Speech 1315 Check Up Quizzes 1-21

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Malachi loves horses, so for his demonstration speech he wants to show his audience the proper way to groom a horse. Instead of bringing a live horse for the speech, what does your textbook suggest a speaker should do in Malachi's situation?

A speaker should use a three-dimensional model of an object when the object is too large to be easily used as a presentation aid for a speech.

Brent was presenting a speech on Type I diabetes, a disease that he had suffered from for years. He decided not to mention this fact to his audience. Which statement concerning Brent's speech is the most accurate?

A speaker's personal experience makes him more credible to his audience.

This is a generally accepted principle of adult learning.

Adults like to be actively involved in the learning process.

Alexis is using photographs of her recent trip to Greece in her informative speech about Modern Greek culture. How can she best incorporate her photos into the presentation?

Enlarge or project them.

As a speaker, it is not your responsibility to provide your audience a reason to listen to you.


Be sure and include the specific purpose statement on the delivery outline.


The only quotes you should use should come from expert sources.


Tara was really nervous before her final class speech, but she just kept concentrating on how important she believed her message to be. She felt convinced in her message, and that conviction finally helped her to dispel her nervousness before the presentation. Which tip about developing confidence in public speaking does this example reflect?

Focus on the message rather than on your fear.

Thomas was asked to make a presentation to a Sunday-morning church school class of senior citizens, so he decided to treat the event like an after-dinner speech and planned a humorous speech. What error did Thomas make in preparing for this speech?

He forgot to consider the audience and the occasion.

What is the major benefit of using correct outline form?

It points out relationships between ideas and material.

Dick's delivery outline is five pages long and includes full paragraphs of explanation so that he won't forget anything during his speech. Is this wise, according to your textbook?

No, because the delivery outline should contain key words or phrases, not paragraphs.

Sam was giving a speech on fast food restaurants and made each PowerPoint slide the representative color of individual chains. Was this an effective strategy?

No, because using too many colors detracts from the message.

In a persuasive speech, you tell a hypothetical story in your introduction and represent it as actually happening to you. Is this appropriate?

No, because you are violating an ethical principle which requires that speakers be honest.

For a speech assignment, you find several articles on the Internet that are perfect for your speech topic. You copy the articles, then cut and paste the parts that you'll read as your speech. Is this ethical?

No, because you committed patchwork plagiarism.

The preparation outline should be in standard outline form.


At the monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, a representative from a local tour bus company makes a presentation about the economic advantages for using her company's services for visiting dignitaries. What kind of special-occasion speech is this?

a public relations speech

In an introduction, you may ask a question that doesn't require a response but makes the audience think about your topic. This type of question is

a rhetorical question

When using brief illustrations, it is often stronger to use

a series of brief illustrations.

"At the end of my speech, my audience will understand the basic principle of flight" is an example of

a specific purpose.

Using sound evidence and reasoning in a speech is an example of

an ethical guideline

Asking a question such as "What do you believe the state should do about funding education?" is an example of

an open-ended question

________ occurs when a sentence has two parts with parallel structures, but contrasting meaning.


The process of producing language and speech sounds that are clear and distinct is termed


In a psychological analysis, which of the following are reflections of the audience's likes or dislikes?


Presentation aids enhance your audience's understanding of your speech because

audiences are accustomed to visual reinforcement.

This is considered a critical factor in evaluating Web resources.


Anna is giving a speech on the basic functions of the Electoral College. As the presentation gets under way, she cannot figure out how to advance to her first slide, and ends up not using her visual aid. What guideline was violated?

considering her own skill and experience with equipment

Jan is in speech class, listening to a lecture. But she's had a very busy week, with lots of assignments. How can she maximize her listening experience in class?

focus on the major ideas

Trying to determine what an audience believes or thinks about a speech topic is termed

psychological analysis

Colin had researched, outlined, and practiced his speech carefully, but on the day he was to give the speech, his girlfriend broke up with him. He found it impossible to keep his mind on his speech or his audience and continually lost his place. What public speaking term best describes this situation?

psychological noise

Selecting, attending, understanding, and remembering are all a part of active listening.


