each student to keep a personal dictionary of all the words known. Students can use this dictionary to recall a word, compare words, and find words for writing assignments.

If a parent disagrees with any aspect of the evaluation process or the eligibility decision reached by the evaluation team, what option is available to the parent?

A request for an independent evaluation. Answer Explanation : According to the procedural safeguards, parents have the right to request additional testing, an independent evaluation or an appeal of the eligibility decision if they disagree with any aspect of the evaluation process or the eligibility decision.

What is the MOST effective method for supporting positive behavior?

Acknowledgement and rewards Answer Explanation : Research has shown that providing students with immediate responses and rewards for utilizing appropriate and socially acceptable behaviors is the most effective way to support positive behavior management.

Which of the following would be an appropriate method to ensure that a testing situation does not discriminate against students from diverse backgrounds?

Administer tests in students' native language. Answer Explanation : It is very important that special educators do not use tests or testing procedures that discriminate against students from diverse backgrounds. Evaluating a student using the student's native language or an interpreter would both be appropriate methods to allow for cultural sensitivity within the testing situation.

A family who has a child with a disability will MOST likely require assistance from school personnel regarding which of the following?

Advocating for the child's needs and accommodations Answer Explanation : Although parents are provided their rights under the law, they will most likely need assistance in understanding their child's needs, so they can become experts in advocating on behalf of their child. They would also need instruction on the appropriate accommodations to meet those needs. They may need assistance with the other three items listed in the choices above, but those are easier to access and do not necessarily require the help of school personnel.

In order to hold all students accountable, what should the teacher do when asking a question?

Allow wait time. Answer Explanation : Teachers should encourage all students to answer questions. Allowing wait time between the question and calling on someone to answer it encourages all students to participate in the learning process, holding them accountable for the information. Wait time gives all students a chance to think about the question and formulate an answer, thereby contributing to students' development of reflective thinking skills.

A child consistently fails to use developmentally appropriate speech sounds and has difficulty with pronunciation. What is this child MOST likely affected by?

An articulation disorder Answer Explanation : An articulation disorder, or phonological disorder, should be diagnosed by a speech/language pathologist through a standardized assessment. A disorder of this type is characterized by the inability to produce age appropriate speech sounds.

When gathering information for developing IEP goals it is valuable to perform the evaluation process in the student's classroom environment in order to determine how well the student functions in that setting. What is this called?

An ecological assessment Answer Explanation : An ecological assessment is a type of informative assessment used in an actual educational setting, such as the classroom. The focus of this assessment is to gather information on how well a student functions in the setting and to determine how to build upon a student's existing strengths and provide interventions.

Which of the following will offer insight about how well students are able to apply the knowledge they have gained from class lessons?

An expansion activity Answer Explanation : Expansion activities are used when the teacher wants to assess how well the students are applying the knowledge they have learned in the classroom to situations outside of the class. Some expansion activities may include an observation of some event with a report back to the class, an interview of a community member on a topic related to a unit of study in class, or producing a science fair project.

When an adult ignores a non-dangerous, non-destructive behavior in a child, such as whining, there should be a decline in the behavior. However, sometimes there is a temporary increase in the behavior. What is this temporary increase called?

An extinction burst Answer Explanation : "Planned ignoring" is a term used for a specific type of positive reinforcement to minimize or eliminate a particular, inappropriate behavior. An extinction burst is an increase in the intensity and frequency of an inappropriate behavior. Usually it is caused by the "planned ignoring" of an adult and indicates that this intervention will be effective over time.

Which of the following steps in the IEP process allows the team to assess whether the student is meeting the objectives indicated on the IEP?

Annual review Answer Explanation : Although each of the answers above names a step in the IEP process, it is through the annual review that the team will assess the progress of the student and identify the goals and objectives the student has attained. If the student continues to need special education services, a new IEP will be developed based on that information.

Which of the following describes a task that would be BEST completed by a paraprofessional in a special education classroom?

Assist students with personal and hygienic care. Answer Explanation : A paraprofessional is available to assist an educator in managing the classroom and provides some services to students. The paraprofessional's duties should be identified and supervised by the educator. The educator selects the appropriate curriculum and materials to be used. A paraprofessional is not in a position to either assist parents with a task or to supervise student teachers.

Which of the following sets of words is the BEST example of a word family?

Bit, hit, sit, fit Answer Explanation : One strategy used in teaching phonemic awareness is the use of word families. A word family is a group of words that rhyme, have similar vowel patterns and sound blending. Word families provide a structure that supports a child's understanding of like words and similar constructions.

Which of the following should NOT be included when presenting letters using explicit instruction?

Blended words Answer Explanation : When presenting letters using explicit instruction, teachers should directly state the relationship between sounds and their spellings as the focus of the lesson. The teacher should use short, simple, and familiar words, words in sentences, and words with associated pictures or images. Blends will complicate this task for beginners and should not be used.

Which of the following organizations would offer the MOST resources for special education professionals regarding disability information and research?

CEC and NICHCY Answer Explanation : NICHCY (The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities) is an organization that provides information on disabilities for professionals as well as parents. CEC (The Council for Exceptional Children) is a professional organization that supports the rights of children with disabilities and disseminates information on special education and research.

Which of the following is the MOST critical step when developing a community-based instruction (CBI) program?

Check the district's liability policies. Answer Explanation : Community-based instruction (CBI) is a component of many classrooms that assist children with moderate to severe disabilities. A very important step in developing a CBI program is to know the types of liability coverage provided under a district's insurance policy. Districts may vary on whether teachers, assistants and students are covered. Teachers may be required to obtain signed releases from parents acknowledging permission for their children to travel off campus.

Which of the following is the simplest way to determine whether a child with mild disabilities in a full time regular education classroom needs an adaptation in the curriculum?

Closely examine the daily performance of the student. Answer Explanation : Observing a student on a consistent schedule will allow the observer to identify areas that have not been addressed properly and also to see if the student is in need of further adaptations.

