Stress Management Topic Test

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The general adaptation syndrome response includes __________. A. alarm, resistance, and exhaustion B. instinct, rapid heartbeat, and flight C. depression, shallow breathing, and fight D. none of the above


The general adaptation syndrome response includes __________. A. alarm, resistance, and exhaustion B. instinct, rapid heartbeat, and flight C. depression, shallow breathing, and fight D. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Which of the following symptoms is considered a physical effect of stress? A. chest pain B. mood swings C. irritability D. restlessness


Which of the following symptoms is considered a physical effect of stress? A. chest pain B. mood swings C. irritability D. restlessness Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Which statement BEST describes the effects that stress has on the immune system? A. Stress can lead to increased vulnerability to infections and immune deficiency disorders. B. Stress can lead to decreased infections and immune deficiency disorders. C. Stress can inhibit the production of red blood cells and platelets. D. Stress can decrease the likelihood of catching colds, flu, and pneumonia.


Which statement BEST describes the effects that stress has on the immune system? A. Stress can lead to increased vulnerability to infections and immune deficiency disorders. B. Stress can lead to decreased infections and immune deficiency disorders. C. Stress can inhibit the production of red blood cells and platelets. D. Stress can decrease the likelihood of catching colds, flu, and pneumonia. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


What information do you need to share with your doctor to avoid a possible bad reaction to medication?

A doctor needs to know whether any other medications are being taken by the patient or if the patient is planning on taking any other medications in the near future. The doctor also needs to know whether the the patient has experienced any allergies to previous medications or even to types of food.


A manner of completing tasks which stresses getting the best result from an action.


A mental state of mind about ideas, issues, and concepts.

Describe some of the traits that make leaders successful.

A successful leader is respectful, reliable, courageous, positive, motivational, and sincere. Leaders also have integrity and vision.

It is a good idea to read or exchange text messages during all of the following times EXCEPT: A. while driving a car B. while eating lunch C. while waiting at the doctor's office D. while riding a bus


Daily hassles that may induce stress include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. graduation

Reading and gazing at the stars are two ways to __________. A.relax yourself C.increase confidence support

A. relax

Which of the following is NOT considered a negative way to cope with stress? A.seeking support B.smoking and using substances C.over-eating or under-eating D.lashing out at others

A. seeking support

Which of the following is important to take into consideration when organizing day-to-day priorities? A. thinking about what these things mean in your life B. remembering the small things C. recognizing whether it is too large of a task to handle D. determining if you're doing it for yourself or someone else

A. thinking about what these things mean in your life

Healthy behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT:

Agreeing with everything and everyone

Which of the following is the most reliable source of information when determining what time of day is most productive? A. Internet sites B. personal experience C. other people D. news articles


Positive, short-term, motivating, and inspiring stress is called __________. A. distress B. eustress C. adrenaline D. stressor

B. eustress

A major side effect that stress can cause on the gastrointestinal system is __________. A. diminished levels of gastrin, leading to constipation B. elevated levels of gastrin, causing stomach ulcers C. elevated levels of cortisol, causing overeating D. diminished levels of cortisol, causing weight loss


Positive coping skills include all of the following EXCEPT: A. developing a positive attitude B. expressing oneself C. drinking excessive alcohol D. laughing or relaxing


Symptoms of excessive stress include all of the following EXCEPT: A. depression B. constipation C. increased energy level D. headache


Symptoms of excessive stress include all of the following EXCEPT: A. depression B. constipation C. increased energy level D. headache Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Which of the following glands does NOT release hormones into the bloodstream during a stress response? A. pituitary B. adrenal C. pancreas D. hypothalamus Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Which of the following statements relating to stress is FALSE? A. Stress is caused by a wide variety of factors. B. Stress causes an automatic physiological response in organisms. C. Stress is always unhealthy and should be avoided. D. Stress can affect the mind and the body.