Silence can be an effective tool in emphasizing a particular word or sentence.


Speakers have an ethical responsibility to give credit for information and ideas that are not their own.


Specificity means that you can organize your supporting material either from general to specific, or from specific to general.


The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees our freedom of speech.


The delivery outline should include transitions, citations, and directions for delivery.


The first goal of the speech introduction is to gain the attention of the audience


The first part of an acceptance speech should be to thank the person making the presentation and the organization that person represents; then, mention a few of the people responsible for your success.


The more nervous you get when speaking, the more you should seek opportunities to speak.


The preparation outline can be viewed as a map of your speech.


When a speaker's nonverbal message contradicts the verbal message, listeners tend to believe the nonverbal message.


When combined with a central idea, a preview statement can form a "blueprint" of a speech.


When preparing visual aids, use simple drawings or pictures.


When using other people as presentation aids, it is wise to choose someone you know and rehearse the speech with that person.


You will be less nervous if you speak on a topic with which you have had experience.


Your face is key in communicating your emotions and attitudes to the audience.


Your perceptions of the speaking event, your self-image, and your self-esteem interact to create speech anxiety.


The process of listeners relating material to their own experiences and knowledge is to


All of the following are effective strategies for using words except this technique

use ambiguous words

An enduring conception of what you perceive as right or wrong, good or bad is a


What is affected by a speaker's posture and gestures?

visual communication channel

Ethically, if you are uncertain about attributing sources in a speech, your text suggests

when in doubt, document all of your sources in a speech.

When is it appropriate to use humor in an introduction?

when the humor directly relates to the topi

When is it a good idea to use expert testimony in a speech?

when your topic is controversial

________ meanings of words are not normally found in the dictionary.


Write your preparation outline in phrases rather than complete sentences.


Standing in front of an audience with one hand on your hip is a problem gesture termed

"broken wing."

Cecily thought that she had a great speech. She had thoroughly researched and organized it, and had a good speaking outline. She read her outline to herself over and over before her presentation. When Cecily presented her speech, she lost her place, stumbled over words, and dropped her visual aids. What important preparation step did Cecily skip?

Cecily forgot to rehearse her speech out loud, standing, with her visuals.

What is the best advice for timing the use of presentation aids in a speech?

Display presentation aids to correspond with points in your speech.

The closer to the time for Dennis to present his speech, the more anxious he became. During the speech just before his, Dennis felt his heart pounding. He felt as though he would forget everything he planned to say. Which of the following statements best reflects this situation?

Dennis is experiencing a form of anxiety that is common to public speakers.

Sandy decided that she needed almost all of her material on her delivery outline because she had so many statistics and direct quotations. She liked to use note cards, but was distressed to find she had fifteen. When delivering the speech, she dropped her cards and lost her place. What can help a speaker avoid a situation like this?

Don't have too many cards, if possible; always be sure and number them.

Janet's introduction contained the following remarks: "How many of you know someone who has tried to quit smoking, successfully or unsuccessfully? Have any of the smokers in this audience tried to quit? Well, if you have tried to quit and failed, you are among the 20 percent of Americans who have tried to quit multiple times. A few months ago I tried to quit, for the umpteenth time, but this time I made it. I'd like to tell you exactly how I made it." Which of the following statements is accurate about this introduction?

Janet has successfully combined introductory devices of questions to the audience, statistical information, and a personal reference

How does your text advise you to adapt your speech delivery style for a high-context listener?

Keep your gestures and your facial expressions toned down.

________ are a type of visual aid that shows relationships between two or more variables.


When setting up a preliminary bibliography, it is necessary to use a consistent format in order to have all the information needed to locate and verify your sources. The two most commonly used formats are

MLA and APA.

Which of the following statements is the best guideline for using gestures in a speech?

Make your gestures appropriate to the situation and audience

Marcie was conducting an interview with the local homeless shelter supervisor. The supervisor kept answering "Yes" or "No" to all of Marcie's questions. Marcie was getting frustrated because she was not getting the material she needed. What was the problem here?

Marcie had planned only close-ended questions and forgot to follow up by asking "Why?"

