Streetcar Named Desire Questions

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What is Blanches attitude toward money?

Blanche believes that money can get Stella out of her marriage to Stanley. Blanche claims that she is "indifferent" to money and thinks only "in terms of what it does for you". However, she clearly has expensive taste and wants to meet a rich man.

How does blanche try to deceive Mitch about the liquor? why doenst it work?

Blanche claims that the doesn't know where the liquor is, but Stanley told Mitch that Blanche was drinking all of the liquor

How had Blanche deceived Mitch?

Blanche deceived Mitch by lying about her age and not allowing him to see her in the light.

How does this incident in Blanche's past affect her present life?

Blanche feels that she is all alone in the world now

How does Blanche react when confronted with what Stanley brings up about her past in Laurel?

Blanche froze, dan stood still because of the name that Stanley mentions

Describe the conversation between Stella and Blanche that Stanley overhears. Give Stanley's reaction. How does Stella respond when Stanley enters after Blanche calls him an animal?

Blanche gives her honest opinion of Stanley: "He acts like and animal..." Stanley enters as if he heard nothing; he asks Stella if Blanche is back. Stella is surprised; she does not know how to feel about Stanley.

What lies is Blanche tell about Mitch? Why?

Blanche mentioned that Mitch came back to give her flowers and ask for forgiveness she lied because she wants to be the center of attention so she always lies

What is the significance of blanched final line

Blanche needs other people to give her affection and praise. people who know her don't like her so she depends on people who don't know her to show her respect

How do Blanche and Stella have different understandings of desire?

Blanche views desire as shameful; Stella does not.

How is Stella described in the stage directions? How does she contrast with Stanley, aside from being female?

Calm and gentle. Stella has different upbringing than Stan.

What dramatic function to Steve and Eunice serve?

Comic Relief Releve dramatic tension

What is the purpose of Mitch's appearance at the end of this scene?

He is on his way to pick Blanche up for their first date

Why does Blanche seem depressed at the beginning of scene 6?

She is exhausted because she is trying so hard to make the date work, she wants to rest, Stanley has brought up her past, he asks about Shaw from laurel

This scene open to another poker night! how much time is left changed is the first poker night? how was this game symbolic?

Stanley is winning everything and talking about how lucky he is. it is symbolic bc his luck is good after Blanche's life is ruined

Why did Stanley get out his silk pajamas

Stanley only wears his silk PJs on special occasions like his wedding night and the night of his sons birth

how did Stanley further humiliate Blanche

Stanley rapes blanche and makes her believe she deserved it

What news does Stanley reveal about Blanche? How does Stella react to this news?

Stanley reveals Blanche's secrets. Stella refuses to believe Stanley's conspiracy's about her sister

how does mitch seem to feel about blanche at this point?

mitch misses blanche he cries in his arms

whites the purpose of playing the polka tune?

the purpose is to show how san and in despair Blanche is

how have lighting and sound effects establish the plays atmosphere throughout

through the blue piano and sound affects of the polka music and gunshot

what does sheep huntleigh represent to blanche

He represents a second chance she wants to use him for his wealth

What reason does Blanche give for being in New Orleans?

She claims to have been given leave of absence from school in May.

What are some lies that Blanche tells Mitch?

1. Blanche says that Stella is one year older than herself. 2. She says that she cannot stand a naked light bulb; she does not want harsh light to show her age. 3. She claims to be adaptable. 4. She says that she visits Stella because Stella is feeling run down.

What does Blanche learn about Stanley before meeting him?

1. He is Polish 2. Stella says he is "different species" compared to men at Belle Reve. 3. Master Sargent in Engineer Corps

Why does Mitch want to know Blanche's age?

His dying mothers asked for Blanche's age

How does Blanche react to Stella's apartment?

She is unimpressed and dislikes it

Why does Stella ask Stanley to be nice and understanding to Blanche?

Stella knows that Blanche will agitate Stanley; she does not want problems between them.

What is known about Blanche before she speaks her first line?

1. she does not match setting; she is out of place 2. Dressed in white gloves and pearls; elegant. 3. Five years older than Blanche.

What does Blanche say about truth and illusion?

A womans charm is 50% illusion. She tells the truth when its important.

What happend to Belle Reve?

Blache lost it because death/ medical expenses. AND men took loans against the plantation to finance sexual affairs.

How does Blanche interact with Stanley? What is she doing?

Blanche and Stanley do not get along with each other they are always fighting

explain how tension is created with the appearance of Stanley

Blanche asks about Stella and he tells her that the baby isn't coming until tomorrow which means Blanche and Stanley are alone in the house together

Why does Blanche ask Mitch to cover the light bulb? What does lantern symbolize and what does covering light bulb symbolize?

Blanche does not want age to be revealed by light. Lantern symbolizes Ugly truth Covering lantern symbolizes ILLUSION

Contrast Stella and Blanche's attitude toward Stanley's violence.

