S.S Regents Reconstruction Questions

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As the Civil War ended, which action was supported by President Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans? (1) abolishing the institution of slavery by a constitutional amendment (2) passing Black Codes to guarantee equality for formerly enslaved persons (3) putting Confederate leaders on trial for war crimes (4) ending the military occupation of the South immediately

(1) abolishing the institution of slavery by a constitutional amendment

This 1863 poster is recruiting African Americans to help (1) defeat the Confederacy in the Civil War (2) assist in the efforts of the Underground Railroad (3) settle land in the South and in border states (4) enforce the terms of the Fugitive Slave Act

(1) defeat the Confederacy in the Civil War

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. — 14th amendment, Section 1, United States Constitution 16 This amendment was adopted in 1868 primarily to (1) protect the rights of formerly enslaved persons (2) make it easier for immigrants to become citizens (3) extend suffrage to settlers on the Great Plains (4) require the federal government to pay the costs of Reconstruction

(1) protect the rights of formerly enslaved persons

After the Civil War, a significant cause of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans in Congress was disagreement over (1) the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union (2) a proposal to repeal the Emancipation Proclamation (3) reduction of the army and the navy to prewar levels (4) congressional efforts to pay the Confederate war debt

(1) the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union

Base your answers to questions 14 and 15 on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies. ... In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to "preserve, protect, and defend it." ... — President Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 14 President Lincoln made this statement in an effort to (1) urge Congress to spend money to buy the freedom of slaves (2) convince Southerners that he posed no threat to their way of life (3) offer to compromise his position regarding territorial expansion of slavery (4) persuade Americans that war between the North and South was unavoidable as soon as possible."

(2) convince Southerners that he posed no threat to their way of life

Which event led directly to the secession of several Southern states from the Union? (1) violence in Kansas over the spread of slavery (2) election of Abraham Lincoln as president (3) publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin (4) raid by John Brown at Harpers Ferry

(2) election of Abraham Lincoln as president

What was a common goal of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution? (1) punishing the South for seceding from the Union (2) granting basic rights to formerly enslaved persons (3) allowing the states to veto federal laws (4) creating a "separate but equal" society

(2) granting basic rights to formerly enslaved persons

The system of sharecropping developed in the South after the Civil War because (1) most formerly enslaved persons had no farming skills (2) owners of large tracts of land faced labor shortages (3) much farmland was ruined by the war (4) plantation owners wanted to diversify crops

(2) owners of large tracts of land faced labor shortages

Which situation was a direct result of the Civil War? (1) emergence of the United States as a world power (2) rapid growth of industry in the North (3) elimination of all Jim Crow laws (4) end of the sharecropping system

(2) rapid growth of industry in the North

The Compromise of 1877 brought an end to Radical Reconstruction by providing for the (1) resignation of President Rutherford B. Hayes (2) removal of federal troops from Southern states (3) establishment of a system of sharecropping (4) strict enforcement of the 14th amendment

(2) removal of federal troops from Southern states

Literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and poll taxes were enacted by Southern States to (1) limit the movement of African Americans (2) restrict the voting rights of African Americans (3) improve the social status of African Americans (4) expand educational opportunities for African Americans

(2) restrict the voting rights of African Americans

Which form of agriculture was created and became dominant in the South in the decades immediately following the Civil War? (1) homesteading (3) ranching (2) sharecropping (4) cooperative farming

(2) sharecropping

Which heading best completes the partial outline below? I. _________________________________ A. Freedmen's Bureau B. Passage of the 14th amendment C. Military occupation of the South (1) Development of States Rights (2) Results of Manifest Destiny (3) Elements of Reconstruction (4) Limits on Civil Rights

(3) Elements of Reconstruction

Which statement is a valid generalization about the experience of African Americans during the early Reconstruction period (1865-1870)? (1) They gained economic equality. (2) Their participation in government decreased. (3) They achieved legal rights through constitutional amendments. (4) Their political equality was opposed by most Radical Republicans.

(3) They achieved legal rights through constitutional amendments.

After the Civil War, many owners of large plantations in the South responded to the loss of enslaved labor by (1) hiring Irish immigrants to do the work of freedmen (2) selling their plantations to formerly enslaved persons (3) creating tenant farms and sharecropping (4) paying wages to farmworkers who had migrated from the North

(3) creating tenant farms and sharecropping

After the Civil War, the purpose of adding the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution was to (1) grant civil and political rights to Native American Indians (2) allow women to become full citizens (3) guarantee African Americans equal treatment under the law (4) extend constitutional rights to new territories

(3) guarantee African Americans equal treatment under the law

After the Civil War, which development limited economic opportunities for African Americans in the South? (1) creation of military districts (2) establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau (3) use of the sharecropping system (4) ratification of the 14th amendment

(3) use of the sharecropping system

"Since the Southern states never legally left the Union, they should be restored to the Union" The position expressed in this statement is most closely associated with the beliefs of (1) Robert E. Lee (3) Jefferson Davis (2) Thaddeus Stevens (4) Abraham Lincoln

(4) Abraham Lincoln

Which statement best describes how the status of African Americans in the South changed soon after the end of Reconstruction in 1877? (1) The Supreme Court consistently supported civil rights for African Americans. (2) Poll taxes and literacy tests were eliminated for African Americans. (3) Increasing numbers of African Americans were elected to public office. (4) African Americans faced increasing discrimination and segregation.

(4) African Americans faced increasing discrimination and segregation.

When President Lincoln made this speech, which step toward civil war had already taken place? (1) The Emancipation Proclamation had been issued. (2) Union troops had invaded several Southern states. (3) General Robert E. Lee had led an attack on Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (4) Several Southern states had seceded from the Union.

(4) Several Southern states had seceded from the Union.

What was one result of the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)? (1) Public schools were integrated nationwide. (2) Civil rights for African Americans were strengthened. (3) Northern states were forced to segregate public facilities. (4) The "separate but equal" doctrine was established.

(4) The "separate but equal" doctrine was established.

Slavery throughout the United States was permanently abolished by the (1) ratification of the Constitution of the United States (2) approval of the Republican Party platform of 1860 (3) issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation (4) adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution

(4) adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution

Black Codes were established in the South immediately after the Civil War in an effort to (1) integrate freedmen into American society (2) enforce the Emancipation Proclamation (3) expand educational opportunities (4) limit the rights of newly freed African Americans

(4) limit the rights of newly freed African Americans

After 1877, racial segregation became widespread in the South primarily as a result of the (1) decline of the Ku Klux Klan (2) activities of the Freedmen's Bureau (3) stationing of federal troops in the South (4) passage of Jim Crow laws

(4) passage of Jim Crow laws

President Abraham Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War included (1) restoring the social conditions that existed before the war began (2) conducting trials for former Confederate leaders (3) destroying the economic and social power of the Southern planters (4) reuniting the nation as quickly as possible

(4) reuniting the nation as quickly as possible

After the Civil War, freedmen in the South had difficulty improving their economic condition because (1) literacy for formerly enslaved persons was prohibited (2) migration of factory workers from Northern cities had created competition for jobs (3) the federal government confiscated their 40- acre grants (4) the system of sharecropping kept them in a cycle of poverty

(4) the system of sharecropping kept them in a cycle of poverty

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