________ fonts imitate handwriting and can often be hard to read.


Barney was giving a speech on animal-borne diseases. When discussing each disease, his slides contained a definition, symptoms, risks, treatment and ways to prevent the disease. Was this an effective strategy?

No, because he didn't include a manageable amount of information.

In a speech about organ donation, Nathan gave the audience a handout about the need for organs and the process for becoming an organ donor before his speech. Is this an effective use of presentation aids?

No; Nathan should have waited until the conclusion to hand this out as audience members will read what you give them.

Stuart has always been a nervous public speaker, but this time he's going to prepare an outline that will really help him calm his nerves and build his confidence. He's going to completely write out his introduction and conclusion and include them on his delivery outline. Is this advisable, according to your textbook?

No; he should only write the first sentence of the intro and final sentence of the conclusion, if needed.

When Keith gave his speech of introduction about an associate who was to be the main dinner speaker, Keith told a story about the colleague getting upset at a ball game and yelling at the umpire. Did Keith give an appropriate introduction?

No; the introducer should emphasize the credibility of the main speaker, not poke fun

Peter is listening to a speech on stem cell research. He's trying to take down everything the speaker is saying because it seems that everything is important. Is this considered good listening, according to your text?

Not really, because taking down everything said can cause a listener to miss major ideas.

________ are good to use when speakers want to establish a bond between themselves and their audiences.

Personal references

___________ are good to use when speakers want to establish a bond between themselves and their audiences.

Personal references

Your general speech topic is dog obedience, and you have arranged an interview with an authority. What is your next task?

Plan for the interview by conducting research and planning specific questions.

How can you best use people as presentation aids in a speech?

Rehearse with the person; then, introduce the individual to the audience just before his or her participation.

When Joan cited the huge numbers of people who were dying of starvation everyday in Angola, her audience responded apathetically. Joan made every attempt to support her topic in provocative, ethical ways, but just couldn't seem to elicit the interest she wanted from her listeners. What suggestion best relates to this situation?

The information may not have had enough proximity to people's lives to generate interest.

The speaker spoke so softly that audience members were straining to hear. They tried signaling the speaker by cupping their ears and giving a "thumbs up" sign so as to encourage the speaker to increase the volume. Finally, someone from the back of the room shouted "Louder please." Which of the following statements best describes this situation?

The speaker ignored important audience feedback.

How does the following outline violate standard outlining form? I. Current local efforts to recycle common household products are increasingly successful. A. More community involvement 1. Each day more types of items are added to the list of what can be recycled. 2. People are becoming more aware of local recycling centers

The sub point is not written out as a complete sentence.

Todd gave a speech on the poor quality of local water. He brought in a test kit and demonstrated its impurity. He then advised purchasing a water filter pitcher guaranteed to remove these impurities. At the end of his speech, Todd mentioned that he worked for the company that made the pitcher, and had them for sale. What was Todd's biggest mistake?

Todd violated the ethical guideline of having a responsible goal for a speech.

What are important guidelines for the use of statistics in a speech?

Use reputable, authoritative, unbiased sources for your statistics

In the speech just before Jerome's, the speaker covered some of the same material that Jerome was going to use in his speech on golf. Instead of letting this throw him, Jerome acknowledged the overlap in his introduction. Was this a wise thing to do, according to your text?

Yes; Jerome used an attention-getting, credibility-building device known as a reference to a preceding speech.

Matthew presented a persuasive speech on achieving one's goals. He discussed ways that persons should challenge themselves in terms of striving for prominent positions in their communities, working hard to gain respectability in their jobs, and by being responsible citizens. Matthew used good movement, eye contact, vocal variation, and was dressed in khaki slacks and a polo-type shirt. According to your text, did Matthew make any delivery mistakes?

Yes; he probably should have worn a tie and a more professional shirt, so that his speech topic and his appearance matched.

If you are worried about speaking too fast in a speech, should you write "slow down"-type notes to yourself on your delivery outline?

Yes; notes written in the margins of a delivery outline can help a speaker adjust the delivery.

In her introduction to her speech about eating disorders, Sheila told the story of her friend who almost died of anorexia. In her conclusion, she reminded her audience of what all her friend went through and explained that her friend was currently doing well in her battle against the disease. Was this an appropriate strategy for her speech?