A third grade student just moved from Mexico to the United States. The child's parents are Spanish speakers and know very little English. No school records accompanied the student in the transition to the school. In the past three weeks, the child has not completed any of the assignments and does not associate with the other students. The ELL teacher conducted an assessment with an interpreter and the child scored in the low range. What should the classroom teacher do next?

Conduct a 45 day screening of all areas and refer the student to the child study team. Answer Explanation : The teacher is required to complete a 45 day screening on any new students and may refer to the child study team for assistance. Waiting a semester could negatively effect the child's education. Choice C, a comprehensive evaluation and referral to special education, or choice A, the speech-language therapist, would not be the next step for this teacher. Other information is necessary prior to any special education referral.

A high school student diagnosed with an emotional disability is caught smoking marijuana in the school parking lot. The principal immediately contacts the police and the student is arrested. Prior to re-entry into school, the special education teacher needs to follow the rules for disciplining students with disabilities under IDEA 2004. Which of the following is the MOST important step in that process?

Conducting a manifestation determination hearing Answer Explanation : Under federal law, a manifestation determination hearing must be conducted to determine the reason for the action and to decide if the action was related to the disability. The team should also review the student's IEP, and behavior plan. All of the student's teachers and the parents should be invited to attend. A causal relationship hearing is a similar proceeding, but utilized for students under a Section 504 plan.

At an elementary school, a group of teachers are concerned that including students with disabilities in the high stakes assessments will reflect poorly on their school when the report to the community is published. How should the special education teacher respond?

Confirm that the appropriate accommodations are met for students with disabilities during the test. Answer Explanation : Under the law, a student with special needs MUST participate in the same testing as general education students, unless the IEP team decides otherwise. A very small percentage of students with special needs do not take the state tests. Students with disabilities are allowed the same accommodations for test taking as for classroom work. The special education teacher should be sure that all accommodations for all special needs students are met during the testing period.

Which of the following is a component of a school-wide behavioral support system?

Consequences and procedures are created for correcting rule-breaking behaviors. Answer Explanation : A component of a school-wide behavioral support system is that consequences and clearly stated procedures are created for correcting rule-breaking behaviors. In a school-wide behavioral support system, all staff participate in the implementation, all behaviors are addressed and the rules must be clearly defined and communicated.

Which of the following has been proven to be a very effective instructional strategy for students with second language learning needs?

Cooperative learning Answer Explanation : In a cooperative learning situation small groups of students work together to gain academic knowledge and improve social skills. It has been proven that when students work together they improve not only their own skills but that of their peers as well. For second language learners it is especially beneficial.

A high school student with a learning disability has difficulty in the areas of auditory perception, memorization, oral instructions, and writing. This student works at a local fast food restaurant as a component of the student's transition plan. The supervisor gives the student directions before each shift. The student is able to work well with the other employees, but seems confused and is not able to perform all the tasks assigned. Which of the following is the BEST way for the teacher to assist this student?

Coordinate with the supervisor to create a written list of tasks for each day of work. Answer Explanation : A student with a learning disability in the areas mentioned would have difficulty remembering oral directions. As a component of the transition plan, the special education teacher should work directly with the supervisor to determine the reason for the student's difficulty. In this case the student cannot manage oral directions, as it is too much to remember. A written list or a picture list would be the best possible solution to try with this student.

Which of the following school district personnel would be BEST able to explain the results of a student's career and vocational assessments at an IEP transition meeting?

Counselor Answer Explanation : At most high schools, the counselors are the most versed in career exploration and vocational assessments. They are able to explain the results and interpret those findings for students and parents. A counselor is a member of the student's team and should be available to guide the student in making choices that are in sync with the student's preferences and interests.

A student with ADHD is having problems remaining in the chair for lessons and class activities. The teacher wants to provide the least intrusive behavior management system to address the student's individuality and help the student to internalize the appropriate behavior. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate system to use?

Create a line around the student's desk so the student can stand and move around in the student's own area. Answer Explanation : Finding the "least intrusive" behavior management system requires that the teacher identify the student's needs and determine the manner in which to address those needs without disturbing others in the classroom or interrupting a lesson. By creating a line around a student's desk, the student is provided with limitations to overly active behavior while not being expected to completely extinguish a behavior that is manifested by the disability.

Transition planning is required under federal law for students at which of the following levels?

Early childhood and high school Answer Explanation : In order to receive federal funds under Part B and Part C of IDEA, every state must have a transition policy to meet the requirements for transition at age 3. Additionally, IDEA requires that every high school student with special needs be provided a transition plan. The transition plan is one component of the IEP which addresses post secondary plans including school, community involvement and employment. The transition process at the other levels is valuable for children and families, but it is not required.

For students with learning disabilities, which of the following is MOST affected by the learning disability?

Employment Answer Explanation : While all of the items above would be somewhat affected by students' learning disabilities, employment is the area where people with learning disabilities tend to find the most problems. Though a person with a learning disability has average or above average intelligence, the problems that occur due to the learning disability are frustrating and difficult to manage. Many people with learning disabilities accept low level positions with less pay because of their disability and some remain unemployed.

Which of the following is the BEST method for teaching cultural awareness and acceptance of diversity to young children?

Encourage each child to share information about his/her family with the entire class. Answer Explanation : When a teacher works with young children in the area of cultural awareness, the teacher needs to make the instruction realistic and meaningful. It would be most beneficial and informative for the children to share their own culture, customs, and languages with the class.

An elementary student with a learning disability in the area of reading should be provided an accommodation for the reading portion of a statewide assessment. Which of the following accommodations would be MOST appropriate?

Extended time Answer Explanation : Since the purpose of the assessment is to determine how well a student performs, this elementary student should be allowed additional time to complete the test. This will enable the student to work through the test at a comfortable rate which is an appropriate accommodation for a reading disability. Providing tape recorded passages would not assess the student's ability to read.

