spinal cord and spinal nerves

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Which statements describe the autonomic motor nervous system?

-It uses two neurons in a signaling pathway. -The effector organs are the cardiac muscle fibers, smooth muscle fibers and glands. -It is under involuntary control.

Which statements describe the somatic motor nervous system?

-Thew effector organs are the skeletal muscle fibers -It uses one neuron in signaling pathway -It is under voluntary control

Sequence the structures and spaces surrounding the spinal cord from deep to superficial

1) Pia mater 2)Subarachnoid space 3) arachnoid space 4) Dura mater 5) Epidural Space 6) Bone (Vertebra)

Order these structures from superficial to deep Pigmented layer Sclera Neural Layer Choroid

1) Sclera 2) Choroid 3) Pigmented Layer 4) neural Layer

Gustatory cells have a ______ lifespan.

7-10 day

______ of the eye is receded into the orbit.


During an emergency or crisis situation, the sympathetic nervous system can trigger mass ______ in which many effectors respond together.


The ______ horns primarily house the cell bodies of somatic motor neurons.


The tibial nerve is formed from the ______ divisions of the sciatic nerve.


The anterior rami (sometimes called roots) of the brachial plexus are simply the continuations of the ______ rami of spinal nerves ______.

Anterior, C5-T1

The anterior funiculus is composed of tracts of white matter that occupy the space on each ______ side of the cord between the anterior gray horns and the anterior ___

Anterior, anterior median fissure

Which type of receptor detect pressure changes?


Olfactory receptors cells are

Bipolar neurons

Gustatory cells are found in taste


The gray commissure is a horizontal bar of gray matter that surrounds a narrow ______ in the spinal cord.

Central Canal

C1 is the first ______ nerve.


The ______ enlargement of the spinal cord contains the neurons that innervate the upper limbs.


Characteristics of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral cord

Cervical: In superior segments, anterior horns are small and posterior horns are large. Thoracic: Anterior and posterior horns are enlarged only in first segment Lumbar: Anterior and posterior horns are very large and small lateral horns present in first 2 sections Sacral: Anterior and posterior horns are large compared to the size of cross section

Which are examples of both somatic and visceral sensory receptors?


Gustatory cells are_______


What type of receptors detect molecules dissolved in fluid?


______ are receptors that detect chemicals.


The sphincter pupillae ______ the pupil.


The location of preganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system allow it to be also known as the _______division.


Along the lateral knee, as the common fibular nerve wraps around the neck of the fibula, this nerve splits into two main branches, which are the ______ nerve and the superficial fibular nerve.

Deep fibular

The ______ ligaments help suspend and anchor the spinal cord laterally to the dura mater. Multiple choice question.


Sympathetic stimulation will cause the pupils of the eye to _______.


Where are mechanoreceptors found?

Ear and skin

Which of the following would stimulate somatic nociceptors?

Exposure to acid, touching a hot pan, or suffering sprained ankle

What type of receptor is found in the mucous membranes?


The enteric nervous system is an array of neurons found in the wall of the ______

GI tract (Gastrointestinal)

The posterior horns are the left and right posterior masses of ______ matter.


Special senses

Gustation, olfaction, vision, equilibrium, and hearing

In a taste bud the basal cells replace the ______ cells.


Where are the photoreceptors located?

In the neural layer of the retina

Pain that is felt during a heart attack is detected by ______.


What type of receptor is found in smooth muscle of organs?


Ganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system located within the wall of the target organ are known as ______.

Intramural ganglia

Where are proprioceptors found?


In areas of the spinal cord that control the limbs, the cross-sectional diameter is _______ compared to other areas.


This area of gray matter of the spinal cord in segments T1-L2 houses the cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons.

Lateral Horn

In the foot, the tibial nerve splits into the ______ plantar nerves, which innervate the plantar muscles of the foot.

Lateral and medial

Order the auditory ossicles from lateral to medial, beginning at the top

Malleus, Incus, Stapes

Gustatory cells are ______.


The spinal cord has two longitudinal depressions. These are the posterior ______ and the anterior ______.

Median sulcus, median fissure

The stimulating agent is also called the ______ of stimulus.


he stimulating agent is also called the ______ of stimulus.


Axons of olfactory receptor cells form fascicles in the ______.

Olfactory nerve

During times of relaxation, the ______ division of the autonomic nervous system is most active and utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.


______ pain is a sensation associated with a body part that has been removed.


What type of receptor detects changes in light?


The denticulate ligaments are parts of the ______ mater.


The tibial nerve travels in the posterior compartment of the leg, where it supplies the ______ of the foot and the toe flexors.

Plantar flexors

A posterior funiculus lies between the ______ gray horns on the posterior side of the cord and the posterior median sulcus.


The common fibular nerve is formed from the ______ division of the sciatic nerve.


The cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the posterior root are located in a ______, which is attached to the posterior root.

Posterior Root Ganglion

The posterior rootlets are derived from a single ______ root, which contains ______ axons only.

Posterior, sensory

What type of receptor monitors changes in position?


Which type of receptor is found in skeletal muscles, tendons, and joint capsules?


The ______, the black hole in the eye, is surrounded by the colorful ______.

Pupil, Iris

Each brachial plexus is composed of anterior_______ , trunks, divisions, and ______ when examined from a medial to lateral perspective.

Rami, cords

_____ pain occurs when impulses from an organ are perceived as originating from the skin.


Conscious awareness of incoming sensory information is called ______.


The cell bodies of ______ neurons are found in the posterior horns of the spinal cord.


Which of the following structures contain exteroceptors?


The enteric nervous system innervates _____ of the GI tract. Multiple choice question.

Smooth muscle and glands

Voluntary activities of the body, like throwing a ball or walking outside, are under the control of the ______


Spinal nerves are identified by the first letter of the ______ part to which they attach combined with a ______.

Spinal cord, number

Changes in the external and internal environment are called ______. Multiple choice question.


Which division of the autonomic nervous system is called the "fight-or-flight" division because it is primarily concerned with preparing the body for more active states?


Lateral horns are found in the ______ parts of the spinal cord only.


Which segments of the spinal cord house the sympathetic preganglionic neuron cell bodies?


General Senses

Temperature, Pain, touch, stretch, and pressure

Which of the following are receptors for the general senses?

Temperature, paint, touch, stretch and pressure

Ganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system located close to the target organ (but not in the walls of the target organs) are known as ______.

Terminal Ganglia

Somatic receptors are found within______

The body wall

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is anatomically known as the ______ division.


The sciatic nerve is actually composed of two divisions wrapped in a common sheath. What are the two divisions?

Tibial and common fibular

What is another name for the ear drum?

Tympanic membrane

The gray commissure primarily contains ______ axons and serves as a communication route between the right and left sides of the ______ matter.

Unmyelinated, Gray

What type of papillae is largest and least numerous?


Interceptors are also called _____ receptors


Which are located in the walls of blood vessels?

Visceral sensory receptors

The anterior funiculi are interconnected by the ______.

White commissure

The cartilaginous portion of the external ear is called the ______.


During development, the individual vertebrae ______ spinal cord growth is complete.

continue to grow after

The fat surrounding the eye is called ______ fat.


The sphincter pupillae is controlled by the ______ division of the nervous system.


The subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system are the ______ division and ______ division.

parasympathetic, sympathetic

The longest nerve in the body is the _______ nerve


The spinal cord in an adult is ______ than the vertebral canal that houses it.


What type of muscle is found in the iris?


There are two types of nociceptors, somatic nociceptors and ______ nociceptors.


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