Yes; this is a concluding strategy known as a reference to the introduction.

Yvonne was really nervous about her upcoming speech. On the day of the speech, she arrived early, used mental and physical relaxation techniques, and felt like she knew the speech. But all she could think about was how the audience wouldn't laugh at her funny moments in the speech and how the applause would be weak and disappointing. What tip for reducing delivery jitters that your textbook advises did Yvonne ignore?

Yvonne forgot to visualize her success; instead she visualized her failure.

A short illustration of no longer than a sentence or two is called

a brief illustration

The pattern of speech organization used in a speech topic that progresses in order of time is

a chronological pattern

"An article in the January, 2002 issue of Newsweek about the failure of Enron asserts, 'Many of Enron's 20,000 employees lost their retirement savings when the company collapsed...By contrast, chairman Ken Lay made $205 million in stock option profits in the past four years alone....'" This is an example of

a citation of supporting material.

You're deciding on a speech topic, but need some information from your audience. Rather than asking them to divulge out loud their opinions on a couple of topics, you design a short questionnaire. The questionnaire asks whether a person agrees or disagrees with a series of statements regarding various topics. What form of survey are you using?

a close-ended, formal audience analysis survey

In a speech, Aisha says: "You should now understand the three most-recommended methods for improving your ability to recall people's names: the repetition method, the word-association method, and the visual imagery method. I hope you will put these methods into practice and you will remember my name the next time you see me in the hall." What device is Aisha making use of in her speech?

a final summary

An effective presentation aid that can be used to summarize comments from audience members during a presentation is

a flip chart

A presentation aid which represents statistical data is

a graph

When Nicole said, "It is dangerous to work in a fast food restaurant at night. I used to work in one and I was robbed one night," you recognized this fallacy as

a hasty generalization.

A smaller version of a large object that is used as a presentation aid is

a model

The most unpredictable presentation aid a speaker could use is

a person or animal

When illustrating how data is distributed in a given category or area with a presentation aid, your audience will most readily understand the information with

a pie graph

In Katarina's speech about competitive ice-skating, she tells the audience in the introduction that she is going to discuss the history of the sport, some of the recent judging changes, and the outlook for the future of the sport. What type of signpost is Katarina demonstrating?

a preview

The final step in an introduction is to provide your audience with an overview of your speech. This step is known as

a preview

If a speaker says, "Tonight, I'm going to discuss with you two reasons why everyone should recycle, including cost-saving benefits and the problems waste creates in the environment," you recognize this as

a preview of main ideas.

A speech organizational pattern which goes one step beyond cause and effect to discuss ways to alter, fix, or correct an effect is termed

a problem-solution pattern

When a proposition in a persuasive speech focuses on changing a procedure, a law, or a behavior, it is

a proposition of policy

Head nods, murmurings, facial expressions, and eye contact from audience members are all forms of


In the introduction to your speech, a good way to establish your credibility is to

be well prepared and confident.

Why should you use complete sentences in a preparation outline, according to the text?

because this will help you judge the coherence of the speech

Which of the following is a figure of speech that uses an implied comparison?


Emily has been asked to speak to a group of her colleagues at work about a new project, but she wonders, "What do these people already know about this project, and are they excited about it?" These questions reflect Emily's

concern about the interests and knowledge of her audience.

Bianca began her speech with a vivid description of the typical waiting area in an emergency room of a public hospital. After completing the description, she began to discuss why emergency rooms have come to represent a critical problem within the health care system. What organizational pattern can you detect in Bianca's speech?


The general purpose of a persuasive speech is to

change or reinforce an audience's beliefs and/or urge action.

The sense of discomfort that prompts a person to change when new information conflicts with previous attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors is

cognitive dissonance.

It is important in an introduction to build trust with the audience, to have them believe you and like you. This is known as speaker


Joe is a former world weight lifter and professional body builder. He is preparing an informative speech on the abuse of steroids in physical fitness. Through his personal experiences, what quality can Joe add to the presentation of his speech?


The audience's perception of a speaker's competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism is termed


The preparation outline is typically used by a speaker during the speech.


