SQL chpt 3 quiz
When you code and order by clause, you can specify a
Column name, alias, expression, or column number
When coded in a where clause, which of the following search conditions will not return a result set that includes all invoices with an invoice_total value of $1000 or less?
Invoice_total in (0, 1000)
Which of the following would return a maximum of seven rows, starting with the fourth row?
Limit 4, 7
The order of precedence for the logical operators in a where clause is
Not, and, or
When coded in a where clause, which search condition will return invoices when payment_date isn't null And invoice_total is greater than or equal to $500?
Payment_date is not null and invoice_total>=500
When you code a select statement, you must code the four main clauses in the following order
Select, from, where, order by
Which of the following isn't a valid column alias?
Total sales
When coded in a where clause, which of the following would not return rose for vendors in the city of San Diego and Santa Anna?
Vendor_city REGEXP 'NA$'
Which of the following where classes will return vendor names from A to C?
Where vendor_name < 'D'
Which of the following expressions does not compute 10% of the balance due if balance due is the invoice total minus the credit total minus the payment total?
invoice_total - credit_total - payment_total/10