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City of uruk

first true city in the world

Chinese Civilization

Tea production was developed in this civilization

Indus - Hindu civilization

Extensive pharmacopoeia and varieties of herbal remedies and drugs Various operations ( repair of broken limbs, complicated bone setting, amputation, plastic surgery, caesarian section)

Sumerian Civilization

Fabrication of copper

Babylonian Map of the World

First map

Persian Civilization

Gold and silver coinage First regular postal system in the world

Chinese Civilization

Great wall of china, great palace of the first emperor

Thales of Miletus

Greek Philosopher Father of Philosophy, taught that nature was composed of or convertible into water.


Greek Philosopher made the first steps for the advancement of the science of anatomy.

Egyptian Civilization

Library of Alexandria Obelisks and pillars

Babylonian Civilization

Nebuchadnezzar ordered the construction of the famous "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" and the Isthar Gate. They adopted the Sumerian sexagesimal system of counting in units, Ziggurat and cuneiform. Their measurements made use of fractions, squares and square roots. book-keeping, a simple but adequate system of double-entry accounting. Zodiac signs, concept of horoscope Prediction of solar and lunar eclipses. Jewelry making originated from the Babylonians Code of Hammurabi The Babylonian Map of the World- first map Astrology, the science of studying the position of celestial bodies.

Egyptian Civilization

Nobles, men and women wore wigs, they used a variety of preparations for the hair such as henna. They used tweezers and razors to remove unwanted body hair. Both sexes wore jewelries, sandals, perfume and cosmetics-eye make-up and Kohl around the eyes to prevent or even cure eye diseases.


Northwestern regions of south asia

Chinese Civilization

Oldest civilization in asia Middle kingdom locatednon the far east of asia


"Father of Greek Medicine" First to regard medicine as a science apart from religion. He taught that diseases have natural causes and that somehow the human body is capable of healing or repairing itself.


"rebirth"; following the Middle Ages, a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome

Babylonian Civilization

*adopted the culture of the Sumerians *the center for culture and learning, math,literature & law..282 laws know as the code of Hammurabi, the purpose was to ensure justice and protect the weak * mathmaticians determined place value for numbers

Sumerian Civilization

, Significant Contributions Cuneiform- Sexagesimal Ziggurats Wheeled vehicle made of solid wooden wheels on axles now regarded as the greatest mechanical invention of all time. materia medica -made up of assorted botanical, zoological and mineralogical ingredients. seed plow sail boat intricate system of canals, dikes and reservoir. the City of Uruk- a Divided the circle into 360 degrees. Developed advances mathematical functions to permit accurately plot and forecast. Zodiacal map of Sumer Code of Ur-NAmmu- Fabrication of copper


-greek philosopher -wrote the Almagest, wherein he presented his ideas and summarized those of the earlier Greek astronomers about the universe. -postulated the geocentric theory of the universe.


-One of the major contributions of the Romans is the newspaper - contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the people, made metal or stone tablets and then publicly displayed


-Roman architect -first described the odometer as being used for measuring distance around 27BC, but evidence points towards Archimedes of Syracuse as its inventor.


-an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia -ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Southern Iraq)


-greek philosopher -performed experiments which led him to discover the laws of lever and the pulley. - invented the science of hydrostatics- measurement and use of water-power. - made planetarium powered by water to demonstrate the movements of the sun and planets around the stationary earth. - discovered the concept of gravity


-was one of the first pioneer cartographers to create a map of the world. -Roman Civilization

Modern Times

19th century onwards Development of industries


Ancient Greek who gave us the word "element" nature was a mixture of four elements: earth, fire, air and water.

Egyptian Civilization

Another calendar was based on the phases of the moon, consisting of 29 and ½ days. The first 365-day calendar was possibly devised by IMHOTEP.

Roman Civilization

Civilization that arose around Rome, absorbed Greek learning, and ruled much of Western Europe and the Mediterranean world; known for its engineering skills, laws, and Christianity.


Commemorative monument associated with storing sacred relics

Indus - Hindu civilization

Construction layout of its cities which features water wells Excelled in medicine and mathematics

Earthquake weathercock

Detect earthquake occurence

Sulfuric Acid

Discovered by Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Jakarta al-Razi


Discovery of healing drugs and herbs


Greek philosopher -argued that matter was composed of countless tiny particles, each made of dominant substances such as water mixed with other random substances.