The process of producing clear and distinct sounds is called pronunciation.


When an audience member translates the speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages into information and ideas, this process is known as


Which type of reasoning involves organizing an argument using a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion?

deductive reasoning

The type of credibility when a speaker establishes common ground with the audience, supports an argument with believable evidence, and presents a well-delivered speech is

derived credibility.

Producing word pictures that allow your audience to mentally see, hear, smell, touch, or taste something is a process known as


When developing a preparation outline, you should write out everything but

directions for delivering your speech.

After speakers have organized their main points, what is the next step?

dividing main points into sub points

Using humor is the best strategy for reinforcing your credibility in a conclusion.


We listen at a much slower rate than the rate an average person speaks.


When considering your audience, consider them as a group, rather than individuals.


The minister pounds his fist on the podium when he says the words "sin" and "evil." What function does this form of nonverbal communication serve?


Translating ideas and images in the speaker's mind into verbal or nonverbal messages that an audience can understand is termed


When quoting someone's words in a presentation, you should always say, "Quote....unquote."


Communication that is truthful, fair, responsible and shows respect for self and others is termed

ethical communication

Our beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong are our


Delivering a speech in a conversational style from a well-developed and researched outline is termed

extemporaneous speaking

A speaker who pounds one hand into another is using a repeating gesture.


Accommodation means that speakers should abandon their own convictions in order to show tolerance of the audience's beliefs.


An impromptu speech does not have to be organized


Aristotle used the term ethos to refer to a speaker's competence.


Audience members that are moving around and shifting in their seats are more likely to be attentive to what you are saying.


Audio or videotaping your speech rehearsal is not effective in improving your final speech performance.


Avoid personal knowledge and experiences when asked to deliver an impromptu speech.


Critical listening and critical thinking are the same process.


Delaying speech preparation and rehearsal is usually an effective method to reduce speaker anxiety.


Derived credibility refers to that which a speaker achieves after presenting a speech.


Ethnocentrism means that you value other cultures more than you value your own


Extemporaneous speaking and impromptu speaking are the same thing.


Fear appeals and negative motivation are more intimidating if they are directed toward an individual, rather than one's loved ones.


General words are better to use than specific words.


If a speaker needs no introduction, you should present one anyway.


If a speech is well written, it can be presented to anyone, anytime.


If you are really anxious about speaking, it is best to avoid direct eye contact with audience members, or connecting with them in any manner.


If your audience seems to be disagreeing with you, you should rely more on anecdotes and less on facts to present your case.


It is a good idea to select a presentational aid before you decide on a speech purpose.


It is acceptable to use a manuscript of your speech for a delivery outline.


It is an audience member's responsibility to properly encode a speaker's remarks.


It is easy to avoid unbiased language.


Just like writers, it is seldom necessary for a speaker to repeat himself or herself, thus, redundancy should be avoided.


Maintaining constant direct eye contact is an advantage of manuscript speaking.


Most speakers summarize the speech at the end of the conclusion


Once you introduce a visual aid, keep it in front of the audience throughout your speech.


Speakers have to cite sources for direct quotes but not for paraphrasing.


Speech anxiety is never beneficial to a speaker.


The ability to monitor your audience's response and adjust your message accordingly is a benefit of

good eye contact

If you attempt to convince listeners to do something illegal, you are violating a speaking ethic which expects speakers to

have clear, responsible goals

An informative speech that discusses principles, concepts, and theories is classified as a speech about


A few minutes remain in the class period. The teacher assigns a student to stand before the class and give a brief speech on effective study habits. What method of delivery is utilized in this situation?

impromptu speaking

Follow these guidelines for preparing presentation aids except for

include as much information as possible on each aid.

The ultimate goal of the planning period with your outline is to

insure that all main ideas and sub points are clearly and logically arranged and adequately supported.

Throughout Clay's speech on the environment, he reviewed and re-emphasized points previously discussed. What is the textbook term for this technique?

internal summary

Discussing your speech topic with someone who is knowledgeable on the subject is a method of gathering support material known as


A properly worded central idea or thesis statement

is a single sentence summarizing your speech.