"To-do" lists should be used to __________. A. list yearly goals B. alphabetize items C. prioritize tasks D. set hourly schedules


Committed time includes time needed for all of the following EXCEPT: A. maintaining a home B. raising a family C. playing sports D. attending school


Which of the following coping strategies involves having a positive attitude? A.obsessing about possible problems B.exercising often C.accepting that some things are uncontrollable D.procrastinating on projects

C. accepting that some things are uncontrollable

Healthy behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT:

C. agreeing with everything and everyone

Which of the following is NOT an important component of planning ahead?

C. constructing an inflexible plan

Which of the following BEST describes committed time?

Committed time is the period of time spent going to school or work.

Stress is __________. A. positive or negative, depending on circumstances B. a body's automatic physical response C. a negative reaction to outside influences D. A and B only


Stress is __________. A. positive or negative, depending on circumstances B. a body's automatic physical response C. a negative reaction to outside influences D. A and B only Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


The signs of cognitive (mental) stress include all of the following EXCEPT: A. loss of memory B. loss of concentration C. poor judgment D. isolation


Which of the following is NOT a healthy way to express yourself? A. keeping a journal B. being creative C. talking to others D. fighting to release energy


Which of the following is a benefit to getting an adequate amount of sleep? A. better concentration B. improved physical health C. improved chances of success D. all of the above


All of the following are steps toward effective time management EXCEPT: A. making others aware of your schedule B. tracking the amount of free time you have C. budgeting the amount of time for each of your activities D. allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up


Which of the following is most important when setting goals? A. Working late into the night is often necessary to reach goals. B. Standards should be as high as possible. C. Tasks should be included but are unimportant. D. Goals should be difficult but realistic.


Change in diet, sleep patterns, and routine are all __________ signs of stress. A. physical B. emotional C. cognitive D. behavioral

D. behavioral

Talking with a trusted person about what stresses you is an example of what type of coping strategy? A.expressing oneself B.redirecting energy C.seeking support D.both A and C

D. Both A and C

Talking with a trusted person about what stresses you is an example of what type of coping strategy?

D. both A and C

Which of the following is NOT a way to redirect your energy?

D. obsessing about the problem

Which of the following is NOT a way to redirect your energy? A.engaging in physical exercise B.working on a creative project C.participating in something you enjoy D.obsessing about the problem

D. obsessing about the problem

Describe an instance where you would go to the emergency room instead of scheduling an appointment to see your primary care physician.

Emergency room visits are preferred when someone's health is in immediate danger and immediate attention is necessary.

Compare and contrast eustress with distress.

Eustress gives people bursts of energy when something exciting happens. It is a short-term effect, where distress can be either short-term or long-term, depending on the duration of exposure to the stressor. Eustress is positive and motivational and inspires individuals to get things done. Distress can be chronic and negative, especially in instances of physical or mental trauma. Distress usually occurs when disruptions are made to a normal routine.

Talking with a trusted person about what stresses you is an example of what type of coping strategy?

Expressing oneself and seeking support

Emotional signs of stress include aches and nausea.


Everyone reacts to stress in the same way.


Keeping a journal is not an effective way of keeping stress under control.


Lashing out at others is a healthy way of coping with stress.


Once exhaustion sets in, stress becomes easier to manage.


Once the cause of stress has been identified, there are no behaviors that can lessen the effect of or eliminate the stress.


When practicing refusal skills, it is beneficial to participate in a potentially stressful or threatening situation.


Keeping a journal is not an effective way of keeping stress under control. TRUE OR FALSE


Lashing out at others is a healthy way of coping with stress. TRUE OR FALSE


Describe how fallacies can be created and spread.

Fallacies can be created and spread by people or companies who want to sell a product to make money. Fallacies can also be created and spread intentionally or unintentionally by people who have misunderstood a concept.

Emotional signs of stress include aches and nausea. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Everyone reacts to stress in the same way.


Free time takes priority over committed time. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


Keeping a journal is not an effective way of keeping stress under control.


Lashing out at others is a healthy way of coping with stress.


Once exhaustion sets in, stress becomes easier to manage. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Passive leisure is just as beneficial as active leisure. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


The amount of sleep you get will have little effect on your ability to perform tasks. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


The hormones released due to stress lead to increased risk of pregnancy. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Worrying about a task is a sure way to be sure that it gets done. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


passive leisure

Free time during which little physical or mental energy is exerted.

active leisure

Free time spent exerting physical or mental energy.

Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.

Goals for time management should be realistic and reachable.

Which type of medical insurance typically offers the least amount of flexibility in selecting a primary care physician?


What are the key signs of stress affecting mental health?

If one has a constant state of alertness and anxiety, then they may have stress that is affecting their mental health. In many cases, due to the prolonged exposure to stress, the fight-or-flight response has been on for too long, leading to exhaustion due to increased levels of hormones, which may lead to depression.

Participating in physical activity can help to reduce stress in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

It causes fatigue and exhaustion

free time

Leisure time spent outside of mandatory activities.

Which of the following is NOT a way to redirect your energy?

Obsessing about the problem

committed time

Productive time which must be spent on required activities which take precedence over leisure tasks.

How can an in-school program help prevent self-destructive behaviors among teens?

Programs can offer information that the teens don't have. Programs can offer a source of social support. Programs can show teens that someone cares about them. Programs can mentor and tutor teens.

Explain how relaxing and/or laughing helps to reduce stress.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: By adopting a "relax and laugh" coping strategy, it will make me choose to spend time with people that make me laugh. It might also help me participate in activities that are enjoyable and elicit laughter. It might also improve my immune system because laughter and relaxation boost an immune system. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries.

Describe the importance of getting enough sleep.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night improves concentration and allows for clearer thoughts. Sleep can also improve individual mood and attitude. It also improves physical health and chances of success.

When considering the claim that eating well helps to reduce stress, what advice might your give a friend who appears to be stressed about an upcoming exam but chooses to have chips and soda for lunch every day?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: I may tell my friend that a poor diet can lead to fatique and the inability to concentrate on or prepare effectively for her exam. Rather than drinking soda, I would recommend that my friend drink more water and limit comfort foods. I also may remind my friend that eating a balanced diet helps to decrease any school- or work-related stress.

List and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Positive coping skills include redirecting energy, which includes trying something new like a creative project or working out; relaxing and laughing, which help recharge your energy; maintaining a positive attitude, which includes being confident and embracing positive values; seeking support from trusted persons; and expressing oneself, which is important because it allows you to express your thoughts and desires.

Briefly describe some examples of negative ways to cope with stress.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some negative coping strategies include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. It might also include over- and undereating as a way to manage stress. Lashing out at others is another negative way stress shows. Finally, many choose to avoid the problem altogether by sleeping too much, watching TV or playing on the computer hour after hour, and withdrawing from family and friends.

Define time management and give two activities that you can do to help manage your tasks, homework, or projects better.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Time management encompasses the skills, tools, techniques, and processes for accomplishing tasks, projects, and goals. Activities that help with time management include planning and allocating, organizing and delegating, analyzing and monitoring, and scheduling and prioritizing.

Describe an example of how to utilize spare time?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Ways to utilize spare time include reading on the bus ride home from school or doing homework while waiting at the doctor's office.

Compare and contrast the health benefits and the amount of physical or mental energy needed between active leisure activities and passive leisure activities.

Some active leisure activities, such as yoga and running, require a great deal of physical energy, while other activities, like playing chess, require a substantial amount of mental energy. Passive leisure activities, such as watching TV or going to the movies, require little to no physical or mental energy. Because of the exertion of physical or mental energy, active leisure activities have more health benefits than passive leisure activities.

Describe factors than can make dishes in restaurants have variable nutritional values.

Some factors that account for the varying nutritional values in restaurant dishes are using different amounts of ingredients than what is called for in the recipe; overcooking, which can reduce the vitamin content; substituting cooking oils, which can add or reduce the amount of calories and fat; and adjusting portion sizes, which may make them too large or too small.

For most people, getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep increases concentration, improves physical health, and improves one's mood.


Marriage and graduation can be stressful life events.


Smoking, drinking, or using drugs are all considered to be negative ways of coping with stress.