Two students with disabilities get into a fight before school. The parents of Student A have demanded to see the IEP of Student B. A school official had to inform the parents of Student A that they could not have access to the IEP of Student B. Student B is protected from such an intrusion under which law?

FERPA Answer Explanation : The parents of Student A have no rights to see the IEP of Student B, unless there is a court issued subpoena. FERPA protects the privacy of student records from those that are not required to have access to them. The parents, or the student if of majority age, can allow access to the IEP, but are not required to do so.

A middle school student in composition class is having difficulty recalling details and processing language. Which instructional strategy would BEST help this student to develop writing skills?

Fill-in-the-blanks Answer Explanation : The fill-in-the blank technique is the most helpful strategy to use with students who are developing skills in writing. It especially helps those students who have difficulty recalling details and processing language.

What is the effective intervention strategy that helps students to generalize appropriate behaviors by learning an ordered sequence of skills?

Forward chaining Answer Explanation : The term "forward chaining" refers to an instructional strategy where a set of skills is taught by using the initial step in the sequence first. Some children acquire skills by learning the series using "backward chaining" which is the teaching of the skills in the reverse order.

A middle school has a student-run bakery business supported by the Foods class in the vocational department. By using this hands-on approach to teach work skills, students learn how to use the kitchen appliances and utensils, read recipes, deliver orders, collect money, and clean. These skills are MOST related to which areas of a transition plan?

Functional academics and independent living Answer Explanation : Learning to use kitchen appliances and utensils, read recipes, deliver orders, collect money, and clean are related to the functional academics and independent living sections of the transition plan. The skills that the students learn from working in the student-run bakery business should be assessed to develop and evaluate the transition plan goals for each student.

What prerequisites do children need in order to be successful with the phonics approach to reading?

Good auditory and analytic abilities Answer Explanation : Phonics is a systematic method of teaching reading to children. To utilize the phonics approach to reading, a child must have pre-existing language abilities, as it is an auditory, analytical and sequential approach to reading.

A teacher provides a writing lesson, models the steps in the process, and then assists students as they apply the skills. What technique is the teacher using?

Guided writing Answer Explanation : In guided writing, sometimes called shared writing, a teacher makes an observation assessment of the skills needed by the students. Then the teacher provides a brief lesson modeling the skills, and then guides the individual students. This is a method that reinforces writing skills for students with mild disabilities.

Which type of disability MOST greatly affects the acquisition and use of language throughout a person's life?

Hearing impairment Answer Explanation : A person with a hearing impairment is at great disadvantage for understanding and acquiring language. Language must be learned without the auditory cues, and the visual cues of language must be taught. All areas of language development are affected by a hearing impairment.

What two laws must ensure that the LRE and FAPE are provided?

IDEA 2004 and 504. Answer Explanation : Although all of the laws mentioned are mandated and have provisions for persons with disabilities, only IDEA 2004 and 504 must ensure that LRE and FAPE are provided. ADA refers more to employment opportunities and public accommodations while FERPA is a law directed at privacy rights.

What should the special education teacher do to establish rapport with parents during the IEP process?

Identify the parents as full members of the multidisciplinary team. Answer Explanation : Considering parents as full members of the multidisciplinary team is an important step in creating rapport and sets the stage for open communications among all members. Parents may need an explanation of their role in the IEP process and it is the responsibility of the special education teacher to guide the parents, clarify their role, and provide them with a document that details their rights.

Which of the following conditions would BEST contribute to a positive climate in the classroom?

Intriguing bulletin boards Answer Explanation : A positive climate in a classroom helps promote learning as it lets students know that "someone cares". An attractive classroom "welcomes" students and is a place they want to be. Use of bulletin boards, learning centers, displays of student artwork, and cleanliness are all ways of establishing a positive climate.

Which of the following is the MOST effective method for developing a set of classroom rules?

Involve students in the development of the rules. Answer Explanation : Teachers must construct classroom rules to describe the teacher's expectations for student behavior. Rules should be written in positive terms using "do" and not "don't". When students are involved in developing a set of classroom rules, they are more highly inclined to accept ownership of the rules, follow them and reinforce them with other students. Rules should be created in the beginning of the school year and should be particular to the class and its environment.

A teacher in a self-contained classroom keeps a record of the number of behavioral outbursts for each student. What is the primary purpose of this record?

It helps determine the antecedents of the outbursts. Answer Explanation : By keeping a record of student outbursts, the teacher can analyze the data collected on each student and reflect on the situations that have occurred prior to each outburst. The teacher can acknowledge these antecedents and change the environment or teaching methods to prevent them from happening in the future.

Throughout an instructional period, a teacher uses created materials or a series of varied activities to introduce a new word and use it repeatedly. What is the purpose of this designed instruction?

It provides the child with familiarity to attain immediate recognition of a word. Answer Explanation : Some teachers refer to this type of instruction as repeated encounters. The materials are planned so a word is repeated often throughout the reading. The child quickly attains the ability to immediately recognize a word.

A teacher asks the class, "Who was the first president of the United States"? What is the level of this question?

Lower-level Answer Explanation : According to research, asking questions that are categorized as lower-level increase students' knowledge of facts and encourages student participation. Both higher-level and lower-level questions are valuable in a classroom and teachers should be wary of using too many questions that fall into just one of the categories.

Which of the following theorist's work was related to "direct instruction"?

Madeleine Hunter Answer Explanation : Madeline Hunter provided her instructional theory on the teacher's role and decision making in teaching, which was an example of "direct instruction". Hunter's components have been implemented by many schools in the nation.

In order to effectively minimize behavior problems in the classroom, what has research determined about the appropriate instructional delivery rate?

Maintain a brisk pace. Answer Explanation : Research has found that when instruction is provided at a brisk pace students benefit from the instructional period. Students receive more information, they are more attentive to the task or presentation and behavior problems are minimized.

What is the main purpose for using mnemonic strategies to assist students with learning disabilities?

Memorization and retrieval Answer Explanation : Students with learning disabilities benefit from the use of mnemonic strategies for many subject areas. For example, students will memorize an acronym and then use it to retrieve the information that it represents.