All of the following except ________ are ways speakers can provide closure in a speech.

moving in front of the podium

What is the technique called when a speaker makes reference to the introduction in the conclusion?

providing a sense of closure

________ refers to words unique to a speaker's particular hobby or profession.


The main reason to use previews, summaries, and signposts is to

keep your audience on track with your speech

An opinion stated by a "person on the street" when interviewed by a local television station reporter about a local tax issue is providing

lay testimony.

A speaker's ability to use shorter words and phrases characterizes what quality of oral from written language?

less formal

________ are a type of visual aid that shows relationships between two or more variables.

line graphs

Lenny's speech on rodeos focused on three different events. His central ideas was "The modern rodeo has many interesting events including bronco busting, calf roping, and bull riding." Lenny's central idea could be readily broken down into main ideas based on

logical division of the central idea.

The term "periodicals" refers to

magazines and journals

In her speech about the benefits of car air bags, Karen states: "In December, 2001, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 7,585 people are alive today because of their airbags. Over 7,500 people. That's about half the number of students at the college here. Imagine, all those lives saved, by a simple airbag." What guideline about the use of statistics is Karen following in her speech?

making statistics understandable and memorable

When facing public speaking anxiety, the goal for the speaker should be to

manage it positively.

Reading a speech word-for-word from material written out on a page is termed

manuscript speaking

Writing down your main ideas, sub points, and supporting material, then using geometric shapes and arrows to indicate logical relationships is a technique known as


What is an advantage of memorized speaking?

maximum eye contact with audience

In the communication process, what is the term for something that interferes with the communication process (a type of communication barrier)?


A change in facial expression, a pause, an altered vocal pitch or speaking rate, or a movement all may indicate a

nonverbal transition

What aspect of standard outlining procedure is violated in the following example? I. The Rocky Mountains were formed in stages, over a long period of time. 1. Mountains are affected by geographic and environmental events. 2. Mountains provide a sort of "blueprint" as to what has occurred in a certain region. II. The Rockies are younger mountains than the Swiss Alps.logical d


The type of informative speech that concerns anything you can see or touch is a speech about


________ occurs when two or more clauses or sentences have the same grammatical pattern.


A captive audience would best be described as

people who must attend.

It is important to know the approximate education level of your audience because

people with more education usually have a larger vocabulary.

Nick is really worried about his statistics exam after lunch, and isn't really listening to his speech instructor. The listening barrier here is

personal concerns.

What can a speaker add to his or her speech that will likely appeal to most members of a very diverse audience?


Maslow's hierarchy of needs asserts that the most basic human needs must be satisfied before listeners can be motivated using any higher needs. These basic needs are


Lifting key passages from sources you do not credit in your speech is an unethical practice known as


Which of the following is an example of sexist language?


When the audience has clearly decided before you even begin to speak that the message has no value for them, the listening barrier to overcome is


Telling your audience your main ideas before you begin to develop your speech is a


This usually comes at the end of the introduction.

preview main points

A good speaker will provide "information handles" to enable the listener to understand the message. These include

previews, signposts, and summaries.

In a speech about the rules of cricket, the speaker uses jargon that you don't understand. What are you experiencing?

problems with decoding

A listener who suffers from a fear of misunderstanding or misinterpreting messages is said to have

receiver apprehension.

Janine organized her three statistics on organ transplants according to their significance. She saved her "clincher" point about how easy it is to indicate your willingness to donate by signing the back of your driver's license for the last point before her conclusion. What pattern of supporting material did Janine demonstrate in this speech?


________ refers to words that reflect a speaker and audience's geographical background.


In an introduction, an effective way to give your audience a reason to listen is to

relate the topic to their lives

Proximity in an introduction means

relating the topic to the audience

Tom is speaking on a stage, behind a rather tall podium. His audience is made up of elementary school children. What does Tom need to do to immediately improve his speech?

remove the physical barriers

Gestures that help your verbal message, such as holding your hands out to show how long an object is, are termed


The delivery outline

should be brief and have speaking notes.

