Sports Media Marketing Test 2

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Which of the following is not accurate regarding the features of the press box?

The press box has become more exclusive in its constituency.

Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding the distribution of credentials?

The will call window should close throughout the event once it begins.

A call tree may be described as

a sport organization's plan for notifying internal publics of a crisis

A news conference using telecommunications to connect the interviewee with interviewers who are not physically present at the news conference is known as

a teleconference

Media kits contain a variety of publicity information about an organization. Which of the following is not included in media kits?


A session during which journalists ask questions and someone from the organization responds is known as

an interview

Which of the following is not one of the key elements in the credential application form?

applicant's ethnicity

A crisis relating to compliance issues may be classified as a(n)

corporate crisis

Which of the following is not part of the toolkit for creating effective social media releases?

media guides

Opportunities for the credible presentation of organizational messages to large audiences are defined as

news media

Which of the following news media tactics is used most frequently in the sport industry?

news releases

Which of the following steps is important for a good news conference?

notifying the media in advance

Which of the following is a public relations person's job?

to get information into the hands of the media

When a crisis occurs, the sport organization's goal in terms of media relations should be

to immediately position itself as the most credible source of information for the media

A good reporter has questions prepared for a news conference or interview


Advertising and promotional materials has a high public reach.


Cost is always a factor


Coverage of the 1972 Olympics by ABC television marketed Olga Korbut and it was successful.


In a media operations checklist, attention to Credentials, Press Box arrangements, Media Room materials and Parking are all important elements of the list.


Most organizations have yet to formalize policies regarding bloggers.


Sports public relation people can spend many hours a week on miscommunications


The NFL has negotiated a TV contract that is good for the league.


The big problem with crisis dealing with athletes getting arrested is they have to be handled before the court of law can deal with the issue


There are basically three stages in crisis communication: Preparing, managing and assessing


Using "Go Yotes" at the end of a news release is a is a way to show the reader this is the end of the story.


Which of the following is not one of the key elements of a news conference?

who will interview the organization

Which of the following is not one of the principles and behaviors included in a media policy?

who within the organization sells sponsorships

The opening one or two paragraphs of a news release is called


Which of the following should you not do for your interview to be successful?

Develop your answers from your point of view.

Which of the following admonitions is not important for a successful interview?

Do not repeat positive questions in a response.

Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding the credentials application forms?

Finance professionals need to determine whether they will accept credential requests through e-mail, fax, in person, and over the phone.

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the relationship between mass media and sport?

In the present era, sport organizations are less dependent than ever on the rights fees paid by broadcasters.

Which of the following is the newest entry into electronic media?


Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding today's mass media environment?

It is not necessary for the sport public relations professional to understand the needs of all media forms.

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of CoSIDA?

Membership of CoSIDA is open to all levels of intercollegiate athletics in only the United States.

Which of the following statements defines mass media?

Most sport managers refer to print media and electronic media as simply the media.

How has covering a sporting event changed for reporters?

Reporters have crossed over to from just print to all forms

Which of the following is not one of characteristics of a backdrop?

Sport organizations may not be able to generate significant revenue by selling sponsorship of the backdrop to a corporation.

When a sport organization blames people outside the organization for a crisis, which strategic posture is it assuming?


Which of the following is not one of the benefits of news conferences?

dissemination of information to a larger audience at the same time

Public relations personnel usually just let it flow for a news conference.


Reports for the Volante should not be given press credentials for the Summit League tournament because they are students.


A crisis episode has the potential to damage a sport organization's ______________ and ________________.

financial standing; reputation

Crisis communications experts define which time period as being the most critical in most crisis situations?

first one to two hours

When engaged in crisis forecasting, sport managers should consider _____________ and ____________.

impact of a potential crisis; likelihood of a potential crisis

Which of the following is not one of the top three areas of expertise for the college sports information director suggested by Stoldt and Dittmore (2003)?

obtaining a number of sponsors

Which of the following categories includes specific tactics such as media guides and programs?

organizational media

The percentage of the overall population (represented by households with televisions) that watches a particular program is known as a

program's rating

Which of the following is a responsibility assumed by all of a sport organization's employees regarding the crisis communications plan?

refer crisis-related inquiries to the appropriate officials

Which of the following is not one of the checklist items regarding the media room for a successful media operation?

supplemental for on-field access

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