Which of the following court cases improved upon the rights for children with special needs by providing special education services to children with all types of disabilities?

Mills v Board of Education Answer Explanation : In the Mills v Board case, it was determined that all children with disabilities must be served in a school district regardless of the district's ability to pay. The Irving case was about related service provisions, and the Stuart case involved a ruling for Stay Put. The Rowley case centered on a sign language interpreter.

Which of the following is thought to be one reason that students are misdiagnosed with learning disabilities?

Overuse of an instructional strategy that is not a good match to the student's learning style Answer Explanation : It has been reported that some students are misdiagnosed with learning disabilities and placed in special education because the student's learning style has not been met. It is believed that some teachers are rigid in instructional style, instead of being flexible enough to adapt the instructional approach to the various students' learning styles.

When students with disabilities are given access to the general education program, which of the following has been proven to have a positive effect on learning?

Peer modeling Answer Explanation : Many studies have shown that peer modeling has a definite positive effect on learning. Students have a preference for imitating other students and solid peer models enhance the education of students with disabilities in the general education program. Peers who are strong leaders and good in academic areas encourage others with learning problems to work harder and to achieve at a higher rate.

Which of the following assessment methods would BEST reflect a student's learning?

Performance assessment Answer Explanation : In a performance assessment, a student is asked to perform a specific task which will be assessed by the evaluator, often by observation. This type of assessment requires that students actively demonstrate what they know so conclusions can be drawn about the students' grasp of the material and their performance abilities.

What is an informal approach that encourages students to begin thinking about their post-school goals?

Playing career oriented games Answer Explanation : Students with disabilities often have difficulty identifying their interests and preferences for post-school goals. Given a less structured and less challenging activity, students may begin to glean information about various career options that they would like to explore in more formal ways. Playing career trivia games, or the Game of Life allows students to experience their future and gain information. They can begin to openly express their interests and desires about their own futures.

According to a 1994 study, students with multicultural backgrounds are more likely to experience which of the following?

Poorer quality in academic programs Answer Explanation : In a 1994 study by Misra it was determined that students with multicultural backgrounds are at greater risk for experiencing lower teacher expectations and poorer quality programs. It was also found that they are more likely to be categorized under disability labels.

Which assessment would be used at a parent-teacher conference to provide concrete examples of what the student knows and can do?

Portfolio assessment Answer Explanation : When using a portfolio assessment the teacher collects work samples from the student throughout a specific period of time. This might contain projects, papers, and drawings, depending on the type of student knowledge and progress the teacher wants to assess. Using this kind of assessment at a parent-teacher conference allows the parents to view their student's work and verify the student's progress.

At which instructional level should parents expect to be MOST involved in their child's special education program?

Preschool Answer Explanation : It has been shown that parents are much more involved in their children's educational programs when the child is at the preschool level. The second period of high parent involvement is at the elementary level, while middle school and high school are equally mixed.

What are the main components of an IEP?

Present levels of educational performance, measurable goals, supplementary aids and related services, and adaptations to meet state standards. Answer Explanation : An IEP is a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed and revised in accordance with IDEA 2004. The main components of an IEP are: present levels of educational performance, measurable goals, supplementary aids and related services, and adaptations to meet state standards. An IEP should not include course contents as these should be provided to all students separately. An IEP would not list the state assessments; only the accommodations or modifications required for the student on the state assessment.

In order to write goals for a student, which of the following IEP components is required?

Present levels of performance Answer Explanation : An IEP contains several essential components. The present levels of performance or present levels of educational performance (PLP or PLEP) is one of these requirements. The PLP is a description of the student's strengths and needs based on assessments, school records, observations, and parental input. It is an essential component that is needed prior to developing goals for a student as the goals are based upon this information.

For students with disabilities, explicit instruction to develop listening skills is necessary in order to achieve academic success. According to the research, which of the following will MOST effectively encourage students to listen in class?

Presenting meaningful information and providing the message in brief segments. Answer Explanation : Listening is a skill that seems to be more difficult for those students with disabilities. Listening skills must be targeted for instruction if these students are to be successful. When the information being presented has meaning for the learner and the message is provided in brief segments, the students will attend more to the speaker.

Which of the following strategies would be used with a student who is diagnosed with "Other Health Impairments"?

Provide a flexible schedule for work completion. Answer Explanation : A student diagnosed with "Other Health Impairment" may have difficulty attending classes on a regular basis. The student may tire easily or be ill for long periods of time. The teacher should provide flexible scheduling so the student can finish work when the student is feeling well and working at an optimal level.

A middle school student with an emotional disability has recently exhibited positive academic achievement and improvement on the behavior intervention plan. The student has expressed an interest in joining a club and a sports team. What method would be BEST to support this student's academic achievement and to provide access to extracurricular activities?

Provide a paraprofessional during the transition into extracurricular activities to help the student maintain behaviors and social appropriateness. Answer Explanation : The student appears to have made progress in many areas and is expressing a desire to join a positive and constructive activity. The school should provide a paraprofessional to support the student in the transition for as long as the student needs to have the support. Guidelines could be established to determine when the student is ready to continue the programming without the paraprofessional. This should all demonstrate progress on IEP goals.

When preparing for the development of a personalized transition plan, how should a teacher obtain information on the student's interests and wishes?

Provide a personal inventory and have the student list preferences. Answer Explanation : An important component when developing a transition plan is to ask the student to be involved in planning for the future. A student should be allowed to determine interests through a personal inventory and identify the areas of preference for work and community living.

What is the BEST way for teachers to maintain a positive and informative relationship with paraeducators?

Provide feedback on the paraeducator's work. Answer Explanation : Educators need to communicate with the paraeducator on a regular basis. To create a positive relationship and work towards positive student outcomes, the educator should provide feedback often regarding the paraeducator's work. This will help the paraeducator to grow and learn as well as support the paraeducator in providing student instructions.

