SS Chapter 3 Lessons 3+4

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When was Jamestown founded?


When did the first Africans arrive in colonies?


By _____, England had two clusters of colonies


When did Peter Stuyvesant surrender New Amsterdam to the English?


When did Bacon's Rebellion occur?


When did William Penn receive Pennsylvania?


When did Penn sail to America?


When did New York's population reach about 12,000?


When was the Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges issued?


When did New Jersey become a royal colony?


When did Carolina split into North Carolina and South Carolina?


When was Georgia founded?


Where did enslaved people come from?


Pennsylvania turns into


New York prospered and had a _____ population


List the group of settlers who came to Pennsylvania.

English, Welsh, Irish, Dutch and German

Sir George Calvert's son gave large areas of land called _____ to English aristocrats.


How did the Mason-Dixon Line get its name?

For years the Calvert and Penn families argued over the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania. In the 1760s, they hired two men named Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon to map the boundary between the colonies. This boundary line became known as the Mason-Dixon Line.

What were enslaved people require to do?

Grow tobacco

Why did Nathaniel Bacon oppose the colonial government?

He did not like that Berkeley had made that promise.

How was an indentured servant different from an enslaved person?

Indentured servants decided to work, but enslaved people were forced to work.

What were the products of South Carolina?


Why was Pennsylvania called a "holy experiment"?

It was a chance for William Penn to put his Quaker ideals into practice.

Who wrote the Carolina constitution?

John Locke

To attract settlers, they offered _____ _____ _____ _____

Large tracts of land

The Duke of York gave the southern part of his colony to _____ _____ _____ and _____ _____ _____

Lord John Berkely/Sir George Carteret

New York turns into

New Jersey

What were the ports of North Carolina?

No ports, so they used Virginia's ports

What is another word for owner?


They also offered trial by jury and a _____ assembly


Settlers built forts and the town of _____ as a barrier against expansion.


The colony of Maryland was the dream of who?

Sir George Calvert

For what group was the colony of Pennsylvania found?

The Quakers

When did the first group of enslaved Africans arrive in America?

The first group of 20 Africans arrived in 1619 aboard a Dutch trading vessel.

What was William Penn's main reason for founding Pennsylvania?

To put his Quaker ideas into practice

List three products that were important in North Carolina

Tobacco, timber, tar

Name two things that caused Bacon's Rebellion

Unhappy with the promise not to move into Native American's land. Felt the government was controlled by people in the East.

After Jamestown grew and became more prosperous, what was it's name?


What were indentured servants required to do?

Work without pay

What did Locke state?

"Every man has a property in his own person. . . . The labour of his body, and the work of his hands . . . are properly his."

Why was Georgia founded?

Poor people & debtors could get a fresh start.

List two problems that Maryland faced.

Protestants and Catholics fought. Maryland and Pennsylvania fought.

What religious group practiced pacifism?


New Jersey was a place of _____ and religious diversity


Georgia did not develop as planned; it was mostly poor people and _____ refugees.


By 1702 this colony (New Jersey) was returned to the king as a _____ colony


Why was Maryland founded?

So Catholics could practice their religion freely.

British officials thought that Georgia would be able to protect other colonies from their enemy _____.


What were the products of North Carolina?


What did Bacon's Rebellion show?

That government could not ignore the demands of its people.

What was the Mason-Dixon line?

The boundary between Maryland & Pennsylvania

Georgia was turned back over to _____ _____ in 1751.

The king

What was the main settlement of New Netherland?

The main settlement of New Netherland was New Amsterdam, on Manhattan Island.

What did the Hudson River serve as?

The river served as a major transportation link to a rich land of farms, forests, and furs. As a result, New Amsterdam became a center of shipping to and from the Americas.

Penn treated the Native Americans with respect

Therefore, Pennsylvania had better relationships with the Native Americans

How did the Carolina colony come to be?

They created a colony named after the King.

Why might a person agree to become an indentured servant and work for no pay?

They work to pay for their voyage to the colony.

What was the purpose of the patroon system?

To get more people to move to New Netherland

_____ and _____ were in the South


Who received the land of Pennsylvania as payment for debt owed by the king to his father?

William Penn


_____ are significant because the Dutch West India Company wanted to increase the colony's population. To do this, the company offered large grants of land to anyone who could bring at least 50 settlers to work the land.


_____ are significant because they were people who refused to use force or fight in wars.


By 1660, England had two groups of colonies in North America. In the north were the New England colonies. In the south was Virginia, and also the colony of Maryland, which was settled in 1634. Between these two groups of colonies were lands under Dutch control. This area was called New Netherland.

