SS Exam 2

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who developed client centered therapy?

Carl Rogers

who developed the cognitive behavior therapy/A-B-C model?


axis V


What is classical conditioning?

Learning through association

who developed gestalt therapy?


who developed psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

token economy is a system for redesigning total environments to make them supportive of positive or socially desirable behaviors and capable of extinguishing negative, maladaptive, or socially undesirable behaviors. true or false


what is systematic desensitization?

a treatment for phobias in which the patient is exposed to progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli and taught relaxation techniques.

what techniques are used in behaviorism?

classical conditioning, operant conditioning, ECT, modeling

axis I

clinical disorders

brief description of psychoanalysis.

deals w unconscious, push away stuff bc it's too painful, everyone came into to treatment had trauma between ages 0-6 cause issues later in life, all problems were traced back to childhood issues

according to freud, what is resistance?

defense mechanism

what is ECT and when is it used?

electoro convlusive therapy & major depression, severe bipolar

dream interpretation is the tendency to tan added or relate historical emotions and attitudes developed in childhood to people in the present day, immediate environment. true or false

false, transference

What is GAF?

global assessment of functioning

what is cognitive learning?

includes all intellectual behaviors and requires thinking

what techniques are used in psychoanalysis?

interpreation, dream analysis, free assoctiation

what is operant learning?

learning through behavior conditioning, positvive and negitive reinforcing

axis III

medical conditions

axis II

personality disorders, DD, ID

axis IV


______ is a usually an irreversible side effect from Antipsychotic(typicals) medication that results in repetitive, involuntary, movements.

tardive dyskinesia

according to Rogers, _________,__________,& _________ are 3 important aspects of the therapeutic relationship.

unconditional positive regard, congruincy , & empathy

describe the famous 1920's "Albert" experiment.

when albert touched animals in the beginning he was fine, then to touched them and a loud bang happened. after that he associated a loud bang with everyrhing furry, living and nonliving

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