Which of the following would be the BEST way to involve parents when setting IEP goals for their child?

Provide the parents with ideas and information about the child's program to review ahead of the meeting Answer Explanation : As members of the team, parents should be involved in the development of their child's IEP goals. This process should occur at a specific meeting. Providing the parents with information and ideas several days before the meeting will give them time to consider possible goals and decide which they prefer. If the parents feel prepared, they are more likely to be active participants at the meeting.

Which of the following is an activity used to teach struggling readers about phonemes?

Reading nursery rhymes Answer Explanation : Activities that develop phonemic awareness are those that allow practice with sounds and syllables. Teaching phonemic awareness is especially important for struggling readers. Reading nursery rhymes helps children learn to read less familiar words that rhyme with more familiar words.

A fifth grade teacher works with a group of learning disabled students on their writing skills. The teacher prompts the students to think about their spelling and the errors they tend to make as the students prepare their written drafts. What is this technique known as?

Reflective spelling Answer Explanation : Students who have reading and writing problems often need support with their spelling skills. Therefore, students need systematic strategies to boost their skill level for spelling new words. Using the technique of reflective spelling helps them understand their errors and become strategic spellers.

When determining the least restrictive environment (LRE) for a child, which of the following shows the order that the possible environments should be considered, from first to last?

Regular classroom, special education classroom, residential classroom Answer Explanation : The least restrictive environment requirement of IDEA 2004 is an important consideration of an IEP team and involves a review of the student's abilities and needs. The progression for LRE begins with the least restrictive and moves towards the most restrictive environment for placement. The regular classroom is the least restrictive environment for a student, the special education classroom would be more restrictive and a residential classroom would be the most restrictive.

Which of the following is the most essential prerequisite skill that is required by the majority of employers?

Reliability Answer Explanation : Reliability is very important to employers and is a skill that is important to every job. The other three answers are essential to many jobs, but when necessary, employers tend to believe that those can be learned on the job.

A skilled reader reads while another student follows. Next, the skilled reader asks questions to check the student's comprehension. Then, the skilled reader and the student read the passage together. What is being described?

Repeated reading Answer Explanation : In repeated reading, the student reads a passage several times with a skilled reader until fluency is achieved.

A teacher restates students' questions to encourage responses. What technique is the teacher MOST likely using?

Scaffolding oral language. Answer Explanation : A technique which promotes oral language skills is scaffolding. One strategy of scaffolding is to restate student's questions so the students may more clearly think about the questions and answer them.

An elementary student recently identified with Asperger's syndrome appears unusually unhappy and quiet in class. The student has expressed to the teacher that "no one talks to me at home". The teacher knows that the recent diagnosis has been devastating for the family. What should the teacher do to BEST meet the needs of this family?

Schedule a home visit. Answer Explanation : In order to develop an appropriate program for children with disabilities, it is valuable to know more about the home situation. Many parents will welcome a home visit and are more comfortable expressing their needs and concerns in their own home. In this situation, the parents may not know what to do or how to talk with their child. The parents may be frustrated or angry and in need of someone to talk to, in which case it would be appropriate for the teacher to suggest counseling for the family.

The parents of a high school student with a learning disability send a written note to the testing coordinator to excuse their child from the week of state testing due to the student's disability. What would be the testing coordinator's BEST response?

Schedule an IEP team meeting for the parents. Answer Explanation : It is the responsibility of the entire IEP team to make a decision about the best option for a student who is faced with a state assessment requirement. Scheduling a meeting for the parents to share concerns and discuss the issue would be the best solution. The team can present options for accommodations and modifications that would assist the student in taking the test or they could explain the option of alternative testing.

A student who is categorized with an orthopedic impairment is MOST likely to need accommodations for which of the following?

School environment Answer Explanation : Orthopedic impairments are those conditions considered to involve special health care for children, such as spina bifida, or specific conditions that physically affect children, such as cerebral palsy. These children often require medical devices for assistance in accessing the school environment or require physical accommodations to the environment such as lighting changes or sound systems.

Which of the following would be BEST to train students with disabilities in workplace skills so that they will perform better at work?

School-based businesses Answer Explanation : Students with disabilities benefit from direct instruction as well as from community-based instruction in developing workplace skills. Students gain tremendous benefit from participating in a school-based, student-run work setting with adult supervision and a training or teaching component. This provides an outlet for teachers to instruct on the various expectations of a "real" job and allows the students time to practice and internalize those skills.

What should students be taught FIRST when learning to minimize inappropriate behaviors?

Self-monitoring Answer Explanation : Self-monitoring is one of the initial steps that students take to utilize self-management skills with regard to their inappropriate and often stereotypical behaviors (such as those characterized under the autism spectrum disorder category). In self-monitoring, a student learns to observe and record their own behavior which leads to self-awareness of the inappropriate behavior. The other choices are key components of self-management skills intervention that would come later.

When a student can predict and read unknown words using the meaning of other words in a sentence or passage, what is the student practicing?

Semantic cues Answer Explanation : While all of the choices are different types of cues used to develop reading skills, semantic cues reflect an understanding of the meaning of language. A semantic cue aids the learner in predicting and reading unknown words by knowing the meanings of other words in a sentence or passage.

A young child from India just completed six months in the district's preschool program. The child spoke no English when first enrolled in the program, but the child has shown much growth in all areas. However, the child went through the district's kindergarten screening, and the tester felt the child was not ready to move to kindergarten in the fall. The report from the screening stated that the child was not ready, due an inability to understand any of the questions asked or perform any task. The parents are upset about this report. Which of the following would be the teacher's BEST response?

Speak with the testing coordinator and parents about the screening results and provide information gathered in class on the child's performance. Answer Explanation : The teacher should be prepared to assist with a transition into kindergarten based on classroom data. This child may just be "slow to warm up" and the screening may not have provided an accurate account of the child's abilities. By meeting with the testing coordinator and the parents, the teacher can share the results from the six months of instruction and immersion in the language, which may influence the decision regarding this child.