Blanche is appalled by Stanleys violence; she thinks that Stella should leave him. Stella thinks that Blanche is overacting. Stella excuses his behavior by saying that anything can happen when men drink and play poker.

What is the irony of the song that Blanche sings?

Blanche is singing about love, while Stanley and Stella are arguing in the other room

Stella introduces Blanche to Mitch. What is Blanche´s immediate reaction to Mitch?

Blanche says that Mitch is superior to Stanley and his friends

What might Blanche have meant in her last line of this scene?

Blanche says that there is still good in the world and it can change in an instant

Describe Blanche's behavior with Mitch. Why is this behavior ironic?

Blanche starts to be emotional with Mitch when she explains her story. It is ironic because Blanche usually flirts with him only.

What does Blanche tell Mitch about life with Stanley, and what is Mitch's reaction?

Blanche tells Mitch that Stanley is just being mean to her. Mitch was surprised to hear this from Blanche

What does Blanche tell Mitch about her past? Why does she confide in Mitch?

Blanche tells Mitch that her husband committed suicide. She tells him this because they both lost a love.

How does Blanche offer to "save" Stella? How does Stella react to this?

Blanche tells Stella she can "get out". Blanche says that Shep Huntleigh could set Stella and her up in a shop. Stella does not want to get out of her relationship with Stanley. She does not think there is a problem.

How do Blanche and Stanley feel about eachother?

Blanche thinks Stanley is primitive and not good enough for Stella; she tries to win him over by flirting but it does not work. Stanley thinks Blanche is a phony.

Why does Blanche try to phone Mitch?

Blanche wants to ask Mitch why he didn't come to her birthday dinner

Describe Symbolism of Blanches Bath.

Blanche wants to wash away impurities and sins

what is Blanche's condition and how is Stella dealing with it

Blanche won't eat or drink anything except alcohol Stella does not know how to deal with her

What does Blanche's letter to Shep Huntleigh reveal about her?

Blanche wrote about wild stories that never happened, she is a liar and wants people to believe an image of her that isn't true.

What is the significance of Stanley being a Capricorn (goat) and Blanche a Virgo (virgin)?

Blanche's sign is ironic considering her promiscuous past

How does Stanley react to Stella telling him to wait outside? Why?

He is angry; he does not want a woman telling him what to do.

As the play begins, how is Stanley's primitive nature revealed?

He tosses the meat when he enters. He has no manners; he addresses Stella as "the little woman"

How does Stanley react to news of losing Belle Reve?

He wants to see papers. He thinks that Blanche is a phony and she sold Belle Reve to buy things for herself. He thinks she swindled Stella because she does not show deed of sale.

Why does Blanche ask Stella to turn off overhead light?

Light makes her look old; shows wrinkles, etc.

How does Mitch respond to Blanche's secret about her past?

Mitch comforts Blanche then tells her they should be together because they both are alone

what upsets Mitch the most about blanche? how did he verify the truth about her history?

Mitch hates how much blanche lies. he verified it through his sources, Shaw, Stanley, and Kiefaber

describe Mitch's condition and Blanche's reaction

Mitch is drunk, unshaven and wearing work clothes. Blanche trie to liven things up

why does Mitch rip the paper lantern off the lamp? why is it symbolic?

Mitch rips the paper lantern off because he has never seen blanche in full light. this is symbolic because Mitch is destroying her beauty

What do men agree to do the next day?

Play poker at Mitchs house.

Significance of Tamale vendor

RED HOT references sexual and dramatic tension

What mood do the opening stage direction and setting description create? What effect is created with the music of the "blue piano"?

Setting/ stage direction create Serene mood. Blue piano expresses spirit of New Orleans

What is Blanches reaction to Stella's home? How does she react when Eunice tries to help her?

She doesn't approve of Stella's living conditions (too small/ messy) She asks Eunice to leave her alone.

Explain Blanche's statement that she doesn't show how much longer she can "turn the trick."

She doesn't know how long she can put on the act and keep looking young.

What does Blanche hope for in a relationship with Mitch?

She wants Mitch to love her for who she is.

What is the signifigance of Mitch´s sliver case?

Silver case with inscription shows that Mitch is well educated and more worldy than other men in his group. This appeals to Blanche. "And if God choose, I shall but love thee better--after--death!" Why, that's from my favorite sonnet by Mrs. Browning!

How are life and death juxtaposed at the end of this scene?

Stanley and Stella's relationship is dying, yet there is life their unborn child

What is Stanley's present to Blanche and why is it such a cruel gift? How does Blanche respond?

Stanley gives Blanche a bus ticket back to Laurel. It is mean because she has no where to go back to in Laurel and Stanley knows this. Blanche runs into the bathroom crying

Why does Stanley throw radio out the window? How does this affect others?