Greek philosopher proved the importance of critical observation and systematic means to identify and classify organisms.

taxation system

Important component of the achaemenid state administration

Indus - Hindu civilization

Introduced negative and positive wuantities, square and cube roots, quadratic equations,etc... Developed the steps in sine functions, spherical geometry and calculus

alarm clock

Invented by ancient greeks used large complicated mechanisms to time the alarm. They made use of water ( or sometimes small stones or sand). That dropped into drums which sounded the alarm.

Chinese Civilization

Invention of gun powder Use coal as fuel Copler coinage Use of toilet paper

Medieval Times

Middle Ages


Mountain of god, served as the sacred place of their chief god Potter's wheel.


Science of studying the position of celestial bodies

Chinese Civilization

Technology of silk production "oracle bone"

Egyptian Civilization

The Egyptian writing was in the form of pictorial symbols known as hieroglyphics, representing individual objects or actions. The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on their observations of the regular appearance and disappearance of Sirius the brightest star in their horizon which coincide with the annual rise and fall of the Nile river. The ancient Egyptians knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and medical plants enabled them to master the art and science of embalming the dead. From the Hyksos, they learned military technology and system- horse driven light war chariots manned by warriors armed with bows, bronze swords and lances. The Egyptians invented and used many simple machines such as ramp and lever, to aid construction processes. They used rope trusses to stiffen the beam of ships In Hellenistic Egypt, lighthouse technology was developed, the most famous example being the Lighthouse of Alexandria- a port for the ships that traded the goods manufactured in Egypt or imported in Egypt.

Arabian / islamic civilization

The most influential Muslim intellectual contribution to the modern world was their synthesis of the scientific and technological knowledge they learned from and transmitted to the various cultures they encountered. They introduced the Arabic system of numbers The Arabs interest in the pseudoscience of alchemy encouraged them to mix and manipulate chemical elements and conduct experiments to transform base metals into gold. They were the first to use glass lens for magnification First to manufacture the black powder

Greek Civilization

Their wise men were the first to systematically separate scientific ideas from superstition and stressed the logical development of general principles or theories about natural phenomena. Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age

Egyptian Civilization

They built pyramids such as Pyramid of Sakkara as Zoser's tomb and memorial and Pyramid of Khufu or Cheofs and Great sphinx- a stone statue with a king;s head and a lion's boy to guard the pharaoh's tomb..

Egyptian Civilization

They calculated the time by means of waterclock- a conical earthen vessel with hours equally marked off on the inside and spout at the bottom.

Greek Civilization

They designed various mathematical models and mechanical systems to explain the planetary motions and mechanical systems to explain the planetary positions and movements on geometrical determinations and logical deductions.

Arabian/ Islamic civilization

They produced the first gun- a bamboo tube reinforced with iron that used a charge of black powder to shoot an arrow.

Egyptian Civilization

They wrote with ink and brushes on paper made of papyrus reeds. Ancient Egyptians studies the heavens to record time, calculate distances/directions, forecast the seasons and predict annual flooding of the Nile river.

Apothecaries and acupuncture

Treat illness or pain by pricking the patient's body

Iron Pillar of Delhi

World's First iron pillar


a gently sloping underground channel or tunnel constructed to lead water from the interior of a hill to a village below. Used for drinking water and irrigation of crops

Lighthouse of Alexandria

a port for the ships that traded the goods manufactured in Egypt or imported in Egypt.


a set of word pictures depicted in symbols made of triangular marks.


chinese civilization Regulate clocks

Pi Sheng

developed the first movable type printer made from pottery


is a rocky peninsula in Southwestern Asia.


is an archipelago in the Southeastern part of Europe. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy.


located in the Northeastern part of the African continent, a desert country thriving on an agricultural economy.


one of the world's greatest domed buildings and Colosseum, Rome's stage for individual gladiatorial contest which held 50,000 spectators.

Thales, Pythagoras, Euclid

perfected geometry, as a single logical system.

Sumerian Civilization

the first major Mesopotamian civilization; rose in southern Mesopotamia

Code of Ur-NAmmu

the oldest surviving law in the world. It is the earliest existing legal text


using the number 60 as base, system of counting and a form of place notation.

Roman Empire

was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west. Considered to be the cradle of politics and governance.

Zodiacal map of Sumer

was used for practical mathematical and observational purposes.


were also considered as one of the most important contributions of the Greek civilization to the world. They were commonly used in agricultural processes like milling of grains which was a necessary form of food processing.


were dedicated to the Olympian Gods.

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