Sir George Calvert wanted a place where _____ could practice their religion freely.


When did Cecilius's brothers arrive in America?

Cecilius sent two of his brothers to start the colony. They reached America in 1634.

What were the ports of South Carolina?


What was The Charter of Privileges?

Colonists were given the right to elect representatives to the legislature.

People that could not repay their debts.


People who owe other people money.


King Charels gave the new colony to his brother, the _____ _____ _____

Duke of York

Between the two groups were lands controlled by the _____


The _____ _____ _____ _____ wanted to increase their number of settlers

Dutch West India Company

Name two groups of people that lived in the middle colonies(besides the English)


Where did indentured servants come from?


The _____ wanted to acquire this colony


What was the last British colony set up in America?

Georgia, founded in 1733, was the last British colony set up in America.

Why did Nathaniel Bacon oppose the colonial government?

He opposed the colonial government because it was dominated by easterners.

Why did no major city develop in New Jersey?

It had no major ports

What did the Dutch West India Company want to do?

It wanted to increase the colony's population. To do this, the company offered large grants of land to anyone who could bring at least 50 settlers to work the land.

_____ _____ received a charter

James Oglethorpe

Why was Georgia founded?

James Oglethorpe received a charter from George II for a colony where debtors and poor people could make a fresh start. The British also hoped Georgia would block any Spanish attack on the colonies from Florida

What was the original name of the first successful English colony in North America?


It offered _____ to people who could bring new colonists


Most settlers complained about the rules in the colony; especially the limits on _____ _____ and the bans on save labor and _____.

Land holding; rum

Georgia was the _____ British colony founded in America?


What does a legislature do?

Makes laws

By what name was New York City once known?

New Amsterdam

What was the major settlement in New Netherland?

New Amsterdam

_____ _____ had an excellent harbor and thriving trade

New Amsterdam

The _____ _____ colonies were in the North

New England


New Netherland's success did not go unnoticed. The English wanted to gain control of the valuable Dutch colony. England insisted it had a right to the land based on John Cabot's explorations in the late 1400s. In 1664 the English sent a fleet to attack New Amsterdam. Peter Stuyvesant, governor of the colony, surrendered it to the English forces without a fight

How was the colony of New York governed?

New York was a proprietary colony. This was a colony in which an owner, or proprietor, owned all the land and controlled the government. Not until 1691 did the English government allow citizens of New York to elect their legislature.

Like _____ _____, _____ _____ was a diverse country

New York, New Jersey

It was renamed _____ _____ and became a _____ _____, or a colony where the owner has control of the gov't

New York/Proprietary Colony

The people who accepted this offer were called _____


How and why was the colony of Delaware formed?

Penn allowed the Southern colonies to form their own legislature which allowed then to function as a separate colony known as Delaware.

How was treatment of Native Americans different in Pennsylvania?

Penn made settlers pay the Native Americans for the land.

What policies of Pennsylvania reflected Quaker beliefs?

Penn was an active proprietor. In 1682 he sailed to America to supervise the building of Philadelphia, a name that means "city of brotherly love." Penn designed the city himself. He also wrote Pennsylvania's first constitution. Penn believed that the land belonged to the Native Americans and that settlers should pay for it. He negotiated several treaties with local Native Americans.

Why was Bacon's Rebellion important?

People wanted a government that would listen to their commands.

What was the cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

People weren't happy with the promise not to move into the Native American's land.

A fleet was sent and the governer, _____ _____surrendered the colony

Peter Stuyvesant

What is a constitution?

A written plan of government.

What crop did Virginia depend on?

After its difficult beginnings, Virginia began to grow. The demand for workers was high. It took a great deal of labor to plant, tend, and harvest the tobacco crop on which the colony depended.

What was Indigo used for?

A blue flowering plant, was used to dye cloth.

Think about what you read about New Amsterdam: It was a bustling seaport with many different types of people. Write a paragraph that describes what it might have been like to walk down one of its busy streets. What might you have seen? Heard? Felt?

"What a wonderful day for a walk!" I exclaimed. I ran outside and pushed my way through all of the people that crowded the busy streets of New Amsterdam. I heard kids running around and playing with their friends. I heard people yelling at an auction around the corner. I saw people walking in and out of the market with food and other supplies to provide for them and their families. I feel millions of hairy bodies brush against me as I make my way through the crowd. Just the thought of it makes me cringe.

By 1683 the population had grown to about _____ people


When did the founders of Maryland reach North America?


When was Maryland's Act of Toleration passed?


In 1664, the colony had about _____ inhabitants


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