Stanley is agitated by Blanche; her playing fancy music on the radio angers him. Stella and Blanche are appalled. Stella asks everyone to leave. Stanleys friends try to restrain him and calm him down. Mitch says this is ¨terrible¨

When Stanley runs into the bedroom to turn off the music, why does he stop short at the sight of Blanche?

Stanley is in charge. He does not think that a woman (Blanche) should be present at Poker night or control the radio.

What has Stanley found out about Blanche's past in Laurel? How does Blanche react when confronted with this situation?

Stanley knows someone named Shaw, Blanche froze when she heard of this.

What is Stanley's explanation for his actions towards Blanche?

Stanley says he just wants everything to go back to how it was before Blanche showed up

Why does Stanley think that Blanche "swindled" Stella?

Stanley thinks that blanch sold Belle Reve to make some extra money and didn't give any to Stella

How does Stanley destroy Blanche's plans for her future? What are Stanley's plans for Blanche?

Stanley told Mitch about Blanche's secrets and Mitch broke up with her. Stanley gives Blanche a bus ticket back to Laurel, hoping to get rid of her for good

Why and how does Stanley show his anger during the game?

Stanley yells at his friends because he is losing at poker. He yells at Mitch not to sit on the table and he does not allow Pablo to get chop suey.

What does Stella say that angers Stanley? What is Stanley's reaction?

Stella calls Stanley a greasy pig and Stanley throws a plate to the floor and Starrs screaming at Blanche and Stella because he feels insulted

Why does Stella take Blanche out during poker night? How does Stanley react?

Stella does not think Blanche can handle poker and Stanleys friends. Stan wants his dinner.

Describe the situation between at he beginning go the scene

Stella jokes around when she calls Stanley names, but Blanche is serious

Explain Stella's assessment of Stanley in relation to the other men.

Stella states that Stanley is the only one of his friends who is likely to get anywhere because he has drive (as opposed to brains)

How does Stella feel about Stanley's temper? How does she react to him smashing light bulbs on their wedding night?

Stella was thrilled by this.

How is Blanche´s name (White Woods) symbolic and ironic?

Symbolizes Purity. Ironic because Blanche is impure.

Why do men try to restrain Stanley after he throws the radio out the window?

The men know that Stanley has violent tendencies when angry.

Describe the poker players. How is Mitch different from the other men?

The poker players are rowdy. Mitch is quiet and sensitive; he is worried about his ill mother.

Why does the teenager come to the apartment? What happens between Blanche and him? What do we learn about Blanche from this encounter?

The teenager is collecting money, Blanche flirts with him and kisses him. She says she has to "be good" and keep her hands off of a child, maybe she has done this before.

How do the other men react to Mitch´s distraction and desire to quit the poker game?

They suspect he quits because he had money... they say ¨Tomorrow you'll see him at the cashier's window getting them changed into quarters.¨

What do comments by Eunice and Mitch indicate about Stella and Stanleys relationship?

Violence has occurred in the past.

How is Blanches drinking problem introduced?

When she is first left alone in Stella's apartment, she pours herself some whiskey; when Stella returns, she denies drinking before, and suggests her and Stella drink.

what does blanche say about realism and magic?

blanche doesn't like realism she wants magic and she wasn't. olive in a fairytale and be swept off her feet

blanch discovers Mitch at the door what does she do before she answers the door

blanche hides the liquor, powders her face, and dims the lights

why is blanches comparison to herself to a "tarantula" ironic?

blanche wraps up her prey in lies before she finishes the job. blanche also has the ability to snatch up many prey(men) then she has intimacies with them when they fall for her trap

how did stanley's tearing of the paper lantern significant

it is significant because the lantern was hiding her ugliness and Stanley stole it

when does scene 10 begin? what is blanche's condition? what is Stanley's condition?

scene 10 begins a few hours after blanche and mitch's argument blanche is wearing a tiara and an old white down while speaking to imaginary suitors. Both Blanche and Stanley are drunk

what is ironic statement that she cannot forgive mitch

she can't forgive mitch for it even though she's been telling him lies about her self so he would want her

how has Blanche fallen victim to her own illusions

she has been drinking a lot and paranoid too much she has been a victim of sympathy or miss treatment

cite evidence that blanche seems to be obsessed with purity?

she says she'll be dropped into the sea in a clean white sack. she asks if the grapes are washed and she continuously breathes

How does stella deluded herself? what is eunice's advice to stella

stella does not know if sending her sister away was the right thing to do. eunice tells stella that no matter what life goes on and there is nothing you can do about it

When and how does scene 9 begin?

the scene starts in the evening and Blanche is drinking and listening to the song her husband killed himself too.

site evidence that a feeling of continuation is communicated at the end of the play

when Blanche leaves, everyone just goes about their day as if nothing happened

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