Transitions, previews, and summaries are all examples of


________ is a figure of speech comparing two things using the term "like" or "as."


Hypothetical illustrations, description, and opinions are considered to be

soft evidence

Oral language styles tend to use more pronouns


Providing closure in a conclusion lets the audience know that the speech is finished.


Using the term "gasping for breath" instead of "sick" is an example of what language style technique?

specific and concrete

When wording the statement of your ________, use verbs that refer to observable or measurable behavior.

specific purpose

The speaker's statement as to the behavioral change she or he wants from the audience is known as the

specific purpose.

When citing your sources orally in a speech, you should

state briefly the author, title, year

What action should a speaker take if his or her speech topic calls for an illegal or dangerous presentation aid?

substitute an appropriate representation or model

What should a speech conclusion do?

summarize the main ideas

"Writing has many educational, psychological, and physical benefits." What is this speaker doing in their example?

summarizing the speech

"For the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession," is an example of what stylistic device(s)?


The difference in information speaking and persuasive speaking is that only in persuasive speaking does the speech

target change or advocate action from your audience.

When determining whether or not a presentation aid will enhance a presentation, a speaker's first consideration should be to

the audience

When you finally deliver your speech, you should speak from

the delivery outline

Recent research indicates that there is a direct link to the intensity of the fear appeal and the likelihood that listeners will be persuaded by the message.


Rehearsal is an important step for excellent extemporaneous speakers.


The speaker's outline which contains the specific purpose, the introduction, all main ideas with supporting material, and a conclusion is

the preparation outline.

What must balance the right to free speech?

the responsibility of speaking ethically

Cate describes first how hunger is a worldwide problem; she then explains that there is a hunger problem in the U.S.; then she describes a family suffering in her hometown. What aspect of supporting material organization is Cate employing here?

the specificity principle

Reemphasizing the central idea in a memorable way, moving an audience to action, and providing closure are all functions of

the speech conclusion

Of the three types of microphones, which type requires the most skill to use effectively?

the stationary microphone

A situational audience analysis includes an evaluation of

the time and place of your speech, the size of your audience, and the occasion

When starting with a broad speech topic such as "basketball," it is necessary to narrow it down because

there is too much research involved in such a broad topic.

The best reason to use presentation aids is that

they help your audience understand and remember

What is the first step in preparing for an interview with someone about your speech topic?

to establish a purpose or objective for the interview

The first step in an introduction is

to get the audience's attention

In a speech introduction, the most important purpose that you must accomplish is

to introduce the topic of your speech

When a speaker shows the audience that the information presented will affect them directly, he or she is fulfilling which goal of information speaking?

to maintain interest

When your central idea naturally divides into various areas to be supported, the organizational pattern is


A final mental rehearsal right before your speech will help in a successful delivery.


A receiver's perception of a message is dependent on his or her past experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and values.


A speaker must be aware of nonverbal feedback from the audience in order to adapt the speech as he or she speaks.


A speaker wishing to establish initial credibility will dress carefully and look directly into the audience's eyes before beginning the speech


An effective speaker checks the hardware available before designing presentation aids.


Anxiety can actually improve your energy level and speech performance.


Audiences from the United States are more responsive to fact based persuasive appeals than to extended analogies.


Before organizing your main points, it is wise to review the logical divisions, reasons, or series of steps you identified when you narrowed your topic.


Before preparing a speech, it is helpful to analyze the audience demographically, psychologically, and situational.


Beliefs and values by which we determine right from wrong are termed "ethics."


Extemporaneous speaking has the most conversational style


For persuasive speakers, it is important to establish credibility with unreceptive audiences.


Humor is not a good attention-gaining strategy if your audience is diverse.


Inspirational appeals are a way to conclude a speech.


Knowing an audience's cultural identity is a necessary part of audience analysis.


Most people can agree on the denotative meaning of a word.


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Combo with "Combo E-Commerce Exam 2" and 27 others

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Unit 5: Methods of Transferring Title

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Ch. 14 The Brain Connect Assignments

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Aplia 3.1 formal and informal fallacies

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Maryland Motorcycle Learners Permit Test

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UIL Social Studies 2023-2024: Related Terms

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Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy Sherpath

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Chapter 14 Project Closeout and Termination

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