For most people, getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep increases concentration, improves physical health, and improves one's mood. TRUE OR FALSE


Getting physical exercise is a healthy way to combat stress. TRUE OR FALSE


Smoking, drinking, or using drugs are all considered to be negative ways of coping with stress. TRUE OR FALSE


How can stress actually be a good thing?

The body's initial reaction to stress keeps you alert, gives you a burst of energy, and allows you to face the challenge. It can protect you from harm and motivate you during the incident. It can also sharpen your concentration.

Describe the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The role of the Food and Drug Administration is to assure the safety, effectiveness, and security of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, food supply, cosmetics, and dietary supplements. The FDA also regulates tobacco products.

What are some of the physical signs of stress?

The signs of stress include headache, dry mouth, heartburn, constipation, depression, and insomnia.

What are the features of general adaptation syndrome?

The three steps in the general adaptation syndrome are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Alarm is the fight-or-flight response. Your hormones surge, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, glucose is released, your heart rate increases, and your pupils dilate. The second part is resistance, which includes either fighting, where a stressor is taken head on, or flight, where a stressor is avoided. It includes how your body uses stored energy, hormones, minerals, and glucose to react. The final stage is exhaustion, also known as burn out. After prolonged stress, exhaustion kicks in and the ability to manage stress becomes low. At this point, the system of the body can become compromised due to prolonged exposure to the hormones involved with stress.


The willful putting off of an undesirable task.

Describe some actions people should take to avoid being tricked by health frauds.

To avoid being tricked by health frauds, people should be skeptical, listen carefully, use proper research skills, and check with medical professionals.

Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?

Too little sleep makes tasks more difficult to perform.

time management

Tools and techniques used to manage time when working towards specific goals.

Competitive sports are a form of active leisure. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


High blood pressure is a physical response to stress. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Marriage and graduation can be stressful life events.


One way to help budget time is to tell others that you will not take calls during certain times. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


Saying "no" to extra work is an appropriate time management technique. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


Setting goals that match your lifestyle helps improve chances that they will be reached. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


Smoking, drinking, or using drugs are all considered to be negative ways of coping with stress.


Stress can affect the circulatory system by causing headaches, heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.


Stress has an effect on every system of the body.


Stress is the body's automatic physical reaction to real or imagined forces.


When learning to manage time, it is important to reward yourself for accomplishing goals. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


When setting your schedule, it is sometimes necessary to tell people "No." Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


List some examples of passive leisure.

Watching TV, going to the movies, listening to music, sunbathing, or any other activity that requires almost no mental or physical effort is an example of passive leisure.

How can you restrict unnecessary communications?

You can restrict unnecessary communications by making others aware of your personal schedule and by not taking phone calls during study times.

One genetic factor that can influence your personality is __________.


Which of the following is an example of being reliable?

consistent effort and action

Which of the following is a good step in learning how to manage time?

determining how you use your time in a 24-hour period

In general, health and wellness careers that require the least time in college actually have the best pay.


Mental health disorders are not really diseases.


The final stage of the grieving process is anger, which provides an outlet to vent emotions.


Type A personalities are less prone to stress than most people.


When practicing refusal skills, it is beneficial to participate in a potentially stressful or threatening situation.


In general, anxiety disorders __________.

have symptoms that can be treated with therapy and medication

All of the following are examples of active leisure activities EXCEPT:

listening to music

Julie has not started her essay that's due in a week and is feeling stressed because it's worth a lot of points. Which of the following pieces of advice would you NOT recommend?

procrastinate until the night before

Which of the following is the primary responsibility or focus of a medical doctor (M.D.)?

treat patients' symptoms

A common strategy for coping with anxiety, depression, or thoughts of suicide is finding support from people around you.


Being able to perform well in a high pressure situation is a natural stress response that releases extra hormones.


Good mental health and emotional health are crucial to making positive life decisions.


Healthy ways of coping with stress include developing refusal skills, getting sleep, and planning ahead.


Our emotions, such as anger, love, and fear, are reactions of the mind and body.


Overall, technology has had a beneficial effect on medical treatment.


Stress can affect the circulatory system by causing headaches, heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.


You have to do cardiovascular exercises to get rid of fat.


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