When writing IEP goals using data from a curriculum-based assessment, the team should specify the level of the curriculum and identify the conditions and behaviors expected. Which of the following should be the third step in this process?

Specify the criteria for success based on curriculum standards. Answer Explanation : Utilizing data collected from a curriculum-based measure will improve not only goal writing and instructional planning, but the monitoring of goals. If a team can specify the level of the curriculum, identify the conditions and behaviors expected, and specify the criteria for success based on curriculum standards, then writing goals and objectives on an IEP will be a simple process.

What is the most common type of related services provided to students with disabilities in public school settings?

Speech-language therapy Answer Explanation : A high percentage of students with disabilities are served under the category of speech and language disability. In addition, students placed under the following categories may also be receiving speech and language services: learning disability, hearing impairment, mental retardation, vision impairment, autism and traumatic brain injury. Therefore, the most common related service required is speech and language therapy.

What is the MOST effective praise for students that respond correctly?

Spontaneous statements, specific to the moment Answer Explanation : When students formulate correct responses, teachers should provide praise. If the praise given is planned, students interpret it as stilted with no meaning and consider it to be non-valid. Students seek praise that is realistic and based on a factual evaluation of their performance, especially delivered in a spontaneous fashion.

A high school student with autism has been working in the school cafeteria for three years, and does a good job preparing the desserts each day. The student has limited expressive language and mildly inappropriate social skills, but this job does not require that the student talk or work closely with others. Each day the student is given instructions, a demonstration, and then follows those directions for the remainder of the shift. Which of the following would be the ideal post-school position for this student?

Stockperson at a convenience store Answer Explanation : This student obviously does well in a work situation after watching a demonstration and listening to clear instructions. The student seems to remain on task once the demonstration and instructions are provided and when the student is not required to face situations that require strong social skills or expressive language. It would be best for the team to search for a job with a similar environment, even if it is not in food preparation, such as stocking goods at a convenience store. As a cashier or ticket taker the student would have to engage directly with people on a daily basis. As an assistant pastry chef, the student is likely to be asked to react quickly to directions in a high pressure environment. This would not be an appropriate position for this student.

A middle school student with an identified learning disability has begun to exhibit some uncontrolled outbursts in class. After these incidents subside, the student becomes withdrawn and non responsive. What should the IEP team do?

Suggest that the family arrange for a physical or medical workup which might help identify the cause(s) of the problem. Answer Explanation : When a student begins to have sudden outbursts and to exhibit mood changes, it is important to involve the family so as to determine the origin of the behavior. There are agencies and medical providers who can conduct a physical exam to rule out any changes in the body chemistry which might be influencing these changes in the student's behavior. It would be appropriate to suggest a medical intervention to the parents. If they do not agree, the school has other courses of action to pursue.

A high school student with mild intellectual disability has just started working. The student is a very hard worker, but is chronically late to work. The supervisor has discussed the problem with the special education teacher and, if the problem is not solved, the student will lose the job. What would be the teacher's BEST response?

Suggest that the student purchase a watch with an alarm Answer Explanation : The most helpful option for this student is an alarm which will remind the student when it is time to go to work. This will provide the student with independence and a way to self-monitor on a required task. Asking others to remind the student will not help the student to become more self-sufficient. Having a tangible object as a reminder will help the student to eventually internalize the need to be on time.

Which of the following is a technique that can be used in the classroom to create smoother transitions between activities?

Supply students with brain teaser puzzles Answer Explanation : For some students, particularly those with special needs, changing activities in a classroom can be difficult. There are many transitions that occur in a classroom on a daily basis and teachers should be cognizant of student reactions to these transition periods. Implementing a variety of transition techniques during the day, including the use of brain teasers between different lessons or activities, will support students as they make constant changes and will help to minimize outbursts of inappropriate behavior.

What is the first technique related to editing and revising that students should learn?

Systematically proofreading their papers. Answer Explanation : Students need to learn techniques for editing and revising their written work. As an important first step, students should learn to systematically proofread their own work. An educator may provide students with a checklist when they first begin to use this technique. It should include such items as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

What standardized evaluation instrument is MOST often used on individuals or groups of students to identify deficits in written language?

TOWL-Test of Written Language Answer Explanation : The TOWL is a commonly used assessment in schools. It provides a measure of written language skills and easily identifies students who demonstrate deficits in written language. It is a formal, norm referenced tool which can be given to groups of students or individuals. Although some of the other assessments listed do have a written language component, they are not intended for group use nor are they purely focused on written language assessment.

A very young child with a vision impairment may appear anxious when on a playground for the first time. A sighted guide procedure is needed. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate use of a sighted guide procedure for this very young child?

Teach the child to hold on to your finger while walking beside you. Answer Explanation : Allowing a very young child to hold the finger of an adult while they walk beside one another is the most appropriate answer. This is a basic sighted guide procedure which will encourage the child to gain a sense of independence in walking. As a child matures, growing older and taller, the child should be encouraged to hold onto a person's elbow. This method is another type of sighted guide procedure, but is not used with very young children.

What are the three steps teachers should use when providing "direct instruction"?

Teacher demonstration, guided practice, and feedback Answer Explanation : In "direct instruction" there are three key components: 1) teachers provide sequential instruction on new materials in the form of teacher demonstration; 2) teachers use guided practice to ask questions and check for student understanding; 3) teachers provide feedback to students on their work.

Who decides if a student will participate in a statewide assessment or an alternative assessment?

The IEP team Answer Explanation : Only the IEP team is responsible for deciding if the student will participate on the regular statewide assessment or take the alternative assessment. The team will also discuss what types of modifications and accommodations might be necessary.

When used during the assessment process, what is a derived score?

The raw score converted to a score that provides meaningful information about a child's performance. Answer Explanation : A derived score uses the raw score to obtain a score that provides more meaningful information, and can aid the team in interpreting the test score and understanding more about the child.

What does a functional behavior assessment determine?

The relationship between specific variables in the environment and the problem behavior Answer Explanation : The use of a functional behavior assessment (FBA) is mandated under federal law. The FBA is used to assess the student's behaviors based on an observation in the environment and by determining how the environmental events and factors contribute to the challenging behavior. It is only after the FBA is completed that the team would address intervention strategies and design a plan for the student.

Students with disabilities are allowed accommodations and modifications in the classroom which will be detailed in their IEP. What accommodations and modifications are students allowed in a testing situation?

The same accommodations and modifications that are used in the classroom Answer Explanation : Under federal law, students are to be allowed the same accommodations and modifications for testing as are available in the classroom. However, in developing the IEP, the team may specifically outline the classroom accommodations and modifications that should also be used for test taking.

When a deaf child requires instruction through sign language in the general education classroom, what is the initial step in the coordination of this service?

The special education teacher meets with the student, the general education teacher and the interpreter to structure guidelines for these services in the classroom. Answer Explanation : Once the IEP team has identified the services required for the student to access the general education curriculum, they must also determine the location of the service and who the provider will be. In this scenario, the initial step in providing this service will be to arrange a meeting to discuss the methods that need to be used and the guidelines that must be followed by the teacher and interpreter. Depending on the age of the child, it is also important to include the child in this meeting, so the child is aware of the guidelines as well.

A student with a hearing impairment has been evaluated for a specialized assistive technology device. Which of the following agencies is available to support this student and the IEP team?

The state school for the deaf Answer Explanation : Although not all states have a school for the deaf, almost all states have an agency (considered a "school") that provides educational services to children with hearing impairments. These state agencies provide support to school districts and can assist with accessing and using specialized equipment for students with assistive technology needs.

Under the discipline portion of IDEA '97, if a student brings a weapon to school, what should happen?

The student may be removed to an alternative setting for up to 45 days. Answer Explanation : In the reauthorization portion of IDEA, a student who brings a weapon to school may be arrested and expelled. However, the school must continue to provide FAPE to the student. In addition a functional behavior assessment must be conducted, along with a manifestation determination hearing. Upon release from arrest and prior to possible re-entry into school, the student may be placed in an alternative setting for up to 45 days. During this time the behavior assessment, manifestation hearing and a review of the IEP must occur.

When a teacher creates a cooperative learning situation for students, which of the following should be the teacher's main priority?

The students understand the task and its purpose. Answer Explanation : Although all of the choices above might be helpful to a teacher that is establishing a cooperative learning situation, the one that is most important is choice C. If the students understand the task, and can comprehend the purpose, the lesson will have more value and the students will be more successful.

A high school student with a learning disability is working the evening shift at the local supermarket as a general custodian. The supervisor is only available during the first two hours of the student's shift. According to the transition plan, the student will have access to a supervisor to obtain instructions when a task seems too difficult. What should be done to help this student?

The supervisor and a job coach should train the student on all tasks and provide simple instructions that the student may use when alone. Answer Explanation : Training with the supervisor would provide clear expectations for the student, improve communications between the student and supervisor and lead to the student's independence in this work situation. Providing a job coach at the very beginning of the work placement will make the student more willing to ask questions and aid the student in understanding each required task.

Which of the following is the BEST method to ensure student learning?

The teacher should constantly scan the classroom to see that all students are providing some sort of response. Answer Explanation : An essential skill for a teacher is the ability to ensure that all students are grasping the material and participating in the lesson. Teachers should be "on alert" when giving instruction. They should listen and watch for responses from all students. Responses may be verbal, but some responses might be in the form of a head nod, a smile, or note-taking. These are all acceptable indicators that the students are learning and responding to the information. Constant scanning of the environment will provide key instructional information which will allow the teacher to adjust the instruction as needed.

According to many classroom teachers, which of the following is considered to be the biggest problem regarding standardized state assessments?

The tests are not relevant to the daily classroom activities. Answer Explanation : There are limitations to the assessment instruments that are used in schools and their ability to collect data about students. Teachers often comment that the skills measured by standardized state assessments do not reflect the skills that are necessary for daily classroom activities.

Under IDEA 2004, the National Center for Special Education Research has been established. Which of the following is one of its missions?

To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of IDEA. Answer Explanation : The creation of a National Research Center is new to the special education law, under IDEA 2004. Its mission is to conduct research on children with disabilities so as to expand awareness, improve services and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of IDEA.

In a middle school resource classroom, the teacher keeps a file box of pictures and photographs for the students to use during the language arts period. What is the purpose of a picture file?

To help students generate ideas for their written work. Answer Explanation : A set of picture files is a stimulating way to help students develop ideas and use detail in their writing. Keeping photos and magazine pictures about a wide range of subjects will enable students to write about topics in many genres.

What is the name of the team that shares roles across disciplines when completing assessments, planning and providing interventions?

Transdisciplinary team Answer Explanation : There are different types of teams that convene and work on creating a child's program. The transdisciplinary team approach is considered to be one of "best practices." Effective transdisciplinary team professionals participate fully with one another. Each knows that the goals of the team cannot be attained without the full support of every member. Therefore, they share roles and cross disciplines on all aspects of a child's program development.

Part of the transition plan for a student with a severe learning disability is to prepare for life skills. This student plans to move into an apartment and will work as a mechanic at the local garage. What instructional activities should be planned for this student prior to leaving high school?

Understand how to maintain a home budget, search for housing options, and review essential employment skills. Answer Explanation : Since the student has already made some decisions for the future, instructional activities should support the student's plan. The student will be moving and living independently, so the student should search for options on housing and learn how to maintain a budget. The student appears to have a job lined up at the garage, so reinforcing the student's knowledge of essential employment skills will help make the student more successful at that job.

How should a teacher modify an instructional segment for a child who is a second language learner?

Use English that is at the student's level Answer Explanation : The most appropriate modification for a student who is a second language learner is for the teacher to adjust a lesson by using levels of English that the student can understand and respond to. The teacher should accept the student's varying attempts at English structures. With practice, modeling and adult patience, the student will improve.

On occasion, parents or guardians can become angry and confrontational at a meeting. What proven method will diffuse intense emotions and produce positive feelings?

Using active listening Answer Explanation : In this scenario, being defensive or ignoring their remarks may intensify the already volatile situation. Instead, the teacher should use phrases of concern, exhibit positive body language, and wait for the parent to finish talking. This will show that the teacher is genuinely attentive and will help the parent feel understood. Utilizing these techniques of active listening usually helps the parent calm down and become more productive in the discussion.

Which of the following would be MOST useful to middle school students that need to identify their interests and preferences for transition service planning?

Vocational classes and experiences Answer Explanation : In order to get a better idea about their interests and preferences, students will find it useful to participate in vocational activities and classes. If the school does not have access to a variety of elective classes, then special classroom activities can be used to provide a "hands-on" approach. The other options above could be used by teachers to share career information with students, but the hands-on experiences will be most useful to students.

A student with limited verbal skills would MOST likely need the assistance of

a communication board. Answer Explanation : A student with limited verbal skills would most likely be assisted through the use of a communication board. This is one type of assistive technology that aids in the area of communication. Ultimately, though, it is the team's decision, based on the student's specific disability, needs and assessment results.

When serious procedural violations are committed in the development of a student's IEP that are proven to produce harm to the student, this would MOST likely be considered by the courts as

a denial of FAPE. Answer Explanation : Because students with special education needs are entitled to a "free and appropriate public education" (FAPE), there are procedural safeguards in place. When a violation is committed, a mediation or due process hearing may ensue and the courts may decide a denial of FAPE has occurred. There are various remedies the courts may impose to correct the problem.

The MOST common identifier of intellectual disability is the failure to

achieve age appropriate developmental skills. Answer Explanation : In the first several months of life, abnormal development is observed by inadequate sucking response, floppy muscle tone and/or lack of visual and auditory response. A child with mental retardation typically fails to meet the age appropriate norms for early developmental skills. A child with an intellectual disability may also have difficulty with choices B, C, and D, but those are not the most common identifiers, and they develop at later stages.

A special education teacher is preparing for the annual review meetings for all students on the caseload. One student's parents do not speak English as their primary language and have a very basic understanding of the English language. The teacher should

arrange for a translator. Answer Explanation : According to the law, parents have the right to attend conferences and meetings about their child with information provided in their own language. Every attempt should be made to ask non-English speaking parents if they will need assistance and then to obtain a translator or interpreter if requested.

A teacher who writes the key points on the board while lecturing to the class is providing an accommodation to students who exhibit problems with __________________.

auditory processing Answer Explanation : A student with auditory processing difficulty is often able to hear what a teacher says, but has difficulty understanding what is said. Therefore, if a teacher writes key points on the board during an oral lesson, the student may be better able to follow along.

The general education teacher and the special education teacher plan their lessons together and instruct students in the same room. This is an example of

co-teaching. Answer Explanation : When both the general education and the special education teacher develop their lessons together, and equally share the instruction in the classroom, it is an example of co-teaching. In the co-teaching model, special education teachers work with all students and not just those with special needs.

The Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes provide procedures that help students to

develop sensory-cognitive language functions. Answer Explanation : The Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes have been used in schools for many years to assist students, particularly those with disabilities, in the area of language arts. The programs created by Lindamood-Bell stimulate and develop sensory-cognitive language processes that are necessary for proficiency in reading, spelling, and oral and written language skills.

Five skills for effective reading instruction have been identified by the National Reading Panel. They are phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and ________________________.

fluency Answer Explanation : Teachers should be familiar with the five skills for effective reading instruction. Teachers will be better able to evaluate instructional sequences of learning if they have a good understanding of the skills that students are expected to acquire.

When evaluating a student for special education purposes, educators refer to the four pillars of assessment. They are norm-referenced tests, interviews, informal assessments, and

observations. Answer Explanation : Those components referred to as the four pillars of assessment include norm-referenced tests, interviews, informal assessments, and observations. The result should be a well informed evaluation for a student.

Retelling helps to determine whether a student has mastered

reading comprehension. Answer Explanation : Retelling is a research-proven reading strategy that will help students to become proficient in reading comprehension. When a student is capable of retelling a story, it demonstrates that the student is able to comprehend what was read.

Notetaking, dictionary usage, and time management are all examples of

study skills. Answer Explanation : There are many types of study skills that students with disabilities must learn to use. Notetaking, dictionary usage and time management are just a few of these skills. Students with disabilities often lack the skills to organize themselves and need direct instruction in learning how to use study skills.

When using the three-finger rule, if three fingers are up after reading two pages, then the material is

too hard for a student. Answer Explanation : The three finger rule is popular among elementary educators who are involved in teaching reading and trying to train students to independently choose the appropriate leveled reader. When using the three finger rule, a student reads the first two pages of a book and holds up a finger for each error. If three fingers are held up at the end of reading the first two pages, then the material is too hard.

An effective method to train students with hearing impairments in the proper articulation of /b/ and /p/, /g/ and /k/, /v/ and /f/ is to use a tactile approach. This will show students the difference between

voiced and unvoiced phonemes. Answer Explanation : Students with hearing impairments gain a better understanding of the differences of voiced and unvoiced phonemes by feeling the production of the sounds. For example: using the student's hands, a teacher can move one hand to the student's throat, and one to the lips to feel the difference between a /g/ and a /k/.

A vocational assessment has just been administered to a group of students with learning disabilities who are preparing to enter food preparation courses at a technical high school. Two of the students showed no interest in any areas on the test. In this situation, the team's primary goal should be to determine

what areas are of interest to the students. Answer Explanation : The team's primary consideration should be the education of these students and how to appeal to the students' individual interests. The team should conduct informal assessments to determine the students' areas of interest, enroll the students in courses and follow up later with another assessment, whether formal or informal. Choice A could be an appropriate question to consider, but it is not the team's primary goal.

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